Chapter One Do You love Me? Whatever happens to you, never give up praying. It would be like giving up breathing. A man or woman who does not pray is no longer a minister. Henri Nouwen
Do you love Me?... Do you love Me?... Do you love Me?" Jesus' first word to Peter is a question, one He asks him three times. Standing around an earlier fire in a courtyard, Peter was questioned on three different occasions about his relationship to Jesus. In each case he denied that he even knew Him. Now standing near a fire on the beach, Jesus gives Peter three opportunities to reaffirm his love and loyalty to Him. He is reinstating Peter as a disciple. Jesus' threefold question parallel's Peter's threefold denial. But Jesus is also seeking to renew Peter's passion for ministry. Because of his disgraceful failure, Peter has lost his passion and is ready to quit. He has returned home and gone back 7