Annual Report 2016
The Association for Supportive Child Care (ASCC) is a statewide, non-profit organizaion that has provided services to child care providers, families and children since 1976. With a mission of enhancing the quality of care for children in Arizona, we are committed to the well-being and education of children throughout our state. 2016 proved to be another challenging year for the early childhood community. Continued downturns in the US economy, child care educators and providers were hit extremely hard, resulting in decreased enrollment and doors closing. More and more Arizona families are burdened by the task of finding quality care for their children that is safe and affordable. In the United States, close to 70% of children under age five are cared for by non-regulated family, friend and neighbor care providers (FFN), in place of more costly child care arrangements (NSECE, 2015). Family, friend and neighbor care is the most widely used care in the country and notably the most historically overlooked child care population. As a result, we continue to see a notable growth of participants in ASCC’s Arizona Kith and Kin Project for family, friend, and neighbor providers. First Things First Regional Councils throughout the state have recognized the needs of this provider population. (Many First Things First Regional Councils have elected to support the children in their care by allocating funding toward programs that support the critical health, safety and educational needs of these FFN providers.) With an increase in service outcomes from most of our programs, ASCC is poised to meet challenges created by a distressed early childhood field. Flexibility and passion for early childhood are keys to the success of our organization. Our continued growth and commitment to stretch and meet the needs of Arizona’s children and families, speaks to the dedication we have demonstrated throughout the course of our 40 year history. ASCC, dedicated to our mission, which remains critical is fueled by our core values of excellence, the pursuit of challenge, and humility, with the ultimate goal to help all children, regardless of their socio-economic, ethnic or developmental situation, achieve their greatest potential. The Association for Supportive Child Care (ASCC) serves all child care providers; from child care centers, to unregulated family, friend, and neighbor providers. ASCC is able to continue this essential work through the help and funding of our supporters; both public and private. We look forward to many more years serving the community and are proud to present our bold vision for a brighter future.
Amount of training hours child care providers received from our programs
$1,779,580 Dollars spent to improve child care programs
Nutritious meal costs we reimbursed for children in family child care settings
Child care jobs posted
Hours of statewide assessment support for child care providers
Hours of coaching and mentoring to 387 child care centers and homes
104,725 Arizona children positively impacted by our programs
K-6 students that received training on how to be safe before and after school, while home alone, and on the internet
+− 349
Children we helped with their homework
Books Provided to Children
Safety Items Distributed
53 Cribs
1,307 Car Seats
Home Safety Kits
Pediactric First Aid, CPR, and AED certifications awarded
Funding Sources Grantsand and Grants Contracts Contracts
95.1% 96.3%
UnitedWay Way United
2.3% 3.1%
Donationsand and 2.6% Donations Other OtherSources Sources 1.6%
With Appreciation to Our Funders Arizona Community Foundation Arizona Community Foundation of Flagstaff Arizona Community Foundation of Page Arizona Department of Economic Security Arizona Department of Education Boeing Child Care Aware of America Child Care Services Association City of Chandler City of Tempe City of Phoenix Desert Schools Federal Credit Union Department of Economic Security First Things First International Rescue Committee Piper Foundation Southwest Human Development Tempe Community Foundation United Way of Northern Arizona Valley of the Sun United Way ASCC’s generous friends in the community
Board of Directors President
Leslie Anne Anderson, Millennium High School
Vice President
Glen Honig, JDA Software
Mark C. Meschino, M&M Productions
Beth Swadener, Ph.D., Arizona State University Jodi R. Liggett, Planned Parenthood Arizona Martie Martin, Ph.D., Retired, Mesa Community College Elsie G. J. Moore, Ph.D., Arizona State University Joanne Floth, Retired, First Things First Lindsay, A. M. Olivarez, ESQ., Udall Shumway Brenda Fleming, Ed.D., Past ASCC Board President Susan Jacobs, ASCC Executive Director (Retired 2016) Nicole Newhouse, ASCC Chief Executive Officer
For more information about ASCC, please visit or call 480-829-0500 or 800-535-4599.
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