Storm Clouds . . . for those left behind without Salesforce

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St o r m Cl o u d s

f o rt h o s el e f tb e h i n dwi t h o u tSa l e s f o r c e

DonDa l r ympl e

Asspeedandcompl exi t ycont i nuet oi ncr ease i nt hemoder neconomy ,managi ngt hesal es cycl eef f ect i vel yr equi r esanexecut i onand col l abor at i onwhi chneedst obemanaged. Ol dersal essyst emswer ecent er edar ound cont actmanagement .Get t i ngt heper son' s addr essi nf or mat i on pr ovi dedenoughval uet o t hesal esr ept omanagear el at i onshi p. Today ,peopl ear echangi ngmor et hant hei r j obs.Theyar echangi ngt hei rmi nds,budget s, andneedsconst ant l y .Sal escycl esar emor e compl ex.I nf or mat i onandcont actmustbe

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[Sal esCycl esAr eMor eCompl ex] t i mel y ,r el evantandst andout . Fur t her mor e,sal eshasbecome col l abor at i ve.Teammat es,vendor sand r esour cesmustal lbepul l edt oget herf or t hepr oj ectknownasasal e. Theor gani zat i onst hatar eusi ng t echnol ogyt oenabl ecol l abor at i on, speedandt i mel ydel i ver yf ornur t ur i ng t hecust omer ' sbuyi ngpr ocessar ei n phasewi t ht hemoder neconomy .Ti mi ng hasbecomecr i t i cal .Sal esf or ce. com i s t hel eadi ngCRM desi gnedt ohel psal es t eamsnur t ur eandwi ncust omer r el at i onshi psef f ect i vel y .

[Today’ sCust omer] Event ual l yt heyi nt r oducedser ver st o managesomecol l abor at i on.The i ndi vi duall onewol fsal esper sonl i kedt he i ndependence.Col l abor at i onwasnotof i nt er est .Theywant edt opr ot ectt hei r r el at i onshi psandt hei rr esul t ssuchas act i vi t i esandr esul t s. Oper at i ngi nadi sconnect edand i ndependentf ashi onwor kedf orasl ower movi ngeconomy .Wehadmuchl ess t hanonehundr edemai l sadayt odeal wi t h.Ouri nf or mat i onst r eam wascomi ng i nmuchsl ower .Thecust omerwas movi ngsl ower .

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[Tr acki ngt heCust omer ’ sMovement s] I ti seasyt ocat ert ooneper son. However ,i nf usemul t i pl epr ospect s, compet i t or s,andspeedi nt ot he chal l engeofsal es.Sal esexecut i on becomesevenmor ei mpor t ant .I fyou cl oset ooheavyandt oosoon,t hi scan r ui nt hebuyi ngpr ocess.I fyounegl ect t hecust omerwhent heyneed i nf or mat i on,t hi shast hesameef f ect . Tr acki ngt hecust omer ' smovement sand r espondi ngwi t hval ueatt her i ghtt i mei s apr ocesswhi chmustber ef i nedand mast er edf orsal est eamst osucceed t oday .Synchr oni zi ngmovement sona

t eam mustbedonef r om acol l abor at i ve andagi l eenvi r onment . Fur t her mor e,ast hesal espr ocesshas becomemor ecompl ex,sal esr ol esf r om qual i f i cat i ont onur t ur i ngt oaccount managementr equi r edi f f er entski l lset s. Coor di nat i ngspeci al i st sonat eam i s cr i t i calf orsal essuccess.Team sel l i ng r equi r est askassi gnment sand account abi l i t y . Ascust omer spr ef ercommuni cat i onsvi a emai l ,pr oduct i vi t ygai nsmustbe r eal i zed.Assal espr ocessesar e execut ed,pr eci si onandconsi st encyof

[ASyst em f orSpeenandNur t ur i ng] t act i calexecut i onaswel las managementr epor t i ng.Dat ai sr eal t i me andsal espeopl eadoptt het oolf r om t he pr oduct i vi t yval uegai ns. Communi cat i onsi scr i t i calf orsel l i ng. Wor ki ngi nt er nal l yaswel laswi t ht he pr ospectwi t hact i vi t yr ecor dsavai l abl ef or ever yoneont het eam cr eat esef f i ci ency t ol ever aget owar dsengagi ngt he cust omerpr eci sel y . Fur t her mor e,havi ngasetsequenceof t est edandbr andedcommuni cat i ons aut omat est hesal escommuni cat i ons pr ocess.Themaj or i t yofcommuni cat i ons ŠCopyr i ght2010AscendWor ks

[Ar epeat abl esyst em f orsel l i ng]

wi l lbevi aemai l ,t hepr ef er r edmet hod f ormostcust omer st oday . Sal esf or ce. com cont ai nsar eposi t or yof emai lt empl at esf orcust omi zat i onand per sonal i zat i ont ost r eaml i neemai l communi cat i ons.Asi mpl ebut t oncl i ck sendsanemai lwhi cht r adi t i onal l ywoul d t akedozensofmi nut est ot ype. Thesal esoppor t uni t yi smanagedasa syst emat i cpr oj ectwi t hagoaland deadl i ne.Eachsal esper soni s empower edwi t ht heabi l i t yt odel egat e qui ckl yandhavevi si bi l i t yonexecut i on wi t hi nacust omer ' sbuyi ngexper i ence. Manager shaver eal t i medat aonbot h t heact i vi t yl evelaswel lasf or ecast i ng, pi pel i nesandanyot hermet r i cvi t alf or sal essuccess.

Anyt hi ngshor toft hi sSaaSt echnol ogy cr eat eswast edwor ki nt heor gani zat i on. Knowl edgeanddat aar enotgr owi ngi n andacr osst hesel l i ngoper at i onf or cont i nuousi mpr ovementandhoni ngi n onanopt i mi zedbusi nessmet hodol ogy . Wi t hoveronemi l l i onuser swor l dwi de, Sal esf or ce. com hasbecomet he st andar df orsel l i ng.I t sagi l i t yand al i gnmentwi t hhowcust omer sbuy makesi tt het oolf oradopt i oni nan or gani zat i onwhoi sser i ousabout movi ngt hei rsel l i ngf r om mer ear tt oa sci ence.

Scal abi l i t yi nt hesal esor gani zat i onl eads t oenabl i ngmar ket i ngandcust omer ser vi cepr ocesseswi t hi nonecust omer envi r onment .Dat ai st r anspar entand managementdeci si onscanbemade anal yt i cal l yr at hert hansol el ybyi nt ui t i on. Sal esf or ce. com notonl ypr ovi des i ndi vi dualpr oduct i vi t yi ncr eases,buti t al sosol i di f i est heor gani zat i on' s appr oacht osal esasapr ocesswhi ch becomesar epeat abl esyst em f orsel l i ng. Thecust omerexper i encei smanaged wi t hspeed,consi st encyandr ef i nement . ŠCopyr i ght2010AscendWor ks

[St or m Cl ouds]

Thosewhomaket hedeci si ont odobusi nessasusualwi t houtSal esf or cewi l lencount er manyst or mst hatwi l lgr eat l yaf f ectcompet i ngandwi nni ngbusi nessi nt heneweconomy . Weof f ert heoppor t uni t yt oexper i enceSal esf or cei nawayt hati sgr eat l yi mpact syour busi nessandhasyoui naposi t i ont ogr owyourbusi ness.

Vi si tusatwww. sal esf or cesuccess. com

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