2025 Jan 28-30_Ministry Leadership Immersion_Workbook_ISSUU

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Our Commitment to You


create an

experience that...

Studies the distinctive elements of Catholic healthcare

• Explores Ascension's identity as a ministry of the Church

• Provides active reection on your vocation as an Ascension leader


a community of Ascension leaders

Formation Map

The Ascension Mission Statement

Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable.

Our Catholic health ministry is dedicated to spiritually centered, holistic care which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities.

We are advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and our words.



“RootedinthelovingministryofJesus ashealer…”

Ascension's Story

The Loving, Healing Ministry of Jesus: The Healing of the Paralytic at Capernaum

One day as Jesus was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem, and the power of the Lord was with him for healing. And some men brought on a stretcher a man who was paralyzed; they were trying to bring him in and set [him] in His presence. But not nding a way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on the stretcher through the tiles into the middle in front of Jesus. When He saw their faith, He said, “As for you, your sins are forgiven.” Then the scribes and Pharisees began to ask themselves, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who but God alone can forgive sins?” Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them in reply, “What are you thinking in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, rise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.” He stood up immediately before them, picked up what he had been lying on, and went home, glorifying God. Then astonishment seized them all and they gloried God, and, struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible things today.”

Luke 5:17-26

The Healing of the Paralytic at Capernaum


What is happening in the story?

What types of healing take place in the story?

Where do we see similar healing taking place in our workday?

Sponsorship and Governance

Participating Entities


Ascension Sponsor


Participating Entities

Ascension Board


Chief Executive Ocer



Ascension Leaders are expected to:

Engage in spiritual formation through regular personal practices that develop spiritual maturity and enhanced alignment between vocation and values

Build self-insight to ground in self-awareness and openness to feedback through regular practices of reection

Nuture, lead, and expect the same of one another and the associates/clinicians for whom they are responsible through regular practices of Organizational Spirituality

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than oneself


What is Prayer and Reection, and

Why Does Ascension Value It?




Group Prayer Group Reection

A turn toward the Divine, both beyond us and within us

Engaging with the Divine - or Source of meaning - in our lives

Scripture, mantra, contemplation, meditation, an open heart, and more

A turn inward in community

Pausing, quieting ourselves, and reviewing what is before us and within us

Poem, story, quote, letter, song, video image, silence, and more

Ingredients of Group Prayer and Reection

Content: that aligns with your awareness of yourself, the group, and the movement of the Divine

Contemplation: empowers the group to experience the prayer and reection to its fullest; generates safety, quiet, calm, attentiveness, presence, and openness

Action: invite the group to take reective action

Closing: simple blessing or prayer to close, using inclusive language (e.g., in God's Holy Name we pray.)

Personal Spirituality and Leading Group Prayer and Reection


In your view, why is spirituality important to who we are as leaders of this ministry?

What is signicant about group prayer and reection in Ascension?


• Where might it grow?

Where do the effects of personal spirituality, group prayer, and reection show up in your leadership?


…wecommitourselvestoservingallpersons withspecialattentiontothosewhoare poorandvulnerable.


Principles of our Ministry Identity

Attend to the Whole Person Steward Resources

Care for Those Who are Poor and Vulnerable

Serve as a Ministry of the Church

Core Commitments in the Ministry Identity Assessment Mirror These Principles


Principles of Ascension's

Ministry Identity


How do these principles guide values-aligned leadership?

Human Dignity

Common Good


Principles of Ascension's Ministry Identity


How do these principles guide values-aligned leadership?


In what practical applications will you express these principles?  How can we grow our implementation of them in daily leadership?

Operationalizing Ministry



What connections do you see for the principles of Catholic Social Teaching to be advanced and expressed in these strategies and initiatives?


Writing (and Sharing) Your Own Case Study Activity

Think about a decision you are making, a plan you're a part of crafting, or a situation you are about to navigate...

Write (2-3 sentences for each):

What is happening?

Who will be impacted?


Writing (and Sharing) Your Own Case Study


How are the principles of human dignity, justice, and the common good being applied?  How might they be better applied?

To the decision

• To the communication of the decision

• To the evaluation of the impact of the decision

• To what happens after

What themes did you notice? How will you set this into action tomorrow, the next day, and so on?


AOurCatholichealthministryisdedicatedtospiritually centered,holisticcarewhichsustainsandimproves thehealthofindividualsandcommunities.

The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Services - 6th Edition



To arm ethical standards and norms regarding the dignity of the human person

• To provide “authoritative” guidance for healthcare professionals

• To provide principles and guides for patients, families and, surrogates making decisions

• Guardrails for living out Catholic identity

• Elements of ERDs

Part One: Social Responsibility

Part Two: Pastoral and Spiritual Responsibility

Part Three: Provider-Patient Relationship

Part Four: Issues in Care for the Beginning of Life

Part Five: Issues in Care at the End of Life

Part Six: Forming New Partnerships with Health Care Organizations and Providers

The ERDs: Responsibilities of Leaders

ERD 5: Catholic health care services must adopt these Directives as policy

ERD 6: A Catholic health care organization should be a responsible steward of the health care resources available to it.


ERD 7: A Catholic health care institution must treat its employees respectfully and justly.

ERD 37: An ethics committee or some alternate form of ethical consultation should be available.

Key Operational Takeaways

Ascension and all its subsidiaries are required to abide by the ERDs

• All large Ministry Markets have embedded Ethicists

• The System Oce Ethics team serves Ministry-wide Function and the entire health ministry

• Your local bishop has ultimate responsibility (and authority) for interpreting the ERDs

• https://www.myEthicsRx.org - a dynamic website will help you understand what the issues are and get you most of the way to an answer



What is Discernment in Ascension?

Formal Organizational Ethics Discernment Process

9 steps

• Requires an Ethics consultant

• Major organizational decisions (e.g. acquisitions, joint ventures, divestitures)

Informal Discernment

Applying concepts without formal process

• Operational decisions

Everday Discernment

Values in Action

• Day to day interactions, business decisions, communications, etc.

Formal Organizational Ethics

Discernment Process

9 Steps


1. Identify the central question(s)

2. Reect on our hopes, fears, biases

3. Consider subsidiarity

4. Identify the relevant facts

5. Identify salient values and moral concerns

6. Consider additional possibilities

7. Decide and see holistically

8. Consolation and desolation reection

9. Communicate and implement review

Discernment is “the process of developing eyes to see God in the midst of ordinary, nite existence, to allow ourselves to be stirred by this God and to be called into a vocation of service in God’s creative project.” 1

Integrated / Everyday Values-Based Decision Making

Why is this decision dicult?

• Do we have all the information we need to make this decision now?


• Do we have input from those stakeholders who will be signicantly affected by the decision?

• How does this decision impact the poor and vulnerable?

• What creative alternative solutions have been explored?

• What values and principles underlie this decision?

• How does the team feel about the decision being made?

• What is the best way to implement this decision, considering the need to be sensitive to all stakeholders?


RootedinthelovingministryofJesusashealer,wecommit ourselvestoservingallpersonswithspecialattentionto thosewhoarepoorandvulnerable.OurCatholichealth ministryisdedicatedtospirituallycentered,holisticcare whichsustainsandimprovesthehealthofindividualsand communities.Weareadvocatesforacompassionateand justsocietythroughouractionsandourwords.

"Vocationiswhereyourdeepgladness andtheworld'sdeephungermeet.”

Synthesizing Stories: Me, Us, Ascension

Study the distinctive elements of Catholic healthcare


Explores Ascension’s identity as a ministry of the Church

Provides active reection on your vocation as an Ascension leader

Closing Blessing

We are Ascension leaders. This healing ministry of Jesus, which has been handed from generation to generation, is entrusted to our care. We are called to embody, sustain and promote Ascension’s identity as a Catholic ministry and to realize Ascension’s Mission and Vision by living our Values in action, reection, and service to others, especially for those who are poor and vulnerable.


May the gift of leadership awaken in us as a vocation, Keeping us mindful of the providence that calls us to serve. As high over the mountains the eagle spreads its wings, May our perspective be larger than the view from the foothills.

When the way is at and dull in times of gray endurance, May our imagination continue to evoke horizons. When thirst burns in times of drought, May we be blessed to nd the wells.

May we have the wisdom to read time clearly

And know when the seed of change will ourish. In our hearts may there be a sanctuary To nurture the inner stillness where clarity is born.

May our souls nd the graciousness

To rise above the fester of small mediocrities.

May our work be infused with passion and creativity

Expressing wisdom through the balance of compassion and challenge.

May our expression of power never become a shell

Wherein our hearts would silently atrophy.

Instead, may we welcome our own vulnerability

As the ground where healing and truth join.

May the sacredness of our work bring light and renewal

To those who work with us

And to those who see and receive our work.

And may each dawn nd hope in our hearts

Approaching the new day with dreams, possibilities, and promises

For the future of this healing ministry


Action Items

Action Items

Action Items

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