Includes: • Technical
Sessions • Short Course • Exhibition
A Sneak Peak at this Year’s Program! w w w. a d h e s i o n s o c i e t y. o r g
Plan now for the 39th Annual Meeting! Dear Adhesion Society Attendees & Members: We look forward to welcoming you to the 39th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, to be held February 21-24 in Westin Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. We are pleased to have received more than 200 abstracts for talks in the main technical sessions. This is a significant increase over recent years, so we anticipate an especially vibrant meeting. In addition to the concurrent technical sessions, the meeting will feature three plenary and eighteen keynote presentations, a lively poster session and exhibition, the popular student award symposium, a women’s networking meeting, a planning get-together where you can bring ideas for session topics for the 2017 Annual Meeting, and of course the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues. As always, a panel of experts from our society will teach a short course on “Adhesion Science and Technology” during the two days preceding the main meeting (February 19-20, 2016). The Program Committee encourages you to make travel plans to attend the 39th Annual Meeting at the Westin Riverwalk in San Antonio. Please visit under Annual Meeting for more information or contact Malinda Armstrong at Best regards, Anand Jagota
Ali Dhinojwala
Professor, University of Akron 2016 Program Chair, Adhesion Society
Professor, Lehigh University President, Adhesion Society
One mission of the Adhesion Society is to provide recognition of the accomplishments in the international adhesion science and technology community. A special “THANK YOU” to our generous sponsors of the following awards:
• Adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science sponsored by 3M • The Robert L. Patrick Fellowship Award sponsored by The Adhesion Society • Distinguished Paper Award sponsored by Henkel • Peebles Awards for Graduate Student Research in Adhesion Science • Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award sponsored by Henkel • Best Poster Award sponsored by Avery Dennison • Adhesion Society Young Scientist Award sponsored by The Adhesive & Sealant Council
Plenary & Session Keynotes Plenary Talk I: Multiscale Contact Mechanics with Applications Bo Persson, PGI-1 FZ Juelich & Multiscale Consulting Plenary Talk II: Tackiness and Extensional Rheology Gareth McKinley, MIT Plenary Talk III: Manufacturing of Wearable Sensors for Human Health and Performance Monitoring Azar Alizadeh, GE Global Research Session: Bioinspired I Design Biomimetics: Bioinspired Superomniphobic, Self-Cleaning/Antifouling and Low Drag Surfaces Bharat Bhushan, Ohio State University Session: Natural Phenomena I: Anti-fouling in Marine & Aerospace Environments Approaches to Tough Coatings that Resist Adhesion by Marine Fouling Organisms Dean Webster, North Dakota State University Session: Structural Adhesives Exploring Fracture Resistance of Additive Manufactured Interfaces Dave Dillard, Virginia Tech Session: Novel Chemistry Signal-Induced Bonding and/or De-Bonding of Adhesives Scott Phillips, Pennsylvania State University Session: Soft Adhesives Bio-Inspired Metal-Coordination Dynamics: A Unique Tool for Engineering Soft Matter Mechanics Niels Holten-Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Session: Natural Phenomena II: Ice Formation De-icing Approaches De-Icing of Engineering Structures Victor Petrenko, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College Session: Dynamic Bonds Using Adhesion by Nanoparticles to Design Adhesive Patches for Surgery Laurent Corté, Mines-ParisTech/ESPCI-ParisTech Session: Biomedical Adhesives Adhesives and Coatings Inspired by Polyphenols Found in Mussels, Tea, Wine and Chocolate Phillip Messersmith, University of California, Berkeley
Session: Architectural Design of Polymer Surfaces Changing Polymer Melt Surface Dynamics by Tailoring Molecular Architecture Mark Foster, University of Akron Session: Electronics Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives Chris Campbell, 3M Company Session: Adhesives and Robotics Adhesives Enabling Advanced Capabilities to Small-Scale Robotic Systems Metin Sitti, Carnegie Mellon University Session: Characterization I Measuring Solid Surface Tension in Soft Materials Rob Style, Oxford University Session: Computational Modeling, Molecular Dynamics Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Structural and Dynamic Properties of Confined Water Chris Lorenz, King’s College London Session: Liquid Interactions Adhesion Force and Stability of Liquid Bridges: Wettability Effect Alidad Amirfazli, York University Session: Friction and Adhesion, Fundamental Effects and Origins of Slip in Micro- and Nanoscopic Polymer Flows Joshua McGraw, Saarland University Friction is Fracture: Slippery Surfaces and Frustrated Cracks Elsa Bayart, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Session: Interfacial Interactions Hydrophobic Contributions to Adhesion at Chemically Heterogeneous Surfaces Nicholas Abbott, University of Wisconsin-Madison Session: Interfacial Characterization with Quartz Crystal Resonators Advances in Acoustic Wave Biosensors Antonio Arnau Vives, Advanced Wave Sensors & Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Session: Coatings High Shear Low Peel Electrospun Adhesives Shing-Chung (Josh) Wong, University of Akron Session: Sustainable Materials Biobased Resins Derived from Plant Oils and Their Potential Applications for PSA and Coatings Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Kansas State University
Sunday, February 21 Noon-5:00 p.m. 1:30–4:45 p.m.
Registration Open 2016 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Society Symposium
• Introductory Remarks by Al Crosby, University of Massachusetts • Time Dependent Mechanics of Polymers with Dynamic Bonds, Rong Long, University of Colorado Boulder • Adhesion in Overmolding Applications, Michelle Seitz, DSM • Experimental Studies of Attraction of Like-Charged Microtubules, Miguel Ojeda-Lopez, University of Massachusetts • Advances in Micromechanisms of Fracture of Filled Elastomers, Costantino Creton, ESPCI Paristech-Paris • Fundamental Insight into the Balance between Surface Functionality, Polymer Physics, and Mechanics in Adhesion, Ken Shull, Northwestern University
5:00–6:00 p.m. 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Business Meeting President’s Reception & Vendor Exhibition
Monday, February 22 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk I: Multiscale Contact Mechanics with Applications featuring Bo Persson, PGI-1 FZ Juelich, and Multiscale Consulting
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Bioinspired Adhesion I: Design Session Chairs: Alyssa Stark, University of Akron & Duncan Irschick, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Natural Phenomena I: Anti-fouling in Marine & Aerospace Environments Session Chair: Douglas Berry, Boeing Company
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Structural Adhesives I Session Chairs: Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin & Charles Paul, Henkel Corporation
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Novel Chemistry Session Chairs: Dale Haner, DHM Adhesives, Steve Willging, H.B. Fuller, and Tim Long, Virginia Tech
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Soft Adhesives Session Chair: Dave Yarusso, 3M Company
12:30-1:30 p.m. 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Soft and Structural Adhesives Division Meeting Lunch on Your Own
Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–5:30 p.m. Bioinspired Adhesion I: Design Session Chairs: Alyssa Stark, University of Akron & Duncan Irschick, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
1:30–5:30 p.m. Natural Phenomena II: Ice Formation De-icing Approaches Session Chair: Chris Wohl, NASA Langley Research Center
1:30–5:30 p.m. Structural Adhesives II Session Chairs: Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin & Charles Paul, Henkel Corporation
1:30–5:30 p.m. Dynamic Bonds Session Chairs: Costantino Creton, ESPCI
1:30–5:30 p.m. Peebles Session Chairs: Gregory Schueneman, USDA Forest Products Laboratory & Charles Paul, Henkel Corporation
5:30–7:00 p.m.
Poster Session with Reception
*Times and sessions are subject to change
Tuesday, February 23 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk II: Tackiness and Extensional Rheology featuring Gareth McKinley, MIT
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Biomedical Adhesives Session Chairs: Bruce Lee, Michigan Technological University & Grace Wan, Dow Chemical Company
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Natural Phenomena III: Ice Mitigation Coatings Session Chair: Douglas Berry, Boeing Company
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Structural Adhesives III Session Chair: Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin & Charles Paul, Henkel Corporation
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Architectural Design of Polymer Science Session Chair: Carlos Barrios, 3M Company
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Electronics Session Chair: Puran De, Franklin International
12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch on Your Own 12:30-1:30 p.m. 2016 Program Planning Meeting 12:30-1:30 p.m. 2017 Women’s Networking Session (lunch will be served)
Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–5:30 p.m.
Adhesives & Robotics
1:30–5:30 p.m.
Characterization I
1:30–5:30 p.m.
Computational & Modeling, Molecular Dynamics
1:30–5:30 p.m.
Liquid Interactions
Session Chairs: Aksak Burak, Texas Tech University & Alyssa Stark, University of Akron Session Chair: Chelsea Davis, National Institute of Standards and Technology Session Chair: Mesfin Tsige, University of Akron Session Chair: Chuck Extrand, CPC
1:30–5:30 p.m. Friction and Adhesion Session Chair: Frederic Restagno, Université Paris-Sud
Wednesday, February 24 7:00 a.m.–Noon 7:00–7:45 a.m. 8:00–8:45 a.m.
Registration Open Networking Breakfast Plenary Talk III: Manufacturing of Wearable Sensors for Human Health and Performance Monitoring featuring Azar Alizadeh, GE Global Research
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Interfacial Interactions Session Chair: Adrain Defante, University of Akron & Anish Kurian, 3M Company
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Interfacial Characterization with Quartz Crystal Resonators Session Chair: Ken Shull, Northwestern University
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Coatings Session Chair: Rui Xie, Dow Chemical Company & Nicoli Edoardo, Dow Chemical Company
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Characterization II Session Chair: Nichole Nadermann, National Institute of Standards and Technology
9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Sustainable Materials Session Chair: Greg Schueneman, USDA Forest Products Laboratory
February 21-24, 2016 Westin Riverwalk, San Antonio Hotel The vendor exhibition is integrated with the president’s reception, coffee breaks and poster session, providing high visibility to all meeting attendees. The exhibitor registration fee includes all benefits that are part of the standard registration, for one participant of the exhibit, at the technical program of the meeting. Additional attendees (others) for the exhibit, who participate in the program, must pay the full regular registration fee. Registration options include either single-size or double-size exhibit space.
For more detailed information and to register, visit
February 19-20, 2016 Westin Riverwalk, San Antonio Hotel This two day event provides an introduction and overview to a variety of critically important topics in the field of adhesion. Unlike other courses, the goal is not to give comprehensive coverage of the adhesion field, but rather to use the Adhesion Society Annual Meeting to assemble a selected group of our members as instructors that would not otherwise be available in a single course. Each subject is presented by a scientist who is a world leader in that area. This gives the attendees the opportunity to learn from and interact with scientists whose expertise provides a unique view into the history, science and relevance of their topic.
For more detailed information and to register, visit under events.
Register today and save!
Hotel Accommodations
Registration for the Annual Meeting includes attendance at the technical meeting, all receptions and breaks, meeting proceedings and one year membership to the Adhesion Society.
The Westin Riverwalk, San Antonio
Annual Meeting February 21-24
420 W. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205 Phone: (888) 627-8396
Standard Registration..............................................$600 Fellow Registration..................................................$525 Retiree Registration.................................................$300 Student Registration................................................$300 Regular One-Day Registration..................................$325 Student One-Day Registration..................................$175 Guest Registration.....................................................$75
Adhesion Science & Technology Short Course Only February 19-20 Regular Registration................................................$975 Student Registration................................................$325
Exhibition/Tradeshow February 21-23 This fee includes one participant to the technical program of the meeting. All others should register to attend the technical program. Single Exhibit Space................................................$900 Double Exhibit Space............................................$1,500
How to Register Registration for the Annual Meeting, Short Course and the Exhibition can be found online at events. You may submit an electronic registration form or fax a printout of the completed PDF to (301) 986-9795. Pre-registration ends on January 29, 2016. After that date, rates increase by 20 percent.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Malinda Armstrong, Logistics & Home Office Manager at (301) 986-9700 x106 or
Discount Group Rate $179 single/double * additional charges will apply for more than two persons per room
IMPORTANT: The Adhesion Society works directly with the Westin Riverwalk and does not work with third parties working on behalf of the hotel and/or the Society. Be sure you contact the Westin Riverwalk directly to make your hotel reservations.
The group rate is available until 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, January 28, 2016. Reserve your room as soon as possible as the group rate will not be available if the room block sells out prior to the deadline. Reservation requests received after January 28 will be charged standard rates as rooms are available. You can make your reservation on the Adhesion Society website at or contact the hotel directly at (888) 627-8396. To secure the discounted group rate, please mention that you are attending the Adhesion Society 39th Annual Meeting. The Society kindly asks that you only reserve the number of rooms you need, so other attendees will not be turned away because the hotel room block is full. We appreciate your consideration.
For more detailed information and to register, visit
February 19-20, 2016
SHort Course
Adhesion Science & Technology
February 21-23, 2016
Adhesion Science & Technology
February 21-24, 2016
The Adhesion Society 39th Annual Meeting
San Antonio!
Join Your Peers in 7101 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 990 Bethesda, MD 20814
The Adhesion Society