September 19-21, 2022 Omni William Penn Hotel Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Special recognition for their guidance and suggestions on the planning of this forum is given to the members of the ASC Sustainability Task Force: • Kevin Campbell, Kraton (Co-Chair) • Joe Spinnato, Bostik (Co-Chair) • Paul Bodager, Avery Dennison • Kate French, Gorilla Glue • Joe Kravetz, Tremco • Brian Lawrence, Henkel • Sanjay Luthra, Arkema • Becky Miller, 3M • Susan McNichols, H.B. Fuller • Alex Nyarko, Avery Dennison • Cassie Popovski, Covestro • Matt Redmann, Ingevity • Blake Rupard, Bostik • Dan Sawyer, Natureworks • Stacy Sherman, Gorilla Glue • Ben Ward, Franklin International • Erika Wetzel, Gorilla Glue • Dave White, Sika Corporation Final Program EXHIBITORS:TABLETOPS PO n SOR S: Tour & Reception/DinnerNetworking NetworkingBreakfast
Chris Miller, Senior Global research director, arkema Coating resins
Keynote: Sustainable Development trends and outlook for the Adhesive and Sealant Industry
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Meet and Greet: Speakers and attendees Sky Room – 17th Floor P R o GRAM S CHED u LE Monday, September 19, 2022 Tuesday, September 20, 2022 1 ASC 2022 Su STAI n ABILIT y F OR um *presentation titles and speaker time subject to change 7:00 – 8:30 a.m. reGiStration 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. networkinG BreakfaSt Bob & Dolores Hope Room – Mezzanine 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. openinG keynote Speaker
Lawrence Welk Room – Mezzanine
The past several years have seen a significant escalation of global efforts to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the planet. There are many drivers behind this, but the most recognized are the urgent need to slow global warming and the rapid increase in consumer interest for materials and services with built-in sustainable attributes. The Adhesives and Sealants Industry, like many others, is working to address these challenges. As we move in this direction, questions are emerging about how sustainability should be defined and how success should be tracked and measured. Without common understanding of these concepts shared across the value-chain, it is very difficult to make progress. In addition, there are questions about where opportunities for profitable growth will come from and what scientific breakthroughs and infrastructure investments are needed to address sustainability challenges. This talk will examine what sustainability means to our industry, the tools being developed to track progress, and the innovation challenges we face as we look to the future. Sponsored by:
P ITTSB u R g H , P E nn S y L v A n IA 2 P R o GRAM S CHED u LE
tim thiel, Sustainability & public affairs north america, Covestro LLC & dr. Melissa Bilec, william kepler whiteford professor in Civil & environmental engineering and Co-director of the Mascaro Center for Sustainable innovation, University of pittsburgh
Gloriamar Gamez, Senior Sustainability Manager north america, Henkel adhesive technologies
Sustainable Product Innovation for Adhesives and Sealants to Meet Market Demands
Regulatory Sustainability Trends
How Joint Solutions and Collaborations Can Make You Fully Circular –
10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
The Covestro Circular Economy Program at the University of Pittsburgh
This session will provide an overview of market drivers and sustainability requirements for adhesive and sealant products within the construction, transportation, and packaging sectors. We will discuss life cycle impacts of adhesive and sealant products and opportunities for integrating sustainable product innovation to meet market demands. We will expand the conversation to include an overview of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) requirements including a focus on, sustainable packaging, reduced embodied carbon, and reduced emissions for adhesive and sealants.
noon – 1:15 p.m. LUnCH Bob & Dolores Hope Room – Mezzanine
Climate change, population growth, unsustainable lifestyles – surmounting global challenges like these require embracing the circular economy as a guiding light. A globally leading high-tech polymer manufacturer, Covestro has set a vision to be fully circular. A core component of achieving that vision is focused on joint solutions and collaborations with entities that share a similar goal for a more sustainable future. From innovative mattress collection initiatives to advanced and chemical recycling solutions, Covestro and its collaborators work to set the foundation for a new way of working. Closing the loop on a sustainable future is best done by preparing the next generation workforce with the skills needed to approach manufacturing with an eye on circularity, leading to collaborations with top-tier universities like the University of Pittsburgh, where the Covestro Circular Economy Program is launching.
9:30 – 10:15 a.m.
tad radzinski, president, Sustainable Solutions Corporation
From the EU Green Deal and the EU Taxonomy to the Build Back Better Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. From the right to repair movement to the different Extended Producer Responsibility schemes. Not only is legislation changing, but we also see different sustainability initiatives, such as Together for Sustainability, the Pathfinder of the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, Catena-X, and the Science Based Targets initiative, all require more sustainability data sharing. Customers ask for more transparency; we need to make products safer and more sustainable. Overall, we can see that the rules of the game are changing for everyone, and the bar has been raised. Let’s do a review on the different legislative trends, how they will influence our customers and therefore our industry.
11:15 a.m. – noon
2:15 – 2:30 p.m. Break 2:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Join Covestro Team as they take us on a tour of Covestro’s BrightSpace Center. The Energy Innovation Center is a leader in green adaptive reuse. The design of its building and grounds meets the highest standards of sustainability and energy efficiency, while preserving the historical character of the building. Through an integrated design-build process, EIC designers and engineers innovated to optimize the performance of vendor components. The EIC has targeted LEED Platinum certification and is also on track to meet the stringent 2013 District energy, water and transportation emissions reduction targets. Our building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and on the List of Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation Historic Landmarks, making it perhaps the only LEED Platinum designed structure to qualify for Historic Tax Credits.
The CASE industry and especially adhesives are integral to life as we know it while also being predominantly based in petrochemical raw materials. How can we answer the call to deliver on sustainability goals while still being tied to petrochemicals? Is sustainability all about “green” or is there more to the story? Can sustainability improve your bottom line, rather than hindering it? Univar Solutions, a key distributor to the CASE, Rubber & Plastic additives markets, is helping to define responsible sustainability metrics for the industry while enabling customers to benefit from being trend setters in this growing sector of the businesses we all play a role in delivering innovations.
1:45 – 2:15 p.m.
We will discuss how Kraton is proactive in meeting the global challenges, expectations and needs of our customers in today’s world. Kraton strives to make a positive difference by partnering with our customers to deliver solutions that are sustainable and innovative, while creating value for our stakeholders in a resource constrained environment.
1:15 – 1:45 p.m.
Sustainability Research Strategy in Adhesion: Adhesion Society Sustainability Program and Beyond Grace wan, principal research Scientist, the dow Chemical Company & adhesion Society Sustainability Chair
Lawrence Welk Room – Mezzanine 6:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Value Creation for the Adhesives Industry through Sustainability karla wilzer, Marketing Manager-adhesives, kraton Chemical
Covestro BrightSpace Tour & Networking Reception/Dinner
The mission of the Adhesion Society is to promote the advancement of the science and technology of adhesion with members from academia, industry, and government. In this talk, we will present the newly formed Sustainability Program from Adhesion Society, our goals, and initial activities. Additionally, I will talk about the sustainability research strategies in adhesion, mainly from the chemistry and physics standpoints. Lastly the applicability of these principles to potential industrial applications will be briefly outlined.
(Un)Common Bonds: Sustainability Solutions that Stick Chris fitzgerald, Global Vice president, Univar Solutions
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. GroUp diSCUSSion
Sponsored by:
As consumer goods engineers and designers develop plans to meet their sustainable material goals multiple options must be weighed. Developing a plan that best meets the needs of the product and society can be challenging. This presentation outlines aspects to consider when developing sustainable material plans for polymers used in hot melt adhesives. Options to both meet GHG emission reduction targets and circularity objectives will be discussed along with existing industry challenges that must be overcome to achieve success.
• erika wetzel fiehrer, r&d packaging director, Gorilla Glue • Matt wilkinson, Sustainability and Circularity technical Manager, avery denison • Michelle Zeller, president/Cfo, awt Labels & packaging
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
erin Johnson, Global Marketing Manager for personal Care, H.B. fuller Sustainability is a megatrend that continues to gain steam, and companies will only be successful by adapting and integrating sustainable solutions for their customers. The green segment of the Hygiene market is projected to continue to grow rapidly across the world. With consumers demanding more natural-based products and manufacturers looking for new designs with reduced environmental footprint, the next generation of adhesives is essential to allow for more sustainable processes and reduced material usage and less waste. With this is mind, the presentation will cover the most pressing global market mega-trends and expand on how adhesives can become part of a sustainable value chain for the disposable hygiene sustainable solutions while facilitating responsible innovation through reduce, redesign, renewable, regenerate, and recycle.
September 21, 2022
This panel will explore the drivers of sustainability across the full packaging value chain. Raw material suppliers, packaging converters and brand owners all have different stakeholders that impact their approach to sustainability. Hear from all 3 as they discuss what drives their sustainability priorities and identify how we can all work together towards a more sustainable future. Topics: overall company approach to sustainability; who are your stakeholders and what impact do they have on your approach; and what are your biggest challenges for sustainability.
Developing Sustainable Material Roadmap for Hot Melt Adhesives
Lisa Madenjian, Principal TS&D Scientist, Dow
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. BreakfaSt
Sustainability – The Next Megatrend in the Hygiene Industry
10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Break 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
PAnel: Sustainable Packaging Across the Value Chain
Bob & Dolores Hope Room – Mezzanine P ITTSB u R g H , P E nn S y L v A n IA 4
9:15 – 10:00 a.m.
2:15 - 2:45 p.m.
& CLoSinG reMarkS
Sustainable Adhesives Derived from the Underutilized Portion of Biomass
John Brandt, Technical Manager-Adhesives and Sealants North America Coatings and Adhesives, Covestro LLC
There is a strong drive today to develop Circular and Sustainable solutions across our industry.
2:45 – 3:00 p.m. diSCUSSion
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Stronger Bonds for Sustainability – How Collaborative Innovation is Driving Circularity in Adhesives and Sealants
Adhesives and Sealants are important contributors to these solutions, and to create circular solutions that also reduce dependence on petroleum, reduce waste and save energy -- the solutions need to be sustainable at each point of the product lifetime. This means that Raw Material Suppliers, Formulators, Product Designers and End users must collaborate to design products and technologies that work together. Only through collaboration around the circular supply chain and use of flexible enabling technologies, can Circular Solutions be implemented.
Mojgan Nejad, Associate Professor, Director-Green Bioproducts Science and Engineering Group, Michigan State University
This talk will be focused on using lignin as the underutilized portion of biomass to produce sustainable and, in some cases, fully biobased adhesives. We developed fully biobased phenolic resin by replacing 100% of phenol and formaldehyde with lignin and biobased glyoxal (a dialdehyde) for interior-grade plywood. Additionally, we formulated lignin-based PU adhesives in which petroleum-based polyol was entirely replaced by lignin. The formulated lignin-based PU adhesives had higher dry and wet adhesion strength than commercial PU adhesives used in mass timber applications. Moreover, a fully biobased epoxy resin was made using lignin to substitute bisphenol-A along with biobased epichlorohydrin and a biobased curing agent.
When companies think of sustainability, they typically think of what it will cost them and how they can afford to meet carbon reduction targets. By taking advantage of abundant energy in the USA, companies can reduce costs while increasing profitability and sustainability. This dynamic case studybased presentation will discuss how this is possible and what steps organizations can take. The case study is part of a new study done by Shale Crescent USA comparing overseas manufacturing to U.S. based manufacturing. It will show how lower cost and increased profitability advantages can improve sustainability and be part of the solution to finally begin reducing global GHG emissions.
LUnCH Bob & Dolores Hope Room – Mezzanine 1:30 – 2:15 p.m.
How Organizations Can Be More Sustainable, Reduce Costs and Increase Profitability
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
5 ASC 2022 Su STAI n ABILIT y F OR um P R o GRAM S CHED u LE
Greg Kozera, Director of Marketing, Shale Crescent USA
JoHn Brandt Technical Manager-Adhesives and Sealants North America Coatings and Adhesives, Covestro LLC John received his BS in Chemistry and a Masters in Polymer Chemistry from Carnegie Mellon University. He began his Covestro career in the Coatings laboratory in 1988. In 1997 he became a Key Account Manager for Adhesives and in 2000 transferred to Germany and worked in both Dormagen and Leverkusen, where he was named commercial head of the Adhesives and Sealants business for Europe in 2003. After his return to the US in 2005, John served in a number of roles in the Functional Films, Cosmetic Raw Materials and Carbon Nanotubes businesses. In 2012 John rejoined the Coatings and Adhesives organization and has since served as North American Technical Manager for UV Curable Coatings, Infrastructure and Adhesives and Sealants.
DERAT o RS P ITTSB u R g H , P E nn S y L v A n IA 6
dr. MeLiSSa BiLeC William Kepler Whiteford Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering and CoDirector of the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Melissa Bilec is the William Kepler Whiteford Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Co-Director of the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation. Dr. Bilec has published 139 peer reviewed articles and secured $12 million in funding, including 15 National Science Foundation grants. Her research focuses on the sustainable built environment. She is committed to exploring how the built environment can be an integral part of climate change solutions. She views the world and her research using a systems-level approach, and she is an expert in life cycle assessment. Using this view, she integrates critical built environment modeling approaches from building energy modeling to indoor air quality to develop robust strategies to mitigate climate change and deleterious environmental and human health impacts. Most recently, she is working to solve the global waste challenge through the advancement and development of circular economy principles, since the built environment is a major consumer of resources and producer of waste. Dr. Bilec is committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity. She is working to advance the issues around and the solutions to environmental justice in the City of Pittsburgh. Dr. Bilec is co-leading her department’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access committee. She is also the co-faculty advisor for Pitt Society for Women Engineering. She was awarded the School of Engineering Diversity Award 2017-2018 and received Senior Vice Chancellor for Engagement’s Partnerships of Distinction award in 2019. She has received four education excellence awards, and she developed the M.S. in Sustainable Engineering degree and co-developed a university-wide undergraduate certificate in sustainability. Dr. Bilec’s work prior to academia focused on green infrastructure projects, including the conversion of a 100-year hot metal bridge into a pedestrian bridge. She has two amazing kids, a supportive and hilarious partner, and two puppies that keep her active.
M o u R o
erin JoHnSon Global Marketing Manager for Personal Care, H.B. Fuller Erin Johnson joined H.B. Fuller in 2021 as the Global Marketing Manager for Personal Care with over 20 years of adhesive and disposable absorbent product experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and a master’s degree, with a specialization in Entrepreneurship, from Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio. Erin is based out of the Toledo, Ohio area.
Univar Solution’s dedicated market vertical delivers technical solutions and best in class supplier ingredients to virtually all CASE submarkets. Chris brings many years of experience in the CASE industry within multiple disciplines including sales, product management, business development and marketing.
Chris Fitzgerald is the Global Vice President for Univar Solution’s Global CASE, Rubber & Plastic Additives vertical and has spent the past 25 years in chemical distribution.
CHriS fitZGeraLd Global Vice President, Univar Solutions
GLoriaMar GaMeZ
GreG koZera Director of Marketing, Shale Crescent USA Greg Kozera, is the Director of Marketing and Sales for Shale Crescent USA. He is a professional engineer with a Master’s in Environmental Engineering and over 40 years’ experience in the energy industry. Greg is a leadership and teamwork expert, high school soccer coach, professional speaker, author of four books and numerous published articles.
Gloriamar Gamez is Sr. Sustainability Manager at Henkel for North America. In this role she supports the strategic implementation of Henkel Adhesive Technologies Sustainability Ambition 2030. Gloriamar has more than 17 years of professional experience; including stints at Dow, SAP, Pemex, Holcim, DuPont and Grupo Rotoplas. Gloriamar latest work is on several sustainability topics, such as: climate change risk assessment, renewable energy procurement, sustainability reporting, advance water treatment technologies, energy recycling, sustainability public policy, among others. She has a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, with a specialty in Biotechnology from Universidad Iberoamericana which is complemented with an MBA by Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). In addition, she has a Master’s in Global Management from Tulane University and from Harvard University a Master’s in Sustainability and Environmental Management.
Senior Sustainability Manager North America, Henkel Adhesive Technologies
7 ASC 2022 Su STAI n ABILIT y F OR um
Lisa Madenjian is a Principal TS&D Scientist and Application Technology Leader for Consumer Markets in the Dow’s Packaging and Specialty Plastics business. She has 33 years of experience at Dow and specializes in R&D/TS&D having work with Engineering Plastics to Polypropylene to Elastomers Material, Formulation, Application and Market Development and New Business Development. Her primary areas of focus are new market development for durable applications (rotomolding, adhesives, golf balls, footwear, photovoltaics) and sustainability (value proposition development for Infrastructure, Consumer and Transportation). She as an MS in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a BA in Chemistry and Politics from Cornell College.
LiSa MadenJian Principal TS&D Scientist, Dow (TBD)
CHriS MiLLer, Senior Global Research Director, Arkema Coating Resins
MoJGan neJad
Associate Professor, Director-Green Bioproducts Science and Engineering Group, Michigan State University Mojgan Nejad is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University. She has a bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry and a PhD in Wood Coating. Her current research projects are focused on developing lignin-based adhesives, coatings, and foams, and most of them are conducted in close collaborations with industry partners. Dr. Nejad has won the Adhesive and Sealant Council Innovation Award (2018) for replacing 100% phenol with lignin in a phenolic resin formulation. She currently leads two consortia of industry partners, in which Hexion and Henkel plan to scale up production of lignin-based phenolic and PU adhesives by 2023.
Chris Miller is a highly accomplished R&D Leader with over 25 years of industry experience in polymeric materials designed to improve performance of various different types of coatings, functional materials, and plastics applications. In his current role he is responsible for the Global R&D organization of Arkema Coating Resins (ACR), a greater than $1Billion business unit of Arkema Group. ACR manufactures polymer binders and additives for architectural coatings, industrial coatings, pressure sensitive adhesives, construction products, PVC plastics, engineering plastics and a variety of other applications. Technology focus areas for ACR include novel synthetic latexes including post-emulsified materials, polyester powders, performance additives, and high-performance solvent-borne acrylic technologies. In addition to these responsibilities, for the past several years Chris has served as the Sustainable Development Technical Coordinator on behalf of the Coating Solutions segment of Arkema Group. After graduating with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University, Chris went on to earn his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University in 1994. Following his PhD, Chris completed a post-doctoral assignment at The University of Sydney before starting his industrial career at Union Carbide Corporation. Since that time, he has had the opportunity to be involved with a number of exciting projects and roles in R&D leadership, culminating in his current position.
S PEAKERS & Mo DERAT o RS P ITTSB u R g H , P E nn S y L v A n IA 8
GraCe wan Principal Research Scientist, The Dow Chemical Company & Adhesion Society Sustainability Chair Grace Wan is a Principal Research Scientist in Corporate R&D from The Dow Chemical Company. Her research focuses on new product development in adhesives, coatings, home, and personal care with multiple impactful commercialized products. Grace has received several awards including Adhesives and Sealants Council (ASC) Innovation Award, and Edison Gold award. Her publications include 23 peer-reviewed journal articles, 13 patents and 17 patent applications. Grace holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical materials/Oral Biology from The Ohio State University as well as a M.S. in Polymer Materials and a B.S. in Polymer Chemistry from Wuhan University, China.
A native of Pittsburgh, Tim earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting as well as a Master of Science in accounting from Robert Morris University as well as a Master’s of Business Administration in marketing from the University of Pittsburgh.
9 ASC 2022 Su STAI n ABILIT y F OR um
With over 35 years of practical experience, Tad Radzinski is a leading expert in corporate responsibility, sustainable product analysis and innovation, and sustainable buildings and operations. Tad, co-founder and president of Sustainable Solutions Corporation (SSC), delivers sustainable business services to companies in a wide range of global industries. Formerly the EPA’s Waste Minimization National Expert, Tad has been a trusted advisor for Fortune 500 companies including ASSA ABLOY, Unilever, Merck, Stanley Black & Decker, Saint-Gobain, American Standard, General Motors, Perdue, and Kohler. Tad understands the need for companies to generate value in an increasingly complex marketplace. He delivers the framework to utilize life cycle thinking combined with sustainable product innovation to design more sustainable products and buildings. Tad is an adjunct professor at Villanova University, teaching graduate classes in the Masters of Sustainable Engineering Program, including Sustainable Buildings and Operations and Advanced Life Cycle Assessment.
tad radZinSki, President, Sustainable Solutions Corporation
tiM tHieL Sustainability & Public Affairs North America, Covestro LLC Tim Thiel currently works in Sustainability and Public Affairs at Covestro. In this role, his focus is to help achieve the corporate mission of making Covestro truly sustainable & fully circular. He focuses on the implementation of Covestro’s strategy towards a Circular and Climate-neutral Economy. As of 2022, he has over 23 years of experience at Covestro. Throughout his career, Tim has gained extensive experience in driving business strategy, financial and market analysis, sustainability, as well as energy efficiency in the building and construction industry. In addition to his daily responsibilities Thiel is on the National 2030 Districts Network Board in and the GBI National Board, which oversees Green Globes Building Certifications.
Karla Wilzer has worked in the chemical industry for more than 30 years in a variety of markets from adhesives and coatings to home and personal care as well as food and beverage. She started in R&D and product development, and then led Technical Service for Home & Personal Care. She transitioned to Marketing in 2005. Karla joined Kraton in January 2020 at their facility in Jacksonville, Florida. She is responsible for Marketing for Adhesives in the AMCA region. Karla received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Chestnut Hill College and a Doctorate in Chemistry from Louisiana State University.
Michelle also completed the MDA Leadership Consultants, High Performance Leadership program.
MiCHeLLe ZeLLer President/CFO, AWT Labels & Packaging Michelle Zeller serves as President and CFO of AWT Labels & Packaging. Michelle has over 30 years of extensive operations and accounting experience. Michelle currently oversees finance, operations and ESG policy and practices across the AWT enterprise. AWT is recognized as an industry award winning company for their sustainable packaging design, operating practices, and vision for continued improvement. Michelle has nearly 20 years of experience in the packaging industry and has served on the board of TLMI (Tag & Label Manufacturers Institute) and as co-chair of the financial executives committee for PIM (Printing Industry of the Midwest). She is a Certified Public Accountant, and she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in accounting from the University of St Thomas (1988).
S PEAKERS & Mo DERAT o RS P ITTSB u R g H , P E nn S y L v A n IA 10
erika wetZeL fieHrer R&D Packaging Director, Gorilla Glue Erika Wetzel Fiehrer has worked in the packaging industry for over 18 years across a wide range of industries and packaging technologies. After graduating from Carnegie Mellon University with a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering, she spent time working on packaging and sustainability at Procter & Gamble, Mars-Wrigley and Fitbit. She currently is the Director of Packaging at Gorilla Glue where she also leads the Sustainability team, Gorillas Go Green.
Matt wiLkinSon Sustainability and Circularity Technical Manager, Avery Denison Matt Wilkinson is a Circularity & Sustainability Technical Manager at Avery Dennison based in Cleveland, Ohio. Passionate and technically focused, he has leveraged his 10+ years of packaging engineering experience to deliver sustainable solutions and drive innovation that enables recycling. Matt has spent the last five years engaged in the recycling ecosystem, working closely with initiatives, coalitions, and trade organizations to help drive circularity. Recently, he has shifted his focus to take a deeper dive into ESG regulation and the reduction of GHG emission footprints.
karLa wiLZer Marketing Manager-Adhesives, Kraton Chemical
September 19-21, 2022 Omni William Penn Hotel Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 510 King Street Suite Alexandria,418vA 22314 (301) 986-9700