A Sneak Peak at this Year’s Program!
Includes: Technical Sessions • Short Course • Exhibition w w w. a d h e s i o n s o c i e t y. o r g
Welcome to the 43rd Adhesion Society Annual Meeting! Welcome to the 43rd annual meeting of the Adhesion Society in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina! Charleston is known for its rich history, bountiful restaurants, majestic church steeples, vibrant public market, and a frequent destination for the annual meeting of the Adhesion Society! The founding members of our Society envisioned a wintertime destination that provides us with an opportunity to escape the colder weather across the country and enjoy adhesion science, and thanks to the efforts of Malinda Armstrong, we are thrilled to continue this tradition in Charleston. Please join me to also thank Nick Shephard and Michelle Seitz who have served as technical program co-chairs, and a co-chair arrangement has helped to provide a more seamless transition in programming and ensures an interdisciplinary program. Their collective efforts have resulted in an exciting interdisciplinary technical program consisting of our traditional premeeting short course to expand our fundamental understanding, state-of-the-art oral presentations from academia and industry, student awards to recognize our future leaders, poster sessions with networking opportunities, nationally and internationally recognized keynote speakers, and plenary speakers who will set the daily tenor of the meeting. Innovations in adhesion science and engineering demands us to explore unprecedented scientific intersections, from novel chemistry, gels, and pressure sensitive adhesives to advanced manufacturing and stimuli-responsive interfaces. It is this ensemble of symposia that are necessary to advance our field, and the meeting will provide unique mechanisms to connect academia with industry in the spirit of innovation. Our keen attention to diversity in all forms catalyzes our continued innovation, and a “diversity of diversity” brings a complement of synergistic perspectives. We welcome Kim Felix (Virginia Tech) for our Sunday afternoon guest speaker who will challenge Tim Long, PhD us to further embrace diversity and inclusion, Professor & Assoc. Director of Outreach, Virginia Tech nurturing a welcoming environment to President, Adhesion Society tackle complex global challenges. Thank you for “sticking” with the Adhesion Society, and it is your scientific curiosity, passion for societal impact, and dedication to our profession that will ensure continued innovation in our field. In the words of Albert Einstein, “if you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” Thank you for your commitment to continually reshape adhesion science and engineering! All the best for 2020.
Nick Shephard Research Fellow, The Dow Chemical Company 2019 Program Chair, Adhesion Society
Michelle Seitz Scientist, DSM Materials Science Center 2020 Program Vice Chair, Adhesion Society
Plenary & Session Keynotes Confirmed! Plenary Talk I: A Century of Fracture Mechanics: from Griffith Theory to Machine Learning based modeling Huajian Gao, Nanyang Technological University Plenary Talk II: Reverse Engineering Nature: Applying Biological Strategies to Material Design Megan Valentine, University California Santa Barbara Plenary Talk III: Entangled Active Matter: Hybrid Particles-Cell Aggregates Francoise Brochard-Wyart, Pierre-and Marie Curie University sponsored by: Plenary Talk IV: A Look Ahead: Why the Adhesion of Diversity and Science Inherently Breeds Excellence Kim Felix, Virginia Tech
Session: Adhesion and sponsored by: Fracture in Extreme Dynamic Conditions Extreme Mechanical Responses of Polymers Revealed by Microscopic Ballistic Impact Jae-Hwang Lee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Session: Biomedical Adhesion Phage Derived Peptides for Biomaterial-tissue Adhesion David Kohn, University of Michigan Session: Fracture Mechanics of Structural Adhesives and Composites Adhesion Research and Development at FEUP Luca FM DaSilva, University of Porto, Portugal
Session: Gels, Synthetic and Biological Biomimetic Functional Hydrogels with Anisotropic Structures Youn Soo Kim, Postech, South Korea Session: Novel Chemistry Modern Approaches to Polar Polyolefins Frank Leibfarth, University North Carolina Chapel Hill Session: Organismal & Bio-Derived Adhesion Double Networks and Gastropod Glue: Unlocking the Potential of Adhesive Gels Andrew Smith, Ithaca College High Performance Bio-based Thermosets from High Functionality Resins Dean Webster, North Dakota State University Session: Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Understanding Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Using Surface Analysis Michaeleen Pacholski, Dow Chemical Company Session: Soft Materials and Soft Technology TBD Robert Shepherd, Cornell University Session: Transportation sponsored by: Lockheed Martin TRUST Program Overview: A Path to Certified Bonded Aircraft through Bond Process Control Brietta Oakley, Lockheed Martin Session: Viscoelasticity and Capillarity How Does Elasticity Affect the Slip of a Liquid? Frederic Restagno, Universite Paris-Sud
Adhesion Society 43rd Annual Meeting 2
Sunday, February 23 Noon–5:00 p.m. 1:30–4:45 p.m.
Registration Open 2020 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Society Symposium
• A Tale of Two Silks: Functional Comparison of Aggregate and Cribellate Capture Silk in Spiders, Todd Blackledge, University of Akron • Application of Some Ideas of Adhesion Science to Emulsion Science, Manoj Chaudhury, Lehigh University • Linking Energy Loss in Soft Adhesion to Surface Roughness, Tevis Jacobs, University of Pittsburgh • The Chemistry of Underwater Adhesion: Understanding the Contact Mechanics of Bioinspired Adhesives to Enable Their Use as Tissue Sealants, Abraham Joy, University of Akron • Shedding Light on Contact Interfaces, Ali Dhinojwala, University of Akron & 2020 Award of Excellence Recipient
1:30–6:00 p.m. 4:45–5:15 p.m. 5:15–6:15 p.m. 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Exhibition Plenary Talk IV: Kim Felix, Virginia Tech A Look Ahead: Why the Adhesion of Diversity and Science Inherently Breeds Excellence Business Meeting Presidents Reception & Dinner
Monday, February 24 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast & Table Talk with Kim Felix 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk I: A Century of Fracture Mechanics: from Griffith Theory to Machine Learning Based Modeling, Huajian Gao, Nanyang Technological University
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.– Noon Fracture Mechanics of Structural Adhesives and Composites Session Chairs: Declan Carolan, FAC Technologies / Imperial College, UK & Alex Arzoumanidis, Psyolotech, Inc.
9:00 a.m.– Noon
Viscoelasticity and Capillarity Session Chairs: Andrew Croll, North Dakota State University; Jonathan Pham, University of Kentucky; & Amy Peterson, University of Massachusetts Lowell
9:00 a.m.– Noon Adhesion and Fracture of Complex Additively Manufactured Structures Session Chairs: Erich Bain, Army Research Laboratory; Michael Bortner, Virginia Tech; Amy Peterson, University of Massachusetts Lowell & Jon Seppala, NIST
9:00 a.m.– Noon Novel Tools & Methods for Characterization Session Chairs: Evan Breedlove, 3M Company; Sarah Fischer, Fraunhofer IZFP & Ajay Krishnamurthy, NIST
Noon–1:30 p.m. Noon–1:30 p.m. Noon–1:30 p.m. Noon–1:30 p.m.
Soft Adhesives Division Meeting Structural Adhesives Division Meeting Bioadhesives Division Meeting Lunch on Your Own – EXPLORE Charleston
*Times and sessions are subject to change
Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–5:00 p.m. Fracture Mechanics of Structural Adhesives and Composites Session Chairs: Declan Carolan, FAC Technologies / Imperial College, UK & Alex Arzoumanidis, Psyolotech, Inc.
1:30–5:00 p.m. Organismal & Bio-Derived Adhesion Session Chairs: Saranshu Singla, University of Akron; Alyssa Stark, Villanova University; Carson Meredith, Georgia Tech; & Greg Schueneman, USDA USFS Forest Products
1:30–5:00 p.m.
Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Session Chairs: Joelle Frechette, Johns Hopkins University & Grace Wan, Dow Chemical Company
1:30–5:00 p.m. Novel Tools & Methods for Characterization Session Chairs: Evan Breedlove, 3M Company; Sarah Fischer, Fraunhofer IZFP & Ajay Krishnamurthy, NIST
5:30–8:30 p.m. Poster Session with Reception Chair: Chuck Williams, Avery Dennison
Tuesday, February 25 6:00 – 7:00 a.m. 5K Run – Start the morning off right with a 5K Fun Run in beautiful Charleston. Interested attendees should meet in the hotel lobby at 5:45am. Maps will be provided.
7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast & Table Talk with Kim Felix 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk II: Reverse Engineering Nature: Applying Biological Strategies to Material Design, Megan Valentine, University California Santa Barbara Best Poster Award Presentation Early Career Scientist Award Presentation
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–Noon. Transportation Session Chairs: Alejandra Alvarez Albarran, Tesla & Kar Tean Tan, PPG Coating Innovation
9:00 a.m.–Noon.
Gels, Synthetic and Biological Session Chairs: Niels Holten-Andersen, MIT & Daniel King, Hokkaido University
9:00 a.m.–Noon. Bioinspired Adhesion Session Chairs: Alyssa Stark, Villanova University & Niels Holten-Andersen, MIT
9:00 a.m.–Noon. Ice, Insects, Marine and Other Contaminants Sesion Chairs: Yujie Liu, Arkema Inc. & Joseph Dennis, Army Research Lab
Noon–1:30 p.m.
Lunch on Your Own – EXPLORE Charleston
Noon–1:30 p.m.
2021 Program Planning Meeting
*Times and sessions are subject to change
Afternoon Technical Sessions Surface Preparation for Bonding
1:30–5:00 p.m.
Session Chair: Ngon Tran, Army Research Lab
1:30–5:00 p.m.
Soft Materials for Soft Technology Session Chairs: Michael Bartlett, Iowa State University; Mattia Bacca, University of British Columbia; Dan Sameoto, University of Alberta & Helen Minsky, Carleton College
1:30–5:00 p.m.
Novel Chemistry & Adhesive Design
1:30–5:00 p.m.
Peebles Awards Session
Session Chair: Dale Haner, DHM Adhesives Session Chair: Eric Silverberg, Henkel Corporation
5:30–7:00 p.m.
2020 Women’s Networking Reception (location TBD)
8:00–11:00 p.m. Young Researcher Networking Event (location TBD)
Wednesday, February 26 7:00–8:00 a.m. 7:00–7:45 a.m. 8:00–8:45 a.m.
Registration Open Networking Breakfast & Table Talk with Kim Felix Plenary Talk III: Entangled Active Matter: Hybrid Particles-Cell Aggregates, Francoise Brochard-Wyart, Pierre-and Marie Curie University
Peebles & Alan Gent Award Presentations
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–Noon. Fracture Mechanics of Soft and Hybrid Adhesives Session Chair: Nick Shephard, Dow Chemical Company
9:00 a.m.–Noon.
Adhesion and Fracture in Extreme Dynamic Conditions Session Chairs: Erich Bain, Army Research Laboratory; Edwin Chan, NIST; Aaron Foster, NIST & Shruti Ratta, Dupont
9:00 a.m.–Noon.
Biomedical Adhesion Session Chairs: Rupak Rajachar, Michigan Tech & Yuhan Lee, Harvard Medical School
9:00 a.m.–Noon.
Fundamentals of Wetting Session Chair: Chris Wohl, NASA
5 Adhesion Society 43rd Annual Meeting
February 23-25, 2020
Charleston Marriott Hotel The vendor exhibition is integrated with the president’s reception, coffee breaks and poster session, providing high visibility to all meeting attendees. The exhibitor registration fee includes all benefits that are part of the standard registration, for one participant of the exhibit, at the technical program of the meeting. Additional attendees (others) for the exhibit, who participate in the program, must pay the full regular registration fee. Registration options include either single-size or double-size exhibit space.
For more detailed information and to register, visit www.adhesionsociety.org
One mission of the Adhesion Society is to provide recognition of the accomplishments in the international adhesion science and technology community.
A special “THANK YOU” to our generous sponsors of the following: • Adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science sponsored by 3M Company • The Robert L. Patrick Fellowship Award sponsored by The Adhesion Society • Distinguished Paper Award sponsored by Henkel Corporation • Peebles Awards for Graduate Student Research in Adhesion Science • Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award sponsored by Henkel Corporation • Best Poster Award sponsored by Avery Dennison • Adhesion Society Early Career Scientist Award sponsored by The Adhesive & Sealant Council • Keynote Speakers sponsored by Dow Chemical Company, DuPont & PPG • 5k Run/Walk sponsored by “ENTER YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE”
7 Adhesion Society 43rd Annual Meeting
February 21-22, 2020 • Charleston Marriott Hotel This course provides an introduction and overview to a variety of critically important topics in the field of adhesion. Unlike other courses, the goal is not to give comprehensive coverage of the adhesion field, but rather to use the Adhesion Society’s Annual Meeting to assemble an outstanding group of instructors that would not otherwise be available in a single course. Each subject is presented by a scientist who is a world leader in that area. This gives the attendees the opportunity to learn from and interact with scientists whose expertise provides a unique view into the history, science, and relevance of their topic.
PROGRAM Topics (tentative) • Introductory Remarks – David Dillard, VA Tech • Stresses, Strength, and Failure of Adhesive Joints – David Dillard, Virginia Tech • Viscoelastic Properties of Adhesive Materials – Dave Yarusso, Yarusso Consulting • Designing Adhesives Using the Polymer Parameters – Michael Bortner, Virginia Tech • Surface Energetics and Adhesion – Giles Dillingham, BTG Labs LLC • Structure-Property Relationships of Adhesives – Michael Bortner, Virginia Tech • Types and Classes of Adhesive Design: Synthetic Strategies – Keren Zhang & Tim Long, Virginia Tech
• Fracture Mechanics Applications to Adhesive Bonds – David Dillard, Virginia Tech • Surface Modification and Surface Analysis – Giles Dillingham, BTG Labs LLC • Soft Matter Adhesion – Costantino Creton, ESPCI Paris - Paris • An Overview of Toughening Strategies for Structural Adhesives – Raymond Pearson, Lehigh University
• Introduction to Pressure Sensitive Adhesives – Dave Yarusso, Yarusso Consulting • Adhesion at the Micro/Nano-Scale: Characterization and Applications – Kevin Turner, University of Pennsylvania
Course Times: 8 am to 4 pm each day (breakfast starts at 7:30 am)
For more detailed information and to register, visit www.adhesionsociety.org under events.
Adhesion Society 43rd Annual Meeting 8
Charleston Marriott Hotel 170 Lockwood Boulevard Charleston, SC 29403 Phone: (843) 723-3000 Discount Group Rate $179 single/double * additional charges will apply for more than two persons per room
IMPORTANT: Adhesion Society works directly with Charleston Marriott Hotel and does not work with third parties working on behalf of the Charleston Marriott Hotel and/or the Society. Be sure you contact the Charleston Marriott directly to make your hotel reservations.
The group rate is available until 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, January 31, 2020. Reserve your room as soon as possible as the group rate will not be available if the room block sells out prior to the deadline. Reservation requests received after January 31 will be charged standard rates as rooms are available. You can make your reservation on the Adhesion Society website at www.adhesionsociety.org or contact the hotel directly at (843) 723-3000. To secure the discounted group rate, please mention that you are attending the Adhesion Society Annual Meeting. The Society kindly asks that you only reserve the number of rooms you need, so other attendees will not be turned away because the hotel room block is full. We appreciate your consideration.
Register today and save! Registration for the Annual Meeting includes attendance at the technical meeting, all receptions and breaks, meeting proceedings and one year membership to the Adhesion Society.
Annual Meeting (February 23-26) Standard Registration........................................................................................................ $600 Fellow Registration............................................................................................................ $525 Retiree Registration........................................................................................................... $300 Student Registration.......................................................................................................... $300 Regular One-Day Registration............................................................................................ $325 Student One-Day Registration............................................................................................ $175 Guest Registration............................................................................................................... $75
Adhesion Science & Technology Short Course Only • February 21-22 Regular Registration.......................................................................................................... $975 Student Registration.......................................................................................................... $325
Exhibition/Tradeshow • February 23-25 This fee includes one participant to the technical program of the meeting with your exhibit space. All others should register to attend the technical program. Single Exhibit Space.......................................................................................................... $900 Double Exhibit Space...................................................................................................... $1,500
How to Register Registration for the Annual Meeting, Short Course and the Exhibition can be found online at www.adhesionsociety.org/events. You may submit an electronic registration form or fax a printout of the completed PDF to (301) 986-9795. Pre-registration ends on January 31, 2020. After that date, rates increase by 20 percent.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Malinda Armstrong, Logistics & Home Office Manager at (301) 986-9700 x1106 or adhesionsociety@ascouncil.org.
A d h e s i o n S o c i e t y 4 3 r d A n n u a l M e e t i n g 10
For more detailed information and to register, visit www.adhesionsociety.org.
February 21-22, 2020
SHort Course
Adhesion Science & Technology
February 23-25, 2020
Adhesion Science & Technology
February 23-26, 2020
The Adhesion Society 43rd Annual Meeting
Join Your Peers in 510 King Street Suite 418 Alexandria, VA 22314
The Adhesion Society