From the ASC Board of Directors & ASC Staff
Welcome to the 2023 Annual Convention & EXPO. Should you need assistance during the convention, do not hesitate to ask one of the following:
asC Board of Directors
Forest Driggs
Senior V.P. & Chief Financial Officer
Franklin International
Past Chair
heather Campe
Senior Vice President
H.B. Fuller treasurer
tom stewart
Senior Director,PerformanceAdhesives Bostik, Inc.
scott Buss
Global Business Development Leader
robert Butera
Vice President,Research,Development, & Innovation
DAP Products
Kevin Campbell
Senior Director,American Chemicals Sales
Kraton Performance Polymers
robert Ddamulira
Vice President,Technology
Meridian Adhesives Group
Joelle Frechette*
Professor,Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of California-Berkeley
shamsi Gravel
Vice President,Regional Development, North America
Gerhard haas
Chief Officer,Human Resources, Purchasing,Quality Management,Research and Development andTechnical Service
Jowat Corporation
Damon hollis
Global KeyAccount Director
stacy Jordahl
Vice President,Industrial Specialties
Jeff Lamb President
STI Polymer
Kim Meidl Director, Resins
suanne Norris
GlobalAccount Manager,Plastics & Specialty Products
Jack o’Malley
Head of Specialty SalesTeam NorthAmericaCoatings &Adhesives
Covestro LLC
Mark schneider
Albion Engineering Company
sangeetha subramanian
Marketing Director
ITW Polymers NA Adhesives
Corbett Wallace
CorporateVP Packaging & Consumer Goods Adhesives
Henkel Corporation
David White
SeniorVice President,Quality and Risk
Sika Corporation
Chuck Williams
SeniorTechnical Director, GlobalAdhesives, Polymers,Adhesive and Coatings Center of Excellence
Avery Dennison
William allmond, ex-officio Member President
The Adhesive and Sealant Council
onsite staff
Bill allmond
Malinda armstrong
Senior Director, Meetings & Expositions
Connie howe
Senior Director, Technical Services
Valeryia Mikharava
Director, Finance & Administration
Myranda Nickoloff
Senior Project Manager, Membership & Database Services
Brian Peters
Director, Membership & Industry Programs
Mani singh
Technical Services Manager
Mike socha
Consultant, KDG Marketing
2023 sPoNsors
Wednesday Networking Breakfast & Keynote
Convention attendee t-shirts
EXPO Reception (booths 418 & 420)
Networking & Coffee Lounges
Hotel Keycards
Convention App
Performance Polymers
• Attendee Tote Bags
• Digitalization Tools & Trends Education Session
ASC Gives Back Community Service Project
Final Program
Tuesday Networking Breakfast & Keynote
Atrium Elevator Clings
Escalator Cling & Atrium Elevator Cling
GoLd LeveL
Convention & Short Course Emails
• Hot Melt Adhesives in Packaging Custom Education Session
• Panel: Navigating Sustainability Market Requirements Through Innovation Education Session
• Atrium Elevator Cling
• Materials and Challenges in Building Applications Education Session
Main Lobby Elevator Clings
New Product Introduction Education Session
Convention Media Partner
Gold Sponsor
Final Program Content
Celestin Foyer, 3rd Floor
Monday, April 17 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 18 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 19 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
speaker ready room
Imperial 1, 4th Floor
AVPG is the audio-visual needs provider.Speakers may prepare for and/or make changes to their presentations in the Speaker Ready Room.Check with theASC staff at the Registration Desk if audio/visual technicians are unavailable to assist you.
New orleans shuttle service
sponsored by:
Tuesday, April 18 from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Shuttle services will be available to transport attendees from the Hyatt and drop off at Canal and Bourbon Streets in the French Quarter. The shuttle will loop for drop off and pick up until 9:30 p.m. The shuttle service is sponsored by Ingevity!
ProGraM PLaNNiNG CoMMittee
Thanks to the following Program Committee volunteers for another outstanding Program:
Peter Carbutt, ITW
Mick Funderburg, Eastman
Christopher Johnson, Ingevity
Jay Johnston, Covestro
Ning Lu, Momentive
Michael o’Brien, Stepan
Chris oswin, NUCO Inc.
sanjeev singh, Franklin International ingo stohrer, Evonik Corporation
sangeetha subramanian, ITW
Malinda armstrong & Connie howe, ASC Staff Advisors
Badges will be available for pick up at aSC’s express Pass Badge Kiosks. BadgesMUSTbewornatalltimesduringtheevent.
Convention app
Great for viewing session info, speaker bios,scheduling,networking, and viewing the attendee list.
Your name Here
sponsored by:
To download theApp,visit your devices’App Store and search “ASC Convention & EXPO,” visit the convention page at ascouncil.org,or stop by the ASC registration desk for assistance.
Coffee & Networking Lounges
Celestin Foyer, 3rd Floor
Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
sponsored by:
speaker Presentations online*
In keeping with the ASC’s continuing efforts to make our events more environmentally friendly, hard copies of presentations will not be available. Speaker presentations will be made available to all Full Paid attendees on the ASC website following the convention. Presentations will be accessible for a period of two weeks.
*Not all presenters have authorizedASC to publish their presentations.
Please recycle this program when done.
Monday, april 17
7:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m.
Caulks & Sealants Short Course (registrants only)
Celestin G, 3rd Floor
7:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m.
Pressure Sensitive adhesives (PSa) Short Course (registrants only)
Celestin H, 3rd Floor
7:30 a.m. – Noon (meeting starts at 8:30 a.m.)
aSC Board of directors meeting
Imperial 5CD, 4th Floor
Noon – 4:00 p.m.
aSC Gives Back Program Community Service Project
sponsored by:
Bayou Sauvage
Urban National Wildlife Refuge
With 80 percent of Americans living in and around cities, ensuring a nature connection is vital – both to people’s quality of life and the future of conservation. But access to green space isn’t a given, that’s where the Urban Wildlife Conservation Program at the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge comes in. The program improves lives by expanding access to green space, education, and outdoor recreation for Americans living in and around cities. Volunteers are needed to help clear trails, remove invasive plants, and plant native trees in a new acreage of the refuge to ensure visitors feel safe and welcome, and to provide equitable access to green spaces. registered attendees should meet in the hotel lobby at noon for a 12:15 p.m. departure.
Lunch and t-shirts will be provided.
5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
First time attendee & new member reception
(invite only)
Empire Ballroom A, Second Floor
This exclusive invite only reception provides an opportunity for new members and first-time attendees to ask questions about ASC program/ services, better understand the value of ASC Membership, and to meet with ASC Board of Directors and staff. and to meet with ASC Board of Directors and staff.
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
noLa mardi Gras Welcome reception
Empire Ballroom A, Second Floor
Join ASC and the Board of Directors as we kick off the Annual Convention. Don’t miss your opportunity to catch up with colleagues during a fun filled evening. PLease PiCK uP Your BaDGes FroM asC reGistratioN DesK
Prior to arriViNG.
tuesday, april 18
7:15 – 8:00 a.m.
networking Breakfast
Start your morning with a refreshing breakfast sponsored by: Celestin DE, 3rd Floor
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
oPeninG GeneraL SeSSion KeYnote
Celestin DE, 3rd Floor
Seven Leadership & Life Lessons
Susan O’Malley, Former President of the Washington Sports and Entertainment, First Female President of a Professional Sports Franchise
sponsored by:
In an engaging and upbeat presentation, Susan O’Malley outlines the seven seminal ‘rules’ for leadership and life and shares insider stories about entertainment, hockey, and basketball. Her message is influenced by her family and the management lessons she learned in her successful, unprecedented career. Many life lessons are learned early, from family and familial experience. Sitting around the kitchen table listening to parents and grandparents discuss the struggles and triumphs of life and work is one of the most vital learning experiences for any leader. By focusing on the lessons of her own childhood and then reinforcing them with her proven business expertise, O’Malley offers vital insights for leaders of all stripes. A trailblazer for herself and others, she is hilarious, brilliant, genuine, and inviting. Her warm sense of humor, self-described “folksy” style, entertaining stories, and sharp wit make her lessons memorable and an instant favorite among audiences. She leaves listeners thoroughly entertained and uplifted and with practical takeaways for their own lives and businesses.
7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Caulks & Sealants Short Course
(registrants only)
Celestin G, 3rd Floor
7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
adhesives (PSa)
Short Course (registrants only)
Celestin H, 3rd Floor
Tuesday Morning Education Sessions
9:15 a.m. – noon
Education Track
resins, recycling and industry updates
Celestin A, 3rd Floor
9:15 – 9:40 a.m.
Plastic Waste, reduce, reuse, recycle: How did We Get Here?
Christopher White, Senior Managing Scientist, Exponent
Plastic waste has recently attracted significant attention from the public, legislators, regulators, and litigators. This presentation will first explore the history of plastics and plastic waste. We will first answer the question, how did we get here? Then we will survey the current landscape by exploring the existing and developing technical solutions to plastic waste, pending or current litigation, and existing and proposed regulations.
9:45 – 10:10 a.m.
initiatives in molecular recycling: introducing a no-change Solution that Changes everything
Mick Funderburg, Associate TS/AD Representative, Eastman Chemical
This presentation will give you an overview of Eastman’s molecular recycling initiatives as well as highlight materials from these streams that could benefit adhesive and sealant producers.
10:15 – 10:40 a.m.
Full Circularity for Flexible Packaging – How do We Get there?
Sam Schlaich, Council of Government Affairs, Flexible Packaging Association
This presentation will speak to the challenges and opportunities of recovery flexible packaging. While full circularity for flexible packaging is the goal, it is currently the least collected and processed of all the packaging segments. Ms. Keane will speak to the projects and investments being made in arena of recovery and recycling flexible packaging and the use of post-consumer recycled content from flexible packaging.
10:40 – 10:55 a.m
10:55 – 11:20 a.m.
Hydrocarbon Based tackifiers - Global update
Steven Williams, VP, C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins, Argus Media
This presentation will examine hydrocarbon based tackifier production trends and trade flows from 2018 thru the present and look at upcoming projects including those in China and the balance of AsiaPacific. The impacts of section 301 tariffs on US imports from China will also be discussed.
11:25 – 11:50 a.m.
north america adhesive and Sealant market update – Forecasts and Findings
Benjamin Trent, Managing Consultant, Americas, Smithers
This session will provide preliminary findings of the ASC 2022-2025 North American Market Report being produced by Smithers and available later this year. The update will include data on various adhesive and sealant end use markets, such as trends and forecasts.
Education Track 2:
developing Solutions for new manufacturing Challenges
Celestin B, 3rd Floor
9:15 – 9:40 a.m.
next Generation of Lightweighting Sealers for automotive applications
Nicholas Huff, Team Leader, New Technology, Sunstar Engineering Americas
Luke Voelker, Technical Sales Engineer, 3M’s Advanced Materials Division
A review of upcoming weight saving materials and their application in the automotive paint shop.
9:45 – 10:10 a.m.
reliable Bond on Snow: Strong interlaminar adhesion in Skis
Raphael Schaller, CTO, nolax AG
Recently, nolax has explored interlaminar adhesion in skis. With a specific example from the ski industry, we want to show the impact on interlaminar adhesion when high-performance multi-layer adhesive films are used in the ski manufacturing process.
10:15 – 10:40 a.m.
Selection of adhesive for Bonding optical Lens in adaS
Camera and Case Study of Failure analysis
Aravinda Reddy Bommareddy, Principal Materials Engineer, ZF
Electronics & ADAS Global Headquarters
Understanding bond qualification of adhesive and substrate combination Adhesive process qualification road map Failure modes and environmental testing Case study on Silicone contamination.
10:40 – 10:55 a.m
BreaK 10:55 – 11:20 a.m.
inherently reactive acrylic Copolymers Containing type ii Photoinitiators for improved Performance in 100% solids uv-PSa Formulations
Christopher MacNeill, Senior Research Scientist, Arkema
The goal of our study was to investigate the use of inherently reactive acrylic copolymers, containing a type II photoinitiator, in a RT processable 100% solids UV curable PSA formulation. Formulation (backbone structure, PI conc.) and performance data (peel strength, static shear) will be presented.
11:25 – 11:50 a.m.
a Low-residue High temperature-resistant Bioinspired dry adhesive
Burak Aksak, Vice President of Research, Setex Technologies
Here I’ll be talking about some unique properties of a new class of bioinspired fibrillar adhesives and unusual dependencies of their adhesive properties on temperature.
Education Track 3: Panel: navigating Sustainability market requirements through innovation
sponsored by:
Celestin C, 3rd Floor
Moderator: tad radzinski, President, sustainable solutions Corporation
Soy PSa Life Cycle analysis: Quantifying the Bio-adhesive value Proposition
Jim Holbery, CEO-President, Nvirovate Materials
developing a Sustainable materials roadmap for Hot melt adhesives
Lisa Madenjian, Principle Scientist, Dow
Compostable Hot melt adhesive development for Personal Hygiene application
Bill Chen, Principal Scientist, Henkel Corporation
Sustainable operations: achieving net zero: Co2, Water, and Waste
Gloriamar Gamez, Sr. Sustainability Manager Henkel Adhesive Technologies, Henkel Adhesive Technologies
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
aSC induStrY uPdate & aWardS PreSentation
Celestin DE, 3rd Floor Bill Allmond, ASC President
Join President Bill Allmond as he presents the recipients of the 2023 ASC Innovation Award. ASC’s prestigious Innovation Award recognizes outstanding companies that differentiate and make significant impacts in the marketplace through innovation. Additionally, recipients of this year’s ASC Scholarship Program will be announced as well as graduates of the ASC Training Academy Certificate Program. Directly after the presentation, take the opportunity to network with your industry peers.
Gold Sponsor
Tuesday Afternoon Education Sessions
1:15 – 2:45 p.m.
Education Track 1: digitalization tools and trends
Celestin A, 3rd Floor sponsored by:
1:15 – 1:40 p.m.
High-tech to enable High-touch: digitizing Customer experience
Kimberlee Sinclair, Vice President, Digital Customer Experience, H.B. Fuller
In just 3 years, ~80% of B2B sales interactions will occur in digital channels. This session will the implications digital transformation has on the customer journey. Case studies will demonstrate the benefits of digitalization to drive process efficiencies, improve service levels and add value.
1:40 – 2:05 p.m.
digital tools: moving Beyond Strategy to implementation
Jim Swope, Chief Commercial Officer, ChemQuest Group
Digital Strategy has become an industry phrase. In reality, Digital Strategy and all of its offshoots, digitization, digitalization, digital engagement, etc. should be implementation tools of your overall corporate strategy. Whether you are starting a new effort or evaluating next steps it is helpful to revisit the corporate plan.
2:05 – 2:30 p.m.
digital opportunities for Chemical Suppliers –Why and How
Jay Bhatia, Founder & CEO, Agilis Commerce
In this hands-on session for business leaders, we will share some of the best practices we have seen in the chemical industry in introducing digital sales and marketing channels and some of the options available for offering digital customer engagement, like, branded commerce platform vs. marketplaces and build vs. buy decisions, etc. We will also review some of the core features preferred by chemical buyers and how to approach the overall implementation.
2:30 –
2:55 p.m.
using experimental design to Connect traditional and digital marketing
Randolph Ramirez, Art Director, Resource Advantage
Bringing potential leads from traditional marketing touchpoints to their modern digital counterparts is one of the most challenging gaps to bridge for B2B marketing teams. Experiential marketing can be the most potent tool in building that connection, as long as the entry point, deployment, and lead capture are all created thoughtfully. Using successful real-world examples, we will move through integrating lead entry points, how to design an engaging customer experience and how to use that experience to capture leads.
Track 2:
2023 innovation awards
Celestin B, 3rd Floor sponsored by:
1:15 – 1:40 p.m. innovation award runner up #2
1:40 – 2:05 p.m. innovation award runner up #1
2:05 – 2:30 p.m. 2023 innovation award Winner
Education Track 3:
materials and Challenges in Building applications
sponsored by:
Celestin C, 3rd Floor
1:15 – 1:40 p.m.
innovative Polyacrylic emulsions for High Performance Foam adhesive
Tao Yu, Technical Director, Wanhua Chemical Polyacrylic emulsions is potentially a good candidate for replacing solvent borne adhesives. Building on excellent adhesion performance of polyacrylic emulsions, we are focusing on the work of optimizing the wet adhesion ability to different substrates, such as foam, wood, textile, and plastic board.
1:40 – 2:05 p.m.
adhesive Challenges for Floor Covering and Concrete
Sub-Floor installation
Raj Hariharan, Senior Group Leader, MAPEI Moisture mitigation and subfloor preparation for adhesives in new and existing building construction.
2:05 – 2:30 p.m.
eco-responsible adhesives and Sealants enabled by new SPur Prepolymers
Anne Dussaud, Principal Scientist, Momentive Performance Materials Eco-Responsible Adhesives and Sealants enabled by New SPUR Prepolymers. Formulation of isocyanate-free clear adhesives and sealants.
2:30 – 2:55 p.m.
Bio-Based additives for Sustainable Building materials
Catherine Vitale, Business Development Manager, PCA, Munzing
Interest in sustainable building materials continues to increase. Here, we introduce a snapshot of standards and materials applicable to sustainable adhesives, followed by examples of various additives with substantial bio-based content and no compromise in performance.
3:00 – 6:30 p.m.
eXPo and reCePtion
(EXPO includes Poster Session)
Storyville Hall, 3rd Floor
See next page for details.
3:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Reception 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Storyville Hall, 3rd Floor
The ASC EXPO represents a critical opportunity to help you stay at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness! This exclusive networking opportunity allows you to interact one-on-one with colleagues, exchange information on the latest developments in the industry, win some of the terrific prizes in the EXPO raffle and mingle during the reception, which begins at 5:00 p.m. For a complete list of exhibitors and posters, see the 2023 Annual EXPO Guide or Convention App.
eXPo reception Sponsor:
(visit booths 418 & 420)
Wednesday, april 19
7:15 – 8:00 a.m.
networking Breakfast
Start your morning with a refreshing breakfast sponsored by:
Celestin DE, 3rd Floor
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
GeneraL SeSSion
Celestin DE, 3rd Floor
Driving the ESG Agenda to Futureproof your Business in a Changing World
Michael Okoroafor, Chief Sustainability Officer, McCormick & Company![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230317163152-fc02929296950afbe0832a6cb69bbe0f/v1/d1870ef4dee1db014cfb62f3092c6f9f.jpeg)
sponsored by:
In this keynote, thought leader Dr. Michael Okoroafor will share insights in developing a successful strategy for transitioning to a more resilient and sustainable world. This will include emphasis on aligning to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the key to future-proof your business. The discussion will also highlight the importance of partnerships for an effective, just transition.
Wednesday Morning Education Sessions
9:15 a.m. – noon
Education Track 1: Panel: epic Challenges in Supply Chains & Shipping: What You need to Know
Celestin A, 3rd Floor
Moderator: Dan Murray, senior Vice President, atri
• Critical Issues in Trucking - Randy Guillot, President, Triple G Express Inc.
• Port Trends and Opportunities - Janine Mansour, Head of Business Development, Port Nola-Port of New Orleans
• Railroads at the Crossroads: What Comes Next? - Rob Martinez, Vice President, Norfolk Southern Corporation
Panel Q&A - Freight Round Robin- What’s Needed to Improve Supply Chain Efficiencies
Supply chain disruptions, international events and rising inflation are all dramatically impacting our ability to keep goods moving and stay profitable. Every mode of our supply chains is feeling the effects of both short- and long-term changes in the way we move goods throughout the country and the world. In addition, new government regulations will likely make managing supply chains more challenging in the future. Come learn from leading experts in trucking, rail, and maritime shipping what the biggest issues are in distribution, and how you can better leverage your freight carriers this year and beyond.
Education Track 2: Hot melt adhesives in Packaging
Celestin B, 3rd Floor
9:15 – 9:40 a.m.
Polyolefin Block Copolymer technology for Hot melt adhesives
Stacy Pesek, Research Scientist, Dow Inc.
sponsored by:
Dow’s Olefin Block Copolymer (OBC) technology platform provides increased flexibility to meet performance targets of hot melt adhesives, including pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA) and hygiene applications.
9:45 – 10:10 a.m.
How Hot melt adhesives are reducing Carbon Footprint
one Box at a time
Venky Kalpathy, Scientific Principal-Product Development, Henkel Adhesive Technologies
As consumer demand for sustainability in the Consumer Goods & Packaging industry continues to rise, adhesives are becoming an important solution for achieving sustainable packaging. Adhesives can play a vital role in achieving sustainable packaging by utilizing bio-based materials, being biodegradable or compostable, enabling recyclability, or by simply having a lower carbon footprint. This presentation focuses on the significant impact of sustainablymade hot melt adhesives in reducing the carbon footprint within the packaging industry. We will explore the methods to achieve this and discuss how hot melt adhesives can positively contribute to sustainable packaging.
10:15 – 10:40 a.m.
a Collaborative Journey towards a more Sustainable Future
Pieter van Helden, Technical Platform Lead: Adhesives, Sasol Performance Solutions R&D
A collaborative journey towards a more sustainable future.
10:40 – 10:55 a.m
10:55 – 11:20 a.m.
role of adhesives in Sustainable Packaging for Consumer Goods
Melissa Seburg, Marketing Specialist, H.B. Fuller
During this presentation, we’ll share approaches on how to thoughtfully use adhesives in the design and production of sustainable consumer goods packaging. These examples represent what we can offer now to help our customers meet their sustainability goals, where we are going, and how we will get there. We will highlight areas and opportunities for collaboration, which will support movement to the next generation of products. The presentation will conclude with a call to action to our supply chain partners to support a sustainable future in our industry. We will also highlight opportunities where, together with ASC, we can support sustainability and the circular economy.
11:25 – 11:50 a.m.
impact of digitalization and industry 4.0 on adhesive Customers
Larry Saidman, Chief Technologist - R&D, Nordson
Increasingly intelligent adhesive application systems with IIoT capability will be able to stream data on adhesive utilization directly from the plant floor in Industry 4.0 enabled systems. What are some possible futures we can envision for this now?
Education Track 3: new Product introduction
Celestin C, 3rd Floor
9:15 – 9:35 a.m.
BnX® 1400 antioxidant and Hot melt adhesive Performance review
Weihong Lang, Director of Technology, Mayzo
sponsored by:
BNX® 1400 has a unique physical form that provides superior flowability and can eliminate bridging problems during feeding. The presentation compares BNX 1400 and BNX 1010 chemical and physical properties, as well as their performance in hotmelt adhesive stabilization.
9:40 – 10:00 a.m.
Kurarity = novel acrylic Block Co-polymer - new Grades for adhesives and Sealants
Nao Okumura, Researcher, Kuraray
New Kurarity grades for adhesives and sealants.
10:00 – 10:15 a.m.
10:15 – 10:35 a.m.
new, Water-white Liquid tackifier from teckrez
Marc Jackson, President, Teckrez, Inc.
Teckrez® HM-10 is a hydrogenated C9 resin that is a 100% solids, water-white liquid. This new resin can be used to formulate low temperature pressure sensitive adhesives or removable PSA’s. We have compared Teckrez HM-10 to other commonly used liquid tackifiers. It may also be used to improve tack in applications where liquid polyisobutylenes are used.
10:40 – 11:00 a.m.
new Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer for automotive interior assembly
Jesus Eduardo Ibarra Rodriguez, Senior Technician, Dynasol Group
Dynasol Group has developed a new Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer that, due to its macro and microstructural characteristics, is capable of generating adhesives with excellent processability, good adhesion properties, developing excellent resistance to temperature (Softening Point >120°C) and high cohesion properties without the need for chemical crosslinking, thus guaranteeing an adhesive with high resistance and durability to meet the requirements that automotive market demands, for applications in the trunk, roof linings, seat assembly, filter manufacturing, mounting brackets, emblems, and trims.
11:05 – 11:25 a.m.
improved durability of adhesives and Sealants including Waterbased Systems with Label-free Light Stabilizer additives
Mouhcine Kanouni, Technical Marketing Performance Additives, Clariant Regulatory authorities across many regions are reviewing the health hazards of light and heat stabilizer additives used in various applications. As a result of this ongoing scrutiny, some additives are being reclassified requiring the final products (adhesives and sealant) to be labeled as well, which puts formulators and end users at higher health hazard exposure risk. In our presentation, we will first briefly review the fundamentals of light & heat stabilizer additives for adhesives & sealants (UV filter & radical scavenger). Finally, we will present some unique Clariant light stabilizer additives including for waterbased system allowing formulators to develop a state of art adhesive and sealant formulation with best weathering resistance and totally label free.
11:30 – 11:50 a.m.
new Polyolefin with High Heat resistance for Hot melt adhesives in automotive interior applications
Kelven Feng, Principal Scientist, Adhesive Technologies, Synthomer
This presentation focuses on automotive interior application. A model HMA comprising the new polyolefin copolymers exhibited improved peel strength at 90°C and 120°C, superior thermal creep resistance at 110-120°C and excellent resistance against Dead Load and environmental cycle test. Compared to currently available HMA, this superior performance could enable future HMA use in additional automotive interior above the belt applications such as door panel, headliner, console, and instrument panels.
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
GeneraL SeSSion
KeYnote & LunCH
Celestin DE, 3rd Floor pot Life to Extraterrestrial Life: Bonding Applications for Deep Space
Dr. Malik Thompson, Aerospace Materials Engineer, NASA Marshal Space Flight Center Adhesives & Seals Materials
Today NASA continues to push the bounds of deep space exploration by developing and manufacturing space systems for interplanetary travel. This requires innovation and extensive testing to expand the limits of materials within the aerospace industry to meet the needs of present and future goals for the agency. Every launch vehicle and spacecraft relies heavily on nonmetallic materials such as adhesives and sealants to bolster their functionality while withstanding some of the harshest environments ever encountered. To meet its goals, from establishing a sustained presence on the moon to numerous scientific missions across the solar system, cutting edge approaches have been devised to test these materials for their viability in space applications. This session will include some of the many adhesives and sealing applications used in NASA as well as an overview of some of the technical needs of the agency as we continue to venture where no human has gone before.
Education Sessions
1:15 – 3:20 p.m.
Education Track 1:
improved Performance through material Selection
Celestin A, 3rd Floor
1:15 – 1:40 p.m.
Polymerizable Surfactants - as emulsifier for adhesive Formulations
Shailesh Majmudar, Sr. Staff Scientist, Technical Manager, Solvay
Water sensitivity has always been an issue in the move for more sustainable to waterborne formulations. A way to improve the resilience of these polymers to water is by incorporating the emulsifiers on the polymer backbone. This presentation will describe the use of emulsifiers containing a polymer.
1:45 – 2:10 p.m.
rheology additives with enhanced Performance for Sealants and adhesives
Marcelo Herszenhaut, Commercial Manager, Business Unit Surface Technology, Lehmann & Voss North America
Rheology additives improve processability and performance in use of adhesives and sealants. This work presents two classes of such additives and their benefits in use.
2:15 – 2:40 p.m.
Study of CnSL-based Polyols, diols, and diluents for electrical vehicle applications
Yun mi Kim, Sr. Technical Marketing Director, Cardolite Corporation
CNSL hydroxyl functional molecules were examined to design suitable formulations for Polyurethane technologies that can be used for electrical vehicles applications. CNSL diluents can lower viscosity, while the diols and polyols enable optimization of strengths, hydrophobicity, and sustainability.
2:45 – 3:10 p.m.
Calcium Based rheological modifier
Kazuya Ito, President & CEO, Shiraishi America Inc.
New rheological modifier of Ultra Fine Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (UFPCC) which can be replaced from fumed silica and organic agent, provides not only high elongation but also improvement of productivity in sealants & adhesives.
Education Track 2: technologies & techniques
Celestin B, 3rd Floor
1:15 – 1:40 p.m.
material Characterization techniques for adhesives and Sealants - expanding the Capabilities using Hyphenated Systems
Aniket, Principal Product Line Leader, PerkinElmer
This presentation will highlight a range of analytical techniques for testing the chemical and physical properties of adhesives and sealants including raw materials identification and verification, monitoring curing process, temperature stability, and deconstructing product formulations.
1:45 – 2:10 p.m.
Study of Cure Behavior of adhesives and Sealants by dielectric analysis (dea)
Yanxi Zhang, Technical Sales Support, Netzsch Instruments
North America
Dielectric analysis (DEA) can use to investigate cure behavior of thermosetting resins, adhesives, paints, and coatings in many applications and answer a variety of questions that may arise during the curing process. It can use for both heat curing and ultraviolet (UV) light curing system.
2:15 – 2:40 p.m.
the Benefits of Polycaprolactone technology in reactive Hot melt adhesives
Adam Cowell, Technical Market Development Manager –Adhesives, Ingevity
As strong market drivers accelerate the growth and adoption of reactive hot melt technologies away from conventional solvent based solutions, a study has been conducted on the use of polycaprolactone technology in reactive hot melt adhesives. By fully characterising their performance profiles, it has been demonstrated that polycaprolactone polyols provide opportunities for formulators to enhance and differentiate the performance of their polyurethane formulations. Furthermore, the benefits of ring opening polymerisation translate to low viscosity polyurethane adhesives when compared with conventional polyester polyols. In conjunction with the viscosity benefits, the presentation will explore the lap shear adhesion, thermal stability and crystallization behaviour of caprolactone based reactive hot melt adhesives.
2:45 – 3:10 p.m.
novel Styrenic Block Co-Polymer for Hot melt Label adhesives
Paul Dalley, Principal Scientist, TSRC Specialty Materials
TSRC has developed a novel SIS polymer that provides a PSA with low elasticity. The paper will compare the rheological profile of PSAs based on the new polymer to PSAs based on conventional SIS polymers. Formulation and rheology of the PSAs will be discussed.
Education Track 3: regulatory Celestin C, 3rd Floor
1:15 – 1:40 p.m.
tSCa and PFaS Chemical Policy updates – a view from Washington and the States
Javaneh Tarter, Senior Attorney, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics has recently released a robust agenda reflecting an effort by the Agency to gather significantly more information about new and existing chemicals, improve transparency, clarify its procedures for new and existing chemical evaluations, require more from companies who seek to protect confidential information, and substantially increase fees for entities regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This session will cover recent regulatory developments in the implementation of amended TSCA, including the status of EPA’s review of existing chemicals and forthcoming risk management rules. Additionally, the states have been active on the regulation of chemical substances in products, particularly products containing per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Many state laws targeting PFAS in various products have taken effect and will continue to take effect in years to come, creating a patchwork of regulation and compliance challenges throughout the supply chain. This session will cover recent state developments in PFAS product regulation and how companies can prepare for this emerging trend.
– 2:10 p.m.
State Chemical regulatory Policy developments –a view from ohio
Jennifer Klein, President, Ohio Chemistry Technology Council
Hear from the President of the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council on their advocacy efforts and wins on regulatory and policy issues impacting chemical manufacturers. Updates include court decisions to remand a nuisance rule decision back to U.S. EPA, recent rulemakings on startup, shutdown, and malfunction rules, and more. Also, hear what Ohio is doing at the legislative and judicial levels to help reel in the expanding administrative state through changes in administrative deference and regulation by policy.
– 2:40 p.m.
extended Producer responsibility: How end-of-life management may Change for Your Products
Alexandra Steele, Ecological & Biological Sciences Senior Scientist, Exponent
The definition of recyclability and producers’ roles and responsibilities for the end-of-life management of their products have recently drawn increased attention from the public, legislators, and regulators. Several states have passed or are actively considering Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation that will require producers of plastic, paper, glass, and other packaging to help fund the recycling of those materials. These newly enacted laws, along with a growing list of states considering EPR legislation,
signal a changing reality for packaging producers. How producers will be impacted is dependent upon the details and structure of the EPR policy in each state, which may present structural and logistical challenges for national brands. This presentation will explore the changing regulatory landscape across the US and present case studies of EPR law implementation in select states.
– 3:10 p.m.
FeiCa regulatory Priorities in 2023 – a view from europe
Kristel Ons, Secretary General, FEICA
The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives, which aims to set the EU on the path to a green transition to reach climate neutrality by 2050. A competitive adhesives and sealants industry is key to fostering the innovation needed to successfully implement the EU Green Deal. In this presentation, you will learn about the regulatory priorities of FEICA, the Association of the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry, with particular focus on the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability.
3:40 – 5:30 p.m.
Port oF neW orLeanS tour
ASC invites attendees to take a tour of the Port of New Orleans. On the Port NOLA port tour, you will see Port NOLA’s facilities capable of efficiently handling a diverse array of cargo including container, breakbulk, temperature-sensitive, and heavy-lift operations. In addition to our barge and truck operations, Port NOLA’s own New Orleans Public Belt shortline railroad connects cargo with six Class I railways all serving as vital gateways to global trade. registration is required to attend. Buses will depart the hotel lobby at 3:40 p.m.
BuraK aKsaK
VP of Research, Setex Technologies
Burak Aksak is currently the VP of Research at Setex Technologies, Inc. After his PhD in Mechanical Engineering (ME) at Carnegie Mellon University, he cofounded Setex and served as a Principal Investigator for federal grants from NSF, DoD, and AFOSR. He joined Texas Tech University (TTU) as an Assistant Professor in 2012, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2019, and served as the Associate Chair of ME Department at TTU from 2019 to 2022. He is also the cofounder of Flow Raider, LLC.
BiLL aLLMoND (Keynote) President, Adhesive and Sealant Council
William Allmond is currently the President of the U.S.-based Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC) in Alexandria, VA. In his role as president, Allmond is responsible for executing the strategic directions set by the ASC Board of Directors and overseeing the ASC staff. Since accepting the position in 2016, he has overseen several transitions at ASC, including the execution of two three-year Long Range Plans, combining two annual ASC conventions to one, introducing an annual leadership conference, broadening ASC’s educational offerings across multiple job functions, relocating the Association’s headquarters, and establishing a scholarship program, a sustainability program, and a Hall of Fame. Prior to the ASC, Allmond worked for several other national associations in Washington, DC, including two in the chemical industry, the National Association of Chemical Distributors and the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1994 from George Mason University.
Principal Product Line Leader, PerkinElmer
Dr. Aniket is the Principal Product Line Leader at PerkinElmer. He has extensive experience in broad scientific areas pertaining to Materials Science and Molecular Spectroscopy. He received his PhD from University of North Carolina, Charlotte and did his Postdoctoral research at Duke University. He has used his diverse background to address challenges in nano-material synthesis and characterization, and development of biosensors and medical devices.
JaY Bhatia Founder & CEO, Agilis Commerce
Jay is the Founder and CEO of Agilis Commerce, a digital commerce platform for the chemical industry. Jay founded Agilis in January 2017 after an illustrious career of 20 years with BASF and Shell Chemicals, where he led sales, marketing, and business organizations. Jay is passionate about using technology to solve business problems. At Agilis, he is leveraging his 20 years of experience in the global chemical industry to solve the chemical industry’s most persistent challenge: lack of efficiency and transparency resulting from highly complex and fragmented supply chains. Over the past 5+ years, he has led a cross-functional team to launch a commerce platform purpose-built for the chemical industry.
araViNDa reDDY BoMMareDDY Principal Materials Engineer, ZF Electronics & ADAS Global Headquarters
I am working as Principal Engineer Materials in ZF Global electronic headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan. From last 4.10 years been working in ZF-ADAS group as materials engineer where my expertise is in evaluate new aluminum alloys, Thermal interface materials and adhesive materials for forward facing camera module. Current division where I fall under critical safety electronic, known as global electronics which includes Driver Assist System Sensors such as forward -facing camera.
BiLL CheN Principal Scientist, Henkel Corporation
Bill Chen, Principal scientist at Henkel Corp. Ph.D in polymer chemistry and physics, Postdoc at UC Berkeley and Caltech, published over 40 peerreviewed papers and hold 9 patents.
aDaM CoWeLL Technical Market Development Manager –Adhesives, Ingevity
Since completing his PhD from the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2010, Adam has worked within the adhesive market sector and his career to date has developed many adhesive technology platforms (Hot Melt Adhesives, Water Based PSA and Polyurethane Adhesives). Adam joined Ingevity in 2018 as a Technical Market Development Manager for Adhesive. Working in Ingevity’s Engineered Polymers business (UK), Adam has been part of Capa’s innovation growth and has focused on creating an adhesive application laboratory that can provide data and new innovative Capa solution to its customers.
Principal Scientist, TSRC Specialty Materials
Paul Dalley graduated from Hope College in 1985 with a B.S. in Chemistry; obtained a Masters in Polymer Chemistry from the University of DetroitMercy in 1992; and in 2006, Paul obtained a J.D. from Marquette University Law School. Paul holds licenses for the State of Wisconsin and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Paul has been with TSRC for ten years, where he has been studying the viscoelastic properties of styrenic block copolymer-based pressure-sensitive adhesives.
aNNe DussauD
Principal Scientist, Momentive Performance Materials
Dr. Dussaud earned her Ph.D. from AgroParisTech. After her thesis, Dr. Dussaud was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University and received the Francois Naftali Award from the American Physical Society. She has 25 years of industrial research experience in a broad range of areas, including interfacial properties, and polymers. She is a principal scientist at Momentive in the Adhesives and Sealants Division. She has authored more than 15 refereed publications and is an inventor on 20 patents.
Principal Scientist, Adhesive Technologies, Synthomer
Kelven Feng is a Principal Scientist with Synthomer and has worked in the adhesive industry for over 15 years with a current focus on polymer development for hot-melt adhesives applied in automotive and other markets. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Polymer Science from Zhongshan University in China. Kelven’s industrial experience includes formulation of hot-melt, acrylic, epoxy and polyurethane adhesives and their application in automotive and industry assembly.
Associate TS/AD Representative, Eastman Chemical Mick Funderburg has over 30 years of experience in the adhesives and sealants industry, including responsibilities in quality assurance, product development, technical service, applications development, and project management. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Grace College and his Graduate Certificate in Polymer Engineering from Wayne State University. Currently, Mick is an Associate TS/AD Representative in Plasticizers Technology at Eastman Chemical Company.
GLoriaMar GaMez
Sr. Sustainability Manager Henkel Adhesive Technologies, Henkel Adhesive Technologies
Gloriamar Gamez is Sr. Sustainability Manager at Henkel Adhesive Technologies for North America. In this role she supports the strategic implementation of Henkel Adhesive Technologies Sustainability Ambition 2030. Gloriamar has more than 17 years of professional experience; including stints at Dow, SAP, Pemex, Holcim, DuPont and Grupo Rotoplas. Gloriamar latest work is on several sustainability topics, such as: climate change risk assessment, renewable energy procurement,sustainability reporting.
raNDY GuiLLot
Owner, Triple G Express
Randy has more than 39 years of experience working in the trucking industry and is President of Triple G Express, Inc. and Southeastern Motor Freight, Inc. In 1985, Randy helped launch Triple G Express, Inc. and he now oversees, collectively, more than 140 employees and contractors. During his time in trucking, Randy has worked in all aspects of the business, ranging from sales and driving to dock work and safety. Randy was 2019-20 Chairman of American Trucking Associations, the largest national trade association for the trucking industry. Randy graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a BA in Business Administration. He has been married to his wife Renee’ since 1983 and the couple has 3 grown children and four grandchildren.
raJ hariharaN
Senior Group Leader, MAPEI
Dr. Raj Hariharan is a Sr. Group Leader with MAPEI Corporation, where he works on research, development, production and application of products for floor coverings such as adhesives, sealants and primers. Before Joining MAPEI, Raj worked for Rohm and Haas/Dow Chemical. Raj has a Ph.D. in Polymers from Baylor University, TX. He has authored several United States and International patents and published several articles in peer reviewed journals. Raj teaches Polymer courses for University of GA.
MarCeLo herszeNhaut
Commercial Manager, Business Unit Surface Technology, Lehmann & Voss North America
Marcelo Herszenhaut received his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the Instituto Militar de Engenharia in Rio de Janeiro in 1984. Mr. Herszenhaut has broad technical and business experience in many areas of the chemical industry, including lubricants, base petrochemicals, polymers, and coatings. Since May of 2022, he has worked for Lehmann & Voss North America as Commercial Manager for the Business Unit Surface Technology.
JiM hoLBerY
Nvirovate Materials
PhD Material Scientist founder/engineer and team builder delivering successful hardware/software concepts leading to $B revenue streams. Founder of four startup ventures; two successful exits thus far, 50+ US patents and over 30 refereed publications leading to award-winning technologies.
NiChoLas huFF
Team Leader, New Technology, Sunstar Engineering Americas
Nick Huff is the leader of Sunstar Engineering America’s New Technology Group and has several years experience in the research and development of sealants, coatings, and adhesives for the automotive industry.
KazuYa ito
President & CEO, Shiraishi America Inc.
Mr. Kazuya Ito enterd Shiraishi Kogyo Kaisha Ltd, in 1982 and promoted director there in 2004. He transfered to Shiraishi Calcium Kaisha Ltd, promoted Director Managing Corporate Officer in 2010, Director Senior Managing Corporate Officer in 2012. And he transfered to Shiraishi Kogyo Kaisha Ltd, promoted Director Senior Managing Corporate Officer. He has been transferd to Shiraishi America Inc. and have became president and CEO.
MarC JaCKsoN
President, Teckrez, Inc.
Marc Jackson is President of Teckrez, Inc. Marc has 30 years’ experience in CASE market segments. He has an M.Sc. from NYU Polytechnic and a B.Sc. from Drexel University.
Scientific Principal, Product Development, Henkel Technologies
Dr. Venky Kalpathy is a Principal Scientist in Product Development at Henkel’s Consumer Goods Adhesives division. Venky holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Louisiana State University and a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pune, India. Prior to his current role, he worked within Henkel’s Analytical Solutions division. Venky has recently focused on two critical areas of adhesive innovation: developing high biobased hotmelt adhesives for carton and case sealing to lower the carbon footprint of Henkel adhesives and studying the impact of hotmelt adhesives on material recycling to enable innovation towards circularity in the industry.
MouhCiNe KaNouNi
Technical Marketing Performance Additives, Clariant
Dr. Mouhcine Kanouni has over 25 years’ experience in polymer stabilization and is currently holding the position of Technical Business Development manager within Clariant Corporation. He joined Clariant in 2013 from Cytec/Allnex where he holds the position of Technical Service & Development Manager for the Americas for Radcure resins followed by the position of global marketing manager for consumer electronics and automotive coatings. Previously and for over 13 years, he occupied several positions at Ciba Specialty Chemicals with focus on light and heat stability of coatings/polymers. Finally, Mouhcine hold several patents and publications on light stabilizers additives and has been adjunct chemistry professor for over 7 years at City University of New York and Kennesaw State University.
Sr. Technical Marketing Director, Cardolite Corporation
Yunmi started her professional career at Kukdo Chemical as a research chemist. She earned her doctorate in materials science and engineering from University of Florida. She worked for the Gelest for 5 years as technical service manager. Her current position is a senior technical marketing director for Cardolite Corporation. Her expertise includes surface chemistry, Silicon chemistry, Epoxy and Polyurethane technology in coatings, adhesives, and composite industries.
NNiFer KLeiN President, Ohio Chemistry Technology Council
Jenn Klein is currently president of the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council (OCTC). Prior to joining OCTC she was the manager of government affairs for Chesapeake Energy in Ohio. Ms. Klein was formerly the director of energy and environmental policy for the Ohio Chamber of Commerce where she advocated on policy and regulatory issues related to energy and environmental matters. Prior to joining the Chamber, she was employed for five years as a legislative liaison for the Ohio EPA. While at Ohio EPA, she worked with the legislature on various pieces of legislation and issues impacting the agency. She also has extensive statehouse and budget experience working as a legislative aide for two different Finance Chairs in the Ohio Senate. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Russell Sage College in Troy, New York.
WeihoNG LaNG Director of Technology, Mayzo
Dr. Weihong Lang is the Director of Technology at Mayzo, Inc. Weihong received her PhD in Polymer Chemistry at Sheffield University, UK. For more than 15 years, Weihong has held senior research positions at chemical, tape, and medical device companies. She has earned thirteen US patents and had five papers published. Weihong is now leading the company’s R&D efforts to expand and improve specialty chemical product offerings to meet the continually evolving needs of growing customer base.
ChristoPher MaCNeiLL Senior Research Scientist, Arkema
Christopher MacNeill is a Senior Research Scientist at Sartomer Americas, a division of Arkema, specializing in formulation development for industrial coatings, adhesives and personal care applications. Prior to Sartomer, Christopher spent four years at L’Oreal USA R&I focusing on UV/LED curable and waterborne coatings for nail applications. He holds a Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry from Wake Forest University and completed a DoD funded postdoctoral fellowship in biomedical engineering.
Lisa MaDeNJiaN Principle Scientist, Dow
Lisa Madenjian is a Principle TS&D Scientist and Application Technology Leader for Consumer Markets in the Dow’s Packaging and Specialty Plastics business. She has 34 years of experience at Dow and specializes in R&D/TS&D, New Application, Market/Business Development. She sees Sustainability a great opportunity for innovation.
shaiLesh MaJMuDar
Sr. Staff Scientist, Technical Manager, Solvay
Shailesh Majmudar is a Senior Staff Scientist, Technical Manager at Solvay. He is responsible for technical support and new product development for the Novecare Coatings business. Shailesh earned his MS in Applied Chemistry from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Master’s in Business Management from GNFC College. His work experience includes the preparation and use of surfactants, monomers and other additives in the preparation of polymers using emulsion technology for use in coatings.
JaNiNe MaNsour Head of Business Development, Port of New Orleans
Janine M. Mansour, Head of Business Development, manages the Port of New Orleans’ Business Development team encompassing expansion and commercial support of cargo, rail, real estate and cruise. Focusing on customer service, new business development and joint venture opportunities. Prior to joining the Port, Mansour worked in community relations and communications at Entergy New Orleans Inc. Mansour is a member of numerous industry associations and serves as a Board member on the International Wood Products Association and has served as a Board Member on the Asian Chamber of Commerce, the Traffic and Transportation Club of Greater New Orleans and the French American Chamber of Commerce. She is a graduate of Rice University and received her MBA from Tulane University.
Vice President, Freight and Economic Development, Moffitt & Nichol
Rob Martínez serves as Vice President Freight and Economic Development at Moffatt & Nichol, a global engineering design, infrastructure consulting firm with offices throughout the US, Europe and Latin America. Born in Cuba, Rob has had a life-long fascination with competitive markets and economic policy. He holds a B.A. from Columbia and a Ph.D. from Yale. Rob served as Deputy Administrator at the Maritime Administration/USDOT under George H. W. Bush and was promoted by the President to Associate Deputy Secretary of Transportation in charge of intermodal policy. He served as Secretary of Transportation for Virginia under Governor George Allen. Rob worked for Norfolk Southern Railroad as Vice President Business Development and Real Estate, where he served a total of 24 years.
DaN MurraY
Senior Vice President, ATRI
Daniel Murray has more than 28 years of experience in a broad range of transportation fields including trucking research and economics, transportation safety technologies and autonomous vehicles. As Senior Vice President for the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), Mr. Murray is responsible for managing ATRI’s transportation research, testing and evaluation activities, and leads multiple national activities including the U.S. DOT-sponsored Freight Mobility Initiative. Prior to his employment with ATRI, Dan spent several years working in economic development for a Chicago business consortium, as well as developing transit programs, policy and funding with the Regional Transit Board in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. Dan received his BA from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, and his MS from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
MiChaeL oKoroaFor (Keynote)
Chief Sustainability Officer, McCormick & Company
Michael Okoroafor is McCormick’s Chief Sustainability Officer. In his role, he is responsible for the development and execution of an enhanced sustainability strategy, working with commercial and communications teams, and building on our foundation to ensure that our successes in this area continue to be recognized in the global market. His focus is working across the organization, through the Purpose-led Performance (PLP) Governing Council, to develop and drive our strategy both internally and externally. Prior to his tenure at McCormick, he was Vice President for Packaging and R&D at H.J. Heinz Company, where he was responsible for setting overall global strategy and direction for the packaging organization and leading external innovation across North America. Dr. Okoroafor holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Nigeria, a Master’s degree in Polymer Chemistry from the University of Detroit, and a Ph.D. in Organic Polymer Chemistry from Michigan State University; he is also a graduate of the Executive Development Program at Kellogg Business School at Northwestern University. Dr. Okoroafor is an inventor with over 40 patents. He serves on the Board of Directors for AMERIPEN (American Institute for Packaging and the Environment) and as Treasurer on the Board of Directors for the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP).
Nao oKuMura Researcher, Kuraray
Mr. Okumura graduated from Kyoto University in 2014 with master’s degree in Chemistry. He started his professional career at Kuraray Co. Ltd in Japan and joined to KURARITY R&D at Tsukuba in 2014. He specializes in polymerized technology and adhesive application development. He uses his positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to work hard and succeed. Mr. Okumura is married and has a one-year-old son.
susaN o’MaLLeY (Keynote)
Former President of the Washington Sports and Entertainment, First Female President of a Professional Sports Franchise
As the first female president of a professional sports franchise, Susan O’Malley is a pioneer in two fields: sports and business. Once an intern with the Washington Capitals and the Washington Bullets (now the Wizards), O’Malley joined Washington Sports and Entertainment in 1986. Since that time, her ground-breaking business ideas and proactive approach to customer service brought her – and WSE –to the top of the sports business world. After leaving Washington Sports and Entertainment, O’Malley earned her law degree from Georgetown University, where she also taught a sports business marketing class and was awarded the Adjunct Professor of the Year Award. She served as St. Joseph’s University’s first sports marketing professor and is currently a full-time faculty member at the University of South Carolina.
KristeL oNs Secretary General, FEICA
Kristel Ons is the Secretary General of FEICA, the Association of the European Adhesive and Sealant Industry, representing over 450 adhesives and sealants producers in Europe through FEICA’s 24 Direct Member Companies, 19 Affiliate Members and National Associations in 16 countries. Kristel has been with FEICA since 2009, previously as the association’s Communications Director. As part of her current role, Kristel shapes the strategy and direction of FEICA.
staCY PeseK Research Scientist, Dow Inc.
Stacy Pesek is a Research Scientist in the polyethylene elastomers product R&D group at the Dow Chemical Company. Stacy is the global R&D focal point for hot melt adhesives (HMA) and INFUSE OBC products. Her responsibilities include product design of polyolefin elastomers as well as supporting the commercial production of specialty elastomer products. Stacy holds a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Rice University.
taD raDziNsKi President, Sustainable Solutions Corporation
Tad Radzinski is a leading expert in corporate responsibility, sustainable product analysis and innovation, and sustainable buildings and operations. Tad, co-founder and president of Sustainable Solutions Corporation (SSC), delivers sustainable business services to companies in a wide range of global industries. Formerly the EPA’s Waste Minimization National Expert, Tad has been a trusted advisor for Fortune 500 companies including ASSA ABLOY, Unilever, Merck, Stanley Black & Decker, Saint-Gobain, American Standard, General Motors, Perdue, and Kohler. Tad is an adjunct professor at Villanova University, teaching graduate classes in the Masters of Sustainable Engineering Program, including Sustainable Buildings and Operations and Advanced Life Cycle Assessment.
Art Director, Resource Advantage
Randolph Ramirez is Art Director at Resource Advantage, a PR and Marketing group specializing in B2B chemical and specialty products industries. Randolph (or Randy, if that makes you feel happier) has spent nearly 20 years finding exciting and innovative ways to solve problems for clients of varying sizes. His history in both software development and his work with special needs communities have helped to make sure his solutions are both accessible as well as state-of-the-art. Beyond finding creative solutions for clients, he will be off having adventures with his two kids.
Jesus eDuarDo iBarra roDriGuez
Senior Technician, Dynasol Group
Jesús Ibarra is application development Senior Technician at Dynasol Group expert in synthetic rubber for adhesives and sealants applications, and has 12 years of experience in rubber technology within our group. Jesús has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Ciudad Madero (Tamaulipas, México).
LarrY saiDMaN
Chief Technologist - R&D, Nordson
A Nordson employee since 1984, Larry Saidman holds 73 patents with Nordson Corporation. His current role is Chief Technologist - R&D, supporting technology building for business development. Larry has also instructed technology and change management for University of Phoenix Online. Larry holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University and a MBA in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Case Western Reserve University.
raPhaeL sChaLLer
CTO, nolax AG
In 2013, Raphael commenced his doctoral studies “Creating Complex Polymer Systems - From Polyethylene Al Dente to Polystyrene Mille‐Feuille” in the Department of Materials at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland. In 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral scientist in Switzerland, the UK, and China. In January 2017, he joined nolax and established the start-up “Thin-ply”, and in October 2018, he took over the CTO role and is leading both the Application and Research & Development teams at nolax.
saM sChLaiCh Counsel of Governement Affairs, Flexible Packaging Association
Sam Schlaich is a government affairs professional with over 10 years of experience in both the private and governmental sectors. He is currently Counsel, Government Affiars at the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), the association representing U.S. converters of film, foil, paper, and other materials into packages for food, medical device, and industrial products. Prior to joining the FPA in 2021, he served as an analyst in the Office of Governor Larry Hogan. Other employment experience includes the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, the Maryland General Assembly, and multiple political campaigns. Sam has his BA in Political Science from Salisbury University and his JD from the University of Baltimore School of Law.
MeLissa seBurG Marketing Specialist, H.B. Fuller
Melissa Seburg is a North American Marketing Specialist with H.B. Fuller working with our Packaging Makers, ACS and Envelope businesses. She is a Business Development and Marketing professional with 19 years of experience. Melissa is focused on strategic planning, product portfolio & innovation management that bring forth new product solutions for a more sustainable, circular future in packaging.
siNCLair Vice President, Digital Customer Experience,
H.B. Fuller
Kimberlee Sinclair leads H.B. Fuller’s global digital marketing, e-commerce, and other digital experience efforts aimed at providing transformative digital interactions across the customer journey. With 30 years of proven leadership in both the corporate and non-profit sectors, she has a broad range of global experience in strategic planning, change management, executive speechwriting, enterprise communications, M&A integrations, marketing, and public relations.
aLexaNDria steeLe Ecological & Biological Sciences Senior Scientist, Exponent
Dr. Steele is an ecotoxicologist in Exponent’s Ecological and Biological Sciences practice. She has experience in environmental toxicology, product stewardship, and behavioral ecology. Through her work, she has experience with risks associated with numerous biological, chemical, and physical environmental stressors, such as legacy and emerging contaminants, PFAS, and micro- and macroplastics. Dr. Steele supports clients on environmental issues by analyzing and synthesizing literature, evaluating relevant toxicology information and risk assessments, performing Toxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs) and Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TREs), as well as tracking developing or enacted legislative developments and scientific initiatives.
Chief Commercial Officer, ChemQuest Group
Jim has 45 years of successful B2B formulated chemical experience, mostly in adhesives, sealants, and coatings. Mr. Swope brings a unique financial view to his work born from undergraduate training in accounting and his 19 years as President and owner of Crosslink Technologies, Inc., a niche supplier of reactive adhesive systems for assembly. Jim served as Sr. Vice President of Business Development at Dymax Corporation until 2012 after selling Crosslink Technologies to them in 2006. He has a B.A. in Accounting and Management from Augustana College in Illinois and 30+ years of executive leadership service.
JaVaNeh tarter
Senior Attorney, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Javaneh Tarter is currently a Senior Environmental Attorney at Hunton Andrews Kurth in Washington, D.C. Javaneh advises clients on compliance issues and enforcement actions arising under myriad of chemical laws, including the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA); California’s Proposition 65; and state and federal PFASrelated issues. Javaneh previously worked as in-house counsel for the American Coatings Association where she provided regulatory and government affairs services, and advice and counsel concerning environmental management, occupational safety and health, product stewardship, and chemical policy. She most recently worked in private practice providing legal counsel to clients on TSCA, FIFRA, OSHA, and state chemical regulatory and enforcement matters.
Dr. MaLiK thoMPsoN (Keynote)
Aerospace Materials Engineer, NASA Marshal Space Flight Center Adhesives & Seals Materials
After graduating from the university of South Carolina in 2018, Malik Thompson joined NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center as an aerospace materials engineer. In the time that followed he has spent the predominant amount of time immersed in the technical areas of Thermal Protection Systems (TPS), adhesives and seals, and other polymeric material applications used in the manufacturing of launch vehicles and spacecraft alike. Thompson has functioned as the Commercial Crew Program’s Launch Vehicle Thermal Protection System Subsystem Manager working with SpaceX and the United Launch Alliance to certify their launch vehicles for human spaceflight to carry astronauts to the International Space Station. Additionally, Thompson has provided TPS insight and adhesive support for launch vehicle production in the Artemis Program. Thompson has also led the materials wing of an adhesive failure investigation in the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer program earning him numerous commendations.
BeNJaMiN treNt
Managing Consultant, Americas, Smithers
Benjamin holds a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and an M.B.A from the University of Akron. Benjamin has spent the last decade in market research and strategic consulting across a wide range of industries. In his current role, Benjamin leads the strategic consulting division of Smithers Information in North America. This division works with clients to gather a deep understanding of their business goals, and to develop in-depth research programs to provide visibility into markets and niches. This process is designed to dig deep into a variety of industries and topics, gather insights, and provide an unbiased view of the key challenges faced by our clients. These efforts allow our clients to evaluate their strategic plans and make decisions based upon credible
Pieter VaN heLDeN
Technical Platform Lead: Adhesives, Sasol
Performance Solutions R&D
Pieter van Helden has a PhD in Quantum Chemistry and Catalysis and joined Sasol in 2009. He has been with Sasol for thirteen years in various roles ranging from fundamental research to applications research. He is currently leading the Applications Development Team in the South African Performance Solutions R&D labs, where he fulfills the role as the Technical Platform Lead for Adhesives. His team is responsible for the development of the new Sasol products and applications of products in the fields of Adhesives, Inks and Polymer processing.
CatheriNe VitaLe
Business Development Manager, PCA, Munzing
Catherine Vitale is the Business Development Manager, PCA at MUNZING North America. She began her career over 25 years ago in the inks and coatings industry, starting in the laboratory and holding successive positions of R&D Chemist, Product Service Manager, and Technical Manager before joining MUNZING in 2021. She has extensive experience in new product development, applications troubleshooting, and manufacturing support, and enjoys helping customers identify the best solutions for their needs.
LuKe VoeLKer
Technical Sales Engineer, 3M’s Advanced Materials Division
Luke Voelker is a Technical Sales Engineer for 3M’s Advanced Materials Division. He has 8 years of commercial experience developing lightweight material solutions in the Automotive and General Industrial markets. He has a focus growing the 3M Glass Bubbles, Boron Nitride Cooling Fillers, and Ceramic additives portfolio that go into thermoplastics, composites, sealants, and coating applications. Luke has a mechanical engineering degree from Michigan State University and has a volunteer partnership with The Boys and Girls Clubs of Detroit and Flint Areas.
ChristoPher White
Senior Managing Scientist, Exponent
Dr. White is a senior managing scientist in the Polymer Science and Materials Chemistry Practice at Exponent, Inc. Dr. White holds an MBA from Univ. of Maryland, a Ph.D. in Polymer / Analytical Sciences from the University of Wisconsin, and an AB in Chemistry from Wabash College. Before joining Exponent, Dr. White worked at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the Engineering Laboratory. Dr. White served as a Lecturer teaching Project Management, Ethics, and Social Networking for the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. He has been awarded the ASTM Award for Merit, the ASTM Lou Toporer Hall of Fame Award, and the Department of Commerce Bronze Medal.
steVeN WiLLiaMs
VP, C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins, Argus Media, Inc. Steve Williams is VP for C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins at Argus Media Inc. Steve is responsible for overseeing the C5 consulting and editorial publications, including the monthly C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins Report and the Hydrocarbon Resins Annual. Steve joined Argus in March of 2020 and has over 36 years of experience in the petrochemical industry, including over 28 years at The Dow Chemical Company (now Dow Inc.). Steve resides in Katy, Texas with his family and is an avid ice hockey player.
tao Yu
Technical Director, Wanhua Chemical
Dr. Tao Yu is currently global technical director for Wanhua Chemical. He is responsible for Wanhua’s technical service and product development for global coating and adhesive business. He has been working in polyurethane industry for more than 12 years. His expertise is product knowledge, formulation, and sustainability.
YaNxi zhaNG
Technical Sales Support, Netzsch Instruments North America
Yanxi Zhang received her PhD from University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2007. After obtaining her PhD in Chemistry, she worked as a postdoctoral associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Case Western Reserve University. Now she works with NETZSCH Instruments North America as Technical Sales Support. She is focused on polymer characterization for fifteen years by thermal analysis and kinetic analysis. In her current role she makes many oral presentations at technical conferences.
We’re not waiting for the future of adhesive and bonding technologies. We’re creating it.
Backed by industry-leading research and development, Meridian Adhesives Group is formulating advanced adhesive and bonding technologies in the electronics, infrastructure and industrial markets, including a portfolio of eco-friendly, 99% solvent-free products. That’s the science of solutions.