EEA Grants Project “Reviving the Ancient Agora, the Birthplace of Democracy” Inaugurated at the Stoa of Attalos
n November 20 2012, the Greek Minister of Culture, Mr. Tzavaras, inaugurated the EEA Grants project, “Reviving the Ancient Agora, the Birthplace of Democracy.” The upper floor of the Stoa of Attalos has reopened to the public with a sculpture exhibition. In the impressive open colonnade, 52 pieces of ancient sculpture have been newly restored and are now on display, including an important collection of Roman portraits. Additionally, a new transparent wall enables visitors to view the areas where antiquities are stored. The renovation doubles the permanent exhibition space accessible to the public and provides an area for temporary exhibitions, educational programs, and lectures. In another component of the EEA project, over 300,000 excavation records, photographs and negatives, drawings and maps, and archeological notebooks are in process of being digitized; altogether, they document the American School’s work in the Agora over many decades. The aim of the digital project is to provide scholars and the interested public access to the complete archives of the Agora excavations, extending back to 1931. Access will be possible on the web but also using portable devices, such as the iPad. Already a prototype is being used during excavation by fieldworkers in the trenches. Using a WIFI connnection, excavators have access to the records and at the same time are inputting data from the field. Further developments will allow visitors to the Agora to access information while touring the museum and the site. Agora Excavations Deputy Director Craig Mauzy notes, “The electronic resources we have devel-
U.S. Ambassador Daniel Smith (center) and other dignitaries walk through the new sculpture exhibit in the renovated Stoa of Attalos.
oped with the aid of the EEA grant will permit all who visit our site to re-imagine the past.” This project was implemented by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the First Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of
Culture and Tourism. Having a total cost of almost one million euros, the project was funded by the EEA Financial Mechanisms together with the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Transport and Networks with the overall objective to preserve and promote the cultural heritage
and historic role of the Athenian Agora. In commemoration of the event, an illustrated, full-color 72-page booklet was developed detailing the project. It can be read at php/Spiffs/eea-project-feature2.
Stroud to Receive Aristeia Award at AIA Meeting
on Stroud, Klio Distinguished Professor of Classical Languages and Literature Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, is the 2013 recipient of the Aristeia Award for Distinguished Alumni/ ae of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. The award, now in its third year, honors alumni/ae who have provided exceptional service to the School and have contributed in extraordinary ways to the School’s mission in teaching, research, archaeological exploration, or publication.
Long an active participant in the School community, Professor Stroud first came to Athens as a Seymour Fellow in 1959 and was a Member of the School in 1959– 63, 1964–65 (Capps Fellow), 1969–70, and 1973–74. He has served as Secretary of the School (from 1960 to 1963) and as a member of the Managing Committee (since 1969), and shaped the careers of numerous classical scholars as Whitehead Professor in 1993–94 and as Mellon Professor from 1996 to 1999. Professor Stroud has done extensive work excavating and continued on page 7
Ron Stroud in Thessaly, 1960. Photo courtesy Patricia Lawrence
Beyond the Digging at Corinth Excavations The excavation season is an obvious focus of activity at the School’s Corinth Excavations, but it’s only one aspect of work at Corinth. Here, Director Guy D.R. Sanders reports on the plethora of activities that have recently occupied Corinth staff and scholars.
n 2011 the Emeritus Director of the Corinth Excavations, Dr. C.K. Williams, II, directed excavations in the West Hall of the Theater at Corinth. A footnote to Corinth II p. 53, in which Richard Stillwell reported “vast quantities of sheep and cattle” bones, tempted Williams out of retirement to investigate how these bones related to activities in the theater. Williams uncovered more of the bone deposit, finding that it dated between A.D. 450 and 600 and had nothing to do with the theater per se. Well over a ton of bones were recovered, making it one of the largest deposits of its kind in the Mediterranean. Study of the bones was undertaken by Professor Michael MacKinnon in the summer of 2011 and, with Regular Member Flint Dibble, in the spring
Professor Michael MacKinnon and Regular Member Flint Dibble studying the animal bones from the 2011 Theater excavations.
Conservation of Frankish area in progress.
of 2012. MacKinnon identified the bone as adult cattle and adult goats, in a ratio of about 4:1. The bones relate to largescale butchery and processing events and complement another of the biggest assemblages of bone in the Mediterranean, also excavated by Williams, in the shops in the East of the Theater excavations three decades ago. The amount of bone is so great that it has enabled MacKinnon to develop a methodology for distinguishing between cow and bull bones. Williams is currently studying the ornate colored marble revetment recovered from the West Hall and now has a good idea how the room was decorated. Meanwhile, Director Guy Sanders took the opportunity to complete re-reading of the hundreds of contexts of pottery saved from the excavations of Henry Robinson in the early 1960s, located south of the South Stoa. This material has now been dated and scores of pieces have been drawn and photographed. In 2012, excavation south of the South Stoa continued a fresh section excavated im-
mediately to the south of Robinson’s trenches. The work was designed to better understand and interpret Robinson’s field record. It was clear that his excavators had faced a complex problem. A Mr. Giambouranis, the owner of a nineteenthcentury house over the foundations of the “Turkish House” adjacent to both excavations, seems to have been something of an archaeologist as well: he dug a number of large, deep pits, perhaps looking for wells, in which he re-deposited quantities of mendable pottery from much earlier contexts, along with scraps of pottery from his own household trash. In one case the re-deposition was of third-century round-mouthed pitchers and in another an early-thirteenth-century assemblage of wares for cooking, storage, and table. An undisturbed thirteenth-century dump contained several restorable glazed pitchers and fragments of gilded bone used to decorate a small box, of which the clasps were also preserved. Two deposits produced quantities of rare material, both imported cooking ware and amphoras dating
to the “Dark Age” of the eighth and ninth centuries. Also in 2012, Sanders began conservation and consolidation of the Frankish Area excavated in the 1980s and 1990s. Existing walls were pointed with a harmoniously colored mortar and robbed-out walls were rebuilt to above-ground level. The interior spaces contained by the conserved masonry were also treated. So far the team has completed about one-half of the large courtyard building reported in the pages of Hesperia. Corinth has been busier than ever with visiting scholars. The 2012–13 Kress Publications Fellow, James Wiseman, is working on the publication of the Gymnasium and Fountain of the Lamps and is also assisting the EPKA with their efforts to drain and clear the Fountain of the Lamps. Corinth Excavations Assistant Director Emerita continued on next page
THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS 54 Souidias Street, GR-106 76 Athens, Greece 6–8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232 ASCSA News December 2012 Executive Director Mary Emerson Editor Sally Fay Design & Production Mary Jane Gavenda Please address all correspondence and inquiries to: Newsletter Editor,
Class Contribution Sets Shining Example
hile the 2012 AIA/ APA convention was going on in Philadelphia last January, an important meeting occurred at a nearby Chinese restaurant. The members of the ASCSA Class of 1986–87, sometimes known as “The Year of Incandescent Brilliance,” gathered to hold their 25th anniversary reunion. Many had since moved on to other careers and would not have otherwise made the wintertime trip to frigid Pennsylvania, but so important to them were the experiences they had and the personal connections they made during their time in Athens that all but a few of the original group managed to attend, with some traveling from as far as Chicago and Kansas City. The former classmates reminisced about their adventures, which included climbing down into the very gruesome depths of the Kaiadas and up to the dizzying heights of Lykaion (where, owing to dense fog, they saw neither their own shadows nor much else); they traded stories about the recently departed Emmett Bennett, who was a Whitehead Professor that year; and they passed around a cell phone to extend greetings to the other Whitehead, Gerry Schaus. This gathering fortuitously coincided with another development taking shape in meeting rooms at the convention. ASCSA Executive Committee Member Paula Perlman, along with Alumni/ae Council members Mary Dabney, Liz Langridge-Noti, and Heather Grossman, were launching a fundraising initiative for the School designed to capitalize on the personal connections that School Members maintain with people in their yearly cohort. Their plan was to seek out volunteers from each regular year and each Summer Session to act as grassroots organizers. These “class agents” would take the
lead in seeking out and contacting as many people as possible from their group and encouraging them to contribute to the School in the name of their year/ session. When they heard about this initiative, the Year of Incandescent Brilliance decided to serve as a model that other groups could strive to emulate. Under the leadership of class agent Nicolle Hirschfeld, the group quickly put together a contribution of over $4,000 to the School in the name of the Class of 1986–87. Contributions to this effort can now be made through the School’s website. Anyone interested in serving as class agent for his/her year is invited to contact any of the organizers: Mary Dabney (; Paula Perlman (perlman@austin.; or Liz LangridgeNoti ( — Bill Hutton ASCSA Managing Committee Member (College of William and Mary), and Regular Member, ASCSA Class of 1986–87
Then and now: The Class of 1986–87 in action in Greece; reunion at the AIA meeting in January 2012.
Corinth Excavations continued from page 2
Nancy Bookidis and her team are working diligently on the Demeter Sanctuary finds. Professor Steve Ellis (University of Cincinnati) and his colleagues are using Corinth as a base to finish up their study of the East Field at Isthmia. They, with the individual visiting scholars working on Corinthian material, have increased traffic at Corinth fourfold over the past ten years. Our understanding of Corinth’s archaeology has changed immensely with the public rescue excavations taking place in the plain. Construction
of the railway added significant stretches of the vast North Cemetery with graves dating from the Sub-Mycenaean to the Late Roman period and Corinthia’s first Mycenaean tholos tomb. The most recent project, the widening of the highway to Patras, has revealed a long section of the Archaic fortification wall, a sprawling Mycenaean settlement, several Geometric houses, and a spectacular painted tomb of the third century C.E. Two illegally excavated kouroi from Tenea are now in the Ephoreia’s workrooms undergoing conser-
vation. These new finds need to be displayed, and the School will be vacating the sculpture storage in the museum, which was originally designed as a gallery, to provide space. Visit php/Spiffs/a-corinthiansummer-2012 for a behindthe-scenes look at the Corinth Excavations’ busy, fascinating, and productive summer, as described by Assistant Director Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst.
Kenchreai Excavation Results: A Preview Co-directors of the Excavations at Kenchreai, Joseph L. Rife (Vanderbilt University) and Elena Korka (Greek Ministry of Culture), share here an exciting overview of the results of their excavations on the Koutsongila Ridge. See Spiffs/report-on-kenchreai-2012 for a more detailed preliminary report and slide show.
new picture of a thriving commercial center in Roman Greece is emerging from the recent collaborative Helleno-American excavations at Kenchreai, conducted under the auspices of the ASCSA. The work of the team has concentrated on the Koutsongila Ridge, which formed the periphery of the ancient settlement north of the harbor from Early Roman to Early Byzantine times. The campaign of intensive digging in 2007–2009 produced many important discoveries, which have come into focus as the study and publication phase approaches its conclusion in 2013. Among the highlights are lavish buildings perhaps representing a residential quarter, a ritual-structure and pyre debris on the slope above the town, a sprawling cemetery, and a very significant Late Antique octagonal building. These discoveries shed important new light on life and death at a small but diverse and prosperous Greek porttown that flourished during the Roman era and survived into the Early Byzantine period. In the southeastern part of Koutsongila the team found several impressive buildings of Early to Middle Roman date (ca. first–third/fourth centuries A.D.). The surviving structures that were uncovered formed the back rooms of elaborate buildings, perhaps houses, facing the sea. The central room in the plan of one building dis-
The back (west) wall inside the chamber of Tomb 7 during excavation (2007).
played an exquisite polychrome mosaic: a carpet of geometric borders increases in complexity inward to an emblema with the enwreathed head of Silenus. Comparable to some of the finest mosaics of the second and third centuries, both in the Corinthia and in western Asia Minor, the Silenus mosaic at Kenchreai is distinguished by its fine craftsmanship and its demonstration of prevailing tastes in the mosaic art of the eastern provinces. A similar quality of domestic decoration is evident in the structures located ca. 25 m to the south, where excavation over three seasons revealed a large, richly appointed complex that could have extended as far as 30 m eastward and downhill to a now submerged sea-wall. The northern extension of the complex seems to represent an annex with a utilitarian purpose, while the plan of the southern extension is obscured by later buildings. The central area, however, is well represented by walls in fine masonry and an intact stratigraphic sequence. Here a series of chambers—a
corridor with a well, a large water tank, and a room with a deep water channel—constituted a hydraulic installation that apparently distributed water to a bath downslope. Destruction deposits reveal that before the late fourth century the building was lavishly decorated with wall-painting, polychrome mosaic pavement, and revetment in exotic marble. The housewares and the faunal remains indicate a diverse diet that was rich in seafood. Together, the buildings in this area thus seem to have belonged to an opulent residential quarter on the edge of the port that extended northeast up the coast from the harbor. Resourceful residents of Roman Kenchreai erected elaborate chamber tombs in a prominent location along the seaward slope of Koutsongila. These tombs have been known at the site since the early twentieth century and have been frequently disturbed by looters. Of the 30 so far identified in the vicinity, most conform to a standard plan: a small, gabled building erected at the surface over a descending stairway,
which entered a rectangular chamber underground, with immured burial compartments in the form of niches for the deposition of cinerary urns and loculi for the inhumation of intact bodies. Excavation inside and around three tombs has uncovered abundant evidence for funerary rituals and tomb design in the Early to Middle Roman periods. On a prominent bedrock outcropping was situated a rectangular building with walls plastered in white, a bench or platform along the back wall, and a large circular pit at its center. The structure’s visible situation, its fine construction, and its main features all suggest some ritual purpose. More secure evidence for ritual activities came to light on the adjacent slope, where pyre debris that had been dumped into shallow, irregular depressions were uncovered. To the best of the team’s knowledge, this field of cremation debris is the first of its kind documented in Roman Greece. By late antiquity, the use of the Koutsongila Ridge dramatically changed. The impressive houses, tombs, and ritual building that had distinguished the ridge during the Early to Middle Roman periods were in a state of disuse and disrepair, if not total destruction, in the fifth to sixth centuries. From then into the seventh century, the eastern slope and the ruins of earlier centuries were covered by a cemetery of Christian graves. These burials reflect the evolution of local funerary practices over the long term. Most were simple cist graves cut into the bedrock displaying simple epitaphs and containing multiple individuals and, occasionally, a few vessels, personal ornaments, or coins. Study of the skeletal continued on next page
Publications Receive Honors; Cullen Set to Retire in 2013
The Symposium in Context: Pottery from a Late Archaic House near the Athenian Agora (Hesperia Supplement 46), by Managing Committee Member
Two new monographs were published this fall. Hunters, Heroes, Kings: The Frieze of Tomb II at Vergina, by Hallie Franks, is the third volume in the Getty Foundation–funded Ancient Art and Architecture in Context series. In it, Franks considers the painted frieze as a visual document that offers vital evidence for the public self-stylings of Macedonian royalty in the era surrounding Alexander the Great. Ian McPhee and Elizabeth Pemberton’s volume, Late Classical Pottery in Ancient Corinth: Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest (Corinth VII.6), describes
ddd A Guide to the Palace of Nestor, Mycenaean Sites in Its Environs, and the Chora Museum, by Carl Blegen and Marion Rawson, revised by Jack Davis and Cynthia Shelmerdine, is back in print thanks to a generous grant from the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP).
Hesperia The Jour nal of the Amer ic an Sc ho ol of C l assic al S t udie s at Athens
pag e s 1 7 7 – 3 4 2
the largest deposit of pottery from the 4th century B.C. ever found in the city, along with coins, metal, and stone objects. The findings are important for understanding the function of the Classical Buildings I and II (and others), and for the chronology of the renovation program that included the construction of the South Stoa.
Vo l u m e 8 1 : n u m b e r 2 , A p r i l – J u n e 2 0 1 2
ddd Tracey Cullen, editor of Hesperia for 14 years, will retire at the end of June 2013. She will be dearly missed. A search for the next Hesperia editor is ongoing. A feature story on Cullen and her accomplishments as the editor of the School’s award-winning journal will be forthcoming.
Kathleen M. Lynch (University of Cincinnati), has won the 2013 James R. Wiseman Book Award from the Archaeological Institute of America. The award will be presented at the annual meeting of the AIA in January 2013.
n its 81st year, Hesperia has been honored with the Codex Award from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ), an Affiliated Organization of the Modern Language Association (MLA). The Codex Award recognizes the best journal covering any discipline for any period prior to 1500.
Volume 81: n umber 2 Apr il–Jun e 2012
American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2012
ddd Readers attending the January Joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and American Philological As-
Award winner, Hesperia
sociation in Seattle are invited to visit the ASCSA’s space in the book exhibit to meet Andrew Reinhard, Director of Publications, Carol Stein, Managing Editor, and Tracey Cullen, and to see what’s new for ASCSA Publications.
Kenchreai Excavations continued from previous page
The Silenus mosaic and architecture in Area B: view to east (2007).
remains of at least 130 individuals interred in these graves reveals that relatives were interred together, and that local residents during this era lived vigorous lives, and many lived into their fourth or fifth decade. One Late Antique building on Koutsongila was exceptional: Located conspicuously on the promontory above the north mole, and built over the opulent complex described earlier, was an Octagon. Inside its massive walls were angular piers that divided an outer ambulatory from an interior chamber, the former paved with tiles and the latter with a geometric mosaic. The lower interior walls were sheathed in bluish-gray schistous marble carved in arched panels with fleur-de-lis motifs. Excavation uncovered several
monumental burials with rich offerings alongside the building’s outer walls. Foundation and floor deposits indicate that it was built in the early to midfifth century and used until around the mid-sixth century. Although the building is still under study, its location, design, and the associated graves point to its possible identification as the magnificent tomb of a local holy person, cleric, or grandee. Tombs of this type were erected in Asia Minor and the Near East, but the Octagon at Kenchreai would be an unusual case in the known sepulchral architecture of Late Antique Greece. A fuller understanding of Roman Kenchreai has emerged from exploration of Koutsongila, which has opened a window onto the settlement
stretching from its outer limits into its heart. Residents exploited the natural terrain and topographic prominence of the ridge in creating domestic space and performing ritual activities. The local community was small but affluent, and it shared in the styles and interests of an elite culture embraced by urban aristocrats across the Roman East. The port did not collapse in late antiquity; as its topography evolved, the people of Kenchreai continued to invest in impressive and innovative buildings, such as the rare Octagon.
New Assistant Director Making His Mark
n July, the School welcomed Nicholas Blackwell as Assistant Director of the American School, a new twelve-month administrative position. Mr. Blackwell, whose appointment was approved by the ASCSA Managing Committee in May, will serve a three-year term at the School. Mr. Blackwell was a Regular Member of the School in 2006– 07, a Student Associate Member in 2008 and 2009, and a Senior Associate Member in 2011. Most
recently, he was Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Junior Research Fellow at the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem. He holds a B.A. from Davidson College and an M.A. from Bryn Mawr College, and was awarded a Ph.D. in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology from Bryn Mawr in May 2011. Mr. Blackwell brings to this position a wealth of administrative skills, relationships with both American and international
News&Notes In April, Charles K. Williams II, ASCSA Trustee and Field Director Emeritus of the Corinth Excavations, was elected as a member of the American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the United States. ddd At a ceremony on the island of Kythera in June, George L. Huxley, former Director of the Gennadius Library (1986–1989), was honored by the Mayor of Kythera at a ceremony marking a halfcentury since the beginning of joint work by the University of Pennsylvania Museum and the British School at Athens on the island. Huxley, who codirected (with Nicolas Coldstream) excavations at Kastri, gave a lecture on the island as it was fifty years ago, and there was an exhibition of photographs by dig photographer Ivan Strahan. ddd Managing Committee Member Peter Krentz, W.R. Grey Professor of Classics and History at Davidson College, was the recipient in October of the college’s Thomas Jefferson Award,
which honors a faculty member who by personal influence, teaching, writing, and scholarship promotes the high ideals of Thomas Jefferson. ddd
Former School Director Jack L. Davis has been elected as one of six external members of the newly formed Presidential Council of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The Council, formed in response to an act of Parliament, is charged with broad oversight of the university’s structure, operation, quality, and internationalization. ddd Managing Committee Member Sheila Dillon (Duke University) will become the next Editor-inChief of the American Journal of Archaeology in 2013, following the highly successful editorship of Managing Committee Member Naomi J. Norman (University of Georgia). ddd Stephen Tracy, former Chair of the Managing Committee and past Director of the School, reports the publication in Germany (by Walter De Gruyter) of his fascicle (with collaborator and co-author Voula N. Bardani)
scholars, and general experience of excavating, traveling, and researching in Greece. Among his numerous awards and fellowships are the AIA’s Pomerance Fellowship; CAORC Multicountry Fellowship for Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey; and the Parks Fellowship from CAARI. His archaeological field experience includes Mitrou (where he ran the Mitrou field school), Athienou (Cyprus), Kos, and Corinth; he also has extensive museum experience. Nick Blackwell lectures on Eutresis on a student trip this fall.
Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Ed. tertia. Pars I: Fasc. 5: Leges et decreta annorum 229/8–168/7. The work was done under the auspices of the Inscriptiones Graecae project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.
uled to reopen in 2013 for a second five-year campaign, to focus on an Early Iron Age temple partially exposed in the 2006 season and several Early Iron Age buildings and Archaic houses on the west slope of the South Acropolis.
Managing Committee Member Brenda J. Longfellow (University of Iowa) is the winner of a 2012–13 Andrew Heiskell Post-Doctoral Rome Prize (Fellowship in Ancient Studies) from the American Academy in Rome, for her project “Past Lives, Present Meanings: Reused Statues in Imperial Rome.”
Managing Committee Member Jeremy B. Rutter, professor of classical studies and the Sherman Fairchild Professorship in the Humanities (Emeritus) at Dartmouth College, is receiving the Gold Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement of the Archaeological Institute of America at the Annual Meeting in Seattle on January 4.
ddd Donald C. Haggis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Managing Committee nomineeand co-director (with Margaret S. Mook) of the Azoria Project, was awarded a three-year Collaborative Research Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, entitled “The Azoria Project Excavations: A Study of Urbanization on Crete, 700–500 B.C.” The $250,000 award constitutes a significant contribution in support of on-going excavations at Azoria, which are sched-
ddd Managing Committee Vice Chair Barbara Tsakirgis (Vanderbilt University) gave a lecture at Columbia University in September, entitled “The Athens of the South: William Bell Dinsmoor and the Design of the Nashville Parthenon.” The lecture was co-sponsored by the ASCSA, the Columbia Center of Archaeology, and Columbia University’s Department of Art History and Archaeology.
On the
In Memoriam EVELYN BYRD HARRISON 1920–2012
Renowned art historian Evelyn Byrd (Eve) Harrison died peacefully in her New York City apartment on November 3. Born in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1920, Eve Harrison received her A.B. from Barnard College in 1941 and her M.A. from Columbia University in 1943, but her graduate studies were interrupted by the Second World War. Until the end of 1945, she served as a Research Analytic Specialist, translating intercepted Japanese messages for the War Department. In 1949, she joined the staff of the ASCSA’s Athenian Agora Excavations. She received her Ph.D. from Columbia in 1952, and a revised version of her dissertation on the portrait sculpture found in the Agora inaugurated the series The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Her Portrait Sculpture was followed in 1965 by Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture, volume XI of The Athenian Agora. Professor Harrison began her teaching career in 1951 at the University of Cincinnati, where she taught not only art history but also first-year Greek and Latin. After a second research position with the Agora Excavations between 1953 and 1955, she joined the faculty of the Department of Art History and Archaeology of Columbia University, where she was named full professor in 1967. Four years as Professor of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University followed, and in 1974 she was named Edith Kitzmiller Professor of the History of Fine Arts at the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University. She was honored for her contributions to art history and
Chad DiGregorio, Boston University graduate student in the Department of Archaeology and assistant field director of the Central Lydia Archaeological Survey, died July 19 in a tragic accident in western Turkey, the victim of an apparent fall in a rugged area of hills and caves in the province of Manisa. He was a Visiting Student Associate Member of the ASCSA in 2011.
Eve Harrison
archaeology by election as an Honorary Councilor of the Archaeological Society of Athens, a member of the German Archaeological Institute, a member of the American Philosophical Society, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Archaeological Institute of America recognized her lifetime of accomplishment by awarding her its Gold Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement in 1992. Eve Harrison was remembered by former students and colleagues at a memorial service held in New York City on November 15; their personal recollections and insights can be found at index.php/alumni/eve-harrisonmemorial-service-remembrances.
Slavicist and School alumnus Richard Burgi passed away in Athens on July 26, at age 90. He spent many terms at the American School: in 1960–61 as Senior Research Fellow from Yale University; and in 1970–71, 1976–77, and 1995–96 as a Senior Associate Member from Princeton University. After his retirement he lived in Athens and was well known to many members of the School.
ákoue has transitioned to the shorter publication that you see here. However, we will continue to post additional stories and reports on our website at gr/index.php/publications/ newsletter/ and elsewhere as noted. Look to this link for reports from students, Managing Committee business, and more.
Aristeia Award continued from page 1
Miranda Marvin, Professor Emerita and longtime faculty member of Wellesley College’s art and classics departments, died July 2 in Wellesley, Massachusetts. A Student Member of the ASCSA in 1963–64 and a Senior Associate Member in 1982–83, she was the ASCSA Managing Committee representative from Wellesley College from 1974 until her retirement in 2012, and was a Managing Committee Member emerita until the time of her passing.
Archaeologist Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr., Emeritus Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of California at Berkeley and longtime field director at Sardis, passed away on May 4 at the home of his sister in Delaware. “Greenie,” as he was known by friends and colleagues, was a member of the 1957 ASCSA Summer Session and a School Member in 1961–62.
publishing (with Nancy Bookidis) the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Corinth (Corinth XVIII.3) and has published widely and influentially in the fields of Greek archaeology, epigraphy, history, and law. His publications include Drakon’s Law of Homicide, The Axones and Kyrbeis of Drakon and Solon, Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (editor, 26 volumes, with H. W. Pleket and A. Chaniotis), and The Athenian Grain Tax Law of 374/3 B.C. The award will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the ASCSA Alumni/ae Association, held during the AIA/APA Annual Meetings in Seattle in January 2013. ERRATUM
The article appearing on page 5 of the Spring 2012 issue of ákoue (No. 66), about new Managing Committee Chair Jenifer Neils, included the statement that “Two major international exhibitions on Greek Art were organized by Ms. Neils: Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (1992) and Coming of Age in Ancient Greece: Images of Childhood from the Classical Past (2003).” “Coming of Age” was in fact co-organized and co-curated by both Ms. Neils and John Oakley. We regret the omission.
THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS 6–8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540–5232 Address Service Requested
Newsletter of The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Medieval pottery (ca. first quarter of 13th century) from the Corinth Excavations
Gennadeion News A special insert to the newsletter of the american school of classical studies at athens
Author Vangelis Raptopoulos Donates Papers
haracterized as “the most creative, the most passionate writer of his generation,” Vangelis Raptopoulos is the first author from the 1980s literary generation who has trusted a significant part of his personal archive (“thirty years of creation,” as he said) to the Archives of the Gennadius Library. We are grateful to him for his generous decision. Vangelis Raptopoulos, born in 1959, is considered to be the pioneer of the “1980s generation.” He first published in 1979 (In Pieces or Κομματάκια), when he was only 20 years old, and established himself as one of Greece’s most promising authors. His next two publications, Toll Gates or Διόδια (1982) and The Cicadas or Τα τζιτζίκια, completed a trilogy-team portrait of his generation. The Cicadas also came out in English. To date, continued on page G4
Vangelis Raptopoulos
Exhibition of Early American Archaeological Photographs Debuts at Library
he archaeological photographs of John Henry Haynes (1849–1910), the father of American archaeological photography, are being exhibited in the Basil Room of the Gennadius Library from November 27, 2012 to January 20, 2013 under the title “Picturing Anatolia: The Photographs of John Henry Haynes.” All but unknown today, Haynes served as photographer for the American excavations at Assos (1881–83) and at Nippur in Mesopotamia (1889–1900). In 1884 and 1887 he traveled across Asia Minor with a camera, photographing historical and archaeological sites, many for the first time.
The exhibit situates the photographic exploration of Anatolia within the context of the growing American cultural presence in the eastern Mediterranean marked by the foundation of the ASCSA in 1881; it concludes with the excavations of Colophon and Sardis in 1921–22, showcasing important material from the ASCSA Archives. The exhibition is curated by Robert Ousterhout and Maria Georgopoulou, with the support of Ioli Vingopoulou and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan. An afternoon colloquium in Cotsen Hall introduced the exhibition to the public, culminating in a keynote address delivered by Robert
The Hittite shrine of Eflatunpinar (‘Plato’s Spring’), near Lake Beys¸ehir in central Anatolia (1884 –1887). Photograph by Haynes, Harvard University, Aga Khan Archive
Ousterhout of the University of Pennsylvania. Other speakers at the colloquium were Stavros Anestidis of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Anna Ballian of the Benaki Museum, Jack Davis of the University of Cincinnati, historian Ioanna Petropoulou, Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan of the ASCSA, Gennadeion Director Maria Georgopoulou, and Yiannis Papadopoulos of Panteion University. e
Samourka Maps in Three Dimensions
digital presentation that enlivens the old maps of the collection of Margarita Samourka made headlines in the Greek press and attracted large crowds at the National Hellenic Research Foundation on November 5, 2012. George Tolias of the National Hellenic
Research Foundation introduced the project and Maria Konstantoglou of the University of the Aegean, head of the team that put together this imaginative endeavor, presented this unique technical achievement developed at the Samourkas Map Collection. e
Invitation to 3-D maps. Coasts of Syros from the map of ChoiseulGouffier (1782)
Fellows at the Gennadeion
any fellows are making use of the Gennadeion this academic year and have presented their research in work-in-progress seminars. Stefania Costache, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is the Alison Frantz Fellow for 2012–13. She is researching nineteenth-century political history and is completing a project entitled “Men for All Seasons: Diplomacy, Government and European Enterprises in the Ottoman Empire, Romania and Greece, 1830–1880.” In October, Cotsen Traveling Fellow Dr. Pantelis Golitsis of the Freie Universität Berlin studied one of the Library’s philosophical manuscripts on Aristotelian logic, MS 43.
The second Papaioannou Fellow at the Gennadeion, Dr. Vaios Kalogrias, will be using the Papaioannou papers from the Gennadius Archives for his study: “Mihailovic-Zervas: A Comparative Study of Resistance and Collaboration in Serbia and Greece (1941–1944).” A fellow of the American Research Center in Sofia, Dr. Svetoslav Ribolov, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology at Sofia University, spent the summer and early fall of 2012 studying eighteenthcentury Orthodox theology. Associate Member James Rodriguez, a Ph.D. candidate from Yale University, has been using the Gennadius collections for his dissertation research on bilateral Byzantine icons of the Palaiologan period. e
From the Librarian
everal new acquisitions have been added to the Gennadius Library collection. Twenty-five volumes of the rare periodical Ο αστήρ της Ανατολής were donated by the Greek Historical Evangelical Archive to complement a similar donation by the Philoi from last year. We bought the first book printed in America from Greek type, Xenophon’s De Cyri Institutione, libri octo, printed in Philadelphia in 1806; a rare concordance to the Greek New Testament begun by Robert Estienne and completed and printed Gennadeion News pages are compiled by Gennadius Library Director Maria Georgopoulou, Senior Librarian Irini Solomonidi, Administrative Assistant Maria Smali, and Archivist Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, and edited by Sally Fay. This publication is produced semi annually. E-mail correspondence for Gennadeion News to
by his son and grandson: Henri Estienne, Concordantiae Graecolatinae… [Geneva] 1600; and the Greek translation of John Bunyan’s famous 1678 work, The Pilgrim’s Progress, printed in 1824 by the American Printing House of Malta. More rare items were acquired in auction: a school book by Vassilios Papaefthymiou published in 1949, titled Το σχολείο μας γιορτάζει; an album about the Balkan Wars published in 1914 in Athens; a karamanlı book by Perry de Forest, titled Σηχχέτιν Σήρρη, published in Galata in 1912; and a typewritten 1952 article by Stratis Myrivilis signed in his own hand. The Akolouthies collection of Dory Papastratou arrived in the Library in the summer. It is now stored at the balcony of the Gennadius Reading Room. Full online access to this collection is being projected for December 2012.
ddd In June 2012 Senior Librarian Irini Solomonidi was invited to visit the Centre du Conservation du Livre in Arles, France, specializing in the conservation of paper and bookbindings. During her visit, she had the opportunity to explore firsthand the latest techniques the Centre uses in the conservation of books, manuscripts, and archives. The Centre undertakes the conservation and digitization of manuscripts, books, and archives of various institutions, creating an e-corpus, a collective digital library that catalogues and disseminates numerous documents, such as manuscripts, archives, books, journals, prints, audio recordings, and video. ddd Also in June, a team from the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts in
Xenophon, De Cyri Institutione, libri octo (Philadelphia, 1806) Plano, Texas, photographed six of our New Testament manuscripts, which are now available for browsing on their website ( and on our server. e
Walton Lecture About 1453
Upcoming Lectures & Exhibitions
olly Greene (Prince ton University) deliv ered the 32nd Annual Walton Lecture, entitled “1453: How Important was it?” She reflected on the significance of the capture of Constantinople in 1453 as the moment when the Byzantine Empire came to an end and the Ottoman Empire
began. The date is problem atic because the Ottomans had firmly established themselves in Thessaly in the later fourteenth century and the process of Ot tomanization of the cities lasted until the sixteenth century. Her lively lecture attracted large crowds in Cotsen Hall. e
he Third Annual Samour kas Lecture on Cartogra phy is scheduled for Feb ruary 26, 2013. Artemis Skoutari will deliver a lecture on the Ptolemaic Maps of the Samourka Collection. Several of these maps will be exhibited in Cotsen Hall. ddd The generosity of Lloyd E. Cot sen and Margit Sperling Cotsen has funded another year of im portant lectures in the Cotsen Lecture Series: • George Mavrogordatos of the University of Athens and Ayhan T. Aktar of Istanbul Bilgi University will discuss “The 1923 Exchange of Popu lations. An Ongoing Debate” (January 15, 2013).
The invitation to the lecture featured a map of Constantinople by Braun & Hogenberg (1577) and a portrait of Mehmet II, attributed to Gentile Bellini (1480).
Demos Fellow Catalogues the Venezis Papers
hanks to the generosity of the Demos Founda tion, the 2012 Demos Fellow, Dr. Demetra Papakon stantinou, processed and cata logued the papers of novelist Elias Venezis. An accomplished archaeologist, Papakonstantinou previously held the position of curator in the Department of Information Technology at the Benaki Museum. She catalogued some 1,500 letters of Greek and foreign correspondents from the years 1930–1964 and has moved on to the correspon dence for the years 1972–1974. The catalogue of the correspon dence will become available on the ASCSA website in March 2013 and the presentation of
• Annemarie Weyl Carr, Emerita Professor of Byzantine Art at Southern Methodist Univer sity, will talk on “St. Luke and the Icon of the Virgin Kykko tissa in Cyprus” (April 2, 2013). • Historian Maria Mavroudi of the University of California, Berkeley, will speak on “Greek
Philosophy at the Court of Mehmed II” (May 29, 2013). In addition to the Cotsen Se ries, Maria Georgopoulou, Direc tor of the Gennadius Library, will speak on “John Gennadius and the Fine Arts” on February 20, 2013, on the occasion of the Day of Joannes Gennadius, celebrated by the Philoi of the Library. ddd Thanks to Gennadeion Overseer Alexandra Vovolini, an exhibi tion on the archive of journalist and politician Constantine A. Vovolinis will explore the value of the archive for the social and political history of twentiethcentury Greece. Vovolinis col lected data on people active in Greek public life for his Great Greek Biographical Dictionary. Political scientist Stathis Kalyvas of Yale University, economic his torian Kostas Kostis of the Uni versity of Athens, and journalist Antonis Papagiannidis will mark the opening of the exhibition with a discussion on “Business and Intellectuals, 1920–1960” (March 11, 2013). e
Elytis Artwork Travels to Andros
Aeolian Earth, first page the Venezis Archive is set in Cotsen Hall for April 9, 2013. e
ollowing the major success of the exhibit about poet Odysseus Elytis organized by the Vasilis and Marina Theocharakis Foundation in the fall of 2011, the School loaned, in early June, to the Vasilis and Elisa Goulandris Museum of Contemporary Art at Andros a small number of watercol ors and collages by Odysseus Elytis for an exhibit entitled Approaching Surrealism. The loaned items included At the Piano (1977), The Angel of Astypalea (1966), Figure of Victory (Flying) (1969), and other works.
Odysseus Elytis, Figure of Victory (Flying) [1969]
Papaioannou’s Papers Presented in Cotsen Hall
arge crowds filled Cotsen Hall on May 16 to cel ebrate the completion of the cataloguing of the papers of Georgios Papaioannou that came to the Archives in 2010. Stathis Kalyvas of Yale Uni versity, Georgios Antoniou of the International University of Greece, and Alexis Malliaris of the American School of Classi cal Studies joined Papaioannou’s daughter, Mrs. Nadia Tzevelek ou, to present various aspects of the collection and its research value for the history of WWII in Greece, the Civil War, and post war Greece. A doctor by training and a member of the Greek parliament since 1933, Georgios Papaio annou (1900–1986) was the leader of the Trichonis subdivi sion of EDES (the prefecture of Trichonis is located in the area of Aetoloacarnania). After the end of the Greek Civil War, he served as mayor of Agrinion and member of the Greek Par liament. His daughters Olga
Save the Date! On March 18, 2013, the Library will celebrate Clean Monday in New York City. Contact jgoble@ for more information. Mark your calendars!
Overseers Travel to Malta
From left to right: Panagiotis D. Tzevelekos, Maria Georgopoulou, Stathis Kalyvas, Georgios Antoniou, Nadia Tzevelekou, and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan. Patsiou, Demetra Papaioannou, and Nadia Tzevelekou donated the papers to the Gennadius and also established a fellowship to facilitate research on their fa ther’s papers. Georgios Antoniou was the recipient of the inaugu ral Papaioannou Fellowship in 2011–12; this year’s fellowship
was awarded to historian Vaios Kalogrias. Finally, the catalogue of the archive processed by historians Alexis Malliaris and Vasilis Spanos is available on the School’s website (http://www. george-papaioannou-paperscatalogue). e
Philoi Events Scheduled for 2012–13 Various activities in Athens are planned for 2012–13 by the Association of the Philoi of the Gennadius Library, including visits to the Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghika Gallery of the Benaki Museum and the Art of Bookbinding Exhibition of the Byzantine and Christian Museum. In May, the Day of Flor ence/Anthi Gennadius will be celebrated with the Sixth An nual Bookfair in the gardens of the Gennadius Library. A full schedule of Philoi events can be found on the website at http://www.ascsa. friends-of-the-gennadeion.
The Fall Bookfair, held on October 20, brought large crowds to the gardens of the Gennadius Library, and its great success boosted the spirits of the Philoi.
bout thirty Gennadeion Overseers and friends spent four glorious days in Malta in June 2012. Originally led to the island because of the several years that John Genna dius spent there as a schoolboy, the group explored the rich Neolithic archaeological sites and caves as well as the three cities of the Knights of Malta, all with good cheer, great food, and delightful company. e
Raptopoulos Papers continued from page G1
Raptopoulos has published 20 books, including The Incredible Story of Pope Joan (2000), a medieval novel about the only woman in history that became a pope (inspired by Emmanuel Rhoides’ Pope Joan [Πάπισσα Ιωάννα], written in 1866); My Own America or Η δική μου Αμερική (2002), detailing his “journey” to contemporary American pulp literature; and The Great Sand or Η Μεγάλη Άμμος (2007), a novel about a Greece that is disappearing and changing. The Bachelor or Ο Εργένης (1993) was adapted for Greek cinema, and Toll Gates for television. His twenty-fourth book, entitled Η πιο κρυφή πληγή, a love story during the civil war of December 1944, has just been published by Ikaros Editions. e