Analysis and decision-making tools
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 2
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 3
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 4
Analysis and decision-making tools 5
Example no. 1 EFFECT Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 6 • •
The cause-effect diagram
The 4 WHYs method
Analysis and decision-making tools 7
The cause-effect diagram
The 4 WHYs method
Analysis and decision-making tools 8
1. 2.
The cause-effect diagram
The 4 WHYs method
Analysis and decision-making tools 9
SITUATION (effect) INITIAL SITUATION Cause 1 Cause 1 Cause 2 Cause 2 1st WHY 3rd WHY 4th WHY 2nd WHY 1st WHY 2nd WHY 3rd WHY 4th WHY 1st WHY 2nd WHY 3rd WHY 4th WHY 4th WHY 3rd WHY 1st WHY 2nd WHY
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 10
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 11 • • • • • •
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 12
1. 2. 3.
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 13
1. 2. 3.
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 14 • • • •
The cause-effect diagram
Analysis and decision-making tools 15
Every decision/choice involves renunciation (even a non-decision involves making a decision);
Knowledge and expertise prerequisites are necessary; Decision-making criteria are needed
Analysis and decision-making tools 16
Decision-making tools
Analysis and decision-making tools 17
Decision-making tools
Analysis and decision-making tools 18
Decision-making tools
Analysis and decision-making tools 19
Decision-making tools: the procedure
Analysis and decision-making tools 20
6. 7.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Preferred decision-making tools:
Analysis and decision-making tools 21
Decision-making tools: influences
• Emotional
• Social
• Deontological
• Economical
• Technical and professional
• Potential external pressure
Analysis and decision-making tools 22
Decision-making tools: for what decisions
Analysis and decision-making tools 23
Decision-making tools and problem solving
Analysis and decision-making tools 24 • • •
Decision-making tools: problem solving
technical and professional
Analysis and decision-making tools 25
The decision tree
Analysis and decision-making tools 26
The decision tree
Analysis and decision-making tools 27
The decision tree
9 days
17 days
16 days
23 days
8 days
MM: major modifications
MC: minor changes
E: easy
D: difficult
Analysis and decision-making tools 28
The decision tree: principles
Analysis and decision-making tools 29
The decision tree: phases
Analysis and decision-making tools 30
Group decision-making modes:
Analysis and decision-making tools 31