1 minute read
by Asda
Check your boobs regularly. Here’s one way to get started
And relax…
Stand in front of the mirror and relax. Straighten your shoulders, put your hands on hips and get used to looking at your appearance. Over time, you’ll get to know how your breasts normally look and feel.
Arms in the air…
Raise arms over your head and watch your breasts as you do so. After a few self-checks you’ll notice how they move, so keep a look out for any times they don’t move in the same way as usual.
There’s no right or wrong way to self-check
It’s not about the right or wrong way – it’s what feels comfortable. Try different times of the day and various places, such as when you’re lying down in bed, standing in the shower, or in front of the mirror before you get dressed in the morning.
Where to check?
It’s not just breasts, it’s the surrounding areas too. Check all parts of your breast: around the nipples, up to your collarbone and into the armpit area. All of that area contains breast tissue.
Arms to the side…
After getting to know how your breasts normally look, it’s time to start self-checking. Lift your arms straight out to the side and see if there are any differences in the size, outline or shape of your breast or nipple. Access all areas Hold your index and middle fingers together and, keeping them flat, move in circular motions, feeling the breast from side to side. Don’t forget the armpit and the area all the way up to the collarbone.
What to be aware of Lumps – and most are not cancerous° – as well as dimpling or puckering of the skin, sudden changes to the size or shape of the breast, redness or changes around the nipple area (such as an inverted nipple or discharge) or a rash that doesn’t go away ^.
What if I find something?
If you find anything new or unusual it’s important to see a GP as soon as possible. Download CoppaFeel’s ‘Self Checkout’ App to help get you started on your checking journey.
*breastcancernow.org/about-us/media/facts-statistics; breastcancernow.org/about-us/media/press-releases/2-in-5-women-in-uk-donot-check-their-breasts-regularly-signs-symptoms-breast-cancer; **cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/survival †nhs.uk/conditions/breast-screening-mammogram/what-happens-at-your-breast-screening-appointment; °cancerresearchuk.org/ about-cancer/breast-cancer/symptoms; ^nhs.uk/common-health-questions/womens-health/how-should-i-check-my-breasts/