2 minute read
What’s on my plate…
by Asda
This month, medic and food guru Dr Rupy Aujla on his latest cookbook, early starts, meditating and negronis

How’s 2023 been so far ?
It’s been great. I was busy with the book launch in January, a tour around the UK, the hospital food campaign I’m involved in and and now the app is taking up a lot of my time – it’s centred around delicious, easy, healthy recipes. It’s all go go go!
How do you manage all this while writing a book?
It’s been busy but I love it. I’m a proper foodie, as you’ll find out in Dr Rupy Cooks – I love a cookbook!
What’s the book about ?
It’s about helping people understand that they can cook healthy, easy recipes every day. Many of us can relate to starting with the best intentions on a Monday, but by Wednesday we’re ordering take-out or snacking in the canteen. The book shows you how to eat consistently well.
How do we eat well during the cost-of-living crisis?
You’d be surprised that you can eat well on a budget of £20–£25 per person for a week, getting three portions of veg in every meal, using ingredients like lentils and chickpeas, and reducing your meat consumption.
Why should we be following your advice?
A huge amount of resource is spent treating conditions that have stemmed from preventable lifestyle choices, like type 2 diabetes and obesity. A lot of that can also be done by controlling your diet with more wholegrains or focusing on foods that improve your gut microbiota – it doesn’t have to be about fancy probiotics or fermented foods. Food really does have a preventative medicinal value.
How do you look after your own wellbeing?
I wake up really early – 5am most days – and I have a 10-minute routine where I meditate and stretch. Our busy minds are constantly processing information. One minute you’re thinking about work, then you’re distracted by your phone, or what’s going on in the news… So I like to ground myself for those 10 minutes. I try to have a good one to two hours of no electronics in the evening. And my wife is very good at putting a stop to me working beyond 6.30pm!
What are you really excited about for this year?
I’m building a studio – our own Doctor’s Kitchen kitchen where we’ll record more content for YouTube and the app as well as the podcast, where I interview experts from around the world in different specialties.
Who do you admire right now and why?
My colleagues who work full-time in the NHS in challenging environments – medics, nurses, porters and so on. There’s no one single person – it’s time to think about collective communities who are working to overcome some of the biggest challenges of 2023.
5 Questions For A Foodie
Every issue we ask…
If you were a pudding, which one would you be?
Galub jamin cheesecake with pistachios on top.
Scrambled, fried or poached?
Scrambled. Pop it on sourdough – it never lets me down.
What’s always in your basket?
Mature Cheddar and wheaty crackers. I could eat that all day.
Favourite game-changing cooking hack?
You can use your speedy peeler instead of a mandolin. a long day, I fancy… …a no-alcohol negroni made with alcohol-free gin and bitters.