International Conference on Advances & Challenges in Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management
International Conference on Advances & Challenges in Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management 2017 [ICACIEM 2017]
ISBN Website Received Article ID
978-81-933235-1-9 10 – January – 2017 ICACIEM049
VOL eMail Accepted eAID
01 28 - January – 2017 ICACIEM.2017.049
Spectroscopic Investigation of Charge Transfer Complexes of 4-Aminoacetanilide with Series of Substituted 1, 4-Benzoquinones C Balraja1, R Karpagarajan2, K Ganesh3 Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College (Autonomous), Erode, India 2,3 Department of Chemistry, Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode, India 1
Abstract: The molecular complexes of a series of electron acceptors of 1,4-benzoquinone (BQ), 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (CHL) and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) with 4-aminoacetanilide (ACE) have been investigated using various spectral techniques. The stoichiometry of the complexes was determined by photometric titration method and was found to be 1:1, in all the cases. The results of equilibrium and kinetic studies were performed and the final interaction products were characterized by FT-IR.
ISBN Website Received Article ID
978-81-933235-1-9 10 – January – 2017 ICACIEM050
VOL eMail Accepted eAID
01 28 - January – 2017 ICACIEM.2017.050
Design and Investigation of Waste Heat Utilizer from Two Stroke Petrol Engine Exhaust 1,2,3,4,5
Dinesh R1, Divakar K2, Gopalakrishnan K3, Gowrishankar N R4, Gowrishankar T M5 UG Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode, India
Abstract: A quantity of irreversible processes in the engine boundary its capability to attain a highly balanced efficiency. The rapid expansion of gases inside the cylinder produces high temperature changes, turbulent fluid motions and large heat transfers from the fluid to the piston crown and cylinder walls. These rapid successions of events happening in the cylinder create increasing exhaust gases with pressures that exceed the atmospheric level, and they must be released while the gases are still increasing to prepare the cylinder for the following processes. By doing so, the heated gases produced from the combustion process can be simply channelled through the exhaust valve and manifold. The large amount of energy from the stream of exhausted gases could theoretically be used for waste heat energy recovery to generate power. Various methods to harness the waste heat to produce power effectively had ended up in vain. This paper recommends and outfits a thermoelectric waste heat energy recovery system for internal combustion engine automobiles, including gasoline vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. The key is to directly change the surface heat energy from automotive waste heat to electrical energy using a thermoelectric generator (TEG), which is then regulated by a DC–DC Cuk converter to charge a battery using maximum power point tracking. Hence, the electrical power stored in the battery can be maximized. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can work well under different working conditions, and is promising for automotive industry. This paper is prepared exclusively for International Conference on Advances & Challenges in Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management 2017 [ICACIEM 2017] which is published by ASDF International, Registered in London, United Kingdom under the directions of the Editor-in-Chief Dr K Samidurai and Editors Dr. Daniel James, Dr. Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran and Dr. Saikishore Elangovan. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honoured. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). Copyright Holder can be reached at for distribution.
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