Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
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Research Scholar, Sathyabama University Principal, Madha Engineering College
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Abstract ǦThe Web in current years has become an essential platform of shared information. We see an enormous number of Web sites contribute different categories of tools for users to interact with each other and to establish their social networks online. We propose an ontologyǦbased user modeling framework for Personalized Library Management System using protégé tool and Analyze user behavior with respective to their web browsing activities. We use web logs to store information about the visitor’s action on a web site and tracking URLs. The decision making system survey the web logs data and focus important links to make navigation more effective. The proposed framework reduces the user’s search phase from massive web Information. Keyword: User behavior profiling, behavioral tracking, framework, Semantic usage Log, Ontology generation
I. Introduction
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The prompt evolution of data on the Web, with several billion pages and more than 400 million of users globally access the huge repository information from web. Indeed, it is considered as one of the most important means for sharing, gathering, and distributing information and services. At the same time this information volume causes several harms that relate to the progressively trouble of searching, establishing, retrieving, and maintaining the necessary information by user [1]. This paper challenges to provide required information to the user. To retrieve relevant information we use personalization ontology framework [2].
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In proposed system we use recommender system to provide relevant information by using semantic web logs. We need to challenge the technical issues on transforming web access activities into ontology, and deduce personalized usage knowledge from the ontology. Semantic web logs, which aim to determine interesting and frequent user access behavior from web usage data, can be used to model previous web access behavior of users[3],[4],[5].
The developed model can then be used for analyzing and forecasting the future user access behavior. In Semantic Web background, user access behavior models can be shared as ontology [6], [7], [8], [9]. To provide semantic usage personalization, we need to challenge the technical issues on how to define user access activities, discover hierarchical relationships from user access activities, transform them into ontology automatically, and deduce personalized usage knowledge from the ontology[10],[11],[12],[13]. This paper is organized as follows. Section II develops User Modeling Personalized Ontology for Library System. Section III discusses about the Semantic Web Logs. Section IV proposes User Model Framework. Section V Discuss Conclusion and Future enhancement and finally Section VI presents References.
II. Building User Modeling in Personalized Library Ontology To build Ontology we define Classes, Subclasses and taxonomy (ClassesǦSubclasses) of hierarchy. Then we identify the properties, individuals, constraints and logical relationships between objects. In this paper we
ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8
Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
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develop new person nalized librarry ontology for user mo odel. The Fig gure 1 show ws Personalizzed Library Ontologyy developed b by Protégé O Ontology edito or using topǦd down approaach [14],[15].
Fig gure 1 Person nalized Librarry usage Onto ology
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Informattion about vvarious topics is collected and required knowled dge is extraccted for libraary system. Analyze the gathered d informatio on to classess and their h hierarchies. T Then gather intrinsic an nd extrinsic propertiees of each terrm. Then iden ntify individu uals and deteermine their p properties. Fiigure 2 showss the object propertiees and their r relationships for personaliized library o ontology.
Figuree 2 The objecct property an nd their relatiionships
ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8
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Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
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Figu ure 3 The grap phical repressentation of c classes.
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In libraryy ontology th he main classees are created d as Collectio on, Library, Person and etcc., each class has its subclassees. Figure 3 sh hows the graphical repressentation of c classes and th heir relationsh hips. The ind dividuals are inclu uded in person nalized Libraary Ontology.. Figure 4 sho ows the indivviduals in the library classees.
Figu ure 4 The ind dividuals in th he member c classes
ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8
Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
III. Se emantic We eb Logs
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Table 1 Semaantically Enhanced Weblo og.
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The sem mantic web log gs enhanced to store userrs’ log entry such as UserrID, Timestam mp, requesteed URL and annotateed with relevaant semanticc information n (topics, con ncepts, etc.) m manually or s semiǦautomaatically. We marked e each web log g entry with predefined to opics such ass academic, e engineering, food librariees, etc., and an emotiional rating. The user ratte web conten nt at the end d of each web b page according to theirr emotional influencees, which hellp to reduce t the new userr’s search phaase from masssive web info ormation. Th he semantic web logss automaticallly displayed f for each new user’s requesst.
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Decision n making Allgorithm
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entry can be inferred as “ User N accesssed specific resources at a specific tim me and was In Table 1 each user e emotionaally influenceed by a speciific amount”. The followin ng decision m making algorrithm is used to identify periodic web access pattern. Herre we use fuzzzy associatiion rule to id dentify frequ uently access web page. Fuzzy logic and Form mal concept analysis are the importan nt tools to exxtract and haandle inform mation from databasees. We join n fuzzy logiic into Form mal conceptt analysis d directly from m semantic web logs [16],[17],[[18],[19].
ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8
Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
First we identify freq quent condittion (Fc) item ms (i.e., pred defined topiccs) and we prompt positiive (P) and negative (N) fuzzy aassociation ru ules. We desscribe positivve (P) associaation rule ass frequently aaccess web content a and negative (N) association rule as in nfrequently access web co ontent[20],[211],[22],[23]. Th his positive (P) and negative (N) fuzzy association ruless help the user to make a decision quickly to rretrieve the informattion from thee enormous w web.
IV. User Model Fra amework
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We prop pose user beh havior framew work for perssonalized librrary ontologyy. The libraryy ontology iss developed by protég gé editor using topǦdown n approach. T This ontologyy is created b by the follow wing associatio on concept primarilyy defining Claasses, Properties and Class Hierarchy r relationship [ [24], [25].
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Classes: Ǧ Eacch user accesss activity is m C mapped into a an activity claass P Properties:Ǧ E Each temporral and even nt attribute o of a user acccess activity y is transform med into a p property of the correspo onding class. The membership value of each atttribute is sto ored in the c correspondin ng property. F Further, the fuzzy supporrt and confid dence of each h web access activity are a also represen nted as propeerties named “Support” an nd “Confidencce” respectiveely and C Class Hierarrchy Relation ns:Ǧ Each hieerarchical reelation betweeen user access activitiees forms a g grouping rela ation between n activity classses.
Figure 5 Generic User Mo odel Framewo ork
Methodology to acccess persona alized library y ontology o view the lib brary inform mation the useer need to lo ogin to the ho ome page an nd need to register. This Step 1: To helps to identify user behavior. After registratiion the indivvidual user profile will get generated. Step 2: A Step 3: A According to their specificcation given b by user in th he registration n the recomm mender systeem displays semanticc web logs forr user. Step 4: N Now the user m make a decision to choosee relevant weeb informatio on. Step 5: T The user who view the librrary informattion should r rate them sep parately. Ratiing to web paage decides the emo otion of the u user whether t the user is in nterested in th he web conteent or not. Th he user’s ratin ng is stored in the sem mantic web l logs to analyzze the users’ e emotion.
ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8
Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
Figure 5 shows the Generic User Model Framework for Personalized ontology. The personalized usage ontology stores user information. The knowledge from personalized usage ontology can be extracted as Simple Activity Rules and Associate activity rule. In simple activity rules, each activity class are in the form of, “If x is A then y is B is S”, where A and B are fuzzy sets of the corresponding temporal properties and event properties of the activity class respectively. We can calculate the fuzzy truth qualifier S using the confidence property (Conf) of the activity class and the minimum confidence (MinConf) that is used for pruning the Web Usage Lattice.
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In Association activity rules, “If x is A then y is B is S”, where A and B are fuzzy sets of the temporal properties and event properties of the activity classes n and m. Here m to be the immediate subclass of activity class n, Conf > MinConf. Then the association activity rule of fuzzy confidence(Conf) is equal to the support property of the activity class m divided by that of activity class n[26],[27].
V. Conclusion and Future Enhancement
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The generic user model for a specific user is established on an explicit description provided by the user through the user profile editor (UPE) and by an implicit portion maintained by intelligent services. We have proposed a user behavior model framework for personalized library ontology. Here we used user’s decision making approach in semantic web logs that reduces user’s search time from the huge web. To make navigation more effectively, the personalized library user model uses recommender system which provides relevant web information. In future the proposed user behavior framework for personalized library ontology further is enhanced to develop A Generic Web Library Ontology Framework.
VI. References
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ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8
Proceedings of The National Conference on Man Machine Interaction 2014 [NCMMI 2014]
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ISBN : 978-81-925233-4-8