Awards Luncheon Monday, September 13 : 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Danny McCook Medal: Awarded by ASDSO’s Advisory
ASDSO annually honors those individuals and organizations
Committee, the McCook Medal is given to an individual for
making exemplary contributions to the improvement of dam
outstanding contributions to research and/or practice in
safety in the U.S. These awards will be presented at the ASDSO
geotechnical engineering for dams.
Awards Luncheon on Monday, September 13. All registered Student Awards: These include the Student Paper Competition
conference attendees are welcome.
winners, the recipient(s) of the Senior Undergraduate Any or all of the following may be on this year’s awards program:
Scholarship, and the Model Dam Competition.
National Rehabilitation Project of the Year: This award
Honorary Membership: Selected by the ASDSO Board
recognizes the developer of a unique remedial design that
of Directors, this award honors an individual for lifetime
advances the state-of-the-art in the field of dam safety and
contributions to the organization.
exemplifies the high professional engineering standards that Bruce A. Tschantz Public Safety at Dams Award: Awarded
dam safety requires.
by ASDSO’s Public Safety Around Dams Committee, with National Award of Merit: Chosen by the ASDSO Board of
confirmation by the Board of Directors, this award is given to a
Directors, this award honors an individual or organization
person who takes on the role of ‘local champion’ and works to
contributing to dam safety on a national level.
improve safety at dams.
Regional Awards of Merit: Awarded to individuals, companies,
Young Professional of the Year Award: Awarded by ASDSO’s
municipalities, or other entities that have made outstanding
Young Professional Advisory Committee, with confirmation
contributions to dam safety on a regional level.
by the Board of Directors, the award is given to a young professional for outstanding contributions to the field of dam
Joseph Ellam President’s Award: The ASDSO president gives
safety and ASDSO.
special recognition to someone, either for contributions to the advancement of dam safety or for specific assistance to the
Media Award: Awarded by ASDSO’s Media Outreach
president over his/her term of office.
Committee, with confirmation by the Board of Directors, this award recognizes the contributions made by media outlets and journalists who made an influence on dam safety.
Terry L. Hampton Medal: Awarded by ASDSO’s Advisory Committee, the Hampton Medal is given to an individual for outstanding contributions to research and/or practice in hydrologic and hydraulic engineering for dams.
Normandy Reservoir is located on the Duck River in south-central Tennessee