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Margaret C. Mullings

A Portrait of His Love

gs n i l l u M C. t e r a g r Ma



A Portrait of His Love

CopyrightŠ 2012 Margaret C. Mullings Cover Picture by Aaron Hanna Jr. Cover Design by Ene’ Mullings Proofread by Mrs. Angela Johnson Scripture quotations are from KJV Giant Print, Personal Size Reference Bible Copyright 1994 by The Zondervan Corporation ISBN 978-81-8253-272-4 First Edition: 2012 Rs. 200/-

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Margaret C. Mullings

This book is dedicated to my Abba Father, the One whose love has transformed my life!



A Portrait of His Love

Contents PART ONE ARISE FROM THE ASHES ...................................................... 9 THERE IS A PLACE ................................................................ 11 GOD’S ABOUNDING LOVE ................................................... 13 OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT .................... 14 DIVINE REVELATION¯EXPERIENCE HIM ............................. 15 THE HIDDEN MAN .................................................................. 17 STAY IN THE DIVINE TIMING OF THE LORD ........................ 19 SOMEBODY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR PRAISE ... 21 THE CALL TO PRAY .............................................................. 24 GET UP OUT OF DESPAIR AND DESPONDENCY ............. 26 BROKEN AND WOUNDED ................................................... 27 REORDERING YOUR DAY .................................................... 29 DRIVEN TO YOUR KNEES ................................................... 31 HE KEPT ME .......................................................................... 32 GET UP OUT OF THE PAST ................................................. 34 I WILL WAR FOR YOU ........................................................... 35 RENEWED STRENGTH AND COURAGE ............................ 37 UNPREPARED ....................................................................... 38 THE CALL ............................................................................... 40 IN THE MIDST OF ADVERSITY ............................................. 42 PART ONE RUN YOUR RACE .................................................................. 44 COVER IN LOVE .................................................................... 45 YOU ........................................................................................ 47 POUR ..................................................................................... 49 SOW SEEDS ......................................................................... 50 THE POTTER’S BROKEN VESSEL ..................................... 53

Margaret C. Mullings


AGAPE LOVE ......................................................................... 55 YOUR DREAMS HAVE COME ALIVE .................................... 57 THE ACHING HEART (A TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS) .............. 58 JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH ............................................ 60 REKINDLED LOVE ................................................................ 62 THE OVERRIDE ..................................................................... 63 ARMAGEDDON ...................................................................... 65 PART THREE GOD’S LOVE .......................................................................... 68 SELFLESS ............................................................................. 69 THE DISPLAY ......................................................................... 70 MARRIAGE: A FORCE TO RECKON WITH .......................... 73 MY HEARTBEAT ..................................................................... 75 TO BE LIKE JESUS ............................................................... 76 CHRISTMAS AFTER THE STORMS ..................................... 79 CONTAMINATION ................................................................... 81 KINGDOM DWELLER ............................................................ 82 THE MIRACLE OF EASTER .................................................. 83 YOUR HEALTHY BODY ......................................................... 85 MORNING ............................................................................... 86 YOU ........................................................................................ 88 THE WEARINESS OF GOD .................................................. 89 THEY BURIED YOU ............................................................... 90 FAITHFULNESS AND OBEDIENCE ...................................... 91 THE UNFORGIVING HEART .................................................. 92 WALKING IN YOUR POSITION OF AUTHORITY .................. 93 THE PAIN ................................................................................ 94 THE UNVEILING ..................................................................... 96 CONCLUSION ........................................................................ 97


A Portrait of His Love

Margaret C. Mullings




A Portrait of His Love

Margaret C. Mullings

Arise from the Ashes The smoldering ashes lay there, With the smoke rising, Everything burnt beyond recognition. Those that watched some, Broken-hearted over what looked Like a great loss. Others grinned with great delight, Their voices rang out there is definitely no coming back. They even took measures to put water on the ashes, The ashes looked like a complete mess. These words rang out, “I have called thee by thy name, Thou art mine, I shall do mighty exploits through you!” Speaking to those smoldering ashes, “Arise my child; come forth! I am giving to you beauty for your ashes, Ushering you forth into your divine destiny. “This is the time of your unveiling my choice vessel Whom I have chosen for such a time as this.” Arise from the ashes, The beauty of the Lord is upon your very countenance. From the ashes, You are being ushered to your place of destiny. From the ashes to preach And teach the Word of God



A Portrait of His Love

Under the anointing, With the unctioning of the Holy Spirit. The word awaits you! Arise from the ashes; A new way of life is unfolding for you. Walk in it!

Margaret C. Mullings


There Is a Place There is a place of quiet rest, A place where you have peace And where all its beauty is yet to be seen. A place of refuge for the oppressed, Where the Savior Jesus Christ Intercedes for all your needs, Which God your Father will provide. A place where you are undisturbed, A place to enjoy pleasures beyond measure A place you seldom want to leave, But he gently says, “My child you must leave now.� With an assurance that you have the freedom, To return as often as you wish. A hungering and a thirsting, Food and water cannot testify; For it is his presence, That satisfies the longing in your soul. Yes, the bread of life satisfies the hungry soul With the prompting to pray even more persistently and consistently. There is a place when you are battered and torn That when you enter via the stairway of prayer, There you find healing for each wound And joy that words cannot express. Oh the richness of His love And the bliss of his warm embrace. Everything that hinders is banished in His presence.


A Portrait of His Love

Purity and truth is revealed in this place, And oh the serenity where the fountain of living waters flow, Washing you over and over again. Rejuvenating your body, soul, and spirit; Giving to you the radiance of the Lord! Yes there are many places, but this is a specific place. This place is called the secret place. This is the place of intimacy and love beyond measure! The place of prayer, make you appointment today, And experience joy and pleasure beyond measure! Meet Him at the place He is wafting for you!

Margaret C. Mullings

God’s Abounding Love When you are at your lowest point And feel like you can’t go on. God’s abounding love reaches you And imparts strength Empowering you to go on In spite of what you are going through. Be encouraged For the victory is yours to claim. Today, God’s abounding love Is being bestowed upon you In immeasurable ways. God’s abounding love will see you through!



A Portrait of His Love

Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient The omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God is all powerful, all knowing, and full of compassion. He is everywhere. Bow in humble adoration in awe of His presence. You will find joy overflowing and at His right hand where there are pleasures forever and ever! The omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God is a spirit. You’ve got to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Come up higher into the realm of His presence to enjoy the feast prepared just for you. The omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God invites you via special invitation to come up higher to access this feast in honor of you as His special jewel. For the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God awaits to hear the fruit of your lips singing His high praises unto Him in humble adoration. Come up higher, my child, to soar above the cares of this life where the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God your Father awaits your arrival in the throne room of His presence. “Enter today.”

Margaret C. Mullings


Divine Revelation¯Experience Him It may look and feel like the Enemy is doing you in (so to speak). Yes, it may look like all hell is breaking loose around you. Everything that can go wrong is going wrong, so it seems. Your funds have been depleted, and the bills are due; even your health seems to be failing. Yet I entreat you today to listen to the voice of your Abba Father. In the midst of all the mess, the disappointment, the heartache, and every distress God your Father is teaching you patience, faithfulness, and obedience. He is teaching you to walk daily in faith, believing His Word and trusting Him to see you through every situation so that you would really know, understand, and experience Him as your “all in all.” Experience Abba Father as you walk through the “valley of the shadow of death.” Experience Him as your Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your Healer. Experience Him as the rivers of living waters flows into your soul, with the radiance of His countenance upon you. Yes, He gives you His peace in the midst of every storm that hits your life. Abba Father is building character in you as you rely on Him as your Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides for you! Obediently obey the voice of your heavenly Father, abide in the Word and search the scriptures constantly. Yield to the Word as it is being engrafted in your heart. Yes, write the Word on the table of your heart, making it practical in your daily life! Today is a day of divine revelation bringing to you the understanding that it is not about you and what you desire. No, it is not about your plans and purposes. Are you ready for this? It is about God’s plan of salvation for your life. He plans to give you hope and a future to bless and to prosper you!


A Portrait of His Love

Trust God today in total surrender to His plans and purpose to see you safely through these most trying and difficult times. Allow God your Father through this process to show to you the blessings and the bliss of obedience and faithfulness. Stay connected with each divine appointment as you kneel, sit, or lay prostrate before your heavenly Father! Always remember to praise and give God thanks in spite of all that you may be going through, with the understanding that they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. May God sustain and keep you faithful and obedient as you go through your time of being processed.

Margaret C. Mullings


The Hidden Man In the valley of despair, the Hidden Man is there with you comforting you and making intercessions for you. He stays with you; in fact the hidden man never leaves you. During the stormy scenes of your life, the gales, the stormy winds, and the billows seem so overwhelming; yet, the Hidden Man holds you close to His bosom. He is enabling you to withstand the strong currents and the forcible winds. You wanted to give up as the fires raged all around you, but the Hidden Man just wouldn’t let you do it. As a matter of fact, the hidden man carried you through the raging sea and commands the flames not to touch you. The Hidden Man has awakened your hunger for the Word of God and an unquenchable thirst for His presence by rising during the wee hours of the morning to pursue His presence and then spending hours in the Word. A struggle ensues; the flesh resents the hidden man coming in and taking over its position and with the Word in view, reminds you that “The flesh is enmity against God.” Further the Word says, “Mortify ye therefore the members of your flesh bring your body under subjection.” The flesh then complies with this word lining up in obedience to the Word. Your Abba Father is processing you through the hidden man bringing you into your place of authority to walk in your purpose, to fulfill your divine destiny. Yes, you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. The blind eyes shall see; the deaf ears will hear. The dumb will speak, the lame will leap, run, and walk; and yes, as the funerals are in progress, the dead will arise to life. It is through the hidden man who lives in you even greater miracles you shall do. The time has come for you to acknowledge the hidden man in your daily living. Acknowledge him in the many breakthroughs in your life.


A Portrait of His Love

Yes, reveal to the world that the Hidden Man is Jesus. He is the door to your intimacy with Abba Father. Yes, the Hidden Man, Jesus, is the true source of the love that you so freely share with others. The Hidden Man is Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit has propelled you to your divine destiny! Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Hidden Man. He has set you free through the power of his blood that he shed at Calvary. Give him praise as you yield all of self will to him. The Hidden Man is Jesus Christ.

Margaret C. Mullings


Stay in the Divine Timing of the Lord As Jesus hung on the cruel cross of Calvary, the Word says in Isaiah 52:14: “As many were astonished at thee, his visage was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men.” Yes, Jesus was there enduring the pain, the humiliation, and the shame. Understand that Jesus had power and authority, too. He could have summoned a host of angels to annihilate the Roman soldiers and set Himself free. Thanks be to God that he didn’t. Instead, Jesus stayed in the divine timing of the Lord, crying out in Luke 23:34, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” For you see, Jesus knew His purpose was leading Him to His divine destiny. Today, as you are struggling to come to grips with the gut-wrenching trauma you are going through, are you wondering what is the purpose of all this? Yes, you may even be troubled over your situations for you have prayed, you have fasted, and yes, you have been faithful to the call of God. The comforting voice of the Father gently say to you, “ My child, I am processing you, refining you for your divine destiny, giving to you the understanding that just as Jesus stayed on the cross enduring the ridicule, rejection, and the pain, you too must go through times of trials and temptations, encountering many storms. The good news is that because Jesus Christ was victorious, you are too. When you allow Jesus Christ to be the Lord and Savior of your life with the assuring knowledge that God is your Abba father, and He is with you every step of the way. As you go through this crucial time of processing, may the Lord give to you continual renewal of strength with His wisdom that comes only from Him to strategize how to get through the rugged terrain. Yes,


A Portrait of His Love

sometimes you will find yourself weeping and travailing in the dark valley of despair and agony. Yet, the beautiful lilies are there to remind you that Jesus was there too and that He overcame. He will quicken you to His Word that says in John 16:33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” What peace and comfort this word brings, causing you to refocus with the understanding of the importance of staying in the divine timing of the Lord. Also, this brings to mind that Abba Father is a God of purpose and that everything He allows to touch your has a purpose in it. Abba Father gently reminds you of His Word in Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” Understand that in spite of what you are going through, there is a season for everything under the sun. Remember that every season has an end and your time of processing has an end, which you will endure and you will experience a bountiful harvest for the kingdom of God. The Word reminds you from 1 Peter 5:10, “but the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” Stay in the divine presence of the Lord. Allow Jesus Christ to display his Father’s love through you. Love your enemies. Yes, do good to those who continue to use you. Pray especially for those who slander your name with vicious lies. Forgive them by staying in the divine timing of the Lord. He will bring to you vindication and your time of promotion. May Abba Father clothe you in humility, and may His grace always be sufficient to keep you in His divine timing.

Margaret C. Mullings

Somebody Does Not Understand Your Praise Somebody who does not understand your praise Your praise does not know where You’ve been and what God Has delivered you from. Bound in shackles, Enslaved in generational curses, Carrying around many soul ties. Living in the dungeon of sin and despair Year after year, Regressing further and further into the darkest of night. Suddenly, Jehovah Nissi advances, Riding on His white horse With a host of angels Defeating the destroyer and his demons With His blood shed at Calvary. At His presence, every shackle falls off Breaking every generational curse and Destroying all soul ties. Yes, prisoner, you have been set free To bring hope and healing to the nations And to tear Satan’s kingdom down Through the power of Jesus Christ.



A Portrait of His Love

Understand that you are set free Invest in doing Kingdom business. Pray, seek, study, and continually fast; Presenting your body a living sacrifice To your heavenly Father. Exercise your faith continually Being fully armored each day in God’s armor. You must do battle For you are a spiritual battle Against the kingdom of darkness. Yielding all of your will to your heavenly Father; Trusting Him to see you through And to keep you from all harm and danger. Somebody who does not understand your praise Will hear your story and as God’s glory is revealed Someone who does not understand your praise Will see the mysteries of God revealed through your praise. Somebody who does not know that You were helpless and lost Even the doctors pronounced your death. Death had its grip on you Yet, Jehovah Nissi waved His victory banner And made death release his hold. Somebody who does not understand your praise Does not know that God brought you up from the pit of despair. Share your story of deliverance and healing. For every time you praise and worship your heavenly Father, Satan has to let go of everything and everyone that is connected to you.

Margaret C. Mullings

Be encouraged to continue to worship the God that you serve And do not allow your praise to intimidate nor stop you. For it is even higher that God your Abba Father is calling you. There will always be someone who does not understand your praise. Praise Him anyway! Allow God to use you for His glory! For the light of Jesus has come! Give Him praise!



A Portrait of His Love

The Call to Pray If only we would answer the call of God to pray! Prayer is a powerful weapon that God has given to us. Do you ever pray this prayer? “Please forgive me Father for the many times I missed Your call to pray.” Then the Lord replies, “You are forgiven my child; please my child, it is urgent that you answer the call to pray consistently.” To do this, you must have a relationship with God your heavenly Father. You must love Him and willingly spend time in His Word and meditate on the scriptures. The Enemy will oppose you sorely; yet, still His presence you must pursue. For He has provided you with powerful weapons of war to stop the Enemy. Then put on God’s invincible armor to trample over the Enemy. Pray. More persistent prayers are needed to recover the ground that has been lost. Yes, we must pray for one another. Personally call each other by the name. Be specific. It is of the utmost importance. Pray for the leaders of your country. Pray for God’s will and purpose for their lives. The time has come to unite together in solidarity for the cause of Christ by forgiving one another, truly loving one another, and fellowshipping with each other. It is time to walk in the light of God’s truth. Before you get out of your bed, pause for a moment just to pray. Take a deep breath in, now breathe out. Think about this: That was not your breath that you just inhaled and exhaled. Yes, that was God, your Father’s breath. Now that you are now focused on God, pray right now with thankfulness of heart for the dawning of day in your life. Come on; take a few more moments just to offer up praise and adoration to your heavenly Father who is so worthy of all the praise and just for the fact that you are on planet Earth. You are so special and God your Father has a divine plan for your

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life. Acknowledge Him right now and pray even more, shifting your prayer for God to meet the needs of others endeavoring to be a blessing to someone today. Yes, pledge in prayer to allow the light of Jesus to shine brightly through your words and actions that someone would find hope and receive healing today. Make prayer a lifestyle, being obedient to the Word, losing all of self-will and intercede for others here at home¯ especially those around the world. Yes, your prayers are very much needed to affect change in our land and in the lives of people everywhere. I challenge you to make prayer and the study of God’s Word a number one priority. You have a guarantee that prayers will revolutionize your entire life! Stay devoted. Be consistent and persistent with a forgiving compassionate heart. God, your Abba Father, will use you to affect change in the hearts and lives of others! Begin at this very moment to pray!


A Portrait of His Love

Get Up Out of Despair and Despondency Sitting in a state of despair and despondency with all around you seeming to be falling apart, with no hope insight; you have been in this way for a very long time. Yes, you have prayed and fasted. You’ve stood on God’s Word, yet you have endured only rejection, ridicule, and pain. Even your very own has risen up against you. Friends have plotted wickedly against you and are praying for your demise. The loving father firmly, yet lovingly says, “My child the Savior Jesus Christ has already walked this road before you, and now because He was triumphant, you my child must get up out of despair and despondency. For you are victorious in every circumstance in this life.” Very quickly, a transformation of the word germinates the seed of the Word, and hope comes alive! Immediately you emerge through the power of Jesus Christ who has been reinstated on the throne of your heart. He is disintegrating despair and despondency restoring life and joy and peace within, bringing about a wonderful change in your marriage. As a matter of fact, restoration of your whole household is now experiencing the bliss of love, joy, and peace! Your neighbors are in awe for they are not hearing fussing and fighting anymore. The children are aligning themselves with the Word. Understand that the Enemy is watching too, and looking for ways to trip you up. So stay humble before the throne room of God. Stay in prayer. Study the Word everyday and continue to fast, living life one day at a time. Be fully clothed in the garment of praise and may God continually be in your heart. Let the fruit of your lips resound the high praises of God and despair and despondency will never reside at your residence ever again. Give him praise.

Margaret C. Mullings


Broken and Wounded Drug addicts, drunkards, prostitutes, homosexuals, lesbians, adulterers, backsliders, backbiters and all liars are the reason why Jesus died to save, deliver, and set us free. For the Word declares that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. At some point and time in our lives we have all been wounded and broken by some circumstances or situations. It may have occurred during early childhood or maybe transpiring at this very moment .Your marriage or your relationship with your best friend may have betrayed you. Maybe you are being persecuted on your job. The list just goes on and on, and no one is even aware that you are broken. The time has come to have compassion and love for the drug addicts, drunkards, prostitutes, homosexuals, the adulterers, backsliders, back-biters and all the liars too. Its time to pursue them with compassionate hearts for God loves them just as much as He loves you. Understand that your heavenly Father did not make you or me a judge for that great and dreadful Day of Judgment. Jesus Christ will make that separation. We must refocus our attention on Jesus Christ and the way He treated people. He went out of His way to meet the Woman at the Well. Jesus even touched and cleansed the lepers. He had dinner with Zacchaeus, the crooked tax collector. Before he was converted, even Saul of Tarsus persecuted the Christians thinking that he was doing God a favor. Yet God through Jesus Christ restored and forgave Saul and changed his name to Paul who became the greatest apostle of Jesus Christ. It is all about soul-winning. Jesus came to mend the broken hearted and wounded. Yes, he came to save, heal, deliver, and set us free. It is so important to remember that you were not born saved and that you too messed-up on God even in your walk with Him.


A Portrait of His Love

I challenge every born-again believer and doer of the Word to change the way we treat sinners. We are to follow Jesus’ example and impact each life whose path we cross with the compassion of Jesus so that lives will be transformed for the kingdom of God. The broken-hearted and the wounded will be completely saved and healed. You, in turn, will become a happier you.

Margaret C. Mullings


Reordering Your Day You awake before the break of dawn hearing the voice of your heavenly Father speaking, “Come, My child, enter the splendor of My presence.” His voice is so gentle and comforting. With much haste, you pull the covers from over your head, put on your slippers, and rush excitedly into the bathroom to prepare yourself to meet your Abba Father at the secret place! Yes, with the Word in your hands and songs of gladness and joy in your heart, at last you are at the meeting place and He is on time. Abba Father is there to meet you. Oh the awe of being in His presence, awakening the revelation of the reality of Psalm 16:11 which truly comes alive, “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand there are pleasures forever more.” Hours have passed and it is still not enough. If only you could spend the whole day with Him. Yet, He whispers in your ear, you must go. Just then He imparts the reordering of your day. For you must function with excellence to do Kingdom business making a difference in your home, at work, and in church ministry and in soul-winning through Jesus Christ. The spark of reality hits you that one day in Abba Father’s presence is definitely not enough. Instead, it is a daily visitation that causes the bond of intimacy to grow. This also makes all the difference in reordering your day. This reordering of your day brings about a wonderful change in your life to impact those with whom you come in contact. Understand that daily the Enemy has his plans for your day, to distract and frustrate your day; but you are reordering your day when you spend time in the presence of the Lord. Your day then automatically becomes productive and the way is clear for you to be a blessing to others!


A Portrait of His Love

Make it your number one priority to reorder your day by beginning with prayer and reading the Word of God! This will revolutionize your life forever. Give Him praise!

Margaret C. Mullings


Driven to Your Knees Sitting for almost two hours meditating and searching the scriptures, singing and making melodies in your heart to the Lord, suddenly a severe pain in the depths of your stomach drives you to your knees. Still holding the Word in your hands and struggling hard to continue on your knees without a complaining word, soon the pain subsides as if it never was. In your daily life, you go through some excruciating pains that seem so unbearable at times and drive you to some of the lowest points in your life, like the sudden pain that drove you to your knees. Yet you have the assurance that if you stay in the Word of the Lord and in prayer, you will emerge victorious. Being driven to your knees when all of your friends have forsaken you and you have lost all of life’s possessions, you discover comfort and reassurance of the Word. A new way of life is unfolding for you find not only comfort in the Word but you also discover the secret place of Abba Father’s presence and the awe of being there. Many mysteries are being revealed; you have now truly found your purpose and are being empowered to walk to your divine destiny. Do not allow your pain and suffering to cause you to give up. Instead, let it drive you to your knees, back to your heavenly Father who waits patiently for you to transform your life and give to you His joy and peace to be victorious in every area of your life. Give Him praise!


A Portrait of His Love

He Kept Me He kept me when I attempted to take Away my own life, Thinking no one even care. Divinely He intervened And lovingly held me In His arms of love. He said, “My child, You have a purpose And a destiny to fulfill; You are my beloved!� He kept me when I was too weak To go on Giving me booster shots Of His grace and love, Injecting me with His strength! He kept me through The many storms I encountered, Losing everything. Yet, He kept me And showed to me The path of life Leading to the throne Room of His presence.

Margaret C. Mullings

He kept me Imparting to me His wisdom, Knowledge, and understanding. Demonstrating His Word In my life. And now my life Is no longer mine, But it is Jesus Christ Who lives and reigns On the throne of my heart. And it is all Because He kept me! Thank you, Abba Father For keeping me!



A Portrait of His Love

Get Up out of the Past You whine and complain And become so vain Remembering the good old days With money flowing in many ways, And you are glowing in the excitement of it all. You had so much then In abundance, for when The opportunity came You made much of it. Now in anguish and pain, Everything you own has become less, Causing you to digress From the path, Wishing you were in the past. Wait! Get up out of the past. It is gone forever. Yet, your Abba Father has Better for you. Become a go-getter, Push back your past And walk into the splendor Of an abundant life Designed by God, just for you. Embrace your future today As you get up out of the past!

Margaret C. Mullings

I Will War For You I will war for you when you are weak and can’t go on, Giving to you renewed strength When everyone is beating you up with fiery words, Slandering you and assassinating your character. I will war for you that you will not get stuck in the mud. I will war for you that you will maintain your integrity, For you were born to win, to soar above the storms of life. Yes I’ll endure your pain, The humiliation and all of your shame. I will war for you that you will live above sin. I will war for you that you will continue to display My love, Embracing each hurting soul, In spite of the naysayers and the false accusers. I will war for you by fighting your battles for you, Giving to you the victories, Ushering you into My presence, Where you will experience joy beyond measure. I will war for you for you are my choice vessel, To display my love to a hurting world filled with pain. I will war for you for I love you so much That I sacrificed my only Son, Jesus Christ to die. So that daily you can live An abundant life free from sin. Always keep in focus That your Abba Father, Jehovah Gibbor



A Portrait of His Love

Will arise to war for you Through your intercessor Jesus Christ, The Lamb that died for you. Give Him praise!

Signed: Your Abba Father who loves you unconditionally!

Margaret C. Mullings


Renewed Strength and Courage Oh the splendor of His presence and the joy of knowing Jesus. Yes, you discover renewed strength and courage and an abundance of the Father’s love is being bestowed upon you right now. For you have been through so much and the continued assurance of access into the very presence of Abba Father, away from the ravages of the Enemy. It is so refreshing that Satan and his demons cannot enter this place. The almighty God, Jehovah Roi, can see through the darkness and into the light, and nothing surprises Him. Continue to pursue even harder after your Abba father, for your music to get to the next dimension. Your strength is being renewed, awakening courage from within. For your greatest tragedy, heartaches, and pain is what will birth your purpose and catapult you to your destiny. It is of the utmost importance for you to always remember that God your Father is faithful and He will not put on you more than you can bear. Stay in the place of prayer so that you can continue to receive renewed strength and courage to get to your divine destiny.


A Portrait of His Love

Unprepared One Sunday morning a young woman had forgotten that time had changed and that one hour had been lost. She went on as usual with her time with the Lord and then on to the much-needed preparation for Sunday dinner, not to mention breakfast. It was an unusual atmosphere for this young lady completed everything in clock time, yet she had unknowingly lost two hours, so she was actually late getting to church. Something happened to this young lady. Without realizing it, just as she was heading hurriedly to the waiting car, she grabbed a pair of beige shoes, not noticing that they did not match. Upon arrival at the church, she discovered to her dismay that she was unprepared to go into the church service, for the mismatched shoes were high heels and the other was low heeled. The young lady paused momentarily. Then she made a decision to go into the service with her old slippers that she had on her feet. She was unprepared without her proper shoes on, yet her spirit within was completely prepared to fellowship. In your walk with God, you won’t get off so easily if you continue to ignore the call of God on your life. To you who have wandered from the path of life and those who have not given your heart to Jesus Christ . . . today is the day of salvation. For the great Day of Judgment is fast approaching and the time has come for you to change your way of thinking. Your focus must shift from business as usual. Understand that you may not have a proper pair of shoes for your feet and even dressy clothes to wear at church, but the good news is that your Abba Father is not focused on your attire, it is your heart. The Book of Revelation 6:17 says, “For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? “Yes if you are unprepared, there are consequences of spending an eternity without God’s pres-

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ence. The young woman had the freedom of going to worship in the church without any shoes on. However, on that great and dreadful day, if you are unprepared, you will be separated forever and ever! I challenge you to prepare to meet your Abba Father by yielding to His plans and purposes. Study and obey the Word and become a doer of the Word. Pray often and be obedient. You will be propelled by God’s Holy Spirit to walk to your place of destiny reversing from being unprepared to being prepared to soar to even higher heights. Take a leap of faith today and get prepared!


A Portrait of His Love

The Call “Arise and shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:1–2). The time of your promotion is here! The table is being spread right now. You shall see with your very eyes, the manifestation what God your Father has prepared for you! Yes, in abundance the blessings of the Lord will follow, your storehouse is overflowing. Right now your finances are changing and you shall see monies coming to you in your hand. All of your needs are being met. Healing, restoration, deliverances, and new beginnings are yours. A new way of life is unfolding for you; you will never be the same ever again. Your time of elevation is here! The world will see it and reverence the almighty God. Stay humble and continue to seek God’s presence. Keep abiding in His Word and always pray consistently and persistently for so true is the Word of God. It continues to resound from John 15:4–5 which says, “Abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bare fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him. The same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” You are fruitful and with the compassion of Jesus Christ. Arise for your light has come and now as God your father unveils you before the whole world. A portrait of Jesus is seen piercing the darkness, turning men’s hearts from darkness bringing hope and love in a world filled with despair. Stay faithful and watchful for God has counted you worthy and entrusted you with much. Always remember to whom much is given

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much is required of you. Slack not your riding and remember only he who endures to the end the same shall be saved (see Mark 13:13). Your season of progress and success is here. Walk in it and embrace it! Display the love of Jesus Christ by continuing to love them. Pray for those who use and abuse you. You are being vindicated. Even now many are sorry for the way they have treated you over these many years. Many judged you harshly and wrongfully; yes they are very sorry. Forgive them; release each one of them to the Lord. The call rings out, “Come up even higher for there is a seat at the head of the table reserved just for you and now you are soaring to an even higher dimension. “And the spirit and the bride say come and let him that athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).You have been tried and tested. You have been faithful! Your time of promotion is here. Continue to stay focused and you shall see every vision that God has shown you come to pass before your very eyes. Give Him praise! The light of Jesus has come. Give Him another note of praise!


A Portrait of His Love

In The Midst Of Adversity In the midst of adversity continue to seek the presence of Abba Father. Weapons of heavy warfare artillery are being hurled at you from every angle. It is time to open your spiritual eyes and see all that the Enemy has stolen. See with your spiritual eyes the strategies that God your Father is giving to you to intercept the plans of the Enemy while you are going through the greatest struggle of your life. In the midst of adversity, you stand firm in your faith of Abba Father for the healing of your body, restoration for your marriage, and deliverance for your children. The fires are raging in your home and on your job, yet you are challenged to stand like the Word says in Galatians 5:1: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage� (KJV)� During these times of adversity, there have been moments of weakness and great despair. Now the Chief Commander Jesus Christ appears waving the victory banner, jolting you back on track and you have this assurance that absolutely nothing shall be able to separate you from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. You are encouraged to stay devoted and faithful and to be consistent in your prayer life, consistent in the study of the Word, even in the midst of adversity. For you are being shaped and molded for your place of destiny.

Margaret C. Mullings




A Portrait of His Love

Run Your Race Run your race; do not allow any thing or anyone to distract you from your purpose. Run your race, being careful to keep the naysayers, the backbiters, the liars and all the dream-killers out of your lane. Run your race, making the necessary sacrifices, disciplining yourself to commit to a steady diet of the Word. Run your race, praying with each breath you take listening for the voice of your Abba Father, for those vital appointments in this presence as you run your race. Always have in your repertoire the heavy artillery of praise! And always let the fruit of your lips magnify and praise the name of the Lord. Run your race with no time to explore or complain. Run your race with excellence¯ excelling in the things of God, doing Kingdom business. Run your race, leaving a vital trail for the next generation to follow. Keep on running your race for the long run is for the advancement of the kingdom of God. Run your race, even though at times you will become weary. At that very moment, the sword of the word cuts through, lifting and renewing your strength imparting God’s grace and enabling you to continue running your race. Run your race to see the victory banner waving for here He is; Jehovah Nissi, riding on that great white horse beckoning you to cross the finish line. Run your race, for you are not just a conqueror! You are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you!

Margaret C. Mullings

Cover in Love Cover in love Praying for your enemies; Pray that God’s mercy is extended. Cover in love Those who continually Use and verbally abuse you. Cover in love Your family members Who take you for granted, Vexing your very soul. Put on the garment of praise And kneel in prayer. Pray for their souls Transforming your home Into an atmosphere of love. Cover in love everywhere you go For it is a clear indication Of your maturity in Jesus Christ When you cover in love Those who have lost their way. Yes, cover someone Whose path you may cross With a good gesture Or perhaps a kind word,



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Making a difference In some precious heart. Make it a number one priority To cover in love, Bringing about a wonderful Change in the lives of people For the kingdom of God.

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You You are a treasure, God’s Beloved! His Word declares in Psalm 139:14, “I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well.” Yes, you are the apple of Abba Father’s eye. You have encountered many, many storms; you have endured much suffering, pain, and heartaches. Sickness has ravaged your body, yet you have survived it all. For the Word says, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Yes, you have been in many places and have done many things you should not have done. You have even been at the bottom of the pit. Yet in the pit, God was present right there with you. You can never get away from your Father’s love. His love will reach you wherever you are. Yes, read it for yourself. The psalmist David declares in Psalm 139:1–13: “O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me; your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,’ even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”


A Portrait of His Love

Incredibly, God your Father loves you unconditionally. In fact, His love knows no boundaries. So don’t mind the naysayers, the backbiters, and the liars. You are destined for greatness and as of this day get up! It is a new day in your life. Change your way of thinking. You are royalty. The time is here for you to claim your heritage. You have been redeemed through the bloodshed of Jesus Christ. You have been preserved for such a time as this. Yes, it is your turn by divine appointment. You are the best by God’s own design. Give him praise!

Margaret C. Mullings

Pour Pour into others What God is imparting to you; The rivers of living waters Flowing from the fountain of life. Pour, pour, pouring Into His yielded vessel Humbly obeying the master’s call To share the good news of salvation Flowing freely to the sad and the lonely Reaching the unreachable, Helping the wounded, Pouring His love into their wounds. Bringing hope to the nations The gospel message is piercing Even through the darkness, Shaking the gates of hell Pouring in His love To the persons who are being set free. Shackles are falling off And the gates of hell shall not prevail. Pouring the love of Jesus Issues at His bloodshed at Calvary. What a price He paid Just to pour the love of the Father Into you this chosen vessel. It is now your turn to pour into others. Give Him praise!



A Portrait of His Love

Sow Seeds Sow seed of kindness. Sow with a good attitude; Sow seeds with a kind word Taken from God’s holy Word Sow seed in orphan’s lives. There are many starving For the love that you could give. Sow seeds to those That know not the God That you serve. Sow seeds of encouragement For little do you know that The seeds you sow are Germinating in their lives, Bringing about a wonderful change. It is springing up the genuine Treasures within the soul. Continue to sow seeds Of hope and love in other people’s lives. Sow seeds all for the glory And glory and honor of God Your heavenly Father! Give him praise! Arise from the ashes,

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The smoldering ashes lay There with the smoke rising. Everything burnt beyond recognition Those that watched some Broken over what looked Like a great loss. Others grinned with great delight, Their voices rang out; There is definitely no coming back. They even took measures To put water on the ashes, Causing the ashes to look Like a complete mess. These words rang out: “I have called you by your name. You are mine And I shall do mighty exploits through you!” Speaking to those smoldering ashes: “Arise My child, come forth! I am giving to you beauty for your ashes, Ushering you forth into your divine destiny. This is the time of your unveiling, My choice vessel Whom I have chosen For such a time as this.” Arising from the ashes The beauty of the Lord is upon your very countenance. From the ashes you are being ushered to your place of destiny. From the ashes to preach and teach the Word of God


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Under the anointing and unction of the Holy Spirit. The world awaits you; Arise from the ashes. A new way of life is unfolding for you. Walk in it!

Margaret C. Mullings

The Potter’s Broken Vessel Wounded and broken, Discarded by society You lay in the gutter of sin In a dark world of confusion and despair. Longing for the sun to shine In your life once again For another opportunity to climb the stairs of prayer Your heart yearns for Abba Father. Your selfish desires and ambitions have faded away; Wealth and fame have eluded you. Wounded and broken Alas, you cry for the potter to reach down Into the gutter of sin to rescue your sinking soul. Wounded and broken Little do you know You are just what the potter is searching for. You are the potter’s broken vessel To shape and mold into A vessel of honor To bring glory to His name. Your brokenness is necessary For you will now have a compassionate heart For hurting and lost souls. The naked, the destitute, you will clothe.



A Portrait of His Love

You are now going to visit the sick And minister God’s healing to them. You will go into the streets and neighborhoods To share the good news of salvation. Your brokenness is causing You to love your enemies And not to retaliate You are now displaying The true love of God through Jesus Christ. You are the Potter’s broken vessel, A precious jewel in the kingdom of God. Will you allow your brokenness to be healed by the Potter So that you too will be used by the potter To do mighty exploits for the kingdom of God. Don’t you ever forget That you are the Potter’s broken vessel. Give him praise!

Margaret C. Mullings

Agape Love Love forgives when wronged; Love restores when gone beyond; Love gives joy when sad; And in your loneliest hour Wraps you in warmth. Love keeps no record of wrong; Love knows no boundaries. Sinking in the trenches of sin, Love reaches in Rescuing your hurting, aching soul. Love covers you with The garment of praise And shows you that You are a precious jewel. Love gently, yet firmly, Warns you of the dangers ahead, Rebuking you sharply Yet in a spirit of love. Love patiently waits For you and helps You should you stumble And lifts you when you fall. Love is not rude and irritable; Love doesn’t even hold a grudge; For love steers you to The path of your divine destiny.



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Love envelopes you In your weakest moments And catapults you into Your place of destiny. Yes, this love is God’s agape love Which never gives up. In a nutshell, this love Is faith hope and patience. Agape love will never fail For there is no failure in God your Abba Father!

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Your Dreams Have Come Alive Many may not believe In your dreams nor in you. Still keep on dreaming and Always keep your dreams alive. For these are the Days when you will see Your dreams alive in Living color. Stay focused, keeping Your eyes on the prize, Which is in Jesus Christ. Do not look at the stormy seas Nor fear the boisterous winds. The critics are multiplying And have joined forces With the Enemy. Yet, the word keeps responding From the Book of Isaiah 59:19 KJV: “When the enemy shall come in like A flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up A standard against him.� Stay in prayer, and in the Word For you are being equipped To be catapulted to your place of destiny. Your dreams have come alive!


A Portrait of His Love

The Aching Heart (A Tribute to Mothers) Your hands are worn and wrinkled from scrubbing the floors, always scrubbing the pots and pans, washing the clothes and ironing with such excellence . . . keeping the home in order. If that was not enough, you even mowed the entire lawn and cleaned the windows. It seemed that you spent so much time in the kitchen preparing meals and baking many goodies. Yes, you helped with homework assignments and school projects. Then at bedtime you made it a priority to pray with your children. Yes, mother, there are many situations that caused your heart to ache but pray and the Word kept you strong, for you were always in prayer and it seemed as if someone was always present with you in the room. Many times it seemed you were so sick it seemed like you were not going to make it. Yet, you drew from your faith and God healed you. Mother, you came back home and brought the whole household joy again. Your heart still ached for you were heard praying for the lost and for all the hurting souls. You had a passion for them. Your aching heart had such love and compassion which has made an exchange. Now your aching heart is rejoicing in the God of your salvation. Now souls are giving their hearts to Jesus. Now hurting souls are being healed of their hurt. Yes, God is using the pain that you bore to reap the harvest for the kingdom of God. On this Mother’s Day, I reflect with tears flowing freely and missing you so much, yet with the understanding that all of your assignments were complete and therefore you had to make your exit. You have left a legacy with a passion for compassion for others. You lived a life of prayer that changes everything for the better.

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To those of you who have a mother, please honor her and take the time to show her that you really care. For it is not just on Mother’s Day that she needs your love and appreciation, it is everyday. For one day, she too will be gone. Cherish the time you spend with her. To mother’s everywhere, be a light for Jesus and continue to trail blaze for the next generation. Pray and study the Word, living a consecrated life, impacting your children that they will rise up and call you blessed. Happy Mother’s Day as you labor in the vineyard of the Lord and may your aching heart discover the joy of being in your Abba Father’s presence!


A Portrait of His Love

Jesus Christ of Nazareth Jesus Christ, though from Holy royalty, was born in lowly estate among the animals. The oxen’s feeding trough was His crib and the hay was the mattress he lay on. The radiance of the Lord was upon Him, and there was a light that shone so brightly it changed the whole atmosphere, even among the animals. Jesus not only grew in stature but also in wisdom and in the knowledge of the Lord, waking before the dawning of day to pray. It is so very interesting that Jesus got up very early in the morning and went up into the mountain to pray alone with his heavenly Father. There he prayed until the dawning of day. Prayer kept Jesus in close relationship with His Father. In prayer, Jesus received instructions for his day. There is such a contrast today. Today, Jesus is very much alive, even though He is not walking the dusty streets anymore. He wants to live in your heart today and reign in you, that your heavenly Father would be glorified. In retrospect, think about this. You do not have to go out of your house to pray to your heavenly Father. When you do go to prayer meeting, you hardly ever walk because the church is not in walking distance. You are blessed to have a vehicle to drive in order to get there. Jesus did not have a car or a horse to ride on. He could not even catch a bus ride nor hire a taxi for there was none in those days. Yet, Jesus walked everywhere that His heavenly Father sent Him. Thousands and thousands of people were drawn to Jesus of Nazareth because of the miracles and teachings of the kingdom of heaven. What is so intriguing though is that, in spite of His fame, He remained focused in His walk with His Father. Jesus did not get complacent nor did He become proud and arrogant. Instead, He humbled Himself even in His death on the cross and when He triumphed over hell, death, and the grave. Yes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the finished work of the

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Crucifixion and Resurrection and the Ascension ushered in the work of Pentecost and now through the work of the Holy Spirit, true revival is breathing forth in this nation and around the world. Yes, miracles are now unfolding. The Word of God is alive and in living color for the world to see. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for your sins and mine too. The Word of God assures you from Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not of the flesh, but after the spirit.” Jesus Christ of Nazareth sealed your verdict of not guilty. You are free from the bondages of sin, free to take your place with Him. Yes, seated in heavenly places and if you will remain faithful to your heavenly Father, one day you will reign with Him. For the Word declares further in Romans 8:37 saying, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” I challenge you today to walk to your place of destiny with the knowledge of the engrafted Word, fully armored in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Always let the high sounding praises of God your Father come from the fruit of your lips. For victory is in your praise. Your victory is also in studying the Word and searching the scriptures. Yes, consistent and persistent prayer is the life-beating pulse that will clearly light your path that will propel you to your place of destiny. During times of weariness and fatigue, the refreshing presence of God will revive you and catapult you back on track through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Always remember that He is the door to your place of destiny! Yield your heart to Jesus of Nazareth today and watch with your very own eyes as your life is transformed through the power of God because your Father loves you with an everlasting love! Give Him praise!


A Portrait of His Love

Rekindled Love Spending the whole night upon your bed, talking with Him and just before the breaking of dawn you arise to spend hours in His Word and in prayer. Lately, though, you have not been keeping your appointments with Him. You are slumbering upon your bed and at intervals pausing to reach out to Him to talk with Him; thus, falling back asleep. Even your rising to go to Him in prayer has not been consistent. There is a feeling of being lost without His warmth. Your passion for Him has become intense, and oh how you miss Him! A pulling and tugging draws you to that place and a rekindled passion emerges, driving you to the place of prayer and intensifying your desire for Him. Rekindled passion is now unfolded and you are regaining strength and courage by renewing your thinking, putting on the mind of Christ. There is a strong thirst for His presence and a hunger for His Word. Rekindled passion is driving you to arise even at midnight to get into His presence where there is joy beyond measure and incomparable pleasures at His right hand. Continual daily prayer, fasting, and a steady diet of the Word will intensify your rekindled passion for God, your Abba Father! Always guard your time alone with your Abba Father that your passion will not have to be rekindled!

Margaret C. Mullings

The Override Busy, busy, toiling diligently Carefully cleaning And doing some much-needed repairs. Doing all of your chores And reaching you limitÂŻ Yet still ready to complete project deadlines. Even staying up late to watch TV or just to relax. Sleep finally comes And you sleep; Then the Master calls To you during the wee hours of the morning. You get up only to find Your body is so drained and tired. The spirit is willing But the override capitalizes on your tiredness And you go back to bed, Falling fast asleep. This must not continue, For you cannot afford to miss Your divine appointments in prayer consistently. You must conquer the override And not allow being busy and toiling With the cares of the day to weigh you down. For it is in the time you spend with Abba Father When He awakens you from sleep



A Portrait of His Love

Thar are really key times to refresh and strengthen you And prepare you for the day Empowering you That you would successfully work and complete All that He purposed you to do. Yes, it begins with your time spent with Abba Father. Do not allow the override to trip you up. Obediently get up Consistently and persistently In spite of how you may feel And spend time with Abba Father. He awaits you to empower You with His unction to function, And the override will definitely be banished from your life! Give Him praise!

Margaret C. Mullings


Armageddon A woman became very sick throughout the night. She tried many remedies to get relief, but she found none. She tossed and turned continually. At times it seemed unbearable, yet she continued to pray through. The prayers didn’t seem to be working; instead, it seemed as if Satan and his hordes of demons were in her room. This woman did not get a minute of sleep nor did she receive any rest. She cried out for Abba Father and this word Armageddon resounded. This woman did not understand what her heavenly Father was saying to her. Little did she know that God was breaking through for her. Understand that Armageddon is actually the mountain of Megiddo¯ the site of the final battle of when God will intervene to destroy the armies of Satan into the bottomless pit. Revelation 16:16 says, “And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” Just as this woman experienced the power of God breaking through for her and defeating Satan and his horde of demons, He is breaking through for you in your situations as you are experiencing what may feel like the worst time in your life. Yes, believe it today. God your Abba Father is bringing you through victoriously. We are fast approaching Armageddon¯ that final battle¯ where the cup of the wine of the fierceness of God’s wrath will be poured out, and the forces of evil will be destroyed and overthrown. Revelation 16:19 says, “The great city of Babylon split into three pieces, and cities around the world fell into heaps of rubble. And so God remembered all of Babylon’s sins, and he made her drink the cup that was filled with the wine of his fierce wrath” (NLT). I encourage you to endure the process that God is allowing in your life. Be faithful for your process is necessary. God is preparing you for


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that final battle, Armageddon, where the King of kings and Lord of lords with His mighty armies will ride triumphantly over all evil! In fact, evil will be no more after the battle of Armageddon is won! Allow your heavenly Father to equip you and make you ready and find you worthy to be at Armageddon!

Margaret C. Mullings




A Portrait of His Love

God’s Love God’s love through Jesus Christ, Is the rock of my salvation. I do not have to be afraid, Even though my enemies are all around me, For I know He will fight for me. God’s love cradles me And fine-tunes my every care. In moments of weakness and despair, God’s Word reminds me of His love. When I’m hard pressed by my circumstances, And situations are going in the wrong direction, God’s love divinely intervenes. I am forever grateful of God’s love, He so freely bestows upon me Which reminds me of just how frail I am And to always ask Him for His wisdom, And for His Word to enlighten my pathway. God’s love is so potent, I cannot live without His love!

Margaret C. Mullings


Selfless Reaching each day, I try to accomplish so much of life’s finest, but I miss the mark almost every time and falling by the wayside. Yet the voice of the Master rings out, “Get up my child; destiny is calling you to fulfill your purpose. Get up; I am pouring My love into you!” Brushing yourself off only this time, the loving Father lifts you to your feet and His anointing empowers you to stand up on your feet. Self tries to restrain and overthrow your stance, but this time the anointing destroys self’s hold and self gives way to Jesus and becomes selfless, allowing Jesus to reign in your heart’s throne, enabling you to remain selfless. Now you will fulfill your destiny and arrive victoriously at your divine destiny!


A Portrait of His Love

The Display It is not about owning the finest car being wealthy and having the most luxurious home. You may not even own a home or a car, yet you are called upon by your heavenly Father to display the love of Jesus Christ. For according to the Word (referring to Jesus), Isaiah 53:3-5 says, “He was despised and rejected¯a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God for his own sins! But he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed!” (NLT). Throughout Jesus’ trial, with false accusations being hurled at him, He answered not a word. While on the cross, He was beaten and stripped of all His clothing and whipped thirty-nine stripes for your healing. A crown of thorns was placed upon His head with blood draining down his face. He was slapped in the face and forced to drink vinegar. Throughout the whole ordeal, Jesus hung on the cross between two thieves and endured the shame, the humiliation, and the pain. He even forgave the thief who dared to believe. Jesus cried out from Luke 23:34 saying, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (KJV). He was displaying agape, God’s unconditional love. Oh what a price! The Lamb who knew no sin became what God hates. He came to redeem the entire race of people back to God. In your daily walk with God, you encounter turbulence in your marriage for your spouse whom you love so dearly has become distant and increasingly abusive each day. Everything around you seems to be falling apart and you want to retaliate. Yet, your heavenly Father lovingly says, “My child, don’t you see the display?”

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This reminds you of the great price that Jesus paid to set you free, enabling you through Jesus Christ to display His love to your spouse in the adverse circumstances. As the weight of the burdens you carry becomes heavy and the pain of what you are enduring is too much . . . just in time, Abba Father intervenes with the display of Jesus Christ, lifting the heavy burden and healing the pain. He gives you a double dose of His agape love and carries the burden instead. He reminds you of what the Word says in Matthew 11:28–30: “Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls’ “ (NLT). On your job, the forces are raging around you and the fury of the Enemy wants to overthrow your stand for righteousness as you cry out against every injustice. Again, the reminder comes to display the love of Jesus Christ to those on the job¯ especially to your boss. In church during the worship service, it’s easy to display the love of Christ, but what about when you step outside of the doors of the church? You would not even speak to your brother or your sister. You run through the side door to avoid that brother or sister you cannot stand to be around. The Word remind you as you are about to go through that door to go and seek out those who have done you wrong and hurt you; to extend His love to them and display the love of Jesus Christ. The display of Jesus Christ awakens each of us to the fact that we are lost and incomplete without the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives; which is the only key to an intimate relationship with Abba Father. I encourage you today to make that bold step of faith and invite Jesus Christ into your heart, making him the Lord of your life. Through the display of Jesus Christ, you will endure the valleys in your life; you will climb every mountain overcome the rough and treacherous terrain.


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Yes, you will survive the stormy and turbulent times of your life. There is hope for your marriage. Through the display of Jesus Christ you shall experience reconciliation. All that was stolen from you is being restored; it is really worth it to display the love of Christ by allowing your Abba Father to work through you, His chosen vessel.

Margaret C. Mullings


Marriage: A Force to Reckon With In a marriage relationship, there should be mutual respect for one another that your prayers may not be hindered. The Word clearly states that the man is the head of his wife, and the head of every man is Christ. Now husbands, this does not mean that you should dominate or manipulate your wife or boss her around. Instead, husbands, you should see from God’s perspective exactly how to love and cherish your wife¯ symbolic of how Christ loves the church. Wives, in spite of how husbands may be, you must understand that it is a must that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This will enable you to see from God’s perspective on how to honor and love your husband. Love and pray for him consistently and continually, especially during the difficult times. Yes, wives and expectant wives, God your Father will give you the strategies you need to stand your ground in your position of authority in Jesus Christ to defeat the Enemy who is Satan. The beauty of marriage is that each one is different from the other. Yet, from God’s perspective, you can identify the qualities in each other that only God can give. Appreciating and understanding that the Word says, “Iron sharpened iron so a man sharpened the countenance of his friend.” So it is in your marriage that your uniqueness will sharpen each other to excel. What a force to reckon with when a husband can unite with his wife in the bond of oneness for the glory and honor of God. No foe can conquer oneness which brings hope to the sanctity of marriage and restoration for all across the nation and indeed the world. I challenge every husband and wife and those who aspire one day


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to be married to put on the full armor of God. Make sure you are in covenant with God your Father, the blood covenant that was shed by Jesus Christ and arise to conquer the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy your marriage. Become a force to reckon with by uniting the bond of love and watch as the Enemy crumbles before your very eyes. For no foe can reckon with the bond of oneness. It is through Christ Jesus that you shall do mighty exploits for the kingdom of God.

Margaret C. Mullings

My Heartbeat You are the lover of my life; You are my heartbeat, The racer of my pulse. With every minute of the day You are in my thoughts. I find comfort in your Word, Which leads me into the Secret place, Where Your presence brings the Splendor of pleasure beyond measure. For it is there that the Enemy Cannot enter, for your right Hand has gotten for me The victory, transforming me to Walk into my place of destiny. Yes, Lover of my life, My heartbeat, the racer of my pulse, I am thankful that you are my Abba Father, My Creator, and the joy of my life, Keeping fervently loving you! Ever faithful and true, You are my heartbeat!



A Portrait of His Love

To Be Like Jesus To be like Jesus; When slandered And accusations at you Are hurled. Answer not a word. To be like Jesus Is to endure humiliation. Rejection, And the pain of it all. In your home The greatest battle rages Where you are put to the test By the ones whom you love so deeply. Yet to be like Jesus, You must not speak Unkind words To your family members Or swear to get even. Instead, to be like Jesus, You must humbly bow in prayer And ask Abba Father to empower you With His love To forgive them like Jesus did. Allow God’s Word to constrain you To demonstrate His love,

Margaret C. Mullings

To conquer every devil, Transforming your home Into a place of refuge and love. To be like Jesus Even in the most difficult times in your life, When hope seems to be fading; Yet there is a ray of light Just up ahead of you. May God your Father impart to you His strength to endure Your time of great suffering And the pain of rejection. With the understanding That it is only for a while And that while is now ended. Your struggle is over! Hold on and you shall see With your very eyes The manifestation of God’s Word In demonstration in your life. To be like Jesus Is to live in action. The more abundant life, For in him you are more than a conqueror. Jesus Christ overcame it all, And now you have been transformed Into His likeness. You are the winner;



A Portrait of His Love

You are just like Jesus Christ Because you are now Allowing Him to live and reign On the throne of your heart. Give Him praise!

Margaret C. Mullings


Christmas after the Storms Hurricanes Frances and Jean with Wilma following came and devastated many lives, destroying many homes leaving an aftermath of devastation. Yet, in the midst of it all, we learned perseverance and how to care about our neighbors and to become our brother’s keeper again. After the storms, people from every walk of life could be seen helping their neighbors. People cooked and went tirelessly about making sure that the hungry were fed, every essential item was supplied. People talked with each other with visitations following. Having a tree with presents under it that Christmas was not important. Actually, people were just giving God thanks for sparing us yet another time. Now Christmas is almost here and it seems that we have forgotten to seek out our neighbors. When we cook, we don’t seek out the hungry like we used to. Telephone calls have become almost nil. God your Abba Father, is so merciful and forgiving. He is unctioning each of us especially at this Christmastime to take a moment out of our busy schedules to reflect on what God has brought us through. Reflect on the hardships and devastating effects of the closure of key hotels and business ventures that were lost. Yet, God kept us and sustained us. With Christmas being a short time away, remember someone who is less fortunate than you. Share with them the joy of Christmas. You may have nothing material or monetary to share; yet, you have something more valuable¯ that is the weapon of prayer. Pray for others; call them by their names, asking God to meet their needs. Ask for the Savior Jesus Christ to become the Lord of their lives. This is the best gift you could ever give for Christmas day! To each of you: may the God of all comfort and strengthen you in


A Portrait of His Love

spite of what you are going through. May He heal and bring reconciliation with deliverance during this Christmas season! May joy and peace abide within you now and always. Merry Christmas to you and may the New Year bring new beginnings to you and your household.

Margaret C. Mullings


Contamination God is a god of purity. He gives us only good and perfect gifts. Yet gifts so pure can become contaminated when the plans of God are not carried out exactly as He orchestrates. We blame the devil, but God’s Word clearly states that we have power and authority over the devil. We have the power and authority through Jesus Christ. Yes, contamination comes through your very own hands because of your failure to lay self on the altar of God and to die daily to your own way. We contaminate the plans and purposes of God when we go after wealth and fame, listening to the accolades of men. Stop at this very moment and take inventory of your life. Check to see if what God has called you to do is lining up with His Word. As you go through every area, ask yourself this question: “Is Jesus Christ being lifted up? Are you sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the way you treat others? How is your love as it relates to those who cross your path? The time is here today to yield yourself in the plans and purposes of God¯ losing all of you and staying continually in His presence. Remember, the Savior Jesus Christ throughout His ministry here on earth. Never once did He do anything on his own nor did he commit to man. Instead he yielded to the will of his father. Even in the Garden of Gethsemane when it seemed more than He could bear, He cried in agony, “Father, I would that this cup would pass from me. Nevertheless not my will but thy will be done.” I challenge you today not to allow self to be resurrected in any area of your life. Keep abiding in the Word of God, being completely armored in Jesus Christ. Sit and walk that you will be able to stand in Jesus Christ even though you are being tried and tested. Keep self dead and the living waters of God will continually flow uncontaminated from you; bringing forth a bountiful harvest of souls for the kingdom of God. Give Him praise!


A Portrait of His Love

Kingdom Dweller Kingdom Dweller, oh the pain you must bear and the shame with much humiliation concealed within. For the moment emerges as your flesh dies, the question resounds: Does Jesus have the reigns to your heart? Is Jesus really ruling on the throne of your heart? The way is which you respond to your beloved and to those whom you come into contact with determines if Jesus Christ really has the reigns of your heart. Understand at times, you will cry out in anguish and pain. Yet, Jesus who resides in you, bears your pain, humiliation, and shame. Kingdom Dweller, keep on the mind of Christ, always bearing in mind that you are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus who is empowering you as a kingdom dweller, to leap over troops, and to climb the mountainous terrain, transforming your feet into hind’s feet. Kingdom Dweller, you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves and appreciates you. You, Kingdom Dweller, are fearfully and wonderfully made. Nothing can separate you from the love of your heavenly Father. Kingdom Dweller, not even the turbulent times, nor the tempestuous seas, not to mention the slander, humiliation, and being rejected¯ nothing shall be able to stop or conquer you. For you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! (see Phil. 4:13) Kingdom Dweller, you are destined for greatness if you remain faithful to the divine call that is in upon your life! Continue to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God, through Jesus Christ, for God himself, has approved you as a Kingdom Dweller here on earth.

Margaret C. Mullings


The Miracle of Easter This year as I contemplate the miracle of Easter, I am reminded of a time in my life where I struggled so hard in my walk with the Lord. Three of my children had great challenges and needed God’s divine healing. Little did I know that a breakthrough was not only on the horizon, but it was already dawning. Recalling from memory, very early one Sunday morning I bade my husband goodbye and ran to kiss my sleeping young children before leaving the house to go to early morning prayer meeting at the church, which was about 13 miles away from home. At the prayer meeting, there was an exceptionally warm atmosphere of fellowship and love. For some reason the elderly sisters especially were encouraging me to continue to pray and to be faithful to God. The leader of the prayer meeting actually got up in the presence of everyone and said these words: “Sister, no matter how rough it gets; keep on praying. Believe what God says in His Word.” After prayer meeting ended, I was feeling like I was on top of the world. I gave two persons a ride into town. While dropping them off, I felt a forceful blow in the pit of my stomach and immediately I knew something was wrong at home. Very quickly I left and drove my car at full speed to get home. Even at an accelerated pace, I felt like I was getting nowhere because of my urgency to get home. As I pulled into the driveway, my eldest son, who was about seven years old, came out. He looked at me so solemnly and very sadly said, “Mommy, my brother is dead.” As I felt that blow, the scene began unfolding. My husband had just finished with the children. They were hugging and playing with one another and jumping on the bed as children do. Suddenly my youngest son started to convulse severely and


A Portrait of His Love

began foaming at the mouth. He then fell onto the bed in an unconscious state. With tears in my eyes, I looked at my son and felt the weariness of having to call 911. He had had these convulsions often, but never at this magnitude. I was so weary of feeling helpless. Just then, I remembered the words of the prayer leader. I picked up my son and held his small lifeless body in my arms. My heart ached with each step I took. I carried him into the garage and gently lay him ion the blue couch that he so loved to sit in. He lay there lifeless, eyes staring as glass. Instantly, I began to cry aloud to God to spare my son’s life and to divinely heal him of his affliction. I felt like Rachel as she wept for her children. I refused to stop travailing until my son was healed by standing firmly on the promises of God that my son would not die but that he would live to declare the works of the Lord. Yes, I lay out on that garage floor and travailed, getting up many times to walk the floor reminding God of His promise. Hours had passed and I was still in travail. Suddenly, my breakthrough came. My son regained consciousness and there was healing in his eyes. He stood up; he was completely healed and delivered. My husband and my children were all in tears. We hugged him all at once. That day was not only a great day of rejoicing it was also the day that I proved that the miracle of Easter is real and that Jesus Christ triumphantly arose from the grave. Hallelujah He is alive! I knew in my hart that day that God my Father would bring healing to my other children in his own divine timing. May you also experience the miracle of Easter and continually celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, allowing him to be the Lord of your daily life.

Margaret C. Mullings

Your Healthy Body Sick from the damages of sin, Your body cries from within No more fast foods Please don’t feed on Anymore junk food! You are clogging your arteries, Blocking the flow of oxygen to your brain! And your body aches in pain, Longing for some much-needed rest and relaxation Craving for a healthy delight Of raw vegetable and fruit With at least eight ounces Of water each day. Start today and listen To your body speak And rustle up a healthy Diet today! Then watch as your body Rejuvenates into the beautiful vessel That is by God’s design. Your body is now healthy And you are wealthy and wise, Especially in the things of God. Give Him praise!



A Portrait of His Love

Morning Morning, yes, “Good morning.” In spite of what you are experiencing At this very moment, It is morning in your life. Morning, Your time of great testing and trials are over. Today is a new day in your life, so Pause for a moment Just to give thanks. Morning, Your time of favor and vindication is here, too. You are now at that place of destiny, The place of maturity in Jesus Christ. Morning, The Word is resounding in your ear Over and over again, “But the God of all grace Who hath called us into His eternal glory By Christ Jesus after that You have suffered a while, Make you perfect, stablish Christ, He will strengthen and settle you” (see 1 Peter 5:10). Morning, God your Father has done it for you. He has brought you forth with a strong hand

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And has gotten for you the victory. Stay humble and forgiving, And continue to share the gospel of Jesus Christ That the morning of God will remain in your life.



A Portrait of His Love

You You are a treasure, God’s beloved. His Word declares that you are fearfully and wonderfully made; You are the apple of your Abba Father’s eye. You have encountered many, many storms; You have endured much suffering, Sickness, and pain Which has affected your entire body. Yet, you have survived. For you are more than a conqueror Through Jesus Christ Who will continue to strengthen you. Still in spite of all of this, You have gone to many places And done things that you shouldn’t have done. You may be at the bottom of your situation; Even right now, God is right here with you. You can never get away from your Abba Father’s love. Incredibly, you are beloved of God And with His right hand He is bringing you through victoriously To show the entire world that you are His vessel. He has chosen to bring glory and honor to His name! You have been promoted! The stamp of God’s approval is upon your life. Give Him praise!

Margaret C. Mullings


The Weariness of God The wife who returns home from work walks into the kitchen to prepare dinner. She experiences the weariness of an abusive husband and the agony of enduring it for so long. She cries out to God and honestly tells her Abba Father that she has grown weary of her husband. Immediately, He replies, “I have grown weary of the sins of my people.” This really startles the young woman and causes her thinking of the weariness of her husband to shift to the weariness of God. For the Word declares in Isaiah 43:24: “Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money, neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices: but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.” Yes, the weariness of God is very real for you have angered and hurt your heavenly Father with your vain oblations and your lip-service to him. You bring gifts, you pay tithes, feed the hungry and clothed the naked. Yes, you even visit the sick and the shut-in, also going to visit them in prison. Yet, you fail to spend time in God’s presence and you neglect to study the Word. God your Father has grown weary of you, doing so many things for Him without seeking for His presence. Abba Father longs for you; yes, He awaits you. How long will you weary Him with your selfish ambitions? How long will you halt between two opinions? Will you today surrender your entire heart and life to the plans and purposes of God? Today can be a new day in your life. Choose life! Make it a priority to get in that place with your Abba Father that the weariness of God will turn into joy of having you in His presence daily. In your time of weakness you will experience the joy and splendor of His refreshing, rejuvenating presence!


A Portrait of His Love

They Buried You They said you didn’t have enough education, nor were you qualified to have an application form. You have no job skills. You do not fill the job description. They said you were not tall enough or you were just too short. Your language skills are not proficient and well, you just do not fit in, nor do you speak the right language. They buried you, rejoicing within them that you would never return. Well, they are sadly mistaken. For the Savior Jesus Christ had no formal education, nor did He have a high-paying job. They said He didn’t even qualify. They said He had no right to teach in the Temple. Yet, He ran circles around the most learned men with the highest degrees. Yes, Jesus Christ walking in power and authority dared to defy the laws of men to bring forth grace beyond you and me. Jesus went about doing His Father’s will by healing the sick, opening blind eyes, and causing the dumb to speak. He even raised the dead; still, they buried Him. Yet, triumphantly, Jesus arose victoriously, conquering every foe¯ especially hell, death, and the grave. Hallelujah, you, too, shall arise, defying your burial through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. You are now soaring to your divine destiny. You are prospering in a wealth of knowledge with divine illumination of God’s Word. Oh what a privilege to bask in His presence with the rivers of living waters flowing from you, and the radiant glow of His presence upon you. Yes, they buried you thinking it was all over for you. What a blessing of being despised, rejected, and buried¯ a divine set-up for a glorious resurrection. Hallelujah, Jesus arose triumphantly from His burial and in spite of all that you are going through . . . you too shall arise!

Margaret C. Mullings

Faithfulness and Obedience In the world Fame and fortune Are the order of the day. However, in the kingdom of God Faithfulness and obedience Are required of you. You do not have to Be popular or famous; Just walk in obedience And God your Father Will honor your faithfulness. Yes, God will promote You for the whole world To see, that it is He Who promotes your faithfulness And obedience.



A Portrait of His Love

The Unforgiving Heart The unforgiving heart is so unruly and filled with self-will Proudly holding the grudges of the past, Each day opening the hurting wounds of the pain of yesterday, Keeping it tightly wrapped in the unforgiving heart. The unforgiving heart continues to hurt And inflict injury without words and actions. Yes, the unforgiving heart is so convinced Of walking in God’s love and mercy. Yet, in an atmosphere Praise upon arrival of the one who hurt you so deeply. Bitterness is stirred And the unforgiving heart refuses to sing God’s praises anymore. The aching, unforgiving heart is filled with pain. Time is fleeting by for every unforgiving heart. Today is the day to release your hurt and pain; Release all the people who caused you anguish And broke your heart in pieces. The solution for every unforgiving heart Is to ask Abba Father in the name of Jesus For the release of others! Now let go of the pain And you will become a happier you today Receiving the compassionate heart of Jesus Christ Shedding the unforgiving heart.

Margaret C. Mullings


Walking in Your Position of Authority The time has come for you to walk in your position of authority. For when you take your position of authority, the Enemy, who is Satan, and his demons are reduced and defeated through the power of the blood covenant of Jesus Christ. It is of utmost importance for you to know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and to have a relationship with your heavenly Father. Understand that because of the finished work of the Resurrection and the Ascension in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, you have access to the throne room of God. Begin today walking in your position of authority and discover who you really are. Start learning to rely on your Abba Father to keep you continually walking in your position of authority. Remember the Enemy is defeated when you are walking in your position of authority armored in Abba Father’s armor with your weapons of praise. Daily, you are a winner effectively making a difference in the lives of each person whose paths you have crossed. I challenge you to keep on walking in your position of authority and stay humble in the presence of the Lord!


A Portrait of His Love

The Pain The road to your divine destiny is lined with pain and the agony of defeat and rejection. Yet, with a clear vision and the mind of Christ, you must persevere. There may be times when the pain seems so unbearable, still you must focus on the prize that is just ahead. Remember that Jesus Christ himself is making intercessions for you. It’s time to wipe the tears from your eyes. Stop asking, “Lord, why is this happening to me?” Stop thinking that it is not fair and crying “Why me, Lord?” Look through the eyes of faith for the Word of God declares that we walk by faith and not by sight. Change your way of thinking. It is time to put on the mind of Christ and walk to your place of authority seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The pain will intensify to propel you to your destiny. Endure your process; ridicule, shame and the lies that will be told about you. Run on keeping your focus. Do not stop to explain or to retaliate, for Jesus is your vindication. The pain is birthing you into your place of destiny. Be very careful of the little foxes that get into your vineyard! Do not allow them to thrive for they will destroy your entire harvest. These little foxes are unforgiveness, hatred, malice, and the green-eyed monster of jealousy that is always lurking around with arrogance and pride. Keep them out! Continually stay in the presence of the Lord. Do abide in the Word and let the fruit of your lips praise Him continually. The pain that you bear today is worth enduring, for in your faithfulness the pain is giving way to the greatest joy you have ever experienced in your lifetime here on earth. I challenge every aching heart even though you are experiencing much pain today. Hold onto your faith; dig deep into the reservoir of God, your Father. There you will find the “river of life” flowing into your very thirsty soul, ushering you into the very presence of God and

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pouring the living water of God into every dry and barren place in your life. Yes, I challenge you not to give up in the midst of your pain. Instead, push back your circumstances and situation and reach beyond the pain to get your divine inheritance, which is yours today. Get it! No one can stop you for you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! (see Phil 4:13). The pain is birthing something beautiful. The very portrait of Jesus Christ is being seen in you! Give him praise!


A Portrait of His Love

The Unveiling You are free! God almighty himself has set you free. Walk like you are free! Talk like you are free! Do kingdom business for your heavenly Father. Display the love of Jesus to those who oppose you. Go on in faith for you are in the path that leads to your divine destiny and no one can stop you. Intensify your prayers; fast and study the Word of God. Declare what thus says the Lord! You are the declared winner. God your Abba Father has the banquet table already prepared and it is all for you. Your foes and those who despised and taunted you shall see as God your Abba Father unveils you! No more tears, no more sleepless nights, no more lonely nights! This is your time of promotion! Give him praise! God your Father is demonstrating His love through the unveiling of you, His beloved.

Margaret C. Mullings


Conclusion He gently awakened me and restrained me with His love. He took me by the hand into a place where rivers of waters flow and the radiance of His presence brings pleasure beyond measure! In the wee hours of the morning, in the darkest of night, it seemed as if the sun shone at its brightest and my life will never be the same again. I long for Him, seeking hard after Him, and He is faithful; He always shows up. His love has set me free and brought me into a wealthy place. God my Father has made me a portrait of His love! This poem is a testament of His love! You are the air that I breathe Not like my weave that cannot breathe Nor are you like the things I possess. You fill the clouds with rain And take away all of my pain. You are the reason Why I live. And when I am weak, You are my strength That makes me meekly Bow in total submission. You are all I need For Abba Father everything I need is in you! I lack nothing because You are ever present. You are the great I am!

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