Hello Zuidas #18

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Monique Maarsen, Maarsen Groep

‘My father and I didn’t talk about hockey or football, but about good urban planning’

Property Special

Zuidas was leader in investment deals in 2014

HELLO ZUIDAS 3D MAP Get Your Free Copy Now! HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING Sustainability and connections RUBEN VAN ZWIETEN Our future ‘Under Construction’





Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

Zuidas Super Women Every two months, when we have our editorial

family purchased a large tract adjoining VU

meeting at Hello Zuidas, the same question keeps

University Amsterdam as far back as 1997. This

popping up: who should be our cover model?

year will see them starting to develop the site in

Who plays a meaningful role in this area and

keeping with the Zuidas style. It’s great to write

deserves a place in our magazine’s spotlight?

up a story that has both a business as well as a

I always push for a healthy balance between male

personal side; somehow, that always happens more

and female cover models. After all, though the

naturally with women than men.

successful businessman still seems to dominate in Zuidas, there are plenty of well-heeled women

Also included in this edition is an extensive special

forging fantastic careers and fabulous plans.

feature on property. Property is an enduring hot

Our female cover models fit the familiar bill of

topic in Zuidas. PropertyNL, G&S Vastgoed,

the high-powered woman. Having scaled the

Colliers, The Office Operators, Fortron, BPD

organizational ladder, they radiate strength and

and NL-Development have all pitched in to put

drive. I won’t easily forget our interviews with

together a jam-packed special feature.

Mirjam de Blécourt (Baker & McKenzie) and Karin Kersten (ABN AMRO). For this edition we’ve

On page 13 you’ll also find a gift from us to you,

managed to snag another executive superwoman:

which you can read more about in Olivier Otten’s

Monique Maarsen, the managing director

column below.

of Maarsen Groep, which is a family-owned

P.S. The next issue of

property firm founded by her grandfather.

As always, we’ve done our best to deliver another

Hello Zuidas is scheduled

Perceiving the potential of this area, the Maarsen

great issue for your reading pleasure, so enjoy!

for the 4th of May

How well do you know Zuidas? Zuidas is a multifaceted place, where there is much to discover. For example, did you know that Zuidas offers you a choice between no less than three gyms? Or that it’s a great place to shop for anything from bespoke suits to kitchens? And that, bordered by a river, a lake and three parks, there’s a lot more nature in Zuidas than most people may realize? So, in order to help tourists, conference-goers and seasoned Zuidas locals find their way around, Hello Zuidas has created a pocket-size map directing you to more than 160 points of interest. Just for our readers, we’ll be including a complimentary copy in this issue of the magazine. Our mission to you: discover Zuidas! Olivier Otten, Managing Director of Hello Zuidas



an Villas






6 Unique Urban Villas W W W.G E R S H W I N TO W N H O U S E S.N L






Index 06. Trending Topics 07. Under Construction 08. Monique Maarsen - Maarsen Groep ‘My father and I didn’t talk about hockey or football, but about good urban planning’ 12. Hello Zuidas | Public Space Got a minute? 14. Property 17. Column - Ruben van Zwieten Our future ‘Under Construction’ 18. Hello Zuidas | Members Meeting Sustainability and Connections 20. Zuidasdok Planning documents available for public inspection 22. Finance 24. ARTZUID A unique outdoor sculpture exhibition

27. Hello You 28. Hello Zuidas | Sustainability More than solar panels and windmills 30. Hello Zuidas | Agenda 35. GSMweb From garret to nationwide operation 36. Hello Zuidas | Mobility Give going to work a whole new spin! 39. Hello You 40. Special: Property 42. G&S Vastgoed 45. Fortron 46. Colliers 48. The Office Operators 51. NL-Development 53. BPD 55. Memo board 57. Hello Zuidas | New Members

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.



Trending topics Jim Jansen @jimfjansen Goede recensie @MacvanDinther @volkskrantmag over @lucNxavier #Bolenius fantastisch vegatarisch gegeten op Zuidas | Ger de Gram @gdegram Doet een koffietje op de Zuidas. | Tony Wijntuin @WYNEstrategy Hockeytraining voor de mannen van @thchurley JC3 in de futuristische pop-up blaashal in de Zuidas | Adam Doyce Transue @StudioTransue Studio Transue proudly presents a 1:500 scale maquette of Blok 10 for Zuidas Gemeente Amsterdam designed by Inbo. Nieuwbouw @nieuwbouw Spencer Stuart International huurt 2100 m2 kantoor op Zuidas | Calijn @Calijn En weer terug naar huis gefietst vanuit Schiphol Noord. Mooi zicht op de Zuidas en het Nieuwe Meer | Facto Online @Facto_Magazine Huurprijs Zuidas stijgt 2,9% naar gemiddeld 350 euro per m2 (= niveau van voor de crisis). | GBCZuidas @GBCZuidas Meedoen met de meest duurzame uitdaging van Zuidas? Het kan nog! Green Business Challenge van 27 maart t/m 2 juli | bob twitman @bobtwitman Een accountantskantoor met een subtiele buts in de glasgevel, The Edge van Deloitte op de Zuidas | Dieter Spileers @DieterSpileers Nah ja! Ontdek ik Nù pas dat er bij ns station AmsterdamZuid ook een @albertheijn , @HEMA én @Rituals zit! #geluksmomentje!! Maike Senders @MaikeHVNL Van succesvolle #Zuidas advocaat naar weldoener in #Irak. Paul Tjiam uit A’dam is net terug van een bijzondere reis. | De Nieuwe Liefde @DeNieuweLiefde Dominee & Zuidas-ondernemer @rubenvanzwieten begint toespraak met gebed: ‘Onze Vader die op de Beurzen zijt, Uw Geld worde geheiligd...’ | Marga Berkhout @MargaBerkhout Vandaag werk ik op 2 locaties. Een op de Zuidas en de ander in Slotervaart. Groot verschil.... | Beata Supheert @BeataSupheert Daar zijn de rossende heipalen van de Zuidas weer. Om ons eraan te herinneren waartoe wij op aarde zijn. | Janneke Vroom @jannekevroom Brainstormsessie op de zuidas @werkenbijEY | Bette Bakker @BetteBakker Hartjes voor de stugge zakenmannen op de #Zuidas die stieken #candycrush zitten te spelen | Mitropoulos @oare_ltbaca Vanavond training geven in het Amsterdamse Bos aan de gevorderden lopers van de 10EM tijdens de Zuidas Run. | Glimpse Essendon @len44151 Zuidas heeft 650.000 m2 kantoorvloer | Vincent Koerse @VincentKoerse Nu open day op mijn school de AICS op de Zuidas openbaar internationaal onderwijs in #Amsterdam Tennent Nomi @nomi_tennent zuidas borrel. Belooft weer druk te worden | Evelien Philips @evelienphilips Niks mis met een dagje werken op de Zuidas! #Symphony #apg #zonnigamsterdam

YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS www.facebook.com/hellozuidas @HelloZuidas @hellozuidas For employees of companies that are member of Hello Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link to Hello Zuidas as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app that allows you to flip through the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com FREEWIFI Hello Zuidas on Mahlerplein & Zuidplein



UNDER CONSTRUCTION MOTEL ONE NEARS COMPLETION With the completion of its latest location across from Amsterdam RAI in late May, Motel One will mark the opening of another of its three-star budget designer hotels. According to project developer COD’s director, Gert-Wim Bos, ‘We celebrated reaching the highest point of construction with all the contracting parties in December and it’s exciting to see the building really taking shape. Already we’ve been rewarded with a BREEAM-NL ‘Excellent’ design certificate for the motel’s sustainable design and we’re now monitoring the entire construction process based on the BREEAM standards as well. With everything progressing as planned, we’re confident that we’ll also be earning the very first BREEAM Excellent certificate for a new hotel in the Netherlands’.

REROUTING CABLE AND PIPELINE NETWORK Walk around Zuidas and it’s obvious that the area is rapidly developing. But what you can’t see, is that there is also a lot happening underground. Take, for instance, the cables and pipelines that are being rerouted to make way for the future Zuidasdok as part of the MENZring energy and utility supply master plan. As Joram Spijker, manager of this project explains, ‘The repositioning of the electricity, district heating


and drinking water networks is necessary in order to make

Day by day, Zuidas is continuously evolving as a dynamic

way for the A10 motorway tunnel. The reconfiguration

urban district. On Zuidelijke Wandelweg, at the periphery of

of the network requires us to drill underground in an

the Rivierenbuurt neighbourhood, area and property developer

area running from Antonio Vivaldistraat to Beatrixpark.

AM has begun work on the Rivers project for asset manager

This will continue through March. We’ve also got other work

Bouwinvest. BAM Woningbouw has already driven down piles for

on the docket for this spring, including the phased reopening

the buildings’ 75 private sector rental apartments and is currently

of Prinses Irenestraat and the closure of Beatrixpark in

working on the basement level, with delivery slated for late 2015.

connection with the park’s planned redesign.’

AM project developer Bart van Kas: ‘Rivers was designed by Studioninedots and consists of two separate buildings, each with a distinct identity, and housing units developed according to the

To learn more about the Zuidas district, visit our website:

“I AM YOU” business model. From the outset, customers have

www.zuidas.nl. Want to stay up-to-date? Sign up to receive

been involved so their wishes and ideas would be integrated in

the Zuidas Newsletter, on www.zuidas.nl. If you have any tips

the project. This has resulted in a housing block that both fulfils

for the editorial team, email them to: hellozuidas@asega.nl

municipal requirements.’


Monique Maarsen


‘My father and I didn’t talk about hockey or football, but about the fundamentals of good urban planning’ - Monique Maarsen Property investor and commercial property and apartment developer Maarsen Groep has big plans in Zuidas. With its two new residential complexes and the development of the office building NoMA House on Parnassusweg, across from the UNStudio Tower, the company is aiming to create an extension of Zuidas towards The Edge. Monique Maarsen has been the family-owned firm’s managing director since taking over from her father in 2005. She told Hello Zuidas about how she gained a share in the company and explains where Zuidas is heading as an urban centre. Maarsen Groep is a family-owned company; when did it

of course, there was no such thing as ‘Zuidas’. Before acquiring

become apparent that you were going to be a part of it?

the property, my father and Brouwershoff, our partner in this

My father never said in so many words that my future was with

project, checked out the city’s plans for this area, which made

this company, but he did always expect it. That his expectations

him realize just how interesting it was about to become.

came to fruition was partly due to my interest in the property

The city is very keen to own a part of this particular plot

sector. Even as a small child, I would accompany my father

and that’s why we’ve made new agreements about the site.

to building sites all the time. My father is a real businessman.

Maarsen Groep will develop residential complexes and an

Rather than discussing football or hockey, we talked about

office building on two plots on Parnassusweg and Boelelaan,

office buildings, inflation, how to calculate rent as well as the

and the city will take possesion of our land here. Thanks to

fundamentals of good urban planning. Those conversations

this exchange of development positions, we can now actually

gradually got me involved in the organization. I consider myself

build in Zuidas.

very fortunate that I genuinely enjoy what I do. That kind of exchange is a fairly drastic step. Did you start working for your father immediately

Is this set-up advantageous for Maarsen Groep?

after graduating, or did you take some time to

We’re very keen to invest in this area. Naturally, we also could

develop on other fronts first?

have built up our entire strip, but the land isn’t just designated

After graduating from Groningen University, I wanted to do

for housing. The City of Amsterdam needed part of the Gold

something completely different for a while and ended up at

Star site to build Zuidasdok, so we took that factor on board in

Nestlé in Switzerland. After three years, I left Nestlé for a position

the negotiations. Additionally, the development of residential

at DTZ Zadelhoff, where I got my first taste of real estate.

buildings on Gold Star itself will take some time, due to the

I wanted to build up some experience first before going to

proximity of the A10.

work at the family firm, and my father agreed with that choice. I worked for five years in the investment division, where I learned

These two residential complexes are being built

a great deal. When I’d been at DTZ for five years, my father said,

in the Gershwin neighbourhood and will contain

‘Monique, it’s been quite long enough now’. So that’s when

private sector rental units. Was this prompted by

I came on board as the commercial director of Maarsen Groep.

the shortage of this type of housing in Amsterdam?

In 2005, I officially took control of the company and became its

Yes, definitely. We’ve done a massive amount of research

managing director.

on this subject, with both the city council and project consultancies, and know that mid-range private sector rental

In 1997 your father purchased the grounds of the

housing is very difficult to be found. The larger apartments are

Gold Star tennis club right next to VU University

designed for double-income households, and we hope they’ll

Amsterdam. What made him decide to buy this site?

be attractive to families. The challenge, obviously, will be to

My father saw the location’s potential on account of the university

draw a mixed target group toward these complexes, but we’re

next door and the easy access to Schiphol Airport. Back then,

confident that will happen.

Text Romy Lange | Photography Jalisa Oudenaarde | Make-up artist Ruth Jansen, Phisage



Is it important to your company that areas have

own personal space here. The structure is comparable to the

a mixed function?

Baker & McKenzie offices. We know there are tenants who

When you create homes at a certain location, you give it a soul.

will appreciate a space like this. It will be a future generation

And those are the areas where the investment risk is lowest,

type of building situated on the corner of Gustav Mahlerlaan and

as we’ve learned. They’re interesting places and destinations

Parnassusweg. It’s very visible, with a maximum of flexibility and

which will always attract people for one reason or another.

the latest technical facilities suited to an array of businesses.

Zuidas is a safe and sociable area, which reflects the principles we want to invest in.

Employers and residents are worried about the noise from all these development activities. Are you taking

This is an arena in which Zuidas still has

this into consideration?

to prove itself. Are you optimistic?

Noise is definitely something we’re concerned about and we

I’m sure we’ll succeed. Zuidas has been seeing a lot of residential

want to ensure the works will inconvenience locals as little as

and office buildings these last few years and we’re playing a key

possible. Currently we’re working on a huge 45,000m2 office

role in this development. More and more people feel they want

building in the city centre of Rotterdam, which is to become the

to live and work here. Zuidas has a cosmopolitan feel and offers

new office of NautaDutilh (Rotterdam) and the headquarters of

great accessibility and comfort. That’s something which has

Robeco. Our company spent two years analysing the potential

evolved in recent years and it is a positive development. If you

disruption to locals and the way we could minimize it. Retaining

can successfully combine residential blocks with ground floor

transparency of our plans and keeping the neighbourhood up to

facilities like restaurants or targeted retail options, you’re good to

date of developments is very important to us. We also work with

go. From 1 December we’ll be starting construction, not only of

a particular type of pile that is less disruptive in terms of noise.

our residential units, but also of the NoMA House office complex

Obviously, it’s impossible to build without a little inconvenience,

across from the UNStudio Tower, which will create a tangible link

but we’re experts when it comes to minimizing the disruption.

to The Edge and the VU campus. This area is poised to become a very dynamic urban hub – and a real trump for Zuidas. This part of

When do you think Zuidas will finally be ‘finished’?

Zuidas will attract over 80,000 visitors on a daily basis.

I think we’ll be a lot closer to that point by 2020 or thereabouts. The Gershwin area is filling up rapidly now,

What are your expectations for NoMA House?

and once we get our building plans underway, Zuidas will

Aren’t there enough office buildings in Zuidas?

finally start to gel. It will take quite a while before it’s a really

We’re absolutely committed to this building. Even with

robust district, but I think that’s OK – eventually we’ll see

a surface area of 13,000m , tenants can still create their

all those expectations fulfilled.




Got a minute?

DENNIS STAAL (28), WORKS AT AMSTERDAM RAI (SECURITY MANAGER) LOCATION: BEATRIXPARK ‘Aside from Beatrixpark, which really is beautiful, the RAI would have to be my favourite spot. And that’s not just

Hello Zuidas and designer Gloria Font recently unveiled

because it’s where I work, but rather because there’s

a 3D map of Zuidas showing all area facilities, including

always action here. There are all sorts of events and we get

shops, restaurants, hotels and more. This map has now

lots of international visitors as well. Obviously people come

been put up at information points at four different locations

to Zuidas from all over the world and that creates a sense

across Zuidas. We visited these locations to ask passers-by

of energy. It also generates more revenue for the area,

to tell us about their favourite spot in Zuidas – and point it

which benefits our financial position. But here at the RAI

out on the map! A convenient pocket edition of the full map

– that’s where it all begins!’

is also included with this issue of the magazine.

BAS BREIMER (41) AND JOCHUM ZUTT (30), BOTH WORK AT EY LOCATION: RAI Bas: ‘My favourite spot is Starbucks which recently opened in our building, replacing the old canteen. I’m one of their loyal customers. Occasionally I also go out for lunch around here, and then I prefer places like Koetjes en Kalfjes and Wagamama.’ Jochum: ‘Gustav Mahlerplein is my absolute favourite place in Zuidas. It’s like a business mecca – you just see so many people in suits walking around on the square! It’s a spot where everything really comes together and that creates a great vibe.’

AUDILLA VOORN (24), STUDENT AT VU UNIVERSITY AMSTERDAM, WORKS AT FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS LOCATION: AMSTERDAM ZUID STATION ‘I’ve decided my favourite spot in Zuidas would have to be VU, where I’ve been a student for over five years now. I did my Bachelor’s there and am now doing a Master’s. The great thing about this university is that there are so many facilities on campus. All of them are close together and the range of facilities is still expanding. Another bonus for me is that VU is right in Zuidas, so it’s easy for me to combine school with my job. Also, it is easy to reach by public transport.’


Text Anouk van Dijk | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


Get your FREE 3D map now!



Source: PropertyNL.com

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send your property news to: redactie@propertynl.com

One of the world’s most sustainable office buildings,


OVG Real Estate’s The Edge, has been nominated for

ZUIDAS - In the second half of 2014, office rental prices

a 2015 Mipim Award for Best Innovative Green

in Zuidas rose once more to near pre-crisis levels.

Building. In December 2014 the international BRE

Increasing by 2.9%, rental prices clocked in at € 350 per m2,

(Building Research Establishment) issued The Edge

according to Colliers International Emea Office Snapshot

with the highest BREEAM score ever awarded.

H2 2014. This puts Zuidas in the vanguard of the Dutch

Situated along the A10 motorway in the Zuidas

rental market recovery. This positive trend also extends to

district’s ‘Knowledge Quarter’, The Edge is home

the investment market, with initial yield levels for Zuidas

to tenants including Deloitte and AKD, owner of

showing marked improvement, dropping by 20 base points.


Deka Immobilien. The building was designed by Ron Bakker and Lee Polisano of the London-based firm PLP Architecture.




ZUIDAS - Early January saw work commence on the

ZUIDAS - Bouwfonds Investment Management

Summertime complex, consisting of nearly 200 private

(Bouwfonds IM) has concluded the purchase of the

sector rental apartments plus facilities, along Mahlerlaan

Amsterdam Mahler car park for approximately € 130

in Amsterdam’s Zuidas district. The project developers are

million. Consisting of approximately 1,755 parking

area and property developer AM and co-maker

spaces, Mahler is one of the country’s largest car

Bouwinvest, that is investing in the project on behalf of the

parks, spanning five levels and with a central location

Bouwinvest Residential Fund. The apartments are

in the heart of Amsterdam’s Financial Mile in Zuidas.

expected to be completed in late 2016. The start of the

Situated above the car park are six office towers:

Summertime project will mark the construction of the

Viñoly, The Rock, ITO/SOM, UN Studio, Baker &

two-thousandth home in Zuidas. AM and Bouwinvest

McKenzie House, the FOZ building and the New

were selected by the City of Amsterdam following an

Amsterdam apartment complex. Bouwfonds IM

extensive tender procedure for the development of

has acquired the car park from Q-Park, which will

mid-range residential housing along Zuidas’ Mahlerlaan.

continue to operate the facility under a long-term rental agreement.

BOEKEL ANNOUNCES ADDITIONAL SUBLETS ZUIDAS - Law firm Boekel De Nerée, one of the country’s largest property consultants, is planning a major reorganization as a consequence of which it will be subletting more than 2,000 m2 of office space in the Viñoly tower at 2 Gustav Mahlerplein. The new structure is to be approved by the shareholders/partners in April.

Photography Ingrid Arnou


YOUR NH HOTEL NEAR ZUIDAS HAS A NEW NAME: NH AMSTERDAM ZUID What doesn’t change is our commitment to connect to your needs. Therefore, you can continue to count on the services you have become accustomed to, such as a shuttle service between NH Amsterdam Zuid and Zuidas, wonderful beds, excellent breakfast, and free Wi-Fi. For reservations: +31 (0)20 70 18 042 Over 375 hotels in 28 countries

NH Amsterdam Zuid (formerly known as NH Musica) Van Leijenberghlaan 221, 1082 GG Amsterdam


Our future ‘Under Construction’ ‘Under construction’: you might say it’s the slogan for Zuidas,

and a tighter time-span. It’s a test of your imaginative powers

where some form of building is always underway. But in the

and your sense of taste. The rebuilding process directs your

next few years Zuidas will look even more like a construction

focus on the future. Here you are creating something that’s

site, with a mega-building project at Zuidasdok, the motorway

already been mapped out, but has yet to fulfil its function.

set to be rerouted underground and the station to be suspended above it. For anyone with an interest in professional building,

Rebuilding is about changing what’s already there. Things can’t

it’s a golden contract: € 1.4 billion in turnover, guaranteed.

stay as they are; the status quo is constantly being redefined,

The contract hinges not so much on who can put up the best

heralding new eras limned by new circumstances. As the Flemish

and most beautiful building, but who is able to promise the

poet Herman De Coninck once beautifully expressed: ‘this is the

least inconvenience for locals.

supporting wall / this one we’ll leave / that and that wall will go / to open up great spaces’ (dit is een dragende muur / die laten we

If you’ve ever done any remodelling at home, you have an

staan / die en die muren gaan weg / daar komen grote ruimtes).

idea of what it’s like to live here. In Amsterdam you can’t

So let’s not shy away from life’s building projects. Though we

escape treating your neighbours left, right and centre to your

can’t control the future, rebuilding enables us to briefly play with

contractor’s 6:30am sledgehammer wakeup call. Or to the

prospects, tantalizingly titled ‘2018’ or ‘2026’. In the worst case

lovely view of your portable eco-toilet positioned right in front

you may have to recast the foundation, but at least you’re looking

of your door. Of course, to you, the building process is like

towards the future! And if we’re going to be honest, isn’t life and

putting together the pieces of a big puzzle within a tight budget

our common future always under construction?

Ruben van Zwieten (b. 1983) is a minister and the founder of De Nieuwe Poort on Claude Debussylaan – a café-restaurant, workspace, cultural and social enterprise all rolled into one. With a portfolio of fitness-for-the-spirit subscriptions for employers, he coaches Dutch executives in reflecting on their lives, work and involvement with society. Besides being a member of the Dutch banking code monitoring committee and a columnist for the Dutch financial daily Financieele Dagblad, he is also a popular speaker and event chair. Ruben is married and lives in Amsterdam.



Zuidas sustainability and connections Marijke Roskam & Chris van Hattum

On 16 February 2015, members of the Hello Zuidas foundation met for their biannual assembly. Olivier Otten opened the meeting with the positive news that local occupancy rates are at an impressive 95%! What’s more, 2014 saw a range of construction projects get underway, as well as the opening of a number of commercial spaces. The afternoon speakers provided members with an inside view of projects focusing on sustainability, public space, Zuidasdok and the vision for Zuidas.

PARTNERS IN SUSTAINABILITY EXCELLENCE In the second half of 2014, property development consultancy

in an excellent position, scoring 12% higher than the rest of the

bbn adviseurs conducted a large survey on the sustainable use

Netherlands in the buildings category. Though the margin is

of existing buildings and businesses in Zuidas, focusing on

smaller in the ‘use’ and ‘management’ categories, Zuidas still

health, energy consumption and transport. The survey was

had a better score: at 2% and 4%, respectively.

designed for two aims, explains Arne Balvers, sustainable housing manager at bbn. ‘On the one hand, it gives us a


benchmark of where we are now. On the other, the survey

Amsterdam’s leading business association, ORAM, will be

is designed to promote collaboration between various chain

playing a pivotal role in the development of the country’s

partners with a stake in business or utility premises. When you

largest project in its most expensive location. In talks with

start out with something sustainable, you can work together

the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water

to keep it that way.’ The benchmark shows Zuidas finds itself

Management (Rijkswaterstaat), ProRail and the City of



Olivier Otten opened the meeting

Experts and members formulated their own statements about the future of Zuidas

The members meeting took place in Novotel Amsterdam City

Speakers provided members with an inside few of new projects

Jan Raes & Marijke Roskam

Amsterdam, ORAM has been an advocate for the business

but also area users, residents and managers. This is essential in

community. ‘We’ve been able to ensure the Zuidasdok project

order to ensure awareness about emergency measures, get all

office’s acknowledgement of the need to lay down certain

crucial information to be put on paper and to respond to changes,

parameters – such as limitations on noise – in order for local

so that the plan will continue to receive the priority it demands’.

businesses to give their support to Zuidasdok’, explained ORAM board member Jaap van Rhijn. ‘Our goal as a business


association has been to ensure awareness about this aspect.

The Zuidas Vision document is being updated, based on six

Moreover, we’re pushing for effective measures, to be able to

themes: international & ambitious, work in progress, dynamic

intervene should the works prove overly disruptive for the area.

residential living, Zuidas by bike, connection to green space

We also want to guarantee continued accessibility. So far,

& water, and Zuidas access. Bicycles are an explicit theme,

the cooperation has been going very smoothly.’

as the use of bikes for transport is growing. The Zuidas Vision sets out plans for cycling paths, bridges and new routes.


Taking these six themes, experts and members formulated their

Zuidas is a relatively small area with a high concentration of

own statements about the future of Zuidas to achieve a clear

people. That calls for a solid emergency plan. Berend Temme,

picture of what still needs to be done. These statements will

crisis manager for the City of Amsterdam, explained, ‘Devising an

be published on the website www.denkzuidas.nl from 2 March

emergency plan for an area like Zuidas requires a major commit-

onwards, where you can read them and share your own opinion

ment from various parties – not only emergency services,

about the future of Zuidas.

Text Katja Tremio | Photography Wouter van Ierssel



Zuidasdok planning documents available for public inspection Eric Ivens, Zuidasdok planning process project manager



The development of Zuidasdok is set to entail various changes to the A10 south motorway, Amsterdam Zuid station and the surrounding neighbourhoods. These structural spatial planning modifications have to be laid down by law. As part of this procedure, the draft route plan for the motorway and the draft municipal zoning plan for the Zuidasdok project will both be available for public inspection from mid-March. Plans for the additional lanes and tunnel of the A10 south motor-

necessary for the realization of Zuidasdok´s plans, they also

way and the reconfiguration of the De Nieuwe Meer and Amstel

offer the public legal certainty that this infrastructural

junctions are being formulated in a route plan, to be signed

and spatial mega-project complies with the rules and the

by the Minister for Infrastructure and the Environment.

standards in respect of environmental impact.’ They also

Meanwhile, the expansion of the station, additional public

give an insight into how much leeway the building contractor

transport infrastructure and spatial layout of the tunnels are

has. ‘In a high-density location like Zuidas, every square

being detailed in a municipal zoning plan. Both plans are subject

metre counts, so it’s better to know exactly what the margins

to an environmental impact assessment, which reviews the

are. The zoning plan and route plan ensure that all parties –

effects of the proposed changes on the locality.

we, the local community as well as the building contractors – are on the same page.’

ONE STEP AT A TIME The first step towards a route plan and zoning plan was taken

The exact dates of the inspection period and

in September 2012. ‘That’s when we began to develop the

information fair will be posted on the website

preferred solution for Zuidasdok, which is basically a general


description of all the works’, explains Eric Ivens, Zuidasdok planning process project manager. In December 2014 the four government agencies commissioning the development of Zuidasdok laid down the definitive scope of the project. ‘That means we can now release the environmental impact assessment, draft route plan and draft zoning plan for inspection in March 2015, establishing a key benchmark in this process’, says Ivens.

INSPECTION AND INPUT For the duration of six weeks, starting from mid-March, everyone will have an opportunity to inspect the documents and submit input (opinions). The Zuidasdok project office will


also be publishing an explanation of the documents for the general public, which will be made available on a number of websites and on several locations, including three urban district council offices in Amsterdam. ‘People can also share their input

The aim of the Zuidasdok project is to maximize car and

in person’, Ivens adds, ‘for instance at the information fair,

public transport access to Zuidas and the northern Randstad

which we’ll be organizing in late March.’ All opinions will be taken

area. Sections of the A10 motorway will be widened and

into consideration and everyone who has contributed will be

moved underground and Amsterdam Zuid station will be

informed of the results. ‘It’s worth pointing out that if you want

upgraded to serve as a future-proof public transport hub for

to make an appeal against the route plan or zoning plan later on,

train, tram, bus and metro services. Zuidasdok feeds into

you can only do so if you submitted an opinion in the first place.’

the continued development of Zuidas as a prime residential, working and recreational location. For further information,


visit www.zuidasdok.nl

For Ivens, the planning process is much more than a legal formality. ‘These legal planning documents are not only

Photography Wouter van Ierssel


Finance Source: Het Financieele Dagblad

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.



ZUIDAS - BCD founder John Fentener van Vlissingen’s

ZUIDAS - Internet retailer Coolblue recently reported

investment company Boron has built up a stake of more

a turnover growth of 45% in 2014, amounting to

than 3% in the Intercontinental Hotels Group, one of the

€ 360 million. Active in the Netherlands and Belgium,

world’s largest hotel operators, which is best known for

with web shops such as TVstore.nl, Beamercenter.nl

its Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza chains. The current

and Epilatorshop.nl, Coolblue’s profits back in 2013

stock market value of the investment is over US$300

were down to only € 248 million. The company,

million. ‘I have high expectations for Intercontinental’s

established in 1999, attributes the profit increase to

growth potential. The global hotelier is on the brink of

growth in its existing and new product categories,

making a round of consolidations’, Fentener van Vlissingen

as well as its expanded delivery options. Coolblue was

explained to the FD newspaper. Fentener van Vlissingen is

the first web retailer to deliver its distinctive blue

the founder of the BCD Group, which has grown into one

parcels to their customers on every day of the week,

of the largest companies in the travel sector worldwide,

even on Sundays. Over the past year, the company

with an annual turnover of US$25 million.

added almost 350 new jobs. Coolblue now has over a 1,000 employees.




ZUIDAS - After three years of decline, confidence in the

ZUIDAS - Pension investor PGGM is significantly

business sector is reviving among Dutch university

upping its stake in London’s profitable office market.

graduates. However, public opinion remains largely sceptical,

The company recently announced it is teaming up

according to the 15th edition of a survey conducted by the

with British insurer Legal & General in a joint venture,

Edelman communications agency. For the first time in

financed by a total seed capital of £ 375 million

three years, university graduates reported a substantially

(€ 500 million). And the first transaction has already

higher level of confidence in businesses, up from 54%

been concluded: a property in the Soho district

in 2014 to 66%. One important factor is recent economic

valued at £ 67 million. Whereas, according to some

growth in the sector. Among the general population,

market analysts, the British capital’s office market is

this confidence rating remains steady at 52%.

showing signs of overheating, PGGM has a strategy

Paradoxically, the Dutch continue to distrust the leaders

to stay bubble-proof by focusing on properties

of large companies. With only a quarter (26%) of the elite

that may accrue in value in the near term through

stating they trust business leaders, the Netherlands lag

redevelopment, energy savings and planned

behind compared to every other country worldwide.

infrastructural improvements.

KARDAN SELLS CHINESE STAKE ZUIDAS - Kardan subsidiary Tahal Group will be selling its stake in Kardan Water International to investment company China Gezhouba Group Investment, for the equivalent of approximately € 86 million. Gezhouba will also repay all outstanding loans to Kardan, amounting to an estimated € 42 million.

Photography Ingrid Arnou



Art photographers Erik & Petra Hesmerg © KAWS

A Unique Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition

ARTZUID 2015 is an absolute must-see for everyone! This fourth edition of Amsterdam’s International Sculpture Biennial will run from 22 May to 22 September. Former director of the Stedelijk Museum Mr. Rudi Fuchs will be presenting a world first in outdoor exhibitions, with 18 ‘museum rooms’ showcasing ensembles of artworks by internationally renowned artists such as Georg Baselitz, Tony Cragg, Ai Weiwei, Kaws, Markus Lüpertz, Mimmo Paladino and Thomas Houseago. ARTZUID 2015 is being organized in Amsterdam’s Zuidas district and on Minervalaan and Apollolaan in Amsterdam South.

BOOK YOUR TOUR NOW! Guided tours of ARTZUID can be booked in English and Dutch

the Zuidas area: ‘Walking together while looking at art is an

on www.artzuid.nl. Tickets cost € 20 per person. Tours depart

excellent way to get better acquainted with your customers.

from the ARTZUID Pavilion (next to 151 Apollolaan and across

With every step there is something new to see and talk about.

from the Hilton Hotel) and start with a short introduction,

That’s precisely why I highly recommend this tour to companies.’

followed by a 90-minute guided walk along the outdoor sculpture route, accompanied by an art historian. Tours finish at

The ArtZuid foundation can also design bespoke tours.

the Pavilion. The exhibition catalogue is available for purchase

Please feel free to contact us at: communicatie@artzuid.nl

at the Pavilion, which also has a café serving drinks & snacks.

to discuss your interests and possibilities.

Public transport: Amsterdam Zuid station / tram 5, 24 or 16. For more information about ARTZUID 2015 and the


ArtZuid foundation, visit: www.artzuid.nl. Follow ARTZUID

ARTZUID tours are a big hit with local residents, day-trippers,


families, international visitors, art clubs and businesses alike.


As ArtZuid Director Cintha van Heeswijck-Veeger explains,


guided tours yield a great return for companies based in


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Winston Chang & Natalia Alvarez

Robert Ceasar & Ursula Tolosa

Bas Hawinkels & Nadine de Waard Wagner

Saskia Keizer & Peter Grifhorst

ZUIDAS NEIGHBOURS RECEPTION Thursday 8 January @ Crowne Plaza • 50-60 people attended the reception • Guests were welcomed with a glass of mulled wine • The reception was held on the terrace of the festively lit Crowne Plaza • In December and January Crowne Plaza even had an ice-skating rink for guests to enjoy • To keep everyone toasty warm, hotel servers kept up a constant flow of tasty delights • The evening was a big hit! Corine Bolle & Nicole Turnhout

Jeffrey Hoogendoorn & Sjoerd Hartman

Martine Voogt & Peter Groot

Marion Westbroek & Floris van Aller

Adriana van de Roemer & Harry Kamphuis

Carly Mujaric & Tineke de Rooij

Niels de Wilde & Ruben van der Plas

Steven Bekker & Edwin Meierdrees

Nadya Koopmans & Maripi Villarejo

Ramon Coombs & Karin Hoeksema

Edgar van aggelen & Pim Standaert

Like us on Facebook & find more photos in our gallery Photography Anouk van Dijk



Sustainability more than solar panels and windmills Tako Postma, architect and partner at Inbo

In many ways, Zuidas is synonymous with sustainability. Sustainability plays a feature role in every local building project – and not just in the form of solar panels and geothermal heat pumps. It fact, the concept encompasses much more. We talked with Tako Postma, architect and partner at Inbo, to get his perspective on sustainability and how it’s applied in Zuidas by his architectural firm. With around 150 employees, Inbo is based in the Old School building, a creative hotspot diagonally across from Amsterdam RAI.



“To us, sustainability implies making precious places for everyday life”

Inbo is based in the Old School building, a creative hotspot diagonally across from Amsterdam RAI


such as Intermezzo and 900Mahler. Aside from design, we offer


various other services like engineering assistance, broad area

The towers are pretty high by Dutch standards, especially

development consulting, running the gamut from urban

for an urban location. One thing we did was seek to create

and physical planning to housing construction research.

a ‘high rise’ feel, while promoting a residential image at

Basically, we’re involved in the entire life cycle of buildings.

the same time. That makes it a good fit with Zuidas.

As engineers, we’ve earlier prepared the technical specs for a

As far as sustainability goes, the buildings meet up to the

number of buildings in Zuidas, including the Symphony Towers.

highest standards. More important, these luxury apartments

We’ve been active in this area for quite some time now. As an architectural firm, we design apartment blocks in Gershwin

are maximum comfortable, bathe in daylight and have


beautiful terraces.

To us, sustainability implies that anything we build will be around

urban functional mix of offices and housing and that’s something


we always factor into our designs. Besides that, we also look at the

We joined up with a number of other parties to form the Dutch

materials used in buildings. They should ensure that properties

Green Building Council, spurred on by the fact that the whole

age gracefully. So, as the building accumulates dirt and grime,

sustainability concept was being hollowed out by overuse:

does that add an aesthetic component? Exploring these aspects

everyone was going on about how sustainable they were,

is an important and ongoing focus. We also always carry out

but what does that encompass, exactly? That’s why the

the construction process as sustainably as possible. Thanks to

joint parties developed a common language to measure

meticulous preparation, good collaboration with construction

sustainability, based on the idea that the concept of

companies and other parties, and fantastic software, we assure

sustainability is developing all the time. There’s no score

efficient use of materials and energy based on the total life cycle.

card that says you’ve won if you’ve ticked all the boxes.

We encourage others to think likewise. The construction of

Take the case of the foundation piles – you won’t score

Intermezzo in Zuidas, which we designed, actually began with the

extra points for using second-hand piles. At the same time,

use of foundation piles that were initially intended for a windmill

it takes things to another level, which also gets reflected

park. When plans for that park were cancelled, they were left with

in the BREEAM system. Another crucial element of the

1,000 piles, which we were then able to use, thereby avoiding

BREEAM certificate is to promote the sharing of knowledge.

the need to buy new piles. That’s what I call sustainability.

And we’re achieving that here.

for a long time to come and have the flexibility to accommodate future use. Zuidas is a sustainable location because of the high

Text Romy Lange | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam THURSDAY, 5 MARCH 2015 Duisenberg Master’s Day Duisenberg school of finance 4:30pm - 7pm A degree from Duisenberg school of finance distinguishes you from thousands of other finance graduates entering the workforce. Learn from and debate with worldrenowned professors from Harvard, Vanderbilt, LSE, Frankfurt, Cambridge, Columbia and EDHEC in a small classroom setting, alongside other highly ambitious students. And benefit from our strong industry network to secure a good job: 90% of our students find jobs within three months of graduating. For details, visit: www.dsf.nl.


THURSDAY, 12 MARCH 2015 CEO breakfast Deloitte, The Edge 8am - 9am On 12 March 2015 the Zuidas Green Business Club will be organizing its second CEO breakfast in Zuidas! Following the success of last year’s event, this year will once more see CEOs of Zuidas’ GBC participants joining up to discuss their company’s ambitions towards sustainability and to come up with visions on the future of Zuidas. For programme details and/or a guest list, send an email to: zuidas@greenbusinessclub.nl.

Drag hunt Amsterdamse Bos Ever since 1975, the Soestdijk hunting association organizes an annual drag hunt in the Amsterdamse Bos. The course runs along the horse trails that have the stables of the Amsterdam Manege as a starting point. The association’s pack of hounds follow the scent along the course and participants follow the hounds, dressed in a red hunting costume, which is in keeping with the English tradition. For details, see: www.jachtverenigingsoestdijk.nl.


THURSDAY, 5 MARCH 2015 Made to Measure Pauw for men, Gelderlandplein 2 3pm - 8pm The Pauw shop for men on Gelderlandplein invites you to a special Made to Measure event, with tailors La Vera Sartoria Napoletana alias Orazio Luciano, tie maker Viola Milano and Pauw’s shirt makers. For a sneak peak, visit: Pauwmannen.com.


THURSDAY, 12 MARCH 2015 Made to Measure Pauw for men, Gelderlandplein 2 3pm - 8pm The Pauw shop for men on Gelderlandplein invites you to a special Made to Measure event, featuring tailor Cesare Attolini and the shirt makers of Finamore. For a sneak peak, visit: Pauwmannen.com.

The national jurists’ conference RAI New at this year’s national jurists’ conference is NJC Talents – an event where ambitious law students have the chance to connect with top law firms. Law school students who have graduated between 2014 and 2017, and who are interested in meeting top firms and boosting their career potential, are invited to attend NJC Talents! Register now at: www.carrierebeurs.nl.

MARCH - APRIL 2015 Next magazine will be published @ 4th of May. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before March 30.

SATURDAY, 28 MARCH 2015 SATURDAY, 21 AND SUNDAY, 22 MARCH 2015 ‘Nouvelle Naissance’ art exhibition by Kees Verkade Jachthavenweg 112, Amsterdam 11am - 5pm Most widely recognized for his bronze sculptures of the human form, with their emphasis on movement and emotion, Dutch artist Kees Verkade will be joining forces with ABN AMRO MeesPierson to support the charity Het Vergeten Kind. The unique exhibition Nouvelle Naissance provides viewers with an opportunity to enjoy the astonishing artworks of Kees Verkade at the office of ABN AMRO MeesPierson Amsterdam, located at Jachthavenweg 112. Part of the revenue generated by this exhibition will be donated to a project designated by the charity Het Vergeten Kind. This project aims to improve living conditions at an Amsterdam shelter that provides housing and support to children and young adults with mental disabilities and psychiatric disorders, who are unable to live at home.


MONDAY, 23 MARCH 2015 Zuidasdok information market 4:00pm At the end of March, an information market about the Zuidasdok project and the associated planning procedures will be organized at WTC. Zuidasdok project staff will be on hand to answer any questions. Specific information will be available on topics such as noise, air, accessibility and disruptions during construction. You are cordially invited to attend! See www.zuidasdok.nl for the exact date.

Public Debate: Energy Transition – is there a Carbon Bubble in Asset Valuations? Duisenberg school of finance 3:30pm - 5:30pm Energy transition is high on the political agenda of many countries. During this public debate, insights from the new report ‘Transition? What Transition?’ will be shared and discussed. How will carbon constraints affect the energy mix? What is the impact of carbon constraints on the valuation of fossil fuel companies? How do investors perceive the potential of a carbon bubble? Register at: www.dsf.nl/carbonbubble.

Electric Run Olympic Stadium 7pm - 11pm The spectacular Electric Run running and dance event has come back to Amsterdam! Starting from the Olympic Stadium, the route continues past the Nieuwe Meer to the Amsterdamse Bos and along Sportas back to the Olympic Stadium, to conclude with a sizzling Finish Line Celebration Party. The Electric Run is a unique event that combines running, music and entertainment. Register at: www.electricrun.nl.

FROM TUESDAY, 31ST OF MARCH UNTIL THURSDAY 2ND APRIL 2015 EY and Ortec support the “World cup of Econometrics” in Amsterdam The annual ‘World Championships of Econometrics’ will be held in the Westerkerk in Amsterdam. 30 top universities of the world, including Oxford, Harvard and the London School of Economics, will delegate their best 4 students to participate in this high exposure event. By sponsoring this prestigious session EY and Ortec acknowledge the added value of Econometrics and the importance of this annual event. More information: www.econometricgame.com


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

THURSDAY, 2 APRIL 2015 Presentation of the Zuidas Sustainability Report 2014 The Edge Green Business Club, City of Amsterdam (Zuidas) & Hello Zuidas

APRIL 2015 Waterfront opening Het Bosch The Waterfront will be re-opening in April! When exactly? Well, that depends on the weather. Het Bosch offers private lunches from Monday through Friday and is open for lunch and dinner every Saturday and Sunday. Also enquire about our options for meetings, product presentations and receptions for groups of up to 60 people. Check out our website for the latest news! www.hetbosch.com.

THURSDAY, 2 APRIL 2015 Jazz at the Southazz with the Kepala Kepala Trio De Nieuwe Poort 5pm - 8pm Every first Thursday of the month De Nieuwe Poort hosts an evening of jazz. Meet your friends for drinks under the ambient lighting of one of our round tables, this time featuring the acoustic stylings of the Kepala Kepala Trio. With a sound that’s anything but cerebral, this trio plays straight from the heart, focusing on jazz standards with Brazilian, French and Bossa Nova accents. www.denieuwepoort.org.


A great variety of parties are hard at work to put Zuidas on the international map as a dynamic and sustainable location. The Zuidas Sustainability Report and the joint results of our own Zuidas Green Business Club attest that we’re on the right track. Keynote speaker: Abdeluheb Choho. More info: www.greenbusinessclub.nl.

THURSDAY, 16 APRIL 2015 Phisage Beauty & Welness: workshop skin care 6:30pm -10pm Beauty is a reflection of both inner and outer beauty. Join our journey to beauty & wellness. Phisage Beauty & Wellnes will organise a skin care workshop powered by Paula’s Choice. Where: at Phisage Beauty & Wellness, World Trade Center Amsterdam Register: info@phisage.com

TUESDAY, 7 APRIL 2015 (INVITATION ONLY) Hello Zuidas foundation & ASEGA Media Spring Cruise 5:30-6:30pm ASEGA Media and the Hello Zuidas foundation are organizing a Spring Cruise for invited guests on 7 April. This special excursion will offer a great opportunity to get acquainted with the Amsterdam Zuid business network. Guests please RSVP by email to hellozuidas@asega.nl no later than Wednesday, 1 April. Departure: From the pier at Strandzuid (Europaplein 22, between Amsterdam RAI and Beatrixpark)

FROM FRIDAY, 17 APRIL UNTIL TUESDAY 5 MAY 2015 Amsterdam Tulip Festival All April tulips will be blooming all over Amsterdam, including the three main squares of Zuidas (Gershwinplein, Mahlerplein and Zuidplein). The squares will feature tulips of all colours to be admired by the public. A free guide in Dutch and English lists the locations, so visitors can plan their own tulip tour. For details, visit: www.tulpfestival.com.

Zuidas part of Open Tower Day Amsterdam! On Saturday, 28 March 2015, Amsterdam will be hosting its third Open Tower Day, with historic and contemporary towers throughout the city opening their doors to the public from 10am to 4pm. Visitors to Zuidas can check out the ABN AMRO tower, the VU chapel on the top floor of VU University Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Regional Training Centre (ROCvA) on Europaboulevard and Deloitte’s new premises on Gustav Mahlerlaan. There will also be a wide range of activities in and around Amsterdam’s towers throughout the day. ABN AMRO


Visit the 23rd floor and enjoy the highest view in Zuidas. You can also sign up for one of four art tours guided by art curator Danila Cahen and historian Jan-Jaap Moborn. Registration required; space is limited.

Carillonist Henk Verhoef will be playing the carillon all day long.


ROCVA MBO COLLEGE ZUID, EUROPABOULEVARD This Regional Training Centre offers an array of creative, cultural, service-sector and athletic programmes. Check out the ‘fitness room with a view’ on the building’s 6th floor, while enjoying the music of ROCvA talents.

Arcadis NV will be opening the doors of its head office on the 23rd and 24th floors of the Symphony tower, where visitors can hear all about planned urban developments and the future of Amsterdam.

DELOITTE Experience the world’s most sustainable and innovative office building, where the LED lighting is controlled by the touch of a smartphone. Guided tours include a demo of the connected lighting system designed by Philips and a chance to work the light and temperature levels yourself.

JOIN US! For the latest information on admission, activities, visitor conditions and the photo and film competition, see www.opentorendag.nl.



Dennis Luikel

From garret to nationwide operation

In 1998, two friends launched GSMweb from an attic room. Their move proved to be a success: GSMweb was one of the first mobile telephone webshops for the consumer market. In 2010 they took a logical next step by adding business products targeting self-employed professionals and other branches of the business market. Today, 17 years on, the company is still growing fast, thanks to GSMweb’s competitive deals.



Dennis Luikel has been a sales manager at the Netherlands’

As well as being an independent and affordable retailer, GSMweb

largest independent low-cost mobile provider for a year now.

is also committed to excellent service. ‘We’re preparing to bring

‘If you’re looking for an affordable subscription for yourself

another 20 account managers on board, so we’re able to

or your employees, whether coming from Vodafone, KPN or

provide more service and independent advice. Business customers

T-mobile, GSMweb has the right package for you. Our team

will each have their own account manager assigned to them, so

of some 40 people operates nationwide, albeit with a slight

whenever a customer has a query or issue, they can always talk

focus on Amsterdam, as this is where most of our customers

to their account manager on his or her direct line. Our company is

are based.’

about people: to us you’re never just a number!’


Text Floortje Osnabrug



Give going to work a whole new spin! If we want to keep Zuidas accessible, we’ll have to boost the use of bikes. And we can! A local survey shows that many Zuidas employees commute by car even when they live within cycling distance to work. With Zuidas expanding all the time, the challenge – and the imperative – is to effect a change in people’s behaviour. New buildings are rising all over Zuidas, which will result in ever more visitors. To keep Zuidas accessible, we want to encourage everyone to take their bike to work. And if that’s not enough of an incentive: it’s healthy too!





Zuidas is no stranger to bicycles, but there is plenty of room

Zuidas is hammering out a Bicycle Action Plan aimed at

for improvement when it comes to making cycling common

making cycling as convenient as possible for new and existing

practice. When questioned, most employers have little idea of

cyclists alike. This includes good, safe bike paths and crossing

how many staff members cycle to work, or whether it’s even

points, traffic light-free routes and two-way bike paths

feasible given the commuting distance. But this is information

throughout Zuidas, as well as enough bike parking spaces

they could easily obtain. In talking to different companies about

that are secure and easily accessible. The plan also accounts

accessibility, Hello Zuidas will be sure to raise this issue.

for e-bikes (electric bicycles), with the requisite electric charging points and a special introduction day at which


commuters can get acquainted with these high-speed bikes.

Several local organizations do have experience with cyclists

We’ll also be talking with HR and facility managers to help

and are geared up to support them. VU University Amsterdam

companies look at which steps they can take. Loyens & Loeff,

and VU Medical Center know exactly how many staff members

VU/VUmc and WTC are already offering workplace shower

cycle to work each day – more than 2,700 – and cater for bike

and changing facilities. Another great incentive that not

commuters with facilities including two bicycle repair shops.

many people know about, is the per kilometre tax allowance

Amsterdam RAI also keeps track of how employees get to work

for bike commuters, which is available even if you live less

and have noticed that some take the car even though they live

than ten kilometres from work. Fortunately, the introduction

within cycling distance. During fairs expected to attract a large

of the work-related expenses scheme will continue to offer

share of bike-bound visitors, Amsterdam RAI erects additional

employers plenty of tax-friendly options to enable employees

bicycle racks. And even bike pooling has already become a

to purchase bikes or e-bikes, for instance by setting up

common phenomenon. Amsterdam RAI, WTC, VU/VUmc

a lease scheme.

and Loyens & Loeff have all introduced bike pool schemes as an easy way for staff to get to meetings during their workday.

OTHER FACTORS Another interesting finding to come out of the survey is that


there are also employers who don’t promote cycling per se,

If you’re an employer and interested to learn more,

but who do seek to discourage car use or apply a strict parking

or if you’re a die-hard bike commuter keen to share your

policy. Many companies refuse to extend parking privileges

ideas and stories, email us at mobility@hellozuidas.com

to employees who live near their job, requiring a minimum

or Twitter to @HZ_Mobility

commute of 10 or even 30 kilometres. In some cases, motorists don’t get their commuting expenses reimbursed.

Text Renny Kootstra


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MEETINGS ROSARIUM Europaboulevard Amstelpark 1 1083 HZ Amsterdam +31 (0)20 6 444 085 info@rosarium.net www.rosarium.net



Situated near the Zuidas and the RAI, within the green setting of the Amstelpark you will find Rosarium: the ideal location for meetings, varying from 2 people to conventions up to 800 participants, conferences, seminars, symposia, exclusive events as well as stylish weddings. At the heart of Rosarium you will find Parker’s Winebar & Restaurant. This fine dining experience offers a wide variety of international culinary dishes combined with accompanying wines. Rosarium & Parker’s are open from Monday until Friday. From April onwards Rosarium is open 7 days a week and welcomes her guests to enjoy the terrace with a view on the rose garden during the weekends as well.

Pieter Zwiers, Richard Vergouwen & Bas van Exter

Middle: Michiel IJzerman

Jan Withaar & Heleen Blackstone

Menno Ploeger, Robert Dijckmeester & Peter Klomp

Emile Govaert & Aalt Leusink

HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS’ MEETING Monday February 16 @ Hotel Novotel Amsterdam City • 120 member companies were represented at the biannual meeting • Marijke Roskam (of BNR Newsradio) was the meeting moderator • Keynote speakers were Arne Balvers, Jaap van Rhijn, Berend Temme and Bas Boeker • The day also featured an interactive session on the Vision for Zuidas • All members received a Hello Zuidas city map • City maps are available at the Hello Zuidas office in WTC • Guests enjoyed networking and drinks afterwards.

Daan Hoogenboom & Sasja Albersen

Anton Reijlink, Erik Maitimo & Christiaan Huijg

Photography Wouter van Ierssel

Remco Groenhuijzen & Wanda Borkus

Amsterdam Shoeshine Company



Property SPECIAL


Zuidas was leader in investment deals in 2014 Last year saw a large increase in the volume of commercial

with foreign funds accounting for 67% of the total volume

property investments across the Netherlands. Deals closed

invested. But Zuidas is no longer at the bottom: offices here

in Zuidas contributed substantially to this development.

are seen as stable investments that will always succeed in attracting tenants. Prices for this type of core real estate are

The total volume of investments in commercial property over

already back on the rise. German companies in particular have

the whole of 2014 came to € 10.2 billion, according to data

proved to be interested in this location. Union, for instance,

released by PropertyNL Research. That’s almost double the

will also be adding the AkzoNobel and Stibbe offices and Motel

total invested over the previous year. Property transactions

One upon their completion.

in Zuidas contributed a large share of this volume growth. Aside from a handful of smaller deals, Zuidas also witnessed

Driving the current high volume of investments are opportunistic

the two largest transactions of 2014. Topping the list was Union

Anglo-Saxon players like Kildare, Lone Star and Blackstone,

Investment’s purchase of two office towers – Ito and SOM –

that account for 30% of the total volume. They are interested

for a sum of € 244 million, from the open-end fund hausInvest,

in portfolios with high vacancy levels from sellers in difficulty.

owned by fellow German Commerz Real. The main tenants of

With banks now divesting themselves of a growing number of such

Ito are consultancy Accenture and law firm Houthoff Buruma.

properties, we can expect to see more deals like these in 2015.

SOM is best known as the home of Amsterdam Expo, with other tenants including G&S Vastgoed and the Boston

Zuidas also profited from another trend among property

Consulting Group. The second largest deal of 2014 was the

investors: the hunger for residential real estate. Reflecting this

sale of the new head-quarters of Deloitte and AKD, The Edge,

wider trend, institutional investors such as Bouwinvest and

a property developed by OVG. Another German company, Deka,

Amvest acquired rental housing units under development

acquired the ultra-sustainable office block next door to the VU

in Zuidas. Other property categories also garnered interest,

hospital for the price of € 200 million.

with Bouwfonds buying Mahler’s underground car park, accommodating 1,755 parking spaces, for a sum of € 130 million.

Particularly among foreign investors, the leap in investment

Here, yet again, it is German institutional parties who are

volume reflects the sense that the market has bottomed out,

investing in Zuidas, this time via funds managed by Bouwfonds.

Text PropertyNL | Photography Ingrid Arnou



Luxurious living in the Gershwin Townhouses Three floors spanning 230 m2, two integrated parking spaces, a front and back garden and your own front door opening onto a car-free private street. These are just a few of the many perks distinguishing the Townhouses in Zuidas’ up-and-coming Gershwin residential district. Enjoy living large in a prime location.


in the Financial Mile. The project has been structured in such a

The six urban villas, as the Townhouses are characterized,

way that anyone could live here.’ The houses have in common is

can be laid out and styled entirely to the owners’ wishes.

that they are spacious, have high ceilings, and let in lots of light,

‘The Townhouses are a blank canvas’, says G&S Vastgoed Sales

all thanks to open spaces, balconies, front and back gardens

and Marketing Manager Jet Happel. ‘With three stories plus

and an optional rooftop patio. ‘By playing with the space,

a basement, they’re perfect for families, while also very well

the architects have managed to create a maximum sense of

suited to accommodate a private practice. We can even install

freedom’, explains Martine Gründemann, head of commercial

lifts, if desired. For professionals, it’s a double win: luxury living

affairs at G&S Vastgoed.



SUPER DELUXE The Townhouses are nothing if not luxurious. Built from stunning sustainable materials, they will be delivered with

For further details, contact G&S Vastgoed or visit

perfect finishing, boasting a stone façade, stainless steel door

www.gershwintownhouses.nl or www.gensvastgoed.nl

and window frames, a dark stained wooden front door and two

• Construction of the Townhouses is currently planned

integrated parking spaces in the basement offering direct, private access to the house. Each Townhouse will sport a different façade, thus creating an eye-catching sextet. According to Jet, ‘Materials are very important – they give a home instant ambiance. That’s why we opted for materials

to start in June 2015 and will be completed in September 2016. • To keep informed about the Townhouses and presale dates, please register on www.gershwintownhouses.nl. • G&S Vastgoed is currently developing several property

that are timeless and sustainable. But the final character of

projects in Zuidas, including 1000 Mahlerlaan, 400 &

each home is up to the buyer’.

500 Beethovenstraat, The New Atrium and the residential tower at 900 Mahler, to be completed in mid-2016.


• 900 Mahler is a great success, with more than 90%

As well as space and luxury, the location itself is also an

units sold in our presale at the end of March 2014

attraction. ‘Gershwin is a fast-growing residential neighbourhood’,

(i.e. before the official public sale). Almost all of the

Martine says, ‘and has a real cosmopolitan feel. Sipping cocktails

apartments have now been transferred.

with friends on your rooftop patio amidst the skyscrapers feels very sophisticated – very like New York’.

Text Katja Tremio



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• Charming canals, beautiful facades, cozy streets,


Fortron makes your building shine Jeroen van Drongelen, manager national accounts, and Robert Hompes, commercial director of Fortron

By combining window cleaning with an inspection of the building façade, property landlords and owners may save a considerable amount of money, according to Jeroen van Drongelen, manager national accounts and Robert Hompes, commercial director of Fortron. What’s more, well-maintained façades enhance the image of an office.

INTRODUCTION Jeroen van Drongelen is the new manager national accounts

It consists of a cleaning system mounted underneath the

at Fortron, a company specialized in façade maintenance.

washer’s platform which cleans the cladding at the same time.

‘We feel it’s important to have a single point of contact for both

This two-in-one solution may yield tenants and building

window washing – indoors and out – and façade maintenance’,

owners considerable savings.’ Van Drongelen adds,

says Hompes. ‘In Zuidas, that person is Jeroen.’

‘A good example of a building suited to this solution is ABN AMRO’s head office’.

TOTAL FAÇADE MANAGEMENT Buildings in Zuidas usually have their windows washed four times a year. Van Drongelen: ‘The window washers work right up

Free façade quick scan

against the wall of the building and are trained to simultaneously

Have Fortron clean your windows

perform small repairs to the façade. By regularly carrying out

and receive your first façade quick

small maintenance, periodical major building conservation can be

scan free of charge! Call Jeroen or Robert

postponed or put off altogether. We call this service Total Façade

to schedule an appointment or for further details.

Management’. He continues: ‘Loose seals, dried out grout, crooked cladding... our quick scan identifies any issues,

Jeroen van Drongelen

which can then be addressed on the basis of our maintenance

06 53745903 / jeroen.vandrongelen@fortron.nl

advice.’ According to Hompes, ‘Having our specially trained

Robert Hompes

window washers check the state of the exterior walls while

06 55861567 / robert.hompes@fortron.nl

cleaning the windows, may save owners up to 10-15% a year. Fortron


Nijverheidsstraat 9,6433 JZ Hoensbroek

Fortron cleans windows and façades in one single step. ‘The Façade Brush is one of our innovative solutions.

Text Corinne Brouwer | Photography Jalisa Oudenaarde



Jaap van Rhijn

Office buildings attaining brand status The image of business locations and the way they are branded has become increasingly important; not only for financiers, but also for employees, according to Jaap van Rhijn, CEO of Colliers Nederland. Hello Zuidas got Van Rhijn’s inside view on this trend and other developments to be expected in 2015.


too straight-laced. It may benefit from a little chaos; after all,

According to Jaap van Rhijn, Zuidas is a good example of

that’s one of the elements that makes up a city.’

what he calls a ‘winner takes all location’. He explains, ‘Zuidas is a prime location that attracts lots of companies.


Rents here have returned to the level they were at before

‘Where companies used to be concerned mainly with the

the crisis, and that’s no coincidence: strong locations with

number and size of their office locations, now it’s all about the

an appealing mix of facilities and businesses are proving

experience and the image of the core location’, Van Rhijn says.

increasingly successful’. Van Rhijn hopes that all the new

‘During the crisis, companies had to divest themselves of more

residential and office buildings going up in Zuidas will also

and more branches, so that those that now remain represent

add some diversity to that mix: ‘Zuidas shouldn’t become

the core of who and what they are.’ According to the CEO



of Colliers Nederland, office buildings themselves have now

‘They expect an office to be a place where they can learn,

become brands. And if the brand is strong, the location will be

work and meet colleagues. It should feel like home.

easy to lease. ‘That means lenders needn’t worry about flexible

And’, as he explains, ‘that user experience is becoming

lease contracts: a well-branded office block will basically lease

increasingly important and partly determines a location’s

itself.’ At the same time, Van Rhijn has observed that tenants

image. Users want a pleasant working environment at a

have become more demanding. ‘Companies want to cut costs,

well-maintained premises with a full range of facilities,

but are still willing to pay for quality. Property owners, for their

which can also be shared’. With its focus on the core,

part, want to deliver that quality and are styling themselves

the Office 2.0 concept enables companies to save costs,

as hosts. Tenants are no longer considered a cash flow.’

even while offering a high-quality working environment.

SHARED SERVICES More and more office buildings are housing a mix of different

Colliers is a global property consultant, offering a wide

businesses, meaning their identity is no longer defined by a

range of services to owners, users, institutional parties

single company. ‘That’s where good branding becomes crucial’,

and public authorities. For more information contact:

Van Rhijn continues, ‘with high-quality, shared facilities like a staff restaurant, or a place where people can meet for drinks,

Colliers International Amsterdam

for example. That opens companies up to the world, so to speak’.

Buitenveldertselaan 5 1082 VA Amsterdam


T +31 20 540 55 55

‘Nowadays, people can decide if they want to work at the


office or login from home or from a café ‘, Van Rhijn says.

Text Corinne Brouwer | Photography Wouter van Ierssel



The mass urban remigration Sipke Feenstra: ‘We’ve put a lot of energy into finding the right approach to people, training and service.’



Work and meet in a five-star setting with The Office Operators. Also known as TOO, The Office Operators are a nationwide provider of flexible workspaces and meeting rooms. Having opened 12 locations over the last five years, the next few months will see the company expand this number to 15. Businesses and self-employed professionals can choose from locations in Amsterdam (including Zuidas), Amstelveen, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Delft, Brussels and – shortly – Eindhoven. ‘These days, companies want short-term contracts, and we can offer that at top city centre locations. But what also sets us apart from other companies, is our focus on service and quality’, explains Sipke Feenstra, chief executive operator of TOO.

THE MASS URBAN REMIGRATION Work and meet in a five-star setting with The Office Operators.

in villages and remote industrial parks all over the Netherlands

Also known as TOO, The Office Operators are a nationwide

are returning to the cities. Whereas the crisis led them to

provider of flexible workspaces and meeting rooms.

relocate to more affordable locations, things are now reversing.

Having opened 12 locations over the last five years, the next

Take Amsterdam: the city centre, Zuidas and parts of the south-

few months will see the company expand this number to 15.

east side are now fully occupied. We're seeing a big push to do

Businesses and self-employed professionals can choose from

business across the border, and an address in Amsterdam has

locations in Amsterdam (including Zuidas), Amstelveen,

a different ring to it than one in, say, Baarn. Plus, it's easier to

Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Delft, Brussels and – shortly –

find the right staff in big cities compared with outlying areas.

Eindhoven. 'These days, companies want short-term contracts,

If you want to see what Amsterdam will look like ten years

and we can offer that at top city centre locations. But what also

from now, look at London. It's the same there: everyone wants

sets us apart from other companies, is our focus on service and

to relocate to the city, causing other areas to empty out.'

quality', explains Sipke Feenstra, chief executive operator of TOO.


With the plethora of providers of office and meeting spaces,

Before, the property market was mainly focused on long-term

TOO invests in its product every day and works to stay a cut

full occupancy. But that's changing now. TOO was one of

above on all fronts. 'The quality of our product is exceptionally

the first flexible providers in the sector to offer short leases for

high. We've put a lot of energy into finding the right approach

both fully serviced work stations as well as conventional square

to people, training and service. Companies choose an address,

meters. 'Nowadays, customers often don't know where their

a building and a view, and then they sign on the dotted line.

business will be at in five years' time. That makes it difficult for

All that is done very quickly. After all, leasing an office isn't

them to buy workspaces for a longer period of time, as they can’t

a business target. Their targets are in a whole different sphere

predict where their company will be in the future and how many

and they need professional support to find the right space

workspaces will be needed. Consequently, they prefer shorter

and people in order to ensure everything runs smoothly.

contracts. In the current economy, you also have to move fast,

That's our trump card.'

so businesses simply don't have time to think about matters like accommodation, which makes a flexible approach important.

TOO in Zuidas

Beyond that, businesses are very conscious about costs and the

TOO offers office and meeting spaces on the 9th floor

quality of the location. We offer them the whole package.'

of the UNStudio Tower.


Interested to learn more about TOO?

TOO specializes in leasing offices and meeting spaces at prime

Visit www.theofficeoperators.com.

locations. 'We've noticed that companies that were established

Text Romy Lange | Photography Jalisa Oudenaarde


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Henk Jan Hollander of NL-Development

‘Terras OP ZUID’ or ‘Terrace on Zuidas’

‘This residential building project forms the ecological link between nature and Zuidas’ Zuidas is becoming an increasingly popular place to live. But what’s driving this trend? Hello Zuidas asked project developer Henk Jan Hollander of NL-Development, who shared his ideas on living in green surrounds, only a stone’s throw from the city.

GOING GREEN ‘Terras OP ZUID’ – or ‘Terrace on Zuidas’ – is a project that

building are being repurposed for this location’, Hollander says.

offers a range of luxury apartments and maisonettes in Zuidas,

‘Plus, all the units will be connected to district heating.’

each with its own patio and a south-facing lawn. The gardens are tended by a gardener so they look picture perfect in every


season. ‘This project provides an ecological link between the

As part of the project, the Stichting Lievegoed foundation

green lung of the parks and the business heart of Zuidas’,

opened a centre for disabled children in the former

Hollander explains.

hotel school last year, the project developer continues. ‘Before, these kids were divided over schools all across


Amsterdam. It’s great to see them at this wonderful location

The funky architecture appeals to a wide range of people,

now and to have this important social facet connected

says the housing complex’s developer; from young people

with our residential project.’

buying their first home, to working couples, expats and families with children. As such, Hollander expects to attract a diverse mix of residents: ‘There are large houses with five rooms for families with children and open lofts for first-time

NL-Development is an independent project developer that

buyers that can be laid out in any way they wish.’

aims to uncover the potential in every possible location. Homes at Terras OP ZUID range in price from 199,500 to


650,000 euros. To find out more about Terras OP ZUID,

The project also meets growing public demand for sustainable

visit www.terrasopzuid.nl.

real estate. ‘The former hotel school and part of the old school

Text Corinne Brouwer | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


Located in the Center of the Amsterdam Zuidas, is World Trade Center Amsterdam. WTC Amsterdam is a dynamic commercial ‘world city’, populated by at least three hundred companies, which often are internationally oriented. With representatives of more than 30 nationalities, it is no exception to hear Dutch, English, Russian, French and Japanese in public areas. More than half of the established companies is of foreign descent.


Living the high life in Zuidas!

Hella & Arend de Jong


Antal van der Duim






Antal: ‘During the spring of 2014, I moved from Buitenveldert

Hella: ‘We moved to Zuidas last year. We wanted a new place

to Zuidas. Since then, I have spent a lot of time training at

with good access to the main roads, that was also close to the city

the Amsterdamse Bos near Amstelpark; it’s such a perfect

centre. On top of that the location had to be quiet, and had to have

location. Plus, I love the city centre, and from Zuidas it’s only

a private car park. So that’s how we ended up here. This is a great

a minutes’ ride by bike or scooter. Buitenveldert has lots of

neighbourhood with a real cosmopolitan feel. Now that Museum-

older properties, but here everything is new, and I think a new

plein is so nearby, we’ve been to more performances at the

house is simply more comfortable. It doesn’t really feel like

Concertgebouw this winter than ever before! The cafés and

I’m living in an office district. With all

restaurants are bustling with life all day long and in the evenings

the houses being built, you see a lot of

too. It’s quieter during the weekends, but that can also be a nice

residents around all the time. I’m very

for a change.’

happy I moved here.’

Fancy living in Zuidas? Apartments are soon available in

• The apartments boast a state

the new Intermezzo residential complex!

of the art finish and are fitted with

• Intermezzo is a new icon with an eye-catching design,

products by Poggenpohl, Miele

located in the heart of Zuidas.

and Villeroy & Boch.

• The building is part of a dynamic neighbourhood, close to

• Intermezzo offers a high standard of service,

local amenities, the city centre and Schiphol Airport.

including a facilities app, a doorman and amenities

• The apartments offer spacious south-facing terraces

like parcel and dry-cleaning services.

and patios.

• Intermezzo has a car park underneath the building.

• Defined by a sleek silhouette and a wealth of glass, Intermezzo has a light and transparent feel about it.

Text Romy Lange | Photography Wouter van Ierssel

For details, visit: www.intermezzozuidas.nl.


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Memo board A LOOK BACK AT THE AMSTERDAM HOTEL NIGHT On 17-18 January, Amsterdam hosted its third annual Hotel Night, during which hotels all across Amsterdam opened their doors for a variety of fun activities, multiple-course dinners and fabulous parties. The only difficulty was making up one’s mind where to go... Here in Zuidas, the Crown Plaza and citizenM also took part in the event. CitizenM teamed up with Music Discovery Service in organizing 22TRACKS on 17 January, while Crowne Plaza welcomed visitors to its heated terrace and ice-skating rink(!), where delicious hot chocolate and mulled wine was on offer on both days. With the 2015 Hotel Night turning out to be a resounding success, we’re looking forward to the next edition in 2016!

HELLO ZUIDAS APP For everyone who’s ever missed out on getting a copy of our magazine – it won’t happen again! From now on, you can download the Hello Zuidas app from the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The app is also optimized for iPhone 5. That means you can read the magazine any time, anywhere! Download the free app and stay up to date on all the latest happenings in and around Zuidas.

HELLO ZUIDAS 3D MAP Have you seen it yet – the life-size 3D Hello Zuidas map? This 3D map, featuring every local building, shop, restaurant and a host of other facilities, was recently put up in various spots across Zuidas. So if you’re meeting with an important client and can’t remember the office address, or if you need to run a quick errand, but don’t know where to go, let the Hello Zuidas map point you in the right direction. Never get lost again!

SUSHI TIME WTC IS TURNING 15 THIS YEAR! To celebrate, they’re offering all sorts of fantastic deals from now until 28 April. Drop by and enjoy a great anniversary special!

MOBILITY SPECIAL The May/June issue of Hello Zuidas will include a special feature on Mobility. If you’d like to contribute to this topic in Hello Zuidas, get in touch via: hellozuidas@asega.nl.

GET THE BEST TRAFFIC INFO FIRST, WITH ADAM Your’re driving to work in the morning, or on your way home at night, and suddenly... it’s gridlock. Sound familiar? If only you’d known in advance, you could have taken a different route or left earlier or later. But all that’s set to change, with ADAM – a new smartphone app that provides timely updates about the traffic situation on your route. It gives you customized advice on the best route with the fewest delays. Want to know more? Check out www.spitsopadam.nl and sign up for ADAM today!

E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.


HELLO ZUIDAS WELCOMES THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Company: Fris Woningmakelaars Amsterdam Sector: Estate agency Number of employees: 5 Link with Zuidas: We have several new building projects on the market in Zuidas, with an office just a stone’s throw from Zuidas, that has been there for more than 40 years. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Our location and our ties with Zuidas put us in a good position to contribute to local developments. People working in Zuidas are always welcome to drop by to talk to one of our agents, free of obligation. Company: Distinctly Different Sector: Online retail, luxury goods for men Number of employees: 5 Link with Zuidas: At the end of last year, we opened a shop in the foyer of WTC. As well as a selection of our own products, we also offer a shoe-polishing and repair service in cooperation with the Amsterdam Shoeshine Company. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: To connect with other businesses in Zuidas and to get involved in local developments. Company: Cava Amsterdam B.V. Sector: Wholesaler in wine & spirits Number of employees: 3 Link with Zuidas: Making a success of our new business at Zuidas has been hard work, but a lot of fun at the same time. We’re well on our way to achieving our goals and we want to celebrate this with our 165 fellow members over a glass of our best champagne. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Cava Amsterdam wants to introduce Zuidas to the finest Spanish wines; to a taste of undiluted Spanish passion. For the time being we’ll be focusing solely on wines from Spain, but you can soon expect to see other products too, all right here in Zuidas: the dynamic heart of Amsterdam! Salud! Company: Excellent Financial Group B.V. Sector: Financial services Number of employees: 4 Link with Zuidas: We opted for Zuidas because it’s the financial heart of the Netherlands. It’s a place where we can inspire each other and where a locally based company may thrive internationally. Success is a choice! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Because we can achieve more together. Each member has their own expertise, so we see this as a fantastic opportunity for all of us to share and multiply our knowledge with each other. Company: Nationale Postcode Loterij Sector: Lottery Number of employees: 500 Link with Zuidas: If all goes as planned, the charity lotteries (Goede Doelen Loterijen: Nationale Postcode Loterij, VriendenLoterij and Bankgiro Loterij) will be moving into their new premises in early 2017. Over the next two years, the building will be being refurbished into a high-profile, sustainable location where we’ll welcome not only lottery staff, but also participants, beneficiaries and local residents. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: A pleasant working environment hinges on a friendly atmosphere, safety and security and good accessibility. We’re eager to join the discussion on these topics with Hello Zuidas and the other members.


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Members Hello Zuidas – March 2015

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819, 9 th floor - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN Studio-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 820 3976 - +31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Mieke Verberkt | Imageau Translation: Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Romy Lange, Milou Peeters, Ruben van Zwieten, Audilla Voorn, Anouk van Dijk, Katja Tremio, Floortje Osnabrug, Renny Kootstra, PropertyNL & Corinne Brouwer Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde, Wouter van Ierssel, Ingrid Arnou & Anouk van Dijk Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk & Bob Oostelbos Intern: Anouk van Dijk, Floortje Osnabrug & Myrna van Gils Thanks to: Monique Maarsen, Gemeente Amsterdam (Zuidas), Gloria Font, PropertyNL, ARTZUID, Crowne Plaza, Tako Postma, Henri van Poll, GSMweb, G&S Vastgoed, Fortron, Colliers International Amsterdam, The Office Operators, NL-Development, Hella & Arend de Jong, Antal van der Duim & Kroonenberg Groep Printed by: Gianotten Printed Media Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly) Copyright: © 2015 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ​ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.

ABN AMRO Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam EXPO Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI Amsterdamse Bos APG Arcadis Art Zuid ASEGA Media AVIS Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bambou Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermij WTC Amsterdam Being Development Bilfinger Real Estate Blue Boat Company Boekel De Nerée Bolenius Bouwens& Boyden Global Executive Search Breevast Broersma Nieuwbouw Business4Bees Caffè Belmondo Cava Amsterdam CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely Colliers Int. Consultants Corporate Housing Factory Crowne Plaza A’dam South Dagelijks Lekker De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Goede Doelen Loterijen De Hypotheker Deloitte De Nieuwe Poort Deterink Advocaten en Notarissen Distinctly Different Domeco Duisenberg School of Finance Eden McCallum Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eetwinkel Zwaan Euroinfra Excellent Financial Group Expatcenter Amsterdam EY Fortron B.V. Fris Makelaars G&S Vastgoed Gerrit Rietveld Academie Global Housing Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Greenwheels Gustavino B.V. GVB HAB International Accountants & Consultants Hago Nederland B.V. Handelsbanken HB Hairstylers Hestia Kinderopvang Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services INBO ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West Ingeborg Douwes Centrum Kardan Kempen & Co Kenko Kitchen Koetjes en Kalfjes Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V.

84. Markit 85. MBO College Zuid 86. Mech Make & Take 87. Miles Building 88. MultiCopy Nederland B.V. 89. NDI ICT Solutions 90. NEWNRG 91. NH Amsterdam Zuid 92. Nijkerk Holding 93. NL Real Estate 94. Novotel Amsterdam City 95. NS 96. NVB 97. NVD Beveiligingsgroep 98. Oliver’s 99. Openbare Bibliotheek A’dam 100. ORAM 101. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 102. Partou Kinderopvang 103. Pathé 104. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 105. Platform Beter Benutten 106. Pit4Business 107. Property NL B.V. 108. Puramis Consultancy 109. Qbic Hotels 110. Q-Park Nederland 111. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 112. RBS 113. Regus 114. Restaurant Nine 115. RGA International Reinsurance Co. 116. Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc 117. RSM Erasmus University 118. Russell Reynolds Associates 119. Schiphol Real Estate 120. SCOR Global Life SE 121. Season-Flowers 122. Securitas 123. SINGAZ 124. SLA 125. SLFMD Tailoring 126. Spaces 127. Stadsdeel Zuid 128. Stage Entertainment 129. Stibbe 130. St.Exploitatie Olympisch Stadion A’dam 131. Stichting ZuidasRun 132. Sushi Time 133. Symphony’s 134. Taalcentrum - VU 135. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 136. The Bank of New York Mellon 137. The Basket 138. The Change Agent 139. The Office Operators 140. The Oyster Club 141. The TailorMates 142. Ticketpoint 143. TopJobs Consultants 144. Transcore Management 145. TREC 146. Triple Ace 147. Unicucine 148. Valid Express 149. VimpelCom 150. Visser Communicatie 151. Vitam 152. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 153. VU Connected 154. VU Medisch Centrum 155. Wagamama 156. Webster University 157. Wieringen Prins 158. Wineboutique & Spirits 159. WTC Amsterdam 160. WTC A’dam Business Club 161. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 162. Your Assistant 163. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 164. ZuidasTravel.nl 165. Zuidschans


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