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New technology is a clear winner
Here at Duignan Phelps Optometrists we have a new type of high-tech instrument to help with the early detection of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, AgeRelated Macula Degeneration and other eye diseases. Studies show that this instrument may detect eye diseases earlier than conventional tests.
Our Optometrists state: “People are surprised when we tell them that 80% of blindness in the world is caused by what we call ‘back-of-the-eye’ diseases such as Glaucoma, Diabetic retinopathy and AMD. The good news is that 75% of blindness is preventable with regular check ups and early detection.”
We can do a 3D scan of your eyes with our OCT instrument. Our Optometrists have been fully trained to perform the exam, which only takes seconds per eye and does not require pupil dilation in most cases. This is incorporated into our already comprehensive Private Eye Examination for those patients that are entitled to an NHS standard Eye Examination, the 3D scan can be paid for privately.
Our Optometrists continue, “The trick with these diseases, is to catch them as early as possible, because often by the time a person starts suffering from symptoms, the disease has already progressed into an advanced and irreversible stage. The OCT can detect signs of diseases in their early, symptomless stages when treatment can be more effective in stopping the progression of the disease.”
A common misconception is that loss of vision affects only the elderly, but some of these diseases progress very slowly over years and start at a relatively young age, so eye screening is important for everyone.
Another advantage of this instrument is that it records and saves the results, so that when you come back for your next Eye Examination, the OCT automatically compares the results to your previous results to see if there has been any change in the retina since the last exam.