4 minute read
Are you eating enough fibre?
Discover the benefits of increasing your fibre intake – by Guts UK charity
Fibre is the indigestible part of plant-based foods that does not get absorbed into our body. Many of us are aware of fibre and know it’s an important component of any healthy diet, yet most of us don’t eat enough of it.
We used to believe that fibre didn’t do much at all, assuming that because the human body couldn’t digest it, it just ‘travelled’ through our digestive system. In fact, fibre is absolutely vital for gut health, helping to prevent constipation and even bowel cancer.
Fibre makes us feel full and affects the way that the small bowel absorbs fat, but perhaps most importantly, fibre is the food for over 100 trillion microorganisms that live in your gut. This ‘good gut bacteria’ is vital to your well-being, defending against harmful microorganisms and easing absorption of some essential vitamins. Therefore, it’s important that we feed it!
“The average person in the UK eats less than 20g of fibre per day, or less than two-thirds of the recommended 30g amount. Through recent research, we know that additional fibre in the diet reduces the risk of chronic common conditions, such as bowel cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes,” says Julie Thompson, specialist dietician and information manager at Guts UK charity.
Foods that are rich in fibre include wholegrain cereals, wholewheat pasta, oats and wholegrain bread. Fruit and vegetables such as berries, pears, melon, oranges, broccoli, carrots and sweetcorn are also rich in fibre, as are peas, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds and potatoes.
There are a number of simple steps you can take to increase your fibre intake, like swapping white or brown bread for wholegrain, opting for wholewheat pasta or choosing potatoes with skins, such as baked potatoes, wedges or boiled new potatoes. When snacking, try fresh fruit, rye crackers, oatcakes and nuts or seeds.
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JAM CARE was born out of a desire to make a difference! In 2018, our founder James Nichols, decided to turn his back on corporate life and his 20+ year career in Finance, so he could do something that would make a difference. Having seen family members and close friends struggle for years to access consistently good complex care at home, James set his sights on building an organisation that would do just that.
At JAM CARE, we do things a little bit differently…so we don’t want to waste this opportunity telling you things you already know…like that our care is person centred, that it’s nurse led, that we offer the full range of complex care support services, and that we truly understand catastrophic injuries and how they impact our clients lives….these are all a given at JAM CARE, as they are for every great complex care provider. So, we want to take this great opportunity to tell you what makes JAM CARE just a little bit different.
WE INNOVATE - Every JAM colleague is coached to be an innovator. On a daily basis they “review, assess, and update” how we support each and every client.
CARE IN OUR DNA - We only recruit people who genuinely care. Training courses are essential, but if caring is not in your DNA, then JAM isn’t the company for you.
WE EMPOWER OUR COLLEAGUES - We recruit smart people and empower them to do great things! Every JAM colleague is an ambassador for JAM, and they have the mandate to make decisions and improve what we do every single day.
WE ARE AGILE - We never let bureaucracy and committees get in the way of great work and great ideas.
WE COMMUNICATE BRILLIANTLY - We are extremely active in communicating with and keeping up to date everybody associated with a client’s care, including the client, their families, friends and loved ones, the JAM colleagues, as well as our wider JAM CARE health and social care partners (District Nurses, GP’s, Occupational therapists etc), using whatever method works for them…F2F, phone, WhatsApp, FB, Insta, text, email, video call, we even pen the odd letter!
WE SUPPORT CHIMNEY POTS - JAM’s support isn’t just for the client, it’s for everyone under that chimney pot: the families, friends and loved onessee above.
WE ARE AWARD WINNING - JAM CARE won the Regional Care Newcomer of the year award at the 2021 Great British Care Awards, and then came Runner up in the 2022 National Finals where CEO and Founder James Nichols was HIGHLY COMMENDED, with the judges saying, “We were so impressed with James’ innovation and passion to transform the care offered to his clients, his knowledge and passion is admirable.”
Finally, to get a true sense of JAM, it’s best to hear it from someone we support.
“JAM CARE just makes the impossible possible. They’ve ensured my daughter is cared for by a team of trusted (and consistent) carers, who have all built positive relationships with her, and know and understand her specific needs. JAM’s approach just removes the stress and trauma that people with complex needs, like my daughter, go through every day as part of normal life. Finally, the personal sacrifices and extra effort I see JAM carers and the management team make every day honestly restores my faith in the Care industry. I feel so lucky that my daughter is cared for by JAM xx.”
Mum of a JAM Client
For more information contact JAM CARE at www.jamcare.co.uk/joinjam @FBJAM C A re recruitment@jamcare.co.uk Oswestry 01691902384