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Rail and Ale Festival with Heritage Railways
In conjunction with the Stonehouse Brewery a number of different ales from local breweries will be on offer when the award winning Cambrian Heritage Railways hosts its annual rail and beer festival on 2, 3 and 4 June 2023

The three day event will welcome leading local breweries residing close to the former Cambrian line, including nearby neighbour and award winning Stonehouse Brewery.
The rail and ale journey starts at Oswestry Station, where ale lovers will board Beer Festival specials for a journey along the recently restored line to Weston Wharf. Aficionados can then immerse themselves in the variety of ale on offer in the old goods shed.
Cambrian Heritage Railways General Manager, Andy Green said, “This will be the seventh year we have hosted a beer festival. The added attraction this year is the journey along our newly opened railway line from Oswestry to Weston Wharf.
“I’m sure the three day event will be a great success with beer-loving customers able to get the train and enjoy the quality of ale on offer from a variety of fantastic local breweries.”
Cambrian Heritage Railways will run steam and diesel heritage trains every weekend and specific mid-week and evening journeys as well as Bank Holidays from the 29 April until 24 September. There are a number of other special events throughout the year including Santa Trains at Christmas time.”
Further information about the railway can be found at www.cambrianrailways.com.
Upcoming 2023 events at Cambrian Heritage Railways -
2nd, 3rd & 4th June - CHR’s 7th Beer Festival
Our 7th Beer Festival will be a 3 day event. Up to 7 breweries will be in attendance including our neighbours Stonehouse Brewery.
Join the real ale service at Oswestry Station and travel to Weston Wharf
7th July - Fish & Chip Special
Many a great holiday to the seaside has finished with Fish & Chips on the train home. Whilst we can’t bring the seaside to Oswestry we can recreate a nostalgic train ride with an onboard Fish & Chip supper.
15th & 16th July - Model Railway Event
Presented by Ellesmere Model Railway Club this 2 day event will feature several layouts housed in the Oswestry Station Building and at our station at Weston Wharf.
For more details and to book onto the above events please visit - www.cambrianrailways.com

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