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The Siege Arrives at Whittington Castle
A unique and educational event is coming to Whittington Castle this 27-28 May. ‘SIEGE’ will be running both days from 10am-4pm and is open to all the family.
Marking the end of a poignant time in Whittington Castle’s life, the siege is a re-enactment of an attempt by Owain Glyndŵr, the ‘Prince of Wales’, to take over the structure and its land, rebelling against the English. The event promises to be action packed with lots to see and do. Living history stalls with be situated in the grounds, allowing you to see what would have been made and used during that period, with your chance to speak to the stall holders. There will be traders, Kitchen@ TheCastle and gift shop, and around 11am on both days, there will be an exciting combat display. Early afternoon, you can expect to see historical re-enactors from a number of groups scaling the walls of the castle with ladders, siege engines and archers doing their best to fend off the invasion.
See historical re-enactors from a number of groups scaling the walls of the castle with ladders, siege engines and archers doing their best to fend off the invasion.
So why did the siege happen? 1400 and England was in turbulence. Owain Glyndŵr claimed his ancestral title, declared himself the Prince of Wales and lead a 15-year rebellion against the English Crown. Glyndŵr burnt and sacked a lot of border towns in his reign of terror including Oswestry.
When he arrived in Whittington in 1404, he had the town burnt to the ground, and this marks the end of Whittington Castle’s working life. Glyndŵr took hold of the castle and it was left empty and unused. By 1415, the Welsh rebellion was over and English forces had captured Owain’s strongholds. England then took control back.
There hasn’t been a siege re-enactment for a long time at Whittington Castle, so this is a muchanticipated event.

Joining forces to bring the action to life are historical re-enactors: Corbet Household, The Lovells, The Coventry Levy, The English Free Company, The Sir Thomas Grey

Household, Bellum Fraternum and Tempus Phenix.
Entrance is £5 per car and ‘by donation’ if on foot.
To register for the event or find out more information visit https://whittingtoncastle.co.uk.