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Pin T Massageong Healthy Focus A Royal Prescription for Health
King Charles has long been an advocate of integrated health practices and social prescribing. An approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community, meeting the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. Social prescribing is available to those aged 18 years and older across the whole of Shropshire. You can refer yourself by calling 0345 678 9028 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and select the self-referral option. Email healthylives@shropshire.gov.uk with the subject ‘Social Prescribing self-referral’, and you can ask for a referral at your GP practice.
The Shropshire Local Directory (accessible via Qubes shropshire-directory.co.uk) gives information on organisations throughout Shropshire to support you on a journey to better health. They also hold social clubs and courses in-house to bring the community together.
In line with the Kings support of the voluntary and volunteer sectors, ‘The Big Help Out’ will take place on Monday 8 May (thebighelpout.org.uk). Charity shops in Oswestry (Red Cross and Age UK) are offering retail taster sessions - contact the shops for more information. Quinta Christian Centre in Weston Rhyn, have an opportunity to join with others to help clear the overgrowth from around the Quinta lake and have a huge bonfire. This benefits all the guests who come to Quinta, the varied wildlife and animals that make Quinta their home. Call 01691 773696, email admin@quinta.org.
A wide range of volunteering opportunities are available at places like: chirkcastle@nationaltrust. org.uk (everyone aged 14 to 90) and Shropshire Wildlife Trust www.shropshirewildlifetrust.org. uk/volunteer. The Qube (call 01691 656882) has volunteering officers who can help you find a project anytime, anywhere throughout Shropshire!
Oswestry’s Community Orchard Project; established on a strip of neglected railway property the Orchard (Whittington Road), now has approx 100 trees. The apples, plums and pears are distributed to local outlets and the food bank. Work is undertaken Friday mornings but let them know you’re coming by calling 07591 936793.
tel: 01691 655988 mob: 07483 333650 email: info@pintong.co.uk
Have a happy healthy month!
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Health with Dr Paul Middleton