1 minute read
This girl is on fire Alicia Keys
Some infections are very common and there is one that most women will experience at least once in their lives – a urinary infection or UTI. Most of us men will be spared. The urethra, or tube that leads out from the bladder is about 5cm long in women and 20 cm long in men. Bugs find it easier to travel the 5cm and UTIs or cystitis then occurs. Its main symptoms are burning urination (although I’m not sure that was what Alicia Keys had in mind in her song!), frequent urination and often some low central tummy pain. If the infection spreads up to the kidney patients often become more ill with a temperature and loin or back pain.
Thankfully most infections are mild and may even clear on their own and can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetamol. If symptoms persist for 3 days, are associated with severe pain, blood in the urine or a temperature, shaking or confusion then medical help should be sought.
How can women reduce the odds of catching a UTI? Ensuring a good fluid intake, drinking cranberry juice products, and not using scented products can all help. Having showers rather than baths is also recommended.
Ensuring a good fluid intake, drinking cranberry juice products, and not using scented products can all help. Having showers rather than baths is also recommended.
www.nhs.uk has more advice and information. One useful tip: if you do need to see a doctor or nurse take a urine sample in a clean container with you – a quick and simple stick test can confirm the diagnosis.
UTIs do occur in men and even in children. In men they are often associated with prostate problems. Children often do not get the typical symptoms and may just resume bed- or daytime wetting, be vaguely unwell or have a temperature.
Most UTIs are uncomplicated and one-offs. Recurrent infections should prompt a medical consultation as there a number of simple interventions that can help.
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