1 minute read
■ Clean teeth & breath
■ Shiny healthy coat
Unit 10 Radfords Field, Maesbury Rd, Oswestry SY10 8RA 07403737806 www.duffysdiner.co.uk
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Pets need both physical and mental exercise to feel their best. Dogs get a lot more out of walks when they can go at their own pace and sniff without being dragged away. If they want to change pace, then speed up or slow down with them! When you reach a street corner, let them choose whether to turn left or right.
Choices When Playing
Let your pet select their own toy. Note through their body language if they want to run, retrieve or just sniff. LET THEM SAY NO THANKS
More choice is important when it comes to discomfort, fear, and anxiety. Forcing them into a situation heightens their stress levels, which can lead to aggressive behaviour. Licking lips, yawning, and the tail tucked between their legs around a child indicates they want more space and not interaction. The same applies when petting your pet. Let them move away if they are not comfortable.
Ultimately, as sentient creatures, you can empower your pets by offering them choices.
Enrolling now Book a FREE taster class
Eleanor Moss School of Dance o ers ballet classes for children ages 3+ in various venues around the Oswestry/ Wales border area.
Students can attend classes with the aim of completing recognised Royal Academy of Dance exams or just for fun!
Contact us to find out more or to book a taster class email: elliemossdance@gmail.com www.eleanormoss-schoolofdance.com