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Healthy Focus Benefits of being a book worm
research shows that regular reading improves brain connectivity; increases your vocabulary and comprehension; empowers you to empathize with other people; aids in sleep readiness; reduces stress; lowers blood pressure and heart rate; fights depression symptoms and prevents cognitive decline as you age. So, what could be better than popping along to the library to pick up a good read? if you fancy listening to a good story instead, dave andrews, oswestry library’s Reader/writer in Residence will be telling his story of trekking to everest Base Camp on 26 april. Contact the library to register (event is free). Books aloud – we read, you relax - is another regular free event in the library held every month with staff and volunteers reading great stories and poems for adults.
Booka Bookshop holds events around oswestry with april bringing writer and broadcaster Mike Parker on the 5th as he talks about his new book All the Wide Border, a timely meditation on identity and belonging, following the scenic route along the england-wales border. Tristan Gooley on the 12th as he talks about his latest book How to Read a Tree. on the 13th nilopar Uddin presents her brilliant debut novel The Halfways and finally the 26th is an evening with three bestselling crime authors lisa Jewell, Clare Mackintosh and louise Candlish coming together to talk about the art of successful crime writing and their latest novels. Tickets are available for all events at www.bookabookshop.co.uk/events.
Further afield in Ludlow, the Guinness World Record Breaking Jenny Graham, is presenting her debut novel First Coffee, Then The World, which documents her solo lap of the planet by bike, 18,000 miles in 124 days! Thurs 20 april.
www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/coffee-first-book-tour-ludlowtickets-544510895747 with lots of products on show, visit our local showroom where our specialist advisers offer a friendly expert service www.shropshirecatrescue.org.uk/events, call 01743 872857. have a happy healthy month 01691 701 007 wwwshropshiremobiitysolutions.co.uk shropshire mobility solutions ltD welsh Frankton, oswestry sy11 4nX
Finally (i just love this idea!), shropshire Cat Rescue organises Book Buddies – you get to read to the cats in their retirement home. a great way to help boost young readers confidence.
Claire a rnold The Meadows o s T eopaT h Clini C