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Love Oswestry
Love Oswestry is back! The main event this year will be Saturday 25 February 2023 and there will also be activities and shows in the days before, which is halfterm week.
The 2023 Love Oswestry programme is even stronger than the successful 2022 event. It gives the people of Oswestry the chance to show their love for the town by watching or taking part in a feast of exciting cultural events.
Local people will be able to sign up for drama, writing and music workshops, free guided tours of the town, and there will be music in the pubs and on the streets.
Highlights of the programme include an even more spectacular Lantern Parade than last year, designed by local cultural organisation Designs in Mind, and led by local young people. Shropshire based Twisted Techno has once again designed an exciting music programme, which includes DJ and singing workshops at Hermon Arts.
From 16 February onwards, Qube will host a major exhibition of photographs under the theme ‘Love Oswestry; Love Where You Live’. This event will bring back Qube’s much loved local photography competition and there will be a series of prizes including special prizes for under 16s.
There is a new drama on offer, developed by the Five Star Theatre group in conjunction with drama experts from the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and other professional drama tutors. Young people will take part in 3 days of drama and stage combat workshops, building to a performance on Friday the 24th at Hermon Arts.
There will be a showing of the Cannes Festival nominated short fi lm about Gilbert and George at Kinokulture on 22 February.
And then there will be the Ossie the Sheep trail! A bit of a surprise and a lot of fun!

The Outline Programme includes:
Wednesday 22nd: Kinokulture: Cannes nominated ‘Gilbert and Gordon’ short fi lm followed by Q and A Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th (am & pm): Drama Workshops for young people led by RSC producers Friday 24th at 1.30pm: Love Oswestry - The Performance (Hermon Arts). This production is a culmination of the Wednesday – Friday drama workshops Friday 24th: Artisan Market Street Market and Late-Night Indoor Market Saturday 25th: Main ‘Love Oswestry’ Day
Ossie the Sheep trail!
Storytelling: Fiona Collins will lead story-telling workshops in the castle in the library. There will be bilingual stories from all around the world told for children of all ages, with lots of chances to join in. From ‘Once upon a time’ to ‘Happy ever after’, come to listen, take part, and have fun. Sessions will be at 10.30am, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Free guided heritage tours: at 11am and 1pm. People can book on the tours by calling 01691 662753 or email obt@visitoswestry.co.uk. Music at Hermon Arts including DJ and Singing Workshops Lantern Parade: 6pm from Festival Square, followed by a big musical fi nale outside The Guildhall. Local youngsters will be able to sign up for lantern making workshops in the build up to the event and on the day itself.
The idea for “Love Oswestry” and the coordination of the programme has come from Oswestry’s Cultural Consortium. The consortium is a group of people involved in the town’s culture and heritage and forms a key part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone, part of a national programme of High Street Heritage Actions Zones, which are funded by Historic England.
Mayor of Oswestry, Councillor Jay Moore said:
“I’m really glad that Love Oswestry is back, even bigger and better than in 2022. It gives us all a chance to see and do some great things and to celebrate what’s really special about our town. I’m sure everyone will have a brilliant day and big thanks to the people and organisations involved. I’m especially pleased that there are so many things for young people to do, not just on the main day but throughout half-term week.”
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