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Sister Kate
Sister Kate Limited has become the fi rst ear wax removal clinic in Shropshire to become regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Who are the CQC and what does this mean?
CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. They make sure health and social care services are safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality and they also encourage care services to improve.
CQC also monitor, inspect and regulate services and publish what they fi nd. It is now a legal requirement to be regulated by CQC if you are a Registered Nurse offering ear wax removal services.
Kate Haining, owner of Sister Kate Ltd said, “This is an unbelievable achievement for our team and to be the fi rst to achieve this in the county feels great.
“Undertaking CQC regulation is no easy task and it means that the fundamental standards are the standards below which our care must never fall.
“Our staff, governance and premises are all now regulated in order to deliver a world class ear wax removal service.”
CQC regulation does not currently apply in Wales, but it is expected that this may change in the future. You should always attend CQC registered clinics when looking to receive the best levels of service from any care provider.

Sister Kate can help
The 1st Ear Wax Removal Clinic in Shropshire to become regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Sister Kate specialises in micro suction treatments to help patients remove excessive ear wax that is causing a blockage that has resulted in hearing loss or is causing unpleasant feelings in the ear.
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Dr Paul Middleton
“The life of the flesh is in the blood” Leviticus
an: Greek for without. haima: Greek for blood. Being without blood would be a deathly curse but lacking blood – or anaemia – affects 30% of the world’s population of all ages. the commonest cause of anaemia is iron deficiency which occurs, generally, if you are iron deficient in your diet, unable to absorb iron or losing blood from somewhere. how would you know you were anaemic? Tiredness, shortness of breath and eventually looking pale are all symptoms but many people tolerate mild anaemia without noticing any of these and up to a fifth of menstruating women are anaemic when tested.
Oxygen is carried by haemoglobin in our blood – and haemoglobin has a molecule of iron at its heart so iron is essential particularly as each red blood cell that carries this amazing compound only lasts about 3 months before it is recycled. Simple blood tests can measure haemoglobin and iron levels to confirm anaemia but then
Where do we get the question that needs to be asked is iron from in our “Why am I anaemic?” diet? Liver and red It may be quite a meat are obvious simple answer – dietary, pregnancy sources but many or heavy periods are types of beans, all common causes nuts, dried fruits, but, unfortunately, blood loss in the soybean flour, gut is also common broccoli, kale and and investigations eggs are all sources of the gut are often necessary to make sure there are no ulcers or cancers causing blood loss. Many patients were surprised that they could be losing blood and not know. However, in small, regular amounts it usually goes un-noticed.
Where do we get iron from in our diet? Liver (but not if you are pregnant) and red meat are obvious sources but many types of beans, nuts, dried fruits, soybean flour, broccoli, kale and eggs are all sources, but this list is not exhaustive. Many breakfast cereals have added iron in them too. www.bda.uk.com has a fuller list.
Anaemia is quite common at all ages and about 40% of the population will say they feel tired. If you are unusually tired, should you consider having a blood test?
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HealtH & Wellbeing
Herbal Winter Care
Although the days are getting slightly longer and the hope of spring arriving edges nearer, we still need to care for our bodies and minds this time of year. Our reserves may be becoming depleted, without us even noticing and we might be affected by something all of a sudden, with no warning. If you are well and want to stay well, you still need to be proactive about your health. Keep up with your winter wellness staples such as vitamin D3, vitamin C and Zinc; all of them look after our immune systems when we are vulnerable.
Remember to consume some fresh stuff on a daily basis, such as fresh fruit, vegetables or fresh herbs. Fresh herbs such as parsley, basil, coriander etc. There is no need to have salad all the time, but we can all add something raw. This not only boosts your vitamin intake, that is largely removed by heating/boiling but also contains other beneficial nutrients, enzymes, prebiotic, minerals and sometimes probiotic. These support many of our bodily systems including digestion/detoxification and oxygenation, helping us to feel livelier.
Low mood can affect many of us during the winter months, known as SAD (seasonally affected disorder), until the days really get longer. Herbs such as St, John’s Wort can be very effective for lifting the mood, but not compatible with other medication. Rhodiola rosea is a good alternative to this, without the worry of interfering in the same way. Ashwagandha is one of my personal favourites; an Indian herb that may help regulate mood, energy levels and sleep pattern. This one is very well tolerated by most people and has much research to back it up. It can be taken as a spiced drink in milk (or alternative) with turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon and honey, infusion, capsule or tincture. Most people use capsules for convenience. Added to your daily care routine, Ashwagandha might make a real difference.
Finally; drink plenty of fluid and move more. It’s all good for you!
Louise Idoux MSc. MNIMH Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, Oswestry Herbarium, tel 01691 656934
Autumn Berries for Winter Wellness

Love Your Heart
Heart and circulatory diseases cause a quarter of all deaths in the UK, that’s an average of 460 deaths each day or one every three minutes. So how do you reduce your risk? Firstly check out the nHS ‘Heart age Tool’ to give you an estimate of how your lifestyle is impacting your heart health and advice on how to improve it. www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check.
other advice includes: Improving your sleep - Researchers found that 6-8 hours of sleep per night positively influences glucose metabolism, blood pressure and inflammation – all of which have an otherwise negative impact on cardiovascular disease, so snuggle down early to improve your heart health! if you struggle to sleep, try some relaxation meditations. available to buy from Katie The Happiness Club Trainer – on Facebook / 07912 435221. Meet up with friends – The Qube run social groups and have a shropshire wide directory of organisations that can help you get out, meet old and make new friends. Bella Doolan on 01691 656882 qube-oca.org.uk Cut down on alcohol – The One Year No Beer program can help you transform your relationship with alcohol www.oneyearnobeer.com and locally shropshire Recovery partnership can support you. Tel 01743 294 700 Learn to meditate – mindfulness and meditation classes are held weekly at Open Space Community Centre openspacestudioscic.com Maintain a healthy weight – from Salsa (salsa. casa.oswestry@gmail.com) to swimming, adult gymnastics (bordercountiesgymnastics.com) to walking football (tnsfc.co.uk). Oswestry has it all!
Support the British Heart Foundation to carry on pioneering research and patient support by attending a Children’s Space Adventure Day (bouncy castles, a space bingo and find the stars hunt) at Oswestry Leisure Centre (all proceeds to charity). Sunday the 19 February, 2pm-5pm. Tickets at www.eventbrite.co.uk.
Finally, a tenuous circulation connection, bats are often vilified for drinking blood - which they don’t (not humans anyway) so why not show them some love by making Bat Boxes Sat 18 February with DolyddGobaith Tanat Valley Community Forest Farm CIC. email for more volunteers@dolydd-gobaith.cymru have a happy healthy month. Chiropractic & Massage Clinic Gobowen

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