Asetek Annual Report 2020

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Gaming and eSports used to be something for young enthusiasts, involving snacks and cola


We meet up with Jimmy Fussing by Zoom from his home

more strongly in that short period than in the whole of

today, and there’s no reason to think the trend won’t

“A few years ago, we saw the company’s share price rising

office that – like so many others – he has had to set up

the preceding 7 years. A much bigger e-commerce sector


steeply, but at that time it was perhaps mainly due to a

this winter as the world waits for the Corona vaccination

requires more and more cloud solutions.

programme to be completed and take effect.

“When we also consider another general social trend

Vækstfonden invested in Asetek all the way back in 2004,

toward sustainability and energy saving, Asetek has just

Jimmy Fussing is Managing Partner of the venture

when it was a talented little start-up, and has since sold

the right technology and product platform,” says Jimmy

fund Heartcore Capital, formerly Sunstone Technology

half of its shares, doing so immediately after the company

Fussing. He is also convinced that, for the first time in

Ventures, which administers Vækstfonden’s investment

went public in 2013. But they are still involved, with a stake

many years, we are going to see a period of real growth

in Asetek A/S. The Danish government investment fund

of around 6% of Asetek at the time of print.

in demand for electricity, something he believes is highly favourable for Asetek’s other line of business, on-proces-

is one of Asetek’s major institutional investors. Heartcore

sor liquid cooling for data centers, which – among other

Capital also puts capital from institutional investors such as pension funds into start-ups. Today, Heartcore Capital


country’s biggest venture fund.

things – makes it possible to reuse up to 80% of inbound power.

is involved in 55 tech start-ups across Europe, and is the “Gaming and eSports used to be something for young enthusiasts, involving snacks and cola. Now, anyone can

“In our view, André Eriksen, the founder and CEO of

These times, says Jimmy Fussing, are highly favourable

see that many, many more people – including those from

Asetek, is a gifted, determined and visionary entrepreneur

to Asetek, on many significant parameters – even when

the parents’ generation – are getting into it. They follow

who, together with the rest of the team, has succeeded

it comes to Corona. “As unpleasant as the pandemic has

their favourite team, they play along and start to worship

in growing and maturing Asetek into a major, established,

been and still is all around in other ways, Corona has also

the best players on a par with famous sporting idols in

internationally-focused company,” says Jimmy Fussing.

helped to accelerate new consumer patterns that are

the physical world. The new heroes are eSport stars, and

“We believe the company has a potential that is about

making Asetek’s market position stronger and stronger –

a whole generation of young people looks up to them.

to be fulfilled in earnest, so that in theory it could evolve

and that is hardly going to roll back when the pandemic

They are role models, and becoming like them requires

into a new Danfoss,” referring to the world-famous Danish

is over,” says Jimmy Fussing. As an example, he mentions

investment in more powerful computers. It demands

energy technology manufacturer, where Asetek’s founder

that the extent of the world’s online retail trade has more

just the right technical equipment, and that’s where

first learned the ropes as a newly trained engineer and

than doubled during the pandemic of the last 10-11

Asetek comes into the picture,” explains Jimmy Fussing.

toolmaker, before he founded Asetek on the idea that

months – a trend that has seen the penetration rate grow

He points out that about 2 billion people follow eSport

computers and processors should be water-cooled.


fever of expectation. Today, we can sense – in the latest accounts, for example – that Asetek is meeting those expectations. Both of Asetek’s existing business areas – gaming and solutions for data centers – are moving in the right direction,” adds Jimmy Fussing. “At the same time, these are truly sustainable products that can make a significant difference to society.”

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