2 minute read
UNESCO (2003) Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Paris.
This significant text defines what intangible cultural heritage is and how it should be safeguarded.
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Barillet, C. et al. (2006) Cultural heritage and local development: a guide for African local governments. Place of publication not identified: CRATerre-ENSAG/Convention France-UNESCO.
This text explores heritage through examples. It was designed as a tool for decision making, but also for sensitising elected local representatives to the challenges of the protection and valorisation of their heritage. It aims to create a new dynamic and focus on the specificity of the culture and heritage of local African communities as levers for territorial development.
Brooks, G. (2001) ‘Heritage as a Driver for Development’, ICOMOS Paris, 3(1), pp. 496–505.
As one of the world’s most powerful economic and social forces, well managed tourism can and does give heritage (tangible and intangible) a major role in contemporary society, reinforcing cultural identities and diversity as key reference points for development. The tourism sector is well aware of the issues surrounding heritage conservation and its role in contemporary development. This paper summarises the development of well managed tourism as a major contemporary force for heritage conservation and human development.
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