Ashandi Triyoga Prawira for IFMSA PC for Mental Health 2021-22

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ashandi triyoga


candidating for:

IFMSA Program Coordinator for Mental Health (PC MH) 2021-2022

Ashandi Triyoga Prawira

Motivation Letter How are you, really?

CIMSA Indonesia

I know that question might be tricky to answer, but you are not alone. Sometimes, it is also difficult for me to internalize that. Well, to help you answer that, let me tell you a story about how powerful that question is. One day, a boy was looking straight to the wall with a mind full of intrusive thoughts. “Ah, I am still here”, he said to himself. Last night was a failure, and he was thinking to try again later that night. Even though he was tired, he realized that he had to go to the university no matter what. Long story short, he was there and decided to just go with the day. But that day went different, he met his friend who casually asked, “How are you, really?”, he thought he would say “I am alright”, but do not know why his tears started to burst and he started to pour his heart out. Never did they know, his friend saved his life. That boy was me, and I survived. At first, I was skeptical about that question, even worse, I was skeptical about mental health. To tell you the truth, I attended that activity, a session emphasizing the importance of mental health specifically “How are you, really?”, but it was meaningless at that time. But then, that question made my life different, and it also led me to seek professional help. Since that day, I found my long-lost passion and have been putting a huge interest towards mental health especially as a fighter and survivor myself. This passion of mine has grown into a much stronger call, to advocate for change. IFMSA has the power to create changes and powerful impacts, especially through its activities. Those activities are led by each one of meaningful souls like you, and I would not miss the chance to serve the Federation in maximizing those impacts through IFMSA Program. If it were not because of IFMSA, I would not initiate my LC. If it were not because of this IFMSA Program, my LC would not conduct that activity. If it were not because of that activity, I would not be here and write this letter. In short, IFMSA saved my life and I would do the same to save yours too. So here I am, Ashandi Triyoga Prawira, writing this letter at the beginning of Suicide Prevention Month, expressing my interest to apply for IFMSA Program Coordinator for Mental Health 2021-2022. Utilizing my experiences, I believe I am ready to give my best to the Federation. Ranging from assisting amazing ideas regarding mental health around the world and supporting them to turn into a realization, to maximizing the impact of them. We never know how impactful the activity would be, but hopefully, it could save lives, as it did to me.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, shall we? Hopefully to save lives, one activity, at a time.


Ashandi Triyoga Prawira CIMSA INDONESIA

Organizational Experience INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION (IFMSA) (2020-2021) Task Force Coordinator on Mental Health within IFMSA (2019-2020) General Assistant for Asia-Pacific Region (2018-2019) Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific

CENTER FOR INDONESIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES (CIMSA INDONESIA) (2018-2019) Program Coordinator for NCDs (2017-2018) Regional Coordinator for Region 7

CENTER FOR INDONESIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES, UNIVERSITAS JEMBER (CIMSA UNEJ) (2019-2020) Task Force Coordinator on Mental Health and Official's Empowerment (2017-2018) LC Supervising Council (2015-2017) Co-Founder and Local Coordinator / LC President

IFMSA Meetings Attendance General Assembly March Meeting 2016 Malta (SCOME Session, General Delegate) Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2017 Japan (Exchanges Session, General Delegate) General Assembly March Meeting 2018 Egypt (SCOPH Session, General Delegate) Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2018 Korea (SCOPH Session, Session Team) General Assembly March Meeting 2019 Slovenia (President Session, CCC Member) Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2019 Hong Kong (President Session, Regional Team Member) Asia-Pacific Week 2020, Virtual (President Session, Regional Team Member) Online General Assembly August Meeting 2020, Virtual (SCOPH Session, General Delegate) Online General Assembly March Meeting 2021, Virtual (President Session, Task Force Representative)

Personal Profile Indonesian medical student who aspires to be future leaders in health and currently passionate about global health, mental health, and youth engagement towards sustainability.

Contact Details +628123019263 ashandi.yoga29@gmail,com Tidar Greenland Cluster, GJ-01, Jember

Education History [2014-Present] Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jember, Indonesia [2016-2018] Awardee of XL Future Leaders Batch 5 Selected as the only representative from my university out of 150 Indonesian students in pursuing non-formal educational scholarship supported by XL Axiata

Notable Achievements Awardee of Young Leaders for Indonesia: National Wave 9 CIMSA Expert Trainer since 2016 IFMSA-Certified Trainer, Medical Education Trainer, Public Health Leader and PHLT Trainer IFMSA Delegation to WHO SEARO 71st Regional Committee Meeting

Skills Basic Graphic Design Session Design and Planning Public Speaking and Facilitating Microsoft Office and Google Suite Leadership and Organizational Management


Ashandi Triyoga P

Ashandi Triyoga Prawira - CIMSA Indonesia - Candidating for IFMSA PC MH

Mental Health-related Experience LOCAL 1. 2.

[Organization] [Research]

Task Force Coordinator on Mental Health and Official’s Empowerment (2019-2020)

Conducted a research titled "An Association Between Organophosphate Pesticide

Exposure and Depression: A Systematic Review" 3.


Moderator for CIMSA UNEJ World Mental Health Day 2020 Side Event



Speaker for CIMSA YARSI Stethoscope



Moderator for CIMSA UPH World Mental Health Day 2021 Event (upcoming)




[Capacity Building]

(Supporting Medical Students with Common Mental Health Problems) 2021

Speaker for CIMSA UNEJ Mental Health Podcast (upcoming) Trainer for CIMSA UI Mental Health Training (upcoming)

NATIONAL [Advocacy]

1. 2. 3

SWG Coordinator of CIMSA Policy Document on NCDs (including Mental Health) (2020)

[Capacity Building]

. [Activity]

Trainer for CIMSA Capacity Building Festival 2020 on “Mental Health for All”

CIMSA’s Youth Representative/Speaker on Ruang Peka (Collaboration on Mental Health of

CIMSA and UNICEF Indonesia) Webinar vol.5 on “Self-Help and Reimagining Life Post-Pandemic” 4.




Contributor for CIMSA World Mental Health Day 2020 Campaign Group Moderator of Support Circle Indonesia (Indonesian Support Group Community for

Depression and Anxiety) (2020-present) 6.


Public Relations of Mengenal Diri.ID (Indonesian Mental Health and Self-Awareness

Platform) (2021-present) 8.

[Capacity Building]

PHLT Trainer on Mental Health of Pre-October Meeting CIMSA 2021 (upcoming)

INTERNATIONAL [Organization]


Task Force Coordinator on Mental Health within IFMSA (2020-2021)



Member of Asia Pacific's Special Interest Group (SIG) on Mental Health (2021)



Member of IFMSA SWG on World Suicide Prevention Day (2021)

Activity/Program-related Experience [Activity] Activity Coordinator of Crayon CIMSA Region 7 (2018) 2 . [Organization] CIMSA Indonesia Program Coordinator for Non-Communicable 3 . [Meeting] Activity Presenter for Prolactin at MM2016 Malta Activities Fair 4. [Meeting] Activity Presenter for ACTION at APRM2017 Activities Fair 5. [Meeting] Activity Presenter for Attentive at MM2018 Activities Fair 6. [Meeting] Activity Presenter for Prediction at APRM2018 Activities Korea 7. [Capacity Building] IFMSA AMOC 2021 Trainer for Asia-Pacific Region 8. [SWG] Member of IFMSA SWG on Alignment of Programs with SDGs (2021) 1.

Diseases (2018-2019)

Capacity Building Experience 1.

General/Soft-Skill Trainings (with around 50 hours of session delivered)

Topics: Time Management, Session Design, Leadership, etc. 2.

Public Health Leader and PHLT Trainer (with around 20 hours of session delivered)

Topics: Activity Management, Basic Public Health, Mental Health, etc. 3.

Details can be seen in my IFMSA Trainer Portfolio ( LINK )

Plan of I M P A C T striving for

Ashandi Triyoga for PC MH


I dentify and improve the performance of PC MH

Identify the needs, progress, and challenges of being a PC MH through a proper handover with the previous PC MH. Improve the current program management by taking advice and recommendations from VPA, SCOPH D, and the previous PC MH in order to construct and develop an impactful Annual Working Plan. Develop a specific handover manual for PC MH with proper documentation of all documents and references to be utilized for the next handover and work with the next PC MH to improve the performance of PC MH.

M ental Health for All

Prospect the possibility of conducting a campaign regarding mental health issues: World Mental Health Day (WMHD): Support SCOPH IT especially LPH in preparing the commemoration for the upcoming WMHD 2021. World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD): As a part of the existing SWG myself, brainstorm based on the evaluation of its process and outcome to see if WSPD Campaign is needed for the next term. World Schizophrenia Day: Discuss with SCOPH D and prospect for the possibility of conducting the campaign through a formation of SWG. Support any relevant mental health initiatives within the Federation including but not limited to providing resources, capacity building, etc. Update resources on Mental Health in SCOPH Public Database and IFMSA Programs and Activities Server. Actively represent Mental Health Program in IFMSA Meetings.

Program Management, Promotion, and Development

Promote IFMSA Programs in any relevant initiatives especially Programs Week. Analyze and evaluate the impacts of all enrolled and reported activities to produce the Annual Program Impact Report 2021-2022. Review all the documents about IFMSA Programs and Mental Health Programs and assist in updating them (if necessary). Update the Program Proposal with alignment towards SDGs based on the work of SWG on Alignment of Programs with SDGs. Mental Health Library: Create a Drive folder to guide members especially activity coordinators in understanding IFMSA Programs especially Mental Health Program, containing: IFMSA Program Guiding Documents (containing Program IOGs, Program Proposal, Program Focus Areas, Evaluation Manual, Program Toolkit) Mental Health Resources and Toolkits Notable Mental Health Activities

A ctivity Enrollment, Consultation, and Evaluation

(part 1)

Update existing resources on activity enrollment and utilize them for webinars on Basic Enrollment to guide NMOs especially Activity Coordinators on the enrollment process. Use, update, and utilize the MH Mastersheet to contact the Activity Coordinators (especially those with continuous activities) for enrollment and reporting purposes. Mental Health Program Consultation: Personal follow-up with Activity Coordinators through email to help them enhance the idea and plan in order to maximize the impact and guide them through the process until reporting. OLM will be provided if necessary. Assess, review, and approve the enrolled and reported activities based on the Activity Management criteria within the respected deadline.

Ashandi Triyoga Prawira - CIMSA Indonesia - Candidating for IFMSA PC MH


(part 2)

ctivity Enrollment, Consultation, and Evaluation AF




1. Mental Health Promotion and Prevention IFMSA REGION

2. Mental Health Advocacy and Public Awareness 3. Integration of Mental Health within Primary Healthcare 4. Dangers of Substance Abuse 5. Mental Health among Medical Students 6. Communities especially Vulnerable to Mental Health 7. Children's Mental Health Identify reasons Develop Strategy Raise Awareness Increase Promotion

Encourage Members Identify Needs Build Capacity Assist ACs

Promote Sustainability Follow-up Regularly Maintain Quality Support ACs

Table 1. Regional Distribution of Mental Health Activities in each Focus Area based on the IFMSA Annual Program Impact Report 2020-2021


apacity Building on Activity Management and Mental Health

Utilize my role as a part of IFMSA Trainer Pool (especially as PHL and PHLT Trainer) to facilitate sessions related to Activity Management and Mental Health. Assist SCOPH CB DA in SCOPH sessions and workshops related to Activity Management and Mental Health especially the promotion and execution of MHE Workshop and AMOC. Assist PCBDA in building the capacity of members regarding Programs and Activity Management.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Be an active team player within:

SCOPH International Team

Programs Team Actively contribute as a part of the Programs Team by attending OLMs, general affairs, taking initiatives, etc. Brainstorm and discuss with other Program Coordinators for relevant collaborations. Attend all the modules of the Program Coordinator Competency Model and support its development.

VPA Assist VPA in all aspects related to VPA Mental Health Program

PGA Collaborate with PGA VPA in monitoring enrolled and reported activities in accordance with Program IOGs.

PCBDA Support VPA PCBDA VPA in coordination of Crossley Awards Activities Fair

Support SCOPH IT in any event and initiatives related to mental health. Support SCOPH IT before, during, and after IFMSA Meetings especially for session design and facilitation on Mental Health. Actively contribute as a part of the SCOPH IT by attending OLMs, general affairs, taking initiatives, etc. Assist SCOPH IT in the execution and evaluation process of SCOPH Fair

LPH and the Rex and

PMEDA Support PMEDA in the VPA creation of Activities Cafe and Open Spaces

In General

Support and respect each other with the usage of non-violent communication in the working environment. Prospect the possibility to collaborate with other Standing Committees through coordination with Standing Committee Directors and relevant PCs. Provide materials and resources on mental health for International Team in case there are Mental Health-related events.

Provide LPH with relevant resources including impact reports of Mental Health activities to be used for advocacy in mental health Promote IFMSA Policy Document on Mental Health to NMOs Support LPH in the execution of WMHD Campaign with existing external partners such as United for Global Mental Health

SCOPH RAs Contact NPOs within the region to promote IFMSA programs and activities enrollment in the NPOs Regional OLMs Support Regional Priorities and initiatives related to mental health

SCOPH D Assist SCOPH D in all aspects related to Mental Health Program

SCOPH CB DA Assist SCOPH CB DA in the promotion, execution, and development of AMOC and MHE workshops.

SCOPH ME DA Support SCOPH ME DA in the creation of SCOPH Activities Database as well as updating resources related to Mental Health in SCOPH Public Database

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