C A PA C I T Y B U I L D I N G R E G I O N A L A S S I S TA N T f o r A S I A PA C I F I C 2018-2019
M O T I V AT I O N L E T T E R Growing up extremely self-conscious, I had a tendency to let others seize their stage, whereas I merely followed the crowd. With growing older, I now know that another kind of person is growing inside me, which I never expected to happen one fine day, I was approached by someone to participate in a workshop. Little did I know, on that day I made last-minute decision that I did not expect to bring so much light into my life. That workshop was my first TNT in late 2015, when I had just begun my journey to initiate an LC in my NMO. It was because of my participation in that famous backbone-builder workshop that I opened my eyes and became inspired to develop my LC, especially in member engagement through various Capacity building initiatives especially with our renowned tiered curriculum in peer education and mentoring. Yes, it is the same peer education programme that we know as the heart of our system known as Capacity Building, a term not familiar to many outside IFMSA but one very close to the hearts of those within the Federation and its development. I believe that the backbone of our organization is in its people — our members spread across the globe. I would like to think of them as LEGO bricks, parts of a complete playset. Sometimes, it might be quite the challenge to construct a specific structure due to different colors and forms of the bricks and pieces. I believe that here is where Capacity Building has a fundamental role — to bridge differences and realise that it is an essential part of something so much bigger than individual pieces. This certainly has to be done with the proper intervention adhering to established standards. Thus, proper identification and prioritisation to be tackled based on assessments to the NMOs has to be taken into consideration in order to develop the educational system of our CB not only to ensure the maximal impact is being made but also to fulfill the needs of the members in NMOs. Ashandi I, A shandi Triyoga Triyoga, a fifth-year Indonesian medical student with an immense interest in human and organizational development, coupled with a tremendous passion to our beloved Federation, am a suitable candidate to be the next Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific for this term. Nearly 3 years have passed since I stepped in into this realm of learning and self-discovery called IFMSA, and I intend on continuing my journey in serving the Federation through this position. From my humble beginnings as a founding LC President, followed by my term as Regional Coordinator on a national level, I continued my exploration the world on a broader scale through an opportunity to participate in the International Committee of a Trans-NMO CB activity called ACTION for 2 terms and finally, an ongoing SWG for the long awaited Asia-Pacific Strategy. Besides being in positions, I also have had the opportunity to experience as a trainer and as a trainee in IFMSA-level CB workshops such as PHLT, TMET, PRET and also several other TNTs that have inspired me to channel my passion for our Asia-Pacific region to grow and develop in terms of capacity building. All of the experiences that I mentioned above, were earned as a result of the decision that I made to become a “backbone” which triggered a CASCADE will be my main focus areas if life-changing “cascade” effect. I am chosen for this position; to Collaborate, Assess, Support, Connect, Assist, Develop and Empower which all will be elaborated in details through my Plan of Actions. Nevertheless, all my plans will amount to nothing unless I can be the LEGO builder that constructs the bridges that will connect the Asia-Pacific Regional Team and Capacity Building International Team for the next term. In closing, I have decided to challenge myself to use my experiences, insights, and ideas to create a big impact and to become a witness of the rise many more influential backbones f r o m our beloved region, Asia-Pacific.
To promote and attain a sustainable, standardized and accessible capacity building system in order to create impactful outcomes for all NMOs’ members in Asia-Pacific. C B IT RT NMO
Cascade kas’kād A process whereby something, typically information or knowledge, is successively passed on - Oxford Dictionary -
COLLABOR AT E Collaborate
Collaborate with CB IT in managing the CB Medias and Administration Training Resource Center In collaboration with: VPCB, CB RCA Support respective CB IT especially RCA CB to maintain the usage and development of TRC by promoting the cause and encouraging trainers or contributors within the regions to send in material for the TRC. CB Calendar, CB Representatives’ Database, CB Event Database, TNT Trainer’s Database In collaboration with: CB IT, CB GA, NMO’s CB Representatives Help the GA CB to fulfill the databases based on NMO’s CB Representative’s report. CB Event Certification and Evaluation In collaboration with: CB IT, CB GA, Workshop Coordinator Assist GA CB to follow-up certification and evaluation of CB workshops within the region. A follow-up OLM supported by post-Workshop Assessment to the Workshop Coordinator along with the participants will be needed to ensure the impact of the workshop and trainer’s activity after certain period of time. Cooperate with CB IT in Developing the CB Educational System In collaboration with: CB EDA, CB IT Cooperate with CB IT especially Education Assistant to develop streamlined CB Educational system based on needs. CB RA’s inputs supported by the analysis of assessment from the NMOs will be fundamental to align the system with regional’s needs and condition. .
with at least 80% of the NMOs by the first month of the term. The assessment’s result will be the baseline for further assessment in order to analyze the impact at the end of the term. In addition, not only functioned as the guide for Regional AWP on Capacity Building formulation, the analyzed result can also be a standard for intervention and empowerment to the NMOs based on NMO’s CB prioritized needs and situation. Periodical Assessment (In collaboration with: NMO’s CB Representatives) Update & assess NMO’s CB conditions and needs via regular or periodical way of communication (personal call or group OLM). Regular OLM will be scheduled upon NMO’s agreement at the beginning of the term.
Support Asia-Pacific Strategy’s Implementation and Maintenance In collaboration with: RD, AP GA, Asia Pacific Regional Team As a part of the SWG for AP Strategy, this task will be relatable to ensure the implementation of our newly accepted Strategy on its first term. This includes the implementation one of the strategy pillars which takes Capacity Building along with Activities Management as the focus. General Assembly and Regional Meeting Attendances In collaboration with: RD, RT, VPCB, CB IT As a part of both CB IT and Regional Team, I will give my best efforts by attending GAs and APRM 2019. Not only physically attending, b u t a l s o I will ensure my participation will be Assess Assess and analyze NMO’s Capacity beneficial in related sessions by taking the chance to apply for the Session’s Building Conditions Early Term Assessment (In collabora- Team, Support Person or Facilitator. tion with: NMO’s CB Representatives) Conduct start-of-term CB needs assessment and consultation to the NMOs
Create Channel of Communication for NMO’s CB Representatives in Asia-Pacific In collaboration with: NMO’s CB Representatives Create a certain social media group for NMO’s CB Representatives which will have a regular call or OLM upon agreement. Not only for maintaining communication, but also empowering each other through sharing and CB discussion as well as informal assessments which have been mentioned before. Cooperate with Asia Pacific Regional Team In collaboration with: RD, EXRA, IDA, GAs, FA, SC RA Cooperate with other members of Asia Pacific International Team to have a synchronized vision towards our region’s Capacity Building development based on our Asia-Pacific Strategy. Not to mention in supporting and assisting SC RA especially in terms of Capacity Building event certification related to Standing Committee. Connect Asia-Pacific Trainers Internally and Externally In collaboration with: RD, EXRA, NMO’s CB Representatives, Workshop Coordinator, GA CB, RCA CB Create a main communication channel for trainers in Asia-Pacific in order to catalyze their capacity. This channel can also help each CB Opportunities both inside or outside the region to be promotes. This plan planned to include an external initiative to search for CB Oppor tunities outside the federation especially NGO and SO such as IADS, IVSA, or AMSA International by collaborating with EXRA AP.
Assist and Supervise NMO’s Capacity Building System In collaboration with: NMO’s CB Representatives Assist the NMOs CB Representatives to maximize their NMO’s potentials or even revitalize the capacity building system based on the data of the assessment which have been mentioned before. Control Quality of International CB’s Workshops In collaboration with: Workshop’s OC, Workshop Coordinator, VPCB, CB GA, VPA, EV AS Provide a compatible assistance to the Workshop’s OC and Coordinators especially SRTs and Pre-APRM to ensure the quality of trainers and also the workshop itself. This assistance which includes post-workshop OLM will also functionalized as a follow-up process for IFMSA CB’s certification and evaluation.
Manuals and Primers In collaboration with: VPCB, CB GA, CB EDA, CB RCA Develop new guideline or starter k i t based on reviews of current IFMSA CB manuals and resources supported with the data based on the early term assessment previously mentioned. This tailor-made guideline for AP is mainly to reach, promote and clarify current and potential misunderstandings of CB concept within NMOs. Develop a New Semi-Formal Educational Event in APRM In collaboration with: RD, IDA, VPCB, CB EDA, APRM’s OC Assist a new development of Semi-Formal Educational event in APRM which will incorporate either or both scientific and academic affairs to attract AP students who are mostly education-oriented to participate more in order to fulfill our regional needs and adjust to AP character istics but still in alignment with IFMSA system.
NMO’s Capacity Building Empowerment and Activation In collaboration with: NMO’s CB Representatives Strengthen capacity building among NMOs by providing proper procedures and protocols previously mentioned The aims are to help establish Capacity Building Divisions within the NMOs that haven’t got any, and help develop Capacity Building Divisions within NMOs that already have one. Empowerment for potential and interested NMOs to host SRT or other CB Events will also be taken into account. Boost Promotion of IFMSA Capacity Building System to NMOs Promote CB in NMOs through NGA Visit and Supports In collaboration with: RD, AP GA, NMOs CB Representatives In addition to assist RD in realizing his plan to support or even visit NGAs, a promotional CB event could also be incorporated through this initiative. I believe this plan could also ensure that NGAs can empower the participants in a streamlined manner. Promote NMO’s CB Collaboration In collaboration with: RD, AP IDA, NMOs CB Representatives, Transnational Activities’ OC Encourage more NMO-initiated regionwide opportunities for all members in NMOs across Asia-Pacific region by promoting and guiding existing event for example like ACTION and SRTs. This plan will be supported by the previous plan on AP manuals or primers in Capacity Building.
Ashandi Triyoga Prawira Candidate for Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific (CB RA AP) IFMSA, 2018/2019 29/12/1995
Raya Pandugo A-26, Surabaya, 60297
LA NGUA GE In dones i an En gl i sh
Na t i ve
7 .0 (I ELT S)
ED UCAT IO N 2002- 2008
SDN Kendangsari 1/276 Surabaya
2011- 2014
- Presented Strategy’s existed process at Regional Session MM Egypt 2018 - In charge for “Activities Management and Capacity Building” Pillars
Vice Chair for External Affairs
- Assisting communication between OCs and IFMSA (CB RA & SCORP RA in particular) - Facilitator for ACTION Joint Session APRM 2018
- Initiated 2 NMO’s Regional Meetings - Initiated Trans-LC on Childhood Cancer - OC Chair for TNT Region - Supervised on Strategy Planning Process of 4 Local Committees - Awarded as Best Regional Coordinator for the 2nd Period
SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jember
Pre -GA
SWG Member for AP Strategy 2018-2021
2017-2018 Regional Coordinator Region 7
SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya
IFMSA S WG Asia-Pacific
CIMSA Indonesia
2008- 2011
P re- A PR M
I O C AC TI ON 2017
IOC Member
- Presented ACTION 2017 in both AF and AP APRM 2017 - Assisted selection process of Indonesian delegates - Facilitator for IOC Workshop ACTION’17
LC CIMS A Uni ver sit a s Je mbe r
2016-2017 LC President
LC CI M S A Un iv e rsitas Jem ber
- Initiated community development on childhood nutrition - Became the first IFMSA-Certified Trainer of the LC - Initiated LC’s Strategy 2017-2020 - Developed local CB system especially in regeneration and peer education process
2015-2016 LC Founder
- Initiated SCOPH, SCORA and SCORP LC - Initiated internal LC’s components including CB - Officially accepted as 21st LC in CIMSA Indonesia
2 GA
Social Program Coordinator
IOC’s Representative
Head of Delegates
TNT Trainee 2016
SCOPH Session’s Team
AF Presenter - Prediction
IFMSA Delegation to WHO SEARO 71st RCM
SCOME Session’s Delegate AF Presenter - Prolactin PRET Trainee
TMET Trainee
PHLT Trainee
Exchange Session’s Delegate
SCOPH Session’s Delegate
AF&AP Presenter - ACTION
AF Presenter - Attentive
F A C I L I TAT E D LC CIM S A Un ive rsita s Je mbe r
Time Management, Project Management, Thinking Out of the Box, Strategic Planning, CIMSA-IFMSA General, CIMSA IFMSA Program, Motivation and Demands, Advanced CIMSA-IFMSA, Presentation Skill
National Leadership Summit CIMSA, Feb 2016 Leadership Management Skills in Organization National Leadership Summit CIMSA, Feb 2017 Strategic Planning to Sustainable Project Development May Meeting CIMSA, May 2017 Influencing People in Regeneration Process
XL Futu re Leade rs
1x 3-Days National Conference 8x 2-Days Regional Workshop
Young Leade rs fo r Indone sia
TN T Indonesia
3 National Forums of Young Leaders for Indonesia (May, Aug, Nov 2017)
NMO’s Regional TNT, Apr 2017 Setting Goals, Storyboards, Communication Skills, Interesting Training PreNGA, Oct 2017 Presentation Skills, Character Embracement, Character Building, Interesting Training
I FMSA- Cer t ified Work sh o p 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
APRM 2017 Japan Assestment and Evaluation (TMET Graduation Training)
TNT SRT 2015, Indonesia ACTION 2016, Thailand PRET, SRT 2017, Taiwan TMET, Pre-APRM 2017, Japan PHLT, Pre-GA 2018, Egypt
CI MSA-Cer t ified Work sh o p 1. Training on Research Exchange (TREX), Pekanbaru, 2017 2. National Peer Education Workshop (NPEW), Jakarta, 2017
APRM 2018 Korea ACTION Joint Session
T NT Pre- APRM 2018 Setting Goals, Training Formulation, Debriefing (Communication Group Dynamics, Public Speaking), Cultural Differences, Session Design.
OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS XL Future Leaders’ Batch 5 Awardee Chosen as one of 150 brilliant students out of 6000+ applicants across Indonesia to be participated in a two-year intensive leadership development scholarship.
Young Leaders for Indonesia Wave 9 Awardee
Selected as top 60 out of +850 high performing Indonesian - Best Regional Coordinator students from SEA and Australia of CIMSA Indonesia for in a 6-month intensive leadership the 2nd Period (2018) development program initiated and support- CIMSA Indonesia’s ed by McKinsey and Company. Expert Trainer (2017)
Ashandi Triyoga P (ashandi.triyoga)
Global Health
Medical Education
@ashandiyoga ID : ashandiyoga ID : ashandiyoga
SKI LLS Microsoft Office
Public Speaking
Graphic Design
“when life gives you (lego) bricks, build something! when life gives you capacity, build the federation!
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s Go!”