A Hands-on Approach Feature Story - "Jenney"| Community Character - Rebecca Snow Zoo Zeal - Summer Heat Can be Deadly for Your Pets
July 2011
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 3
Asheboro magazine
Sherry B. Johnson Publisher
David A. Johnson
VP Business Development
Cindy Wilkins
Advertising Director
Lina Landess Proofreader
Lauren E. M. Johnson
Staff Photographer & Teen2teen Editor
Dr. Umbreen Chaudhary Faylene Whitaker Greg Smith Gail Moore Christina Sterling Nathan Swanson Rosie Goldstein Lauren E.M. Johnson Alyssa Murkin Chloie Wilkins Seth Luck
IN THIS ISSUE | JULY 2011 6 LETTERS from the editor 7 EDITORIAL dave 2.0 beta 14 FEATURE STORY "jenney" 16 COMMUNITY CHARACTER rebecca snow 18 NATURE'S NUANCES summer is here and the garden is full 20 ASK THE EXPERT foster parenting 22 ASK THE EXPERT your money 24 ASK THE EXPERT seniors 26 ASK THE EXPERT your vision 28 ASK THE EXPERT beauty 30 ASK THE EXPERT business 32 ASK THE EXPERT welness 34 THINK LOCAL FIRST lawn confetti 36 "LET'S TALK" from interest to passion 38 COMMUNITY NEWS fall festival registration
PO Box 1369 Asheboro • NC • 27204-1369 336.698.3889 fax: 866.559.2920
10 asheboromagazine
40 COMMUNITY NEWS randolph telephone's 2011 zoo to do 42 ZOO ZEAL summer heat can be deadly for your pets 44 THE CELLAR i pick my wine by the label 46 COMMUNITY NEWS open house at living well community in franklinville 48 EXPLORING RANDLEMAN randleman-"building our future on history's foundation 50 DAILY DEVOTION dragonflies 52 CITIZEN JOURNALISM the raptor grows fangs 54 FRIENDLY FACES 56 COMMUNITY EVENTS 58 COMMUNITY NEWS afternoon "sweet tea" with writer, warren dixon. 59 TEEN2TEEN
The Healthy Back & Body Clinic
A Hands-on Approach
Asheboro Magazine’s printed distribution is 3,200 copies. It is hand-delivered to the upscale neighborhoods in Asheboro which is roughly 1,700 homes. The other 1,500 editions are distributed through high-end retail locations, the library, hotels and other high-traffic areas. Additionally, Asheboro Magazine is available online in digital page-turner format where it is read by approximately 20,000+ (and growing) people. Asheboro Magazine is published monthly by Crown Harbor Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Asheboro Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.
4 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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Rev. Peter
Bianca Tyler is an awardwinning TV journalist, radio show host, entrepreneur and “The Momversationalist™.” Her #1 job is proud mother of a teen and a Kindergartner! Visit her Web site at www. to listen to her radio broadcasts about Life, Love and Parenting – with her husband, Phillip – and to learn more about empowering yourself by “Finding Your Bright Spot™.”
Mike Grant grew up in the small historical community of Yadkin College located outside of Lexington, N.C. He later moved to Winston-Salem and attended Forsyth Technical College. Mike served as President of the Clemmons Jaycees for two terms. Under his leadership, many projects were accomplished in the community by working with the Town of Clemmons and the Clemmons Historical Society. Most notable, was the help in restoration of the undercarriage of the Hattie Butner Stagecoach, now displayed in the Clemmons Town Hall. Mike was later elected and served as the State Vice President for the North Carolina Jaycees. He moved to Asheboro sixteen years ago to marry his wife Veronica, where they currently reside. Mike loves history and becomes excited about finding anything old and then researching it.
For the past 12 years, Tom has been a writer, photographer & public affairs specialist at the North Carolina Zoo. After 20 years as a U.S. Coast Guard photojournalist & pubic-affairs specialist, Tom retired from the military in 1996 to work as senior editor & photo editor for Outdoor Traveler magazine in Charlottesville, VA, before coming to the zoo. Tom earned a photography degree from Randolph Community College & a photojournalism degree from Syracuse University. He has won national & international awards with his photography. His work has appeared in Time, National Review, USAToday, The Washington Post, The New York Times & in almost all major East Coast newspapers. Tom’s column Zoo Tales appears in about 25 newspapers across the state. He & his wife Debra live in Trinity, NC.
Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of, is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St. John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, an Xaverian Brothers sponsored school, provided him with his preparatory school education. In 2003, he was recruited to apply for the position of Pastor of the First Radio Parish Church of America ( FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religious broadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 million listeners, viewers and readers a week on TV, radio and internet, including American Forces Radio Network.
Live Away? Want to Receive Asheboro Magazine in your Mailbox? Want to Give Asheboro Magazine as a Gift? Enjoy a Year of Asheboro Magazine for only $29.95 • Subscribe online at > < Asheboro Magazine is published 12 times a year. Please allow 7-10 days for your first issue to arrive. For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 5
Dear Readers, This is an exciting month at Asheboro Magazine headquarters. With this July 2011 issue, we have been publishing in Asheboro for one year. I am so pleased when I look back over the past issues to see the way the magazine has progressed. In the coming months, we will be increasing the size of the magazine to 80 pages as content warrants, and hope to be over 100 pages by this time next year, which means we can go to a “perfect bound” process, which will make it look more like Our State magazine. The article on our Community Character this month, Rebecca Snow, is a surprise – to her! She was not aware this article was being written. Her daughter Jennifer contacted me via Facebook. I loved the idea of helping celebrate her retirement by featuring her in our magazine. I interviewed Dr. Dough and Jennifer to get her story. “Rebecca, I hope you have a wonderful retirement and that I have done justice to your story. If you like to write, I know a magazine that is always looking for great local content.” This month we have an article about the 2011 Randolph Telephone’s Zoo to Do, it’s a ‘must attend’ event each year, and if you haven’t purchased tickets in the past, you should definitely think about doing so this year. There are lots of great items for silent and live auction, and they are always looking for donations for those auctions. The food is incredible food and they have live entertainment until midnight. Hope we see you there! Mike Grant wrote a great article about the first airplane in Randolph County. In fact, it came in a “kit” and they needed to put it together before they could fly it. This was in 1929, and the thought of someone who knew nothing about planes putting one together and then flying it – yikes!!! Our Teen2Teen section is growing and Lauren and Alyssa are busy working on next month already. We have had tremendous feedback after the debut in our June issue, from both teens and adults, and are making plans to expand the section. This month we are taking a look at Randleman, and the great things that are going on there. New businesses and old are thriving there, so take a drive North on 220 Business and stop in to some of these great shops and support the growth in our County. There are lots of other great articles to read, and as always, thank you to our wonderful contributors who take the time to contact us and write for us. We couldn’t do it without you and please, if you have something you would like to write, contact me at We are launching a new feature in the August magazine called “Date Night.” Please send me your favorite things to do in Randolph County for a date with your husband, significant other, or friends. As always, we hope to see you at our Face to Facebook party at Uptown Charlie’s on the Patio – held throughout the summer on the last Wednesday of each month – July 27th starting around 7:00 pm. We have lots of great prizes to give away, including $100 cash to one lucky winner. We also have karaoke for those brave enough to get up there and sing. It’s a lot of fun and we love to meet our fans “Face to Facebook.” Until next month – keep reading!!
Sherry Johnson, Publisher
6 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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Wow. It is hard to believe that this is our twelfth edition of Asheboro Magazine. It seems like just yesterday when I writing the cover story about Lumina Wine and Beer for the first digital edition. If you had asked me then where I thought we’d be a year later, I wouldn’t have ever imagined we’d have grown this fast. I am not sure where I would have said we’d be, but I am confident I wouldn’t be bold enough to suggest that we would have over 2,400 Facebook fans, 23,000+ online readers and a very low return rate (unread editions) on our printed magazines. Usually, when we are distributing the new magazine, we don’t have any of the old ones to pick up and we hear from our regular readers that the magazines are disappearing faster and faster from our distribution points. I am humbled by the tremendous support we have received from the business community in the form of purchased advertising. Without advertisers, we simply wouldn’t be able to put out the magazine. What is even more amazing is the success our clients are receiving from their advertising. Don Leach the owner of Leach Janitorial Service said, “I have tried everything and nothing has given me the results that advertising in Asheboro Magazine has. If we weren’t on the map before we started advertising with Asheboro Magazine, we are now.” I always tell my clients that advertising is
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an investment and if they can’t substantiate the amount of return they are getting on their advertising investment in any given venue, they shouldn’t be advertising there, Asheboro Magazine included. If you had asked me a year ago what our attrition rate (percentage of clients that do not renew their advertising) would be, I would have guessed around 30% which is 10% lower than most traditional media. I am nothing if not ambitious and I never strive to be average which is why I would have answered in this manner. The truth is our attrition rate is less than 10% overall which means we must be doing something extraordinary because the reality is, if advertisers don’t feel they are getting a response (perception is reality) they stop advertising. And, most of the few clients we’ve lost, left because they only advertised with us one time. As we all know, in our media saturated world, most of the time, it takes a larger commitment to an advertising program in order to see positive results. Quitting after advertising once is akin to pulling all your money out of the stock market because the Dow Jones ended the day on the down side. If you’d asked me a year ago if we’d be ready to expand after a year in business,
Dave 2.0 (beta)
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 7
I would have looked at you like you had three heads. But because of the tremendous growth we’ve experienced and the overwhelming support from our readers and advertisers, we are in a position to expand. I am not at liberty to divulge our plans yet, but suffice it to say there are exciting things on the horizon. We think Asheboro should have all the cool things that bigger cities like New York, Boston, Dallas and L.A. have minus the population and urban sprawl. There are many voids in the area of hyper-local media here in Asheboro and I will say that our plans include filling some of them. One of the downsides to growing rapidly is learning to adapt to and managing the increased workload. It is inevitable that we are going to make mistakes. After all, we are human. In fact, we’ve made quite a few mistakes already. I see things that we missed during the editing process every time I pick up a magazine. Sherry assures me that most people won’t see what I see, but that doesn’t keep me from finding the flaws and making sure they don’t
show up in subsequent issues. It is and has always been our goal to put out a better magazine each and every month and I have been told by many that we are doing just that. One thing that I would have been able to predict a year ago is that we, as publishers, would stay true to our mission, which is to inform, entertain, educate and enlighten our readers with a fresh upbeat, positive and inspirational perspective. However, we would not be able to do this without all the people that have contributed editorial, pictures or just the time it takes to tell us about a potential story. Our goal from the very beginning was to make Asheboro Magazine a celebration of this great city we call home. Without the voice of that people the live and work here, we would not be able to accomplish this. Words simply cannot express how thankful we are for everyone that has contributed something to help us make our magazine a fair representation of life in Asheboro. Since our anniversary isn’t until August, I will continue this in next
month’s dave 2.0. I knew the list of those we wanted to thank was going to be long, but the more words I write the more daunting the task becomes. If, in our endeavor to express our gratitude, we miss someone, please don’t take offense. There have been so many people that have helped us get here that it is almost impossible to single everyone out. And, as we’ve discovered, there are those that are helping us without wanting any recognition at all. If you are one of those people, thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. Thank you for being part of the Asheboro Magazine family. Thank you for reading our magazine every month. Thank you for the story ideas and information you’ve so generously shared. Thank you for thinking local first and showing our advertisers that investing their marketing dollars with us makes sense. But most of all, thank you for making us feel so welcome here. We are proud to be a part of the community and thrilled to call Asheboro home.
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 9 6/4/11 6:06 AM
APPROACH By Sherry Johnson
10 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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Michael began his career doing home health care in 1992. After many years and many patients he began to notice a common thread of disability; the loss of postural strength. As we get older our bodies lean forward more and more. This loss of postural strength is the underlying problem in the vast majority of back pain, neck pain and can also be responsible for balance issues. Michael grew up in nearby Albemarle. He worked as a physical therapist assistant for a number of years in the home health industry, before going back to school. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine at Pfeiffer University, and his Masters Degree from Western Carolina University. A strong posture is what protects us from pain when we are active. And what is more important than staying active? Michael will tell you that postural strength is the foundation under which
all activity sits. When the foundation is weak, then our activity leads to back pain. Michael’s treatment plan is very simple and effective in correcting your
postural strength. In January, 2006 he started The Healthy Back Clinic here in Asheboro to offer patients a non-surgical option for relief from back and neck pain. They were first located in the Coxborough offices on Cox Street, but grew out of that space within two years. He built the current office to accommodate their growing practice on Lanier Street near Memorial Park. Using hands on manual therapy and new technology, Michael relieves the pain first, which allows exercises to progress uninterrupted by pain, with much better results. By taking a simple and gentle approach, you can engage in corrective strengthening activities. If you can commit to 10 to 15 minutes of exercise one time per day, then you can balance your body’s muscles and return to your proper posture and ward off pain practically permanently. Michael uses a combination of traditional manual physical therapy
Our goal is to offer patients permanent back pain relief in as few visits as possible.
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posture, increasing your strength and teaching you to become your own therapist. Before opening The Healthy Back and Body Clinic, Michael realized that current methods on back pain treatment were mostly overlooking the problem of
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 11
strengthening techniques, massage therapy and spinal decompression technology. The platform that most exercises are performed is on a therapy ball. His goal is to provide a safe environment for patients to learn how to correctly use the ball and gain confidence as they strengthen their core muscles. When you have poor posture, or back pain, you have a tendency to overcompensate and lose your balance, which causes its own set of problems. He spends a tremendous amount of time working on a patient’s involuntary core muscles, using a therapy ball, which strengthens both the voluntary and involuntary muscles, which in turn, leads to a stronger core. Michael recently changed the business name to The Healthy Back & Body Clinic to better reflect the evolution of the business model. Now Michael is also doing therapy on all joints and conditions where physical therapy is appropriate. Michael’s wife, Michelle, is a massage therapist and has played
12 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
a huge role in patient care. Michelle studied massage therapy at Natural Touch in Greensboro. Michelle has been with Michael since the very beginning of business. She practices trigger point therapy and has achieved phenomenal results with her patients. Massage therapy allows her to zero in on problem areas, and effectively treat them for pain relief. Their daughter Kirstyn works with Michael as a Physical Therapist aide; and Angie Poole and Suzan Latham work in the office, greeting patients and handling billing. Derbie, the Harmon’s beautiful Boston terrier, rounds out the staff. She is very wellmannered and is a tremendous asset to the office as a therapy dog. We had the good fortune to meet Michael and Michelle through mutual friends this past year and they have become very close friends. Michael and Dave share a love of good beer, and Michelle and I take classes together at Santosha Yoga Studio with Jacquie. When I first met Michael, I was impressed by
his command of the English language, and also by his fierce passion for what he does. He is extremely knowledgeable on many subjects, and he and Dave can spend hours talking about any number of topics. What struck me most about Michael, though, is his absolute joy for life, and how he looks at things with such clarity of thought — I just wish I could see things the way he does. Michael and Michelle have a wonderful art collection, featuring a lot of local artists, as well as a collection of first edition fiction novels. If you find you are having balance issues, joint pain, neck and/or back pain, give Michael a call – he is in the practice of getting you back on your feet and reducing your need for his services. He works with a number of patients who have had hip or knee surgery, getting them mobile again and pain free. If you are looking for a permanent solution to a chronic problem, instead of a temporary fix, you can follow a 10 to 12 minute protocol to alleviate pain and get back to your active lifestyle.
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 13
By Mike Grant
Every time I hear the name “Jenny” I think about Forrest Gump and his shrimp boat named after his sweetheart, Jenny. Like Forrest, most men have a tendency to name their prized possessions — especially airplanes — after a woman. So, as you may have guessed, this story is about an airplane affectionately named Jenney. Our Jenney was a JN4-D bi-plane built around 1917 by the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company as a training aircraft for the U.S. army. A bi-plane, of course, has two wings — just think of Snoopy and the red baron. These bi-planes were very effective in training our pilots in air–to-air combat over Europe during WWI. The JN4-D was a popular model, and around six thousand were built. After the war, the U.S. Army had a large surplus of these bi-planes, so they decided to sell them to the general public. This move to sell the bi-planes was a very important time in our U.S. history, simply because it introduced aviation to America. If you had enough money and guts you could buy an airplane, bring it home, put it together, figure out how to fly it and become famous. This spawned the barnstorming era across the American countryside. Hey, if you could talk a buddy into standing between both wings and walking around a little bit while you flipped upside down, you had an instant circus! You were considered a wing walker, or in professional terms — an aerobatic s t u n t m a n ! These people were truly
14 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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amazing, or just plain crazy, I don’t know which! But, I’m telling you, if my buddy told me, “hey I bought a plane yesterday and I just need to take it out of the box and put it together,” um, there’s your first clue! Are you kidding me? Maybe next time! In 1929 Randolph County had two such friends — Asheboro high school students Gordon York and Teak Presnell — who were ready to take on the challenge. These two young kids, or should I say men, became the first in Randolph County to own an airplane. They bought one of the JN4-D bi-planes for one hundred dollars. Now almost everyone called these planes Jenny, simply because of the “JN”, but our young huckleberries added an extra “e” just to make their plane a little different. Once they got their new plane uncrated they had to put it together because, from my understanding, it arrived in a million pieces. So, like any young men in America, when they found they had several pieces left over, they just said “Ah, we didn’t need those anyway!” Oh, and one minor detail — these planes did not come with any type of braking system. Uh oh! Now they just had to add a little aircraft fuel and it was time to fly! The first flight took place in a field located in what is now a cemetery beside Asheboro Middle School. They cautiously got up speed back and forth across the field, and finally they got Jenney barely off the ground, only to see a large barn quickly closing in. Unfortunately, the barn
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got in the way and crippled the plane. Thankfully, our two daredevils came out pretty much unharmed. Of course they did what any seventeen and eighteenyear-olds would do, they somehow found another plane, fueled it up and off they went! They were able to get this plane a little higher because this time they crashed into some nearby tree tops. History tells us that they had gotten some bad aircraft fuel from Greensboro. Oh well! Gordon York and Teak Presnell survived the day without even realizing that they had forever etched themselves a place in our local history. These guys had to be pretty cool to be around. Gordon York’s nephew, Joe Spencer, a retired airline pilot himself, contributed a great deal to this story. Joe also told me a story about Gordon later taking his sister, Helen York Spencer, Joe’s mother, flying one day. He said they were flying around Randolph County and the plane’s engine just stopped, so he graciously landed in a corn field. Thankfully, they both came out unscathed. Gordon told his sister that he would not take her flying anymore, but if I had to guess, she would have gone with him every time. Such amazing people during an amazing time, hopefully never to be forgotten. If you are interested in finding out more about the history of aviation, please visit the North Carolina Aviation Museum located at the Asheboro Airport.
1918 USA - 24 cents red/blue Curtiss JN-4 H "Jenny" airmail postage stamp.
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 15
By Sherry Johnson
REBECCA SNOW IS A FAMILIAR SIGHT AT ASHEBORO FAMILY PHYSICIANS. SHE MANAGES THE FRONT DESK STAFF, BUT FREQUENTLY RETURNS TO HER OLD NURSING DUTIES AS MANY PATIENTS STILL INSIST THAT THEY NEED REBECCA TO DRAW THEIR BLOOD. NOT MUCH GETS BY HER EAGLE EYE! SHE HAS SPENT THE PAST 45 YEARS KEEPING THE DOCTORS, STAFF, AND SOMETIMES EVEN THE PATIENTS, IN LINE. Rebecca grew up in Albemarle. She met a boy from Asheboro on a blind date with a group of friends. After dating four years, they got married and settled in Asheboro. She came from an extremely hardworking family, and her parents had instilled an incredible work ethic in her. She quickly got a job working at the Social Services office, and then The Jewel Box, a local jewelry store, maintaining their accounting records. She and her husband, Terry, attended church at First Baptist with Dr. Graham, who had founded Asheboro F a m i l y P hy s i c i a n s. In 1966, Dr. G r a h a m approached Rebecca and asked her if she would w o r k for him processing insurance claims 16 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
and answering the phones. She accepted and started work immediately. She had no idea that she would still be there in 2011. In addition to work ethic, her parents had also taught Rebecca the importance of family and motherly love. After six years of marriage, Rebecca had not conceived a child and believed that she could not have children. In 1968, Rebecca and Terry adopted Jenny. She briefly left the practice when they brought Jenny home, to be a stay-at-home mom. When she took Jenny in for a well child checkup during the 1969/70 school year, Dr. Graham asked when she was coming back to work. She knew he had replaced her at the front desk when she left, so she asked him what he wanted her to do. Dr. Graham wanted to teach her to be a nurse. She thought that sounded like a good idea, so she came back part-time, working hours that best fit her schedule as a young mother. Much to her delight, she soon found out she was pregnant with Stephanie ... and two years later, with Alli. Dr. Graham also realized the importance of family and the mother’s role. He never forced her to choose between family and career; they simply adjusted her schedule and work hours to accommodate her growing family’s needs. She learned a lot from Dr. Graham in those early years, as he discussed any and all aspects of patient care with her. For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
No question was considered too irrelevant to answer. She learned through experience, and couldn’t have received a better education if she had attended college at that time. She became an expert with a needle, and was often called in for patients who had small, hard-to-find veins. Rebecca has never been one to stick to a job description, if she sees something that needs doing, she jumps in and handles it. She closely worked with Dr. Graham as his nurse for 28 years, wearing many other hats at the same time. She took on a managerial role when they joined LeBauer Health Care 14 years ago. They then joined Moses Cone for a time, before going back to a private practice in 2007, when she took over the front desk operations as Office Manager. The practice currently has three doctors and six medical office assistants on staff. She planned all the parties for the practice since the beginning. In the early years, the Christmas party was frequently held in Dr. Graham’s home. Recently, Dr. Dough and his wife, Jan, have opened their home to all the employees and their families. Rebecca would arrange for Santa Claus to visit the house with presents in his sack for all the children of the employees. Rebecca has always been known as the prankster of the office. She would keep the office on its toes, with good clean fun. In the early days, Dr. Graham lived in the Greystone area. His neighbors, across the street, liked to decorate their trees and shrubs with only blue lights for Christmas. One year, Rebecca gathered up extra colored lights from around her house and tucked them in the pocket of her coat. While everyone was distracted, enjoying the party at Dr. Graham’s home, she snuck across the street and changed out several blue lights with her colored ones. No one knew for years that it was Rebecca that pulled the prank, although she did leave all the blue lights with Dr. Graham so he could return them to his neighbor the next day. When her children were growing up, Rebecca loved to play in the snow. The office staff would tease her if the snow started while she was at work because she would stand at the windows to watch the snowflakes. She wasn’t worried about getting home or driving in the snow … she wanted to go outside and play before it melted! At home, she was the first to dress in her snow clothes to go outside. No matter what time it started snowing, she would wake her kids up – even in the middle of the night, knowing they wouldn’t have school the next day -- to go sledding on the streets before it melted. For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
In fact, she would shovel snow back into the street to make sure they had enough to sled on. Often, while Jenny, Stephanie, and Alli were growing up, the phone would ring at night with a call from a sick patient. All the conversations started, “I didn’t want to bother the doctor at home, so I called you.” It became a family joke when they sat down at the table for family meals as they wondered how many bites of food they could eat before the phone rang. It never bothered them, but rather made them proud of their mother as it showed the level of trust the community and patients had in Rebecca. Often, people affectionately referred to her as “Dr. Snow.” Rebecca was the youngest employee in the office for many years. She was delighted when Dr. Dough came to the practice right out of school. He had spent some of his medical program practice there at the Asheboro Family Physicians, and his wife was from Sophia, so it felt like coming home when he joined the practice in 1985. Rebecca affectionately teased him about being the youngest, and she and Dr. Graham proudly watched as Dr. Dough developed a good reputation and brought many patients into the practice. When Dr. Graham passed away, Dr. Dough took over the office and has made it his responsibility to look after the staff in the ensuing years, namely Rebecca who has been faithful and loyal through the many years of change. “Rebecca is good with people, and has a wonderful moral compass.” Dr. Dough said. “Dr. Graham was a wonderful mentor, and friend. He wanted Asheboro Family Physicians to be a gracious, non-aggressive practice and he instilled this in the people who make up the practice today.” Rebecca is a testament to this legacy. After working for 45 years, she finally made the decision to retire as of June 30th. She postponed the decision for several years because of her love for the patients in the practice, but it was finally time to think of herself and her own health. She also gave the doctors a five month notice so they would have adequate time to train someone to step into her shoes. As she worked almost every aspect of the office for so many years, they were pretty big shoes! Although she won’t be in the office, she hopes the patients, who have become her friends, won’t forget her. Rebecca’s girls laugh and say that they will know how to find her … she won’t move, or change her phone number, and will always be in her same pew at First Baptist Church! We wish her good fortune in her well-deserved retirement!
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 17
Summer is Here and the Garden is Full
By Faylene Whitaker Whitaker Farms
The wonderful flavors of summer are all around us as we enter the garden. Our eyes look upon the beauty all around us and we are rewarded with all of our hard work from the spring. The flowers are blooming all around and the vegetables are ready to be harvested and eaten. The tomatoes and peppers make wonderful salsa that can be eaten plain or put on top of other vegetables for flavor. It is a good time to freeze and can the bounty of your garden so you can enjoy your produce for months to come. There are great recipes and directions available online for how to take care of your fruits and vegetables. A lot of the plants in your garden will benefit now from removing old blooms so the plants can rebloom. Some prime examples are crepe myrtles, roses, coreopsis, coneflower, phlox, and verbena. Now is a good time to do some summer pruning of trees that tend to bleed sap such as maples, dogwood, elms, and birches you can also remove the heads of reblooming hydrangeas so they will continue to bloom You still have time to plant some late tomato plants so you can have fresh tomatoes in the fall. Herbs are another great plant that can still be planted and harvested fresh for the coming months. Remember to keep the flowers cut off of your herbs so the plants will stay tender for cooking. There are
plenty of great perennials to put into the garden now such as Hibiscus, canna lily, coneflowers, verbena, ferns, groundcovers, and of course wonderful hostas. It is also a great time to put in butterfly bushes and bee balm. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to feed the hummingbirds with some sweet water in their feeders and keep water in birdbaths so the birds can drink in your garden. A great addition that I have enjoyed in my garden at night are the new solar lights made from canvas. They give off such a soft glow and ambiance. If some of your plants were forgotten during vacation there are still plenty of plants available to put back into these spaces and have your yard looking great again in no time. Just put in a little larger plant than you would in spring so the roots are larger for adjustment to the hot weather and remember plants need water at least once a week when the weather is so hot if they are established and more when you are trying to get them established. For some, the days are too hot to enjoy outside but the evenings and nights in the garden are filled with wonderful smells and sounds this time of year. Take some time and sit in the late evening as the moon shines down on the garden and the day is cooled and feel the stillness that will surround your soul and mind and know that you are truly blessed to be part of this great country of ours, the United States of America, the Land of the Free.
Great Plants for Butterflies and Hummingbirds Coneflower Butterfly Bushes Milkweed Bee balm
18 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
Trumpet Vines Rebecca Goldstrum Tall Verbena
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Pamela A. Penner, MD
515 D West Salisbury St. • Asheboro
Laser & Cosmetic Center
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 19
STERLING Foster Home Licensing Social Worker Christina Sterling has 13 years of experience in social worker and is a graduate from High Point University.
1512 N. Fayetteville St. Asheboro, NC (336) 683-8038
Have you ever thought about being a foster parent? How old do you have to be to be a foster Court Ordered Termination of Parental Rights, Parental Relinquishment, death parent? of a parent. The Adoptive parents will The minimum age requirement assume legal and financial responsibility by the State is 21 years old. There is for the child once the adoption is no upper limit as long as one is both complete. emotionally and physically capable of What is Shared Parenting? providing care. Shared Parenting is mandated by the What is the difference between foster State as part of foster home licensing. At care and adoption? first reference it sounds a little scary, but Foster care is for children who with the proper training and guidance need a stable, temporary home while can be very rewarding especially for issues of concern in their family of the child in foster care. You already origin can be addressed and resolved. participate in Shared Parenting if you The Department of Social Services is have a child or provide care for a child. required to work towards reunification Shared Parenting is the simple concept for the child and the family of origin, of sharing important information about and establish permanence within one a child for their benefit and wellbeing, year. The Department of Social Services and can be carried out in a variety is legally and financially responsible for of ways that supports a connection these children for medical care, childcare, between a child and the foster parents educational needs, psychological needs, as well as maintaining the connection for the child with their family of origin. etc. For more information about Adoption is for children who for whatever reason cannot return to their becoming a Foster/Adoptive Parent for family of origin and are in need of a the Randolph County Department of stable and permanent home. Children Social Services, please call the Foster become legally free for adoption through Care Inquiry line at 336-683-8062. a variety of means, with a few being:
20 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 21
SMITH Greg Smith is a local investment advisor and has over 18 years experience in the investment field. He is a graduate of Appalachian State University with a degree in business.
535 S Cox Street Asheboro, NC (336) 672-2155
22 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
Have You Ever Thought About Taxes On Your Savings And Investments? If the amount of taxes you owed last year was a great concern, and if you’re worried about your potential liabilities this year, consider the taxes you may owe on investments. In virtually every investment portfolio, there are taxable gains or losses or interest income. If you have money in low yielding bank CD’s and money market accounts the interest you are earning will be taxable in most cases. If you have money in mutual funds the dividends and capital gains inside the fund may also generate be taxable. If you have money in stocks you could owe taxes on the dividend or if you sell the stock you may owe capital gains tax. Another thought is to do what the wealthy do….they sell stocks at a loss sometimes to help lower their taxes. With your financial and tax professionals’ help, you can take positive action and better manage your savings and investment taxes. In many cases, you must act by December 31 to receive tax advantages for the year…..especially if selling investments at a loss. Here are some basic things you need to know. First and foremost, qualified dividends on certain stocks can qualify for special tax rates of 15%. It depends on the type of company paying the dividend. • Qualified Stock dividends are taxed at a lower rate, typically 15%. • Interest income such as Bank CDs and
Money Market Accounts are taxed at the highest marginal tax rate (based on household income) • Short-term capital gains are taxed at the highest marginal tax rate (based on your household income) • Long-term capital gains are taxed at a lower rate…typically 15% You might want to consider the potential advantages of investing in blue-chip dividend-paying stocks that are taxed at 15% tax rates. Some older investors might benefit by investing their money inside Annuities which grow tax-deferred. Younger investors should consider opening up a ROTH IRA….which are virtually tax-free. If you are saving for college….A TaxDeferred 529 plan might be the best answer. By understanding taxes on various types of investments you can take more control over your tax liability. Plan ahead and talk to an experienced financial professional. Review your options, determine your strategy and put your tax savings plan into action. Contact me for a FREE review of your investments or to discuss your options. You can reach me at (336)-672-2155 or This material does not constitute tax, legal or accounting advice. Please contact your tax advisor if necessary.
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MOORE Gail Moore opened her Home Instead Senior Care franchise seven years ago. She and her caregivers serve Randolph and Alamance Counties with non-medical personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, incidental transportation and much more to enable seniors to maintain their independence and dignity.
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24 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
Siblings Overcome Family Conflict While Caring for Aging Parents You may not have much in common with your siblings now that you’re grown. But you still have mom and dad in common. Families that have cared for a senior loved one know that problems working with siblings can lead to family strife. Making decisions together, dividing the workload and teamwork are the keys to overcoming family conflict. The 50-50 Rule refers to the average age (50) when siblings are caring for their parents as well as the need for brothers and sisters to share in the plans for care 50-50. Research conducted for the Home Instead Senior Care® network reveals that an inability to work together often leads to one sibling becoming responsible for the bulk of caregiving in 43 percent of families. And that can result in the deterioration of relationships with brothers and sisters. If you’re 50, have siblings and are assisting with the care of seniors, it’s time to develop a plan.
At the core of the 50-50 Rule public education program is a family relationship and communication guide of real-life situations that features practical advice from sibling relationships expert Dr. Ingrid Connidis from the University of Western Ontario. “Like all relationships, siblings have a history,” Connidis noted. “Whatever happened in the past influences what happens in the present. Regardless of their circumstances, most siblings do feel a responsibility to care for parents that is built from love. And that’s a good place to start – optimistically and assuming the best.” For a free copy of the 50-50 Rule Booklet, please contact me at gail. or stop by our office at 928 Sunset Avenue, Suite B, Asheboro. 336-610-8800
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 25â&#x20AC;&#x192;
McWILLIAMS, MD Dr. Wilson McWilliams is a general ophthalmologist and specializes in the treatment of eye diseases and disorders. For more information visit or call 1-800-SEE-WELL
Vision is arguably our most important sense, providing an estimated 80% of the information we take in from the outside world. If possible, we want to preserve our vision throughout our lives. The three major causes of vision loss as we age are cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Here is helpful information on all three problems. Cataracts develop when the lens of our eye loses the ability to transmit images from the outside world to our retinas. Our lenses are made of proteins, and as these proteins change over time, their ability to allow light through decreases. Sunlight, especially the ultraviolet (UV) portion, contributes to these lens changes. Wearing sunglasses which filter UV light helps protect your eyes, as do hats with brims when you 26 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
are outside. Vision loss from cataracts is usually slow. Images are not as clear, colors are not as bright, and glare is more of a problem. You might develop the ability to read without glasses again as your distance vision decreases. The good news about cataracts is that they are a readily treatable form of decreased vision. With new surgical techniques and the latest intraocular implants, skilled surgeons often return vision to the way it was years earlier. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that affects the macula area of the retina (the seeing part of the eye) that we use to see fine detail. The rods and cones in that area stop functioning normally, and vision decreases. Vision loss can be mild, moderate, or severe, and typically occurs slowly. We refer to this problem as “dry” AMD, and it can also cause small blank spots in our central vision. A small checkerboard chart, called an Amsler grid, can be used to monitor potential changes in vision, and vitamin therapy can slow the progression of “dry” AMD. When new blood vessels grow under areas of “dry” AMD, blood and serum can leak out, resulting in “wet” AMD. If left untreated, “wet” AMD can cause vision to decrease to 20/200 or worse. A new method of treatment, with medications called anti-VEGF drugs, has revolutionized the treatment of “wet”
AMD, stabilizing and often improving vision loss caused by this disease. Glaucoma is actually a group of diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve, the nerve which carries visual information from the eye to the brain. This damage initially results in loss of peripheral vision, and ultimately blindness if untreated. Intraocular pressure (IOP), or pressure inside the eye, is usually increased in glaucoma, and is a major risk factor. Other risk factors include ethnicity, age, family history, previous eye injury, and corticosteroid use. Glaucoma is thought to be the most common cause of preventable blindness in the world, and in the U.S. over 4 million Americans are affected. Modern treatment for glaucoma is very effective, and includes eye drops, laser treatments, and eye surgery. The diagnosis of glaucoma is made by an exam with an eye care professional (optometrist or ophthalmologist). To look for these and other potential eye diseases, have your eyes examined yearly. In addition, if you experience any sudden change in vision, you should see your optometrist or ophthalmologist immediately. For more information visit www. or call 910-295-1501.
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 27
Q: What causes varicose veins?
treats chronic venous insufficiency by delivering laser energy through
A: Varicose veins, or the large rope
a small puncture in the leg to close
Umbreen Chaudhary, M.D. is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and is a member of the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery. If you would like to ask Dr. Chaudhary a question to be featured in this column please visit Rejuvenation Medspaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Facebook fan page or email the question to
like veins in the legs are a type of
the diseased vein. Once the diseased
venous disease.
They are a result
vein is closed, other healthy veins take
of venous insufficiency caused by
over to carry blood from the leg, re-
genetics, pregnancy, obesity and/or
establishing normal flow. With EVLA,
occupations requiring long periods
no surgery is required, and the entire
of standing.
The root cause is
procedure can be performed in less
incompetent valves in the superficial
than one hour in office. During the
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venous system, which allows blood to
procedure, you are awake and your leg
reflux and pool in the lower part of
in anesthetized. Although individual
the leg.
responses vary, most people report little to no pain associated with this
Q: I keep hearing about a laser treatment
procedure. Afterwards you may feel
for varicose veins that does not
some tenderness, tingling, itching
involve vein stripping. Could you tell
or tightness in the treated leg, which
me more about this treatment?
should disappear within a month.
A: Endovenous laser ablation is an alternative treatment to vein stripping. Endovenous laser ablation, or EVLA,
28 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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SWANSON Nathan Swanson is the president of Northmont Navigation, LLC, a firm that specializes in business process analysis and Compression Planning using a visual storyboarding technique. He has created processes that have streamlined hiring, increased utilization, provided more accurate revenue forecasting, and enabled better visibility of the sales pipeline. Nathan is a certified Project Management Professional, a graduate from the Compression Planning Institute, and has a business degree in Management Information Systems. You can reach Nathan at nathan@
30 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
Compression Planning (CP) is a visual group process designed to bring out a group’s best thinking and energy to resolve a complex issue in an environment of fair play and equal participation led by a skilled facilitator. CP gets everybody heading in the same direction and compresses the planning time for major projects to enable your organization to achieve the results you need. 1. Provides background data and establishes specific goals. CP provides appropriate background data so that decisions are made based upon accurate information. CP also establishes a “Purpose of this Session” at the beginning of the meeting so that all energy can be focused on accomplishing the goal. Throughout the meeting, the group refers back to that purpose to make sure they are on task so that by the end of the meeting, they have accomplished what they set out to do. Pat Riley, NBA champion coach, says, “Teamwork requires that everyone’s efforts flow into a single direction.” 2. Encourages an open environment ripe for creative thought and high-energy discussion. "Wow, that's a bad idea." I have heard this statement far too many times. Even before discussion can begin, the idea has been shot down - maybe for a good reason or maybe for no reason at all. If a group can “Suspend Judgment” while ideas are being generated, there may be some ideas that at first glance may not be useful, but after refining them, turn into great opportunities. Protecting both the participants and their ideas is one of the many responsibilities of a CP facilitator. This in turn creates a
productive and welcoming environment for ideas to be generated and keeps the energy level high. 3. Produces specific, descriptive and memorable ideas which are explored for merging or synergistic opportunities. The idea, "Create Marketing Plan," sounds good in the meeting, but ends up being quite vague and lacks meaning. However, "Create a marketing plan to implement in the next six weeks to show the new features of the product," is specific, descriptive, and memorable. In CP, you churn ideas to make them better and then capture that idea. Next, you narrow the ideas down and begin to merge them. Both idea A and idea B may be good ideas, but if you merge the two, you create idea AB which could be a fantastic idea. In CP, the winnowing and merging of ideas produces higher level opportunities. 4. Ends with a call to action and a communication plan. I have been in too many meetings where a group sits down, generates some great ideas, but the meeting ends without a plan of action regarding next steps. With CP, during the meeting, the group creates an action plan for the tasks generated from each top idea. An owner is chosen for each set of tasks and a deadline is proposed. Next, a communication plan is set in place with what information needs to be shared, with whom to share it, and who will do the sharing. Harvey MacKay, author of Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive, says, “A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.”
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LANDESS Lina Landess is a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach whose primary goal is to help her clients enjoy optimal health: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. To help facilitate that process, Lina employs two primary energy-based techniques; EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which is an acupuncture tapping technique (without needles) and Usui Reiki (Universal Life Force energy).
This series will focus on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), one of several energy-based healing modalities that have emerged in the past 20 years, to reduce or eliminate physical illness and emotional upset or stress. In this piece, I will explain what EFT is and how it works so that the articles that follow will, hopefully, make more sense! EFT, a meridian tapping technique, is based on the same principle as acupuncture. With EFT, we tap on some of the same meridians or acu-points where acupuncturists place needles. Developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford trained Engineer and Professional Coach, EFT signifies an insightful merging of western psychology and Chinese medicine. As you may know, Chinese medical practitioners work with the energetic or electrical system that flows throughout our bodies, mainly to address physical issues. Acknowledging this electrical system that 32 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
flows from our head to our toes, Western medicine has developed EKGs and EEGs to diagnose the electrical activity in our hearts and brains. This energetic system is extremely subtle, much like the electricity flowing through the wires in your home. We are basically unaware of it or even how it works, but rely on it to power our lights, our computers, our refrigerators, and in this sense, our bodies. And we know when the energy flow, or electricity, stops. Just as a short circuit in our home wiring can cause our appliances to shut down, a physical trauma or negative emotional experience of any kind, large or small, can cause something like a ‘short’ to occur in our bodies and minds. Unless this short is repaired, our body/mind (our appliance) will not function 100%. If we experience a major physical trauma like an auto accident, we will have our body and our car repaired, but ignore, mainly because we don’t know any better, the trauma that has occurred at the subtle energetic or electrical level. We might even experience symptoms — fear of driving at night or in the rain if the accident occurred on a dark or stormy night — and not realize that this fear is an indication that our subtle electrical system has been traumatized —that it has experienced a ‘short.’ Such symptoms are how our body/ mind lets us know that something is amiss. If that short weren’t there we would have no problem driving anytime of the day or night. Because our energy system is so subtle, we need to redefine trauma to include subtle experiences such as feeling slighted or receiving negative messages from people we love or depend on. If you’ve ever believed you are unlovable or unworthy because of something a parent, teacher or other important person has said to you or about
you, you’ve suffered a trauma — something that has affected your sense of self esteem or worth. The big problem with this kind of trauma is that it is so subtle and is experienced by so many people that we tend to consider it unimportant. And we don’t realize how important those mini-traumas are until they show up as illness or unreasonable stress or upset. Have you ever found yourself angry for no apparent reason? Have you ever found yourself doubting your self-worth or your capacity for success? Have you ever felt that there’s something wrong with you and no matter how hard you try, how hard you work, you just can’t escape that ‘truth?’ Unfortunately, many of us have been hurt by parents, teachers and friends who had no idea the impact their comments could have on us. We can pay attention to these symptoms and address them or we can ignore them. Many of us make the latter choice until the symptoms demand our attention. How do they do that? Through physical illness or negative feelings that But if this system is so subtle, in fact invisible, how can we access it. How can we repair it? Easy. We literally tap into the emotion that created the ‘short.’ In future articles, I’ll share with you examples of the power of EFT via the stories of clients I’ve worked with over the years and the issues we’ve been able to clear. Lina Landess is an Advanced EFT Practitioner and Wellness Coach. Lina’s practice, From the Inside Out, is located in Suite D of Natural Highs, Inc., on Cox Street in Asheboro. You may call her at 336-521-1176 for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your issue, or to schedule an appointment. For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
Charity Motorcycle Ride & Concert
Sa Oc tu to rd be ay 20 r , 1 11 5, Registration from 8:30-9:30 Cox’s Harley Davidson, Asheboro Ride Departs at 10:00 a.m.
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I woke up the morning of my 45th birthday thinking it was just another day. I don’t get excited about birthdays anymore; regardless of all the well wishers, it is just a reminder that I am a year older and believe me when I say, not better or wiser. In fact, the older I get, the worse my memory becomes so I’d actually go as far as saying I am becoming less wise as the years pass.
And despite the comparisons to aging like a fine bottle of wine, I feel more like I am rotting like the cask the wine was made in. To birthdays, I say bah humbug. The only thing redeeming about a birthday is cake and since I am on a weight modification plan, I can’t have that either.
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My wife, on the other hand, is the eternal optimist. If you’ve met her, you know the woman is never in a bad mood and she has made it her life’s mission to make sure I see things through the same rosy glasses. I’ll admit that I have become way more positive since I met her, but birthdays aren’t days she can normally coax me out of my funk. That is, until this year. I woke up to a yard full of plastic pink flamingos arranged in a way that made it seem as though they were throwing a luau for all the folks passing by. There were flamingos in a pool, flamingos with leis, flamingos with sunglasses and even flamingos doing the limbo. Immediately, I felt a smile come to my face and then, embarrassingly enough, I got a little emotional. It is impossible not to smile at a flock of flamingos partying in your yard regardless of the occasion. And since I have a ‘thing’ for pink flamingos, the sight was especially pleasant. In front of all the flamingos was a sign that read “We just flew in to wish Dave a Happy 45th Birthday.” It was awesome and just the thing I needed to put things in proper perspective. I didn’t realize it, but I had just been “flocked” courtesy of a local Asheboro business called Lawn Confetti. Lawn Confetti is a special occasion lawn greeting and flocking company. They have something for just about every occasion and, if you
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34 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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don’t like pink flamingos, don’t fret…they have many other themes to decorate with. Their displays come in a variety of packages and options. You can pick from one of their prearranged displays, or mix and match ornaments to create your own unique designs. In short, you are only limited by your imagination (visit their website at to view all the different display options). So, if you are tired of doing the same old thing to celebrate special occasions or if you want to make a grumpy old man like me smile on his birthday, give the guys at Lawn Confetti a call at 336-483-1703. You and the person on the receiving end of this very special way to commemorate the occasion will be happy you did. I loved being “flocked” so much I ordered another for our house warming party.
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 35
From Interest to Passion By Bianca Tyler
We changed insurance companies recently and with that came a change of pediatric dentists. Upsetting at first because our 6 year old loved her old dentist, but when I took her into the new office yesterday, all the “But why can’t we go to Dentist Stacey” comments ended as she entered the “Ocean” room. There was a superhero room, princess room, sports room, airport room and a jungle room and all of them were pretty cool, but the ocean room took her breath away. Literally, she gasped as she looked wide-eyed at the walls and ceiling painted in deep blue and green waves with murals of Arial and Flounder floating by the examination chair. The floor was tiled in waves and there were colorful fish, dolphins and orcas on mobiles dancing from the ceiling. The walls were covered in friendly 3-dimensional sea creatures and there was even a clock of a grinning fish getting his teeth cleaned by a foamy toothbrush pendulum that swung left and right every second. Other kids might have thought this was a neat room, but to our daughter it was a dream. When she was three, she loved trains and Thomas the Tank Engine, so off we went to Amish Country
and rode on the “real” Thomas. When she was four, the princesses were all the rage. At five, and now having just turned six, marine animals are her passion. So when do interests turn to passions and where do they come from? In a nutshell…from you or someone you know. At some point, you must have had an interest in something particular, whether it was dinosaurs, space, or in our case, trains and the sea. You introduced the subject to your little one and, usually unknown to the parent or friend, it struck a special chord in your child and initial interest turned to fullblown fervor. Because we as parents try to offer our children as many opportunities for learning as we can, we never know, really, what’s going to turn to complete amazement and great enthusiasm for particular children. We brought our daughter to the aquarium – as many parents do - and she was completely enamored. Then my sister bought a membership to the aquarium for her birthday and entry was free for a year. To me, it was a great opportunity to get out of the cold in the winter, hang out with the seals after school, or a great place to go on a rainy
day with a playdate. To our daughter, it was a magical place that just became more and more ingrained in her heart as she played with the sting rays and befriended a young Beluga whale named Juno. When she turned six a short time ago, we brought her to Discovery Cove in Florida where she swam with a dolphin named Jenny. Pure love! You can read more about Jenny the dolphin and the Beluga named Juno on my Momsite: www.TheLetsTalkMom. com. Enjoy every moment bringing new subjects and opportunities into your child’s life – you never know when one might stick and become a passion for life. Happy Parenting!™
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36 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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Imagine the look on a friend or loved one's face when they wake up or return home to a yard full of flamingos, crows, balloons, or whatever you choose to shock your victims with! We set up in the mornings, then return in the evening to remove the display. We have Lawn Displays & Flockings for all occasions... Birthday • Anniversary • Graduations • Over the Hill • Weddings • Proposals • Open Houses Special Sales • Grand Openings • Get Well • Sweet 16 • Apology • Newborns • Patriotic Team Spirit • Homecomings • Reunions • Congrats • Parties • Retirement • Engagements ...and much more
Forget the card...confetti their yard! Give us a call today and let our lawn artist create a display that fits your budget and occasion!
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 37
Fall Festival Registration
Guild to Feature Exhibit by Award Winning Costume Designer Paul Tazewell
Vendors who wish to register need to submit their completed registration forms and fees to The Randolph Arts Guild, P.O. Box 1033, Asheboro, NC 27204-1033. Forms may be downloaded at www.AsheboroFallFestival. com. The booth fee is $50 until August 31st. From that point until the day of the festival registration the booth fee will be $100 as space allows. All booth fees are non-refundable and as always, 10% of gross sales will be due at the end of the festival. Separate fees and deadlines apply for booths in the Commercial/Flea Market Section of the event. Visit the website for more details. This year’s festival will be the 39th and is set for Saturday October 1st & Sunday October 2nd, 2011 in downtown Asheboro, NC. For more information about Fall Festival rules, regulations, and requirements please visit www. For more information please call the Randolph Arts Guild at 336-629-0399 or email for more information. The Guild is located at 123 Sunset Avenue, Asheboro, NC 27203. Hours: M-F 10am -- 5pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.
The Randolph Arts Guild is preparing for an exhibition by award winning designer Paul Tazewell. The exhibit will feature sketches, designs, and actual costumes from select productions. The work will be on display July 12th - July 28th. An Opening Reception will be held on Tuesday, July 12th from 5:30pm - 7:30 pm in the Sara Smith Self Gallery 123 Sunset Ave in downtown Asheboro, NC. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. For the past 14 years Paul Tazewell has designed for theatre, dance, and opera productions both in the United States and internationally. His costume design credits include Broadway productions such as Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk, On the Town, Def Poetry Jam, the Guys and Dolls revival, Memphis, and The Color Purple. Paul has received three Tony Award nominations for his work. A graduate of the NC School of the Arts and NYU’s Tish School of the Arts, Paul is the winner of a Lucille Lortel Award for On the Town and two Helen Hayes Awards for Outstanding Costume Design. In addition his work as a designer, Paul is also a resident artist and associate professor of Costume Design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. For more information please call the Randolph Arts Guild at 336-629-0399 or email for more information. The Guild is located at 123 Sunset Avenue, Asheboro, NC 27203. Hours: M-F 10am -- 5pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 39
Randolph Telephone’s 2011 Zoo To Do This year’s goal for the 2011 Zoo To Do fundraiser is $136,000.
Zoo To Do is the NC Zoo Society’s annual fundraising gala. The highly anticipated event is produced by the Randolph Friends of the Zoo, a countywide volunteer group, created to support the NC Zoo Society and the missions of the North Carolina Zoo. An elegant affair, it features a beautifully catered dinner, unique silent and live auction items, as well as other activities to tempt you. The evening is capped off with live entertainment and dancing under the stars. The Randolph Friends of the Zoo board members plan the event throughout the year, and they personally make the table decorations by hand before the event. They give generously
of their time to make this event such a success, year after year. Many of the members are from local companies here in Asheboro. Randolph Telephone’s Zoo To Do 2011 – Moonlight Masquerade will be held in the Zoo’s North America Plaza, located adjacent to the North America parking area. There are several exciting changes from previous years’ events planned, so be sure not to miss the fun. The 2011 Zoo To Do will be celebrated on Saturday, September 10, 2011, from 6:00 pm to Midnight. Approximately 750 guests attended Zoo To Do in 2010. About half of the guest list is comprised of corporations within the county. Other guests include
July and August Move-In Special Monthly Discounts For: City of Asheboro Staff, as well as Medical, Law Enforcement, Fire, Seniors and Zoo Employees
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McCrary Park. July 9 – Liberty’s July Celebration, Swannanoa Avenue, Liberty, NC. 10am to 9:15 pm – Food, vendors, crafts, amusement rides and inflatables, demonstrations, music and a fireworks show at 9:15. FREE. Rain date for fireworks is July 16th. More information go to www.celebrateliberty. org. July 9 – Peach Day at the Farmer’s Market, 134 S. Church Street, Asheboro, NC. Free peach ice cream – while supplies last!!
a number of Society members and friends across the State. Zoo To Do has a seating capacity of 900 guests. Zoo To Do is recommended as a 21 and over event. This year’s goal for the 2011 Zoo To Do fundraiser is $136,000. The money raised in 2011 will support the expansion of the Zoo’s Ocelot Exhibit and the Service Support Facility area. A portion of the money raised by this event ($7,500) will also go into a special fund that awards grants to Zoo and Zoo Society
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July 15-17thth – Seagrove Christmas in July, 127 E Main Street, Seagrove, NC. Outdoor festival featuring live raku employees. and turning demonstrations, baked goods, and pottery Zoo to Do tickets go on sale July 29th. exhibits. For more information on sponsorships, donations to the auctions purchasing July or 16th – Garden Party at Caldwell-Hohl Artworks, 155 Cabin Seagrove, NC. 10am to 5 pm. Summer tickets, please contact Karen Trail, Powell, celebration featuring outdoor art, birdhouses, and new Special Events Coordinator for the works. Tour the artist's studio, hear live music, visit with NC Zoo Society, at 336-879-7262 or guest artists, and see pottery demonstrations. Zoo To Do Tickets are $150 and sell out July 17th – Summer Concert Series featuring Liquid fast. This is an event you don't want to Pleasure, Bicentennial Park – 135 Sunset Avenue, 7:00 pm. miss! Great free, family-friendly event! Bring a blanket or chair for seating. Enjoy the new dance floor!
volume 1 | issue 11 | | 41
Summer Heat Can Be Deadly for Pets Interior Temperatures in Cars Can Exceed 140 Degrees F in Some Instances By Tom Gillespie, N.C. Zoo staff
People mean well by taking their companion along with them…but dogs and other animals are extremely susceptible to heat, and even a few minutes can be deadly.
42 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
Summer means hot vehicles, and every year countless numbers of pets die after being locked in them while their guardians work, shop or run “quick” errands. The sad part is that these tragic deaths are preventable. Most of us would never even consider leaving our young children or grandchildren unattended in a hot vehicle in the heat of a summer day, but that’s not always the case when it comes to our pets and other animals. “As the summer heats up, it’s important that people be made aware of the dangers of leaving companion animals inside hot cars,” said Nicole Paquette, an executive with the Animal Protection Institute (API), a national non-profit animal welfare group. “People mean well by taking their companion along with them…but dogs and other animals are extremely susceptible to heat, and even a few minutes can be deadly.” During a typical summer day, it’s much hotter inside a vehicle that it is
on the outside; that’s because a car acts like a greenhouse, trapping the sun’s heat. A study by the API has shown that even mildly warm temperatures outside a closed vehicle can quickly become deadly temperatures inside the vehicle. Their study compared an outside temperature of a shaded area with the inside of an automobile. At 9:30 a.m., when the outside temperature was 87 degrees F, the inside car temperature was 115 degrees F. In a similar study reported in the Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society to evaluate degree of heat exposure in a vehicle, researchers compared the temperature rise inside an enclosed, dark-colored vehicle with the temperature rise in a light-colored vehicle with the windows partly open. Within 20 minutes, readings in both cars exceeded 125 degrees F and reached approximately 140 degrees F in 40 minutes. And it’s not just in hot weather. According to Pediatrics magazine,
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sunlight can heat a car’s interior to lethal temperatures in only 30 minutes, even if the weather is relatively cool. The researchers strongly urged parents not to leave children alone in parked cars, no matter how mild the weather. The same applies to leaving pets in vehicles. "My guess is that parents would be surprised to know that leaving (children and pets) in the car is very much like leaving them in a sauna,” said author/ researcher Catherine McLaren of Stanford University. At the N.C. Zoo, when a pet is left in a vehicle and is reported either by a park ranger, a visitor or a staff member, a zoo animal management supervisor is called to assess its condition. The responders measure the internal temperature of the car and also the core temperature of the animal with an external infrared device. If the temperatures exceed recommended veterinary guidelines, a sheriff’s deputy is called to the scene to enter the vehicle. The animal is then confiscated and given treatment as needed. It is left to the discretion of the deputy as to whether criminal charges
are filed against the pet owner. Some states—with California being the most recent—have legislation in place making it illegal for owners to leave pets unattended in vehicles during dangerous conditions. Sometimes we should just ask ourselves if taking our pet along on a family day out is what's best for the particular animal—or if it's just what's best (or easiest) for us. At home, our pet has all of its favorite toys, sleeping spots and perhaps the run of the backyard all day. But the best rule to follow is simply never to leave a pet alone in a vehicle. Zoo visitors who are vacationing with pets or those who need to bring pets for some reason can call the zoo's toll-free number, 800-488-0444, for a list of local veterinarians who will board animals for the day. Also, an API Web site, http://, gives great information on the general care of pets and other animals in warm weather.
Every year countless numbers of pets die after being locked in a car while their guardians work, shop or run 'quick'errands
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volume volume 11 || issue issue 12 11 || | 43
By Dave Johnson
I AM A SIMPLE MAN WITH SIMPLE TASTES. IF YOU’VE READ ANY OF MY PREVIOUS REVIEWS, YOU KNOW THAT I LIKE WHAT I LIKE AND AM NOT INFLUENCED BY WHAT IS “IN” OR TRENDY. I HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL BE A BELIEVER IN THE PREMISE THAT JUST BECAUSE EVERYONE SAYS SOMETHING IS GOOD DOESN’T NECESSARILY MAKE IT SO. IN OTHER WORDS, I RARELY FOLLOW JUST FOR THE SAKE OF FOLLOWING. And, truth be told, I pick my wine by the label. That is, if I like the label, I will give the bottle a try. If not, I won’t— unless it comes highly recommended or I am given a free sample. After all, the only thing better than wine is free wine. With this in mind, it gives me great pleasure to critique a bottle of wine that has a giant letter J on the label, J Vineyards & Winery’s 2010 Pinot Gris. While I would love to report the J stands for Johnson, it doesn’t; it represents the two Js in the name of the founder Judy Jordon. Judy started what is now known as J Vineyard & Winery in 1986 in California’s Russian River Valley. The
44 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
valley is named for the first non-natives to settle in Sonoma County. The Russians, who settled along the Sonoma coast at historic Fort Ross from 1812 to 1841, left a significant impact on the area. They found this region optimal to hunt sea otters for their furs and to provide food and staples for Russian colonies in Alaska. Agriculture, including viticulture, was a primary goal in this endeavor and the fertile soils of the Russian River Valley provided a region apt for farming and sustaining their outposts. Not much is known about when the Russians began to plant grape vines or exactly when or if they started producing wine. However,
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by 1876 viticulture was well established in the Russian River Valley. It is recorded that the region produced in excess of 500,000 gallons of wine, with about 7,000 vine acres planted. Larger wineries began to flourish, including The Santa Rosa Wine Company established in 1876, Martini & Prati Winery in 1880, Korbel Champagne Cellars in 1882, and Foppiano Winery in 1896. J Vineyards and Winery is best known for its criticallyacclaimed sparkling wines like their J Vintage Brut, J LateDisgorged Vintage Brut, Brut Rosé, and Cuvée 20 Brut. The Pinot Gris, which J made as an afterthought in previous years, has gone into regular production as a response to the recession. Wine drinkers have been buying less expensive wines, and in the past, J made few wines that sold
for less than $20. The Pinot Gris has been a huge success for the winery and a blessing for those of us who appreciate fairly priced, well-made wine. If you’ve read previous reviews, you know I am not a big fan of white wines. I am trying to expand my wine tasting horizons, so I have purposefully been buying and drinking more whites. I first sampled the J Pinot Gris at a wine tasting at Lumina Wine & Beer. It was hot out and I found this wine to be very refreshing while a little on the dry side. The flavor is bold, citrus-y and simply delicious. It drinks like a much more expensive wine or, at least, that is what one of my wine snob friends said. For me it is either a thumbsup or down. In the case of the J Vineyards & Winery 2010 Pinot Gris I offer a hearty thumbs up. In fact, I can no longer say I am not a big fan of whites because this little number knocked my socks off.
Orange & Roasted Garlic Shrimp Skewers Ingredients: •2 0 large garlic cloves, unpeeled • 1/4 cup dry white wine • 2 cups orange juice • 1 mango, peeled and cubed Pineapple chunks • 60 medium uncooked shrimp (about 1 3/4 pounds), peeled, deveined, shells reserved • 12 6-inch-long wooden skewers, soaked in water, drained • Nonstick vegetable oil spray
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We drank this bottle with the shrimp recipe we paired it with for this article and, in my limited experience, there have never been two things that went so well together, with the exception of steak and lobster. But, I am confident that this wine could be paired with just about anything— from Mexican food to Asian cuisine and everything in between (we had pineapple and mango for desert and the wine really enhanced the flavors of these tropical fruits). Overall, it was one of the more enjoyable wine experiences I have had to date and if you are looking for a fantastic bottle of wine under $20, you can’t go wrong with the J Vineyards & Winery 2010 Pinot Gris. It is available at Lumina Wine & Beer for $17.99.
Preparation: 1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Place garlic and wine in center of foil sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Enclose with foil; crimp edges to seal. Bake until garlic is very tender, about 50 minutes. Let cool and squeeze garlic between fingers to release cloves. Transfer garlic and any cooking liquid to blender. 2. Meanwhile, combine orange juice and reserved shrimp shells in heavy medium saucepan. Boil until liquid is reduced to 3/4 cup, about 10 minutes. Strain liquid into blender with garlic; discard shrimp shells. Puree until mixture is smooth. Cool marinade completely. Mix shrimp and marinade in bowl. Cover; chill 1 1/2 hours. Drain marinade. 3. Thread 5 shrimp onto each skewer, inserting a mango or pineapple between each shrimp. 4. Spray a grill topper (a flat non-stick tray to place on top of the grates of your grill) with non-stick cooking spray. Place shrimp skewers on tray, cook until shrimp are pink and just cooked through, about 1 1/2 minutes per side. 5. Serve immediately with a nice Pinot Gris & fresh summer vegetables.
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 45
Open House
Perched on the banks of the Deep River in eastern Randolph County above an ancient fish weir and campsite used for centuries by native Americans, a new neighborhood is emerging. The neighborhood is called “Living Well Community,” and is being built around the ideas of health, sustainability, creating positive relationships between people and the natural world, and creating community. The Neighborhood consists of 124 acres and is bordered on one side by the Deep River and on the other side by Sandy Creek in the old mill town of Franklinville. The first section of the regional Deep River Rail Trail, built on the old rail-bed of the Atlantic and Yadkin Railway, crosses the property and provides a wonderful walkway and bikeway along the river. The Neighborhood includes a
46 | ASHEBORO Magazine | June 2011
Living Well Community
Saturday, July 23 from 9 a.m.—9 p.m. Activities For All Ages
variety of future housing types, a Conference Center and campground, and a business/commercial area. Lots are available for Single family mixeduse, Patio homes, Cohousing,, and Commercial use. During July the community is offering preconstruction discounts of 20-30% on all lots. All houses will be constructed to maximize energy efficiency, following Green Building guidelines. Houses are clustered together to allow more open space and natural buffer areas along the creek and river. Space has already been set aside for a Neighborhood Park, an organic farm, and a community garden. “At this time in history with the challenges we’re facing — ecologically and economically — we need to create new solutions,” says Harvey Harman, co-founder of Living Well Community. “We need to build more resilience and
joy into our lives and communities.” ”Living Well is an idea whose time has come,” says Doug High of Asheboro. “It’s about people living cooperatively instead of competitively. It’s about being inclusive rather than exclusive. Living Well puts the ‘neighbor’ back into neighborhood.” Living Well Community will host an Open House on Saturday, July 23 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Activities include face-painting, farm products, music, dancing, walks along the Deep River Rail Trail, tours of the property, food, and a chance to meet folks connected to Living Well Community. Living Well Community is located on Rising Sun Way off Highway 22/Main Street in Franklinville. For Additional Information contact Harvey Harman at 919-799-6819, or Nancy Harman at 919548-0677.
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RSVP Community Theatre Presents
Lerner and Loewe's
JULY 22, 23, 29, 30 - 7:30 p.m. JULY 24, 31 - 2:30 p.m. Adults $15.00 Seniors/Students $12.00 Reserved Seating Tickets at Randolph Arts Guild 336-629-0399 Information at Supported by Asheboro City Schools, Randolph Arts Guild, the North Carolina Arts Council
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Phone: (336) 498-7661 | www.
Randleman is one of Randolph County’s historic Deep River communities.. Located in Northern Randolph County and the heart of North Carolina, Randleman proudly serves as the home to the Victory Junction Gang Camp and the Richard Petty Museum, which is located at 142 W. Academy Street downtown. Incorporated in 1880, it was Randolph County’s largest town in 1890. Despite its rural setting, Randleman is part of the Greensboro/WinstonSalem/High Point metropolitan area, providing residents the best of rural and urban worlds. Additionally, Randleman is approximately and hour and a half away from Raleigh and Charlotte, and three hours from the beach and the mountains.
336.495.0019 154 S Main Street Randleman
Rambling Rose Antiques
The annual NASCAR Day Festival, scheduled for October 29 this year, celebrates the heritage and tradition of Richard Petty and his family. The festival covers a one mile area of downtown Randleman with features including a mu s e m e n t s , games, food booths, handmade crafts, non-profit and business displays, and live entertainment. Richard Petty will sign autographs from 5 – 7 p.m. NASCAR Day is unique in that it is the only local festival offering a special postal cancellation. Local residents and visitors can fish along 100 miles of beautiful shoreline on Randleman Lake. A reservoir on the Deep River, the lake opened in 2010 and is surrounded by a natural buffer of 2,975 acres with a lake surface of 3,007 acres. Recreational activities allowed on the lake include boating, fishing, sailing, and paddleboats. Another scenic destination is the Deep River Nature Trail. Located off Main Street adjacent to Deep River, this hard142 W Academy St. Randleman 336.495.1143
Buy & Sell
110 S Main Street Randleman Hours: Wed. – Fri. 12 – 5:30 pm Saturday 11- 5:30 pm 48 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
Hours: Wed – Sat 9 – 5 pm Admission: Adults: $10 • Seniors: $8 Students: $5 Children 6 and under: FREE For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
Deep River Café
By Milo Hunter, Executive Director of the Randleman Chamber of Commerce. packed trail (onethird of a mile) starts in a park area next to the Deep ricer. This nicely shaded park, open from 6 a.m. until 10 p. m., offers picnic tables and grills. Bicycles are allowed on the trail and fishing is permitted in the park. The City’s Parks and Recreation Department offers several special activities at different times of the year. There is an Easter Egg Hunt in April, a Fun Day on the Fourth of July, and the City's Christmas Parade. This department also operates the Community Center and Senior Center. Activities for senior citizens include the Senior Adventure Club, also known as Seniors in Motion. The North Randolph Historical Society seeks to ensure the preservation of St. Paul Methodist Church (built in 1879) and Randolph County's rich history by collecting, preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting archival materials and physical artifacts associated not only with the history of northern Randolph County, but also with the larger
Randolph County community. The Randleman Chamber of Commerce is a partnership of business and professional people working together to build a healthy economy and to improve the quality of life in our community. We appreciate the support of our Chamber members and encourage new businesses to join us in promoting our community. Randleman has become an ideal place to live and raise a family. With its variety of shopping opportunities, restaurants, and services, Randleman continues to attract new residents and businesses. This is your invitation to discover our community.
Sweet Dreams ‘n Blessings Gift & Consignment Shop 105 N Main Street, Randleman Hours: Wed – Sat, 10-5 336.498.9627 Jeff & Stephanie Smith Owners Handmade items, collectibles, unique birdhouses & more
Traditional Southern Cooking! 220 N Main Street, Randleman
Drayton Dorn, Owner
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 49
Dragonflies By Rev. Peter Panagore
In late summer, hundreds of red dragonflies were zipping in the yard - up, down, under, over, stopping, flying, moving, eating, landing. We don't enjoy insects landing on us - black flies, mosquitoes, deer flies, yellow jackets -- ouch. We don't like millipedes creeping across our bare toes in the bathroom, or pincher bugs sleeping in our un-mentionables. But dragonflies seem smart, even friendly, despite my boyhood fear when I heard them called flying sewing needles. "That'll stitch your mouth shut". There aren't many friendly insects that'll land on a toe or a
hand without malevolence. Several times, dragonflies got into the house. Each one attached itself to my outstretched finger, accepting a ride outside. I'm not "St. Francis of Assisi of bugs". Dragonflies are just that way. They accept humans. They eat the insects that eat us, and they treat us with, well, an insect form of respect. It's as if God said, "Look, people, I had to make biting bugs. They're necessary for the eco-system. Here -- I made a beautiful insect, clever and colorful, with gossamer wings and superior skills, that'll eat the bugs that eat you". This world is full insects that bite and
impose other afflictions. Life hurts. But God's world is also full of goodness and blessings. Pay attention for a moment, to look for the beauty and balance of God's creation; look with your inner eye, your loving eye, and you'll see it. Let's Pray: Thank You, God, for biting insects which feed the beauty of the dragonflies. We thank You for wonders in this world. Amen. Today's Thought Is: Look for beauty. Feed on God.
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Sandy Creek Golf Club, Staley, NC To benefit Duke Children’s Hospital & Children’s Miracle Network
Sponsorship and Registration Info www.Swinging4Miracles.US Hosted by the Golden Corral of Asheboro Contact Gerald at 336-625-6734
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 51
e in in T h sT Liv ne d Fi sT e si
FANGS! By Rosie Goldstein
The Simplest Things Are The Most Important. When you’re older or caring for an aging loved one, your priorities are usually the basics – health, security, comfort and companionship. At Carillon Assisted Living, the priorities are the same – to provide a caring environment emphasizing social activities, health and wellness for adults who simply need assistance with day-today living. And The Garden Place at Carillon provides unsurpassed care for people with Alzheimer’s, whether it’s long term or respite care. If your loved one needs assistance, come to Carillon. Few things could be more important.
2925 Zoo Parkway
(336)633-7600 52 | ASHEBORO Magazine | June 2011
One day last March, Gil Goldstein of G&G Automotive, got a call from a young man who saw their name on a list of installers of Edelbrock superchargers. He explained that he owns a 2010 Ford F-150 Raptor and he wants to race off road and needs more power. He asked Gil his opinion, and Gil agreed that the Edelbrock supercharger would serve him best. He wanted Gil to do the installation, but went on to explain that he was a Special Forces Instructor at Fort Bragg and would be going on Special deployment for several months in Afghanistan. He needed someone who could not only do the installation, but safely store his truck for him while he was away. We offered to store the truck for him if he allowed us to show the truck at car shows and cruise-ins. He thought that was a great idea and the deal was struck. He brought the truck to us in April and headed overseas until September or October. Well, I have always been a fan of trucks, from pick-ups to Freightliners and Kenworths, so, when I saw this truck, I loved it! There are not many of these Raptors around. These trucks were originally designed by Ford strictly for one of the most grueling off road races in the world, the Baja 1000. Drivers cross 631 miles of rough terrain descending 4000 ft through hairpin turns and high jumps at very high speeds. Ford tested this truck and found themselves in the lead! So, they built this street legal version that produces off road performance with stock high performance parts, including Fox racing shocks and special 35” all terrain tires and, of course, a tow package. It has switches that turn on special off road capabilities and change it from a legal drive to a climbing, jumping monster. This is one cool truck! Gil contacted Don Moore, Marketing Manager for Roush-Yates Performance,
and Don contacted Edelbrock to verify that the supercharger kit was available. We were then told that this would be the first one installed on a 2010 Raptor. For those of you not familiar with the name, Roush-Yates is the engine supplier for all of the Fords in NASCAR- Sprint cup, Nationwide, ARCA, and many other independent racing operations. They combine the talents of Robert Yates, Doug Yates and Jack Roush to produce world class racing engines. Robert has since retired and his son Doug is CEO of the company. They employ a staff of 180 technicians and engineers in Mooresville to design and develop their products. Gil mentioned the story of the Raptor to Don, who in turn told Doug Yates. They decided that it would be cool to have Doug autograph the top of the supercharger before shipping. They felt this one was special - not only was it the first, but it was for a young man serving our country. By the end of April all the parts had arrived, hand delivered by Don Moore and signed by Doug! To get a baseline on the power increase of a supercharger, the truck was dynotested and produced 270 rear wheel horsepower, factory rated HP is 310 at the flywheel. The Supercharger kit will raise it to 478HP and 504 foot lbs of torque! Once the Supercharger was installed, Gil test drove the car for a week or so to make sure there were no glitches. It was flawless and the truck ran perfectly. Don Moore called to let Gil know that Vic Edelbrock was going to be in town. Don had told him the story of the Raptor and asked him to sign the truck as well. In 1927 Vic Edelbrock, Sr. left school to help support his family. He had a natural talent for mechanics. His first job at an auto repair shop helped develop his skills as a mechanic. In 1933 he moved to California where he opened his own repair shop. In 1938 he purchased his For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
first project car — a 1932 Ford Roadster. This was the turning point in Edelbrock history. It was Vic’s entry into the world of “Hot Rods” and inspired the design and manufacture of the first Edelbrock intake manifold. He used that car to test and develop many parts. He developed the “slingshot” manifold, which was the first product to feature the Edelbrock name. He tested, raced and became a constant winner. By 1946 the first catalog was printed- “Edelbrock Power and Speed Equipment.” Business flourished and many racing parts breakthroughs followed. Unfortunately, at the early age of 49, cancer ended Vic’s. life. In 1962, Vic, Jr. took over the business, and with a host of loyal employees who had been there from the beginning, they continued what his father had built. Today they have over 7 locations totaling 500,000 sq. ft., and they continue to produce the finest performance and racing parts available. In 2011 they expanded to include the E-Force Supercharger which is how we came to their attention. Vic Edelbrock, Jr. himself wanted to see and sign this truck!! We took the Raptor on a road trip to meet Vic before he flew back to California. We met at a hotel just outside the Charlotte Motor Speedway. He loved the truck. He told us about his family and things they are doing. What a nice man!! He climbed up
Come out and enjoy a night for just us Ladies! an evening fuLL of food, Wine, fun, exCitement and seCrets reveaLed...the event is heLd the third thursday of eaCh month. and signed the top of the supercharger and then signed the dash! What an amazing experience!! We then drove to Roush-Yates in Mooresville to see Don Moore. He gave us a tour of the shop and showed us all the great things they are doing there. Then Don and Doug came out to look at the truck and Doug also signed the dash! All of this took place Memorial Day weekend, which we felt was a fitting tribute to the truck’s owner. On our road trip, I got to experience this Supercharger in action. Gil just touched the gas pedal and it took off like a rocket — hitting speeds I can`t mention - very quickly, and it was just getting started! When our soldier returns to the States, his truck will be ready for him to jump in and run!! If you have the opportunity, stop by the shop and Gil would be glad to talk to anyone who is interested. It will also be at the Asheboro Cruise-ins, next to the G&G Automotive tent on July 23rd, August 27th & September 24th if the owner hasn’t returned to pick it up yet! Come see us! The Raptor does have fangs!!
Space is limited and is held through RSVP only so get yours today!
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 53
54 | ASHEBORO Magazine | July 2011
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volume 1 | issue 12 | | 55
July 20 – Heart of North Carolina Golf Classic Pro-Am, Pinewood Country Club, 247 Pinewood Road, Asheboro, 11:30 Registration and Lunch; 1:00 pm Shotgun Start, & 6 pm Awards Reception & Dinner. $300 a team, Three (3) ProAm Playing Spots Paired with a Hooters Tour Professional, Complementary Anheuser-Busch and Pepsi Beverages Served by Hooters Girls, Appreciation Tee Gifts & Contests & Prizes. For more information, contact Todd Barbee, Tournament Director at 678.794.5879 or email at
bring the whole family and all of your friends. July 28 – Summer Movies for Kids “Gnomeo & Juliet”, Sunset Theatre, 234 Sunset Avenue, Show times: 10 am & 1 pm - $3; 7 pm - $5. Price of admission includes fun-size drink and popcorn.
July 30 – Sisyphus Saturdays at Zimmerman Vineyards, 1428 Tabernacle Church Road, Trinity, 5 – 8 pm, FREE, $5 wine tastiings. Enjoy an evening of live music on the terrace, bring July 23rd – Operation Red Sleigh 10th Annual Sleigh Ride, a picnic or have a taste of a Goat Lady Diary cheese tray. Call Seagrove Elementary School, 528 Old Plank Road, Seagrove. Leslie at 336-861-1414 for more information. Registration: 6:45 – 7:45 am; ride begins at 8:00 am sharp. 20 mile, 50 mile or 75 mile routes, kid’s rodeo, and much more. July 30 - ZOO CITY MOTOR SPORTS PARK PRESENTS They have routes and support to cater to every rider whether SOUTHEAST SUMMER SERIES 7, 279 Joe Farlow Road, Gates you are a casual rider or a racer. Proceeds support Operation Open at 3 pm, Practice starts at 5 pm and Race gets underway Red Sleigh’s annual Christmas. at 6 pm. Spectators FREE, Participants CHARGED. July 23rd – Classic Car Cruise In, Bicentennial Park & August 4 – Summer Movies for Kids “How to Train Your Downtown Asheboro, 4– 8 pm. Many of the downtown shops Dragon”, Sunset Theatre, 234 Sunset Avenue, Show times: 10 may be offering Cruise In Specials, so plan to come out and am & 1 pm - $3; 7 pm - $5. Price of admission includes fun-size
Tickets $150 On Sale July 29th, 2011 To Order Call Karen Powell 336.879.7262
56 | ASHEBORO Magazine | June 2011
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drink and popcorn.
August 14 – Summer Concert Series featuring Part-time Party Band, Bicentennial Park – 135 Sunset Avenue, 7:00 pm. Great August 5 – 7 – North Carolina Tax Free Weekend – Save yourself free, family-friendly event! Bring a blanket or chair for seating. a bundle – there will be no sales tax on Clothing, Footwear, and Sponsored by the City of Asheboro. school supplies under $100; sports and recreation equipment under $50; computers under $3,500 or computer equipment August 11 – Summer Movies for Kids “Open Season 3”, Sunset under $250 during this weekend. Theatre, 234 Sunset Avenue, Show times: 10 am & 1 pm - $3; 7 pm - $5. Price of admission includes fun-size drink and August 13 – Summer Concert Series at Ramseur Lake featuring popcorn. Swift Creek, 6 – 8 pm, 549 Ramseur Lake Road, Ramseur. Come enjoy local and regional talent as the Town of Ramseur August 18 – Summer Movies for Kids “Elle: A Cinderella features free concerts offering a time of relaxation with family Story”, Sunset Theatre, 234 Sunset Avenue, Show times: 10 am and friends. FREE.
& 1 pm - $3; 7 pm - $5. Price of admission includes fun-size drink and popcorn.
August 4 – 14 – Asheboro Copperheads Hosts the Petitt Cup Playoffs, Mcrary Park, 138 Southway Drive, Asheboro. See wooden bat baseball at McCrary Ballpark, featuring the only synthetic turf infield surface in the Coastal Plain League, showcasing collegiate stars from across the country. For more information go to
August 20 – 20th Annual Antique Car Show, 9a-3p, Zooland Region Antique Automobile Club of America is hosting the Annual Antique Car Show In Bicentennial Park in Downtown Asheboro- Registration 8-11 am. Open and free to the Public. For more information, visit
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Specializing in: • Custom homes • Building Additions • Remodeling Call us today for all your building needs! 425 Randolph Mall (336) 626-6688
1212 E. Dixie Dr. (336) 633-1303 For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
volume 1 | issue 12 | | 57
AFTERNOON "SWEET TEA" “COOKOUT FOR WISHES” & WITH WRITER, WARREN DIXON 12TH ANNUAL BENEFIT FESTIVAL The Randolph Arts Guild monthly tea program, scheduled for July 28th will feature a variety of iced teas of the refreshing sort. Its summer time, and we have a tall drink of southern culture coming your way to compliment the program. Local writer, Warren Dixon will dispense chucklecausing musings while we all sip cool refreshing varieties of summertime iced teas -- or as Mr. Dixon mentioned with a stout pronounced ante-bellum charm, “there’s only one kind of Southern Tea . . .”Join us, won’t you for the “Sweet Tea,” Thursday July 28th at 4pm in the Sara Smith Self Gallery located in the Moring Arts Center, 123 Sunset Avenue, Asheboro. As with all our teas a five dollar donation is greatly appreciated. For more information about this or other windows to the arts in Randolph County, contact the Randolph Arts Guild at 336-629-0399 or visit . Born in Siler City, now a Liberty resident, married to Sandra, 2 stepdaughters, one stepgranddaughter, three stepdogs, graduate of UNC-CH in Journalism, author of two books, "Tarheel Hilarities" and "Holiday Hilarities", Saturday columnist for Courier Tribune since 2000, weaned on sweet tea, retired postmaster of Julian, secretary of County Library Board, Chairman of Liberty Library Board, member of Randolph County Historic Landmark Preservation Commission, and treasurer of 100-Man Project in Liberty.
Make your July cookout or party a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Central and Western North Carolina. The month of July is “Cookout for Wishes” month. Friends, families and businesses are having summer cookouts and asking their participants and guests to help make wishes come true for local children with life threatening medical conditions. The donations accepted at these cookouts can be mailed to the Triad Chapter office in Clemmons, or brought to the Cookout for Wishes Benefit Festival in Lewisville on Saturday, July 30 and presented at that time. Each person or group presenting the money they raised at the festival will be recognized for their efforts. “It is a great way to turn a cookout into a meaningful experience for a child and his or her family” says Don Timmons, Triad Regional Director. The Benefit Festival will have live music, delicious food, great silent auction items, games and an Arts Expo for the Kids. “This year we have added a talent show for up and coming singers“ says Timmons. For more information about the “Cookout for Wishes” program and the 12th Annual Benefit Festival on July 30, please visit The Make-A-Wish Foundation, 6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Suite 28 Clemmons NC 27012
RANDOLPH COMMUNITY CONCERT BAND TO FORM FALL 2011 The Randolph Arts Guild welcomes setting. This group will cater to adult Ellane Campbell for a free evening musicians, age 18 and older, who just lecture July 15th at 6:30pm. Ellane want to get together and play. Members will be discussing the formation of a need to be able to read music to at least Randolph Community Concert Band. a high school level and own their own The public and anyone interested in instrument. participating in a community concert The group looks to perform its first band is encouraged to attend this short concert in December of 2011 and in informational session. the future hopes to perform benefit As a local band director with over concerts to help raise money for a half a decade of experience in the public school band programs. RCCB school system, Ellane recognized will be directed by Ellane Campbell, a that once students are out of school graduate of UNCG with a Bachelor of they have limited options to play music. For this reason the Music Education and has six years of experience as the Band Randolph Community Concert Band is set to form this Fall. Director for Randleman High School. The mission of the band will be to provide an opportunity Interested individuals should contact the Guild at 336-629for adult musicians to make music together in a full band 0399 July 2011 58 | ASHEBORO Magazine | June 2011
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Featured Musician Hunter Routh
Were the Fries Really Worth It? Teen Self Esteem
Post Cards from Spain
LETTERS Hey Guys! Hello teens of Asheboro! First let me give Lora Daniel a shout out. She posted on my Facebook just a few days after the Magazine was distributed about how much she loved reading one of our articles. “I read your article in the Asheboro magazine. And I absolutely loved it! I think it means more to hear/read that as a teenage girl and be able to believe it, when it's from somebody your age, in your town. I really enjoyed reading it!” I was very excited that she left something so sweet on my Facebook. This month we have six pages, so make sure you read them all. Our featured musician is Hunter Routh. Then there's the Teen Self-Esteem article. We added another section as well; “Postcards From...” and that's written by teenagers from Asheboro who are traveling abroad at the moment. So all of that is written and photographed by them, and if you're traveling, make sure you send us pictures and a bit of what you're doing so we can put that in next month's edition! If any of you guys have ideas or content that you want to share with me make sure to add me on Facebook. I'm probably friends with you already, but so that you can easily find me, my Facebook is under Lauren Elizabeth Johnson. Please make sure to “Like” the teen2teen Facebook page, which has one of the easiest links to remember: facebook. com/teen2teen. I'm so excited to have six pages of content for you guys, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy putting it out there for you.
So we are in month two of teen2teen. The praise we received for our first month was overwhelming, and incredibly encouraging! And to think we're only getting started! This month we are really getting into the swing of things, printing a full six pages of literary goodness! I can definitely say that this endeavor is going right where Lauren and I were hoping it would. More and more teens are getting word of what we're doing, and seem interested in getting involved in one way or another. It's amazing how many teens have said "Asheboro has a magazine?" I think it's important that the youth of our town come to appreciate what we have in Asheboro, andt teen2teen is a way to get them to stop, take notice, and become involved. Speaking of involvement, I'd just like to say that this month I haven't been able to be quite as involved with teen2teen, as I'm completing a semester of summer classes, which has kept me extremely busy. But hopefully by August I'll be back to full partner in crime status! I know that Lauren has a ton of awesome ideas that I can't wait to back her up on, like teen classified sections, secret note submissions, advice columns, and a ton more! I hope all of the teens in Asheboro are having a fantastic summer, and stick around for more from teen2teen as the summer continues! Peace,
60 | ASHEBORO teen2teen Magazine | July 2011
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Were the Fries Really Worth it? By Lauren Johnson
Yes, as a matter of fact, they were definitely worth it. Because not only did I not eat my weight in them, I went to the gym today and I'm going back tomorrow. Did you know that when you eat you aren't actually supposed to eat until you’re full? You're supposed to stop eating when you're not hungry anymore. If you want to lose weight, you go on a diet. You tell yourself all these things that you can and can't eat and you read food labels and check for carbohydrate levels and all those other fancy things. Well, if you're someone like me who absolutely loves food and you don't really want to do that, there is a solution. Stop eating as much. Continue to eat your three meals a day, but try using smaller plates. You don't need to stop eating to be skinny, and you don't need to completely change your diet, although changing some things does help a tremendous amount - such as cutting out soda. Trust me, I love soda. But soda is bad for you, including diet soda. It's worse than drinking regular soda because of the artificial sweetener they put in it to replace the sugar. Put the Doritos down, throw away the ice cream, and don't even think about the Oreos that are taking up space in your cabinet. Get rid of them. Buy something to snack on that’s healthy – like grapes. I love grapes. They're so good; I could eat a million of them. Fruits and vegetables are good for you, too and they're delicious too, so that's a plus. Drink more water or fresh organic fruit juice. Cut out the coffee. You don't need it to wake up. Seriously, you don't. Drink oolong tea instead. Changing the way you eat is going to impact your weight and health a lot, but that's not the only thing that’s going to do it. You have to move, you have to get up and do something. Exercise is by far the best way to lose weight. To begin, you can change just one thing in your daily routine. Take a walk around your block or do sit ups in the morning. Do something every day. When you start to notice that it doesn't make you winded, start jogging. Or do both. Start out with jogging, and when you start to feel a strain start walking. When the strain is gone and you've caught your breath, continue jogging. Alternate the running and jogging until you can run the entire route. The most important thing to remember is not to overdo. Did you know that when you exercise your body produces more serotonin? For those of you who don't know, Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that inf luences sensations of pleasure and affects a variety of standard bodily functions, including your sleep and awake cycles, mood, libido, and appetite. Serotonin has also For Advertising Information, Call 336.698.3889
been directly linked to feelings of depression and sadness — heightened levels of serotonin promote feelings of joy, resulting in less frequent or severe depression. [1] So what all that means is when you exercise your brain releases stuff and it makes you happy. So it makes you fit, healthy, and on top of that, happy. I know I wrote last month that you don't have to change your appearance to be beautiful. You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful. This isn't about getting skinny. This is about getting fit, and healthy. This is about being comfortable in your own skin. You don't have to change who you are, or what you look like to be beautiful. Remember: you're beautiful. Every inch of you, inside and out, is beautiful. I don't even have to know you to know that. We're all beautiful. The only problem we have isn't finding the beauty in others; it's finding it in ourselves. Because once we see it in ourselves others will easily see it in us as well. 1: h t t p://w w w.body ticles/ Exercise-Makes-You-Happy
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Sign up for summer guitar and mandolin lessons and receive first half-hour lesson free. $65 for 4 half-hour lessons.
Sue Bergland
volume 1 | issue 2 | | 61
sici u M d e Featur
h t u o R r e t Hun
Interview By: Lauren Johnson Photo by: Alyssa Murkin
LJ: What do you play? HR: I play mainly Progressive Metal (elements of different music thrown into Metal), but I not only do that; I play Classical, Pop, Jazz Fusion, Folk, Acoustic, and Eastern inf luenced music. LJ: How long have you been playing? HR: I’ve been playing guitar (6 string, 7 string, 8 string, Acoustic, Classical) for almost five years, I also play various other instruments (Ocarina, Bass, Keyboard, Piano, Mandolin, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet), but I’m not as proficient on those instruments as my guitar. LJ: Are you in a band/working on a project? HR: Lord willing, I will be trying out for a band soon, they’re called Whisper From Heaven. Ministry Symphonic Metal band, play 7 string and 8 string guitars, female vocalist, and currently are writing an EP. But right now I have two projects I’m working on. The first project is a solo instrumental **?album (album where I write all the music) and there is the concept album I’m working on. The solo instrumental album is music where the guitar is mainly the vocal point of the songs and these songs will feature more of a colorful aspect of my playing and be more melodic. Fans of Greg Howe, Kiko Loureiro, and Cosyns will like this album. These songs will be about whatever I choose for them. So it could be about a loved one, Bible, story, fiction, and non-
62 | ASHEBORO teen2teen Magazine | July 2011
fiction. The concept album (an album with a story or meaning), this album is a big project that could take 2 to 7 years to do, Lord willing, because it’s not only me writing the music, it also has several artists contributing to the music and I’m just now getting around to getting the artists lined up and having some music written for it. So far the artists that I have to contribute to the album are Derek Corzine (Whisper From Heaven, Bloodline Severed) — Derek is a multiinstrumentalist and composer, he has a brilliant mind and is one of my biggest inf luences in music — Josiah Baker (A Thousand Shields) is a vocalist who has a great voice with fullness and power that I really enjoy and I think he could do a great job singing on this album. I also have Michael Buck (A Sky Diver). Now Michael plays the bass and I’d like for him to contribute a bass solo, and I also have Jon Walker (guitarist). Jon is actually my uncle and I have to give him credit for me being in music, as well, and he will contribute a guitar solo. The Bible in some way or the Gospel of Jesus Christ will inf luence the story of this album; the story will contain characters inf luenced by people in my life and situations I’ve been in. So far the story hasn’t been written but some lyrics have been. I’m still brainstorming the idea of what I want the story to be. The music that this album will contain will be heavy at times,
melodic, calm, orchestrated, eastern inf luenced, and will hopefully contain music that people will enjoy! These projects definitely have a ways to go and they will most likely not be finished anytime soon, I’m still writing the music, but demos and what not will most likely be posted on my sound cloud ( h t t p : / / s ou ndcloud . c om / hunter-routh), reverb nation (ht t p://w w w.reverbnation. com/hunterrouthproject) or YouTube ( xiphos68). LJ: What got you into music? HR: My mother is really the person who got me into music, in general. She listened to all this pop music when I was growing up and I really liked listening to the radio and hearing that type of music. I like worship music, as well, that we would sing in church. But the music I’m into now I wasn’t into when I was younger or 5 to 6 years ago. I used to be heavily into rap and I wanted to be a rapper for a very long time, but that ended when I heard Trans Siberian Orchestra and Van Halen. When I was about 10 I wanted to learn to play guitar (but I didn’t really listen to music with guitar in it) — eventually I just gave up on it. But when I heard the TSO and Van Halen, that’s what I wanted to play and I wanted to be a rock star. But the whole rock star phase ended too. I finally realized that being a rock star isn’t what I should be doing, but I should be glorifying God with my music and the talent He blessed me with (Psalm 150, 1
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Peter 4:10). I realized this when I heard a band called Bloodline Severed (Local NC Metal Ministry Band) and they were great. I loved watching those guys so much and I actually met them in Asheboro and I saw them at the C4 church. The only reason I didn’t think I could glorify God with my music before is because I didn’t really think you could, or at least in my genre. So, from then I started to change and those guys had a huge inf luence on me and I’m very thankful for those guys and woman (Derek Corzine, Amy Corzine, Corey Weaver, David Whichard, John Snyder). Those guys and woman encouraged me and helped me get where I am now, plus my Mother and Father have helped me a lot as well and I have a lot to thank them for and my sister. Plus David (guitar teacher at Monroe’s Music) and Matt Hoover (guitar teacher at Evans, Wake of Redemption, Solo) for being my guitar teachers for a while. They’re both giving lessons in Asheboro still, I’m pretty sure. Derek Corzine though got me into the more progressive realm of music and other music, by recommending all these bands to listen to (Shadow Gallery, Kiko Loureiro, Extol) and they have
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inf luenced my playing today and are something good to listen to, too! LJ: What do you like most about it? HR: There are several things I like about music: • I can enjoy music and have a very imaginative mind — where music takes me. • I can make my own music and share it with people that enjoy music and write it for friends and family, plus I can share it with others to enjoy. Whether they dance to it or are calmed by the sound of it. • I can perform music and have a great time giving a show to everyone who is present. • Music never ends and you can always write music, no matter what. • I love playing instruments of all types. • To me this is the most important; it’s that wherever I go I can take the Gospel of Jesus Christ with me and that’s what I want to do. Write great music and share the Gospel with people all around the world and help people (Matthew 28:19). LJ: What genre of music do you most enjoy playing? HR: Progressive Metal, because they’re so many different elements and instruments you can play and
it’s very fun. Melodic Death Metal, I really like playing the style of death metal guitar, it’s very tricky, fast at times, and tasty. Classical, it’s just beautiful and it’s fun to play the Spanish style of guitar on the instrument as well. Jazz Fusion, a person once said that a ‘Jazz Fusion musician is a top chef that knows all the ingredients and now needs to make a masterpiece of tastiness’ or something like that. In Jazz Fusion I can release all I know on guitar into a piece of improvisation. It’s fun to be able to take a scale and play all over the fret board to a piece of music, but it’s not all about improvising either. It takes time and brains (not saying I’m a genius) to be a great guitarist or musician in Jazz Fusion, I’m not at that level yet. LJ: Do either of your parents play instruments? HR: My Mother sings and my Dad can play piano, bass, mandolin, and guitar. Plus my father is a brilliant sound man and setting up guitars. Dad has had a professional and semi-professional band want him to set up their guitars or certain player’s guitars. Talented man for sure.
volume 1 | issue 2 | | 63
as ery thing w t v E . e m o s awe he bes Spain was America. T na and m o fr t n re Barcelo very dif fe pinion were iggest cities o y m in s citie e two b hey are th re was Madrid. T e architectu gs were h T . y tr n u in the co er buildin ll of the old A . ht one g in z a am ge. I thoug u h d n a d e ings. very detail things was the bullr ull lest an actual b of the coo e e s t o n e did eople Although w ll prett y cool. The p ti s s and I fight, it wa hat friendly rists. w e m o s ere at us tou in Spain w ed staring y jo n e y e n s was the k now th e attractio it r o v fa ilia. It y One of m ag rada Fam an S , a n lo e rc th Ba church in on for more ti c u tr s n o in c uilt. has been till being b s is d n a 120 years 64 | ASHEBORO teen2teen Magazine | July 2011
aveling first time tr y m s a w This dI country an you ever out of the . If enjoyed it thoroughly should ance, you h c e th e v ha tiful it the beau is v ly e it n defi Spain. country of - Seth
I never thou ght so much could happ only ten day en in s, but EF Tou rs q uickly chan my mind. E ged F Tours is a prog ram that st udents an allows d teachers to travel abroad the chance . I got to spend ten days in Spai hit all the m n. We ain tourist at traction s like Sev ille, Gra Madrid, nada, the bea ch Costa del and Barcelo Sol, na. Despite it feeling like hundred de it was a g rees every day, it was The ar t was amazing! my favorite par t. It was buildings in were no mac lik e the Spain were hines or tool made up of and architect s to help mak an d every thin al l th e ure of Rome e them ar t g was done , France, and the Middle Ea by hand, ad par ts of feeling of pure am d st. Three co s to the az ement one ex untries in on cathedrals an when seeing periences e. The d palaces in th e d et ai ls, big and sm Spain were together bre seemed like just all all. Art athtaking. T it was such he ar t and st a big par t of you found in hi st or ru y and cult ur ct ure the them really e in Spain an made you st think about something re d that to me op to how much tim al is ly impor tant. If e and ef fort spent in mak I would def in I had the ch was ing it so incr an ite ce, ly go back. It w edibly amaz the fact it wa as an amaz ing. And ex perience and s all done in in g Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so glad I wen a time when - Chloie t. there
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