Asheboro Magazine - Issue 36

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sheboro 36 issue


A •G •A •Z •I •N •E



fREE ADMISSION Bicentennial Park Downtown Asheboro

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All Concerts begin at 7:00p.m.



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The City of Asheboro is proud to present the Summer Concert Series, with nine unique evenings of entertainment at Bicentennial Park in the heart of Downtown Asheboro. Enjoy an evening offamily fun with your community.

Red line the band

Too Much Sylvia

Annie Moses Band

Sunday, May 19

Sunday, July 7

Sunday, August 18

Liquid Pleasure

Band ofOz


The Holiday Band

Sunday, July 21

Sunday, June 2

Monday, September 2

Eric &The Chill Tones

The Tams

Sunday, June 16

North Tower Band

Sunday, August 4

Sunday, September 15

with a LIGHTSHOW!!!

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Asheboro Mill

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. , AD VIS 0 RS .':!if,;m,<rnl c«k:nt('l< Ch!i((:riffi" & No•nf (;rijfi" For more information please contact Asheboro Cultural and Recreation Services at 626-1240.

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55 60






R.A.G. screens 1954 "Sci-fi" classic

Wolfe Financial - From Wall Street to Main Street

Parent/Child Golf Tournament

Uwharrie Charter Academy: The Pinnacle of Potential

Diabetic Retinopathy - FAQ

Gait Abnormalities

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Your Place or Mine

Youth Clay Class with Potter Brooke Avery

Thank you!

asheboro magazine

A Year of Accomplishments

What are Annuities?

Randolph Arts Guild Features Sarah Powers

For Summer Fun, Don't Forget Kayaks


Fast Food Moms

Filmaker with Local Roots Brings Project Home

Randolph Business Women – Stength, Unity, & Inspiration

Where Do Zoo Animals Come From?

Our Garden of Bounty

40 60

//Publisher’s Letter


Dear Readers, ave and I are so excited to share our 3rd anniversary issue of Asheboro Magazine with you! It’s been an incredible journey and the road ahead is clear, and leads to many new adventures. One of the best things about publishing a magazine here in Asheboro is the people I’ve met along the way. Our community is made up of individuals, businesses and organizations who exemplify what life in small town America should be – people helping people. Over the past three years we have introduced you to ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We featured local businesses that make a difference every day in their contributions to this community we call home. We have a vibrant art scene, and we are fortunate to be able to bring you stories about local artists, potters and musicians each month. We couldn’t publish our magazine without the confidence of our advertisers that their message is reaching the right people. I know we say it all the time, Choose Local First, but it’s much more than a catchy slogan to us. The people you do business with in this community have put their time, money and effort into seeing Asheboro grow. If we want to continue to see growth, we need to make sure we support them, keeping our dollars here and thanking them for choosing to do business in Asheboro. I encourage our readers to contact us with story ideas or to submit stories and photographs to be published in the magazine. This is YOUR magazine, Asheboro, and the focus is and always will be local events, local people & local businesses. I am proud to be a small part of the growth here in Asheboro, and I look forward to bringing you more local stories that show our readers in the greater Triad area why WE choose to call Asheboro home. Until next month, thanks for reading! I am Asheboro!


sheboro M

A •G •A •Z •I •N •E

PUBLISHER Sherry B. Johnson



CONTRIBUTORS Rhonda Dillingham Robin Breedlove Dr. Richard Tuchman Ken Reininger Dr. Arghavan Almony Gail Moore Dick Jones Greg Smith Dr. Chris Thompson Megan Clapp Rev. Peter Panagore



PO Box 1369 Asheboro, NC 27204 Phone. 336-698-3889

FACEBOOK Asheboro Magazine is published monthly by Asheboro and More Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Asheboro Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.


a member of the

Sherry B. Johnson Publisher




Durham Ant Sculpture



he Randolph Arts Guild (R.A.G.) has gigantic ants on its building. These metals sculptures are fashioned from metal scraps by local artist, Mike Durham. Mike is an Asheboro native whose art is included in the 2013 Downtown Asheboro Sculpture Exhibition. As a creative tie-in to these seven ants placed on the front, back and roof of the building, R.A.G. will be screening the 1954 “sci-fi” classic, “Them! on Wednesday, August 28th at 7pm. The event is free and the public is encouraged to attend. The event will take place in the Sara Smith Self Gallery located inside the Moring Arts Center located at 123 Sunset Avenue in downtown Asheboro. Join host and local movie buff Chad Conville on Wednesday August 28 at 7pm. Chad spent nearly a decade in the movie theater industry working his way up through the ranks as a projectionist and popcorn popper all the way through management of Multi-plex movie theaters. Chad is a graduate of UNCW earning a BA in Film Studies, with a focus in documentary film making. While in school he developed several short documentaries, gained festival programming experience and even had the opportunity to “pitch” a documentary to the late great film maker, Frank Capra Jr. Chad is currently working as the Director of Auxiliary Services at Randolph Community College and is looking to start a series of continuing education classes on documentaries and film at the college. Chad will provide a brief lecture on one of the first “nuclear monster” movies as well as provide fun factoids for


asheboro magazine

this “B-movie” about large radioactive ants. In addition the Randolph Arts Guild will offer its popular popcorn contest. A prize will be awarded in each of the three categories: “Most Creative”, “Most Flavorful”, and “Is That Popcorn?!”. There is no charge to enter the contest, just bring a sample of your popcorn to be judged. Event attendees are encouraged to bring their own snacks and beverage. For more information contact the Randolph Arts Guild at (336) 629-0399. n

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n 2008 when the Wolfe brothers were laying the

raised in Randolph County and lived in both Asheboro

foundation for Wolfe Financial, Inc. DBA Integrity

and Ramseur while growing up. They learned the value

Mortgage Group, the financial industry was in

of hard work on the family poultry and tobacco farm.

crisis. Most importantly, the mortgage finance

These core values have been the foundation on which

industry was melting down. It may have seemed

the company has been built. The company received

like a difficult time to begin a national mortgage

HUD approval in late November 2008. USDA and VA

enterprise, however where others saw challenges

approval followed soon after. They funded their very first

the Wolfe brothers saw opportunity. Kelly Wolfe,

loan as a company in January of 2009. The company

the company president often says “every challenge

began with a handful of employees here in Asheboro

presents an opportunity.” It was particularly difficult to

and has grown to a local staff of 17 and just shy of

obtain credit facilities when the capital markets had all

100 employees nationwide. Some of the employees

but shut down. In layman’s terms money, and access

telecommute from home around the nation.

to it, was very tight. Eventually the brothers obtained

company has 20 retail branches in nine states and has

adequate credit facilities and continued to move forward

grown to a multifaceted mortgage banking operation

pursuing what has become a successful mortgage

that is supported from the Asheboro, NC office.


banking enterprise. Mortgage banking involves the origination, underwriting and funding of loans that meet FNMA or government entity standards. The loans are


eventually sold in the capital markets. An enterprise

William Kelly Wolfe is the President of Integrity

such as this truly brings Wall Street to Main Street and

Mortgage Group. He brings more than 14 years’

makes credit, and the process of obtaining it, available

experience in the mortgage banking industry to Integrity

to communities nationwide. The brothers saw that

Mortgage, and possesses an in-depth knowledge of

many great mortgage professionals were being left

the whole loan business process from advertising,

by the wayside as companies abandoned mortgage

marketing, and communications to the various stages

origination and headed for the hills to await a better

of the mortgage lending (origination, processing,

day in the industry. It was to this occasion that Wolfe

underwriting, secondary and closing/funding). His

Financial arose.

career began with Advantage Investors Mortgage where


Wolfe Financial is led by brothers William Kelly Wolfe and Norman Dean Wolfe. They were born and


asheboro magazine

he rose to the position of Regional Branch Manager for their Asheboro, NC branch. From there, Kelly went on to be a successful Regional Manager with Synergy Mortgage Corporation, Maverick Residential Mortgage and Everett Financial as well.

During his career he has earned a number of production awards and recognition including being the #1 originator of FHA loans for both Moore and Lee counties on an individual and branch level. Norman Dean Wolfe II is the Executive Vice President of Wolfe Financial, Inc. DBA Integrity Mortgage Group. He brings to Integrity Mortgage a career in financial services and mortgage lending that spans nearly twenty years. His experience in setting up successful organizations goes back to 1990, when he founded an income tax preparation company that grew to service over 2,600 clients in under five years. This company was later sold, but continues to operate today under different ownership. Dean began working in the residential mortgage industry in 1996 when he went to work for Ameritex Residential Mortgage as a Branch Manager. He has continued his success in the mortgage industry by working as a Regional Manager for Synergy Mortgage Corporation, Maverick Residential Mortgage and Everett Financial. During this time, Dean has earned various production awards including the Asheboro Randolph Board of Realtors 2007 Affiliate Member of the Year, 2006 Loan Officer of the Year and 2005 Rainmaker awards while at Maverick.



The company is known for originating quality mortgage loans that preform very well in the markets. The company has never had to repurchase a mortgage loan and defaults and foreclosures have remained very low. Wolfe credits this success to the fact that the company balances quality and production.


One program the company offers, Reverse Mortgages, are especially exciting as the product allows seniors to retain ownership of their homes while obtaining access to the home’s equity for personal use. The program requires no credit score and no payments to be made. Wolfe received unconditional HUD approval for FHA Reverse Mortgages in 2012 and was recently listed as one of the top 50 national Reverse Mortgage providers.

Brenda Wolfe, Mike Macon, and Sandi Branson are local loan officers here in Asheboro. They offer CONV, USDA, VA and FHA mortgage loans with local underwriting and closing from the Asheboro office. Reverse mortgages are also available here in Asheboro.


The team at Wolfe Financial DBA Integrity Mortgage Group has been steadily growing since 2009. It takes a vast array of skills and abilities to meet the requirements of today’s financial markets. "The growth of the company has led to expansion of our team and we have been blessed to have so many talented employees within the Asheboro/Randolph area,” Dean Wolfe says. The office here in Asheboro has three mortgage loan officers. Sandi Branson, Mike Macon and Brenda Wolfe. The company offers CONV, FHA, VA and USDA loans for purchase or refinance. Some of the features of these loan products are minimal down payments and competitive interest rates. The tie to our local community allows our mortgage loan officers to offer fast loan approvals and closing turnaround times with personal service. The company originates, approves and closes loans nationwide and locally through the Asheboro, NC office.

Sara Robbins leads the closing department here at Wolfe Financial. Pictured here is our closing and post-closing staff. The company closes and funds mortage loans across the nation from the Asheboro, NC office.


The company continues to expand to new markets as the industry continues to settle into a more normal market. “We have not focused primarily on refinance mortgages although we offer them,” Kelly says, “So that has allowed our growth trend to be stable as the purchase money markets continue to rebound.” Wolfe Financial, Inc. DBA Integrity Mortgage Group intends to continue to provide excellent service and deliver quality loans to all its customers and partners both locally and nationwide.■


asheboro magazine

Underwriting is completed from our Asheboro, NC office, including Reverse Mortgages, origination and underwriting.


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Parent/Child Golf Tournament The Asheboro Municipal Golf Course will be hosting the annual Parent/Child Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 17th. Participants will play 9 holes in a captains’ choice format beginning at 3:00pm with a shotgun start. The tournament is open to any child and there parent, grandparent or legal guardian. The entry fee is $30 per team with a current Rec-card or $40.00 per team for non-residents. The entry fee includes green fees and trophies. Entry forms can be found at the Asheboro Municipal Golf Course, Asheboro Cultural & Recreation Services or on line at www.asheboronc. gov under the forms and documents tab. Forms can be submitted in person or by mail to Parent/Child Tournament, Asheboro Municipal Golf Course, PO Box 1106 Asheboro, NC 27204. All checks should be made payable to the City of Asheboro. Deadline to register is Wednesday, August 14th at 5:00pm. For further information, please contact the Asheboro Municipal Golf Course at (336) 625-4158. n


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Uwharrie Charter Academy:

THe Pinnacle oF PoTenTial By Rhonda Dillingham


ost adults, when asked if they would go back to high school if they could, respond “No way!” But when they learn that Uwharrie Charter Academy offers programs that allow students to show what they know through projects, helps them discover the beauty of the natural world, work in small classes, and intern with local businesses and institutions, all while preparing for life after high school…well, they usually respond with “I wish I could enroll.” Uwharrie Charter Academy opens in August for rising 9th and 10th grade students in the area. UCA is the first Charter Academy in Randolph County and offers this unique learning environment. UCA is the brainchild of Heather Soja and me. We are both veteran educators who share a similar philosophy: combine a love of young


asheboro magazine

people and a passion for learning and you have the ingredients for a school where students will feel valued, while also being academically challenged. Heather and I have taught together for many years, and have shared many rich classroom experiences

that have only served to ignite our entrepreneurial spirits and to spur our imaginations about the ideal educational experience. This likeminded thinking led us to submit a 134-page charter application, which details our school’s mission, to the

State Board of Education in April of 2012, and defend it to a charter committee that same July. Last September, our charter application was granted the distinction of being the only charter school in the history of North Carolina to garner unanimous approval by the State. So what makes Uwharrie Charter Academy different? First, it is the people. The old adage that says ‘children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’ is true. As the leaders of the school, we believe that all stakeholders must partner to form relationships with students and get to know them on a personal level. That’s why we chose to cap our maximum enrollment at 500 and to limit our class sizes to around 20 students. This first year’s enrollment of only ninth and tenth graders is limited to 200. Our goal is to make school feel more like a family, and my personal goal is to know each child by name, an impossible goal if we had a thousand students. As we’ve interviewed for teacher positions, the first thing we’ve asked applicants is how they plan to form relationships with their students. The teachers we’ve hired so far are tremendous people and professionals, and everyone is excited to be a part of a school that values people above all. Next, the curriculum is unique. We will attempt to answer teenagers’ age-old question: “Why do I have to learn this?” They want to know how what they’re learning applies to that nebulous realm known as the “real world.” Uwharrie Charter Academy’s students will come to understand the relevance of their daily learning by interning in local businesses and institutions one day each month on what we refer to as a Flex Day. Through partnerships with area businesses, universities, community colleges, and the North Carolina Zoo, students will have genuine experiences where problems or realistic questions are presented within a relevant context from our community partners and they will be expected to apply what they’ve learned to tackle logical solutions and present those to their teachers, peers, or other audiences for critique. Also, Uwharrie Charter Academy will make science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum a focus for interdisciplinary teaching. Embedded firmly through our curriculum will be an intentional emphasis on STEM-related topics and skills based upon research that indicates a need for students to experience science, technology, engineering, and math in ways that mimic their uses in society and industry. Students will be afforded opportunities within lab settings, project development discussions, and competitions to utilize their skills and advance their understanding in STEM. The role of STEM will heighten engagement as students are faced with problems to solve using the content from their classrooms coupled with the rigors of finding a creative solution through science, technology, engineering, or


math that are applicable. One of the most prevalent complaints from students today is that there are too many tests. They agree that over-testing has taken the joy out of learning and caused them to be incredibly stressed about school. UCA has chosen to de-emphasize testing by relying on project-based learning and assessments. This scenario allows students to show what they know rather than tell what they know on a test. According to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, “creation” is the highest form of thinking, so project-based learning supports the need for students to translate what they’ve learned in the classroom into a product that reflects mastery of the


asheboro magazine

targeted skill or lesson with a realworld connection. Project-based learning also gives students the opportunity to work together, exposing them to a variety of personalities and approaches to solving problems. At UCA, projectbased learning will be the primary method of assessment in all classes. In 2005, writer Richard Louv wrote a book entitled Last Child in the Woods, in which he asserts that, due to the growth of technology, today’s children have become disconnected from nature, a phenomenon he labeled as “naturedeficit disorder.” The book concludes that children need to be connected to nature for their overall health and well-being. O u r

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for how their everyday lives affect the fine balance of nature. Through such practices as organic gardening and community outreach, we will educate students on the importance of sustainable practices so that they will come to appreciate nature and to see how they fit into the grand scheme of life. August 5th is the first day of school for our students, and we have been busy all summer preparing for their arrival. We are fortunate to be located at the former Klaussner Furniture Industries Showroom at 301 Lewallen Road here in Asheboro. Rapidly, the beautiful 31,500 square foot showroom is being transformed into a school. As I write this article, construction is almost complete, and we are turning our attention to painting the walls and getting the classrooms ready with furniture and Promethean ActivBoards, interactive white boards that will prove to be dynamic, engaging teaching tools. Much of our progress can be attributed to our outstanding Board and our future parents who have graciously invested their time and energy because they are excited about the numerous opportunities the school will provide their children and the community. Considering how different Uwharrie Charter Academy will be, in addition to having sports and clubs, no wonder adults wish they could attend. Fortunately for me, I get to response to this issue at Uwharrie Charter Academy will be to think of nature as its own special classroom; therefore, our teachers will be given the flexibility to take their students outdoors whenever possible. We will use the North Carolina Environmental Literacy Plan as a platform for developing students’ environmental awareness


asheboro magazine

be there every day, watching the students grow, getting to know them, and guiding them toward future success. For more information or to enroll a student, contact the school at (336) 879-0813, or visit our website www. or our Facebook page www.facebook. com/Uwharriecharteracademy. n

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7/10/13 11:50 AM


Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common eye diseases in the United States. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye problem caused by diabetic mellitus. It affects the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Retinopathy occurs when diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina. In some people with diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels may swell and leak fluid. The longer you have had diabetes, and the more the blood sugars fluctuate, the more likely you are to have retinopathy. The damage can lead to problems with your vision, including blindness.

wHaT are THe symPToms?

Blurred vision, black spots, flashes of light, holes in your vision. Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.

How is iT TreaTed?

Early detection, before the retina has been badly damaged, is extremely

important in reducing vision loss from this disease. Laser treatment is usually very effective at preventing further vision loss. Your eye surgeon may use the laser to seal leaking blood vessels or destroy abnormal vessels. Surgical removal of the vitreous gel (vitrectomy) may also help improve vision if the retina has not been severely damaged. Sometimes injections of anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) medicine help to shrink new blood vessels in proliferative diabetic retinopathy.

How can i HelP PrevenT eye ProBlems wiTH diaBeTes?

Working with your medical doctor to control blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholestrol are the most important steps you can take in preventing eye problems if you have diabetes. Maintain a normal weight, limit unhealthy fats, substitute complex carbohydrates for simple carbohydrates, participate in an exercise program and do not smoke. Regular eye exams are particularly important if you have diabetes. A thorough eye exam can identify problems early on while there are still options for treatment. Early treatment can help stabilize the eye and prevent further vision loss.

How can i TaKe care oF myselF?

Schedule regular eye exams to make sure you get treatment when you need it. Tell your doctor if you have any change in your vision. As long as you have diabetes, there is a chance you will develop retinopathy. However, careful control of your blood sugar levels will help delay and possibly prevent vision loss. For more information on diabetic eye diseases and other eye disorders visit or 336-629-1451 • 800-222-3043. n


Arghavan Almony, MD, Diabetic Eye, Retina, and Vitreous Specialist Carolina Eye is a multi-subspecialty eye center providing state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye, dry eye and corneal eye disease. For more information about Carolina Eye visit or call 336.629.1451.


asheboro magazine

(336) 625-3963 • • Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 - 5:30 • Sat 7:30 - Noon It’s time to get your vehicle ready for the spring driving season. Whether you need better performance out of your engine or a new set of wiper blades for those April showers, we’ve got your solutions. Come see us for knowledgeable advice on the industry’s best name brands.

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ith warm weather finally arrived, it’s the perfect time to walk, run or hike. When you do these activities, your legs, ankles and feet move in a habitual rhythm of motion, which is called your gait. Did you know that your gait can tell you a lot about pain you might experience in your feet and ankles? Take a look at the bottom of your running shoes. Where is the wear and tear? The foot normally flattens when it hits the ground and rolls slightly to the inside. If your foot flattens too much, or rolls too much or not enough, anything from your toes to your spine can be affected. When we perform a gait analysis, we frequently see pronation and supination abnormalities. Overpronation is the excessive roll inward after landing; it continues to roll after pushing off. Overpronation can cause foot, shin and knee pain, as well as muscle tightness. The bottom of your shoe may show wear on the inside arch. Many people with

flat feet are over-pronators. Wearing shoes with multi-density midsoles and corrective custom orthotics can help correct this gait abnormality. Supination is defined as the insufficient inward roll of the foot when landing. People who do this have extra stress on the foot and can have conditions such as iliotibial band syndrome of the knees, tendonitis of the Achilles tendon and plantar fasciitis. Your shoes may show wear on the outside edge of the sole. This gait abnormality may be due to an overly high arch. Wearing shoes to allow for more foot motion and flexibility on the inner side of the shoe are recommended, as well as a custom orthotic. Having your gait analyzed is the first step in preventing injury. We’re your family foot care specialists! n

//ASK THE EXPERT YOUR FEET Dr. Richard Tuchman has been in private practice since 1972, and is the founder of The Triad Foot Center. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Tuchman graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He received his medical degree and residency training at the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Tuchman is certified in foot surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.

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Spinal Decompression Therapy


t has been jokingly said, "Man made his greatest mistake when he assumed an upright position". But as you well know, back pain is no laughing matter. In over 20 years of practice I have been asked a variety of questions, but the one question that sticks out is: What can people do for a herniated, bulging, or slipped disc in their neck or back? I have seen hundreds of different approaches but non- surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy is the only treatment that is truly effective for severe cases of disc herniation, degeneration, arthritis, stenosis, and pinched nerves. It is an amazing healthcare technology that continues to provide an 86% success rate. Now you are wondering what is Spinal Decompression Therapy? Spinal decompression is a completely non-invasive, non-surgical, therapeutic modality that

utilizes a FDA approved computerized table that delivers therapeutic distraction forces to specifically targeted spinal segments of the cervical or lumbar spine. The spinal decompression table utilizes a specialized computer programmed with specific parameters that can be modified based on the patient’s size and the exact location of the injured disc. The computer then gently and incrementally applies the decompressive treatment while the patient’s upper torso is secured to the upper half of the table and the pelvis is fixed to the moveable, lower portion of the table. By progressively incrementing the weight to the desired maximum force and then cycling the load up and down a few pounds, the decompression table can apply the necessary decompression treatment. In plain English, the decompression table performs 2 levels of healing. The first is that it creates a vacuum force within the disc to “suck in” the disc herniation or bulge. As the spinal decompression table pulls, the space between the vertebrae increases. This space between the vertebrae is occupied by the spongy gelatinous disc, and as this space increases, a negative pressure is formed in the center of the disc causing a "suction effect" that draws in the disc herniation or bulge. The second function of spinal decompression is to thicken and heal the disc. As the decompression table cycles through the pulling and relaxing phases, it creates a "pump effect" that

Dr. Chris Thompson, DC

//ASK THE EXPERT CHIROPRACTIC CARE Dr. Thompson attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania Chemistry and Palmer College of Chiropractic. He is a national board certified chiropractor specializing in the non-surgical treatment of neck and back pain. Prior to relocating to Asheboro, Dr. Thompson directed a private practice in Spruce Pine for 17 years. During that time he developed a comprehensive therapy program that utilized a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. This multidisciplinary approach has proven successful in providing relief from chronic pain and acute injury while re-educating the body to achieve optimal performance. While in Spruce Pine, Dr. Thompson was in the Kiwanis for 12 years holding many positions including Club President.


asheboro magazine

rushes nutrients and oxygen rich blood into the disc and forces built up waste material out of the disc, this heals and strengthens the disc and increases disc thickness or height. Now you’re wondering, is Spinal Decompression Therapy better than surgery? Spinal Decompression Therapy is more effective than surgery, because surgery physically alters the spine by removing all or part of the problematic disc. Although this can reduce the pressure on the nerves, and relieve back pain, the surgery tends to place more stress on the healthy discs above and below the involved segment. Spinal decompression can help people with back pain even after failed spinal surgery and can be performed on most patients who have not been left with an unstable spine after surgery. Since Spinal Decompression Therapy is an accepted medical procedure, it is covered by most major health insurance companies. To really find out if this treatment would benefit you please give our office a call at 336-521-9023. When you call we will provide you with no cost consultation and medical records review to see if spinal decompression can help you. We are also offering Asheboro magazine readers the opportunity to contact us via email at to ask any question you may have about chiropractic, physical rehabilitation or general health questions. Questions will be answered in our monthly column to show you the benefits of chiropractic treatment. n

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f you’re contemplating moving several generations under one roof, you have a lot to think about. If you’re already living the intergenerational life, perhaps your family has encountered some of the emotional, safety and financial challenges associated with this lifestyle. Regardless of your specific situation, there are some basic questions you should consider: Family caregivers may wonder: • Do I have the resources to take care of mom or dad in my home? • Do mom and dad move in with me or vice versa? • Is my home safe for them and, if not, what changes should be made? • How do I make sure I have time for myself? • Older adults have concerns too: • Will I lose my independence? • Is it better for me financially to remain in my own home or to move in with my family? • How should we handle separate checking and savings accounts? • What about joint expenses?

TIPS TO HELP FAMILY MEMBERS OF ALL AGES LIVE TOGETHER IN HARMONY WHEN ADDING A SENIOR TO THE HOUSEHOLD: 1. Take a family partnership perspective. 2. Set expectations right away. 3. Ask for help. Engage everyone in the home to share responsibilities. 4. Make family unity key. Bring everyone together to help draw the family unit together. 5. Find threads of common interest to build a bridge between the generations in the home. 6. Keep lines of communication open. 7. Distinguish between private space and shared space.

Four out of ten caregivers (42%) who live with their seniors would like to change their caregiving situation either by relying more on relatives or professionals to provide care in the home. ■

//ASK THE EXPERT SENIORS Gail Moore opened her Home Instead Senior Care franchise seven years ago. She and her caregivers serve Randolph and Alamance Counties with non-medical personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, incidental transportation and much more to enable seniors to maintain their independence and dignity. 336-610-8800


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Youth Clay Class with Potter

Brooke Avery

The Randolph Arts Guild (R.A.G.) will offer a youth clay class with North Carolina potter, Brooke Avery. The class is titled "ShakeN-Scrape Musical Clay Animals". It is designed for young people in grades kindergarten through 5th. Students will have their choice to make one of two different kinds of percussive musical instruments out of clay in the shape of their favorite animal. The class meets at the Moring Arts Center located at 123 Sunset Avenue in downtown Asheboro on Saturdays, September 14 and 21 from 11 a.m. -- 1:30 p.m. Students are to bring a lunch. All class supplies are included.


asheboro magazine

The class costs $35 for R.A.G. members, and $40 for non-members. Payment and a completed registration form are required for enrollment. The enrollment deadline is Thursday, August 29. For more information contact the Randolph Arts Guild at (336) 629-0399. Brooke Avery earned her B.F.A. in Design from the University of North Carolina Greensboro in 2008. Her pottery is featured in the Morings Fine Art Gift Shop in Asheboro. Brooke has taught a variety of pottery classes with the High Point YWCA since 2009.

She enjoys working with a

wide range of students, from children to senior citizens. She also lead a summer clay camp at the Art Alliance in Greensboro in 2011. Brooke recently lead a personal teas set pottery class for adults this summer at the Randolph Art Guild. n

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haven’t written a dave 2.0 (beta) article in sometime. In fact, I have been so busy growing our business, I haven’t had the time to write much at all. However, with this being our 36th issue and our third year anniversary, I wanted to extend a very heart-felt thank you to everyone that has helped us get here, from our readers, our advertisers and everyone in between. On this entrepreneurial journey, I have been humbled by the help and support that has been so unselfishly offered by so many. Somehow, in this regard, Thank You just doesn’t seem like enough. The gratitude I feel toward the City of Asheboro, the residents, our readers, our By Dave Johnson advertisers, our friends, our (dave 2.0 beta) family and everyone that has helped us along the way, simply transcends words. I wake up every morning wondering what I have done to be so deserving. This feeling motivates me and it is why I work so hard to make Asheboro Magazine better and better each and every month. Admittedly, I miss the mark from time to time, but I try that much harder the following month. Since I was in the 4th grade I‘ve wanted to be a magazine publisher. I would staple sheets of paper together and write and draw in them and share them with my friends and family. I didn’t have any idea how I would go about turning my dream into a reality, I just knew that I wanted to be the person behind a glossy magazine that others read and found enjoyment in. During my career, I have tried to deviate from this goal from time to time, only to have something happen that put me back


asheboro magazine

on the right track. I published my first magazine in 1993. It was called “Your Neighborhood Coupon Quarterly” – it was a direct-mail coupon magazine. While it was legitimately a magazine, it didn’t contain any editorial content and left me unfulfilled. Three years after I began publishing it, a local radio station came along with their own coupon magazine and began poaching my clients away by offering them a radio schedule along with their coupon in the publication. Before I knew it, I was out of business. From that business venture, I gained a tremendous amount of experience and built on it by working in the publishing and advertising industry for a large part of my career. In 2008, while working for a large Internet company, I was promoted and reassigned from my territory in Maine to North Carolina. Since the job didn’t start for six months, I moved the family to Charlotte while I finished up in Maine. The day before Thanksgiving of that year, my boss called me to tell me that, because of the economy, the company had decided not to move forward with my new position. Of course I could keep my job in Maine, but I had to move my family back at my own expense. Since we had already decided that we wanted to move to North Carolina, moving the family back wasn’t an option. After the shock subsided, I went into “problem solving mode” and began looking for another job. This endeavor was complicated by my need to keep my job in Maine and the economy. I was finally offered a position as the Advertising Director for a group of legal publications. I took a big hit

in salary, but was offered enough to finally make the move to join my family in North Carolina. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say the job was the worst I have ever had and I ended up quitting after only three months. One of the problems that come with being an entrepreneur is the inability to tolerate a working environment that is less than ideal. At this point, Sherry was telecommuting for a highend furniture company in Maine. Shortly after I quit my job, she was laid off so we did what any unemployed couple would do, started a business. Fast forward to now. Our goal has always been to develop a business that we could share with others. We want every community in America to have a Positive Community Magazine. We want people to realize that there are far more positive things that happen on a day-today basis than negative. We want people to celebrate their neighbors, businesses and nonprofit organizations that make a town or city a community and we want people to be proud to call their community home. We feel like our magazine plays a small role in reminding people that while there is a lot of negativity in the world, far more great things happen every day. We believe that if we simply change our focus from the negative to the positive, our communities will blossom. In this endeavor, we have started to take our Positive Community Magazine concept to other communities across the state and the country. Currently we have seven publications that are part of the Positive Community


Magazine family: Asheboro Magazine, Archdale & Trinity Magazine, WS Arts Magazine, Burlington Magazine, Normal Heights Magazine (San Diego, CA), My Murrieta Magazine (Murrieta, CA) and Bellefontaine Magazine (Bellefontaine, OH). By the end of the year, we should have three more magazines (Lexington Magazine, Thomasville Living Magazine and Graham & Mebane Magazine) up and running. Our goal for 2014 is to add 10 more magazines to the mix and from there, one to two magazines a month. While these goals may seem lofty, we have been working hard to build the infrastructure needed to facilitate this pace of growth. While we’ve had to switch our focus a bit, we want to make sure that everyone knows Asheboro Magazine will always be our flagship publication. You’ve made us feel like such an important part of the community that we will always call Asheboro home. The friends that we’ve made here are our family and we hold each and every one of them in a special part of our hearts. We are excited each and every day about the great things that are happening here in Asheboro and we always want to be a part of this wonderful community. Again, thank you for helping to make our dream a reality and proving that positive editorial content is just as marketable, if not more so, than negative. Without each and every one of you, Asheboro Magazine and Positive Community Magazines would not be a reality. Here’s to many more years and many more Positive Community Magazines. n

We want people to celebrate their neighbors, businesses and nonprofit organizations that make a town or city a community and we want people to be proud to call their community home.





he RandolphAsheboro YMCA’s Grand Reopening Celebration took place June 16, 2012. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we finalized a complete renovation and expansion! Going from a 66,000 sq ft facility to an 80,000 sq ft facility has made a drastic difference in what the Y has to offer for the community. With new areas, programs, and events, we are now bigger and better than ever! This past year the Y has proved to be a great success! One of the biggest additions the new Y has to offer has been the Ann & Bill Hoover Community Room. We have never had this type of large meeting room before. We have been able to provide numerous


asheboro magazine

free seminars for the community such as Randolph Hospital Human Motion Institute has presented seminars focusing on specific common injuries such as ‘Exercising with a Painful Knee’ and ‘Back Pain Workshop. In our ‘Healthy Spirit, Mind, & Body’ seminars Therapeutic Alternatives focused on major issues that our community faces such as ‘Recognizing Mental Health & Substance Abuse Issues in Children & Teens’ and ‘Understanding and Copying with Depression and Anxiety.’ Not to mention, the A3 seminars and programs such as the Matter of Balance classes offered free to the community. In addition to the free seminars, the YMCA has been able to bring in big names. Sam Varner, with Living Wellness Ministries, has led Living Wellness 12-

week Biblical and Scientific Wellness Workshops at the Y available to members and the public and Jimmy Pena, in combination with the City of Asheboro and A3, presented at the Y to local business leaders on the importance of health and wellness among their employees and being an example. The Community Room has also housed local businesses and organizations both privately and publically such as Girl Scouts Jump Start Program, Randolph County Schools Nurses Training and Media Assistant Appreciation Day, Leadership Randolph, Juvenile Crime and Prevention Committee, and Freeman Dentist. The Fitness Center expansion has also been a major addition to the Y. With more room and more equipment, we have been able

to offer more group exercise classes, more fitness challenges, and more fitness events than ever before. We now offer more instruction for new members coming in to help them not only learn how to use the equipment, but help them succeed in their wellness efforts. Focusing on the individual, medical history, and likes and dislikes, our Fitness Staff now provides free personalized instruction to help get you going on your wellness journey. Cross Training, SilverSneakers Yoga Stretch, Aqua Zumba, Happy Hour Workouts, Women Only Workshop, and Rock the Y monthly fitness challenges, are just a few of the many new classes and programs that we have been able to provide since the Grand Reopening. Being a YMCA, our focus isn’t just on fitness alone. Promoting family bonding has seemed to be a consistent theme as well since the renovations. Classes such as Parent/ Child Yoga, Partnership Yoga: Parent & Tween, Prenatal Yoga, and Date Night/Partner Yoga have provided families with more trust and connection and have allowed them to listen to each other in

different ways. The 10th Annual Father-Daughter Prom had great success with the most fathers and daughters we’ve ever had. The Knapp Senior/Teen Center has provided family fun amongst children and parents playing a variety of games together. The new Y has also opened other avenues such as learning to knit, learning African Dance and Greek Dance, learning how to play Mahjong. We have also been able to inform members and the community about protection and being aware of your surroundings to keep you safe with programs such as Self-Defense, Martial Arts, Kids Basic Karate, and Refuse to be a Victim Seminars. The new areas of the YMCA also host Randolph Community College classes such as English as a Second Language and Workplace Computer Skills. Not only have our After School Fun Club and Summer Day Camp programs improved significantly, we have also been able to offer new programs within these already popular child care options. Expanding to Middle School After School will allow teenagers a safe,


supervised, and encouraging environment to come to after school lets out while parents are still working. Our after school programs include homework assistance, devotions, Computer Learning Center, Teen Center activities, sports, swimming, fitness fun, snack time, and more. During the summer, we have begun a new CIT program, Counselors in Training. This is an exciting leadership opportunity for teens ages 13-15 to interact with younger campers, learn expectations of counselors, assist with day camp, and do team building activities. Those selected through the application and interview process are required to attend Y Camp and CPR/First Aid training sessions. These new


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programs will help mold our youth into productive citizens of the future. We want to thank the community for all of their support through donations, membership, program and event participation, volunteering, and much more to have made this all happen! Without you we wouldn’t be the Y we are today – new, improved, and here for our community! We are now touching more lives than ever and we have you to thank. We are able to truly carry out what the Y stands for... youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. We truly are a community YMCA! n



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What are Annuities? How do they work? Annuities are the most misrepresented investment vehicles There are basically 2 different types of annuities: Deferred Annuities and Immediate Annuities. The deferred annuity is designed to grow your money tax-deferred and then begin payments to you at a future date, that you decide. The immediate annuity is designed for you to make a deposit and then start drawing a paycheck within a few months. Most Annuities sold in Asheboro would be Deferred Annuities so I am focusing my article on them. There are three types of deferred annuities: Fixed Rate Annuities, Index Annuities and Variable Annuities. Fixed Rate annuities typically guarantee a fixed interest rate from 1 to 10 years. Your principal is generally safe, even if the company were to go into bankruptcy. However, you could lose some principal if you surrender the annuity early, through “early surrender charges” Fixed annuities do not charge you any fees. Index Annuities are a form of fixed annuities, but instead of earning a fixed interest rate, your money

grows based on the gain in certain stock market indexes, such as the S&P 500. If the stock index declines (negative return) you would not lose any money, you would simply get a 0% return. If the stock index goes up….you get a percentage of the increase. Typically you can expect returns between 0% – 6.00%. Index annuities do not charge you any fees, unless you add an optional benefit rider. Variable Annuities are the most aggressive form of annuities. Inside of the annuity there are multiple mutual funds that you can invest your money in. A typical variable annuity may have 50 different stock and bond mutual funds to choose from. You can invest in these different funds and transfer between funds without fees or sales charges. The variable annuity company and the mutual funds will charge management and expense fees, taken out daily from your account value. These fees typically range from 1.00% to 3.00% annually. Because your return comes from mutual funds, there is typically no guarantee on your principal. Most of the annuities I just mentioned offer a return of principal death benefit guarantee. (return of investment – minus any withdrawals) Most of the above mentioned annuities offer optional benefit riders that can be added (for an extra fee) that offers various types of principal or income guarantees. Because annuities are tax-deferred….You must be age 59 ½ to withdraw from them. Under age 59 ½ there is a 10% IRS penalty. Call me and I give you a summary of the top annuities in each category and the various types of optional benefit riders that might fit your particular situation. n


Greg Smith is a local investment advisor and has over 20 years experience in the investment field. He is a graduate of Appalachian State University with a degree in business. 535 S Cox Street • Asheboro, NC (336) 672-2155


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Randolph Arts Guild to Feature Raleigh Artist

Sarah Powers The Randolph Arts Guild is making preparations to feature the work of Raleigh artist Sarah Powers during the month of August. She will be creating installations combining works on paper, photography and paintings. Her work be on display in the Randolph Arts Guild’s Sara Smith Self Gallery located at 123 Sunset Ave. in downtown Asheboro. The show is set to open the evening of Tuesday, August 6th with a reception from 5:30 - 7:30pm. The reception will free and the public is encouraged to attend. Sarah Powers is a Raleigh based artist whose mixed media work typically focuses on industrial and rural landscapes and landscape details. Her work has been featured in galleries across the U.S. including Rhode Island’s risd l works, The Sarah Doyle Gallery at Brown University and The Mahler Gallery, The Collectors Gallery, Long View Gallery, Rebus Works, Vision Gallery and Artspace in North Carolina. Powers was an artist for the Bain Project and was awarded a Regional Artist Project Grant from the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County. A graduate of Rhode Island School of Design, she maintains a studio at antfarm in the Boylan Heights neighborhood of Raleigh and currently serves at the Executive Director of the Visual Art Exchange. For her upcoming exhibition in the Sara Smith Self Gallery, Powers plans to be on site in advance of the show to create several installations that will combine her works on paper, photography and paintings. The result will be a temporal peak inside the mind and creativity of the artist and in many ways a natural extension of her personal method of painting. Sarah’s process is a cycle creating images, arranging elements and editing information. She often starts her work with a collage of photographs, drawings and bits of paper and then attaches it all together onto the canvas. In this instance she will be expanding beyond the canvas and attaching these collages directly onto the walls of the gallery. n


asheboro magazine

Sarah Power’s work will be on display in the Sara Smith Self Gallery at the Randolph Arts Guild, located at 123 Sunset Ave. Asheboro, NC from August 6th through August 30th.

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For Summer Fun, Don’t Forget Kayaks By Dick Jones


ast week, my grandson, Charlie Jordan and I took a kayaking trip as part of our annual summer getaway. We put in a four mile run on the river, had a little snack, and picked some blackberries. We even managed to bring some home instead of eating them all. It was our first kayaking trip, though my older grandson, Phoenix, is an old hand. Whether you float a river or just paddle around on flat water, a kayak is an inexpensive and enjoyable summer diversion. Jeff Jordan, my son-in-law and Charlie’s dad, introduced me to kayaks about 15 years ago, and I’ve loved them ever since. Jeff’s first kayak was an Old Town Loon. A Loon is a 13 foot sit inside boat with a large passenger opening. If you tip a Loon (and that’s not easily done) you simply fall out of the boat. Cherie and I have Old Town Otters. Otters are shorter boats at just nine feet and they weigh less than 30 pounds. They won’t carry as much weight as Jeff’s Loon but the light weight allows us to strap two of them on top of our camper with little trouble at all. Kayaks like the Loon and the Otter are sit-inside boats with floatation in the ends. You can swamp these boats but they won’t sink. Sit-on-top boats are impossible to swamp since they self bail but they put the kayaker higher and tip over easier.


asheboro magazine

At 12 years old, Grandson, Phoenix, could handle his kayak with little trouble.

There are arguments for both types but I like sit-inside boats better because they weigh less and are more stable. Either type can be purchased for a bit over $300. You also will need a double ended paddle and PFD. You can have everything you need for kayaking for less than $400. It’s now common to see both types for as little as $200 on sale. Boats like this are not whitewater kayaks and they aren’t ocean boats but they can handle mild rapids and moderate swells in sounds and bays. Lightweight kayaks can be carried on top of a car or in the back of a pickup. There are numerous carriers for cartop carry and ours will even fit in our Honda Odyssey. More specialized boats can run as much as a small fishing boat and trailer but some have really neat features. Hobie has a boat that uses foot propulsion and a decent cycler could probably propel it to speeds over ten or twelve miles an hour. It steers with a little tiller and would be incredible for sneaking up on ducks. The system uses flippers instead of a propeller and folds up under the boat when you’re in shallow water. For use in really rough water the propulsion system can be pulled up and stored in the boat. The Sport model sells for about $1,600 but is one heck of a kayak. The dedicated salt water or flat water kayaks are longer and suited to hauling camping gear for longer trips. The

Charlie and I are happy kayakers on his first river trip.

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich makes for a refreshing break after a morning of paddling.

longer length allows them to ride waves better and makes them more stable in a straight line. Whitewater kayaks are very short and designed to turn instantly. Normally they are a tight fit and to use one, you must be able to roll the kayak over if you flip while still remaining seated. Both types are specialized and I wouldn’t recommend either for your first kayak. Kayaks can be a great substitute for a conventional boat. They work well for family outings where everyone can be captain of his own ship and there are two seat versions available for small children or couples who like to stay close. A trip to a local reservoir can be an adventure if you explore


the lakeshore from a kayak. When my grandson, Phoenix, was smaller we paddled Randleman Lake all the way up to the head waters and beyond. Eventually, we came to a beaver dam and Phoenix was fascinated with the trip. There’s no motor and no sound except from the noise you make with the paddle. You can slip up on ducks, deer, and of course, fish. Kayak fishing has become extremely popular in shallow water areas like coastal sounds and bays. The kayak manufacturers have cashed in on this by offering special kayaks for anglers with rod holders, storage areas, coolers and even a pontoon stabilizing system that folds down and allows the angler to fish

Salt water kayaking can be fun and serve as a great fishing platform. Kayaking here on the back side of Cape Lookout.


asheboro magazine

standing with security. During the fishing season, it’s almost impossible to fish a lake, river, or sound without seeing kayak anglers. Randleman Lake is a great location for kayak fishing since the upper parts of the lake are for non-gasoline vessels only. Many other lakes have areas reserved for non-motorized boats and a kayak is the most efficient form of non-motorized marine transport I know of. It’s easy to exceed walking speed and with a kayak in the upper regions of Randleman Lake I suspect you could access some lunker bass the boat anglers have missed. If you’re not sure about the kayak thing, there are lots of locations where

kayaks are rented. This is also a great way to decide which size for features you’d like. Summer is in full swing and fall is the best time of year for having a great time outdoors. A kayak is a great way to do just that. This might be the year you try 'yakking'. n Dick Jones is an award winning freelance writer living in High Point. He’s a member of the board of directors of the Southeastern Outdoor Press Association. He writes about hunting, fishing, dogs, and shooting for several NC newspapers as well as national magazines and websites. He’s fished both fresh and salt water most of his life. If you’d like to have him speak to your group, he can be reached at or

The smile says it all.

Rivers like the Uwharrie can provide a great summer oat with only a few stretches of tricky water.


//DAILY DEVOTION By Rev. Peter Panagore

Fast Food Moms

Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of, is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St. John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, an Xaverian Brothers sponsored school, provided him with his preparatory school education. In 2003, he was recruited to apply for the position of Pastor of the First Radio Parish Church of America ( FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religious broadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 million listeners, viewers and readers a week on T V, radio and internet, including American Forces Radio Network. From 1999-2006 Reverend Panagore was a staff writer at Homiletics, the leading and cutting-edge nationwide worship preparation journal for mainline clergy. Homiletics has published more than a hundred of his sermons. He has also published short stories in anthologies, most notably, Chicken Soup for the Veteran’s Soul, by New York Times Best Selling editor Jack Canfield. Two Minutes for God was released by Touchstone/Fireside an imprint of Simon & Schuster, in early December of 2007 and landed immediately on the Maine Best Seller list.


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im Wallis wrote: "She works the drive-through window at 4 pm, but whenever there's a lull, the young mother returns to a corner table in the burger joint. Three kids sit there schoolbooks, papers and pencils all spread out - doing their homework. Mom helps as best she can, while keeping the orders straight for burgers and fries. Given her low wages, this single mother balances more than fast food and homework; she decides between paying the rent, going to the doctor, getting prescriptions, and next winter's boots for her kids. She is a fast-food mom." "Soccer moms" and "NASCAR dads" are popular, but "fastfood moms", often forgotten or ignored, are part of the low-income demographic. Many among the working poor cannot afford health care or food, or even find affordable housing. We may believe that with full time work, nobody should be poor, but many hard-working families are poor, even while holding down multiple jobs, just to survive. Our work ethic is at risk when work is not enough to support

a family, or when there is no work to be found. Poverty is a moral issue. We can ask ourselves, when did I see you hungry and gave you food, naked and clothed you, or homeless and gave you shelter?* let's Pray: Dear God, bless the fast-food moms and dads for their determination and dedication. Help them find work at a livable wage. Let them see education as a way out. Encourage Your people to respond to the needs of the poor. Let those who can, create jobs. Amen. Here's a Thought: Don't despair. Keep trying. n Sources: Jim Wallis, The Washington Post, articles/A14272-2004Jun3.html, June 3, 2004 *Matthew 25:31-46 Jim Wallis, "Burger King Mom: Being Poor in America." To buy his book see http://books. Poor.html?id=3GiWKkuZWIcC

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Jacob Hatley



By Robin Breedlove

or Randolph County native Jacob (Branson) Hatley, the fruits of his labor have come home, and cross country for that matter. Hatley, a filmmaker, has spent the better part of three years working on a documentary about the life of Levon Helm, the late great musician and member of The Band. Helm’s battle with cancer ended in 2012, but through his film Ain’t in It for My Health, Hatley makes sure that Helm’s legacy will live on. A graduate of Southwest Randolph High School, earning his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and his Master’s


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Degree from the University of Southern California Film School, Hatley originally accepted the task of directing a music video for Helm’s Dirt Farmer, his last album that brought about a resurgence to his career. After spending time with Helm, Hatley envisioned the potential for something more in depth and pitched the idea of a documentary to Helm. Within that potential grew a film that has received rave reviews from the New York Times, Village Voice and the Hollywood Reporter. Paste Magazine placed it in the top ten documentaries of the year and the Los Angeles Times called it “stirring and poignant.” New York Times film reviewer A.O. Scott proclaimed

Ain’t in It for My Health “an affectionate tribute and gift for fans who grew fond of his company on records or at concerts and who would like a little bit more.” However, Hatley’s film is less about the music and more about the man. A Grammy-winning artist, Helm was most famous for his time spent in the 60’s and 70’s creating rock ‘n’ roll music with a group of Canadians known as The Band. Helm released an album that reinvented his career in 2007 called Dirt Farmer. Hatley and a small crew filmed Helm in his home of Woodstock, NY for over two years, often times living in a barn on Helm’s property. The bond that grew between Hatley and Helm is what makes the film less like a documentary and more like what Hatley refers to as a “hang out” movie. Much like fishing, the filming process for Ain’t in It for My Health was a slow process, always hoping the big fish would eventually bite, but Hatley spent much time between bites waiting with patience. In an earlier interview Hatley stated that his crew would sometimes go weeks without filming anything useful. “But then when you least

expected it, at 1 a.m. Levon would sit down at his table and Billy Bob Thornton would swing by, and they would sit around and you would shoot ten minutes that would keep you going for another four weeks,” said Hatley. “I think now I’m most proud that the movie plays like a chance to just hang out with Levon Helm. It’s just a hangout movie,” said Hatley in an earlier interview. “The thing that is most charming and that draws me in the most is that the film is just an invitation to the man’s table. It feels like you are sitting and hanging out with him and that’s what I think I’m most proud of.” The 83-minute film depicts the intimate friendship and respect shared between Hatley and Helm with the ease of film’s subject to the filmmaker. The film’s title came from a remark Helm made years ago to a band mate, saying, “I ain’t in it for my health!” Hatley, who considers himself more of a narrative filmmaker rather than a documentary filmmaker, explains in an earlier interview the delicate balance involved in putting the pieces of footage together. “It was really tough finding that balance, and it’s a jigsaw puzzle,” said Hatley. “We shot 400 hours of

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footage. You just keep trying things. If you move one piece in the beginning or one in the end, then that affects something else.” The footage isn’t always glamorous, but it is real. Fans of Helm see him not as the performer they loved 40 years ago, but as a human, raw and natural. His voice often hoarse from side effects of treatments of throat cancer, Helm is shown for his dynamic spit-fire personality. It is that personality and real life charisma depicted in Ain’t in It for My Health that draws fans closer to Helm and immortalizes his legacy. Hatley has described the process of filming for Ain’t in It for My Health as more about the journey than the destination, a journey that brought much happiness to Helm in his last years. “When I went to him at the end of the process and said, ‘I think we’re finished,’ he seemed very disappointed. It seemed like something he never

thought about, this ending up as a finished piece. He just thought of having these tapes of his years when he’s able to sing again and has a grandchild and friends and bandmates that he loves. I think part of him creatively, it’s always about the path, never the destination. I think he would’ve wanted me to film for the next three or four years,” Hatley told RollingStone. Hatley’s work has been brought to the local scene over the summer months with showings in Greensboro, Winston Salem, Asheville and Chapel Hill. For more information about Hatley’s film and upto-date show times, check out the film’s website and follow on Facebook by searching Ain’t in It for My Health. n

DP Emily Topper, Director Jacob Hatley, Sound Philip Davis


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Charity Motorcycle Ride

Sa Oc tu to rda be y, 20 r 1 13 2, Registration Begins at 9:30 Cox’s Harley Davidson, Asheboro Kickstands Up

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11:00 a.m.

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Lunch available during ride for


for 2 hotdogs, chips and a drink Proceeds from lunch to benefit Freedom Family Church Youth. (Liberty, NC) For sponsorship opportunity or more information: or 333.625.9624 49

Randolph Business Women


Strength, Unity, & Inspiration By Sherry Johnson

andolph Business Women was created for executive and professional women in Randolph County to meet, network and support each other. Through unity and the sharing of knowledge, members gain strength within their professional

and personal lives. Randolph Business Women meets the 2nd Thursday of the month for lunch at Pinewood Country Club at 11:45 am. They welcome new members and offer an interesting and educational schedule of guest speakers each month. Their mission is to serve


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the community and throughout the year they plan and execute fundraisers for various local organizations. In order to offer more networking opportunities, this summer they launched Wine Down Wednesdays. Every Wednesday afternoon between 5:15 and 6:00 pm the group meets at Bistro 42 for networking and getting to know each other in a more casual setting. Once a month on the 3rd Wednesday, they hire Royal Limousine and the first 9 ladies to arrive can pay $20 per person and ride in style to a local, preferably woman-owned restaurant for dinner and drinks.

If you are a professional business woman who owns, manages or works at a business in Randolph County and you are interested in networking and getting to know other professional women, these outings offer a perfect opportunity to do just that. Below are a few of the planned events coming up: august 21st - Southern Sisters Restaurant & Grille, Thomasville. Meet up at Bistro 42, the limo/carpools depart at 6:00 pm. september 18th - Endless Summer FUNdraiser Painting Class at The Preppy Possum, 830 S Cox Street. Class begins at 7:00 pm. Cost of the class is

november 20th – Paint Your Own Pottery at Dish’n in Asheboro. Class begins at 6:30 pm. You can stop in any time before the class to choose the piece you want to paint that evening. Dish’n is located next to Lumina Wine & Beer’s patio off Sunset Avenue.

$45 – $20 per person will be donated to the Randolph

december 7th – “Dinner at the Dairy,” an evening

County Family Crisis Center)

at The Goat Lady Dairy. For more information, go to: On the right side of page

october 16th – RBW Ladies Night Out Extravaganza, Shopping & Sharing event downtown Asheboro. This will be a FUNdraiser set up a local venue. Set up a table and let people know about your products or service – table fee/donations will go to the Salvation Army. october 26th – Walk to End Alzheimer’s – join the

select “Dining/Visiting,” then select Dining at the Dairy. Please read all the information regarding reservations and costs. The Randolph Business Women look forward to meeting you. For more information on the

RBW team to support this very worthy cause. Contact

group, check out their Facebook page at www.

Myra Gaddy ( for more and type in the search window


type Randolph Business Women. n


Where Do Zoo Animals Come From? Ken reininger General Curator of Animal Collections North Carolina Zoo


e are often asked where the animals for exhibits at the North Carolina Zoo come from. The sources for zoo animals has changed significantly over the years and especially over the past 30 years. Until the 1980s zoos acquired animals from private collectors and breeders as often as they did from other zoos. They also regularly acquired wild caught animals from wildlife importers and dealers and collected animals from the wild themselves. During this period many zoo collections could be described as "postage stamp" collections, with an emphasis on having as many unusual and rare species possible but often only a few individuals of each. Breeding rare animals was a source of pride and also a source of revenue. Many zoo curators guarded the secrets of their breeding success to preserve the sales value of the rare offspring. Because of this culture, zoos did not produce a lot of animals and were quite reliant on acquiring animals from sources other than fellow zoos. Things began to change in the 1970s with the growing realization by wildlife biologists of a worldwide environmental and wildlife extinction crisis. In 1973, the United States passed the Endangered Species Act to protect threatened wild animal populations and in 1975 the United Nations Environmental Program implemented the Convention on the Trade of Endangered Species or CITES. Both of these laws began to control and restrict the trade in exotic animals. Additionally, individual countries around the world began to enact their own


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wildlife laws. At the same time there had been outbreaks of diseases in major American production livestock (chickens, cattle, pigs and sheep) that traced to imported exotic animals infected with the diseases. This caused the U. S. Department of Agriculture to institute stricter quarantine regulations which restricted and controlled the importation of exotic animals. This was also the same era when major American zoos came of age in terms of their role as advocates for wildlife conservation. This conversion from wildlife menageries and consumers to institutions focused on wildlife protection caused an ethical shift in how zoos viewed taking animals from the wild. All of these factors combined to move a highly professional subset of zoos – those accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquaria or AZA - towards establishing more self-sufficient and sustainable sources for animals in their collections. In the late 1980s AZA zoos began to develop a system for the collective management of zoo animals to build more self-sustaining zoo populations. This required volunteer professionals from zoo staffs to organize into working groups to better manage all these populations. Each group was charged with surveying the various types and number of animal holding spaces that existed within all 230 AZA member zoos and determining which species we realistically had room for over the long term. Groups were formed to evaluate all big cats and all monkeys. Still other groups focused on antelope, bears, snakes, parrots, ducks, amphibians and many others - some 46 groups in all. These groups set about the difficult process

of determining which species we had enough of, and knew how to care for and breed well enough, to potentially be self sustaining populations. This process took years to complete but by the late 1990s almost every species of animal found in AZA accredited zoos had been evaluated. The next step in this process was to scientifically manage the selected species. If zoos were to have animals for their collections without taking animals from the wild, they needed to pay close attention to the genetics of the small populations they had. It was well known that inbreeding could cause infertility and birth defects in animals and too much of this could cause small populations to crash. To avoid this, zoos would have to carefully monitor and control which


animals were allowed to breed. This led to the keeping of studbooks for most zoo species. Studbooks are electronic records of the genealogy of each animal in a population, dating back as far in time as records allow. Using this information, and special computer software to analyze the information, the studbook keeper can determine which animals should be paired for breeding, which ones shouldn't, how many offspring need to be produced and which animals need to be moved to be paired with better genetic mates. Today there are some 430 studbooks for managed populations of AZA zoo animals. Several staff members at the North Carolina Zoo are studbook keepers. Today the vast majority of animals for our zoo exhibits are born in and come from other AZA zoos. However some animals do come from other sources. The North Carolina Zoo has a number of animals that were rescued from the wild or from unfortunate circumstances. These include our Polar Bear Wilhelm who was rescued from a traveling circus in Puerto Rico, our two Grizzly Bears who were wild bears in Montana and Wyoming labeled as nuisance animals to be euthanized and two of our Black bears who were facing the same fate in North Carolina. They also include six Hamadryas Baboons that came from biomedical and university research labs, our


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Cougars - one of which was rescued from and animal auction and one a pet rescued by firemen from a burning building in Detroit - and a Chimpanzee who was formerly used in movies and television commercials. The North Carolina Zoo tries to provide homes for animals like this when the species fits with our exhibit themes and the animals are healthy enough physically and behaviorally to be compatible with others of their kind in our collection. Every modern, professional zoological park should have as its mission the promotion of wildlife conservation. To be true to this mission, zoos should not rely on obtaining animals from the wild for their exhibits. But to do so into the future, modern zoos must carefully and scientifically manage their species and cooperate closely with each other to breed and exchange animals. The North Carolina Zoo is highly committed to this ethic. Today, how to keep and breed zoo species is not a closely held secret to preserve fame and profit (in fact many animals exchanged between AZA zoos is now done at no cost). It is a cooperative effort which allows us to stay true to our mission while having animals available for our exhibits. n





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Our Garden of Bounty By Faylene Whitaker (Whitaker Farms)


here has been a lot of rain here in the

you can enjoy them until fall. Lantana, portulacca,

Piedmont of North Carolina during

petunia and scraveloa are still great annuals to put

the last few weeks and it has left us

in the garden. Some perennials that can be planted

with a lot of things to do in the garden.

now and do well are daylilies, hostas, heuchera, and

There are weeds to pull and plants that




that gardening is great exercise and a great stress

one of my favorites for ground cover in the shade is Asiatic “Snow N Summer�. Knockout roses can still be planted and have great fall blooms. There are many

reliever. This is a great time to replace some of those

grasses to plant now that offer great color in the fall

flowers that have died with some larger pots so that

such as Miscanthus Little Zebra, and Morning Light,


asheboro magazine

and Pennisetum Purple Muhly which has a beautiful pink plume especially when planted in multiples of five or more. Hydrangeas will also do well planted now because it will give them time to get a good root system before cold weather but remember they do need a lot of water in order to survive. They provide great color to the part shade garden during the summer months. The newer variety of Limelights add wonderful white blooms to the full sun garden especially when paired with Forever Red Lorpetulum and Knockout roses. For the new gardener there are many plants that are easy and there are really no dumb questions we all started somewhere. Containers are one of the easiest ways to enjoy plants; glazed pots will hold the moisture better than clay pots. Plastic pots are cheaper but will require more water and the roots get hotter. Some easy plants for containers are potato vine, colocasia, ginger, king tut grass, portulacca, angelonia, ivy, heuchera, and of course begonias. You want to use a container mix soil and then add some miracle grow or some other fertilizer about once every two weeks. Keep the soil moist but not soaked. If you are growing a garden for food you can still plant some late tomatoes and peppers, green beans, and


squash, few


vegetables. This late you will need to plant a



because type

tomato regular



not set fruit when the temperature is over 88



the day time hours. If




are showing disease on the plant; spray with a good

I hope you have a wonderful month. As I leave

fungicide every seven to ten days and if it rains a lot

my job to go home to spend time with my family;

you may need to spray more. A good copper spray fungicide will take care of a lot of your diseases. There

cooking out and laughing, and have time together, I

are several insecticides that can be used that are

am reminded of those keeping watch over this great

organic for worms and other insects in the garden.

country of ours and I would like to say “Thank You.� n


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ALEXIS ANDREWS with teammates; ACL Reconstruction Seagrove, NC

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