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G & G Automotive
How does COVID-19 affect your car?

G& G Automotive provides State Inspections, fluid services, brakes, tires, alignment, front end, suspension, diagnostic and more. They service all makes and models of foreign and domestic cars, light to medium trucks and RVs. You may think this is a crazy question but, COVID-19 can have an effect on your car. Here is how… Are you working from home? Have you changed from driving to work daily to doing all of your work online from home? Are you having food and groceries delivered? The car you drove to and from work every day and to the stores or out to dinner is now sitting for long periods of time not being used. That can affect your automobile in several ways, especially in the cold weather. Loss of tire pressure. A certain amount of air is lost through the tire when it just sits. Tire rubber oxidation. Tire rubber dries out from sun, wind, and weather conditions. Driving creates heat in the tires, removing moisture and contaminants from rubber so they last longer when in use. Date codes on tires are very important. If they are more than 5 years old, they should be replaced regardless of

condition. Because they are exposed to the air around us, brake rotors and drums can begin rusting, causing considerable damage to brake pads and shoes, wearing them out prematurely. Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the atmosphere through rubber hoses and seals which breaks down the brake fluid. The moisture can also cause internal damage, literally rusting the metal components from the inside out. Fuel system corrosion can be caused by the accumulation of moisture in the fuel system. In addition, the ethanol in fuel is highly corrosive to the fuel systems. By the fuel not continuously moving through, it can cause damage to fuel lines, hoses, filters, fuel injectors, and fuel pumps. It is a well-known fact that heating and air conditioning systems are a great hiding place for various rodents and insects. Here at G & G Automotive we have serviced many vehicles that had heating systems clogged with nesting in air filters and ducting systems. This can be an expensive repair. This can happen if your car sits in the same spot for a long time, rodents deem it safe to nest in. Electrical systems can also be damaged by rodent infestation. Muffler and exhaust systems can corrode internally from a mixture of carbon and moisture creating acid that causes heavy corrosion. Batteries can be drawn down by internal vehicle systems, like the computer, which is always on, and uses a continuous supply of micro voltage. As it sits, the battery continues to trickle down. This can cause a no start or check engine light condition. The older the battery, the less ability it has to

maintain and recover from long periods of no use. A good rule of thumb is to replace your battery every 3-5 years depending on the quality. Long periods of inactivity can also cause contamination of motor oil, transmission fluid, and engine coolant. Engine seals, cooling system seals, and air conditioning seals can dry up due to lack of lubrication from not being used. They rely on heat, use and lubrication to reduce the moisture that causes subsequent wear and corrosion damage. All of the above also applies to classic cars and hot rod vehicles. These classic cars, if they are going to sit for long periods, should use special oils designed to prevent internal rust and engine corrosion. Oils like Lucas Hot Rod specific, is designed with additives to protect these engines. These oils may contain zinc, which should not be used in modern emission-controlled cars. A battery tender can be used to maintain the battery and prolong its life. Fuel systems can be protected by

using non-ethanol fuel and a fuel stabilizer added to prevent moisture and corrosion. Tires flat spot from low pressure and long periods of sitting. They should be checked periodically and aired up to above normal running pressure to help keep them round. Removal and storage of the tire is another option. Daily driving activates all the fluids, generating heat, removing moisture, and prolonging the life of all these systems. So, get out there and drive your car! G & G Automotive has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce since 2009, they support and sponsor many local organizations and causes including Fayetteville Street Christian School, Veteran’s cruise-in at Wayne Thomas Chevrolet, the Marine Corps League, the Randolph County Family Crisis Center, the North Carolina Zoo, the YMCA, and many more organizations.
Visit their website at www.ggautoent.com to learn more, to schedule a repair or call 336.629.3150. G & G Automotive is located at 114 Old Liberty Road in Asheboro, on the corner of N. Fayetteville Street & Vision Drive. You can also find them on Facebook! If you have any questions and concerns, G & G Automotive is there to help.