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If students were mulling over whether or not to go to college, now is the time to take that step. Randolph Community College is making the commitment to ensure that each student has money to pay for college with the RCC Commitment Grant. This new grant is for students who do not qualify for other financial assistance, but need help paying for college.
“There has never been a better opportunity to attend RCC and not have to worry about how to pay for it,” RCC President Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr. said. “We meet students exactly where they are and help them go as far as they can possibly go.”
Starting this fall, full-time eligible students will receive $2,000 per year ($1,000) per semester, and less than fulltime students may receive a partial award. There is not
Looking for training in electrical, HVAC, plumbing, or welding? Randolph Community College is offering several building and trades courses this fall. Scholarships are available to help with the cost of these classes.
“Basic Electrical Technician I” covers the principles of electrical wiring as it applies to commercial/residential applications. Emphasis is on Ohm’s law; alternating and direct currents; series circuits, parallel circuits, and series parallel circuits; use of electrical tools and equipment, wiring materials, and many other special subjects. Preventive maintenance and troubleshooting as well as National Electrical Code will be covered.
This training is for those interested in the installation and maintenance of electrical/electronic systems found in residential, commercial, and industrial facilities as outlined by the National Electric Code. Most of the training is hands-on. Topics covered include AC/DC theory, basic wiring practices, programmable logic controllers, and industrial motor controls.
Upon completion, students should qualify for a variety a separate application for this grant as consideration for funding is automatic once the RCC admissions application and the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) are completed. Eligible students will receive an award letter from the Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs. This RCC Commitment Grant, along with the Longleaf Grant, and Pell, state grants, and the RCC Foundation, mean attending the College has never been more affordable. All students need to do to qualify is apply to RCC and fill out the FAFSA — the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. For information, contact RCC’s Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs at 336-633-0200 or visit https://www. randolph.edu/financial-aid.html. To apply to RCC, go to https://www.randolph.edu/studentsuccess/becoming-a-student.html.
of entry-level positions in the electrical/electronics field as an on-the-job trainee or apprentice assisting in the layout, installation, and maintenance of electrical/ electronic systems. OSHA 30 training and certification will be included. The class (#76378) is Tuesdays and Thursdays, Aug. 17Dec. 14, from 5:30-9 p.m. in room 122 of the Continuing Education & Industrial Center on the Asheboro Campus. The cost is $180.55 plus $8 for an OSHA card. “Fundamentals of HVAC” is designed to provide students with the introductory skills required for entrylevel employment in the HVAC field. The course is comprehensive, focusing on the operating principles of heating systems with emphasis on safety, ventilation, types of heating/cooling systems, Ohm’s law, load calculation, troubleshooting using the various types of test equipment, servicing, repairing, and installing components/entire systems. This course will prepare students to sit for the CFC Certification, which will be administered during the class for an additional $25. Most of the course will be theory with some hands-on application.
The class (#76380) is from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, Aug. 16-Dec. 2, in room 104 of the Building Trades Center on the Asheboro Campus. The cost is $180.55 plus $25 for a CFC card. “Plumbing I” introduces students to the basics of plumbing. Topics include the safe use of tools, the various components of the plumbing system, and the skills needed for the plumbing industry. OSHA 10, with an emphasis on confined space and ladder safety, also will be included in the course. The class (#76379) is Mondays and Wednesdays, Aug. 16-Dec. 16, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. in room 200B of the Administration/Education Center on the Asheboro Campus. The cost is $180.55 plus $8 for an OSHA card. For information or to register for any of the above classes, call 336-633-0268. “MIG 1 Welding” introduces metal arc welding and flux core arc welding processes. Topics include equipment setup and fillet and groove welds with emphasis on application of GMAW and FCAW electrodes on carbon steel plate. Upon completion, students should be able to perform fillet welds on carbon steel with prescribed electrodes in the flat, horizontal, and overhead positions. This class prepares students to obtain an ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Welding Certificate (additional fee required). The course (#76114) is from 5-9 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, Aug. 16-Dec. 8, in room 200 of the A/E Center. The cost is $180.55 plus $60 for supplies. “Basic Welding” is designed to teach basic gas metal arc welding safety, fundamentals, and techniques. The course is a prerequisite to the MIG 1 class. The course (#76104) is from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Saturdays, Aug. 21-Sept. 11, in room 200 of the A/E Center. Additional sections are available in September, October, and November. For a complete schedule, visit https://www. randolph.edu/courses-schedules/building-trades/1776welding.html. The cost is $70.55 plus $40 for supplies. Call 336-328-1750 for more information or to register for the welding courses.
Eligible 2021 high school graduates can attend Randolph Community College free if they qualify as part of the Longleaf Commitment Grant. Fulltime eligible students are guaranteed to receive $700 to $2,800 per year for a total of two years. Less than full-time students may receive a partial award.
For information, check out https://www. nccommunitycolleges.edu/student-services/northcarolina-longleaf-commitment-grant or https://www. randolph.edu/financial-aid.html. Interested students can also contact the RCC financial aid office by calling 336633-0200.
The Longleaf Commitment Grant Program ends at the conclusion of the 2023 Spring Semester.


Interested in a career as a massage therapist? Randolph Community College is offering day classes this fall in its Therapeutic Massage program which prepares students to become licensed massage therapists. The program provides comprehensive hands-on training with a focus on working in a spa or opening a business, and prepares students for taking the Massage and Bodywork Licensure Exam (MBLEx).
It starts Sept. 8 and is from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The cost is $196.55 plus textbooks, scrubs, and supplies.
Starting next week, the College also has plenty of opportunities for massage therapists to learn new techniques, including using Himalayan salt stone and bamboo. The cost for each of these massage courses is $70.55.
“Himalayan Salt Stone Massage” guides the therapist through the preparation, setup, techniques, and clean-up of Himalayan Salt Stones. Marketing ideas will be presented along with easy add-ons, benefits, and contraindications. The course, which is ideal for someone working in or considering working in a spa setting, focuses on relaxation, but some deep tissue techniques for common conditions also will be shown. The course has been approved by the National Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork for eight CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for LMBTs (Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapists) and is taught by a Board-Approved Continuing Education Provider. Students must have satisfactorily completed an approved Therapeutic Massage program or be an LMBT.
The course (#73144) is from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 24, in room 109 of the Continuing Education & Industrial Center (CEIC) on the Asheboro Campus.
“Bamboo Massage for All Reasons” is both a basic and advanced course rolled into one. After learning the basics about bamboo in general, students learn both relaxation and deep tissue techniques. They also learn how to incorporate both techniques to provide focused work for a client with a problem area. The course is about providing a client with the best techniques possible, while taking strain and stress off the therapist’s body. The class has been approved by the National Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork for 12 CEUs for LMBTs and is taught by a Board-Approved Continuing Education Provider. Students must have satisfactorily completed an approved Therapeutic Massage program or be an LMBT. The course (#73145) is Saturdays, Aug. 21 and 28, from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in room 109 of the CEIC. The class also will be offered in December (#77450) on Saturday, Dec. 18, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in room 109 of the CEIC. Headaches are one of the most common conditions a massage therapist sees on a regular basis. “Headaches, Types, & Treatment” addresses the various types of headaches and the tools, techniques, and protocols found to be most successful for the various types. The class also points out when a therapist needs to refer the client out to their medical doctor, and the virous types of treatments that can be offered there. Students will be made aware of research supporting the use of massage therapy for headaches. The course (#77452) is Saturday, Sept. 18, from 8 a.m.3:30 p.m. in room 109 of the CEIC. “Radiant Glow Facial Massage” provides the therapist with an extra offering while massaging their clients. It will instruct the student in the use of products, hot towels, and hot/cold stones when doing facial massage on a client. The student also will learn how to enhance this service with the application of hot towels and oils to the feet, and will be given information how best to market these services. The course (#77453) is Saturday, Nov. 20, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in room 109 of the CEIC. For information or to register for any of these courses, call 336-633-0268.
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