sheboro 38 issue
A •G •A •Z •I •N •E
Wayne Jarrell, Wendy Thompson, David Cross
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table of
28 33
Pinch Pot Clay Pumpkin Class with Potter Brooke Avery
Janet Blakley Insurance Services
Putting the "Y" in Community
Randolph Get Ready to Ramble
R.A.G. Presents the Dark Arts
RCC Awarded $1.7 Million Grant
Tailored Performance with LASIK
Neck Pain and Chiropractic
The Idealist
Healthcare Marketplace
S.P.I.R.I.T. Investigations
34 36
48 50 52 56
Activity & Arthritis
Christmas Stocking Knitting Class
Happy 30th Birthday Cross Road Retirement Community
Michael Traister Photo Exhibit
asheboro magazine
Street Demonz
Hands-on Learning
United Way Campaign Kick-off
Corey Hunt Band
Drawing Sessions
Publisher’s Letter
all is kicking into high gear, with festivals and fairs, art and craft shows, and the leaves changing to magical colors of red, orange and yellow. Beautiful days followed by nights with a crisp, cool feel to the air. Football games on TV and on the local high school field. Fall is unarguably my favorite season of the year. It’s the last hurrah before winter sets in. When I think back to my childhood, fall meant picking apples, raking leaves, and lots of outdoor time before winter set in. Long drives to look at foliage, stopping to picnic at a state park along the way, hiking to a special spot – spending time with family and friends to enjoy what Mother Nature has to share, that’s what Fall means to me. We are fortunate to live in this beautiful area, with some of the prettiest scenery in the state of North Carolina. Go on a picnic, hike a local nature trail and enjoy time with your family during these beautiful autumn days. This month in honor of Halloween, we bring you a team of real life ‘Ghostbusters’ – a local company who understand the things that go bump in the night are not always bad. If you even think your house might be haunted – give them a call to investigate and ease your mind. I looked at the calendar the other day and realized how fast time was flying by – before I know it Thanksgiving will be here. There are many opportunities to start Christmas shopping early this month at local art shows, craft fairs, and pottery festivals. Don’t leave it to the last minute and stress yourself out, make a pledge to see how much of your holiday shopping you are able to do right here within our community. Buy a gift certificate to her favorite local restaurant for your wife or a cute outfit at the boutique where your teenage daughter loves to shop. Pick up a hand thrown mug for your husband from a local potter for his morning coffee – supporting the local economy will help it continue to grow and flourish. Check out our Friendly Faces starting on page 56 to see if we caught you on film, or stop by our booth at the Asheboro/ Randolph Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase on October 10th at the YMCA to get your picture in next month’s magazine! Until then – Happy Fall!!
sheboro M
A •G •A •Z •I •N •E
PUBLISHER Sherry B. Johnson
VICE PRESIDENT DESIGN & ADVERTISING David A. Johnson dave@asheboromagazine.com
CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Neil Griffin Megan Clapp Dr. Chris Thompson jacquie Reininger Robin Breedlove Suzanne Lang, MPT Janet Harllee Winona Wentworth Ryan Dodson Debby Richman Rev. Peter Panagore
High Point, NC ADDRESS
PO Box 1369 Asheboro, NC 27204 Phone. 336-698-3889
www.asheboromagazine.com Asheboro Magazine is published monthly by Asheboro and More Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Asheboro Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.
Sherry B. Johnson Publisher
Sherry asheboromagazine.com
he Randolph Arts Guild presents a fall themed class for children currently enrolled in kindergarten through 5th grade. Randolph County potter Brooke Avery will lead a "Pinch Pot Clay Pumpkin" Class. Students will pinch a ball of clay into a pumpkin and have the
option to create a jar with a lid or create a ceramic "lantern". This course explores basic clay hand building, decorating, and glazing techniques. The class meets on Mondays, October 21 and 28 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Randolph Arts Guild located in the Moring Arts Center, 123 Sunset Avenue in downtown Asheboro. All materials and kiln firing are included. Payment and a completed registration are required for enrollment. The enrollment deadline is Wednesday, October 16. "Pinch Pot Clay Pumpkins" costs $30 for Guild members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information please contact the Randolph Arts Guild at (336) 629 - 0399. n
asheboro magazine
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by Sherry B. Johnson Janet Blakley
anet Blakley grew up on a small farm in
University. After graduation, Janet began working in the
Pleasant Garden. There, with her parents
mortgage industry. In 1996, after being injured in a car
and two sisters, she worked the land.
accident, which required an extended recovery period, she
Mostly she learned to be a self-sufficient,
transitioned into a sales position at a Holiday Inn Express
independent, young lady. Janet still lives
in Greensboro. That year, that Holiday Inn experienced
on the farm where she cares for her aging
higher sales than in the previous 10 years. Knowing how to
communicate with people understandably and effectively
Janet attended Vandalia Christian School throughout her
was pivotal to her sales success.
childhood and adolescence. Her hobbies were gardening,
In 1998, she entered the insurance field and earned her
4H, singing, sewing, volleyball, basketball, and slow-pitch
Life and Health Insurance Licenses. She spent nearly a
softball. Today she still loves gardening, singing with the
year with Prudential and then went to work for Piedmont
praise and worship team at her church, and practicing
Brokerage (now called the Assurance Group).
Bikram Hot Yoga.
Eventually Janet opened a private agency, Team Life. That
She earned a degree in Business Finance from Wingate
agency grew over the next few years to employ 26 agents
asheboro magazine
thereafter, Humana offered Janet a full-time job as a sales representative selling Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements and Part D insurance in the Asheboro WalMart. There she built her Humana business to over 900 clients. With the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, the PrivateFee-For-Service Medicare Advantage Plan Humana had available for Randolph County was terminated, and she needed to seek other insurance sales opportunities. In September 2010, Janet resigned from Humana and went out on her own. She formed Janet Blakley Insurance Services LLC for Seniors in April of 2011 and became an independent government sub-contractor who can represent all major Medicare health and drug plans in North Carolina. In addition to insurance services, she provides informational and education seminars throughout Dereck Arble and assist over 3,000 clients with insurance needs. She then started a second company that supplied her agents with leads for potential clients. Janet’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2002. Helping to care for her mother sparked in Janet a passion to learn how to help others understand and navigate the complicated and cold insurance processes that often accompany illness. Although she studied for and passed her life and health license exams in 1998, she decided after the experience with her mother that she would make her primary focus on the senior market. So, she studied for and earned her Medicare Supplement and Long Term Care License in 2005. Around the same time, her agency was approved by Christina Sherrill Humana to carry its licensed insurance products. Shortly asheboromagazine.com
the year. In August 2013, she attained the designation of
Medicare Open Enrollment, which begins October 15,
Certified Senior Advisor.
2013 and ends December 7, 2013.
Janet is licensed in the State of North Carolina to offer
Janet has renamed her company Janet Blakley Insurance
Life and Health insurance plans for all ages, as well as
Services LLC for Life & Health to include the expanded
Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, Medicare
offerings and customer base. To make herself and her
Prescription Drug Plans, Hospital Indemnity, Long Term
staff more accessible, Janet recently opened an office in
Care Plans, and Fixed Annuities.
Asheboro at 717 S. Cox Street, Suite E. The office is open
Janet has the ability to simplify the complex as well as
by appointment only.
express herself clearly in a way that is easy to understand.
To learn more about Janet and the services she offers,
She exhibits a passion for serving her customers in
visit her website www.JanetBlakleyInsurance.com or call
general and seniors in particular. This has resulted in
336.964.9865 to make an appointment or sign up for one
an exponential growth of her business. To maintain that
of the informational seminars being offered by Janet.
unparalleled level of customer care, Janet has added two
Janet takes complex and cold insurance provisions and
licensed assistants, Christina Sherrill and Dereck Arble.
makes them understandable and human.
Their focus will be on the Affordable Care Act (commonly
trusted and competent friend you feel safe and comfortable
known as “Obamacare”).
dealing with professionally. n
asheboro magazine
They will also assist with
She’s the
Mom’s New Life Starts Here this Fall!
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Putting the ‘Y’ in Community By Megan Clapp
alling all exercise enthusiasts, family gamers, crafters, holiday shoppers, volunteers, the health conscious, gospel music fans, and people who just want to give back! The Randolph-Asheboro YMCA is giving back to the community through our first ever “Putting the Y in Community” event on Saturday, November 16 from 8am to 4pm! Taking a spin on our Fall Community Day, normally held in September, we thought we’d change it up a bit! This event will be a FREE event for the entire community! As normal, the YMCA doors will be open to the public for all to come and enjoy a day of exercise and fun such as Group Exercise classes on both land and water, from zumba®, Aqua zumba®, and Boot Camp to Cycle, Yoga, and Water Aerobics, in addition the Fitness Center will be available for guests ages 15 and up. Don’t forget about the indoor heated swimming pool to get a good lap swim in or just bring the kids to get some energy out! Senior/ Teen Center will be open as well for family fun, along with the basketball courts and racquetball courts. Guests, bring a basketball or racquet/ball to play. For those who need childcare to be able to work out, Nursery will be available in the morning hours. See schedule for specific times of activities. Get geared up for holiday shopping with our first ever Holiday Craft Fair! This will be free admission to all. We are looking for holiday crafters to help make this event a success! Reserve a space for $15/table with all proceeds going to our Y-Give Scholarship program. Contact Megan Clapp for more information on table rental or to reserve your space. We are also in need of volunteers during the
asheboro magazine
Craft Fair set up on Friday, November 15 from 3pm-7pm. Health Screenings by Prevo Drug will be available this day as well. Blood pressure is an illness that is often not felt and if left untreated it can lead to strokes and heart attacks. Blood pressure checks will be available along with blood glucose checks to help monitor and screen for diabetes. With flu season coming, flu shots are the best way to prevent the flu. Prevo Drug will also have flu shots available this day as well. Do you like to listen to gospel singing? We will have a gospel group, ‘Not Ashamed,’ on site singing. So, take a seat, sit back, relax, and enjoy the music! Also, stop by Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to drop off canned/boxed food items for a Canned Food Drive to benefit the CUOC! Looking for membership specials? Donate (5) canned/boxed food items and we will waive your joining fee! That is a savings of $50-$100! Offer valid for the weekend, Friday, November 15-Sunday, November 17. Benefiting the community is at the heart of the day! With something for everyone and being able to give back to the community will make this event a success! Join us for the festivities from 8am-4pm on November 16! For more information on the day or for a schedule of activities, contact the Randolph-Asheboro YMCA at (336) 625-1976 or visit our website at www.randolphasheboroymca.com. We look forward to seeing you! n
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By Robin Breedlove
Randolph Get Ready to Ramble
andolph Arts Guild accurately describes its place in the community as the “window to the Arts in Randolph County.” For one weekend in October however, the RAG gives art lovers a closer view to their favorite artists with a peek into the artists’ studios. Randolph Ramble is an open studio tour trail winding through scenic Randolph County. It fosters a more intimate glimpse at the art bought and sold, by seeing where it bloomed as first an idea, to where it grew into the art that beautifies our homes and bodies. The free self-guided tour will take place on Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, October 20, from 1-4 p.m. An opening reception and preview event will be held at The Exchange, 204 S. Fayetteville Street, Asheboro, on Friday evening, October 18, from 6-8 p.m. Artists’ creative environments will vary from formal workspaces and studios to kitchen tables. With signature sponsors such as the Liberty Artisan & Craft Gallery, Isabell’s Goodies, Brightside Gallery, Bistro 42 and the Co-op of Seagrove Potters, the tour will stretch throughout the county with 32 artists featured. Some artists will team together to exhibit several offerings at one location. Locations span the county from the Archdale/Trinity area, Randleman, Liberty, Ramseur, Franklinville, Asheboro, Seagrove, and in places in between. Randolph Ramble premiered last year as a first time event with 24 participating artists. “Our goal last year was just to make it happen,” said Derrick Sides, Executive Director of the Randolph
asheboro magazine
Arts Guild. “This year our goal is to make it better. Our long term vision is for the Ramble to be a major event for our county.” The tour not only shows off the immense talent residing in Randolph County, but provides a great opportunity for friends to get together as well as to kick off some holiday shopping, all while taking in the county’s beautiful scenery and fall colors. “Our county is a wonderfully rich and diversified place to live and work,” said Sides. With help from a Randolph County Tourism Development Authority grant, the Ramble is being set in place to grow its potential for bringing folks from various regions of our state to Randolph County. “Last year we learned how to do it,” said Derrick, of accomplishing the first Ramble tour. “This year we want to grow the recognition in our community and next year start drawing from outside. Thanks to social networking, hardworking artist and the TDA, Sides considers the Ramble to be a “collective marketing effort.” “Randolph Arts Guild can’t take the credit for this event. At best we are the grease on the wheels, said Sides, who gave much create to Ramble-leader and artist Debra Spinks for her hard work in heading up the event. Fall scenery in a beautiful county, with talented artists, amazing artwork, and mingling people has all the ingredients to make for a wonderful weekend, and gives patrons a unique way to show their support to local artists. “So often artists in our area are asked to donate art and support different causes. This tour is an opportunity for us to support the artists.”
And artists look forward to visiting with fellow art lovers. For Kim Brownie of Sincerely Candle Co., who is participating in her second Ramble tour, the Ramble offers a unique opportunity to connect to the public. “My favorite part is that the guests get a sneak peek into the world of each artist. They are able to get a feel of what inspires us and hopefully hold a deeper appreciation for our work,” said Brownie. “I’m looking forward to sharing refreshments and some special activities with folks in my community; newly acquainted and familiar faces.” Artists included in the 2013 Randolph Ramble are: Scott Kestel (brandMOJO Interiors), Kay and Cara Bevan (Four Paw Pottery/Art from the Heart), Joseph Sand Pottery, Ashley Fetner Photography, The Art of Cori Cagle, Beverly Wilson (State of the Art), Juan and Diane Villa (Villa Photography), Charles “Robo” Wade (RoboMustache), Les III, Chris Richter (My Woods), Robert Crutchfield (Primitive Knife Artworks and Jewelry), Rendi Bryant (Renderings), Kim Brownie (Sincerely Candle Co.), Joanna Hudson (Hudson Log House), Nikki Cherry (the preppy possum), Carl King, Mike Durham Art, Douglas Hoover Fine Art, Matthew F. Kelly (MFK Artwork), Debra Spinks Art, Melissa Womble (Canyon Art), Larry and Martha Kreiser (Baskets by Larry), Benjamin and Bonnie Burns (Great White Oak Gallery), Johnston & Gentithes Art Pottery, David Fernandez and Alexa Modderno (Seagrove Stoneware), Laura Johnson (Snowhill Pottery & Tileworks), Scott and Bobbie Thomas (Thomas Pottery), Blaine Avery (Avery Pottery & Tileworks), Bruce Gholson and Samantha Henneke (Bulldog Pottery), Beth Gore and John Mellage (Cady Clay Works), Pamela Owens (Jugtown Pottery), and Michael Mahan (From the Ground Up Pottery). More information about the Ramble can be found at the RAG’s website (randolphartsguild.com) as well as the Randolph Ramble Facebook page. The RAG can be contacted at (336) 629-0399. n asheboromagazine.com
Vasilisa the beautiful - Frankie Powell
Pinhead Barbie - Christopher Koenig
Randolph Arts Guild presents
he Randolph Arts Guild’s Sara Smith Self Gallery will feature a small group show titled the Art on the Dark Side during the month of October. The work will be on display at the Randolph Arts Guild located at 123 Sunset Ave. in downtown Asheboro. The show is set to open the evening of Tuesday, October 8th with a reception from 5:30 - 7:30pm. The reception will free and the public is encouraged to attend. As many decorate and dress up for the “All Hallows’ Eve” celebration at the end of the month, this year the Randolph Arts Guild will be exhibiting works of art with a definitively darker tone and subject matter. These “dark” works of art will reflect upon and explore themes that are
asheboro magazine
We Are The Joke - Les III far from the idyllic fodder of pastoral landscapes. Individually their works demonstrate the stirring depths at which these artists can thematicly push themselves. Together as a whole this collection will provide an unabated assessment of the trials, tribulations and struggles of life. Participating artists include Ace Benit, Bailey Powell, Brandon Yow, Brett Mcdonough, Casandra Griffin, Christopher Koenig, Eric Abernethy, Frankie Powell, John Hunter, les III, Melissa Ray, Tiffany Wheless, Rich Powell. The “Dark Arts” will be on display in the Sara Smith Self Gallery at the Randolph Arts Guild, located at 123 Sunset Ave. Asheboro, NC from October 8 through October 31. The Randolph Arts Guild is open from 10 am – 5 pm Monday - Friday and 10 am – 2 pm on Saturdays. For more information please call the Randolph Arts Guild at 336-629-0399 or email arts@asheboro.com for more information. The Guild is located at 123 Sunset Avenue, Asheboro, NC 27203. Hours: M-F 10am -- 5pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. n
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a n d o l p h Community College will receive over $1.7 million from the U.S. Department of Labor as a member of a multi-state consortium of community colleges intended to serve as leaders in integrating a regional economic, workforce development and education partnership approach to improving the skills and employment of individuals. Dr. Robert S. Shackleford, RCC president, announced the news at the end of the bimonthly RCC Board of Trustees meeting Thursday evening. “The focus of the grant is manufacturing, which is what we focus on in the Piedmont,” said Shackleford. RCC is the only Triad school among the group to receive funding. The grant money is part of an Obama administration announcement on Sept. 18 of $474.5 million in grants to expand demand-driven skills training and strengthen employer partnerships. Randolph Community College and VanceGranville Community College in Henderson will be part of the Southeastern Economic and Education Leadership Consortium led by Pellissippi State Community College in Knoxville, Tenn. Other colleges in the group are Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tenn., Palm Beach State College in Lake Worth, Fla; and Polk State College in Winter Haven,
asheboro magazine
Fla. The six colleges in the SEELC have been specifically chosen to represent economic and demographic location diversity, and all reside in states whose governors and community leaders are working together to further economic and workforce systems change. Further, SEELC integrates an evidencebased approach to implementing a regionally based economic, workforce and education partnership in support of the development of educational and career pathways tied to national industry standards and credentials in welding, machining and manufacturing. The grant funding will foster deeper partnerships between community colleges, employers, and other community partners. The SEELC is partnering with the American Welding Society (AWS) and the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) to align courses, curriculum and credentials to nationally recognized industry standards and engaging local employers to meet specific local skill needs in the regional economy. Randolph Community College’s employer partners are Deere Hitachi, Southcorr, and Technimark. Employer partners will also provide work-based learning opportunities—primarily through internships. The grant will span four years and will cover staffing, benefits, equipment, supplies, travel, training, instructional materials, and administrative costs. Enrollment of some participants could start as early
as spring semester 2014, and all SEELC colleges will initiate participant enrollment no later than summer 2014. The program timeframe assumes most credentialing will occur in years 2 and 3, with labor market outcomes becoming most pronounced in years 2 through 4. The breakdown of the grant money follows: Pellissippi State Community College - Consortium Leader Total Consortium Award Amount: $12,665,720 Consortium members: Northeast State Community College ($4,569,689) Palm Beach State College ($1,138,183) Polk State College ($1,611,956) Randolph Community College ($1,725,174) Vance-Granville Community College ($1,757,299) The grants are part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Community College and Career Training grant program, a multiyear, nearly $2 billion initiative to expand targeted training programs for unemployed workers, especially those impacted by
foreign trade, according to a news release from the United States Department of Labor. The 57 grants announced on Sept. 18 will support 190 projects in at least 183 schools in every state plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The grants will expand programs in growing industries, such as advanced manufacturing, transportation and health care, and encourage geographic and industry sector collaboration through the development of both statewide and multistate college consortia. Learn more about the grant program at http://www.doleta.gov/taaccct. n
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Tailored Performance with LASIK
phthalmologists from around the world have spent years researching and perfecting surgical techniques to reduce dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The concept of corneal refractive surgery is to change the shape of the cornea so that images seen will be focused on the retina. There are two main types of laser refractive surgery available in the US: Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) and Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK). In PRK the surface of the cornea is treated with the laser. The surface cells then heal over the treated cornea, usually in 3-5 days. While PRK results in more post-operative discomfort and slower visual recovery, it may be the best refractive surgery option for many patients. Dr. Neil Griffin, corneal disease, LASIK & cataract specialist states, “LASIK was developed to give faster results with less discomfort. Here, a thin flap of corneal tissue is
created, gently lifted and excimer laser treatment is applied to the cornea below. The flap is placed back over the treated cornea. Originally, a blade was used to make this flap but the femtosecond laser has almost entirely replaced the older blade method. Both surgical options, PRK and LASIK, have their advantages and disadvantages. The surgeon determines the most appropriate procedure for each patient during the pre-operative evaluation based on the glasses prescription, corneal tissue thickness and other factors”. Lasik has been available in the US for over 10 years. During that time technology and experience have improved vision outcomes and the safety of the procedure. Third generation lasers now provide customized treatments to reshape the cornea. The incidence of glare and halos is now much lower with custom treatments, giving a higher quality of vision to LASIK patients. ■
ASK THE EXPERT YOUR EYES Neil Griffin, MD joined Carolina Eye Associates in 1994. His specialty includes cataract surgery and the treatment and surgery of diseases and disorders affecting the cornea. As a corneal specialist, Dr. Griffin offers custom vision correction surgery for nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
Carolina Eye Associates 336.629.1451 | 800.222.3043
asheboro magazine
“The preoperative examination is critical to evaluate candidacy. The degree of the refractive error, the eye exam and general medical health are important factors. Recent technological advances in corneal imaging allow us to detect subtle findings that might increase risk for LASIK,” says, Dr. Griffin.
The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery announced, worldwide, an average 95.4 percent of LASIK patients are satisfied with their new vision, according to the first review of the world body of scientific litera-
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ture. Neil Griffin, MD, and John French, MD, Corneal Disease, LASIK & Cataract Specialists, provide medical and surgical care at Carolina Eye Associates. For more information on LASIK, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases visit www.carolinaeye.com or call 910-295-1501. n Please note: Not all patients are candidates for LASIK. Risks, side-effects and expectations should be discussed ith your doctor.
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Neck Pain and chiropractic
any people suffer with neck pain and turn to over the counter medications to help reduce the pain. In our office we have found that for the most part, over the counter medications cannot take care of the underlying cause of neck
pain. For those of us who are performing repetitive activities throughout day, we begin to note that the neck starts to tighten or stiffen throughout our work day. In order to help the pain and stiffness, we take medication in an attempt to mask the pain. The trouble with this scenario is that it does not correct the problem of the neck pain, and it can lead to other problems with our stomach and intestines, from prolonged usage of over the counter medications. This is not the correct thing to do. In our offices, we have found that the cause of people’s neck pain comes from a bone that has lost it’s proper position and has started to pinch or irritate the nerves of the neck and shoulders. When the neck and shoulder nerves are irritated the muscles attempt to stabilize the bone that is out of place and start to contract or stiffen up. This will usually occur over time, but for some people it can occur very rapidly. In fact, we have also seen people sleep “wrong” on their neck and wake up the next morning
unable to move at all. This improper joint motion is the primary cause of neck and upper back pain that is treated in our offices. If you are suffering with neck and upper back pain and you have already tried the over the counter medications, it’s time to get to the cause of the pain. Our offices offer state of the art chiropractic and rehabilitation protocols to help quickly eliminate neck and back pain. How can you know if your neck pain is being caused by a joint that is out of it’s normal position? Get it checked!! There is a series of pain free tests that can be performed that will help our doctors find the cause of your neck pain. Stop suffering needlessly, get it taken care of today. If you have further questions, feel free to contact our offices at 1-800-588-4PAIN or e-mail healthfirst@hstriad.com. n
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The Idealist
By Rev. Peter Panagore
Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of DailyDevotions.org, is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St. John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, an Xaverian Brothers sponsored school, provided him with his preparatory school education. In 2003, he was recruited to apply for the position of Pastor of the First Radio Parish Church of America (DailyDevotions.org). FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religious broadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 million listeners, viewers and readers a week on T V, radio and internet, including American Forces Radio Network. From 1999-2006 Reverend Panagore was a staff writer at Homiletics, the leading and cutting-edge nationwide worship preparation journal for mainline clergy. Homiletics has published more than a hundred of his sermons. He has also published short stories in anthologies, most notably, Chicken Soup for the Veteran’s Soul, by New York Times Best Selling editor Jack Canfield. Two Minutes for God was released by Touchstone/Fireside an imprint of Simon & Schuster, in early December of 2007 and landed immediately on the Maine Best Seller list.
asheboro magazine
t first they thought it was stomach flu. Later that day when she was headed into surgery, he realized that she might not live. She didn't survive. He said, "I kept thinking, 'She'll be okay'. It was like holding a rope and watching it run through your hands just like you do every day. But when the rope's end flies from your fingers, you stare, disbelieving." Weeks later, he stopped by on his Harley, wearing his biker's colors. We talked about the suddenness of her death, of his new motorcycle that they bought together and the lonely rides he'd taken since. He said, "The bike keeps me distracted. When I go fast the world flows. I pay attention to stay alive while riding. It's fun, but I feel like I'm betraying her and betraying everybody who knows me. I think they believe that I should never smile again." I told him he looked good in his colors, but he said, "I don't want to look good because people might think I'm okay. I'm not okay. I'm afraid to laugh because they might not understand my heart's broken. I try to look my best, but all the color has gone out of my world. I cry. I don't know who I am anymore, except I am still an idealist." Grief takes many forms and lasts a long time. Grief is in proportion to love. Express your grief your own way.
Let's Pray: Dear God, You love those who mourn; let us love them, too and let us laugh and cry with them, as they need. Amen. Here's a Thought: All will be well. Source: Julian of Norwich, "all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." Chapter 27, Revelations of Divine Love. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Julian_of_Norwich
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Healthcare Marketplace
ow that the Health Marketplace (yes, they changed the name from Health Insurance Exchange to Marketplace) has opened, have you visited to figure out how much your insurance and possibly insurance subsidy will be? Plans offered on the exchange will be categorized as platinum, gold, silver and bronze, based on the percentage of average health care costs they cover. The size of the tax credit will be tied to the premium of your area's second-lowest-cost silver plan—the one designed to cover 70% of average costs. If you qualify for the credit, you will not pay more than a certain percentage of your income for your share of the premium.. You can get an idea of the size of your potential subsidy by using the Kaiser Family Foundation's calculator at www.kff.org/interactive/subsidycalculator. I would bet that for the vast majority who apply for health insurance on the exchange, you could also get a health insurance premium subsidy. Let’s use a married couple as an example. If it is just the couple applying for insurance, no dependents, they could receive a credit as long as their income is below $62,040. Add two kids as dependents and that number goes up to just over $94,000. Frankly, I think that covers a lot of folks. Let’s get a little more specific. Since the purpose of the credit is to limit premium costs to no more than 9.5% of your income, the credit can be way more than you think. Using the Kaiser Foundation’s calculator, say this couple were both age 62, with a modified AGI of $60,000, which is 387% of the poverty level, and who live in an area where the second-lowest-cost silver plan for their age costs $17,342 a year. Because the law limits their cost to 9.5% of income, they pay $5,700 of the cost. The tax credit covers the remaining $11,642. Younger applicants will usually get smaller subsidies because their premiums will generally
be less. A 55-year-old couple with $60,000 in income also would pay the same $5,700 out of pocket, but would need a $7,761 credit to cover the rest of their lower premium, according to the Kaiser calculator. Keep in mind these are just estimates. I wrote this article before the Marketplace opened on October 1st. One big warning: The subsidy is based on your 2014 income. When the exchange verifies your income they will use your 2012 tax return and/or other information (Social Security Administration, state unemployment agencies, Work Number – a salary verification database run by Equifax, amongst others). Some of this information will be two years old. If your income changes significantly, you will want to let the Marketplace know immediately. Especially if your income increases. You could get stuck paying back the subsidy that you received. Although for 2014, the IRS has capped the repayment amount at $2,500. Oh, and you may ask how do you pay excess subsidy back? – on your 2014 tax return that is filed in 2015. We are here to help guide you through this process. If you have any questions on the calculation of the subsidy or about the extra 0.9% Medicare tax on wages or 3.8% tax on net investment income, please come by our office at 405 E Dixie Drive, Suite J or give us a call at 629-4700. n
ASK THE EXPERT YOUR TAXES Ryan Dodson has a Masters in Accounting from North Carolina State University. He worked in public accounting with Deloitte and Arthur Andersen. He and his wife Tiffany own and operate Liberty Tax Service. 405 East Dixie Drive Asheboro, NC 27203 (336) 629-4700
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By Robin Breedlove
ccording to Helen Keller, “Death is no more than passing from one room into another.” But what happens when something holds back, or comes back, and doesn’t neatly pass from one room to another? When things go bump in the night, and people are at their wits end to find a logical answer, there is one Seagrove-based group that steps in to help. S.P.I.R.I.T., Southern Paranormal Identification Research and Investigation Team, is a group of paranormal investigators who came together to help those searching for answers. “For many people we are their last resort,” said Teresa Hogan who along with her sister Carla Stewart formed S.P.I.R.I.T. “They’ve been turned away, told they were crazy, and they just don’t know where else to go. They are looking for validation for what they are experiencing.” Hogan said she grew up hearing stories of family members’ experiences with the paranormal, and experiencing her own paranormal activity, from a young age. With a peaked interest in this topic, she searched for answers herself. Hogan teamed with experts in the field, learning from professionals, and put in many, many hours of research on her own. She asked her sister if she would be interested in forming a paranormal investigation team and soon she and Stewart began S.P.I.R.I.T. in August of 2006. Hogan prides herself in the professionalism of her group, which is a private, un-incorporated non-profit that never charges its clients for services provided.
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batteries. “Sometimes when clients are experiencing paranormal activity, they will find that their light bill is higher than normal, and batteries are drained, not keeping a charge,” said Hogan. S.P.I.R.I.T. is actually performing a study currently that Hogan says may take years to complete, based on two other energy sources for spirits—curved water and quartz rocks. “We are trying to see if any of our county’s paranormal hotspots are significant to the locations of our rivers like the Deep River or the Uwharrie or locations with quartz rocks, because both are conducers of energy to the paranormal,” explained Hogan. According to Hogan, her group finds clients many times experiencing paranormal activity because of some relationship with occult happenings.
This photo we took from the bridge of the USSNC. I have circled what looks like smoke coming from one of the main guns. As you can see there are no clouds in the sky. It could possibly be an example of a risdual energy from a time when the guns were fired.
“We are not ghost hunters,” stated Hogan, who says that term has become popular thanks to various television shows. “There is a difference between a ghost hunter and a paranormal investigator. Ghost hunters are more concerned with finding ghost. As paranormal investigators, we are mostly concerned with helping people.” According to Hogan some people never have a brush with the paranormal, while others do and may never know it. “The majority of people live their entire life and never experience paranormal activity,” she said. “Some will have an experience with the paranormal but question it and never know that’s the explanation. Others will have experiences and look for a logical explanation.” “We are not out to prove that ghosts exist,” said Hogan. “People who live with it know for themselves very well that they do.” Hogan says in a lot of cases where people are having a brush with the paranormal, the logical explanation is misdirected as stress, but most cases stress is involved. “People are more sensitive to the paranormal during stressful, emotion
times in their lives,” she said. “Spirits draw from negative energy.” Hogan also explained that when dealing with the paranormal one is dealing with a type of energy. She stated that spirits draw energy from certain sources, one being from
This mist showed up in the photos, but was not visible to the naked eye. This was taken at a training session at Pisgah Covered Bridge. Tthis photo was taken in pitch dark. The two photos taken just prior to this one show the mist coming toward us from the bridge entrance. About 30 minutes after this photo was taken, the black plastic at the entrance was kicked up and powder went flying everywhere!
This photo of mist was also taken at Pisgah Covered Bridge but on a different occassion. We had two video cameras set up and recording on the posts after this photo and both video cameras switched off by themselves at the same time.
Hogan relates a story of a client who had grown up practicing witchcraft, and although the client was the target of the energy, it was the client’s child that was being attacked. “We spent probably a hundred hours trying to help this client,” said Hogan. “Things were being knocked off the walls, the lights would flicker violently in the house and the client was actually physically knocked down.” Hogan explained that S.P.I.R.I.T. is a Christian-based group and a member of the Paranormal Clergy Association based out of Kentucky. “We use faith as protection when we enter a home. We use prayer to help our clients,” she said. “God is working through us to help our clients.” In this particular case, the client walked away from their witchcraft practices and began to see positive things take place.
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“People don’t understand the occult and how dangerous it can be. They play around with it and bad things happen,” said Hogan. One S.P.I.R.I.T. client had no history of witchcraft, but found that objects were actually being thrown at them thru an unknown force. They turned to Hogan’s group for answers. “We learned that the person who lived in their house previously practiced black magic,” said Hogan. “They couldn’t afford to move, but were suffering residual effects.” In certain cases, Hogan says the group finds residual imprints as the cause of paranormal activity. Hogan explains that this happens when traumatic events have occurred in a certain area and the energy of the event is replayed. One local example the group investigated happened at an Asheboro
business that was located in a former bus station. Hogan was contacted because when the business was mopped at closing time, footprints would form on the wet floor, even though nobody was walking through the building. Hogan classifies this as an example of a residual imprint haunting. A classic local ghost story is that of a ghostly-figure being seen on Ross Street crossing the railroad tracks, but Hogan states that her group has investigated this report over the years and deems it to be a rumor. Through her years of investigating the things that go bump in the night, Hogan has seen and heard many things. She states that the most interesting visual activity she has ever witnessed firsthand took place one night at Pisgah Covered Bridge, which holds many tales and lore of
This is me at a training investigation at the Devil's Tramping Ground. Some people believe that orbs are the energy of spirits, however in this photo the orbs are actually a combination of dust and moisture. There are hundreds of things that can cause Orbs so we do not consider orbs to be paranormal UNLESS the orb radiates its own light, has a nucleus and there is other evidence to collaborate that it is paranormal. Spirit orbs are made up of static electricity. They sometimes can be seen with the naked eye and move and interact in a way that shows intelligence. Orbs that are from natural sources like dust, pollen and moisture do not show intelligent movement and are most often too small to be seen by the naked eye. hauntings. “We put down black plastic on both ends of the bridge, sprinkled with baby powder to catch footprints,” said Hogan. “Not long afterwards an energy kicked the plastic from underneath and powder flew everywhere.” Hogan said there had been a tale heard for years of a teenager going to the bridge after the high school prom and hanging themselves, but she has not found any historical documentation as evidence to this.Her theory to explain the paranormal activity that surrounds the bridge is possibly from occult practices taking place at the location. The paranormal investigators use state of the art equipment to capture both visual and audial evidence. According to Hogan it is more common to pick up audio clues than visual, and she prefers catching evidence on analog equipment rather than digital. Hogan says that many times the audio evidence is the more common “Get Out!” voices, but she and her team have picked up a conversation between two people who were not present in the home being investigated.
This photo was taken on a training investigation at the Devils' Tramping Ground. Is shows a dense mist. At the time this photo was taken (on an August night with the ambient temperature around 74 degrees Fahrenheit) the temperature rapidly dropped to 31 degrees Fahrenheit. It is believed by many 'ghost hunters' that when spirits try to manifest, they pull energy from heat in the air leaving 'cold spots'. However this is not the case because it is at odds with the laws of thermodynamics. This mist associated with the drop in temperature shows a natural phenomena of convection. Humid air is lighter than cold air. This mist is above us showing the rise in humid air, while feeling the 'cold spot' below which caused the drop in temperature to register on our thermometers. If you aren't familiar with physics and you can't see this happening, it could easily freak someone out and cause them to think a ghost caused the 'cold spot'. asheboromagazine.com
This is not the moon. The smaller dots in the photo are lights. The one that looks like a full moon actually radiates its own light and contains a nucleus. Possibly a paranormal anomaly however no activity was noted with it. This was taken at City Cemetary in Asheboro.
“It sounded like a conversation with a spirit named Julie,” said Hogan. “She kept saying ‘I won’t go until there’s nobody home’ and the other voice would answer.” Using an old farmhouse for training new members, Hogan recalls a photograph that distinctly showed light in one area of the picture, although the farmhouse had not had electricity since the 1920’s. Hogan says what the general public should know is paranormal activity in real life isn’t what you see on television. “What you see on TV is way far from what we really do,” said Hogan. But even in real life, that bump you heard in the night, might be more than a bump. For more information about S.P.I.R.I.T. visit them online at www.southernparanormalteam.com or find them on Facebook. Hogan can be contacted at twhogan@ southernparanormalteam.com. n
asheboro magazine
DRAWING SESSIONS The Randolph Arts Guild (R.A.G.) announces the return of "Drawing Sessions"; a self-guided opportunity to render the clothed, human figure. Twice each month from October through December R.A.G. will host an evening drawing session on various Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. upstairs in the drawing studio of the Moring Arts Center located at 123 Sunset Avenue. Interested individuals ages 18 and up need to contact the Guild at (336) 6290399 x 22 to sign up and pay for their spot in the sessions. Each drawing session costs $10 for members ($15 for nonmembers). You may also pay a discounted rate of $30 for members ($35 for non-members) for all six sessions by the first meeting, Thursday October 10. Enrollees need to provide their own drawing supplies for each session. These bi-monthly events are designed as self-guided opportunities for art beginners, professional artists and everyone inbetween to practice their skills. Drawing Sessions meet on October 10 & 24; November 14 & 21; and December 12 & 19. For more information contact the Randolph Arts Guild at (336) 629-0399 x 22. n
Activity & Arthritis
steoarthritis occurs when the articular cartilage around the ends of bones, wears over time. Physical therapists treat patients whose osteoarthritis has affected the joints of the hand, wrist, shoulder, neck, lower back, hip, and knee. Symptoms include pain, tenderness to touch, stiffness, popping, and decrease in range of motion. As a result, people tend to decrease their activity. Their muscles weaken and they are unable to perform their normal activities. Exercise is essential to improving the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It improves sleep, general health and increases range of motion and strength. It decreases stiffness, pain, anxiety and depression and helps you return to normal activities. Osteoarthritis affects each person differently and a physical therapist can develop custom exercise programs to fit your specific needs and limitations. Therapy sessions may include manual therapy (hands on techniques the therapist use to assist movement), stretching and strengthening exercises, and education about beneficial and harmful activities. Questions often asked are: 1. If it hurts when I move, how can I exercise? Often patients have pain with certain movements because they are performing an activity that stresses the joint. The therapist can teach exercises that will help improve motion or strength and decrease pain. A recent study showed that patients with hip osteoarthritis tend to have a decrease in hip range of motion and quadriceps strength compared to someone of similar age and gender without osteoarthritis. Therapy addressing decreased range of motion and strength will decrease pain and stiffness and help patients return to more of their normal activities. 2. When do I need to use heat and when do I ice? Inflammation occurs when one is injured. Ice causes blood vessels to constrict and decreases inflammation. It is best to use ice within 48 hours after injury. It is also beneficial to use ice after exercising to decrease muscle soreness, inflammation, or pain. Heat increases blood flow and decreases muscle tone and spasm. It is a good way to warm up an area to prepare it for exercise. Heat should not be used after an initial injury or with an infection. Neither ice nor heat should be used when in an area of impaired circulation.
3. How do I know when to switch from ice to heat? It is okay to switch from ice to heat when swelling is controlled and does not fluctuate with activity, when motion is limited by stiffness but not soreness, and when there is no warmth around the injured area. 4. What causes osteoarthritis? There is no singular cause. The onset of osteoarthritis increases with age; however, there is no evidence that a normal joint used normally will wear out over time. There are some risk factors believed to be associated with an increased risk of early onset osteoarthritis. Hip and knee osteoarthritis risk factors include previous injuries, obesity, and a physically demanding occupation. A physically demanding occupation is classified as one that involves activities such as heavy lifting, squatting, kneeling, working in a cramped space, climbing stairs, floor activities, or higher physical demands. Other studies show that malalignment of a joint can increase the risk for developing osteoarthritis. 5. Does osteoarthritis ever go away? No, but there are ways to prevent it from getting worse. For example, people with knee arthritis are typically more affected by arthritis on the inside of their knee. Studies show that if buttock muscles are strengthened, it can decrease the force to the inside of the knee and prevent the osteoarthritis from getting worse. Losing weight, thus decreasing the weight through a joint can prevent osteoarthritis from getting worse. Physical therapy can be a beneficial tool in addressing arthritis. Hand and Rehabilitation Specialists will be glad to schedule a free screening to determine if physical therapy may benefit your arthritic joints. â–
ASK THE EXPERT YOUR HANDS SUzANNE LANG, MPT Suzanne Lang has worked with the Asheboro community for the past ten years. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sports Science with a concentration in athletic training and her Master of Physical Therapy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. in Charlotte, NC.
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Christmas Stocking Knitting Class with Heritage Crafter, Karen McFetters
re you interested in making a handmade item for the upcoming winter holidays and feel you don't have the time or skill? The Randolph Arts Guild has a class that may be the perfect solution for you. On Saturday October 19th from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again on Sunday, October 20 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. join local heritage crafter, Karen McFetters and make your own Christmas stocking. This two session class is described by McFetters as "an easy way to learn how to knit something that anybody would enjoy." Her classes at the Guild are known for inspiring any aged individuals to enjoy creativity. This class is designed for high school ages and up. Participants are to bring 3 skeins of their favorite yarn (red, green, and white), #4 & #5 pointed knitting needles, and a bag lunch. Payment and a completed registration are required for enrollment. The enrollment deadline is Wednesday, October 16. The class costs $25 for Guild members and $30 for non-members. For more information contact the Randolph Arts Guild at (336) 629-0399. The Christmas Stocking Knitting Class meets at the Randolph Arts Guild located in the Moring Art Center at 123 Sunset Avenue in
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Stocking and Karen McFetters with recent knitting project
downtown Asheboro. Karen McFetters can’t recall a time when she didn’t know how to knit. She was making scarves in 2nd grade and graduated to sweaters by the 5th grade. And she has been knitting ever since. Even now, her granddaughter enjoys Karen’s (or “Nee-Nee’s”) scarves, hair bows, and the child is even learning to knit herself. Karen has a gift in sharing her time honored nimble hands and simply enjoys teaching others to make items for themselves. She has taught Pysanky Egg decorating classes in the past at the Randolph Arts Guild and several other knitting classes. Karen is also the Chairwoman of the "Heritage Village" a new craft demonstration featured at the 41st Annual Fall Festival. n
Happy 30th Anniversary
Cross Road Retirement Community
By Janet Harllee
hirty years ago, The Cross Road Baptist Church saw the need in Randolph County for a retirement center that could help meet the needs of senior citizens. It was set up as its own non-profit organization. The first residents moved into Cross Road October 1983. Since then close to 1600 assisted living residents and 300 independent living apartment residents have been taken care of by Cross Road Retirement Community. It has grown to 65 apartments, 60 rooms filling at 98 residents in the Main Assisted Living Center, and 23 rooms filling at 40 residents in the Assisted Living Alzheimer’s Center. Since our 25th Anniversary Celebration, Cross Road has enhanced the quality of life for our residents by building a fishing pier to one of our ponds, establishing a Dream Makers project to help make our residents dreams come true, renovating the Alzheimer’s Care Center and adding four more residents in the center. Our pets add to the “homey” atmosphere. Lana, the dog and Snowy, the cat reside in the Main Center. Anna Bella and Jordan are cats that live in the Alzheimer’s Center with Cody, the dog. I’ve been Director of Admissions & Marketing at Cross Road Retirement Community for almost nine years. When I enter the campus, it’s like being in another city or community. The campus is beautiful. Many people still do not know all we have to offer here. The General Store, putt-putt golf course, a fishing pier, deck and pond, and a new fountain area are popular with our residents and their families. The best way to get the real feel of Cross Road is to come and visit us. My Mama was in the Alzheimer’s Care Center. Even though I work here, it was difficult making the decision to move her from her home. Mama was happy and content at Cross Road. The care she received from the staff was so much more than we could give her at home. ■
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Randolph Community College Photographic Technology alumnus Michael Traister on the dioramic set of one of his award-winning sock monkey images. These images and more are currently on display at Randolph Community College. Photo used with permission.
andolph Community College’s Photographic Technology department is hosting an exhibition of photographs by alumnus Michael Traister. The images are part of the book, “Sock Monkey Dreams,” a collaboration with authors Whitney Shroyer and Letitia Walker published by Viking Studio Press in 2005. Traister is a 1991 graduate of RCC’s Commercial Photography program and works as a photographer for Brunk Auctions in Asheville. The show will be open during class hours through Nov. 22 in RCC’s Photography Imaging Center. The show is part of an initiative to host photo exhibits from alumni and other prominent photographers designed to enrich the experience of RCC students and the community. “As a photographer with nearly 20 years experience, I strive to succeed at capturing those things that are fleeting and will only be around for a moment,” reads a short description on the photographer’s website, www. traisterphoto.com. “Whether that’s a sock monkey diorama, a twitchy rock star or a decaying old barn covered in rusty license plates. Roadside inspirations, momentary glimpses, and offbeat ideas about ordinary visions are where I seek my muse and use my photography to isolate imagery and breathe new life into its meaning.” Traister also studied fine art photography at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has photographed a wide variety of people, including Doc Watson, King Richard Petty, and three North Carolina Governors: Terry Sanford, Jim Hunt and Mike Easley. His work has appeared in publications such as Psychology Today, Spin, Creative Loafing, Mountain Xpress, and Guitar Player Magazine. RCC’s Photography Imaging Center is located in the Administration/Education Center on the Asheboro Campus at 629 Industrial Park Avenue. Take the McDowell Road exit off of I73/74/220 Bypass and follow the signs. n
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Cleatus on Leisure Island, a photo by Michael Traister. Photo used with permission.
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Our Locations: Albemarle, Asheboro, Cheraw, Dunn, Fayetteville, Laurinburg, Pinehurst/Southern Pines, Sanford asheboromagazine.com
By Winona Wentworth t’s official…..the STREET DEMONZ are here! But
so no one feels out of place. Having fun is something the
don’t run….you don’t have to hide…….this is actually
club loves to do but the members also work hard on their
Asheboro’s newest Car Club! What started as just a
cars. Michael Wentworth, one of the founding members,
group of down-to-earth friends has turned into a car
had been looking for a club like this for years and could
club for all makes and models of cars and trucks.
not have been happier when this club came to fruition!
This isn’t a group of street racers or trouble-makers.
Matt Martin and Marc Cochran are the remaining founding
There are very specific rules. No drugs, no drinking and
members and they had already been hanging out Terry
driving, no street racing (if you want to race you take it
and Michael while working on their cars. With each of
to an official track)….those are the main three. This club
them having gone to many car shows over the years, they
is for men and women who want to get together to talk
had seen numerous car clubs but none of them were local
vehicles, go to car shows, work on making the vehicles
to Asheboro or the surrounding Randolph County area.
run well and have run! Community work is something the
So they decided to go the next step by making a club for
club will also be doing. They have already committed to
Asheboro and inviting new members to join. A membership
help a wonderful class at Asheboro High School. Doing
drive is being held at the moment. The club is looking for
fundraisers and/or using club dues to help with community
people who love cars…..love being social…..love car
projects are definitely something they are planning.
shows…love making their cars the “best they can be”.
Terry Adkins, club President, is the driving force
Does this sound like you? Please join in! It is easy to get
behind this club. He has always loved taking a car and
information. You can go to facebook and look for the Street
turning it into a showpiece and has won many trophies
Demonz facebook page then send a private message for
over the years. His wife, Star, is right there with him. There
more information OR you can contact the president, Terry
are both male and female members in the Street Demonz
Adkins, directly. His phone number is (336) 736-7796. n
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Special Guest Auctioneer: Cindy Farmer, Fox-8 News Anchor
of the town
LOCATION Southwestern Randolph High School
Raffle tickets $1 each or 6 for $5 win ONE of the following Drawing held in this order: • $100.00 di’lishi Gift Card • $250.00 Worth of Groceries Just Save, Asheboro • 46-inch Sanyo LED HDTV / Wayne’s Appliance & Furniture of Ramseur
BBQ Sales & Silent Auction 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Live Auction begins @ 6:30 Plates: $8.00 each (or, buy 4 tickets - get the 5th FREE)
Advance tickets available at Hospice of Randolph office located at 416 vision drive, Asheboro or by phone at (336)672-9300. Tickets will also be available at the door the dayasheboromagazine.com of the event. 41
Hands-on Learning by Winona Wentworth
lot of today’s schools have turned to technology and are leaving basic life skills behind. Ms. Woods’ class at Asheboro High School is reversing that trend, teaching ‘old school’ skills from the past in a new school setting for the future! Quilting, painting, gardening, sewing, pottery, and making pallet tables… sounds like fun, right? The students are taught how to make clothes by learning to read and make their own patterns, cut the material and sew the pieces together. They learn painting and pottery, quilting and gardening. This isn’t a home-ec class and it isn’t just for girls. It includes boys and girls from all walks of life. They are learning a proficiency in skills they can use not only in their own lives, but they may also teach others in the future. The diversity in the class is great to see - Terry is on the football team, and he has a real talent for painting.
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Daquane, Travis, David and Cody work outside, taking care of the beautiful plants in “Stevie’s Garden.” This garden is named for a yard in Asheboro on Cliff Road. One of the teachers found out that a young man named Stevie died from a rare form of leukemia. His parents started working in their yard, first planting elephant ears and gradually covering their lawn with flowers. As they planted, they worked through their grief at losing their son. They were so pleased that the school garden was named in memory of Stevie that they donated an elephant ear, which is featured prominently in the garden. Another project was a table made from pallets sitting near the garden. Inside the classroom there were young men and women making their own patterns for quilts, pinning patterns, cutting cloth, painting pottery, making angels and beaded items. Although the students study all the crafts, some are better in one particular area. Horatio is considered
their “resident artist” because his skill with paint, and fixing things that are broken. Elizabeth loves making things with beads and creating cloth angels. I watched Edgar, Zachary and Marcos work on various areas of quilt making. When asked what she enjoyed most about the class, Dernisha said she liked being able to do things “other kids don’t.” When I asked what they would like to learn in the future they mentioned small-business skills so they could open their own businesses, auto repair, photography, cosmetology, soap making, beekeeping…the list went on and on. Ms. Woods’ brings people in as often as possible to talk about what they do and/or teach the students. They need volunteers to be there to help while they sew or do many other things. The class has sales where they sell their plants, quilts and other handmade items. They are making “lap blankets” for use in stadiums. These blankets have a waterproof side so you can put it down and not worry about moisture bleeding through onto you. If you have a particular size or color of quilt you prefer,
they can do that also Like every classroom these days, finding the items they need isn’t easy due to budget cuts. Luckily local businesses have helped by donating some items and they are very appreciative. However, the teachers usually have to pay for the cloth and paints out of their own pockets. It’s the same with paint and thread and gardening items. One of the teachers bought the sewing machines for the classroom out of her own money. There were originally three, but when one broke they couldn’t find the parts needed to fix it because it was old. It now sits silently on a table in the corner. The newest car club in Asheboro, The Street Demonz, has committed to a monthly donation through the end of this year to help with supply purchases. If you would like to donate, volunteer your time and/or expertise you can contact Ms. Woods by email at rwoods@asheboro.k12.nc.us. ■
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By Robin Breedlove
lizabeth Mitchell believes in paying it forward and she’s made a career out of helping others find ways to do just that. Through her work with the non-profit organization United Way over the past 27 years and spanning three states, Mitchell couldn’t be a more fitting display of the philosophy she represents. United Way of Randolph County serves to partner individuals and organizations that can and will make a difference in the lives of the local community. Mitchell, Chief Professional Officer of United Way of Randolph County, embodies the philosophy of her job, which isn’t a 9-5 gig, but a way of life, ever present in the organization’s tagline…Live United. “When people ask me what does United Way do I tell them we raise money and give it away. That’s the short answer,” said Mitchell in a recent interview from her office on South Cox Street in Asheboro. “Our job is to be the lead organization in finding opportunities and ways to meet needs,” said Mitchell. The organization identifies community issues and resolutions that will provide measurable changes in the county, and then partners with those
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agencies. Currently, the organization has 19 partnering agencies. “United Way of Randolph County raises funds for the community and .83 cents of every $1 raised goes back into our community through agencies in three impact areas—education, income and health,” said Mitchell. Through their partner agencies in education, such organizations as Central Boys and Girls Club, Partnership for Children, Boy and Girl Scouts, Communities in School and 4H, an estimated 9,500 youth served. Funds going to these groups better the county by improving the quality of affordable child care and early learning, as well as afterschool and mentoring programs for the county’s at-risk youth population. Over 50,000 people throughout the county benefited from services offered in partner agencies that are UWRC income agencies, which is about helping those whom help themselves with training, financial education and becoming successful in obtaining wages to sustain their families. UWRC partnering income agencies include the American Red Cross, CUOC, Salvation Army,
Volunteer Center and the Randolph Fellowship Homes. Lastly, UWRC partners with health-related agencies that make Randolph County a healthier place to live through reducing substance abuse, child abuse and domestic violence. These agencies improve the access of residents to critical health care services while also increasing health education and preventative care. An estimated 14,480 people benefited from UWRC partner agencies such as Ash-Rand Rescue, the Family Crisis Center, Regional Consolidated Services, Randolph County Senior Adults, YMCA, MERCE, CARE and Legal Aid. As Mitchell states, a major part of United Way is raising money, something the organization does year round. However, a special push is created through the organization’s annual giving campaign kicking off near the end of September and running until December. The 2013 campaign officially kicked off on Saturday, Sept. 21, with the fourth annual MOM Brands Cereal Sale at Randolph Mall. This year’s sale generated $10,000 to jumpstart the campaign. “People get confused about the dates of how our campaign runs,” said Mitchell, explaining that the 2013 campaign stays open until the end of June 2014. However, Mitchell reminds those that will be joining this year’s campaign that all pledge cards are due in the first week of December in order to be a part of the organization’s infamous car giveaway, which takes place at the Christmas on Sunset event in Downtown Asheboro. A vital part of the yearly campaign is that given through workplace donations. According to Mitchell, the agency is currently working with 38 Randolph County corporations, where Mitchell, along with United Way Community Investment Chair Elbert Lassiter visit each of the 38 companies, bringing along a personalized fact sheet to show the difference that the company and its employees can make in their
community. Just as important as raising funds is to secure agency partnerships that will make the biggest community impact. “When people give their money, I don’t get to decide where the dollars goes,” said Mitchell. “The volunteers do that. This isn’t Elizabeth’s ballgame.” A board of local volunteers known within the agency as Community Investment volunteers, currently led by Lassiter, decide what agencies receive United Way funding. Funded agencies are held to high financial accountability standards, which if not met result in being denied funding in the future. Like with any agency or organization, there is plenty of professional jargon that goes along with the business. From various boards, to community impact statements, financial accountability standards, campaign calendars, and plenty of data to crunch, it actually a l l comes down to a very simple
formula and an age-old belief. United Way of Randolph County stands by the belief that everybody deserves the opportunity to live a good life. With this comes quality educational opportunities, the ability to sustain a family with a good job and wages, and the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle with necessary available care. Mitchell puts it as down-to-earth as one can translate. “It’s simply helping your neighbor,” she said. “Paying it forward.” For more information on United Way of Randolph County, including how you can join the annual campaign, like them on Facebook, connect on the web at www.uwrandolph.org, or simply call them at (336) 625-4207. n
By Robin Breedlove Randolph High School in 2007, Hunt left Asheboro for Boone, NC, to attend Appalachian State University. He had grand visions of becoming a videographer and shooting footage one day to be seen on the likes of Shark Week. However, one long holiday weekend trip home with his roommate to Nashville, abruptly changed those plans. Hunt fell in love with the music scene in Nashville. “I came back that weekend knowing this is what I wanted to do,” he said of the Nashville lifestyle. “But I didn’t know how because I didn’t play any instruments.” Hunt picked up a guitar he’d had for years which he had never learned to play and started playing, chord by chord, self-taught with the only teacher being a little help from Google. “I played every day and I guess I’ve played every day since,” said Hunt. “By second semester of my senior year I was leaving Boone every weekend to play somewhere.” Joining Hunt to make The Corey Hunt Band are nearby local talent, hailing from High Point and Siler City, Cory Luetjen, Eric Wise, Wil Petty. The group has released three records, the most recent in July. Their music is available on itunes. Together the foursome are, in the words of Hunt, “rolling around in our van all over the place, playing music and sleeping in hotels.”
orey Hunt is one of those inspirational
Since the beginning of the year, the Corey Hunt Band
stories that shows the age old cliché of
has played throughout the country with stops in such
you can be whatever you want if you set your mind to it as more than just a fairy tale. He’s real life even though he’s living a life of which he once only
An Asheboro native who graduated from Southwestern
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places as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Minnesota, New Mexico, Colorado, Alabama, just to name a few. Currently the group is hanging out closer to home, as Hunt has a few projects on the burner in Nashville that requires his attention during the week, but the gigs are
staying booked throughout North and South Carolina. Hunt, who writes all of the group’s songs, describes his band’s style as “red dirt music.” “We’re a little more rock than your typical country and
Asheboro gigs booked, such as a show November 2 at Asheboro’s Parkway Tavern. “Asheboro is one of my favorite places to play. Everybody at the show knew me before I played music
a little more country than your typical rock,” he said.
so it’s like hanging out with a bunch of buddies with your
Hunt will return to his home county to play the local Nascar
guitar,” said Hunt. “I can be relaxed and at the end of the
Days festival in Randleman on October 26. Hunt stated
day these are the people you’ve known forever and it’s all
that his group has played the festival before, but looks to
about just having fun.”
draw a bigger crowd this year, also crediting Randleman
For more information on Corey Hunt and the Corey
Chamber of Commerce’s Carla Burrow with an excellent
Hunt Band, check them out on Facebook at facebook.
job coordinating the event. Hunt also has some upcoming
com/coreyhuntband. n
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company will on wheels seems like an excellent option. Key factors in host a two-day Raleigh workshop on selecting a House-To-Go model include the flexibility to relocate the home, the practicality of building it, or the October 26-27th North Carolina has always been a cabin and cottage kind of place, so it's no surprise that tiny home living interests North Carolinians. Yet living small means different things, and we mean tiny here: 117 to 172 square feet. It's possible to live stylishly in this space, with the comforts of home. Tiny dwellers often describe a mix of economic, lifestyle and ecological reasons for deciding to pare down. Many times they want freedom from mortgages, whether starting out or heading towards retirement. Other times, extended family members need or want to reside nearby and tiny homes enable them to live separately, even in a backyard area. "Don't be shy about tiny living. It's not nearly as rough as you think!" declares Meg Stephens, lead designer at Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. "The beauty of living in a tiny space is that things which are an integral part of 'who you are' come to the forefront." She spends her time thinking about home floor plans which create choices in great rooms, sleeping quarters, kitchens and baths. "When designed well, tiny dwellers gain a sense of 'fitting' in their downsized surroundings." For people considering tiny home living, a house
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availability of financing to buy one. Materials cost about $25,000 for a do-it-yourself builder, while new ready-made homes cost double or more. Yet qualified buyers should be able to put 10% down and pay $400/month, from banks offering standard RV loans on certified home models. Whether building or buying, tiny homes are within reach for many people. Want to learn more about tiny home building? Tumbleweed Tiny House Company will be holding a twoday workshop in Raleigh, over the October 26th weekend.
As a leader in the tiny house movement, the company sells plans, leads building workshops, and delivers their readymade homes for sale. Pepper Clark, who has built her own home and also led many popular workshops nationally, will be at the Raleigh workshop. Tumbleweed promises that you'll be provided with comprehensive, detailed information on tiny home building that you can't learn anywhere else -- and you'll get to meet many other like-minded people in a fun and engaging setting. n Photos courtesy of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company www.tumbleweedhouses.com/products/raleigh. The Tumbleweed Tiny House Company workshop takes place Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27th, from 9am to 5pm both days. It will be held at the Holiday Inn -- Raleigh North, 2805 Highwoods Boulevard, Raleigh, NC. Tickets cost $399 per person, or $599 for two tickets. Visit http://www.tumbleweedhouses. com/products/raleigh to learn more and register online, or email support@tumbleweedhouses.com for any questions.
group shot from leadership summit
here are moments in life when we know that something special is happening—when we know that what we are experiencing at that very time and place will be etched and burned into our memories, when we reflect outside of ourselves on the notion that this is a once in a lifetime experience. Two Asheboro youths recently experienced a whole weekend of those moments. Thirteen-year-old Isaiah Ridley is an 8th grade student at South Asheboro Middle School. Randall Chrisco is a 14 year old freshman at Asheboro High School. Asides from both playing football for their schools, the boys have another common bond. The Central Asheboro Boys and Girls Club. Both have attended the Club for the past six years. The tagline of the Boys and Girls Club is “Great Futures Start Here.” Ridley and Chrisco will be testaments to this slogan as they were the recipients of a unique, life-shaping experience thanks to their Club. When Club Director Andrew Oliver heard of the Triple Play Leadership Summit, he knew that his kids, as he calls them, deserved that opportunity. The experience was open to youth attending clubs that have received the Triple Play Grant, which includes the Asheboro Club. Oliver describes Triple Play, a program that has been brought in to the Club, as one that focuses on total health incorporating the mind, body, and soul. Oliver looked further into the possibility of participat-
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ing in the weekend-long conference, filled out the applications, answered all the questions, and waited. A few weeks later he found out that Ridley and Chrisco were chosen to be two of the only 125 youth selected out of the United States. On Friday, September 6th, Oliver, Ridley and Chrisco left Asheboro in the wee hours of the morning to start their adventure, flying out of Charlotte to Colorado Springs, Colorado. For both youth, it meant their first airport and flying experiences, which they enjoyed. For Oliver, this was one of his trip highlights. “I loved watching Isaiah and Randall experiencing a lot of new firsts,” said Oliver, like a proud father. “From first flights, to interacting with strangers and having fun with kids from all over the nation. It was great to watch them experience these things.” Once in Colorado, the group from East Side Asheboro were shuttled to the US Olympic Training Facility where they were placed with youth from all corners of the country, all walks of life. For the next two days the youth were taught how to be leaders, how to be healthy, and how to overcome obstacles. Many of these lessons came from paralympians who taught the kids how to play a variety of sports, but with a life lesson. From a blind judo Olympian to blind cyclists, the youth saw firsthand examples of determination. “I learned that if you set your mind to it you can succeed at any sport or anything you want to do,” said Ridley.
“It made me realize you can’t take things for granted and to use your time wisely because you might not have that moment again. Oh yeah, and to have fun.” Chrisco said he learned a lot from the athletes, such as never using disabilities or hardships as an excuse. “After watching these paralympians, you can’t use things as an excuse,” he said. “They would kill to have normal healthy bodies and some people don’t take advantage of it and use it like they should.” Chrisco was impacted by the story of the blind judo paralympian who was a guest speaker for the youth during the conference. The bronze medalists told the youth of how he helped a fellow athlete throughout high school. His teammate was a paraplegic and the blind athlete would physically carry his friend everywhere they went. Together, the duo took care of each other. The inspirational story of this special teamwork was showcased on ESPN’s E60 show. “Being there I really wanted the kids to understand whatever their hardships are they can get through it to get to their dreams,” said Oliver. “The blind judo medalist really taught us that whatever role you get thrown, you still can do great things and accomplish whatever you set your mind to.” After returning from the conference, Oliver shared the motivational video with the 8-12 year olds at his club. It got the youths’ attention and really made them think. “They saw from this video and from the story we brought back with us from meeting these guys, that life can be really hard sometimes, but you push through to great things,” said Oliver. “And it made them think about what they would be willing to do for someone else.” Throughout the conference, sports was the common language among all groups of youth and many life lessons were taught through physical activity. Chrisco enjoyed learning goal ball, a form of soccer that is a Paralympic sport. The boys were blindfolded so they could not watch the
Chrisco Ridley and Oliver
Chrisco pushing a bobsled at the Olympic Training facility ball. They were challenged beyond their experience. Ridley and Chrisco proudly noted their success in rugby. “It was a lot of fun because nobody could beat us,” laughed Ridley. The boys were also educated on leading a healthy lifestyle and the importance of nutrition. “We learned about different foods, what to eat and what not to eat and when eating certain foods can help you and not help you,” said Ridley. “Don’t listen to him,” laughed
Chrisco. “Because he ate a lot of ice cream while we were there.” “The food there was really good,” said Ridley. The boys enjoyed touring the Olympic training facility and the museum inside, as well as a trip hiking Colorado’s Garden of the Gods. It wasn’t just the youth that took back new views, but the adult staff, like Oliver, did as well. “It’s good to attend these type of events with other directors from other clubs. Sometimes you feel like you’re going through struggles nobody else asheboromagazine.com
Isaiah Ridley enjoying Colorado's rocky terrain
gets, but then you see tives of our club,” said Olympic Training Center others going thru the Oliver of Ridley and same thing,” said OliChrisco. “They bever, who roomed with haved in a way which staff from California was the very reason I and Georgia during the chose them to do this trip. “I realized we may in the first place.” be a small club but it Oliver knows doesn’t mean we can’t that the impact of the do great things. We weekend he spent can do the same great with these youth will things as big clubs.” remain with them Oliver also brought long after Ridley and home new contacts Chrisco have left the and equipment for his Boys and Girls Club. club. “When I dropped them “The contacts I off at their homes late made from that trip will Sunday night from create more opportunithe airport, I got the most sincere thank you’s I have ever ties in the future for our club,” said Oliver. “We also are been given,” said Oliver. “It wasn’t lost on them how big getting equipment donated to us from the US hockey this was and they grabbed at the opportunities there. team, rugby team, table tennis and lacrosse teams.” They wanted to accomplish all they could in the time they Ridley, Chrisco and Oliver all agree that the trip was had that weekend. We all knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime a huge success. “The boys acted just the way I wanted them to while we were there. They were great representa- experience.” n
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CITIZEN JOURNALISM By jacquie Reininger
have always loved to learn about science. I pursued it in my college career and have a BS in Biology from the State University of NY. Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics, Physics, Algebra were easy for me to grasp, it all made sense. Years later, I still enjoy the logic of the workings of life in this universe. So I am extremely pleased that science is publishing more and more findings that Yoga has been proven to help us reach our highest potential. One of the ways I rejoice in how Science meets Yoga is in the world of Physics. Neuroscience teaches us that our wakeful brain is usually in a state of busy-ness. When we are agitated and thoughts are ricocheting from past regrets to future worries, our brain waves are rapid and shallow, and of small frequency (called Beta waves). But when we are, say, calmly reading a book, enjoying soothing music or creating artwork our brain signals fluctuate in a longer, slower, more shallow vibration called Alpha waves. In this state, we are clearly thinking, physically relaxed and present, and probably even in a mode of enjoyment. Meditators take this a step further in seeking a Theta brainwave activity where the mind grows very calm and we are able to become more detached from the senses and thoughts yet, remain aware of having them. In this state, we meet our higher self, the one with no fear, weakness, imbalances. Scientists see this on EEG’s all the time. Yogis don’t need EEG’s. Yoga teaches us how to recognize these states and nurture them. There are many tools in the Yoga tool box that help us do this. The postures we practice help us develop physical balance as well as sensitivity to how we react to conflict in our lives. This keeps us from creating toxic
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tension. Awareness of breath puts us in touch with one of our own fundamental rhythms…the inhale and exhale cycle. It might make us aware of how we are a part of the larger cycles in the natural world, like the regular shifting of the seasons. Practicing meditation obviously slows down the fluctuations of the mind and is now largely supported by medical and psychological communities to aid in mental imbalances. One of the most powerful tools we are using at Santosha Yoga is the awareness of vibrations in our outer environment (sound) and how they are effecting our inner environment (our levels of physical, mental and emotional stress). You don’t have to be Einstein to notice how a jackhammer can create a lot of agitation in your attitude. You might feel shell-shocked! Conversely, an afternoon spent picnicking by a gentle trickling fountain leaves you calm and balanced. The sounds around you are simply vibrations of the air molecules which travel to your ear from the source, and they can have a soothing effect or not. The science behind this dynamic is physics: when two vibrating objects come near, they tend to recalibrate to make harmony. (Evidence the effect where two pulsing cardiac cells from a heart will synchronize when placed in a petri dish together.) Some sounds are
harmonious some are dissonant. The singing bowls at Santosha have been carefully chosen to complement each other. Their vibrations are so sweet, and as they settle into the matrix of our physical body, they can help shift our body’s patterns away from busy Beta towards soothing Alpha fluctuations. Often we place the bowls directly on the body to let them work their magic. Upon rising from Savasana, the last pose in a yoga session, we feel tuned up: relaxed and alert. Our brain waves are in Alpha or even Theta. And the journey back into our day or evening is smoother, wrought with less tension and oh-so-balanced! Singing bowls are increasingly more difficult to find and becoming more expensive. All of ours come from fair-trade sources, mostly through our Sound
Healing teacher Robert Austin who comes to perform all the way from Florida. But everything vibrates, so the healing of sound is accessible to everyone. For instance, one can use his own voice to create a sound that heals. One can learn about the Yogic Mantras that can be used in repetition to affect certain imbalances in the energy of our physical bodies. At Santosha, we are using simple phrases that remove fear and anxiety for example. Or there is one which can be prescribed to help heal a broken heart …one that speaks of love. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day soon, medical doctors are writing prescriptions like: Repeat 108 “Aham Premal”s and call me in the morning (that phrase means I AM Love.) To learn more about Sound Healing Google it or visit us and we will guide you! Namasté ~jacquie
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We’ve Got Her Back. (Even when it’s her hip.)
BRENDA PICKEL with her girlfriends; Hip Surgery Asheboro, NC
Our new anterior approach to hip replacement means less pain and faster recovery. HIP HIP HOORAY. BRENDA PICKEL SAYS she became a different person after hip surgery at Randolph Hospital. “The agonizing pain I’d suffered for three years was gone immediately. In no time I was going to my grandson’s football games, visiting friends, and just getting out and living again. My friends say it’s good to have the old Brenda back, but I feel more like the new Brenda.” Receiving the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission for hip and knee replacement is a testament to the quality of care at Randolph Hospital, but we’re even more thankful for all our satisfied patients like Brenda. With comprehensive orthopedic and joint capabilities, including new specialized services for the spine, our team is ready when you need us.
www.randolphhumanmotioninstitute.org Our partner in orthopedic care:
asheboro magazine
| 336-629-8818 The Human Motion Institute has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for Hip and Knee Replacement.
364 White Oak Street, Asheboro, NC 27203