Archdale & Trinity Magazine Issue 12

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Publisher's Letter

Cover Story

Ask the Expert Your Teeth

Small town girl for life...


Patti's Page

Neuromuscular and tmj





Community News

Daily Devotion

Community Character


Bumps in the Sky

Business Buzz

Meet Deborah Crank Smith





Ask the Expert Your Health

Cigars & Spirits

Nature's Nuances

Small Business Central

COPD —The Nation's 3rd Leading Cause of Death

Guayacan Robusto: An Everyday Alternative for a Company on the Rise


Brakes Tune-Up AC Repair Computer Diagnostic Engine Rebuild Transmission Rebuild Diesel Repair


24 Hour Emergency Service

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Fall Blessings in the Garden

Help the Community Grow... Support Your Local Small Businessses



o one really likes change.

ASHEBORO & MORE MARKETING, INC. PO BOX 1369|ASHEBORO | NC | 27104 w w w . a t m a g n c . c o m


suppose this is one of the biggest ironies of being human since change is constant. You’d think, like we do with everything else, we’d adapt and yet change

is the one thing that most of us have a difficult time coming to terms with. As a business owner, you have to become especially adept at change because the market place is in a perpetual state of flux. As with life, no two days are the same and just when you think you have it all figured out, someone, thing or event comes along and throws you into chaos. Please bear with us as we manage the change we are experiencing here at Archdale & Trinity Magazine. In the end, the magazine will be much better and, undoubtedly, you will get much more enjoyment from it. This is our 12th issue of Archdale & Trinity Magazine which signifies the

PUBLISHER Dave Johnson





completion of our first full year serving the community. We’ve really enjoyed being a part of the community, meeting people and, most of all, making new friends. Moving forward, we will continue to highlight the great things that happen here


each and every day. If you have story ideas, we’d love to hear them and as always,

Dr. Keith MacDonald, DDS Patti Smith-Leonard Ed Hanes, Jr. Faylene Whitaker

if you want to contribute in the form of editorial content or pictures, please do not hesitate to do so. Simply e-mail your submissions to Mother Nature seems to be a master of change. Fall is my favorite season because the leaves change color, the weather changes and my eating habits change. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is the time of the year where you get together with family and friends and reflect on those things that you are thankful for. I feel especially thankful this year because everyone in my family is


healthy, our business is growing and there is plenty of promise on the horizon. If you are in a similar place in life, I’d encourage you to remember the less fortunate and help those in need by donating food or funds to Community Outreach of Archdale-Trinity (COAT) or any of the other non-profit organizations that serve our community. I really think we were put here on this planet to help each other out, not to judge, just help when we can. As we enter our second year of publishing Archdale & Trinity Magazine, I want to thank all our advertisers for supporting this project. Without them, we would not be able to bring you positive, upbeat community-focused content for free. Show these local merchants that you appreciate them and do business locally as

Archdale & Trinity Magazine is published by Asheboro & More Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Archdale & Trinity Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.

much and as frequently as you can. As I have said many times before and will say many times again, small businesses are the lifeblood of the community. n


Brian Parker

A customer-focused approach

By Dave Johnson


archdale & trinity magazine


“One of the benefits of working with me is my ability to provide clear, easily understood explanations of financial products and services. The personalized program that I provide is a roadmap working toward a more secure financial future.”

n today's u n c e r t a i n e c o n o m y , financial planning has become increasingly important. Creating a plan that helps you see the big picture and set long- and short-term life goals is a crucial step in mapping out a secure financial future. However, this process can be very confusing, especially with all the advice, both good and bad, available on the Internet today. If you are one of the 8 in 10 that are dissatisfied with your current financial planner, you realize how important working with the right investment professional can be. Finding someone who is truly invested in helping you secure your financial wellbeing and reach your goals may seem like too much to ask of a financial professional these days. However, as you will see, Brian Parker of Brian C. Parker Investments, LLC, believes that his job begins where other financial advisors’ jobs end. Brian feels that it is his responsibility to put his client’s needs before his own and it shows in everything he does. He believes the personal touch is what is missing in most financial firms these days and he has built his firm on this foundation by offering a level of service that is almost unheard of. From his hands-on investment strategies and his willingness to travel across the country at the drop of a hat to assist a client in need, Brian offers an “old fashioned” approach to helping his clients manage their investments. Recently, one of his clients received a phone call stating that her father was dying and he planned to leave her all of his assets. The client didn’t know her father because he had left her and her mother when she was very young, and she had had no contact with him since that time. She didn’t know what to do, so she called Brian. He immediately boarded a plane and flew to Houston, Texas to help her simplify a very complicated situation. When they arrived at his client’s late father’s apartment, they discovered many years of unopened mail and stacks of old newspapers. Apparently, he became a hoarder in the last few years of his life and threw nothing away. Brian recalls finding stock certificates tucked in between old newspapers, stacks of unopened financial statements and credit cards in piles. In short, it was a huge mess. For the next five weeks, Brian flew back and forth from North

Carolina to Houston, helping his client sort through all of her father’s documents and papers so she could get an accurate picture of his financial holdings. Once all the documents were located and organized, the overall picture of what the estate was worth became clear. Brian was then able to advise her on an investment portfolio based on her own financial goals. In the end she was more than satisfied; in fact her only complaint was the amount of income taxes she would have to pay because of the return she was receiving on her new holdings. Some financial professionals measure their success by the average amount of yearly return they earn for their clients. While this is very important to Brian, the relationship and the positive impact he makes on his client’s lives is what really motivates him each day. While not revolutionary, Brian’s investment philosophy is brilliant in its simplicity. “I buy and sell growth companies all day long,” he says. “Companies like Starbucks, Panera Bread, Wholefoods and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. These are companies that are growing like crazy.” This type of approach, while effective, isn’t very popular among financial professionals because it requires someone spending a tremendous amount of time watching a number of stocks all day long. In Brian’s case, he watches 160 different growth stocks on average, which he boils down to about 35 that he is particularly interested in at any given time. Additionally, he has developed a system that helps him determine when the stock is “on sale.” “When you go into a grocery store, it is rather obvious when they are having a sale on something,” Brian says. “What is not obvious to most people is when Starbucks or Home Depot shares are on sale. For me, it is like walking through the grocery store, I have a method that identifies the shares that are on sale.” While this is a sound investment strategy, Brian realizes that one strategy does not fit everyone’s needs. For example, he has an older client who wanted to take a trip around the world. She was managing properties and working very hard every day. She had no heirs, but wanted to leave some of her wealth to charity. Mostly, she wanted to stop working and start traveling. Brian was able to create a strategy that allowed her to accomplish all her goals, increase her wealth and give her the peace of mind to live her dream of traveling


the world. The big difference between Brian’s firm and larger investment firms is the personal attention he is able to give each and every client. Investing is an emotional process, especially in today’s market with so many people still recovering from the tough economic times of the past several years. Brian realizes the fear that can be involved with letting someone else manage your money, and the tremendous amount of trust that his clients place in him. “The best thing I can do for my clients is be the unemotional person standing between them and their money,” he says. This gives his clients the confidence they need to make sensible decisions. One of the things that makes Brian’s firm different, and helps instill confidence in his clients is the fact that they receive a call or e-mail after the stock market closes, letting them know how much money their investments have made that day. Brian’s business career started very early. He skipped his senior year in high school and began attending college at University of Southern Florida in Tampa. He majored in Chemistry hoping to eventually become a doctor. However, he discovered that he had a strong aptitude for business and he excelled in those classes, especially in accounting where he learned to read financial statements. It was also during this time that Brian became an entrepreneur, starting a company that rented refrigerators to college students. Brian went to work for a manufacturing company that Teeing Up

Golfing in the snow?


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was half-owned by an eccentric entrepreneur, Howard Hughes. He started at $4 per hour. He learned everything he could about the business and at the age of 22, became the President of the company, which grew to be the largest solar manufacturing business in the world. Brian had been investing money from an early age and realized that he had a knack for it. In 2000, he changed careers, using his passion for helping others to begin helping them invest their money. He realized that many of the people that he met with, regardless of their educational background, lacked the knowledge they needed to make decisions regarding how to invest their money. Because of this, he spends a great deal of his time educating his clients on the basics of investing. “One of the benefits of working with me is my ability to provide clear, easily understood explanations of financial products and services. The personalized program that I provide is a roadmap working toward a more secure financial future.” One of the other things that differentiates Brian’s firm from others is he has no account minimums. “If you are not willing to help people right where they are, you are not doing your job,” he says. He acknowledges that it requires more work, but results in long-term, loyal clients who end up referring friends and family members to him. He is proud that many of his clients are multi-generational. “Often I am helping the grandparents with estate planning while

Brian Parker Investments 336-599-9383 AddItIoNAL NumBers Greensboro, NC - 336-578-1332 Charlotte, NC - 704-248-8193 Roanoke, VA - 540-904-4485 Richmond, VA - 804-915-7125 Charleston, SC - 843-277-1146 Washington, DC - 202-558-2047 Tampa, FL - 813-864-7691 St. Petersburg, FL - 727-388-6808 New York. NY - 646-688-4488 Titusville, FL - 321-747-9233 Orlando, FL - 407-574-4980 Securities and investment advisory services offered through NEXT Financial Group, Inc, Member FINRA and SIPC Brian C Parker Investments, LLC is not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group, Inc. Family Time at the same time developing a retirement plan for their grandchildren. I get most of my business through word of mouth.” Brian is licensed in many states, and he frequently travels to meet with his clients. He moved to North Carolina from Florida because of the people. He especially likes the “tight knit, friendly, community culture where people are respectful of each other.” When he isn’t working, he loves playing golf, hiking, traveling, attending NASCAR races and going to various festivals, especially during this time of year. Even though there are signs that the economy is on its way to recovery, times are still uncertain. Brian’s oldfashioned, client-focused philosophy is certainly a welcome breath of fresh air. When it comes to something as important as money, Brian says, “I have the time, the patience and a systematic approach to managing it for you.” This is especially important if you fall into the age-group of those who are about to receive or are receiving Social Security. A question you may be asking yourself is “Do I take my Social Security at age 62 or do I wait? Brian says there are about 500 different options related to Social Security and he enjoys finding what works best for each client’s individual financial situation. If you are uncertain about Social Security or you want to see if your strategy is yielding an adequate return, call Brian and experience his customerfocused approach first hand. n




Neuromuscular and TMJ

 here is a relationship between the teeth, jaw joints and the head/neck muscles. Worn dentition (shortened teeth), Clenching or grinding, Chewing difficulties, Headaches/ Migraines, Neck, Back & Shoulder Pain, Numbness in Fingers and Arms, Nasal Congestion, Ringing or Stuffiness of the Ears, Pain or Soreness around the Jaw Joints, Pain in teeth that seems to move around, Limited Movement or Locking Jaw, Clicking and Popping Sounds in the Jaw Joint. These symptoms are often referred to as TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders), TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders), or MPD (Myofascial Pain Dysfunctions). Neuromuscular dentistry places the teeth and jaw into its optimal position, relieving the symptoms associated with TMJ. This is usually accomplished with the use of a myomonitor and placement of a small removable mouthpiece, called an orthotic. MacDonald & Whaley Dentistry can work with you to reveal the reasons for your discomfort and get you on the track to a healthy smile. We want your smile to be a part of your confidence, not discomfort. Contact us today to learn more about how our TMJ and neuromuscular dentistry treatments can get you on your way to a pain-free, beautiful smile. A beautiful & healthy smile is more than just beautiful teeth. A healthy smile is formed when the muscles, bones, teeth and nerves are all working together. Since there is a relationship between the teeth, jaw joints, head and neck muscles, a problem in any one of these areas may affect others, causing some of the signs and symptoms listed above. A

neuromuscular dentist is properly trained to align your bite and help create harmony between the muscles, nerves, and teeth. Dr. Whaley has received her neuromuscular dentistry training through the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. She is one of the very few dentists in the area to seek out and obtain neuromuscular dental training since this is not taught in the dental schools. Please call for an appointment if you think your symptoms may be helped through neuromuscular dentistry. n

Dr. KEITH MacDonald, DDS

Visit us at www.Dentalimplantsnc.Com or please call Dr. Macdonald for a consultation.

9924 Highway 311 S. • Archdale, NC 27263 336-434-3186


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Small town girl for life... story and Photos By Patti g. smith




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We spent a week taking in the sights from the sea lions at Pier 39 to a bus tour of the city. The highlight for me was crossing over the Golden Gate Bridge both by open top double decker bus and later on foot. It was beautiful! The bridge looks just as majestic in person as it does in photos and makes photos look like postcards! We visited Chinatown, rode the cable car, did all the tourist stuff. San Francisco is a beautiful city and a great place to visit but I can honestly say I wouldn’t want to live there! For one – there are too many people!! Constant wall to wall people everywhere you go! Nothing but blank faces. That is one thing I love about where I live. Everybody knows everybody. I can go into town and usually run into one or more people that I know. I can go into my favorite Mexican restaurant Pancho Villa and they know us by name. Same with Mike and Marcus at Smokey T’s. I can go to a lot of different events and people recognize me from my work within the community or my work with my band No Shame. I love that part of the small town life! One of the hardest things for me to deal with in California was the lack of caring and kindness in people.. I am a people person I am use to smiling at everyone, talking to random people and making friends wherever I go. You can’t really do that there. I was told before I went – don’t make eye contact, be aware of your surroundings at all times and remember nobody is your friend. If you make eye contact it is an invitation for beggars to ask you for money. If you smile at people they scowl wondering what you want from them. And if people are nice to you it means they want something from you. Sadly I discovered all of this to be true. We had the most amazing time in the week we were there. I got to see my baby sister Melissa who lives in Fresno, CA. We met new friends Steven, Iris, Walden and Danny. And I got to reconnect with an old friend from high school – Trent. The weather was perfect all week. It was the best honeymoon I could have ever asked for. If you get a chance to visit San Francisco – go for the beauty and the experience. But I can honestly say that I will always be a small town girl. They say home is where the heart is – my heart is in Trinity – with my family, my band, my friends, my dogs, my house, my community. This is HOME! n



The Pioneer Family Restaurant and Steakhouse and Guil-Rand Fire Department Team Up to Raise Money for Relay for Life 2014 The Pioneer Family Restaurant and Steakhouse and GuilRand Fire Department are teaming up to raise money for Relay for Life 2014, Wake Forest Baptist Cancer Center and Randolph Cancer Center with a goal of raising $30,000.00. Our fundraising campaign kickoff will be Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at the Pioneer Family Restaurant and Steakhouse. We will be celebrating the memory of Kathy Liner, as this day would have been Kathy’s 64th birthday. Festivities will begin at 10:45 am with a special tribute to Kathy. The day will be filled with different activities including a silent auction, door prizes, raffles and a special priced buffet with ALL proceeds (less sales tax) going to cancer research and to assist cancer patients with financial needs. We are asking the community and businesses to help us reach our GOAL by making monetary donations or goods which will be used for events throughout the day. Mike Liner will be matching all monies raised that day up to the first $10,000.00, as a memorial to Kathy. This day has been set aside in memory of Kathy and to help raise awareness for brain cancer research. Please come out and participate and leave knowing that you helped make a difference in someone’s life. Donations may be dropped off at Guil-Rand Fire Department 10506 South Main Street Archdale NC at any time prior to November 25, 2013. You may also contact Frank Crotts at 336-688-4320 to schedule a pickup of your donation. Thank you for your support. n

John Lawrence Elementary is Recycling Their Way to a New Playground Students at John Lawrence Elementary are hoping to recycle their way to a new playground. How do they plan to do that? By recycling 200,000 aluminum foil juice pouches! First grade teacher Karri Stephenson initiated the drive after finding the contest online earlier in September. According to Stephenson if JLE students collect 200,000 aluminum foil juice pouches before August 2014, the school can win a new playground made of recycled materials from TerraCycle. “They [the pouches] don’t have to be a name brand. They can be any aluminum pouch,” said Stephenson. “And this is a great opportunity to teach our students about saving the environment.” Already, the students have collected more than 5,000 pouches. Teachers at the school quickly jumped on board along with the school’s PTA in an effort to raise the necessary


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number. PTA President Mikki Patseavouras has agreed to sell drinks in the aluminum foil wrapper at the school’s fall festival being held on October 25, according to Stephenson. Teachers are asking that parents send in the drink pouches for classroom celebrations. Teachers are also asking parents to send in the empty pouches if they have used them for parties at home, church or during sporting events. “It really is a community goal,” said Stephenson. “This is our school’s 20th anniversary, and it would be an amazing present for our school!” School Principal Alex Charles states, “Our goal is high, seemingly impossible, but when we all work together, amazing things happen. Our school, staff, and support organizations are all on board, and we are reaching out to the community to help meet our goal. We value our partnerships because separately we can do little, but together we can move mountains.” The first graders who have taken on the project to collect the 200,000 foil pouches created a collection box in the school cafeteria. It is a Terra Lion. After collecting terrarecycled products, they made a lion in honor of the school mascot. At the end of every day, the first graders empty the collection bin into a box. When a large box is filled with the recyclable pouches, which is about every two weeks, it is sent to the TerraCycle Inc. The students also chart the number of pouches collected. John Lawrence Elementary students will gladly accept any donations or support from the community. Foil pouches may be dropped off at JLE and at the Archdale Marathon. Watch the JLE website for additional drop-off sites! *Picture: In an effort to win an additional 50,000 points, the students collected other recyclable materials from their lunches and created a Terra Lion collection bin for the pouches. Pictured in back from left, Principal Alex Charles, A-T Tax Council member Jennifer Leister , Superintendent Dr. Stephen Gainey, Karri Stephenson and in front, first graders: Ava Martin and Finley Bryant. n

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!J 'tJe 6ee-n so bUSI[ this l[etl'l a-nd !J k-noN the'le 's a lot off ~ood ffolks oh J-lNlf 62 ih Cl'li-nitl[ a-nd ;4'lchdale ~ettl-n~ 'leadl[ to help lfOU ffi-nd Nhat lfOU -need ffo'l Ch'listmas. Cjo see them a-nd 6e su'le to tell them !J se-nt lfOU ff'lom mlf '~ood' list! ljou'l ff'lie-nd, Sa-nta ps ""' please do a ~ood deed a-nd leatJe ca-n ffood ffo'l those i-n -need i-nstead off cookies a-nd tha-nk lfOU.

Everyone enjoys a fun holiday experience from the local merchants to the community who supports the merchants and we just want to say thank you with an eventful day full of good stuff and great bargains! e have alot of local talent joining us as our guest with some unique creations to complete your gift lists. We are a good community who works together to benefit everyone and we just want to share the goodness this wonderful Christmas Season! Archdale Trinity

Visit Santa and enjoy live Bluegrass with The Robertson Boys for the price of a non

Food Bank Drive

perishable food donation on the grounds of the Historic Jessup Home built in 1890 7348 Hwy 62 Historic Trinity Museum Holiday Home Tour An Old Fashioned Christmas 7124 NC Hwy 62

Ruff LOve Rescue Fundraiser for Ruff Love Rescue, Facebook:

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Bumps in the Sky By Rev. Peter Panagore

Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of, is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St. John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, an Xaverian Brothers sponsored school, provided him with his preparatory school education. In 2003, he was recruited to apply for the position of Pastor of the First Radio Parish Church of America ( FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religious broadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 million listeners, viewers and readers a week on T V, radio and internet, including American Forces Radio Network. From 1999-2006 Reverend Panagore was a staff writer at Homiletics, the leading and cutting-edge nationwide worship preparation journal for mainline clergy. Homiletics has published more than a hundred of his sermons. He has also published short stories in anthologies, most notably, Chicken Soup for the Veteran’s Soul, by New York Times Best Selling editor Jack Canfield. Two Minutes for God was released by Touchstone/Fireside an imprint of Simon & Schuster, in early December of 2007 and landed immediately on the Maine Best Seller list.


archdale & trinity magazine


t's a short and bumpy flight. The kind of flight where the flight attendant calmly announces, "passengers please stay in your seats with your seat belts buckled because there is a little turbulence up ahead." That's code for "we're going to be tossed around like salad in the hands of an angry sous chef." The eyes of the passenger next to you widen like a rabbit trapped by a fox. That passenger has a white knuckled grip on both arm rests. The pressure of that passenger's grip threatens to cut off the blood supply to his finger nails. You've already had the impression at take off that the passenger next to you doesn't like to fly from when he started chanting the rosary. Suddenly the plane drops straight down 77 feet and you experience the weightlessness of an astronaut, and a heart thud and a stomach lurch. The pilot comes on saying, "That was fun, eh!?" The flight attendant is smiling, not a forced smile, but a real smile, and you know everything is okay. After touch-down that same attendant gets on the microphone and says, "It's been a bumpy flight. Be careful when opening the overhead bins because 'shift happens'. Shift happens. Things move. We set life up and it tumbles, through no fault of our own. It might cause us fear, but we have to trust the Pilot, because our life is in his hands. Let's Pray: Dear God, shift happens. We can't control all the factors. Let us trust You and Your plan. Amen. Today's Thought Is: If you fear? Trust in God. All will be well, eternally. source: Psalm 52:8


The Randolph County Department of Social Services is looking for loving, supportive families to serve as foster families for the children of Randolph County in need. We are focusing on homes for sibling groups, teenagers, and medically fragile children

If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent, please contact the Randolph County Department of Social Services at 336-683-8062 to get more information on the requirements and training opportunities.



Meet Deborah Crank Smith Story By Chelsea Tolman Photos Courtesy Deborah Crank Smith

In keeping with true community involvement we can all agree that Deborah Crank Smith “The Queen Bee” fits the bill to a T. Deborah wasn’t born here, she wasn’t raised here but she has become a strong, committed voice for this community since she moved here in 1988. Deborah was raised an Air Force brat and was born on the Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. As a toddler her family moved to her father’s home state of Ohio where she was


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"We have so many who are dedicated to improving the quality of life to benefit all. "

raised in the city of Englewood. She claims to be the “Buckeye nut that fell off the tree and rolled into North Carolina” where she transplanted her roots and fell in love with the community in 1988. Of course whomever knows Deborah also knows her amazing, and also community committed, husband Devin. They moved to Trinity as a couple in 2007 and were married August 9, 2008. In 2009 Queen Bee & Co. opened it’s doors in Archdale

Manor. There is a rich and interesting history to the naming of Deborah’s shop. The name Deborah is biblically defined in King James Judges 4:4 and in the Hebrew bible as simply “Bee”. At the age of two while eating a peanut butter sandwich Deborah was stung by a hive of bee’s and has been mesmerized with them ever since. Queen Bee’s Cozy’s Shoppe… “In keeping with the alluring charm of the Honey Bee, like a Bees passion to the blossoms, our passion for creativity is forever blooming. We are proud to be placed in the heart of Trinity’s Old Town and “Home is always where the heart is.” Thus, there is no sweeter place to surround ourselves in the delight of what we love to do. Specializing in Hand Crafted and Unique Finds for our charismatic guests. Many selections may be that one of a kind item for your home or gift that you grab a hold of and if by chance you’re unable to find what you’re searching for, we may be able to commission it for you. Many inspirations arrives in the imaginative requests from our guests” In 2011 Deborah and Devin had their property rezoned commercial RMU to fit the criteria of Trinity’s Center City Vision. Deborah took a year off to create and Queen Bee now in her “Cozy” and added the sentiment to the shoppe name then opened for business again in 2012, from home. The hive now complete Deborah and Devin live in their happily ever after together. Their home and shop is filled with love, laughter and commitment. They love the simple things in life and they laugh together at least a hundred times a day. Deborah continues her commitment to her community and stays busy as a bee with her involvement. She continues to create for her shop and is open Friday from 12-6pm and Saturday from 12-5pm. Words from the Queen: “Our community is endowed with an abundance of local talented artist and crafters that maintains the traditions of handcrafted in the U.S.A. which has a valuable contribution to our future heritage. This is a rare treasure where in most communities, the metropolitan growth has been overcome by the anchor businesses that has been flooded with mass manufacturing of imported products. I would love to see our community growth to include small business venues to showcase these talented creations and become an artistic landmark in our state. I am continually inspired by other artists and crafters who network together to share their talents and to assist in building a better community. One of my favorite aspects of living in our community is the continual exampling of hospitality, we have a very generous community who is always willing and available to assist those in need. We have so many who are dedicated to improving the quality of life to benefit all. That is our strongest community characteristic that I deeply appreciate. Favorite Words of Wisdom; “Believe in the beauty of your Dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt “Inner Beauty is always in Style.” my mother Midori”. n

Homecoming for Jeremy Smith

2013 RCPFC Gala Chair Committee

RCPFC Alpha Academy Archdale, NC 2012



Story By Sherry Johnson Photos Courtesy of Bia Rich


f you are looking for hammers and nails, you won’t find them here. Bia and Eric Rich have spent the better part of 10 months remodeling the old McCrary Hardware Store on the corner of Worth and Fayetteville Street in Asheboro. Through hardwork, long nights, and sheer determination they have created a stunning upscale, elegant restaurant, Bia’s Gourmet Hardware. Although they hired many local contractors and experienced professionals for the more technical aspects of the remodel, Bia, Eric and his dad, Larry, did a lot of the hard manual work themselves. They kept the bones of the building, and made good use of materials they found inside – taking out old beadboard from the ceilings and reusing it around the bar area for a fresh, but comfortably worn look, while in the kitchen, they have state of the art stainless steel appliances.


archdale & trinity magazine

Bia Rich, Executive Chef and owner, has over 20 years experience on the New York City restaurant scene. She brings a passion for preparing and combining foods in ways that are unique, exciting and delicious to her restaurant patrons. Larry Johnson, David Stenzel & John Jones, the Sous Chefs, together bring their years of experience and expertise to the restaurant’s kitchen, as well. Pastry chef, Kirstyn Harvey, will be creating elegant and delightful confections to top off your meal. John Czop recently moved to Asheboro from New York City and will manage the restaurant operations. He is a graphic artist for Marvel Comics, and will continue to contribute his talents from here. John is best known for his creations The Punisher and Spider Woman. For months Bia’s Facebook posts have been tempting and teasing us as she tried out recipes; tweaking some and

Kitchen Staff

rejecting others. She has put together an international menu with dishes that are sure to please any palate. Using fresh, locally sourced ingredients in all of her dishes, her menu will change every few weeks based on availability and seasonality. The restaurant has a small, private room that can seat up to 12 at a Chef’s Table, where Bia will offer private dining for small intimate gatherings. They have an extensive wine list, beers available in bottle and on tap, and a full service bar open until 12 am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The wait is finally over, Randolph County – Bia’s opens for dinner on November 13th.

For the first week

she will be open for dinner only, and they will open for lunch on November 18th. The restaurant is open six days a week, closed on Sundays. On Saturday, November 30th they launch their weekend brunch menu. Visit



at to make your reservation online and check out the wonderful menu she has planned, or call 336-610-BIAS to book your table now at Bia’s Gourmet Hardware, 103 Worth Street, Asheboro. n




Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center Raises Awareness of COPD —The Nation's 3rd Leading Cause of Death

ovant Health Thomasville Medical Center joins the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's (NHLBI's) COPD Learn More Breathe Better Campaign® campaign in observance of National COPD Awareness Month COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a serious lung disease that over time makes it difficult to breathe. Now the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States, COPD is estimated to affect 24 million people nationwide, yet as many as half remain undiagnosed. Also known as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, the disease develops slowly and worsens over time — causing many to dismiss symptoms and delay seeking diagnosis and treatment until COPD is in its late stages. "We often see symptoms of COPD, such as a chronic cough or shortness of breath, mistaken as a normal sign of aging or being out of shape. That is why Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center is hoping raise awareness of COPD and encourage individuals who may be at risk to talk to their health care provider," said Mike Crabb, manager of respiratory care. Symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, chronic coughing or wheezing, producing excess sputum, or feeling unable to take a deep breath. COPD most often occurs in people age 40 and over with a history of smoking (either current or former smokers). However, as many as one in six people with COPD have never smoked. Long-term environmental exposure to things that can irritate your lungs as well as certain genetic conditions can also play a role. Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center, a member of the Campaign's Breathe Better Network, is working to help people who suffer from COPD understand that with

thomasville medical center Need help finding a physician? Call 336-476-2793 or learn more at


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proper diagnosis and treatment they can breathe easier and enjoy an improved quality of life. For more information about COPD education or programs , please call the pulmonary rehab program at Thomasville Medical Center – 336-474-3456 or visit www.novanthealth. org. Resources: Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center The COPD Learn More Breathe Better Campaign®: public/lung/copd/ Diseases and Conditions Index: COPD: Diseases/Copd/Copd_WhatIs.html

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Guayacan Robusto: An Everyday Alternative for a Company on the Rise By Ed Hanes


archdale & trinity magazine


he Guayacan Robusto is an often overlooked cigar, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the “boutique” cigar producers. I found one of these resting in my humidor at Twin City Cigar Company and had to try it. With a finger of scotch at the ready and my favorite leather recliner in place, I began my review. I was not displeased. The Guayacan is the product of former Cuban- cigar-roller Noel Rojas. Rojas has combined an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan Corojo ’98 binder and Nicaraguan Corojo ’98 filler to create this “at the ready” cigar. I could easily see this becoming the “go to” for the everyman smoker. The Ecaudorian Habano wrapper that is used on the Guayacan looks excellent set against the rising sun on the band . There are very few veins, minimal tooth, and the wrapper is uniformly smooth. Tobacco is packed evenly throughout the cigar making for a consistent smoking experience. The expert blending of Rojas is apparent as soon as you smell the unlit foot. The spice and rich tobacco aroma envelope the lucky owner of this stick. A straight palio cut on the triple cap of this cigar coupled with a competent footing from my flame reveals the truth: an excellent draw and a rich beginning. My interest was peeked. The first few puffs of the Guayacan produces a very rich, sweet tobacco taste that persists the entire length of the cigar. There was a unique spice about the Guayacan that

caressed the back of my throat after each draw leaving a mild taste of cinnamon. While the burn of the cigar is just average it is otherwise not notable. The cigar emits smoke surprisingly well. It is not to the famed “Liga Privada level”, but this cigar certainly puts off enough smoke to let you know the oily Ecuadorian wrapper is performing as it should. As the Guayacan progresses, the aforementioned rich, sweet tobacco flavor persists with the spice picking up noticeably. “Balanced” is the best word to describe the Guayacan. Rojas has created a cigar that is a great mixture of sugar and spice. It isn’t a master of a single category but, rather, an afternoon in Hanes Park: a jack of all trades offering something for everyone. There are very few cigars at this price point ($7) that come to mind that offer the same level of competence. For its steady complexity, for its competent construction, and for its worthy presentation, the Guayacan Robusto receives 3 E.D.S. n

WS Arts Magazine has designed and implemented a ratings system where cigars receive an E.D.S (really...I didn't name the rating system after myself) of 1-5. Each review explains, in easy to understand terms, why we chose that particular rating for a given cigar. Our ratings system is described as follows: 1 E.D.S - These are cigars of last resort. They are questionable even if only mowing the yard or planting a garden. 2 E.D.S - These cigars make tolerable companions while you wash your car. They aren't looking for attention, nor should they! 3 E.D.S - These are pretty respectable cigars but may still fall short. We recommend them for the golf course, the back porch with one of your uninitiated friends, or for the after wedding party (for the husband of your best girlfriend who thinks he knows everything about cigars). 4 E.D.S - Now we’re talking. Enjoy these fine cigars after a delicious meal or with your favorite cocktail. Again, I prefer Fridays at Single Brothers (or my Cigar Room). Join me! 5 E.D.S - Respect your elders! These complex treats are true works of art. They deserve Coltrane, good friends, and your favorite adult tasty treat. Only the best! n



Fall Blessings in the Garden

By Faylene Whitaker (Whitaker Farms)

Helleborus Orientalis Camellia Bush

Fall festivals are over and have given us adventures and fun. It is now the time for thanksgiving with family and friends. A time to be thankful for all of our wonderful blessings throughout the year. Can’t you just smell the turkey and dressing baking, taste the wonderful pumpkin pie and see all the family laughing and sharing memories around the dining room table? Yes November is definitely a time to count our blessings.


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November Fall Planter

Ajuga Reptans There are many blessings in the garden and all of nature for us to enjoy during this time of year. Take your left over pumpkins and make beautiful displays with them. They are beautiful painted red or gold and placed on a bed of painted gold or silver magnolia leaves at the end of the sidewalk or on outside tables as centerpieces. It is time to change out our planters for the winter. First be sure your planters are frost proof so they will not freeze during the winter months. Use an evergreen as the center piece add some flowering cabbage, ivy and pansies for a beautiful container. It is also nice to add in some twigs, berries or lighted branches for a holiday look. There are many other great plants to use in the winter container such as hellebores, purple heuchera, ajuga, bears claw, camellias, variegated euonymus and many more that your garden center will have on hand. This can also be a busy time of year in the garden. Be sure your birdfeeders and birdbaths are cleaned and filled since the birds will be looking for both this winter. The leaves need raking off of your grass and either put by the curb to be picked up or put into compost piles. Be sure to rake the dead blooms away from shrubs that have quit

Purple Heuchera

Variegated Euonymus

blooming for the year. We still have time to add bulbs to the landscape for next spring such as daffodils, tulips and crocus. They look great when planted in between pansies or in large groupings. Fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs. The hole needs to be at least 2 to 3 times wider than the plant but the tree or shrub should be planted no deeper than it is grown in the nursery. More plants are killed by planting too deep than from planting too shallow. You will need to add mulch to protect the roots from the cold just be sure you do not put it too deep on the bark of the plant. Plants will need to be watered deeply every week for the first 3 or 4 weeks then just kept moist. If you haven’t already, clean up the vegetable garden and get it ready for next spring. You may want to get a soil test done to see if you need to add lime. You can also work your compost into the ground now so it is ready to give off its nutrients next spring. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, may your blessings be too many to count, and may you continue to be blessed and to be a blessing to those around you. n



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