Archdale & Trinity Magazine, Issue 10

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M • A • G • A • Z • I • N • E A Barn Door Marketing Positive Community Publication



Pioneering in Families



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05 PUBLISHER’S LETTER STORY 06 COVER Pioneering In Families I LIVE" CONTEST WINNER 12 "WHERE Beth Winze, Trinity, NC BUZZ 15 BIZ N.C. Mentor / Giving Kids a Place to Belong MORE REGRETS 20 NO By: Patti Smith-Leonard FUN 22 CROSSWORD NC History


SECURITY TIPS 23 HOME By: Tim Ross, President

American Ninjutsu Academy

LET'S TALK CARS 24 Thursday Night Cruise-In





archdale & trinity magazine


//PUBLISHER'S LETTER Throw Your Hand Up! When I walk down my street and see a neighbor, I always throw my hand up. This is such a small gesture of recognition of that person. About a month ago we noticed that a neighbor across the street was leaving early and coming home late and obviously did not have the time or probably the energy to cut the grass at the road. We watched this poor neighbor working tirelessly while the grass grew. In the matter of 30 minutes, as any good neighbor would, the grass was cut and good deed done! Not the first or last but one of many good deeds we do for our neighbors and friends. That’s what I am talking about, neighbors, we help each other out. Those days are not gone, not in our town anyway. We help and strive to do good for each other when and where we can. Here in our town we support our friends and neighbors, give back and get back. How can people feel connected to each other otherwise? These are our roots, this is where we came from. Always our ancestors helped those in the community, raising barns and homes, harvesting the farm lands, and always a smile and a hand for each other. Our community is what we make it and I vow to contribute positive, friendly and accepting attributes. There will always be troubling times, economic “crashes”, depressions, recessions but here in our part of the world we can make the best out of it, let go of the annoyances and practice what we preach in the “Positive Community” we live in. I had already written the publishers letter to this point when I got an email from Patti Smith Leonard. Please read page 20 and reflect on the missed opportunities in your own life. There are reasons things come together the way they do and people are introduced the way they are. Remember a missed opportunity could have been your only opportunity. So let us stay true to each other and neighbors, help out a stranger, keep a positive smile and for heavens sake.... Throw Your Hand Up!!


PUBLISHER Chelsea Tolman






Patti Smith-Leonard Christi Anna Coats Rebecca Fleming Jessica Jansen


PO Box 14459 Archdale, NC 27263 336.823.0980

FACEBOOK Archdale & Trinity Magazine is published monthly by Barn Door Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Archdale & Trinity Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.

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Pioneering in Families by Chelsea Tolman


amily can be defined in so many different ways and all types of families go through the bumps and bruises of life yet still stay strong and true to each other. When you walk in the Pioneer Family Restaurant, if you really pay attention, you will notice the employees all act like family. They work together cohesively because they have worked together for years. The average time the Pioneer employee has been in service is about 13 years, although some have been in service much, much longer than that. It can only be incredible leadership, care and personal consideration that would explain long term employment in the restaurant business. As I interviewed the employees I heard over and over again the same words in different forms “Mike and Kathy taught me hard work, responsibility, care and concern for others” and “They take care of their employees, they care about our well-being”. There is probably a lot that the general public does not know about this restaurant other than the food is excellent and they are always packed. The quality of food and service the Pioneer provides its customers is second to none and very few really understand what the Pioneer Family Restaurant does for you and your community. Well hang on to your hats folks, there is more to this “restaurant” than meets the eye. Loyalty comes in so many forms but loyalty to an employer can only be true if you feel that there is a balance of give and take. Time and time again we work for companies that fails to recognize how much of ourselves we are giving them. When the hard work you give is rewarded with pure gratefulness and the assurance that your struggles will be supported, the bond becomes more than boss and employee it becomes friendship, trust, family. Aside from providing great service to you, this family helps each other out at the restaurant and away from the restaurant. They mow each other’s yards, when one is on trouble, the entire restaurant helps out and assists with raising funds if needed, lends a shoulder to cry on or an ear to bend. Here are some of these wonderful people highlighted. Nancy: 23 years in service. She lives in Thomasville and has a daughter Tamara. She loves her job and cherishes her restaurant family. She appreciates the care and concern she has felt from Mike and Kathy and cannot imagine working anywhere else, this is her home. Mark: 5 years in service. Mark was the sales rep for all of Pioneers food since Mike and Kathy bought the business back in August 2009. He is now the District Sales Manager yet he keeps a close eye on the Pioneer. He has to be constantly on his toes about the quality of food he provides Mike for his customers. Mike is always asking if there is anything better, better cuts of meat, better quality food that he can serve. “The Pioneer serves cuts of meat and quality of food that you should see in white linen restaurants” Mark said. The Pioneer is continually increasing the food bill to assure the quality they serve is second to none. Every piece of red meat you eat at the Pioneer has never cross country lines. Mike will only purchase meats born and raised here in the good ole USA. Terry: 26 years in service. He remembers back, it was days before his 16th birthday and his Aunt brought him to the Pioneer to ask for a job. Mike was sitting under the carport (they called it the rain


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shelter) at the first Pioneer building, wearing khaki shorts and a sun hat. Terry talked with Mike and asked for a job and Mike told him to come back in a week. He has been working with the Pioneer ever since. “This is a very good place to work” Said Terry “Mike is a good man” Terry feels Mike is like a father figure since both of his parents have passed. Frances: 18 years in service. She remembers she was faced with having to go back to work and saw the Pioneer billboard that showed a man, women and 2 children on Darr Rd and Frances said “I want to work there” She said she is blessed with her decision and believes it was “All Gods Doing”. Frances now owns her house because of her work at the Pioneer. “These are good people” She says no one ever complains. When her daughter was 14 years old she wanted an expensive pair of “mall jeans” Frances could not afford them, so she told her daughter she would have to earn the money herself. The Pioneer hired her and taught her how to work hard and earn the things in life that she wanted. Candy: 13 years in service. Candy is grateful for her job and never thought she would be at a job for so long. “I just stayed” she said. She typically gets bored and moves on to another place but she has been with the Pioneer since 2000. “I didn’t think they would hire me because I am black” she said. But when she took the chance and applied anyway she was asked to come back for an interview before she got home. She lives in High Point with her boyfriend Tony and 3 sons Jonathan 23, Tyrone 16 and Tyrik 13. Karen: 33 years in service. Karen started working for Mike at Western Steer 33 years ago. She came to work for Pioneer when Mike and Kathy first opened in1987. She states “Kathy instilled in us the fact that there is good in everybody, sometimes you have to look really hard but it is there” Working here, she says, you can talk to everyone (coworkers), she would not trade this job for anything in the world. Most of her customers even know her by name “they have become like family too”. Karen stayed 3 nights a week at the Liner house taking care of Kathy when she was sick with her son JD (9 years old and also on the honor roll) together they would get Kathy out of bed to get her walking around the house and JD would make a train and be the caboose saying “Choochoo”. When she separated from her husband, Mike helped her get a house of her own for her and JD. Sandra: Sandra has also worked for Mike since the Western Steer at 16 years of age. “This is Home” she said. She remembers at the Western Steer her and Misty were having a fit of laughter and couldn’t control it. Mike had called and she answered the phone laughing hysterically….Mike told her to hang up the phone and he would call back for her to answer the phone correctly. She has the upmost respect for Mike and Kathy and has a hard time talking about her gratefulness without tearing up. She and Misty have been best friends since they were 10, they are an extension of each other’s families. She lives in Archdale with her husband Billy and daughter Jenny 22, who just graduated with a teaching degree. Ally: 7 years in service. 7 years ago the restaurant she was working at was closing and she needed to find work. She noticed the Pioneer parking lot was always full and decided that looked promising. She is married with a 5 year old daughter. She says “This is not a job, its family” and she could not do anything different than what she does now. We are one big family, there is no singling out. My family keeps trying to get me to do something else she said. But I don’t want to, I want to stay here doing what I am doing.


Jenny: 6 years in service. Jenny had been managing a video store and 2 subways and raising 4 kids when she had an accident. Subsequently she had to give up one of her Subways due to the strain and then left the video store due to other circumstances. She walked in the Pioneer looking for work and left with a job, one job. Leonel: 13 years in service. Leonel started at the Pioneer working in the back doing all the odd jobs that come with the restaurant business. When Mike bought the Pioneer back, he started showing Leonel how to cook and other things and now he is the assistant manager. Leonel is married with 2 children, Henry 7 years and Glendys 9 years. Glendys has asthma really bad and was always sick due to the air quality and carpet dander in the apartment they lived in. Seeing the problem Mike helped them get into a house of their own. He had the ductwork replaced and pulled out the carpet to install hard wood floors. Glendys had not been sick since. Isael: 7 years in service. Isael started as a dishwasher and 4 years later was cooking, I have been told he is the best head day grill cook. He was living in an apartment and wanted to expand his family by getting married. Mike helped Isael into a house and remodeled the inside and the outside for his new family. Isael is now married and though not quite ready, he and his wife will have a comfortable place to have children when the time is right. Maria: 7 Years in service. 2 years she worked as a dishwasher and now, with guidance and a chance to learn, she now cooks. She is here with her husband Manuel. She has 2 girls 16 and 7 who live in Pennsylvania. Laticia: 14 years in service. Laticia works the salad bar. She applied to the Pioneer 14 years ago because a friend told her about it. Her family lives in Mexico. She has 2 boys 32 and 38 and 2 girls 29 and 34. Sarafin: 7 years in service. Sarafin does lots of different jobs at the Pioneer. He has a daughter 22 in New York, 2 daughters here 16 and 14. He has a son 18 and a son 20 who also works at the Pioneer. Pablo: 5 years in service. Pablo started washing dishes with the other owners. When Mike and Kathy came back, he has been given the opportunity to prove himself and now he is the head evening grill cook and supports a wife Sara and 2 children 7 months and 7 years. Gail: 26 years in service. Gail has been with the Pioneer since it first opened its doors in 1987. She grew up in Cedar Square and now has a 22 year old daughter Rhealynn who is currently at UNCG. She had a very special bond with Kathy and appreciates all she and Mike has taught her about hard work and finding the good in others. She has taken a lot of Kathy’s tasks on herself and filled those shoes with grace and strength. She's now the restaurant manager. Ronnie: 15 years in service. Ronnie grew up in Cedar Square and started working with the Pioneer when it first opened and worked for 11 years until the business was bought and Mike & Kathy were not the owners. When Mike & Kathy came back as owners, Ronnie came back and has been here


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ever since. He now lives in Archdale with his wife, Christie, 12 year old Jamison and a 9 year old Jocelyn. Misty: Even as Mike and Kathy’s daughter, Misty has worked with her dad since the Western Steer. She and Sandra, being best friends, have both learned the lessons of hard work and earning what you want in life. She stayed at home while she raised her daughter Heather. When Mike & Kathy bought the restaurant, she came back to work for the Pioneer. Her life has always been with the Pioneer (obviously) but she enjoys working there. Heather: Heather has been a part of the Pioneer family since birth. Being Misty’s daughter and Mike and Kathy’s granddaughter, she grew up being a part of the restaurant. Mike remembers when she was younger, she would work around the back in her apron and crack eggs and play in flour trying to help as best she could, coming out of the kitchen covered from head to foot with flour. She has been employed at the Pioneer since 2009. The employees that are highlighted in this article are not the whole of the story. Mike appreciates and cherishes the contribution that every single person brings to his tables. Listed is every person that currently works at the Pioneer, from washing dishes to bringing your food, to working the cash register. They are all a part of the same great environment. We could learn a lot from this great bunch of hard working people. The entire Pioneer Family: Leonel, Terry, Virginia, Pablo, Serafin, Maria R., Gail, Kimberly, Ellen, Misty, Anthony, Maria C., Kara, Jenny, Suyapa, Nancy, Candy, Allyson, Isael, Marisa, Frances, Karen, Maria L., Nahum, Barbara, Sandra S., Dacia, Jorge, Heather, Jose C, Ronnie, Cristin, Nico, Susan, Alicia, Sandra C., Sophia, Alexander, Jose M., Mark, Pedro, Nina, Phylicia, Michael, Haley, Tonya and Autumn. The Pioneer Family Restaurant supports our community through various channels and the community shows its support every day with a packed parking lot and a line at the door. So the next time you come to patronize our Pioneer Family Restaurant I sure hope you will see it through different eyes and understand what this whole family does for you and our community. Quality food and quality service. Mike and Kathy have taken Service Excellence to a whole new level!



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"Where I Live" Contest Winner By: Beth Winze


t is a small town. It contains a quaint post office. Two competing high schools. A Sheetz that is visited by dedicated locals and road-weary out-of-towners. Just a ten minute journey down a less frequented back road and you will arrive in the splendorous magnificence of the foothills. Each season breathes a fresh life into this town. It is where I live. I live on a gravel road. It is peaceful. Neighbors recognize each other and nod as you drive past. The couple on the corner rear their kids without the haze and pollution of a loftier city. The Elderly couple has seen their kids and grandkids make forts in the woods just outside their back door. Some may see it as simple. But when examined under the surface, this town is bursting with camaraderie and life. On Friday nights in the fall, with blazingly colorful leaves cloaking the trees in the background, the sound of clashing helmets and stadium lights occupy the air as Wheatmore and Trinity high Schools play football. The winners shake hands with the defeated after the game. On a snowy winter night, flakes float like heavenly kisses over the sleeping ground, leaving a landscape of pure and natural beauty. The morning after a snow, kids can be seen everywhere making snowmen and participating in snowball fights. On a spring day, the birds chirp and sing in the blushing cherry trees lining the roads. The whirring sound of lawn mowers infiltrates the air with the aroma of new life. Clothes can still be seen hanging lazily in the spring sunshine on a clothesline. Summer ushers in the sound of pool water splashing, the powerful smell of sunblock, and the call of cicadas from the shady woods. Neighbors invite friends and family over for barbeques leaving the fragrance of grilled burgers simmering in the air. Trinity is a community. A community that comes together during football games. One that helps each other when they need it. And one that thrives off of the idea and belief in a resilient public. It is a small town. And to someone just driving through it does not have much to catch your eye, but thise living here it is a humble indication of a tight-knit community. ✑


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Beth awarded gift certificates from Kristen and Nima, owners of I Don’t Know… Coffee? In Archdale

Meeting 17 year old Beth Winze, writing contest “Where I Live” winner, was surely a treat. Funky and fun, Beth possesses a zest for her community, a love of writing and a clear goal of where she is going. Congratulations Beth, your essay is altogether wonderful and we can’t wait to see more of your writing! ~Chelsea Tolman~

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“Do You Know the Many Ways To Fix Your Loose Fitting Dentures With Implant Dentistry?� Implant Retained Dentures: An implant retained denture is a type of denture that is supported by implants and can be removed or fixed. Regular dentures that rest on the gums, and are not supported by implants tend to not fit as well. The following are examples of implant retained dentures: Removable Ball Attachment or Snap In Denture: Most patients without teeth need to place implants to make sure the jaw bone does not atrophy (go away). On the lower arch two implants will help retain the denture, eliminating the need for adhesive/powder that you have to buy to hold denture in. On the upper it will require four implants. Some people wonder why this is necessary to have four not two. The bone on the upper is softer and cannot withstand the load of the denture with only two. This denture must have a full palate but with the addition of two more implants making a total of six would be needed to have a U shaped denture without a palate. U-Shaped Palateless Denture: On the upper arch some people hate to have their palate covered with a denture, because you are unable to taste your food as well. Implants can provide you the opportunity to get rid of a palate and have a U shaped denture. Sometimes a reinforced metal frame is needed within the acrylic of the denture. This option requires five to six implants.

All on Four (teeth in a day): This procedure was developed as a way to more efficiently use implants in both jaws. Qualified patients receive 4 implants and a denture in just one day! With the All on Four procedure, the patient will have a few visits to our office prior to surgery date to gather information necessary to fabricate the denture. Following these visits the patient will be scheduled for surgery date, where extractions take place and implants will be placed and dentures fitted. You can come to our office with unhealthy or no teeth and leave the same day with a beautiful set of fixed, functional teeth! You can remove an implant-supported denture easily although some people prefer to have fixed (permanent) crown and bridgework. The dentists at Triad Cosmetic Dentistry will consider your particular needs and preferences when suggesting fixed or removable options. "Dr. Keith T. Macdonald is a fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantology, with hundreds of hours of continuing education, as well as a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Dental Association, and the North Carolina Dental Society."

Fixed Permanent Hybrid Denture: With the placement of four to five implants on the lower or 4-6 implants on the upper you can permanently fix your dentures using a bar that screws into implants. This bar is incorporated into the acrylic part of the denture, splinting and stabilizing the implants and making them stronger.

//ASK THE EXPERT Dr. KEITH MacDonald, DDS Visit us at www.Dentalimplantsnc.Com or please call Dr. Macdonald for a consultation. 9924 U.S. 311 • Archdale, NC 27263


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Giving Kids a Place to Belong


orth Carolina MENTOR believes children belong in families. Since 1993 our Therapeutic Foster Care program has provided safe and nurturing homes where children can begin to heal after trauma. Using our clinical model, Family Vistas, the program is tailored to the needs of each child and family, based on the belief that every family is walking their own path, with unique needs and a unique vision for their lives. We place children with loving foster parents known as Mentors, adults skilled in caring for youth at risk. Children become a part of the Mentor’s family while working through trauma or other behavioral challenges. With the support of their Mentors, children build relationships and coping skills that can support them as they move forward in life. In addition, our expert staff supports each child and their Mentor with services that include: • Communication skill development • Anger and stress management • Individual, group or family therapy • Trauma-focused therapy • Crisis management • Substance abuse treatment • Medication management Who Are Our Mentors? Mentors don’t just open their homes to children in need – they open their hearts and their lives. They come from many backgrounds and ethnic groups and are carefully matched with each child to ensure a good fit. Take Carl and Liz Marano, Archdale residents, as an example. Carl is a local fire fighter and Liz works part time for the Archdale & Trinity Magazine. They opened their home to foster children nine years ago. Their daughter, Theresa, and adopted son, Isaiah, now share their home with Chris, an 18 year old foster youth who is transitioning to independent living. The state now allows young adults who are in school to remain in foster care after the age of 18 as a means of helping them develop the skills and supports necessary to make it on their own. “Being a Mentor is just being a good parent. It’s hard work and worth every minute. We consider each child as a part of our family. Are we busy with three teenagers in our home…YES…but we make it work, and it’s worth it when we see our kids grow and achieve things they never expected.”

The Marano family wants others to know that being a Therapeutic Foster Parent doesn’t have to be a scary thing. With good training, a good match, and support from your agency there is someone out there that you can help! Who Can Be A Mentor? Prospective foster parents need: • A spare bedroom • A High School Diploma or GED • A flexible work schedule • Reliable transportation • A satisfactory criminal / motor vehicle record Make A Difference At Home – Become A Therapeutic Foster Parent!

The Marano family learns new skills…wake boarding… at the WakeTheWorld day at Badin Lake this month. From left: Chris, Liz, Isiah, Carl and Theresa. ASK YOUR FOSTER PARENT RECRUITER: Joanna Mason graduated from Appalachian State University with a MA in Counseling in 1985. She has provided recruitment, training, licensing and support services to foster parents with NC MENTOR since 2005. She can be reached at either of the following two office locations. 7C Oak Branch Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407 600 S. Fayetteville St., Asheboro,NC 27203 336-318-1306 ext. 12


Garden Dress Up


hat outfit isn’t complete without the right accessories? Don’t you take care picking out the knick knacks in your home, that they are well balanced and accent your personality? Well then read on, because the same care and concern for your garden can mean the difference between ordinary and extraordinary! If you take the time to look at the yards of others while traveling around town, it is readily apparent when you cross a yard that has been manicured but what really gets attention is when you cross a yard that has been accessorized! I have some tips and tricks that make it easy to bring your garden, flower or vegetable, to life. If you have ever planted a vegetable garden you probably are as frustrated as I am with the wooden or plastic sticks that mark each row. The wood sticks fall over and crack, the marker on the plastic sticks wear out and before you know you have to wait for the plants fruition before you know what is actually growing in the garden that you planted. So, head to a yard sale or thrift store and find an old spoon…yes spoon! Pick out several even, any size any style, it doesn’t matter really. You will need some polyurethane, craft paint and small paint brushes. Clean your spoons well and set them out to dry on a small towel. With your paint and brushes take your spoons and individually write a vegetable that you plan on growing in the center. You can decorate with color and images, even stickers, it’s all up to you. It doesn’t take a trained artist to do this, there are no rules. Once you are done with your spoons and let the paint dry. Take your polyurethane and brush over the paint lightly, then let dry as indicated on the can (you can also use spray poly too). Add one more coat and presto! You have weather proof gardening markers that you can reuse year after year with a touch of creativity


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and flare that will get your neighbors talking. Personally I love coming across a yard with tall visual interest, like a windmill. Of course large garden ornaments are usually pricey and not exactly what you were looking for. Most of us have a wooden trellis or two that is piled in a building somewhere, dust them off and turn them upside down. Nail them together with the narrow ends at the top and apply a coat of any color outdoor paint, while that is drying find a clay pot that when turned upside down fits over the top of your tower. Paint it also, it doesn’t have to be the same color, place it on top of your

trellis, voila! You have a mini lookout tower that can be seen from afar. In almost any garden, there is that pesky problem of creating a walking path, or areas of grass that are hard to mow. One simple solution is to take some logs from the back yard and sliced them into 2 inch sections, then laid them in the dirt randomly along the path you want paved. I would probably suggest some type of sealer, so the wood doesn’t rot, also the suggestion was made to plant ground cover thyme in between the spaces. The thyme helps keep the logs in place and is durable to foot traffic and can be used in the kitchen‌..all around good idea!


So...I don't want to put Shaun T or Jane Fonda out of a job, but I think I've found By Christi Anna Coats the most effective workout routine... ichael has deemed this summer a summer Play With Your Kids focused on our family. We need it. We're


saying 'no' to things that don't fall in line with our summer theme. We're dating our kids. We're dating each other. We're loving one another extravagantly and specifically. Our focus is each other. Fall will come and bring demands and pull us away to things that are important and urgent and worthy of our time, no doubt. But for now, we are focused on our family. Last week at the pool I was sitting with a friend who had let her children bring those squirter toys. They were getting a bit rambunctious. She called her son over and said, in a conspiratory kind of way, "Hey....fill it up with this ice water from the cooler! You'll really freeze him out!!" Then she giggled like she was 8. My jaw dropped. I thought she was going to scold him. I would have scolded mine. But why? They were just having fun...and the kids thought it was hilarious. I love her. She's always doing things like that. She lets her kids jump in puddles in their good clothes. She makes movie night a big deal, projecting the movie super big so it feels like a theater in her home. She plays with her kids. When the beginning of this week came, I decided to play with my kids. It was an actual decision. Playing with my kids doesn't come naturally. I like being a grown up. I always have, even when I was a kid. I'm not very good at playing. Michael is good at this. And I sit and fold laundry and laugh happily from the sideline. I like the view from there. It's safe. So I think I took my kids a bit by surprise when I did a cannonball into the pool this week. Actually, Nolan said, "Are you trying to be dad?" Geesh. "No, I can play too!" I squawked like a kid left out at recess. I chased them. I played in every *one* of those jumpy houses at Safari Nation. I did the maze. I did the obstacle course and the slide. I did the zipline. Twice. I played ball tag. I shot balls from air guns. I ran. I swam. I jumped off the diving board. I tickled them. I boosted them. (I don't know if you know what that is. In our family it means that we pick the kids up over our heads and throw them as hard as we can in the water.) I boosted them 148 times. I told a story in the hammock, the crisis of which was resolved with a 'fart pack' which catapulted the character to safety. They laughed with such delight. They laughed all week long.


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And truth be told...I had *fun* doing it. As I swam underwater (*hair and all Mamas...*you know that is a big deal), I remembered what it felt like as a kid to go to that imaginary place where nothing bad could happen. I squealed with excitement during ball tag, anticipating from which direction my chaser would come. I laughed with abandon at the fart jokes, disgusting as they were. And I *enjoyed* my kids. And I am the sorest I have ever been. I have done 'Insanity', and I am not kidding, I've never hurt this bad. Last night Michael took me out on a date and I could barely lift my arms to curl my hair. I felt like jello. One day this week I told the kids we were going to play 'survivor'. They were in charge of the food all day. Hey, I can either feed them or play with them. Turns out, I can't do both. So, FREE, not 3 easy payments of $59.95, here's how to get in shape.

• Want great arms? Boost your kids. • Want great abs? Laugh with your kids. • Want great legs? Chase your kids. I guarantee it will be the most *rewarding* exercise you ever do. Go PLAY!!!

Ranch Dressing Handmade & Vintage Sales and Rentals I walk out my back door every day and take exactly 45 steps and I'm at work. My husband built a two story workshop and art studio in 1992 so that I could be a work at home mom. For many years I designed and hand painted floorcloths for clients all over the US and taught art to school age children from my second floor studio. Today the building still houses my studio and now my handmade and vintage shop/rental showroom. I have an eclectic taste and lean towards a rustic style, somewhere between Adirondack and Western, with a little Cottage thrown in for good measure. Most everything I learned in design school, I've thrown to the wind and developed my own style. I love the juxtaposition of refined and primitive objects used together and the simplicity of bare windows and floors in rooms layered in collections and mismatched furniture. When I look for things to go into my shop, I'm always thinking ...a weekend retreat know, the ones with real wood paneled ceilings and walls, creaky wood floors and stacked rock fireplaces? Because we are off the beaten path it's hard keeping regular business hours so, I sell mostly online, and have two big sales a year at our farm, with other handmade and vintage vendors from surrounding areas. We just had one in May and the next one is coming up in September. In addition to sales, I rent part of my inventory for weddings, photo sessions, parties, showers and receptions. Why go out searching for and buying all those vintage items you see on Pinterest when you can rent for a fraction of the cost? I have packages for any budget. My rental inventory is a good mix of sophisticated and rustic. I also offer my styling services for setting up your event or photo shoot. By letting me take care of the details you can spend less time stressing and more time enjoying your special day! To view rental items or for a design consultation please call or email for an appointment. For complete information about sales and your invitation to our Country Marketplace Sale in September visit our website at:


Contact: Angie Nelson 336-905-0386

History of the Tarheels


n Colonial days, North Carolina was a big producer of tar, pitch and turpentine. During one of the fiercest conflicts of the Civil War, North Carolina troops felt they had been let down by a regiment carrying the colors of another state, and thus carried chips on their shoulders when they pulled back from the front after the battle. "Any more tar down in the Old North State, boys?" members of the other regiments taunted the battle-weary North Carolinians. "Not a bit. Jeff Davis bought it all up," retorted the Carolinians. "How's that, what's he going to do with it?" "He's gonna put it on your heels to make you stick better in the next fight," answered the soldiers from the land of tar, pitch and turpentine. Gerneral Lee, hearing of the incident, remarked: "God Bless the Tar Heel Boys." The nickname stuck. Source ... Creecy's "Grandfather Tales of North Carolina"


No More Regrets.........


oday I learned a very important lesson on regrets and not taking chances. I grew up with barns, farms and gardens. I spent a lot of time with my great grandmother helping with the chickens, snapping beans and digging up potatoes. Granny Pruitt always wore her home made clothes, her apron and old timey bonnet to protect her face from the sun while tending to the vegetables or feeding the chickens. There were so many good memories of growing up with her. We lost my amazing granny several years ago and it was about that time that I took interest in a little old man who lived on Finch Farm Road in Trinity. He lived in a tiny little white house, had a big ol white barn out back and his little garden on the side of the yard. Being a photographer, I have always had a love for old farms but old barns are my passion and I fell in love with his big ol white barn right off the bat. It was the barn that caught my attention first – and a cute little old man second. Every time I saw him he was wearing his denim overalls, long sleeve plaid shirt (didn’t matter how hot it was either!) and his old straw hat. He had a bucket in his hand and was on his way to or from his little garden. Every time I drove

by he would look up, throw up his hand and wave as if he knew me. Every time I drove by I would look for him and if he was outside I would honk and wave as if we were lifetime friends. Many times I would tell my mama that I was tempted to stop one day and just introduce myself. She told me I should but I talked myself out of it because I didn’t know if he would think I was crazy. One day not too long ago I decided that the next time I saw him out I was gonna stop and just see what happens. Weeks passed and I would drive by but no little old man. Some days his old two toned pickup truck would be under its shelter and other times it wasn’t. His garden was planted without me seeing him and as it grew there was still no sign of him. I questioned my mom to see if she had seen him recently because she drove by every day. I started to wonder if something had happened to him or was it just too hot for him. Had his health gone downhill or was


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By: Patti Smith Leonard

it too much for him? The garden was still growing but didn’t look as attended to as in past years. Yesterday my husband and I were on our way over to mama’s house when I saw a big plastic banner that said FARM FOR SALE! A cry caught in my throat, tears began to fall and my heart physically ached. It was then that I knew something had happened and I feared the worst. This morning I Googled the address and sure enough the first words on the screen that I read were the words OBITUARY. Today I found out for the first time that the sweet little old man who made me smile on a regular basis was named Fred Carlton Barker. He was 91 years old and passed away May 10, 2013. Last night I made a trip over and took down the number off the banner that said “call anytime” and this morning I did just that. The number belonged to his son Sidney Barker and I told him he was about to hear one of the craziest stories and I proceeded to tell him about how much his dad – a man I never met – brought so much happiness to my life. We talked for about 20 minutes and I asked for permission to take pictures of the beloved white barn. I also asked for permission to share this story with our magazine to which he gladly and graciously said yes to both. He thanked me for calling and told me how much it meant for him to hear how his dad touched my life. I regret not having the courage to stop while Mr. Fred Barker was alive and will always regret that. Yet I am thankful that I was able to have the courage to make a friend in his son. I want to take this time to thank Sidney for sharing his father with me and hope to sit down with him sometime to hear stories about the old white barn he played in as a child and the cute little old man that he called Dad. Ironically Mr. Fred is buried off Hoover Hill Road in a cemetery I drive by on my way to and from home every day. Today on my way home I will blow the horn and wave as I pass that cemetery and smile as I picture Mr. Fred in his overalls, plaid shirt and straw hat waving back at me. If you take anything from this I hope that it gives you courage to do something you always wanted to do. This is just further proof of how you only live once and how you have to take chances. Most of all - make sure that you let people in your life know how much they mean to you - you may not get a second chance. I plan to do better in these areas myself. Rest in peace Mr. Fred Barker – thank you for making my heart smile so many times! You are missed! 

Three Simple Questions For Improving Or Saving A Life By


ccording to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nine out of ten patients do not receive health information in a way they can use or understand it. And according to many medical and nursing professionals, that can harm a person’s health and lead to errors in hospitals and clinics. “Only about 50 percent of patients take medications as directed,” says Christy Grabus, chief nursing officer at Novant HealthThomasville Medical Center. There is a very simple solution, however, that’s scientifically proven to improve patient care and healthcare literacy, according to Grabus. It’s called “Ask Me 3,” and Thomasville Medical Center and other hospitals, physician practices and clinics across the Novant Health system have adopted this powerful initiative with the goal of improving the patient’s overall healthcare experience. Grabus says that patients are often stressed or anxious when they arrive at a hospital or doctor’s office. “It can be overwhelming for patients to ask questions, or they might not even know what to ask,” says Grabus. The program centers around three simple and practical questions that all patients should ask their healthcare providers: 1) What is my main problem? 2) What do I need to do about it? 3) Why is it important for me to do this?

do you need to do and why? What’s the end result?” The response from is “a healthier me”. Ask Me 3 was created by The Partnership for Clear Health Communication to encourage all patients to get involved in the quality of their care and to improve health literacy. According to the national organization, health literacy affects all socio-economic groups and is one of the strongest predictors of an individual’s health status. In other words, the more someone understands his or her medical condition, the better the individual’s overall health status. “Low health literacy can affect anyone, because it’s a language people don’t use every day,” comments Grabus. “And individuals cannot remain healthy or improve their health if they don’t understand what they need to do.” “Ask Me 3 helps us make sure that patients understand what we’re telling them,” says Clement. The national Ask Me 3 initiative suggests a few additional tips for patients: • Bring a friend or family member to help and take notes during your appointment. • Make a list of your health concerns prior to your appt. to tell your doctor, physician assistant or nurse. • Bring a list of all your medications, including vitamins and herbal supplements, when you visit your doctor’s office. • Ask your pharmacist for help when you have questions about your medications.

The three-question approach guides patients through their healthcare experience and encourages them to become more actively involved. Registered nurse Tina Clement, who helps teach diabetes education for Thomasville Medical Center, believes that the program works. “I go through the three questions when I’m educating patients about diabetes,” says Clement. “I explain the diagnosis and try to use common terminology; then I go over how to treat it, what medications to take and what each prescription is for.” Clement then asks her patient if he or she has any questions. “If he or she says no, I tell the patient I have a pop quiz for him: what do you have, what

//ASK THE EXPERT thomasville medical center Need help finding a physician? Call 336-476-2793 or learn more at



Across 4. The Great __________ began in 1929. 5. This battle, the bloodiest fought in NC, was fought in March 1865 6. The ________ Triangle Park opened in 1959. 8. The most destructive Hurricane in NC history. 11. These brothers flew the first airplane at Kill Devil Hills, NC 12. These kinds of sharks roamed the waters of NC in ancient times 13. The governor who introduced the "Go Forward" program Down 1. This War was fought between residents of NC and Georgia in 1804. 2. The first English child born in the New World. 3. The first ever sit-in occurred here in February 0f 1960. 4. First popularly elected governor of NC 5. This pirate was killed off the coast of NC in 1718. 7. This Indian tribe was forced to flee their homes on the "Trail of Tears" 9. The first European person to permanently settle in NC. 10. The first town in NC Answers will be printed in issue 11. Do you have fun facts about Archdale & Trinity History? Send us your facts and let’s create our own crossword puzzles. Email: or mail to: Barn Door Marketing LLC, A/T Fun Facts Crossword, PO Box 14459, Archdale, NC 27350


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Don’t Give Your Home A Day Off:

Some simple steps to make your home more secure and less of a target while on vacation. Leave some interior lights on Making your house look like someone is still there is a great start to making it less of a target. Don’t go over board and leave every light on but something obvious such as a room that is used often, one in a room near the front & back of the house is ideal. Exterior lights to brighten your door ways Having a light on at each entrance to your home is a must (on a timer)! After all it is the most likely way a person goes into and out of your home. While driving around Archdale I’m personally surprised at few people have a porch light they leave on every night, yes it does cost a bit more; but with new compact florescent light bulbs the cost is very minimum when weighed against your person security. Don’t forget lighting up your drive way, I personally have had a car stolen from our driveway here in Archdale, with hind sight I wish I would have had more lighting as a deterrent (and not had left the keys in the car). Hire you neighbors as a security guard Well not pay so to speak, but ask them to keep an eye out for people parking in your driveway, walking around your house and things out of the ordinary. In return (payment) you will do the same for them when they are out of town. Install a security system While the prices of many big name security system companies is low the monthly monitoring fees (where they make their profit) can really get large, if you’re not able to go with the monitored security system, even a simple loud door buzzer is something that can startle an intruder, if nothing else it is a great to have when you are home asleep and want to know if someone comes in the door. In addition a simple 4 camera (I recommend wired kind easier to install) surveillance system is a great investment. Just make sure the DVR (what records the video) is somewhat hidden and hard to get to, in order to deter it being taken. Make your door frame stronger Install a heavy duty strike pale on your door frame (where the door and dead-bolt {which you should have} stick into the house. The standard strike plate that most homes have is just not strong enough, the longer the metal is and the more holes it has for screws (screws should be 3” or longer) the harder it is for a person to kick in the door. A friend of mine with Piedmont REO goes out to houses and gets them ready for banks, and this is the most common way he sees a house that have been broken into due to being vacant. The longer the strike plate the better. Last minute security check walk thru The simplest things make your home a target. Check EVERY window make sure they are locked; even windows with an air conditioner in them are often not secure and should be locked. Make sure ever door is lock and dead bolts installed. Lock all gates on fencing you may have. Install pad locks on every out building on your property. Lastly,. Be Prepared not Paranoid Tim Ross, President American Ninjutsu Academy


Donnie (Hillbilly) Thompson Trinity, NC

Doug Abbott Wallburg, NC

Woody Shoaf Lexington, NC


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Tee White Trinity, NC

Live what you love

Live what you love, and love what you live. Anything less is a painful and frustrating waste of your precious time. Don’t just be an image or a concept or an imitation. Be real, be authentic, pushed forward by rich, driving desires, dreams and goals. Put all of your heart and your spirit into this day, into your work, into the big things and the little ones. Instead of complaining that you don’t have enough, celebrate the magnificent truth that you are enough. You are enough, and there is no limit to how much joy you can send forth into each day. You are enough, and now is your opportunity to experience new and original fulfillment. Live what you love, give the power of your attention and action to it, and you will come to love it even more. Love what you live, and each thing you do gives you a way to express real joy. This task, this situation, this feeling, this moment is your priceless life. Love it unconditionally, live it fully, and experience it on the highest, most truthful and beautiful level. — Ralph Marston



Performance Time 9:00 am - 9:30 am 9:45 am - 10:45am 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

Entertainer Opening Ceremony Jimmy Shirley Timless Victoria Lee and New Ground Michael Ken Trophy Husbands

GOSPEL STAGE SCHEDULE Performance Time Band 9:30 am - 10:15 am First Baptist 10:30 am - 11:15 am CornerStone 11:30 am - 12:15 pm Trinity Quartet 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Strings of Victory 1:45 pm - 2:30 pm New HopeCommuntiy 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Car Show 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Summit Trace CHILDREN'S STAGE SCHEDULE Performance Time 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 Noon 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 am Run, Walk & Talk (Sponsored by the YMCA) 5K Car Show Classic

Threads - Textile Exhibition & Contest Meet The Author Big Wheel Race Blood Drive 9:30am – 2:00pm: Call Perry Coltrane 403-4301


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Genre Today's Country Beach/Oldies Bluegrass and Country Country Oldies / Rock Genre Church Choir Church Choir Gospel Quartet Gospel Bluegrass Dance & Gospel Music Awards Gospel

Performance Lanky Lou Ronald McDonald Zoo Brian Hebert's Ju-Jitsu Mad Science Lanky Lou Brian Hebert's Ju-Jitsu Mad Science Arts Acadmey Zoo Carolina Cloggers

PATTI'S PAGE By: Patti Smith Leonard


redneck wedding

ost girls dream of the perfect wedding as the kind you find in fairytales. You know – the big poofy dress, tons of flowers, huge wedding party, the prince and all that jazz. I guess for me my fairytale was a lot different than most girls. I wanted the white dress (I didn’t have that with my first wedding) but outside of that I would say my wedding was anything but typical!! Tony and I had our first date at Charlotte Motor Speedway and he proposed to me at Speed Street in uptown Charlotte. It was only fitting that we get married there! So on May 26th, 2013 the morning of the Coca Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway we said our vows and I became Mrs. Tony Leonard. We were married under what I called our “Redneck Wedding Chapel” that consisted of 2 blue tarps, 9- 2x4’s, ropes and stakes. The seating was lawn chairs. My drummer of my band No Shame, Larry McDowell and my cousin Mark Pruitt gave me away. Tony’s dad was his best man. The ceremony was followed by an awesome tailgate reception with our friends and family. Our beautiful cake was designed by Nascar Official and friend Kim Lopez! It was amazing! After the reception 30 of us attended the race and had a blast! While my wedding wasn’t typical it was perfect and was more than I could have ever wished for! Thank you to all my family and friends for making it a dream come true! You guys rock! The Randolph County Department of Social Services is looking for loving, supportive families to serve as foster families for the children of Randolph County in need. We are focusing on homes for sibling groups, teenagers, and medically fragile children

If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent, please contact the Randolph County Department of Social Services at 336-683-8062 to get more information on the requirements and training opportunities.


Grubb Family YMCA After School Club By Jessica Jansen

After School Club is a YMCA after school program, located at the Grubb Family YMCA. The YMCA picks up from the following schools: Archdale Elementary, Trindale Elementary, Hopewell Elementary, Trinity Elementary, and John Lawrence Elementary. The school bus will drop off the students from BraxtonCraven and ATMS. Our program runs until 6PM, Monday thru Friday. On Holidays, Teacher Workdays and Inclement weather days we hold All Day Outs 7:30-6PM. What we do while at the Y? After arriving at the YMCA we will hang up our bags and jackets. Then we break up by age group, Kindergarten- 2nd grade, 3rd – 4th, and 5th – 8th, to share devotion and have a snack that the YMCA provides. Next our activities include: Homework time, Arts & Crafts, Sports & Games, Fitness Classes (as scheduling allows), we also offer a Martial Arts Class for After School Club Members for $15 per month this is held every Wednesday afternoon. Club Goals are to provide a safe, affordable, quality childcare program that builds the child’s self confidence, self image and help them develop a healthy spirit mind and body. We also encourage values such as, caring, respect, honesty, responsibility and faith. Field trips are twice a month on a Friday, either at the High Point Bowling Center or Skate South, dates will be announced. Benefits of After School Club Our well-trained staff ensures that your child is provided a high quality experience every day. All of our staff are certified in CPR and First Aid and must pass a criminal background check. After school ratios are 1:12 counselor to child ratio. A YMCA Director supervises After School Club every day. We recruit our staff through local churches, leadership organizations and from area colleges. We take pride in the high expectations of our staff and each year evaluate the. We emphasize their role in the lives of our children and in the community. Being a Counselor is one of the most demanding yet rewarding jobs a person could choose. They are influencing and impacting lives as a role model, a leader and a care giver. In this there is a lot of excitement and responsibility. Interested in attending? After school rates are $125 per month for Family Members, $140 for Youth Members, and $190 for Non-Members with a $35 registration fee.


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For more information call or stop by the YMCA and talk to Jessica Jansen, our Program Director. To contact Jessica, call (336)861-7788 or email her at

//LIBRARY CORNER By Rebecca Fleming


ummer is more than half over, and the days are starting to slip towards fall. Thoughts are beginning to turn toward back-to-school preparation, and summer gardens are (hopefully) yielding a bountiful harvest. We all have our favorite recipes and go-to methods for preparing the fresh fruits and vegetables we’ve grown, but if you are anything like me, the repetition can get old quickly. Especially if you have a bumper crop of green beans, or more tomatoes than you can handle. At times like this, the Library can become your new best friend. This summer, instead of looking for ways to get rid of that excess produce once you get tired of a particular flavor, try something different. Swing by the Library and browse our cookbook section, find new ideas and experiment in the kitchen! You just might discover your next favorite recipe, and you will definitely have fun exploring new flavors and techniques. Here is a small sample of the cookbooks available, to whet your appetite: • Master Chef Cookbook (JoAnn Cianciulli) • Modern Hospitality: Simple Recipes with Southern Charm (Whitney Miller) • The New Southern Garden Cookbook (Sheri Castle) • Vegetable Harvest (Patricia Wells) • Lidia’s Italy (Lidia Bastianich) • Bean by Bean (Crescent Dragonwagon) • The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook (Jaden Hair) • Blue Ribbon Recipes (Barbara Greenman) If you want to try canning or preserving part of your harvest, there are books for that too! Saving some of those fresh beans and tomatoes for the cold winter months will keep the flavors of summer with you all year. We know the Library feeds your imagination; it only makes sense that it helps you feed your family as well!




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