01 priceless
Tree Links Golf Course
Interested in growing your business?
Why join? To network weekly with like minded local business professionals. To share ideas, strategies, and most importantly business referrals. Come see how the “Givers Gain” philosophy can add revenue to your business. "From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
Logan County Chapter Meeting
EVERY WEDNESDAY 7:30–9:00 a.m.
This rock is located in Brown Park
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Homecoming Restaurant (1330 U.S. 68 N) Bellefontaine, OH 43311 VISITORS WELCOME!
4834 County Road 55 Bellefontaine
Remodeled 3 BR 2 BA country home is low maintenance, move in ready and lives larger than it looks! Call today to schedule a showing.
Jason Kuba, Realtor Zimmerman Realty, LTD (937)539-0454
table of
PuBLishEr’s LETTEr
CoVEr sTory
ask ThE EXPErT
CourThousE NEws
17 19 20
ask ThE EXPErT
ask ThE EXPErT
29 4
Golfing Family Brings New Experience to Tree Links
22 24 27
Your Drinking Water
Courthouse Tower Update
ask ThE EXPErT Your Bunions
CommuNiTy NEws
The City That Affects You Indian Lake Harbor Festival
Your Pool Saftey
13 22
FEaTurE sTory
Stories from Those Behind the Counter
CommuNiTy NEws Pool Safety 5K Run
aT ThE ymCa
What's Happening At The YMCA
ChamBEr oF CommErCE Business Of The Month
bellefontaine magazine
//Publisher’s Letter Dear Readers, Welcome to the first edition of Bellefontaine Magazine! As a positive community magazine, we focus on the uplifting stories from around the county- stories that matter to you. This is your magazine and as the publisher it is important to me that you know that. I want to hear from you! All around our county there are interesting and good things happening. I see it every day and I know you do, too. If you know of or hear about a person in the community doing something courageous, kind or inspiring, contact me. If you see a child or a teen going out of his or her way to do the right thing or reaching outside of him/herself to accomplish a goal, contact me. If you are talking with a neighbor or college student or a coworker and you hear of an inspiring situation, contact us. Those are just the kinds of stories Bellefontaine Magazine serves to highlight. And not only are there good happenings in our community, there are also new things taking shape. If you are involved in a group or event that is making an impact on Logan County, please contact us. Even if you have been a longtime resident of the area, you might stumble on an untold story or an interesting tidbit of historical information that would be an encouragement to others. Please contact us and share your ideas. Tell us what you’d like to read about and what you would like to share with the rest of the community. And don’t worry. We aren’t expecting you to write an article. Just sharing your ideas is help enough. After all Bellefontaine Magazine belongs to the whole community. Don’t keep those encouraging stories to yourselves! This monthly magazine will be available to pick up at many area businesses, but if you cannot find a copy around town, you can always visit us online at www.bellefontainemagazine. com. Happy Reading!
ellefontaine M
A •G •A •Z •I •N •E
PUBLISHER Rachel Brumbaugh
COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Brittany Voss CONTRIBUTORS Kate Andre E. Alston Jim Bouldin Annetta Chappell Chris Freeman D.C. Mike Harrison Bill Minken Cheri Smith ADDRESS PO Box 73 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 Phone. 937-539-2224 FACEBOOK Bellefontaine Magazine is a monthly publication. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Bellefontaine Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.
Rachel Brumbaugh Publisher
Do You Recognize These Pictures?
They are located somewhere in Logan County
Visit and you can enter your guess. The first person to submit correct locations for all three images will be announced the winner in the next issue of Bellefontaine Magazine. Correct answers will also be listed.
2 6
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Golfing Family Brings New Experience to Tree Links
hen the Weaver family first laid eyes on Tree Links golf course, the 152 acre property was covered in a thick blanket of snow, but even then the would be owners Craig and Sandy knew they had found the unique course they had been looking for more than five years to buy. Having spent eight years in Scottsdale, Arizona while their two daughters, Lauren and Lindsey, were honing their golf skills, the family was ready to return to their Ohio roots. Both grew up in smaller Ohio towns and with their daughters attending college in the Midwest, moving home just made sense. Craig and Sandy are both proud alumni of The Ohio State University, where Sandy was enrolled when they met. In the years that followed both worked as teachers in the Columbus and Worthington areas before beginning their administrative careers on the east side of Cleveland. In 2005 the family relocated to Arizona to allow their teenage daughters to pursue their love of golf; a love that started with a 3 par course at Put in Bay where the family had spent their summers. The girls, then two and five, learned to hit the ball with the help of their golf enthusiast father, who often carried them from hole to hole. What began as a way to fill long summer days, where Sandy quips “there wasn’t much to do” has since blossomed into something much more. With Arizona being the premier
Story By Kate Andre Photos by Brittany Voss place to develop golf skills Craig comments, “if you can’t develop your game there, you just can’t develop your game.” It is obvious that the advantages of living in Arizona in close proximity to six advanced courses were not lost on the Weaver sisters. Lauren, the older of the two daughters will soon be moving to Chicago and applying for medical school, having recently graduated from Northwestern University in Illinois where she majored in biology and was captain of the school’s team. Under Lauren’s leadership, Northwestern’s golf team won the Big 10 for the first time in the program’s history. Lindsey, the younger of the two, just completed her first year of college. And a big first year it was! Lindsey was named All American, ranked first among US golfers for most of the fall of 2012 and had her first chance to compete in the US Open. It was an experience Lindsey calls humbling, but she gleaned much from the experience about what it takes to make the transition from junior golf to professional golf. Having two educators as parents, Lindsey sees the value of finishing her business degree even though her long-range goal is to become a professional golfer, ether in the LPGA or the European league. For now, though, her immediate goal is to qualify for next year’s US Open where she hopes her former experience will give her an advantage. Working with her dad and coach, Lindsey will be practicing her formidable golf skills this summer at Tree Links, a course she calls naturally beautiful as well as
challenging. Sandy, having grown up playing golf at Arrowhead Golf Course in Minster, remembers the flat, Ohio golf courses she had experienced prior to the discovery of the rolling beauty of Tree Links. Echoing her mother and sister’s sentiments, Lauren points out that the course has eight ponds, lots of hills and an elevation that allows for views of Madriver Mountain’s ski slopes. But Tree Links' 18 hole course is not only made up of majestic views, it is also a challenging course that rewards good shots. It is also a course that has undergone impressive renovations in the short time that the Weaver family has owned it. This past spring the family’s focus was on getting the course in better shape, which included buying top of the line machinery that smoothed the course out and ensured the greens, fairways, and roughs were cut properly and to the right height. Not only have they updated the large machinery, but they’ve also added new carts and made a new commitment to growing the courses’ greens with all organic products. These improvements have not been lost on the long time customers, including the former owner. And when customers want to stop in and shake the new owner’s hands or ask about the upcoming renovations, they can, thanks to the family’s hands-on approach. “If you come in and want to talk with someone, you will be able to talk with the owners and not just a manager,” states Sandy. Craig and Sandy plan to be on site and involved in every aspect of putting into action the vision they have for the golf course. A series of major updates, in the planning phase now, are completely new facilities including a banquet hall that seats 400, restaurants on site, a small golf shop and four to eight two bedroom cabins. Both Sandy and Craig cite their background in education as having given them the people skills to be a “mom and pop” business in more than just name only. Craig states that running a golf course isn’t all that
bellefontaine magazine
different from running a school, though with a smile on his face, he’s sure to state that running a golf course is simpler. In each case, there are equipment breakdowns, personnel issues and events and the ability to problem solve on the spot with an innovative and permanent solution is a key to success. “A golf course improves based on the strength of its management,” Craig states and that’s a promise he’s sure to make good on since they are the management. They aren’t hiring out the work; they are available to hear the community golfers’ feedback as they make updates and upgrades. You can most often find Sandy in the pro shop, where Lauren says she does “basically everything”. Coordinating events, working with catering for events (which includes weddings and receptions in addition to the golf course’s own events), and ordering supplies- she does it all! In keeping with the Weaver family’s strong background
in teaching, coaching and administration, personal instruction is available for both junior golfers, adults new to the game and seasoned players as well. Craig, a long time player who kids that he stopped playing as often “when the kids beat me every time," has a strong record not only as a player but also as a coach. After nearly 40 years of teaching, he states his business is really instruction and it is something he takes very seriously. Personal sessions are not cookie cutter classes, but instead focus on helping the person improve their individual game within a more technical framework. Craig is eager to point out that their mission is to offer the best golf experience for the least amount of money possible, which is why golfers will find that Tree Links has the lowest prices in the county. “Our first question is always, ‘Is it good for the customer?" Craig asks, “What matters is not what I know, but what the customer’s perception is of their experience.” With local golfers at
the heart of their decision making process, the Weaver family is moving forward to ensure that everything from the course itself to the food and beverages on site add to the experience. So whether you are a seasoned golfer or have always wanted to give the sport a shot, you can trust the Weaver family’s love of golf, longtime experience, and many recent course upgrades to ensure you have the best experience locally available. The golf course is open from dawn to dusk and throughout the year whenever the weather is favorable for a golf game. If you would like to set up a tee time, call Tree Links at (937) 592-7888 or if you would like to take a tour of the upgrades, the golf course is located at 3482 County Road 10, Bellefontaine, OH 43311 Information is also available on their website at â–
bellefontaine magazine
Bellefontaine N. 1120 N. Main 937-592-5688
FREELANCE WRITERS If you’ve ever wanted to be published...NOW is your chance. We need local writers to write about local things. Interested?
Bellefontaine S. 1454 S. Main 937-593-9694 Serving customers since 1893 It’s a great feeling to serve our friends and neighbors in Logan County. You can count on the friendly, personal way we do business. To you, it means quick decisions on whatever financing opportunities may come along. For us, the best reward has just been getting to know you in the process.
Send us an e-mail with story idea and writing sample and you are on your way!
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Do you know what's in your water?
Nine years ago, NASA sent two robot rovers to Mars. It was fascinating watching these robots explore the red planet. They were both looking for evidence of water. Last year NASA sent another rover to Mars, again looking for water. In October of 2009, NASA crashed a rocket into the moon immediately followed by a second space craft which scooped up the matter from the implosion. This mission also was in search of water. This liquid called water must be extremely important to search for it on other heavenly bodies! It should come as no surprise that we are continually searching for water. After all, water is the giver of life. 70% of our planet is covered with water. Here on Earth there is plenty of water. It’s what gets into our water that concerns us most. Here in Logan and Champaign counties, hardness and iron in the water are a huge concern. Hardness in this area is nothing more than dissolved limestone rock which is measured in grains per gallon. Generally speaking, well water usually runs close to 30 grains per gallon. There are some exceptions. An aspirin tablet is approximately 5 grains by weight. Therefore, in each gallon of hard well water, there are 6 aspirin tablets of dissolved rock present. That alone is not so bad, the national average per person is 75 gallons of water a day. That equals 450 aspirin tablets per day! Multiply that times the number of people in your family and it becomes a small mountain of aspirin tablets building up daily! Many wells also have iron in the water ranging from very little to 5.0 parts per million or more. Iron is a mighty little element which causes objectionable tastes and staining at 0.3 parts per million,
which is a very small amount when you consider that one grain equals 17.1 ppm! If your water conditioner is not working like the day it was installed or you don’t have one, it can cost you dearly. According to a recent study at Battelle Institute of Technology in Columbus, using the same type of water we have in this area, hard water consumed 19% more gas in heating, reduced the life of the heating element nearly 50% and had failure on the tankless hot water heater in 2.57 years. After 1.37 years of testing, ¾ of all the nozzles in the shower heads were clogged and almost half of the spray jet nozzles in the washing machine were clogged as well. However, all appliances operating with soft water performed as well as the day they were plumbed in. Soft water forces you into a savings program. Hague manufactures water conditioners for both city and well water. Some of the city water in both counties is testing near 25 grains of hardness per gallon so people in the city and well water users experience many of the same issues. If you would like a complimentary water analysis even if you currently have a water conditioner, please give us a call at 937-465-6060 or 1-800-262-6060. n
Bill Minken still believes in service at home. If you don’t have a softener and are curious as to how much money soft water could save your family, please call. They’ll be right over. At Hague Water Conditioning, they still make house calls. Call them at 937-465-6060 or 800-262-6060. Stop in to see them at 107 S.R. 508, West Liberty.
bellefontaine magazine
//Courthouse Tower Update Restoration in Full Swing Inside the Tower The Old Ceilings The Clock Tower Workings
ot many Bellefontaine residents have forgotten the super derecho storm that ripped through town just a little over a year ago on June 29, 2012, bringing with it straight line winds that uprooted sturdy old trees, caved in rooftops and buckled sidewalks. But for those who have been tempted to forget the damage done along Columbus and Sandusky avenues and the center of town, the missing tower on the Courthouse stands in its absence an ever-present reminder. When the storm hit, the 142 year old octagonal tower moved nearly eight inches off of its base. The tower was constructed with eight main beams that came together at the top and had cross members that kept the structure sound. The tower was so powerfully shifted during the storm that many of the supporting cross
Story By Kate Andre members were snapped. Though the tower was built in 1870, the timber it was made of was nearly 300 years old and the concern quickly became that the tower itself would fall. The Courthouse was quickly evacuated to ensure safety. County employees could be found pushing Lowes shopping carts full of the contents of their desks out onto the sidewalk, where several court employees attempted to continue business transactions. Makeshift court rooms were set up over the weekend as well, and by Monday morning the Courts were up and running only about ten minutes behind schedule, though county workers and court clerks were spread around town, occupying whatever temporary spaces were available. The question still remained, what was to be done about the unsecured tower? There was seemingly
no way to move the tower back on the base without causing great damage and no way to repair it safely where it was. After two structural engineers agreed, the decision was made that the tower must come down. But taking down a structure of its size and age was not to be an easy task. The County Commissioners on an emergency basis hired Midstate Contractors, Inc. from Marion, Ohio to begin to surgically deconstruct the tower, carefully measuring each piece for the plans to rebuild. Once the tower was down, the county commissioners began the lengthy process of determining who was best suited to take on this tedious project to rebuild. First they advertised for a criteria architect/engineer who would be able to prepare the specifications and review proposals for the design/ build process. Then they worked together with that professional to seek out experienced contractors who would be highly skilled to complete the task, beginning with a request for contractors to first submit their qualifications. The field was then narrowed to three contractors, who each were able to submit their proposals, design costs, and strategies for completing the work. It was a hard decision as all three companies were suited to the job. In the end, Midstate Contractors, the same company that did the tower
bellefontaine magazine
//Inside the Tower
Top left photo shows some of the many signatures found written on the inside of the clock structure (pictured top right). Can you read the first signature? It belongs to Edward D. Jones of the Edward Jones investment group. deconstruction, came in with not only the lowest bid, but also what appeared to the engineer and county commissioners to be the best proposal. The rebuilding of the tower will begin soon, and although the material has yet to be chosen, the goal is to reproduce an identical copy of what was first built in 1870. The interior structure will be altered somewhat in keeping with current structural codes and will also ensure that there is access to the top. Once the tower is up, locals may notice some apparent changes or additions to the tower in comparison to what they remember. Over time, design elements of the tower had been removed due to the damage or lost altogether. Lady Justice on the front of the tower had even sustained some very old bullet holes! Since the structure is being rebuilt to reflect its original design and character from 1870, these lost elements are being restored and Lady Justice is being restored. Near the end of the summer 2013 locals will see a new
scaffolding being built up on the Courthouse, where work will begin on the base for the tower. The new concrete base will likely sit over the winter, with more visible activity beginning again in the spring of 2014. The tower is being constructed off site and once complete will be brought in pieces to the Courthouse where is will be reassembled over the course of about four weeks. Watch over the course of time as our Courthouse returns to its place in our city. n
bellefontaine magazine
How to Be Generous to Family and Yourself Sharing with loved ones is the theme of the season. Giving to children and grandchildren is an important financial priority that surfaces around the holidays. “Often, we want the next and future generations to have a better and easier life than we’ve had,” explains Deborah Lauer, Vice President in Wells Fargo Advisors’ Key Client Solutions Group. “This can take the form of bequests to heirs, but extended periods of unemployment, volatile incomes and other difficult economic circumstances among younger generations are inspiring numerous older individuals to give assets during their lifetimes, when there is a need and while the giver can see it being enjoyed.” Assess Your Situation- “Secure your own oxygen mask first before assisting other passengers” is an instruction every frequent flyer knows by heart. It also applies to your finances. You have probably reviewed your retirement strategy since the 2008 market upheavals and are adapting to the realities of investing in a slowergrowth world. Have you also reviewed your estate plans in light of these changes? And are you seeing the opportunity for assets that you had earmarked for transfer later to be given today? Your Financial Advisor can explore how parting with certain assets now might affect your future financial independence, and discuss potential solutions for minimizing the impact of removing those assets from your nest egg now. “It’s critical for individuals to prioritize their own financial security before making gifts to family members,”
Lauer ays. “Nobody wants to become a burden to their family, which can happen if you give away the assets you’ve acquired to support yourself.” Keep Talking-Communication about money is critical within families. Once you’ve established for yourself the limits on your ability to give, share with your family members the help you’d like to offer, and invite them in turn to talk with you about their needs. Maybe you already know your grandson and his fiancé are saving for a first home. Find out what their shortfall is. Also, is what you’re being asked to support in line with your priorities? If you greatly value education and are committed to developing your granddaughter’s academic talent, you may want to offer to pay tuition directly to her school rather than giving a lump sum of cash to her parents. If the conversation hasn’t come up yet but you’ve perceived a need or simply want to share wealth during your lifetime, prepare for a longer discussion. It may take a few conversations with family to figure out exactly how they are comfortable being assisted, and how you can appropriately supply that assistance. Pride can play an important role here—on both sides—as well as each party’s sense of independence. Recognize that you may have differing values and consider before you start the conversation how those might influence your decision about giving. Consider the Tax ImplicationsTax rules are scheduled to change significantly next year. As a result, it’s important to work closely with both your Financial Advisor and tax professional to make sure any gifts you make don’t trigger an unexpected tax bill. This year, you can give individuals up to $13,000 and married couples can make gifts to individuals of up to $26,000, according to the IRS.* These gifts are called annual
exclusion gifts. In addition to the annual exclusion gift, an individual may gift all or a portion of their $5.12 million gift tax exclusion without triggering a federal gift tax. Non-cash gifts such as securities or real estate could also be given instead of cash. Medical expenses and tuition bills paid directly to the institution or service provider are tax-free, and don’t count toward your annual or gift tax exclusions, the IRS says. With the right planning, you and your team of professionals can develop a gifting strategy that is likely to achieve your desired goals without putting your finances in jeopardy. Don’t forget that your gifts don’t need to be monetary. When budgets are tight, writing a check to a relative can feel like a sacrifice, so don’t give until it hurts. You may discover through conversations with family that offering your time in the form of regular childcare to working parents is really what’s needed, or lending your time and expertise to helping a grandchild apply for college scholarships. These don’t cost money but can buy your family real peace of mind.
*Internal Revenue Service, Publication 950. ar02.html#en_US_publink100099451.
Wells Fargo Advisors is not a legal or tax advisor. This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC and provided courtesy of Darrin Haubert, Associate Financial Advisor, in Bellefontaine, Ohio at 800593-4627. Investments in securities and insurance products are NOT FDICINSURED/NOTBANK-GUARANTEED/ MAY LOSE VALUE. Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN), Member SIPC. Katterhenry Investment Group is a separate entity from WFAFN. ©2012 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved.
//Ask the expert Financial
Katterhenry Investment Group 800-593-4627
Locations in Bellefontaine, Troy, and Minster
BirDs EyE ViEw Then and Now
"From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
bellefontaine magazine
BuNioNs, BuNioNs, BuNioNs!
The feet are two of the hardest working parts
over time is what causes them. Faulty ankle,
of the body. Unfortunately, this makes them
mid foot and even hip mechanics are other
highly susceptible to injury and dysfunction.
very common causes of bunions.
There are a large number of problems that
seemingly simple ankle sprains can lead
occur in our feet and a common one is bunion
to this deformity. Tightness in the external
formation. Bunions are uncomfortable to say
hip rotator muslces can also turn the foot
the least, cause people to be self conscious
outward placing stress on the first MP joint
about their feet and more importantly, prevent
that can lead to arch collapse, plantar fascia
people from fully enjoying their lives.
stress and bunion formation.
Hallux abductovalgus is the technical term
Those are only a few scenarios that can
for the deformity of the big toe that leads to
lead to bunion formation and there are many
bunion formation. For various reasons the
more. There are also many more factors to
big toe is pushed laterally toward the other
consider when a bunion has already formed.
toes. This causes swelling and pain at the
People with bunions are not doomed to
first metatarsal phalangeal joint (MP) in the
limitation and pain. There are many ways
foot, which is where we visually see the pain,
that manual therapy can help and many
swelling, redness and deformity of the foot.
home therapies as well. A number of splints,
This can cause bursitis and blisiters, deform
braces and toe separators are available
other toes and change the mechanics of the
and are easy to find online. Custom foot
Changing the mechanics of the foot
orthotics can also help with this condition as
leads to changes or compensations up the
does soft tissue work to the muscles, tendon,
kinetic chain and puts greater stress on the
ligaments and joints of the leg and foot. It is
ankle, knee, hip, low back, etc. It can even
important to have a trained eye examine the
change the position of the head, neck and
individual to find out exactly what is driving
shoulders. In fact, it is not uncommon for foot
the bunion formation. This way treatment
dysfunction to play a role in headaches.
can be directed not only at the bunion and
Tight shoes are one of the more
alleviating pain, but also at the functional
obvious causes of bunions. If the shoe puts
cause that led to the bunion formation in the
stress on the toes and forces the big to the
first place. n
side eventually the foot will form this way. I’ve heard these types of shoes referred to as “dessert shoes”. These are the shoes that can be worn occasionally for short periods but never on a regular basis. For someone who already has a bunion or is heading that way these types of shoes are a major “no no”. Bunions are the result of a functional imbalance, which means repetitive stress
See Chris Freeman D.C. at Indian Meadows Chiropractic Center, LLC located at 7399 SR 366 Ste 2, Huntsville, OH 43324. Call them at 937-842-2220. Walk ins are welcome. Also check them out at:
The City That "Affects You" By Mike Harrison
F "From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
//COMMUNITY EVENT Indian Lake Harbor Festival Date: August 2, 2013 - August 3, 2013 Location: Russells Point Harbor Fees/Admission: Free Event Description: Friday from 4 to 8, kids games and vendors. Parrott Head Party from 7 to 11:00 pm. Saturday starting at 10:00 am, games vendors and Wacky Boat Registration. Wacky Boat Races start at 12:00 pm in the harbor. The Shriners parade follows at 2:00 pm. At 5:00 pm there will be a mass wedding in the harbor. Couples are invited to renew their vows or have their wedding in the harbor. At 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm, a dj and a reverse raffle for the Sandy Beach Bridge Campaign. Brought to you by the Russells Point Business Group.
bellefontaine magazine
rom the beautiful fountain, a sense of community fills the air. Throughout our city’s history, we have risen to meet the challenges of life. Now here we are in the 21st century, our city, Bellefontaine. We are prouder, stronger, and wiser, ready to take on new challenges. We are ready to take on new goals in our quest to be a city that welcomes all, that loves all and that supports all. Our city affects you. We gain a sense of purpose when we reach out to and honor our community of seniors who possess seasoned, priceless wisdom. We must remember our veterans and the high price for freedom that was paid and the resolve to keep it that way. We are a community that has been guided and nurtured by our clergy and other resolute persons who have answered the call to be “the gatekeepers” of our city’s heart. These people we must not forget. We should give a “shout out” to our first responders, medical, police, fire, men and women who sacrifice everyday so our city can be protected and be at rest. And we must honor all who come together everyday and work hard to build cars, make glass and hoses, construct buildings, work on family farms. We thank those who keep us fed, those who clean, those who serve, teach, direct and administrate. We help to maintain our sense of community when we give to those in need and do right. Where there is a contagious desire, an influence, that causes to lift up another, that place is a community. And we build up our community by participating in it, remembering all who are a part of it, and by giving honor and respect where it is due. Whether you were born and raised here or transplanted and have made a life here, we must do our part to advance this beautiful city; the place we call home. Bellefontaine, a city set up on a hill. We are the peak of Ohio and this city is the city that affects you.
summEr, PooLs, waTEr, swimmiNG, CauTioN!
Swimming is a great recreational sport
were out of sight for less than five minutes
that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
and in the care of one or both parents at the
But it’s important to know how to be safe
while you’re in the water. The American Red Cross offers these important swimming safety tips you should be aware of before you head out to the pool or beach: •Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards.
•Avoid distractions when supervising children around water. •If a child is missing, check the water first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability. •Have
•Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone.
as reaching or throwing equipment, a cell phone, life jackets and a first aid kit.
•Never leave a young child unattended near water and do not trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always ask permission to go near water. •Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone.
•Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. •Enroll in Red Cross home pool safety, water safety, first aid and CPR/AED courses to learn how to prevent and respond to emergencies. •Protect your skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10:00
•Maintain constant supervision.
a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear sunscreen with
•Make sure everyone in your family learns
a protection factor of at least 15.
to swim well. Enroll in age-appropriate Red
•Drink plenty of water regularly, even if
Cross water orientation and learn-to-swim
you’re not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol
or caffeine in them. n
•Keifer float belts provide buoyancy to give children confidence to learn to swim. These can be found at
kiefer-learn-to-swim-belt-products-289.php?page_ id=253.
•If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. These barriers include appropriate fencing surrounding the pool or the yard, locking gates, retractable or removable ladders. •Consider an alarm system that alerts when anyone enters the pool area. •Many children who drown in home pools
See Annetta Chappell at the A.C. Agency, she can help you with your needs in Auto • Home • Farm • Commercial • Life • Health • Disability Income • Annuities • College Preparation 920 N. Main St., Bellefontaine (937) 593-4444
Stories from those behind the Counter Do you know of a story ? Contact us at
er journey has been one of pain and triumph. And even though the details were not shared at length, her piercing eyes told me all I needed to know. They told me a story of strength, perseverance, faith, and love.
I walked into the renovated historical building and was
instantly greeted by the scent of freshly ground coffee and familiar faces. Two sisters were nestled in the back corner of the lounge catching up. The lights were dimmed, there was soft music playing, and Jami Mosgrove’s smile made me feel welcome as she came from behind the counter to
By E. Alston
meet with me. Jami is the Operations Manager at Sweet Aromas Coffee. She has worked there since their opening on Valentine’s Day 2012. Originally from Ontario, OH, she has been a resident of Bellefontaine for fifteen years. Before taking a position at Sweet Aromas, Jami enjoyed five years of running her own child care operation. And while she was successful and enjoyed her work, Sweet Aromas provided an opportunity for her to engage with people-which was obviously very natural for her- while still making the time for her family. It also allowed her a creative role, from creating the delicious looking raspberry lemonade cupcakes I saw in the pastry case, to the amazing customer service practices that are associated with the Sweet Aromas brand. As we discussed the business reputation in the community, Jami expressed, “they always say we are a brand that loves people, and that’s true. Everything from your drink being exactly the way you like it, to opening the door for our customers, is about creating an atmosphere of love.” Jami knows all about creating an atmosphere of love. She is a woman of strong faith, and the mother of five children. While every mother can relate to the unconditional love a mother has for her child, Jami’s love goes beyond her biological offspring. In the fourth grade at Pine Avenue Elementary, her son, Josh Kreutzer, had a little girl in his class who was being bullied because of a medical condition, and seeing her in distress, he came to her rescue. She was grateful to find protection, refuge, and from that point on, her best friend. Little did Josh know, however, Esperanza Ventura’s
bellefontaine magazine
medical and bully problems were just the beginning of her
obstacles. “Espi’s” mother had abandoned her. A family
Espi has since decided to move down to Florida to
member, who was not equipped to raise a young girl on her
live with her father and biological family. As hard as it is
own, was attending to her and poorly so.
for a mother to let go of the child she loves, Jami doesn’t
When Jami learned of Espi’s living and family situation,
have to wonder if Espi will return to her or not. She is well
her heart was moved with compassion and she took Espi
taken care of and loving her Florida family. But there is no
into her home. At the time, Jami was a single mother of four children. She was doing everything in her power to overcome the challenges of effectively loving, providing for, and caring for her children without any support. And despite the fears and pressures of doing so, love compelled her to look beyond opposition and extend her family a little further. The whole thing was meant to be. When Children’s Services found out about Espi's situation, they were going to make her go back down to Florida with her mother who had custody of her. Espi began to flip out. She didn’t want to go there because of the life she had prior to coming to Ohio. Jami spoke to an attorney, and the attorney [handled the case] pro bono. "It didn’t cost me a dime. And within twentyfour hours, I had temporary custody papers that prevented her mother from taking her back to Florida. When they
fight for positions in Espi’s mixed family. Both she and her biological family have and will always consider Jami her mom. Jami’s unconditional love for Espi has allowed her to find peace in putting herself in the father’s shoes. “I can’t imagine being a parent, looking for my child, having them not be there, and thinking, ‘what happened to my daughter?’ Knowing that he was looking for her all that time and that he’s never tried to shut me out of her life helps.” Espi still comes to visit Jami for holidays and summer vacations. She is thankful for Jami’s love and doesn’t know what her life would look like today if Jami had not opened her home and heart to her. As I leaned back in the white wooden chair, taking
found out I had custody of her, everybody in the community
in all that Jami shared, it became clear to me how she
poured out. My church poured out. They took her shopping
could love her customers so easily; she is experienced in
for clothes because she’d been here all this time and didn’t
loving even strangers. She stood up, adjusted her apron,
have anything.”
and headed over to push play on the CD that had stopped
After a short trial period, Jami was able to adopt Espi into
at some point in our conversation. She headed behind
her family. And Espi fit in as if she were born into it. Even
the counter to brew coffee and help her team serve the
though Jami’s children knew another person would mean
customers who were waiting patiently. And having had a
more sacrifice, they didn’t think twice about welcoming her.
beautiful conversation, I stood up from the chair, witnessed
They loved her like the sister and daughter that she was.
the happy customers engage, and I was thankful to have
Most have used the quote, “if you love someone, set them free,” as relationship guidance when things have gone wrong. In Jami’s case, this was a concept of wisdom and
experienced the love of a beautiful woman, which indeed left a sweet aroma. n
love for parenting Espi. During her years with Espi, Jami discovered that her father had been looking for his lost daughter the entire time she had been away. Jami reached out to the father and coordinated a trip for Espi and her father’s reunion. Five of her family members drove from Florida to Bellefontaine to meet the little girl they’d dreamed of. They were astonished when they met Jami. They were under the impression that she ran a foster home, and what they found out was that she just had a really big heart. “They called me the Blind Side lady. They just cried and rejoiced, knowing Espi was in a safe place,” Jami said with a tender
//COMMUNITY NEWS Home Pool Safety by Annetta Chappell
//COMMUNITY EVENT Run to Educate 5K Run/Walk Date: August 9, 2013 Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Event Description: This 5K Run/Walk event raises funds to assist LCEF's mission of supporting local education. Registration is available at our website beginning June 7. On site registration and check begins at 5:45 pm. Location: Bellefontaine High School, 555 East Lake, Bellefontaine, OH 43311
bellefontaine magazine
Millions of us enjoy warm weather every year by swimming in our backyard pools and relaxing in hot tubs. Tragically though, over 200 young children drown in backyard swimming pools each year. The American Red Cross suggests owners make pool safety their priority by following these guidelines: • Secure your pool with appropriate barriers. Completely surround your pool with a 4-feet high fence or barrier with a self-closing, self-latching gate. Place a safety cover on the pool or hot tub when not in use and remove any ladders or steps used for access. Consider installing a pool alarm that goes off if anyone enters the pool. • "No running around the pool area" is also a rule that should be strictly enforced and there should never be riding toys around the deck area (tricycles, scooters, etc). • Keep children under active supervision at all times. Stay in arm’s reach of young kids. Designate a responsible person to watch the water when people are in the pool—never allow anyone to swim alone. Have young or inexperienced swimmers wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket. • Ensure everyone in the home knows how to swim well by enrolling them in age-appropriate water orientation and learn-to-swim courses from the Red Cross. • Some pool tragedies occur when people are trapped by suction drains. To help keep that from happening, never use a pool or hot tub with a missing or broken drain cover. You can install a Safety Vacuum Release System that can automatically shut off the pump if a drain gets blocked. Get your pool inspected on a regular basis by a professional who can pinpoint possible hazards. Plainly mark the cut-off switch for the pool pump and make sure everyone knows to hit the switch as soon as someone is trapped. Because many entrapment incidents involve hair getting trapped in a drain, keep long hair away from the suction fitting drain cover. Pin up long hair or wear a swim cap. • Keep your pool or hot tub water clean and clear. Maintain proper chemical levels, circulation and
//COMMUNITY EVENT 14th Annual Hot Summer Nights Cruise In Date: August 10, 2013 Time: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
filtration. Regularly test and adjust the chemical levels to minimize the risk of earaches, rashes or more serious diseases. • Establish and enforce rules and safe behaviors, such as “no diving,” “stay away from drain covers,” “swim with a buddy” and “walk please.” • Never use extension cords around a pool or spa. • Never enter the water when a utility pump is running. • Never put an aluminum vacuum handle into the pool. • Never swim in your pool or hot tub during an electrical storm. • Pool chemicals and chlorine should be stored in a locked area and kept out of the reach of children and pets. • Ensure everyone in the home knows how to respond to aquatic emergencies by having appropriate safety equipment and taking water safety, first aid and CPR courses from the Red Cross. • The American Red Cross and National Swimming Pool Foundation® have partnered to create an online Home Pool Essentials course that describes steps home pool owners can take to prevent tragedy and keep a well maintained pool or hot tub. The course is available at Information provided by Annectta Chappell, AC Agency. n
Event Description: The Top of Ohio Cruisers present for the benefit of the Holland Theatre: Hot Summer Night. A wonderful evening in downtown Bellefontaine beginning with a parade of classic cars beginning at the Logan County Fairgounds and ending in the downtown. Downtown options include: live entertainment, theatre tours, food vendors and car viewing with raffle prizes and other great surprises in store. Location: Downtown Bellefontaine, Ohio
"From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
"From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
bellefontaine magazine
my meeting with Dave Johnson by : Jim Bouldin
bout 2 months ago 3 guys came walking up the entrance to the Hilliker YMCA. They looked like they could be the starting linebackers for the Bengals. They introduced themselves as the management team for the new Bellefontaine magazine. I hadn’t heard about it because it hadn’t come out yet. I let them explain their business plan and was then expecting the sales pitch about their advertising prices. Much to my surprise Dave wanted to tell me his own Y story about growing up in Ashborough N.C. and how the Y had such a great influence on his life. His family could not afford a membership to the Y and they wanted to participate in the Y and attend programs. Through their local Y they were able to receive scholarship assistance and become active members, participating in every activity including day camp and before/after school programs. Dave then proceeded to tell me that every community they move into, he personally goes to the Y director to let
them know his story and the positive effect the Y had on his development. He had no sales pitch to me but offered me the opportunity to put a story about the Hilliker Y in the magazine monthly at no charge. I can only say what a blessing this was and how it helped remind me of why the YMCA is here. We are here to make a difference in the lives of others from kids to seniors. Welcome Bellefontaine Magazine to Logan County and I look forward to a great collaboration. Jim Bouldin CEO Visit the Hilliker YMCA at 300 Sloan Blvd., Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 or call 937.592.9622.
AQUA SCHEDULE Monday Aquafit 8:00-9:00 AM H2O Feeling Fit 9:00-10:00 AM Water Works 10:00-11:00 AM Aquabuilt 6:00-7:00 PM Tuesday Aqua Masters 8:00-9:00 AM Wednesday Aquafit 8:00-9:00 AM H20 Feeling Fit 9:00-10:00 AM Water Works 10:00-11:00 AM Aquabuilt 6:00-7:00 PM Thursday Aqua Masters 8:00-9:00 AM Friday Aquafit 8:00-9:00 AM H20 Feeling Fit 9:00-10:00 AM Water Works 10:00-11:00 AM Saturday Liquid Toning 8:00-9:00 AM
"From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
"From the Logan County Historical Society Collection"
bellefontaine magazine
he Logan County Area Chamber of Commerce recognizes The Strayer Co. as July’s Business/Entrepreneur of the Month. The Strayer Co. began its family tradition of service in 1927 when Kenneth Strayer began his plumbing trade. Kenneth took a temporary leave from the business to serve his country in the U.S. Navy as a Chief Warrant Officer during World War II. He worked on projects in France, Germany, and England and returned home using that experience to grow and expand the business in 1945 when the war was over. K.E. Strayer Company was the original name of the company. Kenneth named the company this way because it is the seal of quality in every residential and commercial job by Strayer. In addition to the plumbing business Kenneth’s wife Leona operated the Strayer Appliance Store in Bellefontaine until 1955. Keith Strayer, the current President of The Strayer Co. started working the summer of 1972 and joined the company full time after graduation in 1975. He was them put in a leadership role in 1981 and is still at the helm of the business today. Strayer Co. provides plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration services to Logan and surrounding counties. Along with Keith they have two employees; Tammy Strayer, Office Administration, who began as Secretary/Treasurer in 1987 and was
named vice president in 2009, and Michael McLane, who began working for them in 1994. Employees Dennis Bensman, Herb Bensman, Jeremy Erdy, Rian Mooneyham, Paul (Porky) Thomas, and Gary (Doc) Noble help provide the quality service Strayer Co. is known for. They feel that small town does not mean small time. Success has to be directly tied to customer service and standing behind your work and morals. To keep up with current trends they have initiated a new company website under the guidance of Comstore Team approach. When asked why they chose to be a member of the Logan County Area Chamber of Commerce, Keith answers “Chamber memberships convey credibility to your customers and the community. They chamber is the 1st step with new business coming to the community. Networking and contacts are crucial in helping this company grow and meet customer requests. For more information call 937-592-5826 or visit their website Please join us in thanking The Strayer Co. for their continued support of Logan County!! n
Benefits of joining your local Chamber…. Recognition As a Chamber member your business has the potential of being highlighted in the community as the Business/ Entrepreneur of the Month!!
“May I borrow a pencil?” Mrs. Perry
unpaid position, of course. I spent a
asked. Hands flew in the air in a room
majority of my first grade school day
full of first graders who had hoped to
as a teacher’s assistant. I helped Mrs.
repeat the question correctly. She
Perry alphabetize, organize, and file
called on one student, “May I borrow a
papers, and most exciting for me, I
worked one- on- one with classmates
“Not quite,” Mrs. Perry responded. “May I borrow a pencil?” She called on another student, only for them to respond in a sentence form once again. This repeated a few times while I squirmed on the floor in Indian style, my hand flailing in the air, hoping and praying she would call on me. After allowing other students an opportunity, and no one placing the correct punctuation on their question, she finally called on me. It seemed like an eternity to an anxious first grader. “May I borrow a pencil?” I asked with confidence and relief. Mrs. Perry shot out of her chair exclaiming, “HOT DOG!!” That is my first memory from Mrs. Perry’s class, a defining year in my education. The year prior, I had been placed in five different kindergarten classes while the public school system worked to find an appropriate challenge for me. When I had arrived to Mrs. Perry’s class that next year, she quickly identified that I should have been
who were struggling with reading and math. My experiences in the classroom that year planted deep-rooted seeds of passion in my heart for education, and more specifically, one- on- one supplemental
myself inspired by the ability to help someone else overcome obstacles. I loved seeing them gain confidence in their ability to learn. I loved seeing the bright looks on their faces when a math concept finally made sense. I loved that rush of mastering something new and considered it a privilege to help someone else feel it also. Our goal is to develop confident, successful learners of all ages. Our purpose is for our students to leave us knowing that nothing is impossible to them when they believe. This is the beginning of our journey. But as long as we continue to inspire hope in the families we encounter, it will be a journey well worth it. n
placed in a more accelerated class, but she decided, instead of transferring me, to challenge me on her own. In addition to the extra work she gave me for enrichment, Mrs. Perry allowed me my very first job in education- an
//ASK THE EXPERT Tutoring Cheri Smith opened EQUIP Learning with a goal to develop confident, successful learners of all ages. We do this through one-on-one academic coaching, group enrichment classes, seminars & workshops, consultation, and a few other upcoming services. Our success rate is not solely based on the fact that we know our content and can explain it effectively; Contact Cheri at 937-367-6396 or
bellefontaine magazine
The Courthouse in 1897
"From the Logan County Historical Society Collection" The Shingledecker and Robbins wedding and a street fair.
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