Burlington Magazine, Issue 4

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06 Publisher's Letter






Cover Story

Ask the Expert Your Feet

Citizen Journalism

Brian parker - A customerfocused approach


Shoe Inserts vs Custom Orthotics: What’s the Big Difference?





Community Success Story

Friendly Faces

Ask the Expert Real Estate

Community Character





Feature Story

Ask the Expert Chiropractic Care

Daily Devotion

Community Events

VR Helps Us Believe in Ourselves

Tiny House Living

5 Powerful Buying Strategies

Basic Causes of Back Pain



burlington magazine

30 Zen Chick

Is Your Soul Alive?

The Idealist

starr jones



Dear Readers, all is well and truly upon us. Corn stalks, hay bales, pumpkins and scarecrows decorate the lawns and steps of homes and give a festive air to the neighborhood. Farm stands and garden centers have the last fruits and vegetables of the season ready to can or freeze before winter.

I just love Halloween. This year, I spotted the Mystery Machine driving

around town and just had to know more about it. I was able to track down the owner and got the low down – keep reading to learn where the van comes from and how it came to be in Burlington.

ASHEBORO & MORE MARKETING, INC. PO BOX 1369|ASHEBORO | NC | 27104 www.burlingtonmagnc.com

PUBLISHER Melody McBride



Speaking of local… meet Brian Parker. Brian is the owner of Brian Parker


Investments LLC and this month’s cover story. His unique hands-on approach

EDITOR Sherry Johnson

to investing and outstanding customer service might be just what you are looking for.


Our Community Character this month is Starr Jones, who owns a local film company with his brother Dean, and together they produce horror films in North Carolina. They created The Original Hollywood Horror Show in Snow Camp, which has been running for 24 years. It’s a “must see” for anyone young and old who loves a good scare! If YOU are into scaring people, you should join the Jones brothers in Center Court at the Holly Hill Mall on their Alamance County Zombie Walk for Charity on October 26th. We are so pleased with the positive response the magazine has gotten from the community. We love getting feedback from residents and business owners that have our magazines on display. Please continue to send us article ideas, photos and stories. This magazine is about you – the residents of Burlington and we look forward to learning more about you in the coming months and

Contributors: Dr. Todd Hyatt Kevin Coombs Ed Bristol Heather McAndrew Debby Richman Dr. Chris Hussey Rev. Peter Panagore Gay Barefield

years. For Thanksgiving, we are looking for local traditions – email or post a message on Facebook with your family’s tradition, add a picture, and you might



just see it in Issue 5 of the magazine. Burlington magazine is published by Asheboro & more marketing, inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. corrections should be forwarded to the publisher at the address above.

Until then, happy reading!


disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Archdale & Trinity magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.

Melody McBride Publisher



Brian Parker

A customer-focused approach

By Dave Johnson


burlington magazine


“One of the benefits of working with me is my ability to provide clear, easily understood explanations of financial products and services. The personalized program that I provide is a roadmap working toward a more secure financial future.”

n today's u n c e r t a i n e c o n o m y , financial planning has become increasingly important. Creating a plan that helps you see the big picture and set long- and short-term life goals is a crucial step in mapping out a secure financial future. However, this process can be very confusing, especially with all the advice, both good and bad, available on the Internet today. If you are one of the 8 in 10 that are dissatisfied with your current financial planner, you realize how important working with the right investment professional can be. Finding someone who is truly invested in helping you secure your financial wellbeing and reach your goals may seem like too much to ask of a financial professional these days. However, as you will see, Brian Parker of Brian C. Parker Investments, LLC, believes that his job begins where other financial advisors’ jobs end. Brian feels that it is his responsibility to put his client’s needs before his own and it shows in everything he does. He believes the personal touch is what is missing in most financial firms these days and he has built his firm on this foundation by offering a level of service that is almost unheard of. From his hands-on investment strategies and his willingness to travel across the country at the drop of a hat to assist a client in need, Brian offers an “old fashioned” approach to helping his clients manage their investments. Recently, one of his clients received a phone call stating that her father was dying and he planned to leave her all of his assets. The client didn’t know her father because he had left her and her mother when she was very young, and she had had no contact with him since that time. She didn’t know what to do, so she called Brian. He immediately boarded a plane and flew to Houston, Texas to help her simplify a very complicated situation. When they arrived at his client’s late father’s apartment, they discovered many years of unopened mail and stacks of old newspapers. Apparently, he became a hoarder in the last few years of his life and threw nothing away. Brian recalls finding stock certificates tucked in between old newspapers, stacks of unopened financial statements and credit cards in piles. In short, it was a huge mess. For the next five weeks, Brian flew back and forth from North

Carolina to Houston, helping his client sort through all of her father’s documents and papers so she could get an accurate picture of his financial holdings. Once all the documents were located and organized, the overall picture of what the estate was worth became clear. Brian was then able to advise her on an investment portfolio based on her own financial goals. In the end she was more than satisfied; in fact her only complaint was the amount of income taxes she would have to pay because of the return she was receiving on her new holdings. Some financial professionals measure their success by the average amount of yearly return they earn for their clients. While this is very important to Brian, the relationship and the positive impact he makes on his client’s lives is what really motivates him each day. While not revolutionary, Brian’s investment philosophy is brilliant in its simplicity. “I buy and sell growth companies all day long,” he says. “Companies like Starbucks, Panera Bread, Wholefoods and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. These are companies that are growing like crazy.” This type of approach, while effective, isn’t very popular among financial professionals because it requires someone spending a tremendous amount of time watching a number of stocks all day long. In Brian’s case, he watches 160 different growth stocks on average, which he boils down to about 35 that he is particularly interested in at any given time. Additionally, he has developed a system that helps him determine when the stock is “on sale.” “When you go into a grocery store, it is rather obvious when they are having a sale on something,” Brian says. “What is not obvious to most people is when Starbucks or Home Depot shares are on sale. For me, it is like walking through the grocery store, I have a method that identifies the shares that are on sale.” While this is a sound investment strategy, Brian realizes that one strategy does not fit everyone’s needs. For example, he has an older client who wanted to take a trip around the world. She was managing properties and working very hard every day. She had no heirs, but wanted to leave some of her wealth to charity. Mostly, she wanted to stop working and start traveling. Brian was able to create a strategy that allowed her to accomplish all her goals, increase her wealth and give her the peace of mind to live her dream of traveling burlingtonmagnc.com


the world. The big difference between Brian’s firm and larger investment firms is the personal attention he is able to give each and every client. Investing is an emotional process, especially in today’s market with so many people still recovering from the tough economic times of the past several years. Brian realizes the fear that can be involved with letting someone else manage your money, and the tremendous amount of trust that his clients place in him. “The best thing I can do for my clients is be the unemotional person standing between them and their money,” he says. This gives his clients the confidence they need to make sensible decisions. One of the things that makes Brian’s firm different, and helps instill confidence in his clients is the fact that they receive a call or e-mail after the stock market closes, letting them know how much money their investments have made that day. Brian’s business career started very early. He skipped his senior year in high school and began attending college at University of Southern Florida in Tampa. He majored in Chemistry hoping to eventually become a doctor. However, he discovered that he had a strong aptitude for business and he excelled in those classes, especially in accounting where he learned to read financial statements. It was also during this time that Brian became an entrepreneur, starting a company that rented refrigerators to college students. Brian went to work for a manufacturing company that Teeing Up

Golfing in the snow?


burlington magazine

was half-owned by an eccentric entrepreneur, Howard Hughes. He started at $4 per hour. He learned everything he could about the business and at the age of 22, became the President of the company, which grew to be the largest solar manufacturing business in the world. Brian had been investing money from an early age and realized that he had a knack for it. In 2000, he changed careers, using his passion for helping others to begin helping them invest their money. He realized that many of the people that he met with, regardless of their educational background, lacked the knowledge they needed to make decisions regarding how to invest their money. Because of this, he spends a great deal of his time educating his clients on the basics of investing. “One of the benefits of working with me is my ability to provide clear, easily understood explanations of financial products and services. The personalized program that I provide is a roadmap working toward a more secure financial future.” One of the other things that differentiates Brian’s firm from others is he has no account minimums. “If you are not willing to help people right where they are, you are not doing your job,” he says. He acknowledges that it requires more work, but results in long-term, loyal clients who end up referring friends and family members to him. He is proud that many of his clients are multi-generational. “Often I am helping the grandparents with estate planning while

Brian Parker Investments bcpmoney.com 336-599-9383 ADDITIONAL NUMBERS Greensboro, NC - 336-578-1332 Charlotte, NC - 704-248-8193 Roanoke, VA - 540-904-4485 Richmond, VA - 804-915-7125 Charleston, SC - 843-277-1146 Washington, DC - 202-558-2047 Tampa, FL - 813-864-7691 St. Petersburg, FL - 727-388-6808 New York. NY - 646-688-4488 Titusville, FL - 321-747-9233 Orlando, FL - 407-574-4980 Family Time at the same time developing a retirement plan for their grandchildren. I get most of my business through word of mouth.” Brian is licensed in many states, and he frequently travels to meet with his clients. He moved to North Carolina from Florida because of the people. He especially likes the “tight knit, friendly, community culture where people are respectful of each other.” When he isn’t working, he loves playing golf, hiking, traveling, attending NASCAR races and going to various festivals, especially during this time of year. Even though there are signs that the economy is on its way to recovery, times are still uncertain. Brian’s oldfashioned, client-focused philosophy is certainly a welcome breath of fresh air. When it comes to something as important as money, Brian says, “I have the time, the patience and a systematic approach to managing it for you.” This is especially important if you fall into the age-group of those who are about to receive or are receiving Social Security. A question you may be asking yourself is “Do I take my Social Security at age 62 or do I wait? Brian says there are about 500 different options related to Social Security and he enjoys finding what works best for each client’s individual financial situation. If you are uncertain about Social Security or you want to see if your strategy is yielding an adequate return, call Brian and experience his customerfocused approach first hand. n burlingtonmagnc.com




sHOe inseRts Vs CUstOM ORtHOtiCs: wHat’s tHe Big DiffeRenCe?

hould I get over-the-counter shoe inserts or splurge for custom orthotics? This is a common question thousands of Americans living with foot pain ask themselves every day. While many people opt to grab a pair of shoe inserts from their local drug store, citing price and the power of instant purchasing as key factors in their decision, they may be losing money in the long run while not improving their condition. “What many consumers don’t realize is that not everyone falls into that perfect number or style of inserts supplied at your local store—nor does it mean that it’s actually the right fit for you,” says Burlington podiatrist, Dr. Todd Hyatt at Triad Foot Center. “Shoe inserts and custom orthotics are like comparing apples to oranges,” Dr. Hyatt explains. “The major difference is that store-bought shoe inserts are made for the mass population and not specifically for you. Many over-thecounter shoe inserts advertise that they are ‘custom,’ but the truth is unless they are prescribed by a doctor, they’re

not really customized at all.” Custom orthotics are created after a podiatrist has conducted a complete evaluation of your feet, ankles, and legs. A custom orthotic is then prescribed to perfectly mold to your unique foot shape and pathology. They last 2-3 years, whereas over-the-counter shoe inserts last a mere 3 months. Plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tendinitis, diabetic foot ulcers, and foot, ankle, and heel pain are some of the common ailments which lead patients to seek the comfort of orthotics. If you are experiencing pain, you should always consult your podiatrist before purchasing any type of shoe insert, as it could be the result of a much bigger issue. Triad Foot Center has three locations in the Triad Greensboro, Burlington and Asheboro. Visit www.TriadFoot. com or call 336-375-6990 to book your appointment to begin living your life foot pain-free. n

Dr. Hyatt is a native of Burlington, North Carolina, and graduated from Greensboro College. He received his medical degree from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. His residency training was completed at the University of Maryland Medical Center and Veterans Medical Center in Baltimore. At the Veterans Medical Center, Dr. Hyatt specialized in vascular disease and surgery as well as wound healing. Dr. Hyatt then completed a podiatric surgical residency at Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital where he specialized in reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle. He is Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.

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The Mystery Machine

story by Kevin coombs, mystery machine owner


f you thought you caught a glimpse of the Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine around town lately, you are not wrong! The "Mystery Machine" was purchased in San Angelo Texas in 2007 from the original owner, a Mr. Bowser, for $1200.00 At the time of purchase the vehicle was already painted and finished on the interior as it sits today. Owner and operator of a local body shop just outside of San Angelo Texas, Mr. Bowser stated that he had painted the van to resemble the Mystery Machine for his daughter. He told me that as a child, his daughter believed his van was actually the same van that Shaggy, Velma, Fred and Daffney rode in, as they solved crimes with the help of Scooby-Doo. He originally bought the van in 1966, and was the only other owner before me. Mr. Bowser painted the van in 1970 or 1971. This Mystery Machine is a 1966 Ford Econoline with an 150 horsepower/ 240 cubic inch engine, the original inline-six engine and matching original transmission, three


burlington magazine

speed column shift with anti-lock brakes, with no power steering and no air conditioning. The heater does work and it is original as well. As both Mr. Bowser and I are mechanically inclined, the vehicle has been well maintained and serviced. Here pretty soon the interior of the van will be getting revamped and a few rough patches on the exterior will be getting patched but the over all paint and the decals that are on the van will remain intact as per Mr. Bowser's request. And as for my intentions for the van I plan to keep it running for another 5 years and pass it on to my daughter. n

Scooby-Doo Trivia: The Mystery Machine has been the gang's transport from the beginning of the "Scooby-Doo" era, and was originally based on a 1968 Chevrolet Sport Van 108. What is the character Shaggy's real name? Norville Rogers. On what date did the ďŹ rst ever episode air? 13th September, 1969 Who was the voice of "Scooby Doo" from 1969-1996? Don Messick




VR Helps Us Believe in Ourselves Story and photos by Ed Bristol, Marketing Director, N.C. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services


Chris (center) discusses a printing project with Al and Maxene Van Handel

ot that long ago, Graham resident Chris Simpson would shy away from shaking your hand or making eye contact or, for that matter, going out in public — and forget about using a public restroom. Chris has social anxiety plus obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), the condition that can cause ritualized behaviors that one feels compelled to perform to excess. Last year, at age 25, Chris’s life was at a particularly low point. With no work experience — “my parents had always taken care of things”— Chris felt “terrified, afraid of getting older, of going through another day without a job, of having to move in with my brother and cut grass to earn money” or worse, he says, “of having to move into some kind of facility.” He had lost his mother a few years before. After an accident, he lost his driver’s license, and his emotional state, as he recalls, resulted in “a lot” of drinking. His brother's girlfriend had urged him to contact the Burlington office of the state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (or “VR” as it’s commonly known). The agency assists people with disabilities — like Chris’s OCD and a wide range of physical, psychiatric, intellectual and communicative disabilities — with finding jobs in line with their interests, skills and experience. In May 2012, Chris became a VR client. He recalls that he tested well in the initial evaluations but, with his lack of work experience, he was still apprehensive about his


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employment prospects. His counselor, Ashley McKenna, was more optimistic: “It wasn’t an overnight process, but Chris was always actively engaged in the rehab process and ultimately in finding a job.” Chris remembers: “From the very beginning, Ashley gave me an immediate boost of confidence. She took the time to talk at length with me via email, telephone and in person. She got to know who I am, my likes, my dislikes, what I enjoyed doing in my private life and other things that went beyond the strictly counselor/client relationship. “Every time I’d get down, Ashley would tell me: ‘I'm giving you 24 hours to get over this, and then it's back to work.’ She was a constant, driving force who pushed me to be the best that she and I knew I could be.” Over the next nine months, Chris and Ashley would talk or e-mail weekly. There were plenty of disappointments along the way, jobs that fell through that had seemed like sure things. Then Chris’s fortunes took a turn for the better. “I was watching a movie at home, feeling really in the pits. Ashley calls and says ‘Do you want to work this week?’” Ashley had developed a relationship with Al and Maxene Van Handel of Van's Advertising in Burlington. The company, which started out specializing in campaign signs, now produces a wide variety of imprinted items. Having hired two VR referrals previously, Al and Maxene were interested in Chris. Ashley had arranged for them to offer Chris a position through VR’s on-the-job training program which provides for hiring an individual for a specific period. During that time,

the employer is compensated for a portion of the employee’s pay. At the end of the time period, the employer may opt to hire the employee on a permanent basis. Chris recalls: “I immediately accepted. I went from no job and no experience to working with two very successful people. It's amazing how life can turn around, but every day that Ashley worked with me had built to that moment.” He started work on February 18 of this year (“the anniversary of my mother’s death,” he noted). Al and Maxene have come to rely on Chris more and more for handling customer orders: “We can go out and know he’s got us covered.” Recently Maxene was swamped at the office and had to call Chris on his day off to come in and help. “He was so excited!” she remembers. “What happened after Chris’s first few weeks of work was amazing,” Ashley recalls. “He became happier and more confident. He loved going to work because of the work he did and the relationship he’d built with his employers. “In May, I ran into him at a networking event at the local Chamber of Commerce. Chris was speaking to everyone in the room — and was shaking hands with them!” On her experience with VR, Maxene reflects: “The people VR referred to us have filled a big gap in our everyday business. No company big or small should miss out on the opportunity that VR offers.” “While the road was often rocky,” says Chris “Ashley kept my eye on the ball and supported me through the roller coaster of emotions that we both experienced. I am forever grateful to her for helping me find my niche in life. Thanks to people like Ashley, VR helps us believe in ourselves.” The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is in the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information: www.ncdhhs.gov/dvrs or call the Burlington office at (336)570-6855. n Ashley mcKenna drops in on chris at the worksite.

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5 Powerful Buying Strategies Don't Just Get "Pre-Qualified! Do you want to get the best house you can for the least amount of money? Then make sure you are in the strongest negotiating position possible. Price is only one bargaining chip in the negotiations, and not necessarily the most important one. Often other terms, such as the strength of the buyer or the length of escrow, are critical to a seller. When a Buyer gets "pre-qualified" by a lender, you spend a few minutes on the phone or in person with a lender who asks you a series of questions. Based on the answers, the lender pronounces you "pre-qualified" and issues a letter that you can show to a seller. Sometimes unknown problems surface like recorded judgments, child support payments due, glitches on the credit report due to any number of reasons both accurately and inaccurately, down payments that have not been in the clients' bank account long enough, etc. So the way to make a strong offer today is to get "pre-approved". This happens AFTER all information has been checked and verified. You are actually APPROVED for the loan and the only loose end is the appraisal on the property. This process takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on your situation. It's VERY POWERFUL and a weapon I recommend all my clients have in their negotiating arsenal. Sell First, Then Buy If you have a house to sell, sell it before selecting a house to buy! Let's pretend that we go out looking for the perfect house, we find it and you love it! Next step is to make an offer to the seller. You want the seller to reduce the price and wait until you sell your house. The seller figures that's a risky deal, since he might pass up a buyer who DOESN'T have to sell a house while he's waiting for you. So he

says OK, he'll do the contingency but it has to be a full price offer! You really had no bargaining power and paid more for the house than you could have because of the contingency. Now you have to sell your existing house, and in a hurry! Otherwise you lose the dream house. So to sell quickly you might take an offer that's lower than if you had more time. The bottom line is that buying before selling might cost you TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. I always recommend that you sell first, then buy. If you're concerned that there is not a house on the market for you, then go on a window-shopping trip. You can identify possible houses and locations without falling in love with a specific house. If you feel confident after that, then put your house on the market. Play the Game of Nines Before house hunting, make a list of nine things you want in the new house. Then make a list of the nine things you don't want. I call this "NINE OF THIS AND NONE OF THAT". You can use this list as a scorecard to rate each property that you see. The one with the biggest score wins! This helps avoid confusion and keeps things in perspective when you're comparing several homes. When house hunting, keep in mind the difference between "SKIN AND BONES". The BONES are things that cannot be changed such as the location, view, size of lot, noise in the area, school district, and floor plan. The SKIN represents easily changed surface finishes like carpet, wallpaper, color, and window coverings. Buy the house with good BONES, because the SKIN can always be changed to match your tastes. I always recommend that you imagine each house as if it were vacant. Consider each house on its underlying merits, not the seller's decorating skills. Be prepared to act quickly The inventory of homes has shrunk and Buyers may

Heather McAndrew and her husband fell in love with Central NC, moved here in 1983 and raised two daughters. As the overall real estate team leader, she spearheads the management, marketing and financial operations of the local Keller Williams Triad to Triangle real estate team. Her emphasis is listing property, working with Sellers, Buyers and referral clients, negotiating contracts and coaching team members. As a Realtor and Broker for over 20 years, she built her business through referrals from years of satisfied clients. By using her expertise, she delivers performance, not just promises.

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have less viable options for great homes from which to choose. Be prepared to make a fair offer and listen to the advice of your agent. Gone are the days where a Buyer can make a less than market value offer and expect to negotiate back and forth for days. When you make that low-ball offer, not only do you risk insulting the Seller, you may lose out to another Buyer lurking around the corner. In many of today's strong real estate markets, home buyers can expect to face multiple offer situations. Multiple offers are a classic example of economic realities because they appear when the supply of homes for sale is limited and the demand for good-condition homes is strong. Don’t be pushed into paying over your budget for a home, but know that realistically, you will pay at or above market value to get your dream home. Stop Calling Around! A word of caution - agents create ads solely to make the phone ring! Remember that the person writing the ad is representing the seller and not you. The most important thing you can do is have someone on your side looking out for your best interests. Your own agent will critique the property with an eye towards how well it meets your needs and will point out any drawbacks you should know about. Pick an agent you feel comfortable with and enlist the services of that agent as a buyer's broker. Then you become a client with all the rights, benefits, and privileges created by this agency relationship, and you're no longer just a shopper. So to get the best buy on a property, I always recommend that you hire your own agent and stick with that person. n




Starr Jones

From left to right: starr jones (producer) Liliana Kligman (executive producer) and dean c. jones (director) on nevermore's last day of filming in Alamance, NC


s the leaves change to shades of red and gold, and darkness swallows the sunset a little sooner each evening, the crisp night air is the perfect atmosphere for the ghosts and goblins of Halloween to make themselves known. No setting is better suited for creepy creatures of the autumn night than The Original Hollywood Horror Show in Snow Camp. Since his childhood days, Alamance County native, Starr Jones has been fascinated with the art of special effects makeup. After seeing an artist create a realistic bullet wound fro m wax on an actor’s face during the local filming of a movie, Jones was hooked. Armed with a book written by famed makeup artist, Dick Smith, Starr and his brother Dean began using materials around the house, attempting to create realistic wounds and other scary makeup effects.


burlington magazine

Jones pursued his passion for creating believable special effects makeup, and earned a BFA in Acting and Directing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. To date, Starr has worked his makeup magic on more than eighty movies, and over 200 television episodes. In addition to films (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Abyss, Chain Letter, Day of the Dead, War of the Roses), and television episodes (Land of the Lost, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, & Alien Nation), the brothers have done makeup for nationally aired commercials including McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, WalMart and ESPN. Starr has also worked as an independent film producer and as second unit director. With a desire to keep local dollars local, the Jones have created a production company to shoot movies in North Carolina. In October 2012, Dean and Starr shot the horror film Coffin Baby here in Alamance County, on locations around their hometown city of Graham. Area police, fire fighters, rescue personnel, and residents were part of the many filmed crime scenes. Starr also produced Never More which was shot in Graham in February of this year. Two features were filmed at the site of one of the country's largest and most elaborate Halloween attractions, know as the Original Hollywood Horror Show, which is also produced by the brothers Jones. The show is a tradition for local folks as well as for people that drive over three hours every year for a scare. This year marks the twenty-fourth year of operation, and many of the employees have been with the show for twenty years. Among the visitors to this attraction, there have been bridal parties, and famous folks, such as the cast of the Andy Griffith Show. To say that The Original Hollywood Horror Show is like nothing you've ever seen before is an understatement. It is the largest indoor haunted house in the state, employing at least 100 people for the season. The tour of fright begins as

a guide leads a group of thrill seekers through a door and down a long creepy hallway. There is no shortage of gruesome sites to see here. The group encounters blood, guts and bones in just about every scary scenario imaginable, as the trail winds through the rooms of the house and out into the dark horrors in the yard. The monsters of this haunted house are amazingly rendered in true Hollywood style. They will definitely frighten the bejeebers out of you and get your adrenaline pumping, but the show is carefully choreographed to provide maximum scare in a safe environment, as the creatures will never actually touch you. This year the Horror Show is bigger and better than ever, and features movie experiences from films like Sinister, The Conjuring and Silent Hill. As an actor and performance driven haunt, their goal is to bring your nightmares to life. Tickets are on sale now via the website www.OriginalHollywoodHorrorShow. com, and at the door, still only $20 each. The show is currently open, and will run through the first weekend in November. The Horror Show is open 8p to 11p on weekdays, and 8p to 12a on weekends. See the calendar for exact dates. If you prefer being a zombie over being frightened by one, be sure to check out this year’s Alamance County Zombie Walk for Charity, presented by The Original Hollywood Horror Show. The event is scheduled for Saturday, October 26, and will begin at Center Court at the Holly Hill Mall on Huffman Mill Road. The Original Hollywood Horror Show, 6333 Bass Mountain Road Snow Camp, NC 27349. n





Tumbleweed Tiny House Company will host a two-day Raleigh workshop on October 26-27th North Carolina has always been a cabin and cottage kind of place, so it's no surprise that tiny home living interests North Carolinians. Yet living small means different things, and we mean tiny here: 117 to 172 square feet. It's possible to live stylishly in this space, with the comforts of home. Tiny dwellers often describe a mix of economic, lifestyle and ecological reasons for deciding to pare down. Many times they want freedom from mortgages, whether starting out or heading towards retirement. Other times, extended family members need or want to reside nearby and tiny homes enable them to live separately, even in a backyard area. "Don't be shy about tiny living. It's not nearly as rough as you think!" declares Meg Stephens, lead designer at Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. "The beauty of living in a tiny space is that things which are an integral part of 'who you are' come to the forefront." She spends her time thinking about home floor plans which create choices in great rooms, sleeping quarters, kitchens and baths. "When designed well, tiny dwellers gain a sense of 'fitting' in their downsized surroundings." For people considering tiny home living, a house


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on wheels seems like an excellent option. Key factors in selecting a House-To-Go model include the flexibility to relocate the home, the practicality of building it, or the availability of financing to buy one. Materials cost about $25,000 for a do-it-yourself builder, while new ready-made homes cost double or more. Yet qualified buyers should be able to put 10% down and pay $400/month, from banks offering standard RV loans on certified home models. Whether building or buying, tiny homes are within reach for many people. Want to learn more about tiny home building? Tumbleweed Tiny House Company will be holding a twoday workshop in Raleigh, over the October 26th weekend.

As a leader in the tiny house movement, the company sells plans, leads building workshops, and delivers their readymade homes for sale. Pepper Clark, who has built her own home and also led many popular workshops nationally, will be at the Raleigh workshop. Tumbleweed promises that you'll be provided with comprehensive, detailed information on tiny home building that you can't learn anywhere else -- and you'll get to meet many other like-minded people in a fun and engaging setting. n Photos courtesy of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company www.tumbleweedhouses.com/products/raleigh. The Tumbleweed Tiny House Company workshop takes place Saturday and Sunday, October 2627th, from 9am to 5pm both days. It will be held at the Holiday Inn -- Raleigh North, 2805 Highwoods Boulevard, Raleigh, NC. Tickets cost $399 per person, or $599 for two tickets. Visit http://www. tumbleweedhouses.com/products/raleigh to learn more and register online, or email support@ tumbleweedhouses.com for any questions.




Basic Causes of Back Pain


his month is a basic talk about causes of back pain. In our office, we talk about back pain, but many of you still wonder what can cause the pain. The best way to explain what is happening is that a joint in the back (better known as the spine) can lose its normal position and it begins to cause irritation of the associated nerve that comes from that area of the back. As the nerve is irritated several factors can occur. One is PAIN. The nerve becomes irritated, like a sunburn, and begins to fire warnings that there is trouble. Another occurrence is that the nerve just stops functioning. This would be like carrying an extra 20 lbs around with you all day long. You may be able to carry around the extra weight for a while, but over time you lose some of your function (you can’t jump as high, you can’t run as fast, it’s even more difficult to breath). This nerve irritation then begins to affect the muscle function. (i.e.muscles in you low back work harder than they should, and therefore fatigue quicker, again causing pain or loss of function) So now we have a bone that is not moving like it should, irritating a nerve, and affecting the muscle. This is the basic reason for the back pain. Yet there is more involved. Next the discs of the back and the ligaments of the joints become stretched and can even become torn or herniated (ie-herniated discs). This becomes a serious condition that if not corrected can lead to the person needing surgery! Finally the nerves go to all the parts of the body, so if a nerve that is irritated goes to the stomach, you can have malfunction of the stomach. And as you know, if your stomach is not working correctly, you can have symptoms like heartburn, ulcers, reflux, or all kinds of other troubles. This is one way that chiropractors can help people suffering

from diseases of the various organs. You see, as the cause of the nerve irritation is corrected, the nerves begin to function correctly, and whatever organ the nerves go to also begin to function correctly. This gives the body a chance to heal itself, and the body knows better than anyone how to heal itself. How do you know if you back pain is being caused by improper joint motion and nerve irritation? The only sure way to know if you are suffering from this problem is to be checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic. We happen to know a very good chiropractor we would recommend. So if any of you have questions as to whether or not you or your family members are suffering from improper joint motion or nerve irritation, give us a call. Again, if you have a question about joint dysfunction or nerve irritation and how it affects your health, call the office or e-mail our offices at healthfirst@hstriad.com, and we’ll be happy to get you taken care of. n

Dr. Chris Hussey studied at High Point University and graduated with a B.S. in Biology, before entering Palmer College of Chiropractic in Florida. He is also trained in Radiology, Functional Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Spinal Decompression. He has been a patient of Chiropractic since his childhood with phenomenal results and enthusiastically delivers Chiropractic care to his own patients to improve their lives!

Health First of Burlington 3336 S. Church St. • Burlington, NC 27151 • 336-584-5522 www.hstriad.com


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The Idealist

By Rev. Peter Panagore

Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of DailyDevotions.org, is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St. John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, an Xaverian Brothers sponsored school, provided him with his preparatory school education. In 2003, he was recruited to apply for the position of Pastor of the First Radio Parish Church of America (DailyDevotions.org). FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religious broadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 million listeners, viewers and readers a week on T V, radio and internet, including American Forces Radio Network. From 1999-2006 Reverend Panagore was a staff writer at Homiletics, the leading and cutting-edge nationwide worship preparation journal for mainline clergy. Homiletics has published more than a hundred of his sermons. He has also published short stories in anthologies, most notably, Chicken Soup for the Veteran’s Soul, by New York Times Best Selling editor Jack Canfield. Two Minutes for God was released by Touchstone/Fireside an imprint of Simon & Schuster, in early December of 2007 and landed immediately on the Maine Best Seller list.


t first they thought it was stomach flu. Later that day when she was headed into surgery, he realized that she might not live. She didn't survive. He said, "I kept thinking, 'She'll be okay'. It was like holding a rope and watching it run through your hands just like you do every day. But when the rope's end flies from your fingers, you stare, disbelieving." Weeks later, he stopped by on his Harley, wearing his biker's colors. We talked about the suddenness of her death, of his new motorcycle that they bought together and the lonely rides he'd taken since. He said, "The bike keeps me distracted. When I go fast the world flows. I pay attention to stay alive while riding. It's fun, but I feel like I'm betraying her and betraying everybody who knows me. I think they believe that I should never smile again." I told him he looked good in his colors, but he said, "I don't want to look good because people might think I'm okay. I'm not okay. I'm afraid to laugh because they might not understand my heart's broken. I try to look my best, but all the color has gone out of my world. I cry. I don't know who I am anymore, except I am still an idealist." Grief takes many forms and lasts a long time. Grief is in proportion to love. Express your grief your own way. Let's Pray: Dear God, You love those who mourn; let us love them, too and let us laugh and cry with them, as they need. Amen. Here's a Thought: All will be well. n source: julian of norwich, "all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." chapter 27, Revelations of divine Love. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/julian_of_norwich burlingtonmagnc.com


| COMMUNITY EVENTS fall family fun niGht Saturday, October 19th • 3pm - 9pm, movie begins at 7:30pm For All Ages • Admission: $5 per person, ages 3 & under free Lake Cammack Park & Marina • 4790 Union Ridge Road, Burlington, NC 27217 Burlington Recreation & Parks invites families to the annual Fall Family Fun Night. Bring the family to Lake Cammack for an evening full of carnival type games, hot dogs, chips, drinks, hot chocolate, hayrides, and more. Families can also enjoy a movie on the big outdoor screen. Bring a blanket and enjoy the popcorn as you and your family watch the movie under the stars. For more information, please call (336) 421-3872. Rain date: Sunday, October 20th • 3pm - 9pm Preteen halloWeen Dance Party Friday, October 25th 6pm-9pm Ages: 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade only Cost: $4 or $1 if you wear a Halloween costume! Enjoy hanging out with Burlington Recreation & Parks at Thataways with your friends! Dance to the newest music, play arcade games or the Wii, or challenge friends to billiards. Plus, enter our costume contests for awesome prizes! First 30 kids receive a glow necklace! For more information, please call (336) 222-5134. sPooktacular moVie niGht Sunday, October 27th 7pm For All Ages Cost: Free (small cost for concessions) Bring your blankets, pillows, and chairs if you’d like for a spooktacular movie night with Burlington Recreation & Parks. Popcorn, hot chocolate, nachos and cheese, and soft drinks will be available to purchase. For more information, please call (336) 222-5134. the taste of home cookinG school & eXPo is cominG to the meBane arts center Oct. 29! They have their tickets, do you? General admission, $12. www.thetimesnews.com/toh Annual Halloween Blood Drive by ACC nursing dept. and American Red Cross Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013 8:00am to 5:00pm in Powell Building Room 211 Please go to the Red Cross.org website and schedule an appointment or you can email Jerri Clark (jerrel.clark@ alamancecc.edu) the time that is best for you and I will schedule it for you. To get to our brood drive put in ACC and the Oct. 31,2013 date. redcrossblood.org Thanks for all you blood donations. See you at Halloween noVemBer reinhartsen run. The ACC Foundation 5K Walk/Run to raise funds for the Steven Reinhartsen Memorial Scholarship. November 2nd, race starts at 8:00 on the ACC Campus. $25 registration and this is a timed chip race. Go to www.sportoften.com, type in Reinhartsen at the event quick search. We need runners and volunteers (or both). For more info. contact Natalie at 336-506-4102 or Natalie.Miles@alamancecc.edu Hope to see you there.

krafty kiDZ niGht – thankful treat Friday, November 8th 6pm-7:30pm Cost: $5 per person, includes dinner Ages: 6-12 Create a thankful treat for Thanksgiving with Burlington Recreation & Parks! Admission includes dinner: 2 slices of pizza and a drink. Pre-registration is required. Please call (336) 222-5134 for more information or to register.


burlington magazine

Preteen Dance Party @ thataWays Friday, November 22nd 6pm-9pm Ages: 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade only! Cost: $4 or $1 if you bring a canned good donation! Enjoy hanging out with Burlington Recreation & Parks at Thataways with your friends! Dance to the newest music, play arcade games or the Wii, or challenge friends to billiards. For more information, please call (336) 222-5134. family moVie niGht Sunday, November 24th 7pm For All Ages Cost: Free (small cost for games) Bring your blankets, pillows, and chairs if you’d like for family time and a movie with Burlington Recreation & Parks. Popcorn, hot chocolate, nachos and cheese, and soft drinks will be available to purchase. For more information, please call (336) 222-5134.






ewcomers to Burlington are often puzzled was in charge of the fireworks display at the North Carolina by the Halloween fireworks display at City State Fair. Steele asked Vitale if he would be interested in Park and have often asked how such an doing the show in Burlington that year, but he was unable to odd tradition got started. It all began in late do it on such short notice. However, he did agree to sell some 1946, when Hobart Steele, then Burlington’s of his professional fireworks and gave Steele instructions assistant fire chief, was asked if he had how to set them off.

any ideas on ways to curb the vandalism that seemed to

Tony Vitale made time in his schedule in 1949 to conduct

plague the city every Halloween. Steele, who had long been Burlington’s Halloween fireworks and continued in that role fascinated by pyrotechnics, suggested a fireworks show.

for the next 19 consecutive years until his death. Hobart

It was decided to hold the first display on October 31, Steele always narrated the shows and many older locals 1947, on the site of old drained railroad pond, which the remember his famous catchphrase, “And now back to Tony city had purchased in 1939 for what would soon become on the hill.” Although Tony Vitale and Hobart Steele are both City Park. Steele drove to Danville, Virginia and loaded his gone, their Halloween fireworks live on to entertain future station wagon with fireworks. He paid for them out of his generations. n own pocket since there was no budget for the event. Although neither Hobart Steele nor fire chief Roma Fortune knew much about conducting a pyrotechnic display, they took charge of the first show. All went well at first, but about halfway through one of the tubes fell over and fired its charge directly at the spectators. It also set the rest of the fireworks ablaze. Chief Fortune and Steele dived under a nearby table to avoid the conflagration while the crowd of about 2,000 headed towards the woods for cover. Despite its inauspicious start, the first fireworks display received good reviews and so it was decided to hold another the next Halloween. This time there was a budget of $250. City Park had just opened, and the money was generated from ticket sales from rides and income from the concession stands. About two weeks before Halloween 1948, Hobart Steele went to Raleigh and met Tony Vitale of Pennsylvania, who


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"If a blade of Is Your Soul Alive? grass springing up in the fields has the power to move you... rejoice, for your soul is alive."

but in doing so we get closer to our soul's desires and needs. Caroline Myss has a wonderful example in her book "Energy Anatomy" where she talks about the results of ignoring your soul/ By Gay Barefield spirit's need for attention (I believe your soul and spirit are the same). "Calling upon your soul for help his quote is the when something major happens wallpaper on in your life, like a life threatening my computer, I illness, after ignoring its needs is see it every day like never training for a marathon several times a but asking your body to run in day. It reminds that marathon anyway." Your soul me to look for the things that really matter and ~Eleonora Duse, Actress says, "Who me? Are you talking to me? Where were you when I was to take the time to truly enjoy talking to you?" them. I smile each time I read it Where do you go from here? because I know that the simple act of acknowledging the Start listening to that inner voice, that tugging of the beauty of a blade of grass, the cardinal outside my window, heart and give into its desires. Ramp up your spiritual my horses playing in the pasture or my chickens running in practice, spend time in nature, journal your thoughts or sit the yard are what feed my soul. quietly and listen. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it's Do you feed your soul every day? a daily practice and incorporate it into your routine. Slowly What do I mean by feeding your soul? The things over time you will find your own "unique conversation" with that nourish you down deep, that quench your thirst for your soul, learning what it needs to be more alive and well fulfillment and ground you to the earth. We do a good job nourished. of making sure we feed our physical bodies properly but we the more you nourish your soul the more aliVe you will forget that we need to nourish our souls every day too. feel! and isn’t that what we all want? When your soul is undernourished it will begin to speak Your soul has been waiting patiently, it’s time for you up, whispering the details of its needs; "Sit, be still, listen, to answer that quiet whisper and open yourself up to a pray, meditate, enjoy nature's beauty." Days that you feel new calm in your daily life. Make a promise to include this fatigued, moody, out of sorts and yes even angry, your important ritual into your daily routine and see your mood soul is trying to let you know what it is lacking. Your soul’s shift and your attitude change. For your soul’s sake. conversation will be very unique to you so listen closely and


be aware of all the clues. Why do we ignore our soul's call for attention? Because it requires all of our attention, it asks that we give into the need 100%, slowing down our lives and putting all of our focus on this one thing. It means sometimes getting into the “deep stuff” that we don't like to deal with


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Gay Barefield has been a massage therapist for more than 20 years and brings the wisdom she has shared with her clients onto the pages of her blog, ZenChick.com. Through workshops and "unteaching" sessions, she can help you learn how to slow down, simplify and love your life. n

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