The The Santa Santa Rosa Rosa Plateau Plateau Guide Guide to to Birds Birds and and Other Other Wildlife Wildlife
Murrieta’s 8th Birthday Celebration Feature - The Stories Around Me Community Character - Anita Milner
We’ve Got Your Back. (Literally.)
DR. SHAKEEL DURRANI Randolph Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Does it hurt when you bend? LEAN ON US. LIFE IS FULL OF MOTION, which is precisely why we have a Human Motion Institute with dedicated specialists ready to help if you ever have muscle or joint pain. With the addition of Dr. Shakeel Durrani, Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine now offers expertise in comprehensive spine care, too. Highly skilled at both surgical and non-surgical techniques to alleviate neck and back pain, Dr. Durrani is ready if chronic pain or injury is slowing you down.
THE HUMAN MOTION INSTITUTE AT RANDOLPH HOSPITAL Spine Care You Can Trust Our partner in orthopedic care:
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364 White Oak Street, Asheboro, NC 27203
We want to be your neighborhood pharmacy
10102 South Main Street • Suite S Archdale • NC • 27263 We accept all insurance
Great Service, Low Prices BOOK your PROM appointment NOW! Updos • Curls • Braids
Ask about our “Ways to Save” program.
10301-C N Main Street • Archdale • 336.431.2010
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9924 Highway 311 S. • Archdale
Mon-Wed: 8 - 5 pm •Thurs: 7 - 2 pm Fri: 8 - 12 pm
table of
CONTENTS 05 06 08 12 14 16 17
2013 Heart of North Carolina Visitor’s Guide Now Available
Some Beach Tanning - Life's a Beach
Your Feet - Tight Calf Muscles
Interior Design - The ABCs of Window Fashion
Learning Express Library
18 19 20 22 24 27 28
Grubb Family YMCA to host 11th Annual Jack Frost Soccer Tournament
We're all Earth's Trustees
The Recruiting Specialist
archdale & trinity magazine
19 20
Memories of a Day at Dewitts Game Farm
Life is Still Alive in the Winter Garden
//puBlISHEr'S lETTEr Dear Readers, If you watch the news on TV or read the newspapers, which I don’t, you might think the economy is still struggling. If, on the other hand, you are out and about on any given day, you can see that there is a tremendous amount of activity taking place in your community. There are new businesses opening their doors, there are established businesses expanding and signs of a growing economy all around. A friend of mine, who happens to be an economist, says that all the indicators that suggest our economy is still sluggish, have little or nothing to do with most people. He goes on to say that if we ignored the news, which is all doom and gloom anyhow, our economy would rebound completely and we’d all be the better for it. But, he said, if you get ten economists in a room and ask them what’s wrong with the economy, you’ll get 100 different answers. The truth is there is an abundant amount of opportunity in any economy. Those that prosper, don’t let the economy sway them one way or the other; they are going to succeed regardless of the external influences. Locally, these people are your small business owners who, as we all know, are the real driving force behind a prosperous economy. This is why it is vitally important to shop local as often as you can. We’ve come up with a saying, “Think Local First.” What this means is simply before you head off to Greensboro and Winston-Salem, consider your local merchants. Can you find what you need locally even if it is a tad more expensive? Remember, there is a cost to driving to Greensboro in the form of time and money. Plus, the money that is so important to the growth of your community is spent elsewhere. One of our goals in publishing positive community magazines is to highlight local businesses. We understand that if they grow, the community grows and if the community grows everyone benefits. While you are reading this month’s magazine, take special note of the advertisers that support our effort to bring a positive message to Archdale & Trinity. These are people that are the driving force of growth and have “put their money where their mouth is” in regards to supporting the community. When you shop locally, thank the merchants for taking a risk to bring you a product or service that you might not otherwise have. And, most of all, don’t take your local merchants for granted; if you do, they might not be there when you need them most. If nothing else, before you part with your hard earned dollars - “Think Local First”.
rchdale & trinity M
A •G •A •Z
PUBLISHER David A. Johnson
Triad Foot Center Tina Griffin Matt Shaw jacquie Reininger Amanda Weiner Tom Gillespie Dick Jones Faylene Whitaker Rev. Peter Panagore Greg Hodgin
PO Box 1369 Asheboro, NC 27204 Phone. 336-698-3889 Archdale & Trinity Magazine is published monthly by Asheboro and More Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Archdale & Trinity Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.
a member of the
Thanks for Reading,
2013 Heart of noRth Carolina visitor's guide now Available
he 2013 Heart of North Carolina
inside the Randolph County Historic Courthouse, 145-
Visitor’s Guide is now available at the
B Worth Street, Asheboro, or at either of the Randolph
Heart of North Carolina Visitors Bureau
County Visitors’ Centers on Hwy 220 one mile south
(HNCVB) in downtown Asheboro, and
of Seagrove anytime Monday through Saturday from
the Randolph County Visitor’s Center
8:30 to 4:30 pm, or Sundays from 12:30 to 4:30 pm.
This comprehensive guide contains
Requests can also be made directly to Vicki Bloxham
valuable information on what to see and do while
at 336.626.0364, ext. 201; or by email at 2013guide@
visiting Randolph County, including an “About the Area”
in Seagrove.
section and a detailed listing of festivals and events,
The Heart of North Carolina Visitors Bureau is
local dining, distinctive shopping, museums and
the official destination marketing organization for the
attractions, outdoor fun, arts and entertainment, history
Randolph County Tourism Development Authority,
and heritage sites, golf, sports and racing, parks and
representing Archdale, Asheboro, Franklinville, Liberty,
recreation, vineyards and wineries and places to stay
Ramseur, Randleman, Seagrove, Staly, and Trinity;
throughout the County.
and operates solely on occupancy taxes generated
There is also a special removable map section
by overnight guests in Randolph County.
located in the center of the guide featuring the
spending contributed $115.43 million to Randolph
Seagrove area potteries and “Things to Do” area
County’s economy in 2011. For additional information,
map. Guides can be picked up at the HNCVB anytime
call 336.626.0364 or go to www.HeartofNorthCarolina.
Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30 pm, located
com. n
archdale & trinity magazine
10948 N. Main St. • Archdale
Richard Wall Auction Co. “You want it sold, we can sell it for you.”
Antiques • Estates • Liquidations Close Outs • Moving Family Owned & Operated FREE Appraisals & Estimates
Bibles • Jewelry • Church Supplies Accessories • Stationery Inspirational Gift Baskets
336.434.4663 227 Trindale Road Archdale Serving the Lord and the Community!
home&garden Southern
lIFE'S A BEACH By Sherry B. Johnson Photos By Patti G. Smith
MANY OF THE SKILLS HE LEARNED IN THE ENTREPRENEuRSHIP PROGRAM. When he finished school, he got a job as Management
this to are the strict guidelines he put in place to maintain
Trainee at the Ramseur branch of Fidelity Bank in April,
the equipment, making sure that the bulbs are changed
2007, and became the Manager in September of that
regularly, the beds are clean and the rooms are neat and
same year. At that time, a friend of his approached him to
tidy so that the customer has the best experience possible.
ask if he would be interested in purchasing Some Beach
The second thing he attributes this to is his staff - they offer
Tanning in Archdale, which his friend had started in April,
great customer service, and understand the importance of
2006. Brad had been around the tanning business all his
keeping the salon very clean and tidy.
life, and being a budding entrepreneur, liked the idea of
Located in Bonnie Place, near the Archdale Bakery
having a side business and agreed to buy the business
and The Wet Whistle, Some Beach Tanning offers the best
in September, 2007.
When he took over, there were
experience in tanning for today’s busy client. They have
550 clients. Since that time he has grown his clientele
five 20 minute beds, one 15 minute bed, one 12 minute
to just over 2,500 clients. Two things that he attributes
bed and a stand up booth. They carry a great selection
archdale & trinity magazine
of suntan lotions and moisturizers, as well as accessories
when they are going on vacation. In addition to these,
such as goggles and stickers that allow you to measure
there are many other benefits to tanning that if done in
how tan you are getting.
moderation, can improve your life. It helps to clear up
“We may not be the least expensive salon in town, but
acne by drying up oil on the skin, but acne isn't the only
we offer the best quality tanning at affordable prices, in a
skin condition improved by tanning. It also helps Psoriasis,
sanitized, friendly atmosphere.”
Eczema, and Jaundice.
In today’s world, where tanning beds and the people
A little known fact about indoor tanning is that it raises the
who use them to extremes and abuse them are in the
levels of vitamin D and bone mineral density. Vitamin D is
headlines every other week, it’s important to be educated
produced when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
about the many benefits of tanning beds.
Indoor tanning essentially helps build stronger bones and
Most clients of a tanning salon are looking to feel better,
eventually aids in the prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin D
improve their appearance, or get a jump start on tanning
also helps prevent many other diseases such as diabetes,
hypertension, and even cancer.
for him during the day.
He works with the customers, and between the
Another benefit is the heat that is
nights and weekends, and during the three of them - Brad feels he has a
generated when you tan. The warming
busy season (January to May) he is great team in place to see to the needs
effect you feel from the tanning lamps
open extended hours to make it even of all his customers. This allows him
releases endorphins and decreases
more convenient for his customers.
levels of adrenaline. This assists in
the freedom to work at his day job,
Lindsey Newton is his right hand and have confidence that his salon
soothing muscles and minor aches and
woman at the salon. She has been business is being well cared for.
pains. The ultraviolet rays penetrate
with him for three years and Brad trusts
deep into the joints and help release
her to keep the salon running smoothly Branch Manager for four years, and
tension and strain, aiding people
when he can’t be there. “I could not in April, 2011 he got his insurance
suffering from arthritis. It increases
run the salon without her. She is very licenses and started working at Farm
the oxygen capacity of blood, helps
determined, highly motivated and you Bureau Insurance in Asheboro.
to resist infections, increases muscle
name it - she can do it! She has truly holds licenses in five different types
strength, and boosts tolerance to
been a blessing.�
He worked at Fidelity Bank as the
of insurance, auto, home, life, health
stress. Tanners look forward to the 20
In October, Brad hired two new & business. His dad, Bill Craven, is
minutes of freedom and comfort as an
employees for the upcoming busy part-owner in Loflin Funeral Home in
escape from stress and the worries of
season, Kristin Carter and Alisa Tate. Ramseur, and while he was growing
everyday life.
Kristin is very hardworking and sweet up, he saw the devastation the lack
Brad employs three part-time local
natured. Alisa is thorough and very of insurance left behind when families
employees, who manage the business
detail oriented. They are both great had to pay for expenses after their
archdale & trinity magazine
“We may not be the least expensive salon in town, but we offer the best quality tanning at affordable prices, in a sanitized, friendly atmosphere.� loved one had passed away.
owning Some Beach Tanning in puts about 60,000 miles on his car in
He is passionate about his clients, Archdale (other than having a great any given year between his businesses and loves to sit down with them over tan all year long!) is that he gets to and vacation! Brad is an avid golfer, a glass of iced tea and figure out what meet people from the other side of he loves to play at all the local courses the best options are for their insurance Randolph County, and be involved in from Holly Ridge to Pinewood, and coverage. Another benefit of working the business community there. He is everything in between with Farm Bureau Insurance is the very energetic and loves to be busy
Tanning can and will make you
ability to assist his clients with their all the time, so this gives him a great look and feel good. As with anything, automobile purchases, using an auto outlet. loan program. Farm Bureau Insurance
it should be done in moderation,
When he is not working, he loves using safe guidelines. Brad and his
is able to finance vehicle purchases for the outdoors - from the beaches to employees offer a clean and friendly customers through their own bank in the mountains, and he loves to travel. environment where you can find a Texas, as well as provide the insurance His sister has settled in Florida and he sliver of the beach, right here at home. coverage for the vehicles.
frequently drives down to spent time Some Beach Tanning is open seven
One of the best things about with his five nieces and nephews. He days a week, year around. n
It’s never a good idea to ignore tightness
the amount of dorsiflexion, or the pushing
in the calves. Many people have tight calf
of the foot and toes upward, which provides
muscles, which can actually greatly affect
a gentle stretch to the Achilles tendon, calf
your gait by limiting your foot and ankle’s
muscles and plantar fascia overnight.
range of motion.
Tight calf muscles can
At Triad Foot Center, we treat patients
be a symptom of many conditions, but at
with a variety of foot conditions.
Triad Foot Center, we look at biomechanical
important to get to the bottom of what might
problems that might be causing your calf
be causing tight calves. Our consultations
muscles to shorten. A pulling or stretching
and initial exams are designed to
sensation occurs with tight calves as a
address your concerns and
result the Achilles tendon and calf muscles
give you options about how
stretching to accommodate a person’s
you can quickly get
stride. Left untreated, this can quickly lead
back on your feet.
to a painful condition called plantar fasciitis,
Give us a call
as well as other injuries such as ankle
today. n
sprains, shin splints and more. Tight calf muscles can be most painful or stiff first thing in the morning because the muscles in the foot and leg tighten overnight. One of the most effective ways to alleviate this is to regularly stretch your calves, which will decrease abnormal pronation, mid-foot collapse and excess pressure. A few simple exercises, done daily, can prevent a whole range of lower limb injuries and increase range of motion in the ankles and feet. Night splints, worn while sleeping, can also assist with calf stretching and pain relief, and be recommended by one of our podiatrists. These
designed to control
Triad Foot Center is the leading foot health provider in the Piedmont Triad, with six Board Certified podiatric surgeons on staff at three convenient locations. The practice proudly offers the latest non-invasive technology, including FDA approved EPAT and laser foot treatment. Visit us at or call us at your nearest Triad Foot Center location.
Asheboro • Burlington • Greensboro (336) 308-4733
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Infinite Flooring Options
YOU HAVE A CHOICE. When choosing a Hospice provider, ensure that your loved one receives world-class care by choosing the hospice that has provided exceptional service to Randolph County residents for over 29 years.
Now offering specialized care at the NEW Randolph Hospice House!
When you’re discussing hospice care at your doctor’s office, in the hospital, at a skilled nursing home or assisted living facility, choose Randolph County’s original, hometown hospice provider.
Project Racing Home By Chelsea Tolman
"As we chatted with Kimberly, Wendy curled up on her cushion, covered up in her blanket, and Moon sprawled on his own comfy bed and the two fell fast asleep." 14
archdale & trinity magazine
ust envision smooth, sleek muscles on a slender body beating a path down an oval track. Picture the streamlined, wind resistant form of a racing Greyhound. This is a scene you won’t soon forget. Bred for their incredible speed and trained to think swiftly, while navigating around a track with seven other hounds is more amazing than I realized. When we walked into the front office of Project Racing Home, we were greeted by Moon (for Blue Moon) and Wendy (yes, for Wendy’s), two of the Director of Project Racing Home, Kimberly Jewell’s own Greyhounds. Wendy kept wrapping her head and neck around my leg soaking up the attention and then Moon would try to get in the middle of the action by pushing through our outstretched, scratching hands. They reminded me of children vying for their parents’ attention. As we chatted with Kimberly, Wendy curled up on her cushion, covered up in her blanket,
and Moon sprawled on his own comfy bed and the two fell fast asleep. It was then we realized that we knew nothing about these animals. For the first 12 months of a Greyhound’s life, the puppies do nothing but play. They compete with their siblings to be top dog in the litter, but are as pampered and loved as children. When they hit the one year mark, a professional trainer takes over and starts the lessons needed to turn these babies into thinking, racing machines. As they grow into racing Greyhounds, they are kept to a strict regimen of rest, sleep and race training. The fat gets turned to muscle and the once playful active babies become unbelievably toned and muscled. The food they are given is all natural,
They sure look and sound like high maintenance animals, and even I thought they would be an energetic mess, but I was quickly corrected. Greyhounds are very docile, friendly and lazy. They sleep approximately 20 hours and only eat 4 cups of food a day! Obviously they differ in personalities and energy levels, just like people, and when an adoption occurs it’s up the parents to figure out what their Greyhound’s individual needs are. You must remember that these Greys have spent their life with rigid structure in daily routine and need the adoptive parents’ time and patience to adapt to a life of retirement. Greyhounds have a deep rooted history dating back 4,000 years, and are even mentioned in the King James version
Greyhounds have a deep rooted history dating back 4,000 years, and are even mentioned in the King James version of the Bible (Proverbs 30:29-31) with fats and irons to keep them fit, trim and avoid muscle cramps. Depending on their ability to race successfully, retirement comes between the age of two and four. So where do they go when the glitz and glamour of their incredibly short career is over? Kimberly had the answer. They are adopted to new homes and are cared for like the royalty their bloodline suggests. The need for good homes for these incredible animals is great, and Kimberly and her staff (volunteers of about 30) work tirelessly to protect the well-being of these magnificent hounds. Currently, they average 150 adoptions a year and roughly 60 from other rescues. These animals are vetted and checked for the types of homes they would be best suited for before any adopting occurs. The adoptive parents are given a folder with the Grey’s history, bloodline and information on every aspect of their new child’s life. The mission of Project Racing Home is to educate the public about the misconception people have of Greyhounds.
of the bible (Proverbs 30:29-31). Greyhounds have been revered all over the Middle East and throughout Europe all the way back to ancient times. Their pictures are etched on the walls of Egyptian tombs, and Pharaohs revered them as first of all animals. They were so admired by Arabs their birth ranked only second to that of the importance of the birth of a son and the only animal permitted to share their tents and ride the camels. In fact, in 1014 King Canute of England stated that only nobleman could hunt with Greyhounds. In the 1500’s, Queen Elizabeth I inaugurated the Pursuit of Hares, officially the “Sport of Queens.” Shockingly the Greyhound Hall of Fame is actually in Abilene, Kansas! I know I never would have guessed that. The Greyhound was imported to the Americas in the late 1800’s to assist Midwestern Farmers with their jackrabbit problem. Around 1912 the invention of the mechanical rabbit by Owen Patrick Smith, made the circular track possible and in 1919, the first racing track opened in California. You can read more
about the Greyhounds incredible history in Project Racing Homes Adoption Manual, or Googling it online. With these facts in mind it is no wonder that the parents used for breeding these pups are the best of the best and extremely valuable. Every attempt at pregnancy is recorded and published, then the breeders must publish whether there was a successful pregnancy or not. It goes even deeper, every Greyhound born (alive or stillborn) is tattooed on one ear with the birth date and the order number of each pup, and then the other ear is tattooed with their litter #. Every Greyhound is DNA tested and breeding is so regulated that there are only approx. 10,000 bred each year. Your Greyhound would come with a bloodline that you can readily track back to the 1800’s! So when you adopt a Greyhound you are not just getting a dog you are getting royalty. Greyhound rescue facilities, like Project Racing Home, are 100% privately funded and are in need of donations and volunteers to keep the facilities well-maintained and the hounds fed and healthy. The website www.getagreyhound. com has an abundant amount of information on how to contribute to the overall success of these retirees. Donations of food, including chicken and turkey carcasses, chicken broth, vegetables, rice, pasta and supplies such as bleach, pine-sol, paper towels, toilet paper, dog shampoo, and many more items are needed for the facility to operate. Even donating your time as a volunteer is a priceless gift to keep these facilities running. As we readied to leave, Kimberly asked if we wanted to hear the dogs sing. Of course the answer was “Yes!” so we proceeded to the back of the building where the “condos” were located. On this day there were about 40 dogs housed there. Kimberly stood in the middle of the room and started to howl and in no time we were surrounded by all pitches of howling Greyhounds echoing off the walls. Every condo we approached was a Grey with “take me home” eyes, scrunched as close to the opening as they could get, looking for just a smidgen of human contact. Take a minute today to look at the Greyhounds available for adoption at The facility is located at Hwy 220 & Hwy 62 and is in need of your help. Kimberly has a vision of the land they own becoming a park-like retreat for Greyhounds and a place where other rescues can bring their dogs for exercise and comingling, but without help, the adjoining land will stay vacant and bare, as it has for the past 5 years. Please consider a small portion of your time or table scraps to help Kimberly and her volunteers continue to care for these beautiful creatures, while searching for their forever homes. You can contact Kimberly Jewell at Project Racing Home by calling 336-674-5774, or visiting www.getagreyhound. com. You can also email her at projectracinghome@yahoo. com, or stop in at the facility located at 7015 Faulkner Road in Randleman. n
archdale & trinity magazine
by jacquie Reininger
I was walking the dogs near my home the other morning. The woods were alive with the promise of Spring. The sun was peaking at me through the trees and the last of the morning fog. By the time I reached the fallow field I could hear peepers in the low areas of the landscape. Maggie and Shakti were thoroughly enjoying the trip, and they sniffed toward rabbit holes and deer scents. I was practicing walking. What I mean is-I was practicing walking correctly! My New Year resolutions were to bring myself back to balance. Losing my Dad at Thanksgiving, moving to a new home and then meeting the holidays swayed me a bit off center. I was going to call upon my knowledge of Yoga and practice grounding myself to bring me back to my steady home. As I walked, I made diligent effort to step well and firmly on the earth. I looked for and felt a connection from my feet up my legs to my pelvis, and the bones and joints aligned more clearly. From this steady foundation my spine was free to grow upwards and a line of strength rose gracefully up my central axis to the top of my head. I felt tall, confident and fluid. Walking became more vigorous but required less effort. A simple change in my step had changed my entire experience, and the activity warmed my body and cleared my mind. After disentangling the dogs from some stubborn field weeds, I paused to stretch. A Redtail Hawk soared overhead and even called out. Standing Spread Eagle in the fallow field, arms outspread, heart lifted to the sun I felt that perfect balance of ease and strength. I was utterly content and had a glimpse of enlightenment, where the world appears
very clear and all is well with the world. My simple commitment to participating more fully in how I stepped or stood seemed to yield good results! (Of course, the stage on which this drama occurred likely played a strong supporting role.) I resolved to apply this awareness or engagement more often in my life. To find balance I would start with a firm foundation , invite strength and confidence to rise up my axis, and infuse my posture (or you could also say my attitude) with grace…in everything that I do! This is when an idea was revealed to me. I could resolve to doing yoga all of the time! I knew this was a humongous resolution, and that I would likely sway from the commitment, and even forget that I am “practicing”. That’s OK, I like to shoot for the moon, and then allow myself a great deal of unconditional love and forgiveness when I land in the stars. Not only have I been walking well, I am also practicing riding well, letting the car I am in take me smoothly along the road to work and back. I am play tug with the dogs and allow the pull to lengthen my back and shoulders. Mundane household tasks have been infused with enthusiasm and even enjoyment! Yoga always makes me feel good, and more Yoga makes me feel better. (I think I am onto something!) n
A Child Leads Them //DAILY DEVOTION
By Rev. Peter Panagore
Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore of, is a native of Massachusetts, graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree in Divinity from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and with a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. St. John’s High School of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, an Xaverian Brothers sponsored school, provided him with his preparatory school education. In 2003, he was recruited to apply for the position of Pastor of the First Radio Parish Church of America ( FRPCA is America’s oldest continuous religious broadcast, founded 1926, and now reaching 1.5 million listeners, viewers and readers a week on T V, radio and internet, including American Forces Radio Network. From 1999-2006 Reverend Panagore was a staff writer at Homiletics, the leading and cutting-edge nationwide worship preparation journal for mainline clergy. Homiletics has published more than a hundred of his sermons. He has also published short stories in anthologies, most notably, Chicken Soup for the Veteran’s Soul, by New York Times Best Selling editor Jack Canfield. Two Minutes for God was released by Touchstone/Fireside an imprint of Simon & Schuster, in early December of 2007 and landed immediately on the Maine Best Seller list.
archdale & trinity magazine
fter clear cutting an acre of trees, and blasting granite, the high land had an ocean view. Over the course of winter on this new construction site, a handsome new home slowly took shape. The skilled and congenial carpentry crew, pleased with the intricate work, pounded nails, lifted lumber, cut, measured, and enjoyed themselves through the cold months. The homeowner and his sixyear-old granddaughter arrived on an early spring day, to see for themselves how the construction was coming. As the owner talked and walked with the contractor, eyeing this and that and smiling, his darling blond-haired and blue-eyed sprite of a granddaughter danced and played, outside and inside, and all around them. She was a talkative and inquisitive child who asked the workmen many questions. “What's this? Why? How come?” One carpenter, a father
himself, finally asked her why she was so comfortable talking to people she didn’t know and to whom she had not been introduced. She laughed and danced, and simply said, “Aren't we all God’s children?" All the workmen heard her, stopped their work and watched her, wondering at her, as she twirled on tiptoe through the sawdust, smiling. n
Let’s Pray: Dear God, when little children speak Your truth, let all who hear listen with wonder at the wisdom of innocence spoken aloud. We are all brother and sisters, Your children. You have so many ways of speaking to us. Give us ears to hear. Amen Here's a Thought: Speak to me, O God. Give me ears to hear.
Grubb Family YMCA to host 11th Annual Jack Frost Soccer Tournament
By Amanda Weiner Photos By Lori McCroskey
make this event possible.
If you are interested in sponsoring
annual Jack Frost
this event next year the following
Soccer Tournament,
sponsorship options are available: A
$100 sponsorship will get your name
This is a NCYSA
and logo on the tournament map,
sanctioned challenge tournament for
opportunity to put coupons in goodie
men and women in U10 to U14 age
bags given to each player and your
This year more than 480
company name on the event t-shirt.
teams from across the state were
For $200 you get the $100 level
invited. The YMCA expected more
benefits plus your name and logo on
than 30 teams to attend. Tournament
a 24”X18” sign at each tournament
planners estimated this would bring
site. For the $250 level you get all
more than 340 total children to play in
the benefits of the $200 level plus
the tournament. Last year the event
your name on a 24”X18” directional
hosted 26 teams, from as far away
sign (only 12 available). For more
as Pilot Mountain and the Raleigh/
information contact Zack Brown at
Cary area. This event is great for the
861-7788 or n
YMCA hosted
Archdale-Trinity Community, bringing 800-1000 people annually into the area to eat at restaurants and shop in retail stores. We would like to thank all of this year’s sponsors for being so generous and helping us to put on this event. Pizza Inn sponsored at the $250 level. Beco, Inc. as well as First Bank sponsored at the $200 level. McDonald’s, High Point Veterinary Hospital, and Diamond Printing sponsored at the $100 level. Domino’s Pizza, Sheetz, and CocaCola gave in kind donations to help
“NC Zoo General Curator Ken Reininger loads used fluorescentlight bulbs to take to a nearby recycling station.”
We’re All Earth’s Trustees
e’ve become a disposable, Styrofoam society. Throwaway towels, bottles, gloves, cups—even cameras. Unfortunately, we often overlook the wake of debris and mountains of trash these disposals leave behind. Recycling has become an unsubstantiated rumor, it seems. Imagine for a moment the average coffee counter in any fastfood restaurant or convenience store: personalized plastic milk and cream containers, individual packets of sugar, plastic stirrers and cups (with plastic tops), even an added paper or plastic ring around the cup to avoid burned fingers. Then imagine this debris collecting each hour, each day, each week, year after year. And that’s just for coffee. Don’t even get me started about excessive fast-food wrappers. Unfortunately, creating disposable products is a viable business strategy since it means that consumers must buy replacement products. Remember cloth diapers? They were often used for multiple children and finally used as rags
archdale & trinity magazine
By Tom Gillespie, NC Zoo Staff
(replaced now by paper towels) when too worn for baby use. As consumers, we’ve been so acclimated to disposable or upgraded products that we don’t even think about it. After all, advertising has taught us that new is good and old is bad--or at least horribly out of style. How many of us have bought a thinner, faster cell phone with more “bells and whistles” when our old phone worked just fine? As trustees of our planet, we must begin to consider the footprints that we leave on the earth and take steps in our daily lives to lessen our personal impact. By now, we all know and understand the importance of recycling. Recycling is great, but reusing is even better. Try these tips: Put plastic knives, forks and spoons in the dish dryer for re-use. For sanitary reasons, it’s best not to use them after about a week, but even then you can use the knives for handy markers for plants in the garden. Just write whatever you planted in Sharpie on the handle and stick it in the soil. Save the plastic bag that wraps the morning newspaper. Put it in your purse or briefcase for when
you have to take your wet umbrella indoors, simply pop it in the bag. Re-use yogurt containers for small seedling pots or to store leftover food and other perishables. Wash and re-use Styrofoam takeout containers. They’re obviously good for holding leftovers and also for craft rooms or workshops. Old cardboard egg containers are great for soundproofing a room. Their design is perfect for absorbing sound waves. They also make good fire lighters for camping trips and make good containers for things like hair ties or small office supplies. And, like yogurt containers, they’re great for seedling pots. How about that old shower curtain? Use it as a drop cloth for painting, as a cover for picnic tables or, when cut to size, use it as a windshield cover against ice in winter. And for those who are serious about water conservation, save the water in the tub after showering. Then, dip the water out with a bucket and use that water to flush the toilet. Also, consider not having the water running the entire time while showering. Make your home green. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs, low-
flow shower heads and other energy-efficient devices. They’ll help both the environment and your budget. Use jars for food containers; use newspapers as wrapping paper; and use cloth shopping bags instead of paper or plastic. Understand that common household cleaners, pesticides and oils are hazardous waste and should be disposed of according to instructions. Proper disposal reduces runoff of toxic residues and prevents further waterways and wetlands pollution and destruction. Learn more about the products you purchase. Learn and understand the impact that the production, gathering or hunting of these products has on the environment. Look for more sustainable products such as shadegrown coffee, biodegradable cleaners and organic produce. We can greatly contribute to conservation simply by making wise purchases each day. And remember: We’re all Earth’s trustees. n
“N.C. Zoo Interpretive Specialist Bob Langston, holds some of the more than 5,600 cell phones that the zoo has collected as part of their recycling program.”
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Mr. Bobby in the blind.
Memories of a day at Dewitts Game Farm
By Dick Jones
t wasn’t the kind of day you think of for duck hunting. The temperature that late winter Tuesday was warm, about 70 degrees, and there was only a slight breeze. It was just a little too comfortable to really be duck hunting. The blind we were in was also comfortable. Well camouflaged, it had a rusty tin roof and was
grassed with reeds and branches. Ernie, my 14 year old Lab, sat where he could see, his tail rhythmically drumming against the side of the blind. We’d only been in the blind a few minutes when the first flight of ducks came in. I was arranging the stuff in my blind bag and getting my camera ready when I heard a faint whine from Ernie. There was a quiet whistle of wings, and a grunt from my hunting companion, Bob. I knew before I looked up what had happened. The ducks had come in from behind the blind and caught us unawares. They’d lit on the shallow end of the pond before Bob could even get his safety off. Ernie saw them coming, he was an old hand. Bob didn’t see them until it was too late. I was hunting with a 77 year old rookie and a 14 year old pro. My 77 year old rookie friend was Bob Craft, of High Point. Bob and I fished and hunted together for the last four years of his life and, though he’d hunted all his life, he’d
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never hunted ducks. We were great
know was how good the shooting was.
friends who met each other just a little
Normal preserve shooting involves
late in life. We fished from Hatteras to
ducks that are released and then fly
High Rock, and even caught sailfish in
to the pond the blind is on. It’s better
Acapulco, Mexico. We hunted doves
than not being able to hunt, but the
and pheasants, but this was his first
feel of the duck hunt is not there since
duck hunt.
you’re pretty sure when the birds are
coming in.
moments I’ve spent outdoors have
At Dewitt’s, the arrangement is
been duck hunting and I talk of it often.
more like conventional hunting. Chris
At 77, Bob could walk, but extended
raises mallards and releases them
walking or walking over rough ground
in the first part of the season. The
was tough. His handicap was not
ducks are free to leave, but don’t
severe enough to keep him from
because they have everything they
shooting, fishing, and hunting but it
need. There are 4 ponds that have
did impose limits. We had to figure
been planted and then flooded to
out how to get Bob on a duck hunt
provide just the kind of environment
but, with the help of Chris Dewitt at
that mallards love. The ducks move
Dewitt’s Game Farm, we figured it
constantly from one pond to the other
and so you don’t know when they are
I once wrote about things that
coming or where they will come from.
make a duck hunt better. I covered a
This kind of preserve shooting
lot of simple rules that waterfowlers
is so similar to shooting wild birds
often miss, but I didn’t cover one that I
that I’m sure that you could take an
almost made in a quest to get Bob on
a duck hunt. The rule I almost forgot
there and he wouldn’t know the
was, “Don’t overlook the obvious”. I
difference. These birds have been
knew Chris Dewitt, at Dewitt’s Outdoor
shot at enough to be wary and they’ll
Sports, in Ellerbe and I knew they did
flare if you expose yourself too much.
preserve duck hunting; what I didn’t
They respond to calls, though I
One of the last retrieves of Ernie, the Wonderdog. Possibly the best canine friend a man could ever have.
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thought that they weren’t as talkative on the day we hunted as truly wild birds. I kept my calls to a minimum, only calling birds I thought were going to
Two of the best friends of my life, one canine, one curmudgeon, take a little break from the hunt.
fly past our pond. In this kind of hunting, all the same rules apply except the limit. You still have to be HIP certified, have a duck stamp, and use nontoxic shot. The birds fly just like they would if you had found a secret honey hole somewhere and on cold windy days, it’s just as cold and windy. What’s different is that it’s just a few miles down US 220, you don’t have to rent a motel room, and you’re almost certain to get shooting. When Bob put his first duck on the water, Ernie bounced into the water like he was still four. He labored out, took the mallard in his mouth and rounded back towards the bank. When he reached the bank, he was too weak to climb it and I helped him up. Bob looked at me with wet eyes. “Should you let him do that? He could die trying to retrieve a duck.” “Bob, If he dies today retrieving a duck, I’ll know he died happy.” I saw understanding in Bob’s eyes and I believe I know what he was thinking. On every retrieve, I saw Bob’s eyes dampen and every time I helped Ernie up the bank, Bob encouraged him and loved him up once he was back at the blind. Since that wonderful day of duck hunting, both Bob and Ernie have passed on. Ernie died within a couple of months, at the ripe old canine age of fourteen and a half. When the time came, it wasn’t as pleasant as that day on the pond and I wished Ernie could have passed that day. Bob passed away a couple of years later. I found my old friend on his living room floor on Thanksgiving Day. I was told it was instant, but it still hurt. I miss them both but I will always have that day at Dewitt’s in my memory. We hunted the afternoon out, Bob shot some ducks, he stayed warm, he didn’t wear himself out walking, and got to see old Ernie the Wonder Dog do his life’s work. That rusty tin blind is still down at Dewitt’s but Bob and Ernie have gone on to a better place. I’m looking forward to when we can all be together again, whether there’s duck hunting there or not. n
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Bob and me with a double limit of greenheads.
Wake ‘n Flake
By Greg Hodgin
What started out as a whim five years ago
has now turned into one of the most successful and interesting fundraisers
ack in 2008, I wanted to wake board and snowboard on the same day just for the heck of it. So my friend, Travis Whitaker, agreed to go wake boarding with me in the morning and my friend, Tyler Strider, to go snowboarding with me in the evening. In the days that followed, I had other friends that expressed an interest in doing the same. A year later, one of my friends on Facebook, sent me a message asking when is “Wake and Flake?” I thought that was pretty funny, so I started a new Facebook group called Wake and Flake. Within a week we had over 100 members. I thought, “Wow, I wonder if I could use this as a fundraiser for Wake the World?” So, I got on the phone and called my boat dealer buddies and told them my idea. Every one of them said that they would be glad to help out. A month later, we had our very first organized Wake and Flake event with 63 participants. We wakeboarded on Belews Lake and then snowboarded at Appalachian
Ski Mountain in the evening. This year, we will have 10 dealerships and 2 wake parks on seven lakes in North Carolina and one lake in Tennessee to pull wake boarders during the day then we all will converge on Appalachian Ski Mountain in the evening for snowboarding. We are expecting well over 100 participants this year. On a typical day, participants show at up a designated lake, wake board behind brand new boats, share lunch, share stories then travel to Appalachian Ski Mountain, where they meet up with all the other participants from across the state for some night time snowboarding. The day also includes a goodie bag and hooded sweatshirt. It also gives everyone a chance to check out the newest products on the market. We have had days that were in the 80s and people were snowboarding in their board shorts and we’ve had days that were in the high 40s and freezing, but every time is fun! Wake and Flake has become a must do event for the Southeast’s
most serious wake boarders and snowboarders. We have participants that travel from as far away as Michigan and Texas to attend. It has become a reunion for our veteran board enthusiasts. We have been fortunate to have TV news coverage every time. Wake and Flake has become our main fundraiser for our Wake the World project. Wake the World is a group of boat owners that take abandoned, abused, and neglected children as well as wounded warrior and other handi-capable people out for a day at the lake. Wake the World started out as a small group of friends doing something nice for the American Children’s Home in Lexington and the Baptist Children’s Home in Thomasville. Since that time, WTW has taken off across the nation, inspiring others to do the same type of thing. For 2013, there will be more than 20 WTW events in 15 states! Find out more about Wake the World at To find out more or sign up for Wake n Flake, visit: n
Life is Still Alive in the Winter Garden
By Faylene Whitaker (Whitaker Farms)
You can also enhance the winter garden by adding lighting to give it a warm homey tone archdale & trinity magazine
oday is one of those days when you just want to sit inside and read a book, outside it is cloudy, grey and miserable. Oh! But then you look out the window and the birds are playing all around the feeders and the droplets of water on the bare branches look like diamonds and you realize no matter what season it is that life is still to be lived to its fullest. The garden offers refuge in the winter months for the birds, squirrels, and dogs and, guess what - we
humans, too. There are many plants to enjoy during the winter months in North Carolina. The hollies with their red berries, nandinas, hellebores, camellias, evergreens with their different colors whether it is a blue toned cedar deodara or a gold toned chamaecyparis . All these plants add color and beauty to the winter garden. You can also enhance the winter garden by adding lighting to give it a warm homey tone. Colored pots add some color in the winter garden. There are beautiful
water features and large stones or statuary that make the garden come alive in winter. Birdhouses and bird attract creatures to come and sing their songs. There is also work to be done in the garden during February and early March. Be sure to rake dead blooms and leaves from under your shrubs especially camellias to help prevent disease. It is time to cut back lirope before it starts to put out new shoots for spring. Fertilize cool season grasses such as Fescue and put out seed now. You also want to put out crabgrass killer in February, while it is dormant because once it comes out of dormancy it seems almost impossible to kill. Cut any dead or broken limbs out of your trees before they start putting on new buds. The end of February or early March cut back knockout roses and I also thin mine out a little. Do not cut back any other spring blooming plants now or you will be cutting off your blooms. You can cut back your hollies and other broad -leaf evergreens now. For the vegetable grower it is time to get the garden ready for those cool crops. Till the soil and add any amendments you may need such
All these plants add color and beauty to the winter garden.
camellia HOLLY as black cow manure, topsoil, fertilizer or lime. You can begin planting in late February and early March vegetables such as onions, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, potatoes and garden peas, then as the days get warmer you can add other vegetables. It is also time to plan and start putting in that outdoor kitchen, patio, deck, or water feature you hope to enjoy this summer. All of these items take planning and preparation in order to enjoy them in the coming warm months. Don’t forget that the inside of our homes need plants during the winter months to help purify the air since we are not bringing in fresh air from outside. Leaf surfaces and roots digest contaminants in the air. Some great plants for
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inside are Peace Lilies, English Ivy, Boston Ferns, Snake Plant and Gerber Daisies. Also cut flowers added inside during the winter months along with fruits such as oranges and lemons in bowls uplift our spirits and make us feel happy. So now that my work is done for the day. Ha! Ha! I’m making it a short day I am planting my chair by the bay window with my book and hot tea so that I can see and enjoy the birds playing on the birdfeeders outside and pretend that I am getting everything done in my own yard that needs doing. Enjoy the garden, your home, your family and friends and know that I will be doing the same because this is a great privilege God has given me and I don’t want to take it for granted. n
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