Normal Heights Magazine-Issue 01

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Shhh, DDDD, nn HHHH FFF‌ II NNNmmm HHiihtt! July-August 2013

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Because Community Matters!

Community Development C o r p o r at i o n

SUMMER IN THE PARK CONCERT SERIES In Trolley Barn Park at Adams Avenue & Florida Street Fridays, 6 to 8 pm. Free and open to the public. JULY 5 Rodello’s Machine

JULY 26 Bill Magee Blues Band

JULY 12 Stoney B Blues Band

AUGUST 2 Sue Palmer & Her Motel Swing Orchestra

JULY 19 Theo and the Zydeco Patrol


Go Local 411


Where Local Businesses Come First

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Business Mobile Directory Publications

Save Money Because Community Matters!While Shopping at All Your Favorite Stores, Restaurants, Services and Lots More

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619 -20 9 -355 4

3 4 01 A da m s Av e, S uite B, S a n D ie go C A 92116 Au t om o tive

R esi dentia l

C om m er c i a l

L i c ensed, b onded, i nsur ed a nd c ont r a c t ed w i t h A A A of Sou t her n C a l i f or ni a


table of

05 08



GO FISH! New Fresh Fish Market and Deli Opens on Adams Avenue







12 14 16


Because Community Matters

New School Scholarship Program to Benefit Local Students

Normal Heights Resident Giving Joy Through Music




















History of Adams

Day on Adams

Adams After Dark

Guide to Steampunk

Steam World's Fair Vendors

The Art of Framing


The Incredible Story of a Lost World War II Diary and its close ties to Normal Heights



Steam World's Fair Stages

Entertainment on the Avenue

Real Estate

Art Around Adams

12 14

4th of July

Cover Artist Bio:

Craig Anderson was born and raised in upstate New York before moving to San Diego in 1988. He works exclusively in transparent Watercolor. The trademark of one of his paintings is his vibrant use of color and bold value patterns. He takes local color that is present in the subject and goes to extreme to display colors that you may not notice at first glance. Craig finds the city streets amazing, the way light changes throughout the day yielding endless painting subjects in all directions. Craig is captivated by how the California sun brings subjects to life in his other favorite subjects, landscapes and seascapes. Craig is a member of the San Diego Watercolor Society and represented by private and corporate collections nationwide.


normal heights magazine




Dear Readers,

ravel. I used to absolutely love to travel, even for work. In my twenties and thirties I travelled extensively all over our great country and enjoyed a variety of local businesses in each community. Times have changed. So often now, every place I go to looks the same. I drive through nearly any city, suburb, or even a small town looking for a place to eat and it’s mostly McDonald’s Burger King, Wendy’s, KFC, etc. I go to a local mall to shop and it’s all Foot Locker, Macy’s, Radio Shack, Payless Shoes, and on and on. It not unique anymore. It’s not an experience like it once was. There’s no escaping it, however. Franchises, malls and “clone stores” are ubiquitous, but not in Normal Heights! I’ve lived here since 1996 and I find myself appreciating more and more each year the totally unique variety of independent local businesses we have in the neighborhood. Sometimes I take it for granted how unique and special our community is, but when I travel I am reminded, and I truly appreciate, the unique flavor of our special little gem of a community – we have CHARACTER! Normal Heights Magazine wants to promote and celebrate this uniqueness. We want to support the independent businesses who are often our friends and neighbors. We want to remind our readers to think about how very lucky we are to live in a unique community like this, to appreciate it, and support it. There is alot to be thankful for living in Normal Heights. Much of the information in the magazine is about “Choose Local First!”, and here’s why. It is critically important that we as residents support our neighborhood businesses. Small independent business owners are the real driving force behind a prosperous local economy. This is why it is vitally important to shop local as often as you can. The money you spend locally tends to stay in the community and helps support the other parts of the community. When our local businesses are healthy and prosperous, the community grows and everyone benefits. While you are reading this month’s magazine, take special note of the advertisers that support our effort to bring a positive message to Normal Heights. When you shop locally, thank the merchants for taking a risk to bring you a product or service that you might not otherwise have. And, most of all, don’t take your local merchants for granted; if you do, they might not be there when you need them most. If nothing else, before you part with dollars - “Choose Local First!”

Brad Meet our honorary mascot Publisher Pierrot (pronounced Pee-Arrow). Just last year, Pierrot was a very sick little puppy, about to be euthanized at a local animal shelter when he got a “new leash on life”, and was rescued by a local Normal Heights Family. Pierrot will help the volunteers and staff of Normal Heights Magazine by “sniffing out” local events, great food, entertainment, and places to shop and enjoy in and around Normal Heights, as well as coupons and special offers from our local merchants.


VOLUNTEERS Michael Windes Gary Ricalde Mary Quadres


Dave Johnson Kenleigh Hall Jim Yuran


A&E on the Avenue would like to thank the following interns for their help with the Steam World’s Fair articla: Tarrah Aroonsakool, Norma Diaz, Daylon Vorise, Josh Moore, Elina Oliferovskiy, Zia Rodelo, Carly Newman, Caleb Wilson, Charles Page, Clark Silva, Lisa Y. Méndez


3401-A Adams Avenue #162 San Diego, CA 92116 Phone: (619) 282-6706

FACEBOOK Normal Heights Magazine is published bi-monthly by DPI, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Normal Heights Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.





normal heights magazine


very fish has a story, and we pretty much know that story – from birth to our counter” says Hathaway. Childhood friends in Maine, the two long time veterans of the fish catching and processing industry have longed for years to open their own location as partners. Hathaway wanted to open a retail fresh fish counter/market, and Fournier’s passion was cooking so he desired a deli where he could prepare the dishes. “I moved to Alaska from Maine in 1986”, notes Hathaway, “looking for adventure. I had no connection to the fishing or seafood industry as a kid”. In Alaska, Hathaway landed in Kodiak, a one of the world’s largest fishing ports with the rich waters of the Pacific Northwest literally at their doorstep. “The whole area is dominated by the fishing industry, and it was only natural that I become involved. I got a job at a local processing facility, and worked my way up doing literally every job in the plant until the company

was sold in 1999. When the new owner came on board, I was promoted to General Manager. I was fortunate that the new owner who was not only passionate and committed to providing the very best to his customers, but also allowed me the opportunity to, for 14 years, learn more about not only the right way to process and deliver fish, but also the right way to treat customers. Fournier remained in Maine initially, but the two friends continued to communicate frequently until 2 years after moving to Kodiak, Hathaway enticed Fournier to visit. Fournier never went back to Maine. He also got involved in the fishing industry by working directly with the fishermen at the same processing facility. In adjoining offices the two together developed and implemented a fresh fish distribution program nationally that continues at the plant to this day. “Every Fish has a story, and we pretty much know that story, from birth to our counter” – Greg Hathaway “We both just took to the area, and the industry, and we both knew that fish would be our lifelong passion. We talked often about the dream of learning all we could and then starting our own operation” explains

not only in catching fish, but in the care and preparation after the catch. We worked in a tremendous processing facility, but that wouldn’t matter if the fish we processed weren’t cared for properly before we got them”. Fournier moved to San Diego in 2010 to work as a crane operator for the Department of Defense, but never lost the dream of partnering with Hathaway to open a fish market. With Fournier’s encouragement, Hathaway moved to San Diego in March of this year and the two opened a wholesale fish business. The two entrepreneurs continued to look out for an attractive and suitable location to open both a fish counter, and a deli. The pair finally found an opportunity, right here in Normal Heights, to open combination fish counter & deli. “We wanted to offer the freshest fish available, but at a very affordable price. One thing we will never compromise on is the quality of our fish. Therefore we needed to keep our

“Every Fish has a story, and we pretty much know that story, from birth to our counter”

– Greg Hathaway

Fournier. “Starting the way I did allowed me to learn everything about fishing, and about fish, from the boats and equipment used to catch them, to the proper care in processing, and the proper delivery to the people who eat the fish. I came to know how important each and every element of this process is to the flavor of of the final product on the dinner table”. “Make no mistake”, he continues, ”the success of the whole operation begins with the fishermen. At the plant we were fortunate enough to work with hundreds of equally committed vessel owners and commercial fisherman who fish those cold, rich waters in the area (including most of those shown on cable’s Deadliest Catch. We came to know which fisherman were the best,

overhead low – and the location here on Adams serves all of our needs. We love the neighborhood, we both live nearby, the area is growing and vibrant, and we see lots of foot and automobile traffic.

“We want to make really high quality fish affordable for the community”

“We couldn’t be happier with our selection of location”, boasts Hathaway, “We’re truly excited about this neighborhood and the customers that have already come into the shop since we open on June 17”. The partners continue to get their fish directly from Alaska, as well as from Maine where the connections they have from childhood allow them to have intimate knowledge


of the local fisherman and processing facilities there also. This ensures they consistently provide the highest quality and freshest fish available, be it from the Pacific or Atlantic waters. Farmed fish? “Oh no!” says Fournier ,“All of our fish are wild caught. Most people don’t realize the tremendous difference in taste, and in health benefits, between wild caught fish and farm raised fish. Wild seafood is definitely more nutritious , and environmentally responsible, than farmed raised alternatives. All of the fish we sell is harvested responsibly and sustainably”. “Alaska has the best regulated fishing industry in the entire world” added Hathaway. “The fisherman in Alaska are closely monitored and observed by the Federal based National Marine Fisheries Service, as well as by Alaskan state agencies to ensure they are doing things safely and environmentally consciously”. Fresh Fish vs. Frozen Fish? Most consumers have been trained to think the best fish is “fresh”. According to Hathaway, “Fresh Fish” is a moniker that consumers are constantly being confused by. “Our fish is “Fresh Flash Frozen” literally minutes after the catch reaches the shore, then flown frozen in to San Diego from Alaska and Maine. It just doesn’t get any fresher than this. It’s not something supermarkets really want you to know. What is often referred to in supermarkets as “fresh fish” is actually 3-10 days old. It’s really hard for the average consumer to determine the difference, but we guarantee that our fish is fresh because of the way we get it”. We know exactly where, and who, it’s from”.

“Make no mistake, the success begins with the fishermen”

Fournier has been cooking and preparing fish for most of his life. “I’ve fixed fish dishes for my family and friends forever, and I never get complaints so I guess the most like it” he says with a warm smile. “I love to give customers advice on how to prepare and cook our fish, and maybe even suggest a recipe or two. I want them to love it!” Alaskan Seafood Connection is the name Fournier has had in mind for years. “I came up with the name and I think it fits us well. We truly are a connection to those fresh, bountiful waters, and bringing that rich and flavorful seafood to local tables describes exactly what we do”. The deli and market boasts a large variety of seafood, from salmon (wild caught sockeye salmon is the absolutely most flavorful salmon you can eat , and the health benefits are substantial) , Halibut, Crab, Lobster (fresh lobster and crab tanks are coming soon), Cod, Sole and more. “Along with our regular menu, we like to offer specials frequently so we keep a good variety for our customers to choose from“ says Fournier. The deli also boasts other favorites like breakfast burritos,


normal heights magazine

hot dogs (including Maine Red hot dogs), and more. Popular dishes include the always fresh fish & chips. “Our fries are fresh cut and fried right here” adds Fournier. Where do you see the business in two years”? I ask. “Do you have “Bigger Fish to Fry?” “We want to establish our reputation right here on Adams Avenue” says Hathaway, “and we are deeply committed to doing the very best we can for our customers”. “Once we do that, we would like to open an additional location or more here in San Diego., We love it here – this is our future”.


Business Name:

Alaskan Seafood Connection


Greg Hathaway & Chris Fournier

Year Est.

Just opened June 17, 2013


3355 Adams Avenue



Greg Hathaway - 619-709-3474 Chris Fournier - 619-607-1098


Your connection to the very BEST Seafood...right here on Adams Avenue!! Get to know

Scan This Code

Greg and Chris!

to Find Out More:

By Kami Kenyon


hink of your favorite shop, restaurant, or service provider. We'll bet it's a homegrown business. Independent locally-owned businesses are essential to a vital local economy and community character. These businesses are owned by our friends and neighbors, and community-serving businesses are the backbone of local economies, civic life, local charities, and wealth creation for millions of citizens, as well as a training ground for future generations of entrepreneurs. Problem: Today, independent businesses face unprecedented competition from larger franchises, chains, and internet merchant competitors that enjoy unprecedented economic power and major economies of scale in marketing and branding. As a result, community-based independent businesses comprise a smaller portion of our economy than ever before. If we allow this trend to continue, we all lose much more than just our unique local places to shop, dine or do business – we lose the very vitality of the communities we call home. A Proven Solution: Many cities and towns have discovered a model, pioneered by the staff and affiliates of the American Independent Business Alliance ( to counter these trends successfully and help local independent businesses thrive. More than 100 communities in North America (including San Diego) now boast AMIBA affiliated Independent Business Alliances (IBAs) which unite independent businesses with each other, and with local concerned citizens, to build vibrant and durable local economies. Choose Local First! can help your business use our models to implement an effective “Choose Local” campaigns, help to pass pro-local policies, and more. There truly is strength in numbers and we encourage you to learn more about benefits of choosing neighborhood businesses like yours first when making shopping and buying decisions. Choose Local First! is a complete no- fee, nonprofit, all volunteer organization, and you'll love what your local IBA Choose Local First! can do for your business and our community! About AMIBA: The American Independent Business Alliance is a national 501(c) (3) non-profit educational organization. Choose Local First! (Choose Local Independent Community and Business Alliance of San Diego County) is the exclusive and official local affiliate of AMIBA. n

Frequently Asked Questions


hat is an Independent Business Alliance®? An IBA like Choose Local First! works to build vital local economies based on independent, locally-owned businesses. IBAs help local entrepreneurs compete successfully against large franchises, chains, and online competitors. IBAs unite locally-owned independent businesses, citizens and community organizations to achieve this goal. IBAs accomplish their goals through three primary focus areas: 1. Facilitating and enhancing public Education about the greater overall value local independents often can) as well as the vital economic, social and cultural role independent businesses play in the community. 2. Facilitating cooperative promotion, advertising, purchasing, sharing of skills and resources and other activities to help local businesses gain economies of scale and compete more effectively. 3. Creating a strong and uncompromised voice to speak for local independents in the local government and media while engaging citizens in guiding the future of their community through democratic action. What is a Local Independent Business? AMIBA's recommended criteria are: 1. Private, worker, community or cooperative ownership. 2. At least 51% locally-owned (definitions of "local" will vary based on community circumstances). 3. Decision-making authority is vested in the local owners and not subject to conditions dictated remotely. 4. The business has a limited number of outlets and limited geographic range What does it cost to join? Your qualified local independent business can join Choose Local First and Choose Adams Avenue completely free of charge – there are no dues and we are a 100% volunteer organization. All we ask is for your support! How do I join? Simply go to and complete the simple pledge and sign up form. MORE QUESTIONS? Contact your Community Liaison 619-282-6706 n

*Independent Business Alliance is a registered mark of the AMIBA and is reserved for exclusive use by AMIBA's affiliates.




AN DIEGO SCHOLARSHIP FUND U.S.A. announced recently the opening of its locally based center designed to support deserving San Diego County youth who are aspiring for advanced degrees in education. While most other scholarship programs focus on sports oriented grants and donations, San Diego Scholarship U.S.A. has developed an academic focused fundraising program to encourage and support local students who will be the future leaders in San Diego, and throughout America. SAN DIEGO SCHOLARSHIP FUND U.S.A has developed a unique program which will allow deserving student scholarship recipients from our fund to focus on the important aspects of their further education. The SAN DIEGO SCHOLARSHIP FUND U.S.A campaign of financial support for local students will not only promote schools throughout San Diego County, but serve as a locally based non-profit entity. The non-profit center will develop


normal heights magazine

scholarship products that will allow our deserving children the opportunity to be noticed as young leaders and future businesspeople that are truly supported by their community. San Diego Scholarship Fund U.S.A. will be calling on community leaders, role models, companies, residents and others to support its cause. In addition, marketing programs in our locally based direct mail magazines like the one you are reading, online marketing programs designed to reach local residents, Gift certificate and coupon programs through its “Do Good and SaveTM� program, School and Community Calendars and other media and community partnership programs will help fund and support the scholarship program financially, while also assisting local independent businesses through focused and cost effective marketing channels reaching local business consumers. The program is currently gearing up for launch in late July in San Diego, and will then expand throughout San Diego County and other areas of Southern California. In 2014 the fund is expected to have multiple locations raising money for these deserving students on a national basis. To find out more, or to inquire about independent business marketing opportunities, or to offer assistance in raising funds, please visit www. n



oelle Pederson has been a resident of Normal Heights for five years and is an active member in the Normal Heights Community Association. She is orignally from a tiny town in North Dakota and moved to San Diego in 2007 to complete a six month music therapy internship under the direction of Dr. Reuer (Executive Director and founder of Resounding Joy Inc.) in order to graduate with a Bachelors Degree of Music Therapy from the University of North Dakota. After the six month internship, she became a boardcertified music therapist and couldn't bear the thought of leaving beautiful San Diego. Since that time, Noelle has bridged together her love of community and passion for the mission of music therapy by hosting local events, classes, and concerts to bring neighbors together, help raise funds for, and bring awareness about Resounding Joy programs. She is the Director of Education and Training for the Joy Giver volunteer program and leads the Sound Minds family music program. Noelle is employed at both Resounding Joy and the "sister company" MusicWorx Inc. This contracutal music therapy company provides medical music therapy at hospitals, hospice, and also services to older adult communities. This passionate young professional advocates for music therapy any chance she gets and is open to presenting to any local service groups or even chatting with other Normal Hieghts folks at a local coffeeshop to divulge her love of working as a music therapist in San Diego hospitals, with hospice patients, and at-risk youth. Quoting Noelle, "We've already started

some family music programs and concerts here in Normal Heights. I'd love to see an active Junior Joy Giver Program and also some community music-making opportunities develop here with the local recreational centers, churches, etc. We always need volunteers and referrals for Joy Receivers ~ if you have a neighbor who is older and doesn't get many visitors, wouldn't it be great refer them to a volunteer or YOU to become one yourself? Let's bring our community together one song at a time!"

For more information Noelle and Resounding Joy: Like Us on Facebook –, Call – 858-457-2200 MusicWorx Inc. Email –

Your World .......On Your Wall Enjoy Beautiful Artwork

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Express W ho You Are!


3214 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116

The Best Music Lessons in San Diego


art OF framing

Gallery & Custom Framing

619-563-9770 3333 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116




rt of Framing first opened its doors 25 years ago when the original owner, Barbara Young, moved her home based operation to Adams Avenue in 1988. In 2005, after 17 years on the avenue, Barbara sold the business to entrepreneur Blythe Goodwin and artist Ryan Campbell. After an extensive remodel, including the addition of a small gallery, the "new" Art of Framing was busy framing for clients like The Padres and Cohn Restaurant Group and hosting numerous art shows throughout the year. In 2010 the gallery was converted into a gift shop featuring framed prints, original art and handmade wares by local artists. The gift shop now features over 25 artisans and carries everything from custom jewelry and handbags to greeting cards and candles. In 2011 Andy Hinson came aboard as the Framing Specialist and has proven himself with his creativity, knowledge and craftsmanship. Having 25 years experience as a professional framer and trained by a certified master framer, he got his start at ABD Industries near Washington D.C. and has been in the art and framing industry in San Diego since 1993. There’s not much he hasn’t seen or been asked to frame - from odd items such as sand, grass, and a computer monitor, to canvases for T.V. shows and fine art for the White House - no job is too big or too small. Andy’s motto: “You name it, I’ll frame it!" After Andy came aboard, Art of Framing was named "Best Art Framing" by the readers of San Diego City Beat in 2012. At Art of Framing we focus on conservation framing and adhere to 3 main goals: PROTECT, PRESERVE and ENHANCE. PROTECT: Without professional framing, air pollution, light, moisture, insects, acidic materials and household cleaners can damage your photos, artwork and memorabilia. PRESERVE: Custom framing will ensure that your most important memories will survive to share with future generations. Included in our services are acid free mats, backing and adhesives, as well as UV protective glass which all help to protect your artwork. ENHANCE: Our creative designers can help create a visually stunning presentation for your artwork. We will help you choose the perfect frame, matting, and glass to enhance whatever it is that you want to preserve and enjoy. We provide handcrafted custom framing for a wide variety of items: Fine


normal heights magazine

Art, Photographs, Prints, Lithographs, Licenses, Mirrors, Needlework, Collectables, Memorabilia, Sports Jerseys, Military medals, the list is endless. We carry thousands of frames, hundreds of mats and fabrics, as well as a variety of specialty glass. We use only the best framing materials and techniques, and our workmanship is guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with your framing, we’ll work together to make it right. We are interested in long-term relationships with our customers, and we want you to be thrilled with your framing. We proudly frame for the San Diego Zoo, Old Globe Theater, Fox Sports San Diego and San Diego State University. We also strive to participate in local events and community fundraisers for both the arts and various social charities such as the Children's Growing Center, Kitty Devore Rescue Network, San Diego River Park Foundation and the Alzheimer's Association. n

At a Glance: Business: Address: Phone: Website

Art of Framing 3333 Adams Ave 619-563-9770


Pet Me! I’m the Cutest

No... I am the Cutest!

You can pet me...but I’d rather have a chew toy!

PET ME PLEASE Dog & Cat Supplies 3401 C Adams Ave. San Diego, CA


Mon.-Fri. 10 - 7 Sat. 10 - 5 Sun. 10 - 4

What's happening in the 92116 area? provides in depth information on community, homes for sale, things to do and places to go in the 92116 area. • Real Estate • Special Events (Out Door Movie Night, 4th of July Parade, etc…) • Activities for Kids of All Ages • Dining, Food • Arts and Crafts • Festivals

Sponsored by Mark Kunce The My Home Team Keller Williams Realty 619-663-7139 Follow us on Facebook


The Incredible Story of a Lost World War II Diary and its close ties to Normal Heights


n June 1st, 1942, the USS Crescent City trudged out to sea, carrying its living cargo of young marines towards destinations and realities they weren’t allowed to know. Among these uninformed passengers was Delmar Grenz, an 18-year-old from Idaho who knew as much about war as he did paying taxes or raising a child. His experiences aboard the American attack transport undoubtedly shaped who he became as a man, but he bore the majority of these experiences with him to the grave – he chose to spare his family (and himself) from the chilling vestiges of World War II. Delmar’s loved ones would have remained forever unaware of his wartime exploits, were it not for a sequence of selfless and serendipitous events that transpired half a world away. The USS Crescent City was a well traveled ship. She served a pivotal role in the battles of Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and Leyte, and after undergoing a conversion to a hospital ship she roamed the Pacific, mending and patching what wounds she could. Her most important stop in the minds of the Grenz family, however, was neither a battleground nor a historic site. The war-weathered ship made a stop in scenic New Zealand to allow its crew a chance to rest and recuperate. It was here, along the shoreline of New Zealand in late 1942, that Delmar lost his diary, the diary he had started penning the day his ship pulled out of port, the diary his family never knew about. After near seventy years in the hands of the New Zealand locals who discovered it, the clandestine journal made its way home to the people it would affect most: his wife and children. Gordon Kerrisk found the abandoned diary on a wharf in his hometown of Wellington, New Zealand, in 1942; he vowed that he would one day see it make its way home. In an era when Facebook and the internet and cellular phones were beyond even the contrivances of science fiction, the task proved nigh impossible. The diary was signed in Delmar’s name, but how was one to locate a single man in the United States from across the sea? The answer proved to be waiting. And waiting. Unfortunately, Gordon Kerrisk passed away before the circumstances allowed the journal’s return. His brother, Dou-


normal heights magazine

gal Kerrisk, was there to take up the mantle when all seemed lost. The diary had been in his family’s possession for near seventy years when Dougal and his wife decided they would give one final effort: they would see the memoir home, or they would see it burned. The Kerrisk’s gave the journal to a local newspaper reporter, and within the week it was one of the top stories in New Zealand. Within the month, Dougal and his wife were on a plane to San Francisco to see the emotion-laden little book back to its rightful owners. Delmar Grenz passed away in 1993, leaving his loved ones with fond memories but empty hearts. A phone call in 2011 brought Kathy Grenz, Delmar’s wife, some truly electrifying news – a sliver of her beloved husband was heading home. Kathy, along with several of her and Delmar’s eight children, greeted the Kerrisks warmly in San Jose, CA. An afternoon meet-and-greet preceded what the Grenz family had been eagerly awaiting since the news had reached their ears: cracking the pages that young Delmar had written seventy years beforehand. The contents of the journal are both hearttouching and spine-tingling. Delmar’s understanding of war is evident in his writings. He is initially zealous and eager, noting with interest the sharks riding the currents in the pacific water and the shoals of flying fish that skim its surface. As the entries progress, the young corpsman is exposed to battle and bloodshed, headhunters and burning islands. His writings linger less and less on the natural wonders around him and more on the hard truth of war: each entry he writes may be his last. “I hope I’m alive tomorrow so that I can write down how it comes out,” he writes on August 6, the eve of the invasion of Guadalcanal. Between mortaring entire islands, gunning down surviving enemies, and receiving an emergency appendectomy in the heart of the jungle, the Idaho boy becomes a war-wearied man. “War is hell when you’re losing,” he notes in the midst of battle, “but we aren’t losing.” The entirety of this story, from the diary to its discovery to its return, seems surreal. The part of this whole ordeal that seems pulled from fiction, in my mind at least, is the fact that Delmar Grenz is my grandfather, and his diary my heirloom. I was eighteen years old on the day the diary was flown into the States, and I was there when my grandmother Kathy

cracked its pages for the first time. I read the words my grandfather had written sixty nine years in the past, when he was the same age as I was. I saw the handwritten words that detailed his transcendence from boyhood to manhood, his shift of attention from the details of the land to the whirlwind of emotion he had bottled inside him. Where a high-school diploma was my greatest achievement at eighteen, this predecessor of mine had enlisted himself in the service, trained for months on end at Camp Pendleton, manned a .30 caliber machine gun against Japanese aircraft raids, and saved and taken the lives of his fellow man. His story seems torn from legend, or from the script of a summer blockbuster, but his achievements would be lost to the tide of time were it not for a seemingly insignificant hunk of leather and paper. Many such heroes still roam the streets and hearts of America today – a closer glance or a brush with chance could reveal titans walking in the skin of men. Delmar Grenz’s daughter, Cherie Leonard, has lived in Normal Heights with her husband Jim since 1984 Brody Leonard is a freelance writer currently studying English at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Brody spent his entire childhood in Normal Heights. You can find him this summer at local farmers markets promoting Normal Heights based Jackie’s Jams. n

To see the television coverage of this story, scan the QR Code.

From the Diary August 5, 1942 - The day after tomorrow is the day of the Big Bang. Guadalcanal is the largest of the three Islands. August 6, 1942 - The H hour is 0800 in the morning. I hope I’m alive tomorrow so that I can write down how it comes out. August 25, 1942 - Today we got in 15 (Japanese) prisoners, 3 were wounded, one said he should have stayed home and that he had to be wounded and taken prisoner to be able to sleep on a cot. September 7, 1942 - This morning at 3 O’clock I was on the operating table in a tent with a gasoline lamp for light. My appendix was removed by Dr. Jacobs, instead of a surgical bed I lay on an army cot. That was a very rough ride through the jungle in an ambulance. September 7, 1942 - We got the dope today that a convoy of 35,000 Jap troops are headed for this island. If they ever land we are whipped. We haven’t even got 50000 troops here, but it will be hot while it lasts.

Delmar Grenz



Mark Kunce ÂŽ Team Leader The My Home Team 619-957-4969 DRE# 01458113 Mark grew up in a family involved in Real

Estate Sales and Development and brings over 30 years of Real Estate experience to the Team. Mark is a remodeling expert and possesses strong working knowledge of carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and design. Mark heads up our REO division and works closely with many of our Financial Clients to maximize profitability. Having proudly served our Country as a United States Marine, he mastered discipline, leadership, organizational skills, and the mental toughness that is often required in Real Estate. Mark has a Masters of Education degree and has applied his teaching skills in the United States, Japan, and Mexico. He brings great knowledge, understanding, strength, and professionalism to the Team in representing your interests. Mark has traveled to Washington DC, and attended Fannie Mae Congressional hearings dealing with the distressed housing market. He was recently an expert guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show and joined a select group of business experts and entrepreneurs to collaborate and co-write the business and marketing book titled Trendsetters: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Top Trends To Help You Achieve Greater Health, Wealth and Success!


normal heights magazine



new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in today's market. The fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of home sellers don't get what they want for their homes and become disillusioned and - worse - financially disadvantaged when they put their homes on the market.

As this report uncovers, most home sellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled "The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar". To order a FREE Special Report, visit or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-888-254-9010 and enter 1000. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home. n


Day on Adams


normal heights magazine



normal heights magazine



normal heights magazine



normal heights magazine



normal heights magazine



normal heights magazine



EGO ID MEDIA AT A GLANCE Name of Business: Owner: Year Established: Website: Email Contact: Phone:


Ego Id Media Jim Yuran 2000 619-283-1199

normal heights magazine

With so many choices available today with the click of a mouse, how is it even possible to distinguish oneself from the pack of imitators and under cutters that make up the global landscape of online products and services? If you ask Jim Yuran of Ego Id Media, headquartered in the heart of Normal Heights, he will tell you in one word: Integrity. “We take the time to understand your needs and goals to bring effective solutions to your business. Our promise to you is simple: to offer unrivaled printing quality and creative services at a great price and then deliver them on time and in a friendly and helpful manner. Our artists bring that creative spark to your projects. We then deliver exceptional quality on time and on budget according to the vision we have established with you to meet your marketing, advertising and communication goals.” It’s this can-do attitude (and heaps of skills to boot) that have allowed the company to grow and thrive even in the toughest of times. A diverse product line helps keep Ego Id Media poised for success by catering to a wide variety of clients. From free lance customers to local small businesses to world class institutions like the Salk Institute give the company enough perspective to handle almost any type of print or advertising requirement. And the company is very green with an eye towards conservation and sustainability offering FSC certified papers and nontoxic, environmentally safe inks as standard practice. In addition to print and design, the company has been manufacturing promotional products such as bags, hats, t-shirts, mugs, pens and tchockies with imprinted logos at their 8,000 sq.ft. decorating facility in Oceanside. If this weren’t enough, they are also a huge supporter of the arts in San Diego. By maintaining ArtLab Studios, a vibrant gallery and perfor mance space next door that has hosted over fifty art openings, hundreds of performances, and entertained thousands of art patrons throughout the San Diego community, the company is activly creating the type of community vibe worthy of a world class city.


Photos courtesy of Kelly Wise - Wise Image Studio


Coming in August/September!

Reach over 16,000 homes via DIRECT MAIL in Kensington, Normal Heights & University Heights Hurry! There is limited availability, so contact us today:

We’re Local!

We, the neighbors of and citizens of We,and the citizens neighbors

Normal Heights, believeHeights, that ourbelieve that our Normal values, diversity,values, and community tiescommunity ties diversity, and are our strengths. purpose is Our to purpose is to are Our our strengths. promote a community neighborswhere neighbors promotewhere a community help neighbors help and foster an environneighbors and foster an environment that promotes ment community that promotes community involvement forinvolvement the betterment of all for the betterment of all those who live, those work,who learn, andwork, play learn, and play live, here. We will behere. an advocate foran ouradvocate for our We will be residents, a partner with local residents, a partner with local businesses, andbusinesses, a liaison toand ouracity’s liaison to our city’s various departments. aim is to Our aim is to variousOur departments. unite our members theirand focus their uniteand ourfocus members collective energy on projects andon events collective energy projects and events that improve the education, that improve safety, the education, safety, health, and welfare of our health, andneighbors welfare of our neighbors and make Normal a betterHeights a better and Heights make Normal SATURDAY, JULY 27TH, 2013 | 7PM @ 2013 WARD| CANYON NEIGHBORHOOD PARK (39TH STREET SATURDAY, JULY 27TH, 7PM @ WARD CANYON NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PARK) (39TH STREET PARK) place to live. place to live.


NHCA presents Lady and Tramp NHCA presents Ladythe and the Tramp

In our continuing effort to get the word the out master In our continuing effort to out get about the word about the master plan for Wardplan Canyon Neighborhood Park and let the City for Ward Canyon Neighborhood Park and let the City Get connected… Get connected… Council knowCouncil how important it isimportant to us thatitthey the complete off know how is tocomplete us that they the off Go to NormalHeights.CA to get the email to get the email Go to NormalHeights.CA and dog community we’ll garden, be holding a movie leash park andgarden, community we’ll be holding a movie newsletter, join thenewsletter, Facebook page andFacebook join join the page and join leash dog park - a private online community for community forin the park and - a private online enlarged printenlarged of the park plans andpark a plans and a in be thesharing park and be sharing print of the Normal Heights. OrNormal connectHeights. face toOr face at our face to face at ourpetition to sign. connect Hope to you canHope join us! petition sign. you can join us! monthly potluck meetings 2ndmeetings Tuesday.every 2nd Tuesday. monthlyevery potluck

Get informed… Get informed… Learn about community and on ways to and on ways to Learn events, about community events, improve our neighborhood Communitylike the Community improve like our the neighborhood Garden and Off-Leash Dogand ParkOff-Leash that the city Garden Doghas Park that the city has approved.


Get involved… Get involved…

Community Potluck & Meeting Community Potluck & Meeting TUESDAY, AUGUST 13TH, AUGUST 2013 | 6:30-8:00PM THE NORMAL@ HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, 13TH, 2013 |@6:30-8:00PM THE NORMAL HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTER

Join us everyJoin second Tuesday to learn what to thelearn board is up meetiswith your neighbors us every second Tuesday what theto,board up to, meet with your neighbors and have your voice be heard. and have your voice be heard. events, become a board hang events,member becomeora just board member or just hang Be a block captain,Be fight crime, help plan a block captain, fightsocial crime, help plan social out with your neighbors. Come the next Come to the next out with yourtoneighbors. Community Association meeting and potluck Community Association meeting and potluck (every 2nd Tuesday from 2nd 6:30-8pm @from 46496:30-8pm @ 4649 (every Tuesday Hawley Blvd).

Hawley Blvd).

Check online Check for other greatforAugust like Beers & Brats, Alex’s Stand online other events great August events like Beers & Lemonade Brats, Alex’s Lemonade Stand and the upcoming long term goals meeting for Normal Heights.... and the upcoming long term goals meeting for Normal Heights....

www.NormalHeights.CA/calendar BecomeBecome a member! a member!www.NormalHeights.CA/calendar Your $13 annual membership helpsmembership support the helps support the Your $13 annual Community Association to helpAssociation it enrich theto help it enrich the Community community. It alsocommunity. allows you to be a allows voting you to be a voting It also

619-798-6116 619-798-6116

member of the association. Join a meeting orJoin at a meeting or member of theatassociation. online...


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