Serra Mesa Connection - December 2016

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ADAMS AVENUE NEWS A Positive Community Newspaper Created by Locals, for Locals, Supporting Local Businesses


Local Postal Customer Your Neighborhood Source - Serving local communities, kids & causes throughout Southern California Vol. 23 No. 5 May 2015

ART AROUND ADAMS 2015 Darrin Fournier:

Vol.1 No. 3 - December 2016




The Bunny Whisperer By Jennifer Coburn

Heights Optometry Welcome another local independent business to the neighborhood - Choose Local First!. PAGE 8

Maggie’s Café celebrates 2 years in Serra Mesa

Page 10

Visitors to Art Around Adams are likely to see jumbo pieces of art, like these.

Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon on Adams Avenue May 31 Normal Heights Community Association seeks volunteers. PAGE 9

Dining with Lola Painter Kathy Rush releases her new monthly cartoon series to promote local Food establishments. PAGE 9 &story 16 feels like it comes arrin Fournier’s straight out of Marvel Comics. Two years ago, he and his wife Karen were getting ready for a family celebration on Easter Sunday at their Serra Mesa home. From the corner of his eye, Darrin noticed something in the swimming pool. A rat? A mouse? No, it was a baby bunny, unconscious and likely dead. The Michigan transplant had always felt a special connection to rabbits and was determined to help this one if he could. Suddenly, Darrin flashed back to the 1970s when he was seven years old and his mother, a nurse, performed CPR on a rabbit. As anWinnie’s adult kneeling Picks by his pool, Darrin Winnie Hanford Kensington remembered everything his ofmother did, and video talks about movie’s we should began applying pressure to the baby rabbit’s chest. see this month. PAGE 16 Miraculously the bunny survived. The birth of a new superhero, Bunny Man? No, Fournier prefers a quieter existence as founder


Satanic Peppeteer Orchestra is a major attraction.

Interested in playing Hocus, Rhythm & The Method, The roughly two-plus miles baseball? Skelpin, Daniel Schraer, Country between Oregon Street in Normal Rockin Rebels, Avilo & The Dwells, Heights and Vista Street in KensPage 14 The Shifty Eyed Dogs, Bloodflowington will become a thoroughfare ers, Jackie Austin Singer, Marie of art, music and entertainers on Haddad, Rosewood & Rye, Sierra Saturday, June 6, when the 12th West, Lightning, Triton Eye, League annual Art Around Adams is staged. of Liars, Sue Del Guidice, Too Fast The event, which will run from For Love, The Cherry noon to 8 p.m., is produced by Bluestorms, True Stories, Rock ‘n’ Adam Rosen of Exodus Studios, an Roll San Diego All Stars, Rich events production company. McGee, and more. A free and family attraction, Art Art Around Adams began with Around Adams will showcase Normal Heights’ artists and businumerous visual and performance The crooner. ness owners getting together at a Marie Haddad is one of many performers artists along the street. More than appearing at the festival. local coffee house to create an event 75 businesses will “morph” into Finance for Thought that would focus on the exhibition impromptu art galleries or perforof local art in business with Elisabeth Dawson mance arenas for the day. storefronts. They realized that there There will be more than nine perPage 23 were a number of art studios (comformance areas, including the Kensprised of very talented and internaington Kids Zone, featuring music, tionally known artists), a framing performance art, community and co-owner of The Bunny Whisperer, a small ones that look shop, coffee houses, antique stores,cute together. That’s a mistake, says murals, circus performers, dance, gift Mesashops within walking dis-nodding in agreement. Unless the theater, projection intergalactic business he runsart,with Karen. Theand Serra Darrin, Karen tancebonding, that would make venue superhero wrestling and comedians based Bunny Whisperer offers boarding, right great match has been made, rabbits might fight to displaying on theconsultation event’s own “Comedy and for rabbitTrolowners.for Entering theart. the death. “It’s vicious,” he says. He advises people Thesoothing event was launched on April ley.” facility, one is struck by two things: the considering adopting rabbits to do what is called 3, 2004 with a limited budget from “The Adams Avenue district conscent of lavender, and a clear love of rabbits. There “speed dating” businesses and artists. The firstthen follow up with a second and tinues to evolve,” said Rosen. “New are spacious, immaculate pens, as well an was exercise thirda major date sucbetween potential A variety of bands bunny will play inbuddies. more than nine performance areas during the festival. event considered restaurants, eclectic shops, friendly course that rivals any playground. The lavender, If there’s snuggling, grooming, or kissing, the cess, with audience estimates at over pubs, even a brewery. Adams Darrinhas Fournier is atosoothing 300. he often bunnies are a match. If they raise their tails, bite, Avenue always says, seemed put a aroma was added to unique spin on the businesses thatears. Over time a trolley uses for massaging the rabbits’ or chase each other, it may be best to move on. For alongit’s too late for dating because the populate oasis. rabbit Art Around It is itsa lucky who gets provide to stay free withtransportation some, though, the avenue, an event staplehave to this Adams stays Whisperer on the threshold the Bunny while ofits humans are on rabbits been adopted and are living under its incarnation, it evolved that evolution, new cut- pairday. vacation. Andbringing it is fortunate ofSince bunnies the same roof. into the much loved ‘Comedy Trolting-edge artists to the avenue year Serra Mesa Real Estate that live in a home where Darrin has done a “Most of the people who call me are in tears ley,” shuttling guests up and down after year.” Values - See recently consultation, either bunny-proofing houses or or they have been crying because they’re at their the avenue. Musical Performers educating owners on best practices for optimal wit’s end trying to bond their rabbits, ” says Darrin sold local homes and In 2008, Rosen came on as the Among the musical performers petbe: health happiness. But the event thrustorganizer. of the Fournier. “The rabbits are chewing up furniture will Lyricaland Goove, The Bassics, values Lyrical Groove will make an appearance. Fourniers business is bonding rabbits. and fighting with each other.” It doesn’t have to be Page 24 cont. on page 2 When many people adopt rabbits, they select

Don't pay 6% to list your home! End of year special - List for only 1.5%!* Jennifer St.Clair, Broker/Owner Terry O’Regan, REALTOR® 858-405-8525 direct *(Full service listing includes professional photography and free staging consultation. Price does not include buyer's agent CM of 2.5%)



cont. from page 1 this way, though. “It is quite easy to integrate bunnies into your family life,” letting them hop through the house and cohabitate with other pets, he says. The Bunny Whisperer has several options to assist rabbit owners. After an initial consultation, Darrin can lay out a 10-day bonding plan for clients to execute on their own. “Sometimes people call and say they’re dropping off the rabbits and want to pick them up fully bonded in 10 days,” Darrin Fournier says. They’ve already tried everything on their own and they’re done. “One woman told us we changed her life,” after the Bunny Whisperer helped bond two rabbits who had been placed together after their longtime mates had died. Initially, the pair did not get along, but after their time with Fournier, are now well bonded. What’s his secret? Fournier keeps his techniques close to the vest as he is in the process of patenting his program. But the bonding is done through gentle techniques where no bunnies are harmed. In addition to the 24 guest rabbits staying with the Bunny Whisperer, the Fourniers have five little buns of their own, all rescued from unsafe environments, now living together fully bonded. You might not see Bunny Man at next year’s Comic-Con, but to San Diego’s rabbit owners – and a few hundred happy bunnies -- Darrin and Karen Fournier are quiet heroes.

Happy Holidays Serra Mesa!


016 is coming to a close as we head into the holiday season and our 3rd edition of the Serra Mesa Connection. This is the time to reflect on the past year, celebrate with friends and family, and of course, stuff yourself with delicious food! It’s also a time of gratitude for everything that we have. Here at St.Clair Homes & Estates we are grateful for all the trust placed in us and for all of you! Those who are close to us know that we started 2016 with the goal to provide the best real estate experience possible for all of our clients. We’re proud to say that we accomplished that goal, but it could not have been done without the incredible support from our friends, family, and coworkers - and of course, our amazing clients! Over the course of last year, we were able to change and improve the lives of many different individuals and families, many of whom will be hosting their first holiday meals in their beautiful new homes this season! We are incredibly grateful for those who have given us the opportunity to help them with their real estate needs and are looking forward to 2017. Please continue to send in your ideas, articles and feedback for future editions of the Connection. We hope that everyone has a relaxing, fun, and refreshing holiday season with friends and family! Terry O’Regan Jennifer St.Clair St.Clair Homes & Estates




Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa Branch Library 10th Anniversary Celebration held Saturday Dec 3rd

French-Style Breads & Pastries

Management and vendorsFruits at the&market Organic & non-GMO Veggiesrecently made theInfused decision close for the winter. Oilstoand Vinegars

Olives – Hummus – Pita Wednesday, 14th will be –the last day the market SoulDec Food – Tamales Kombucha will Soaps be open for 2016. MORE! Hand-Made & Lotions…&

Visit uson onwhen FB @marketonthemesa For updates the market will reopen visit for weeklycheck vendor updatesor contact, Facebook, management at

Christmas Holiday Services St. Columba Catholic Church

Every Wednesday O 3pm to 7pm 3333 Sandrock Rd.

ur branch library celebrated 10 years in its current permanent location at 9005 Aero Drive last Saturday. Councilman Chris Cate District 6 and Councilman Scott Sherman District 7 both attended and spoke, and presented the branch with a commemorative plaque. Attendees included the branch’s original Librarian Marilyn Gibbs, former Lead Librarian David Ege, and current Lead Librarian Rosa Kwon, as well as the library’s original storytime storyteller, Grandma Patti, who kicked off the celebration by doing what she does best - reading to the kids! The San Diego Folk Song Society members gave a sing-along concert that was a big hit Parking available in the south lot— Please do not park in with attendees. Friends ofthe the Library Board hosted reception after the ceremony for dignitaries adjacent stripa mall asluncheon they will tow! and visitors. Look for more info and photos in our January issue.

Glencolum Drive Tip: Beat the Heat— How to Keep Your Veggies Crisp! Market3327 Manager’s Father Ed McNulty

Canyoneers Hike in Ruffin Canyon This Weekend

(858) 277-3863 Did you know? Veggies sold at farmers markets may sometimes seem a bit wilted due to sitting in the warm Christmas Eve Mass 4:00; 7:00; 9:00 PM air. You can easily refresh them by dunking them in an ice bath at home… They’ll perk right up! Christmas Day Mass 7:30; 9:30; 11:00 AM

Gethsemane Lutheran

2696 Melbourne Dr, Phone: (858) 277-7710 December 11 9:30 AM Advent Prayer, and Meal with Advent Cantata Christmas Eve 6:00 PM Christmas Day 9:30 AM

Mission Village Christian Fellowship Pastor Carl Baker 2650 Melbourne Drive (858) 278-2633 Christmas Eve 5:30 PM Christmas Day 9:30

City View Church

Pastor Troy Singleterry 8404 Phyllis Place (858) 560-1870 Christmas Eve 5:00 PM Christmas Day 10:45 AM


his weekend the San Diego Natural History Museum’s Canyoneers will be leading a hike in Ruffin Canyon! The hike will take place this Saturday, December 10 at 8:30 am, meeting on the east side of Taft Middle School where Ruffin Road dead-ends in to the canyon. This will be a great opportunity to explore and learn more about Ruffin Canyon! See details below and check out the Canyoneers Hike List for directions and more hikes here. “Hike this trail through one of San Diego’s urban canyons and explore part of the San Diego River watershed. Start with a visit to a native plant garden before descending into the canyon that is filled with both native and exotic plants and birds. This is an intermediate 3 mile hike with an elevation gain/loss of up to 1000 feet.” Contact Miranda Hyldahl, Programs & Outreach Coordinator at (360) 223-0280 with any questions. We hope you can make this event!

DID YOU KNOW? Many people consider the Times Square section of midtown Manhattan the epicenter of North American New Year’s Eve celebrations. While there are plenty of places throughout North America to ring in the new year, few, if any, can compare to Times Square, where revelers have been celebrating the dawn of a new year for well over a century. According to the Times Square Alliance, New Year’s Eve was first celebrated in Times Square in 1904. But the New Year’s Eve ball, an iconic symbol of the holiday across the globe, did not make an appearance until 1907, when it descended from a flagpole atop One Times Square. Made of iron and wood, that first ball weighed 700 pounds and was outfitted with 100 25-watt light bulbs. One hundred light bulbs might have seemed like a lot back in 1907, but a century later the special ball made to mark the centennial celebration was illuminated with more than 32,000 Philips Luxeon LED bulbs, which organizers felt greatly increased the brightness and color capabilities of the ball



The BEST Boilermaker Pairing: Angostura Amaro & The Butcher Imperial Stout – Societe Brewing Company Living the



with Beau Schmitt AMARO BACKGROUND The House of Angostura started in 1824 when Johann Siegert moved to Angostura, Venezuela from Germany and began producing medicinal bitters. It wasn’t until 2014 that Angostura Amaro was launched to honor Don Carlos, the founder’s son who enjoyed a lavish, sociable and luxurious lifestyle. Amaro is Italian for the word “bitter.” Traditionally, an Amaro is an Italian herbal liquor that serves as a digestif after dinner. In theory, the herbal infusions aid in digestion. Examples of popular Amari (plural for Amaro) in the US include: Jagermeister (German-style Amaro) and Fernet (Italian-style Amaro).

THE SPIRIT Angostura Amaro starts as a neutral or “rectified” spirit, which is a highly-concentrated ethanol (alcohol) that has been purified through repetitive distillation. Neutral spirits are typically 190 Proof (95% alcohol) before being used in other distillation processes that introduce herbs, spices and proprietary recipes. Angostura Amaro is derived from the distilling process of creating Angostura Bitters. Deep amber and dark walnut in color, Angostura Amaro is a medium-bodied liquor that’s not syrupy. On the nose, you’ll get notes of holiday spice, cloves, cinnamon, dark cherries and nutmeg. On the palate, you’ll experience flavors of cinnamon and toasted caramel with a sweet chocolate finish. THE PAIRING Jet black in color, The Butcher, 9.7% Imperial Stout has a medium body rich with notes of dark choco-

late and coffee aroma. As a connoisseur, start with a small sip of Amaro. As your tongue warms up the spirit, you’ll being to taste the cinnamon and dark cherries. Now follow with a small sip of The Butcher. As the warm spirit mixes with the imperial stout, the cinnamon and dark cherries will transition into bittersweet chocolate. As they continue to warm and blend, aromatic notes of caramel from the Amaro and coffee from The Butcher will take you on a magical journey. Or you could just pour the shot of Amaro into the beer, tilt your head back, finish the glass and kick off a fantastic night. Cheers, Beau About The Brew Project: The Brew Project, located on 5th Ave in Hillcrest, is a restaurant that specializes in San Diego craft beer and upscal bar food. Contact:"


One day while moving, I noticed the old tenants had left a few cherry tomatoes on top of the soil in a planter. The randomness was definitely noted! Due to the circumstances (i.e. carrying boxes and furniture), it took a few days to finally organize the front garden. When I went to remove the tiny tomatoes from the dracaena tree, something magical happened! One of the seeds from the tomatoes had sprouted into a 3” plant! I carefully removed the plant and placed it in a glass. I filled

the glass with water to the top of the roots and let the leaves hang over the edge of the glass. It was left in an eastern facing window sill, with about 5 hours of direct sunlight each day. With minute effort, the tiny tomato sprout started forging new roots within a week. It grew strong and was eventually transplanted into an herb garden, producing delicious cherry tomatoes for us to enjoy! One of my favorite facets of the “DIY” lifestyle is growing fresh food from kitchen scraps. Keep in mind, it has nothing to do with eating “old”

food, or food that has gone bad. The end result is fresher than anything you can find at the grocery store! There are many methods to re-growing your food, from seed-saving to using matured vegetables and fruits. It doesn’t require much time, space, or effort. Read on to find out how! If it’s your first time, start simple. Choose something you already have in your fridge and go from there. For now, let’s start with… tomatoes! There are actually multiple ways to re-grow tomatoes. You will need at least one tomato (any size will do) that has matured but not soured. Slice

it up a ¼ inch thick, and place the slices in a pot of soil like pepperoni on a pizza. Cover it with ¼ inch of soil, and water it 2-3 times a week. Another way is to collect the seeds from a ripe tomato fruit, let them dry overnight, and plant them ½” deep in organic soil. You can also take a cutting from another tomato plant stem, soak it in water until it roots, then plant in healthy soil. How about potatoes? Also Easy! Simply peel 2 inch slices around the “eyes” of the skin. (It’s advantageous to have multiple eyes on each piece.) Allow to dry overnight, and plant the pieces 3” deep in soil, with the eyes facing up. Water 2-3X per week, and plant in a large amount of soil. It will take a few weeks for sprouts to appear, but soon you will be harvesting your own potatoes with little cost and effort! Avocadoes grow well in our region, and go well with many tasty dishes. Simply remove the seed from the avocado and rinse it well. Using 4 toothpicks, suspend the seed over a small glass, keeping the “pointy” side up. Fill the glass with water enough to submerge the lower inch of the seed. Keep in a warm space out of direct sunlight, and change the water level frequently. It can take up to 6 weeks before you see roots and stems growing, so be patient! Once the stem grows 6”, cut it back to 3”. When leaves start growing, you can plant it in the soil, leaving half of the seed above ground. Keep in mind, fruits from trees will take longer then leafy greens. Let’s do one more example of something that doesn’t take as much time… Herbs!

Fresh herbs like Parsley, Cilantro, and Basil are common at most markets and can vary in price. Place herb stems in a glass of water, filling to the top of the roots. Keep in a well-lit space, and change the water every few days. Once the roots have grown an extra few inches, plant in healthy soil and water 3x/week. If you are already growing herbs, wait for them to “flower” and save the seeds that way as well! Having fresh herbs on hand is an easy way to upgrade the taste and nutrition of any meal! These are just a few examples of what can be re-grown from your kitchen. Growing food at home is a healthy alternative to processed foods year ‘round! It’s a fun activity to share with your family, friends, or enjoy on your own!

Cali Life Co. is a San Diego-based company, employing local artists to create unique designs for sunglasses, hats, and accessories. Sourcing high-quality lenses with polarized, UV-400 protection, our sunglasses not only look good, they also provide stellar eye protection from the gleaming SoCal sun! Check us out at, Or, come and see us in person!




BERKELEY SQUARE – 3 discs, 8.5 hours. The loves, happiness and secrets of nannies. If you liked Downton Abbey, you will like this series.

Hugh Laurie. A 6 part miniseries, which is a thrilling spy novel. You will enjoy this international intrigue. Come in and see me and rent this masterpiece.

PAPA HEMINGWAY IN CUBA - A true story and first movie filmed in Cuba in more than a century. It is a very interesting story about a journalist from Miami going to Cuba to meet his idol, Hemingway. You will be entertained and, also, learn some shocking facts about the very rich people.

NINE LIVES - Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner and Chris Walken. Just a fun video to enjoy with your little people. It is hard to find a video you can watch with your children.

CAFE SOCIETY - Written and directed by Woody Allen. A story of falling in love and all the complications that come with it. Another interesting film by Woody. MARY PICKFORD - This is a story about a very outstanding actress and a very smart businesswoman. Mary went on to be a top star in a great era of movies. She is also the businesswoman who began United Artists. Rich and I enjoyed this video so much that we wish you would rent it and learn a lot about this great lady. Enjoy it! A BRAVE HEART: THE LIZZIE VELASQUEZ STORY – I just want you to see this video. Then encourage everyone to be proud of who they are and where they come from. Another story to see and be aware of what is out there. NIGHT MANAGER - Tom Huddleston and


Michael Gibson Named President of Mid-City Little League Higgs attorney a role model for kids Michael Gibson, a business litigation and risk management attorney for Higgs Fletcher &Mack, has been named president of the Mid-City Little League. Gibson will oversee all elements of the league and help further its goal of developing character and sportsmanship among the players, while continuing to increase participation. “Michael is not only a dedicated volunteer, but truly a role model who helps teach life lessons through baseball,” said Higgs Fletcher & Mack’s Managing Partner, John Morrell. “The league is a diverse community and that’s very similar to our firm. They’re very fortunate to have someone with his leadership and drive to further the league’s mission.” Founded in 1949, Mid-City Little League is San Diego’s oldest league. For the last two years, Gibson coached his son’s team and served on the league’s 2015-2016 Board of Directors as the CAPS Division coordinator. In addition, this past summer, Gibson and the firm sponsored the league’s All-Star Teams. “It’s important that we stay involved and contribute to organizations that are making

Michael Gibson heads the Mid-City Little League.

a difference in the lives of kids. Giving back is a fundamental part of the firm’s legacy,” said Gibson. “Whether we’re donating funds or offering our time, we truly want to make an impact.” Little League Baseball was founded in 1939, the same year Higgs Fletcher & Mack started serving the San Diego community.

Vigil to Remember Victims of Gun Violence ‘Lighting the Way’ set for Dec. 14 Each year in America, 100,000 people are killed or injured by guns. Incidents such as the mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and Pulse Nightclub in Florida stun and sadden the public, prompting questions about what can be done and when will this stop. The situation seems hopeless, communities feel stuck. On Dec. 14 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Hillcrest, San Diegans can join in prayers and blessings at a vigil for victims of gun violence. “Lighting the WayRemember and Respond,” will be an evening uniting faith leaders, city and county officials, local musicians, and concerned families with the goal of transforming empathy into meaningful action. Organized by the San Diego County chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Violence and The Newton Foundation, the event is just one of many that will be held nationwide, bringing attention to the need for safe cities, schools, and workplaces. As one spokesperson lamented, gun violence in this country “shatters the hearts” of

Americans and people across the world. Dean Penny Bridges of the Episcopal Cathedral was enthusiastic in helping to bring together faith leaders Rabbi Laurie Coskey, Iman Taha Hassane, and Reverend Dan Koeschall to speak to the audience. Along with media announcements, flyers are being distributed and congregations are inviting neighbors. Speakers will include Councilman Chris Ward. Musicians Kelli McCarthy, Ron Markus, the Children’s Choir of San Diego, and Emma’s Revolution will lead songs, culminating in “Peace, Salaam, Shalom.” Preceding the vigil, the public is urged to come out for a rally on Laurel Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Motorists will notice the many placards intended to raise awareness about the growing tragedy of gun violence in America. Participants at the rally will then process to St. Paul’s for the 6 p.m. vigil service. St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral is located at 2728 Sixth Ave. The lighting of candles and a reception will follow the hour-long service.



San Diego No. 1 in U.S. for Shopping Local Results of the 2016 Yelp-commissioned survey No other city in the country can beat San Diego when it comes to shopping local retailers. A Yelp-commissioned survey conducted online by Harris Poll puts San Diego as No. 1 on the top U.S. cities for shopping local in 2016. The ranking was created based on millions of Yelp reviews that were analyzed using a “gifted score” — the more users who mentioned the word “gift” in reviews for non-chain businesses, the higher a city’s ranking. According to the poll, 64 percent of American adults plan to shop local this holiday season and they expect to spend $324 on average, a 26 percent increase compared with $258 in 2015. The Yelp-commissioned survey found that 37 percent of American adults have already started or plan to start holiday shopping before Thanksgiving, and over half of Americans (53 percent) will have already started or plan to start holiday shopping by Small Business Sat-

urday tomorrow. According to Yelp data, Yelpers are up late searching for the best places to shop. “We see that Yelp searches in the shopping category tend to spike around 11 p.m. We also found that Yelpers tend to be last-minute shoppers, with searches for businesses in the shopping category spiking less than a week before Christmas. But where are these Yelpers shopping? Or, where should they be shopping? “We sifted through millions of Yelp reviews to find out which cities in the U.S. are the best for finding gifts at local businesses. To determine this list, we created a gifting score for each city by looking at positive reviews mentioning the word “gift” written by locals for non-chain businesses in specific shopping categories that are popular for the holidays. We then ranked the resulting cities based on the gifting score.” “Yelp is really committed to supporting local businesses so we

thought it would be really interesting to see the top cities for shopping locally,” Hannah Cheesman, a spokeswoman for San Franciscobased Yelp, told the San Diego Union-Tribune. “The whole idea is to look at all of the businesses that people shop at during the holidays, so we excluded some places like vape shops, mattress shops, a garage door store, guns and ammo, adult stores,” she said. The addition of surf and skateboard shops in the survey may have accounted for San Diego making the list this year, since it wasn’t in the top 20 last year, according to Cheesman. Small Business Saturday In stark contrast to the mad rush of Black Friday at crowded malls and chain stores, Small Business Saturday, which ocurred on Nov. 25, brought people together on Main Streets and in neighborhood business districts for a more rewarding and personable shopping experience.

Shopping for toys in South Park. (Photo by Manny Cruz)

Small Business Saturday takes place in over 4,000 U.S. communities the Saturday following Thanksgiving and encourages people to frequent their local, independent businesses during the holiday season. The campaign also takes place in the United Kingdom and Australia, though on a different Saturday during the year. Small Business Saturday broke records in 2015 for both overall participation and customer spending.

Ninety-five million people patronized one or more independent business — a strong eight-percent increase over 2014. Spending at independent retailers and restaurants increased even more — growing 14 percent, from just over $14 billion in 2014 to more than $16 billion in 2015, according to a survey quantifying the impact of last year’s event.

Small Business Saturday Results: 112 Million Consumers Shop and Dine As Small Business Saturday wrapped up its seventh year Nov. 26, the outpouring of support for local businesses across the country hit record highs with 72 percent of U.S. consumers aware of the day. More shoppers reported visiting local independent businesses on Small Business Saturday this year than ever before, according to results from the Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey, released by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and American Express. This year, an estimated 112 million consumers reported shopping at small businesses on Small Business Saturday, marking a 13 percent increase from 2015. Small Business Saturday saw record levels of support from communities and local organizations in 2016. More than 6,700 Neighborhood Champions from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast and from the Pacific Northwest to New England rallied local businesses and created events in their communities for Small Business Saturday — an increase of 63 percent over last year. Additionally, the estimated number of small business owners reached through the Neighborhood Champion program was 2.1 million. More than 480 organizations joined the Small Business Saturday Coalition, a 13 percent increase over last year. The Coalition, a group created in 2011 to help amplify the Shop Small message, is comprised of national, state and local associations that help coordinate activities for Small Business Saturday with consumers and small business owners.

Consumers came together to show their love for small businesses on Small Business Saturday. Among those who shopped on the day, 32 percent reported attending a community event, and 81 percent reported encouraging friends or family to shop or dine at small, independently-owned retailers and restaurants on the day as well, both on par with 2015. Additionally, consumers and small businesses helped rally support for Small Business Saturday and their favorite small businesses on social media channels. So far this month, there were 135 million social media engagements in support of Small Business Saturday, up from 85 million in 20151. “It’s exciting for us to see the record number of consumers who came out in support of independently-owned businesses on Small Business Saturday,” said Elizabeth Rutledge, EVP of Global Advertising and Media at American Express. “People across the country are aware of the benefits that small businesses can bring to the community, and the momentum that was started seven years ago with the first Small Business Saturday continues to build.” At a time when an increasing number of consumers are opting to shop online – and are spreading their holiday shopping spending over a longer period of time than they did traditionally – many still prioritize visiting brick and mortar small businesses on Small Business Saturday. According to the survey, among U.S. consumers who went out and shopped in-store, total reported

spending reached an estimated $15.4 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on the day, a decrease from the estimated $16.2 billion spent in 2015. “Small businesses across the nation are often run by the friends, family,

and neighbors that we know well, so supporting them is not only personal but critical to their success,” said NFIB CEO and President Juanita Duggan. “Partnering with American Express to promote the awareness and importance of shopping small is

something we are very proud of, and look forward to continuing the success of Small Business Saturday.”


The Multiplier Effect of Local Independent Businesses Clearly communicating the importance of the local economic multiplier effect or “local premium” is a key part of effective “buy local” and public education campaigns. The multiplier results from the fact that independent locally-owned businesses recirculate a far greater percentage of revenue locally compared to absentee-owned businesses (or locally-owned franchises). In other words, going local creates more local wealth and jobs. The multiplier is comprised of three elements — the direct, indirect, and induced impacts. • Direct impact is spending done by a business in the local economy to operate the business, including inventory, utilities, equipment and pay to employees. • Indirect impact happens as dollars the local business spent at other area businesses re-circulate. • Induced impact refers to the additional consumer spending that happens as employees, business owners and others spend their income in the local economy. The private research firm Civic Economics has executed the bulk of studies attempting to quantify the difference in local economic return between local independents and chain businesses. Their first such study (pdf), for the city of Austin, Texas showed an independent bookseller (Book People) and music seller (Waterloo Records) returned more than three times as much money to the local economy as a proposed Borders Books and Music outlet would.* Those results since have been mirrored by subsequent studies (ten summarized here), each showing a much greater local multiplier for spending at independent businesses than chains. These studies measured the direct and indirect impacts to determine the base level local economic activity of a purchase made at a chain and a local independent business. On average, 48 percent of each purchase at local independent businesses was recirculated locally, compared to less than 14 percent of purchases at chain stores. (See blue graph) The Institute for Local Self-Reliance conducted perhaps the simplest study of the local multiplier effect in several small Maine communities in 2003. The study examined how much of a dollar spent at a local independent store is re-spent in the local area as payroll, goods/services purchased from area businesses, profits spent locally by owners, and as donations to area charities. The study found each $100 spent at local independents generated $45 of secondary local spending, compared to $14 for a big-box chain — nearly identical to later results across the many Civic Economics studies. Key Points

Civic Economics’ Andersonville neighborhood (Chicago) study found a total impact (direct, indirect and induced) of $.68 for each dollar spent at 10 local independents, compared to $.43 projected for their chain competitors. However, the projection of indirect and induced impacts does not mean $.68 of each dollar spent at a local independent “stays” in the local economy — an inaccurate claim that has been spread widely. It means $.68 of additional local economic return ultimately is generated after additional spending cycles. Citing the higher numbers without explaining they include impacts by entities other than the original business is simply wrong and can undermine the credibility of your group or campaign.





SDSU Downtown Gallery Presents ‘Sandow Birk: Depravities & Monuments’

Destruction from The Depravities of War, 2007. Woodcut print (ink on paper), 48 x 96 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco.

The SDSU Downtown Gallery presents “Sandow Birk: Depravities & Monuments,” featuring works from two of the artist’s major series. The exhibit opened on Nov. 17 and lasts through Jan. 29, 2017. Birk, Los Angeles based and internationally recognized, displays a keen mind and sure hand in his large-scale works from The Depravities of War and Imaginary Monuments series. Together, these incisive projects cogently address conditions and concerns of contemporary life. The Depravities of War, compris-

ing a narrative suite of monumental woodcut prints, proffers a stinging critique of the Iraq war and its aftermath. Birk harks back to Jacques Callot’s “The Miseries and Misfortunes of War” (1633), a series of etchings that delivered biting commentary on Europe’s Thirty Years’ War and inspired Francisco Goya’s damning print series “The Disasters of War” (1810–1820), which expressed horror at the bloody conflicts between Spain and the French Empire. As did his predecessors, Birk depicts the events of his own

time to condemn the gruesome practices and devastating consequences of armed combat. Imaginary Monuments, consisting of outsize drawings and etchings, proposes public memorials to laws, treaties and declarations devised to structure the conduct of global society. Informed by the draughtsman style and architectonic substance of Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s series of etchings “Views of Rome” (1747–1778), which both documented and embellished ancient and 18th century Roman

architectural landmarks. At once deadpan and tongue-in-cheek, Birk’s series illustrates his fantastical plans for monuments to wide-ranging topics, such as human rights, criminal justice, U.S.-involved military engagements, international football, the Internet, the world’s oceans and outer space. “Depravities & Monuments” is curated by Professor Tina Yapelli and organized by the SDSU Downtown Gallery. The exhibition and events are sponsored by the School of Art + Design, the College of Pro-

Repercussion from The Depravities of War, 2007. Woodcut print (ink on paper), 48 x 96 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco.

fessional Studies and Fine Arts, and Arts Alive SDSU. Additional support is provided by the San Diego State University Art Council. Sandow Birk is represented by Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco, and Koplin Del Rio Gallery, Seattle. The SDSU Downtown Gallery is located at 725 West Broadway, San Diego. Hours are Thursday through Monday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is open to the public and admission is free.



By Bart Mendoza December 22

The Annual ‘A Berkley Hart Christmas’ Show The holidays are upon us and anyone hoping to hear seasonal favorites will want to check out the annual “A Berkley Hart Christmas” show at the Music Box on Dec. 22. The duo of acclaimed producer Jeff Berkley and singer songwriter Calman Hart is one of the best acoustic pairings you will ever hear, both virtuoso guitarists, blessed with wonderfully warm voices that draw the listener in. These yearly shows are events, bringing out a myriad of special guests and evergreen tunes, but these are two truly talented individuals. They could sing the phone book and it would be worth hearing. Berkley-Hart Ariel Levine

January 8, 2017 December 27 Hard to Pin Down The Grim Slippers

Grim Slippers

It can be a little hard to pin down the sound of rock trio The Grim Slippers, who appear at the Soda Bar on Dec. 27. There are elements of ’70s classic rock, prog, blues and jam band musings in their brief songs, with titles such as “Psychopathic Forest,” giving an indication to their leanings. As heard on their new EP, “Take Notice,” it’s an intense blend of genres that has captured local music fans’ imagination, making Grim Slippers one of the most engaging new bands to emerge from San Diego in the past few years.

Ariel Levine Stars in David Bowie Tribute The grim reaper has been particularly hard on the music community this year, with David Bowie being one of the year’s biggest losses, just days after the release of his final album, “Lazarus.” On Jan. 8, Bowie’s birthdate, the Casbah will host a celebration of the man’s music, with a show covering his entire career. On hand will be Bowiephonics, aka San Diego’s current top rockers Schizophonics, in glam rock costume, who will perform a set of Bowie’s hits. But the night’s highlight will be a set from Ariel Levine and his band, who will perform “Lazarus” in its entirety. It’s an ambitious undertaking, but Levine and crew are up to the task of playing this already revered album. If you are a fan of David Bowie, you won’t want to miss a second of this show.

December 29-30 Firm Festival Favorites Tribal Theory

Tribal Theory

The sound of San Diego? If you are anywhere near the ocean, it’s reggae. There is a wealth of talent in the area, from the superstars such as Slightly Stoopid, to the up-and-comers, like current chart topper Hirie, with plenty of rising stars in the mix. Such is the case with Tribal Theory who perform two nights at the House of Blues on Dec. 29 and 30. Formed in 2005, few bands could hope to fill the House of Blues on one evening, let alone two, but Tribal Theory’s devoted fanbase has made them firm festival favorites. The band is currently touring behind their latest EP, “Reclamation.” From the evidence of this multi night show, it’s clear that the road work is paying off. Zakk Wylde

December 30

January 19, 2017

Masterful Work by Jazz Pianist Chase Morrin

Zakk Wylde Performing Music of Black Sabbath

Jazz pianist Chase Morrin returns to Dizzy’s on Dec. 30. Though only 23 years old, Morrin has already led a remarkable career performing nationwide at events like the Monterey Jazz Festival and winning numerous awards, including nine from Downbeat Magazine. Morrin has released three albums to date, most recently “Turtle,” but live is where he and his trio perform magic, with Dizzy’s the best local venue to sit back and listen to his masterful work. Anyone who wonders about the future of jazz with so many legends leaving us, will know the music’s future is in safe hands and progressing with players like Morrin. www.dizzy’ Chase Morrin

Hard rock aficionados won’t want to miss Zakk Sabbath, performing at Brick by Brick on Jan. 19. You’ll get exactly what the name implies: legendary guitarist Zakk Wylde performing the music of Black Sabbath. It’s a natural fit for Wylde, who performed with Ozzy Osbourne before forming his own group of stadium rockers, Black Label Society. Whether you’re a fan of heavy metal guitar or Black Sabbath’s classic rock songs such as “Children of the Grave” and “Snowblind,” this opportunity to see Wylde in the intimate surroundings of Brick by Brick should not be missed.



Maggie’s Café celebrates 2 years in Serra Mesa Maggie’s Café opened their doors two years ago on Serra Mesa, serving Breakfast, lunch, and dinner


aggie’s Café is an exciting spot for people to gather, put down the issues of the day and truly have fun again. Maggie’s Café is the perfect place to meet and connect with others in an invigorating environment for every guest All staff at Maggie’s Café pride themselves on providing

a stimulating environment, where guess feel free at ease and open to act naturally, speak honestly and play freely, presenting new, exciting, great-tasting favorites in the process. By the end of their visit, guests experience that energizing second wind that leaves them feeling re-energized. Lunch or Dinner always provide an environment that frees our guests to let go of the restraints of the day, so they leave our restaurant feeling far better than they did when they first walked through our doors. Maggie’s Café pride’s themselves on being a family owned and operated business with 23+ years of knowledge and hands-on experience. Maggie's Café is a casual sit down restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere. Maggie’s mission is to deliver consistent excellence in food, drinks and services by ensuring a clean, fun, and well maintained environment

and friendly ambiance to their guests on a day to day basis. Maggie’s provides fair prices and contributes back to our community, honoring every person, whether our guest or staff, with respect and dignity we all deserve. Maggie’s offers a great selection of wines and likes to carry local beers. Enjoy a special for each day of the week, and happy hour Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Maggie's Café ensures all ingredients are fresh, natural and prepared to order. Owner Argelia feels very fortunate to have chosen Serra Mesa because the community that really has open their hearts to Maggie’s. General Manager Argelia Ventura hopes that Maggie’s can continue growing and meet all the expectations of the people that has support the restaurant.

3232 Greyling Drive | 858-430-6755 | Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM | Sun 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Argelia Ventura General Manager

David Granda Executive Chef

Laura Roa Service Manager



3 Adopt-a-Family This Holiday Season

Finance for Thought Finance Thought with Elisabeth Dawson withforElisabeth Dawson DECEMBER 2016

When it comes to our financial health and happiness, there are three types of money we need to examine. Firstly, we have the funds allocated to our cost of living and the lifestyle we desire. Secondly, we have the funds we accumulate via savings, investments, retirement plans, and assets. Thirdly, we have our transferred funds. The funds we transfer occur in multitude of ways, be it taxes, management fees, interest rates, transaction fees, or any other host of costs we personally incur. These transfers are hidden in the fine print and over time they accumulate. More commonly than not, in our efforts to improve our portfolios, we focus on the accumulation of more. We work to increase our income and assets, often ignoring the continual accumulation of our transferred funds. This is where severe opportunity is hidden. By reclaiming these transferred funds, we are able to immediately grow our wealth with no risk. The reclaimed dollars can then be appropriated where they are most useful. With an instant increase of dollars, I have seen debt erased, living standards elevated, and futures secured. With the arrival of the new year, meet with an expert like us capable of restructuring the fine print in your favor. By doing so you will be able to reclaim your transferred funds, no longer losing them to unnecessary fees and hidden costs. Elisabeth Dawson of Copia Wealth Management & Insurance Services


ith the Holiday season fast approaching, many people will be giving gifts and sharing joy. Consider spreading that joy to others by adopting a refugee family! There are dozens of newly-arrived refugee families who have very little money as they start their new life in the U.S. Many have also been separated from other family members and may be feeling the effects of this difficult journey. Every year we partner with generous people willing to purchase gifts for a family for the Holidays. We would provide names and ages of the family members and what country they came from. This is a great experience for everyone involved as you would be able to witness the joy you bring to a family in need. Their gratitude

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(Reprinted in the Serra Mesa Observer, July 1992)

Jennifer St.Clair Broker/Owner CA bre# 01856341

Jennifer was born in to Real Estate and when she was 11 years old she started delivering flyers door to door to help her REALTOR® Mom. Jennifer has always had an interest in Real Estate and at 18 years old took her first foreclosure seminar after graduating from college at University of Tennessee with a degree in Finance. Customer Service focused, Jennifer truly understands buyers and sellers’ wants and needs allowing her to anticipate and deliver whatever is necessary for her clients to accomplish their goals and dreams. Her integrity, honesty, and responsiveness are what keep her clients coming back and referring their friends, families, and co-workers. Jennifer has personal experience buying foreclosed homes at auction, fixing, and re-selling them for a profit. Jennifer and her team,St.Clair Homes & Estates specialize in representing listings, investor clients, first time buyers, VA military buyers, and move up/ move down sellers. Jennifer’s clients will tell you, without exception, what sets her apart is her integrity, high energy, responsiveness, honesty, experience, knowledge, and her keen negotiating skills.

858-405-8525 direct


he builders of 1950’s and 60’s American suburbia did not agree. No title was too grandiose, too cloying or coy to attach to their groupings of mass produced houses. The tracts of Serra Mesa sprung up after the Korean War were no exception. The area was parceled out into neighborhoods with such unlikely names as Murray Ridge Estates, Princess Park, and Royal Highlands. Developers carried their fanciful selection of names over into their naming of streets. Our streets bear the names of family members, friends, pets, favorite places or things. Birdland derives its designation from the fact that it was laid out with streets named after birds. In a dispute with his wife over the naming of a street, one builder settled on Haveteur Way or “have it your way.” American Housing Guild’s Mission Village, on the other hand, had the distinction of being located within reasonable proximity of its namesake, the Mission San Diego de Alcala. In fact, all of the area we now call Serra Mesa was originally part of the Mission Rancho Lands of San Diego granted to the Catholic Church by the King of Spain. When Mexico broke the power of the Church in 1834, the lands were deeded over to men like Don Santiago Arguello. His family held onto the grant, about 15,999 acres, as long as it could, but eventually the land was sold, divided, and

settled by miscellaneous ranchers and homesteaders. Our modern suburban history began with the Navy’s Cabrillo Heights housing project built in the early 50’s after the Korean War. Surrounding development occurred thereafter, most between 1955 and 1965. The tracts were the creation of developers who were largely oblivious to modern concepts of community planning. Clusters of houses were plopped down here and there with little or no rhyme or reason except that the land was cheap and the parents of baby boomers were in search of nests. The advent of the freeways and imported water also contributed to the sudden expanse of tract housing on our barren mesa. The name game came to a dramatic conclusion in June of 1961 when the Cabrillo Mission Community Council held a contest to name all of the communities from Birdland to Mission Village. Six names were submitted by area residents. Mrs. John Dowling submitted the winning entry, Serra Mesa. Her prize was a $25 savings bond and a $10 gift certificate! The City Council acted swiftly to ratify the selection, and hence forth, our entire community has been known as Serra Mesa. Perhaps Gertrude Stein was right after all. Whether we live in Mission Village, Princess Park or Birdland we all live in a united Serra Mesa. “A Rose is a Rose is a Rose…”


New Look for Serra Mesa



Get Your Get it Done App From the City of San Diego


s part of his effort to make our city government more efficient and accessible for

all San Diego residents, Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer today introduced an innovative pilot project and mobile app called Get It Done San Diego that allows San Diegans to easily report problems and request improvements


for their neighborhoods.

isit the Serra Mesa website at to view the new design. This

Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer said,

website is used by most of the major Serra Mesa community organizations to provide

“Our city government should be

information about their organization and community events. After several years of

just as innovative as people we serve

existence the “old” website needed technical revisions and “broke” following an update by the website host. The Serra Mesa Community Council hired consultant Sara O’hara, a website expert and instructor with San Diego Oasis. (Oasis offers educational classes and excursions for adults 50+. In 2017 Oasis will relocate from their Mission Valley Shopping Center site to Grossmont Shopping Center. For more information on their programs, go to San-Diego-CA.) Special thanks to: • Brad Beyenhoff for his many years of maintaining the website and responding promptly when changes were needed. Brad and his family have moved to Mountain View in southeast San Diego. We’ll miss his tireless efforts on behalf of Serra Mesa! • Anders Tomlinson, Serra Mesa resident, for the sliders (photos) that are shown on the website. • James Feinberg for the widgets on the front page of the website. James, the original

and it has always been our goal to improve customer service. If we have mobile apps that can check email, check the weather and check in our flights, we should have a mobile app that helps residents check on street repairs.” With Get It Done, which is available for iPhone and Android users, people can report nonemergency problems to the City through the new mobile app and web portal at www. The Get It Done app also allows San Diego residents to track the progress of a complaint and increase efficiency for both residents and City crews. To report a problem, people can now take and upload photos related to over 20 nonemergency problems with roads, street lights, traffic signals and more. The Get It Done app uses GPS information embedded within photos to automatically update the address and location of problems. After uploading the photo, the app user simply has to identify a few details about the problem and click submit.

ICE Black Box

SMCC website designer, resides in the state of Washington. However, when widgets were needed for two additional community groups James provided them immediately. We are


fortunate that he was willing to help his old community.

n Case of Emergency app turns your smartphone into a personal surveillance camera wherever you

• Sara O’hara who contended with numerous emails and requests from website novices and facilitated a smooth transition to the new design. Thanks for her advice, prompt responses, and professionalism!


• Jon Cima and Cindy Moore, SMCC board members, who worked with Sara O’hara in

If you spot a crime in progress or

making the numerous decisions needed for this redesign.

suspicious activity, you can take out

Website Changes:

your smartphone, open the free iOS/

• Webpages – Each major group has their own webpage and is responsible for the content

Android app and hit the emergency

on their webpage. Three new webpages were added: Hot Topics, Village, and Mesa

button to record photos, video, audio

Market. Designated SMCC board members and the SMPG representative, who attended

and the precise GPS location of your

Sara’s website training, will make requested changes.


• Calendar – A contact person from each community group has access to the master





calendar and can add/edit events. Attachments (e.g., flyers) can be attached to the

uploaded every few seconds to a secure

calendar event. This calendar feeds into the calendar at the Serra Mesa website.

cloud server, where it cannot be deleted. The mapped alert with the video can be

• Sliders (e.g., slideshow) – The main page has sliders which can be changed as desired. • Mobile Device Friendly – Website responsive to mobile devices.

sent directly to the local police, other neighbors in the group and even a custom list of

• Social Media – Linkage to Facebook and Nextdoor. Additional links can be added as

personal emergency contacts. With one click, the app will also dial 911.

desired. Future Changes: Other functions could include E-commerce (e.g., 92123 t-shirts), online subscriptions and donations. The website template that was selected is a popular one that’s easy to use and edit. Improvements: If you have suggestions, please email or the specific community group. The website is a work in progress. Volunteer Needed: There are four trained volunteers, who can make basic changes (e.g., content, formatting, etc.) to the webpages. However, if there are any technical website requirements, this group doesn’t have the expertise and an expert would need to be hired. A volunteer with website expertise is desired on an as needed basis.

The app uploads your video in short segments to ensure that your contacts can observe your situation quickly. In most cases, your video will appear on our server in less than 30 seconds. You get to select from your contacts who gets an emergency alert and video of what you are seeing, virtually immediately. Imagine having your phone in hand when you need to take that walk in the parking garage after a movie, or a few blocks to your parked car after a late dinner. Awakened at night by an out of control situation in front of your house? Use this to notify 911, police and neighbors immediately, complete with a video. Read the information on the web page at and decide for yourself.

14 Serra Mesa Enhancement Committee | DECEMBER 2016

Interested in playing baseball?


he Serra Mesa Enhancement Committee (SMEC) wishes to thank all of you who have taken the time for ongoing maintenance-raking leaves, pulling weeds, picking up litter, painting your home when it needed it, repairing damaged fences, hiding the trash containers, and storing miscellaneous items out of sight. We thank you if you helped the neighbor who is physically unable to do some of these tasks. You are a good neighbor! We thank those people who pick up litter as they walk throughout the neighborhood. If the City budget worsens in the future, Serra Mesa will remain clean because of the volunteer work of our residents. New Beginnings – if your New Year’s resolution includes yard rejuvenation and you need ideas, take a walk through Serra Mesa. You may find the perfect yard and a resident willing to share their experience and the names of their plants. Drought tolerant plants are recommended given San Diego’s water shortage situation. Many resources are available to provide assistance in choosing plants. One resource is the Water Conservation Garden at 12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West, 619-660-0614,, with about six acres of gardens and how-to displays and open daily. Please contact us if you wish to share other resources. If you have a suggestion for a topic for this column or you wish to report a code enforcement violation that you want SMEC to investigate, you can send an email to or write to SMEC, P.O. Box 23315, San Diego, CA 92193. If you need immediate assistance on a code enforcement violation, contact Code Enforcement, 619-236-5500.

DID YOU KNOW? Paving stones are used around the house in many different applications, including on walkways and patios. Sometimes, however, paving stones are beyond homeowners’ budgets. Fortunately, there’s another alternative that may look just as attractive and save homeowners money. Stamped concrete, also called textured or imprinted concrete, is a design element that replicates the look of stone, brick, wood, slate, or other materials in concrete. Stamped concrete can be used for patios, sidewalks, driveways, and pool decks. Stamped concrete also may be incorporated into interior flooring designs. Homeowners can explore their options with regard to stamped concrete by speaking with a masonry expert or landscape architect.


erra Mesa Little League is looking for players of all skills and abilities to join us for the Spring baseball season! Boys and girls aged 4-14 on or by August 31, 2017 are eligible to play. The mission of Serra Mesa Little League is to be an outstanding community organization that creates a culture where kids love playing the game of baseball. Help us achieve our goal of promoting and developing the values of respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, courage, effort and commitment. We want our players to learn these values which will help them succeed throughout their lives. Games are held at Cabrillo Heights Park in Serra Mesa. Opening Day is March 4, 2017 and continues to Memorial Day. If you would like to join in on the fun and camaraderie that Little League has to offer, then go to Baseball season is just around the corner and Serra Mesa Little League needs your help! SMLL is a non-profit organization that has provided coaching and guidance to Serra Mesa youth for over 50 years. We try to keep fees as low as possible, and these fees only cover a portion of our expenses. It’s through the generosity of donors and sponsors that we are able to provide this opportunity for our youth to learn the great game of baseball. If you would like to be part of this community organization that helps local youth learn the values of respect, teamwork, courage, sportsmanship, effort and commitment then please become a sponsor of Serra Mesa Little League! There are many sponsor packages available. If interested please contact us at or go to

FREE HOLIDAY EVENTS Spreckels Organ Pavilion Enjoy free organ concerts at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park beginning at 2:00 PM each Sunday. The Organ Pavilion features the world's largest outdoor pipe organ, a San Diego landmark for over 90 years, where organists resound holiday favorites, waltzes and show tunes from the organ's monstrous 32-foot lead alloy pipes. Dates: Ongoing Old Town Holiday in the Park & Las Posadas See Old Town State Park decked out for the season during Old Town Holiday in the Park & Las Posadas. Guests can learn how residents celebrated the holidays in the 1800s while enjoying candlelight tours, holiday singers, live performances and complimentary refreshments. Dates: December 10-11, 2016 La Mesa's Christmas in the Village The Village is transformed into a Victorian Wonderland during La Mesa's Christmas in the Village with carolers, snow, a 15' Christmas tree, Santa and more. Dates: December 10, 2016 Dr. Seuss' How the Ginch Stole Christmas Take a walk around Balboa Park and discover its beautiful architecture. Be sure not to miss the "Whoville" decorations in the plaza outside the Old Globe Theatre, which are on display to coincide with the theatre's annual holiday production of Dr. Seuss' How the Ginch Stole Christmas! Dates: Mid-November through December Poway's Christmas in the Park Celebrate holiday cheer with Poway's Christmas in the Park. The event features a tree lighting ceremony, visits from Santa, train rides, live music, theatre performances, food, treats, crafts and more. Date: December 10, 2016 Oceanside Harbor Parade of Lights Watch the season sail by at the Oceanside Harbor Parade of Lights. The popular parade circles the harbor and features a wide variety of boats, brightly decorated for the holiday season. Date: December 10, 2016

Mission Bay Christmas Boat Parade of Lights

Delight in the festive gatherings along the Mission Bay Christmas Boat Parade of Lights. Dozens of brightly illuminated powerboats and sailboats parade along Mission Bay. Date: December 10, 2016 Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade Enjoy the Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade in downtown San Diego's historic Gaslamp Quarter. Owners and their dressed-up pets march down the decorated streets of the neighborhood, ending at a Pet Expo featuring an award-ceremony for best-dressed pups. Date: December 11, 2016 Port of San Diego Bay Parade of Lights Enjoy the twinkling waters of the San Diego Bay and more than 100 private boats decorated with holiday lights for the annual Port of San Diego Bay Parade of Lights over two weekends in December. Great views are available on dry land from Shelter Island, Harbor Island, the Embarcadero, Seaport Village, Marina Park and Coronado's Ferry Landing. Dates: December 13 & 18, 2016 Poinsettia Bowl Gaslamp March Rock out at the Poinsettia Bowl Gaslamp March. Kicking off two days prior to the annual Poinsettia Bowl, which is played in San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium, bands representing the two Bowl football teams line up at opposite ends of Fifth Avenue in downtown's Gaslamp Quarter and face-off in an old-fashion battle of the bands. Date: December 19, 2016 Port of San Diego Holiday Bowl Parade Gaze up at the massive balloons during the Port of San Diego Holiday Bowl Parade, the country's largest balloon parade. Floats, balloons and marching bands are just some of the offerings in this colorful holiday parade along San Diego Bay in downtown San Diego. Date: December 27, 2016




Canyon Enhancement Planning Continues for Ruffin Canyon

3420 On November 30th, San Diego Canyonlands held the second of a series of planning Dwight workshops for Ruffin Canyon with 20 in attendance at the Mission Valley Library. Facilitating the meeting in Mission Valley was purposeful, providing Mission Valley residents a closer venue Street for participation. Ruffin Canyon stretches from Serra Mesa (at Taft Middle School) south to the Escala 92104 Community (HOA) in the Mission Valley. A narrow public easement for pedestrian and


bicycle access was certified through Escala property as part of the development permitting process in 2003. This easement would allow Ruffin Canyon trails to reach the Friars Road Seller and will Entertain offers between $629,000 $649,000. CuteDiego Spanish home with Mission Style tunnel thus connect to the trail system& along the San River. front door,fully beamed ceilings, 2 fireplaces, for residents office/den/computer room, Being aware of concerns that extra someroom Escala have about theRoman use of the shower/tub, walk in closet with custom built-in dresser, wood floors, Central A/C & Heat, and reeasement, San Diego Canyonlands focused this meeting on possible trail improvements in cessed lighting just to mention a few of the amenities. Drought tolerant landscaping surround the property with Malibu exterior lighting. New backyard patio with privacy bamboo. Walk to everything Ruffin Canyon. cool in North Park- restaurants, cafes, nightlife, and Bird & Balboa Parks! Starting in the North, Eric Bowlby, Executive Director of San Diego Canyonlands reported on a meeting with school officials on November 21st, regarding the planned Joint Use "BROKER BILL"district VIVIAN Fields/Park at Taft Middle School. The joint use project includes an ADA accessible pathway 619-840-0662 BILL'S around the inner perimeter of the chain link fence. Ruffin stakeholdersBROKER attending the school 4% LISTING FEES district meeting were delighted that school district officials were receptive to the idea of having sections of roll-away fences that allow ADA access to canyon viewpoints along the outer edge of the fence. While needing some improvements, the trails between Taft and Shawn Avenue finger canyon in the south are intact and functional and no new trails are proposed along that stretch. From Shawn Ave. south to Escala however, the trails are non-existent save a utility access road that uses the cobble bottom streambed to maintain sewer infrastructure. Five Escala residents in attendance on November 30th shared their thoughts about the proposed trail. Concerns about homeless/transient access were raised and discussed. “Use of canyon trails increases our sense of community, with Serra Mesa and Mission Valley residents sharing the wonderful Ruffin Canyon resource”, said John Raifsnider, an Escala resident since 2005. “The more the community has a presence enjoying the canyon, the safer it will be for everyone,” he added. Discussion about the eight-foot wide Escala easement through the bottom of the canyon, connecting with City open space in the north, turned to a discussion of alternative alignments for the trail and the easement. The existing easement traverses the rocky canyon bottom through the endangered riparian woodlands along the ephemeral stream…. an unsafe and challenging location for trail users. In 2015, San Diego Canyonlands received funding from the California Coastal Conservancy to consider and trail alignments in each canyon as part of the planning process. “For next steps, we will hire a qualified consultant to look at alternative routes to finish the trail system in Ruffin Canyon”, said Bowlby. “We hope to meet with the Escala HOA Board early next year to discuss conceptual alignments (and possible easement adjustments) that will bring the trail up out of the cobble stone floodplain, to a more sustainable, and comfortable trail along the bottom edge of the slope.” The next Ruffin Canyon enhancement stakeholder workshop date has yet to be determined. For further information and to be notified of up-coming events, contact Eric Bowlby, Executive Director of San Diego Canyonlands, (, or 619-284-9399).






Make Your Own Ornament Materials: Undecorated Christmas Ornament White acrylic Paint Sharpies Ribbon (optional) Directions: Paint Hand White Place bottom of ornament on palm of your hand and close fingers Allow to dry Once dry, add decorations with sharpie Ref:

SoCal FUN with Rhoads Hi my name is Rhoads, I am a 13 year old SoCal resident and fun enthusiast. One of my favorite fun activities includes my love of animals and outings with my beloved Miniature Australian Shepard, Blue Heeler mix rescue dog Roo. One of our favorite dog day activities is going to Fiesta Island. An island near Mission Bay Park that is off-leash for dogs. The wide open space gives Roo plenty of room to chase her ball one of her favorite past-times and she often will even chase the ball right into the water. Sometimes doggy activities get dirty and we have to head over to the dog wash. After Roo roll's around in the mud we go to Top Dog wash and groom. Top Dog has everything you need so you don't have to bring the mess home. They have self wash or you can drop your dog off and have the dirty work done for you. If you don't mind the effort its fun to be hands on with your pup. After Roo is tired out and clean we stop in to Pet Me Please, only a short walk away from Top Dog. We're greeted by squeeker and beaker the two resident birds and sniff around to find Roos' favorite

treat, a new ball, Roo thinks you can never have too many. I live in a small space so Roo is the perfect fit for me but I do still enjoy the company of other animals like kittens! The SPCA on Gaines Street is a great place to go visit dogs, cats, kittens, rabbits and animals of all sorts. I especially enjoy playing with the kittens and look forward to volunteering there when I'm old enough. Maybe one day I will even find the perfect match and get to take a kitten home.

Cali Life Co. Kids is an art project inspiring local youth to develop their creative skills, building confidence and experience within and beyond their communities. Have FUN coloring! Share your work with us on facebook, twitter or instagram and be entered to WIN prizes for the new school year!


Youth Hero of the Month: Murilo Murilo Fernando de Jesus is not your typical 3-year-old! While most toddlers are learning basic motor skills and functions, Murilo has been mastering his skills at the skate park. His father Ronisson, formally a pro-surfer, created a surfing simulator in their backyard for building balance. At the age of 1, Murilo started practicing his balance on the surfboard, suspended between 2 trees. His family and friends observed his natural talent getting stronger each day. Ronisson was never a skateboarder, however with a stroke of coincidence he and his wife, Juliana, brought Murilo to a skate park one day to visit friends. When Murilo noticed the skateboard, his attention sparked immediately and he began to plead with his parents to let him try. At the age of 2, Murilo was skating on his own and doing tricks. His father learned to skate as well so they could practice together. Murilo was born in Brazil, however he is moving with his family to San Diego in the spring! He has been chosen by a local company, Cali Life Co. to be a sponsored youth athlete, meaning they will cover costs of safety equipment, training fees, and any competition costs accrued while he is here. We decided to get to know Murilo by asking him a few questions… Hi Murilo! How old were you when you began skateboarding, and where?

Hello! I started skateboarding when I was 2 ½ years old! I was living in Bertioga, Brazil.

Actually, no, all my friends are older than me! Which skateboarders influence you the most?

Bob Burnquist and Pedro Barros! They are the best! What is your favorite trick?

“Boneless” is my favorite, also the Ollie! What would you say to someone afraid to try skateboarding?

Just try it and you will enjoy it! Does your family skateboard?

My dad is a surfer but he is learning skateboarding with me! What is the most exciting thing about skateboarding?

Just having fun! Do you have other hobbies?

I love to surf! What do you want to say to the people in California?

Wait for me!!! I am coming very soon! Murilo, you are a brave human being! We are happy to honor you “Hero of the Month!” You can find more information on Murilo and other sponsored youth athletes at Follow him on Instagram: @MurilnhoSk8

Do you have friends at your age who skate?

Youth Hero of the Month At Local Umbrella Media we are dedicated to serving the communities, kids, and causes that make our unique neighborhoods great. Every day local kids go out and do incredible things. Tell us about a Youth Hero you know. Share your story,, and help us find the next Youth Hero of the Month.




The Nat’s Special Exhibitions

Clap and Fling

‘Animals: Machines in Motion’ and ‘Ultimate Dinosaurs’

‘Animals: Machines in Motion’ explores natural engineering while ‘Ultimate Dinosaurs’ puts a new twist on prehistoric creatures by using innovative technology The San Diego Natural History Museum brings the natural world to life with two new, temporary exhibitions scheduled for late 2016 and the first half of 2017. “Animals: Machines in Motion” opened Oct. 29 and will remain on view through Jan. 2, 2017. The highly-interactive exhibition explores animals and plants as machines built for survival, complete with pumps, pipes, insulation, motors, springs, and intelligence gathering devices. In addition, Animals features a life-size cast skeleton of Sue, the largest and most complete T. rex ever discovered. Using real specimens, life-like models, amazing video footage, and interactive displays, Animals investigates how cheetahs run so fast; how the bite force of an extinct fish made it a top predator; how a toucan stays cool in the jungle; how a Venus fly trap detects its next meal; and how many other organisms function as machines in order to survive, move, and discover. “Animals: Machines in Motion” also presents examples of biomimicry, man-made innovations inspired by mechanisms found in nature. One exhibit focuses on Swiss engineer George de Mestral’s examination of burdock burrs stuck in his dog’s fur. He determined the burrs’ hooked ends made them perfect for clinging to clothing and other looped fibers, and went on to patent the Velcro fastener in 1955. “By presenting the inner-workings of plants and animals, Animals gives us a newfound appreciation for the machine inside every living thing,” said Judy Gradwohl, president and CEO at the San Diego Natural History Museum. “The exhibition delivers captivating information on how plants and animals evolve to maximize survival. Especially when combined with our many permanent offerings, including our newly opened exhibition featuring citizen science and objects from our Research Library, a visit to the NAT is a terrific value.” “Animals: Machines in Motion” is present-

ed in both English and Spanish. The bilingual exhibition was developed by The Field Museum in partnership with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, with support provided by the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust and ITW Foundation. The San Diego presentation is made possible with financial support from the County of San Diego and the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. Next on the docket is “Ultimate Dinosaurs,” an exhibition featuring 16 fullyarticulated dinosaur specimens from unusual locations in the Southern Hemisphere. It will be on view through Sept. 4, 2017. The exhibition reveals a new breed of dinosaurs that evolved in isolation in South America, Africa, and Madagascar — dinosaurs unfamiliar to popular imagination and virtually unknown to most North Americans. Cutting-edge 21st century technology puts a new twist on these prehistoric creatures, bringing them to life like never before. Through the use of augmented reality (AR) technology, full-scale dinosaurs are transformed into flesh-covered animated beasts. This same technology highlights the continental drift that altered the landscape of the ancient world, setting the stage for the evolution of these bizarre creatures. “Ultimate Dinosaurs” is presented by The Science Museum of Minnesota and was produced by the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto. Curation of the exhibition was led by Dr. David Evans, curator of vertebrate paleontology in the ROM’s Department of Natural History. The San Diego presentation is made possible with financial support from the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture.

Built to Survive exhibit


Tickets Tickets are now on sale. Admission rates: $28 adults; $26 seniors/ students/military; $15 youth (3-17). Children 2 and under are free.



‘Ultimate Dinosaur’ is presented by The Science Museum of Minnesota.

Display from ‘Ultimate Dinosaurs’ exhibit.



Mantis Shrimp

Luna moth

Dunkleosteus model




The Hillcrest Wind Ensemble is a program of the LGBT Center.

Hillcrest Wind Ensemble Presents ‘Holiday Rhapsody’ The holiday spirit will be in the air as the Hillcrest Wind Ensemble presents “Holiday Rhapsody” on Saturday, Dec. 17, at the San Diego Woman's Club, 2557 Third Ave. in Banker’s Hill. Concert time is 7 p.m. and will include music of Christmas, Hanukah, and New Years

Eve. Guest harpist Tasha Smith Godinez and a special appearance by the Hillcrest Wind Ensemble Holiday Singers will add to the festivities. Home-baked goods and other refreshments will be available during intermission. Come

Pro Kids | First Tee San Diego Women’s Golf Tournament

more than golf skills. Their grades are improving and their confidence is growing as they progress through the steps of the First Tee program.” Carini Heating and Air Conditioning is the presenting sponsor for the Women’s Golf Tournament, and is underwriting a variety of expenses and helping to market the event to players and potential organization donors. Company CEO and Founder Gabriel Carini learned of the Pro Kids/The First Tee San Diego program while golfing in a tournament that had a number of First Tee kids participating. “I was so impressed with the maturity and talent of the kids I met from the program, and they really turned me into a supporter by the end of the tournament,” Carini said. “We love that the program stresses both life and academic skills, while using the game of golf to teach concepts such as patience, persistence, honesty and teamwork.” There are still a few tournament slots open for singles or foursomes. Details are available at, or by calling (619) 582-7884 The 18-hole, par-3 course will feature special fun-challenge holes sponsored by Srixon/Cleveland Golf, Innova Disc Golf and Suja Juice, to name a few. A few hole sponsorships are still available. About Pro Kids | The First Tee San Diego: Founded in 1994 by former NFL player Ernie Wright, Pro Kids’ mission is to challenge underserved youth to excel in life by promoting character development, life skills, and values through education and the game of golf. Pro Kids serves more than 1,200 youth ages 7-17 each year at campuses in City Heights and Oceanside. About Carini Heating and Air Conditioning: Founded in 2005, Carini is a San Diego Heating and Air Conditioning company that specializes in high energy efficient ductless mini split technologies. The company believes in the importance of helping under privileged children gain access to high quality educational, athletic and character building opportunities.

Raising money for underprivileged children Pro Kids | The First Tee San Diego will hold its first Women’s Golf Tournament at the Colina Park Golf Course in City Heights on Saturday, Dec. 10 from 1 to 5 p.m. The tournament proceeds will go 100 percent to supporting the nonprofit’s mission of providing a safe haven for underprivileged kids in the community, through the game of golf and a variety of character building, leadership and academic skill activites for kids age 7 to 17. “Golf is the hook. Education is the pay-off,” according to the late Ernie Wright, a former NFL Charger and founder of Pro Kids | The First Tee San Diego. This is just one of many motivational sayings Wright used with the kids and donors that helped him start this innovative program in 1994. The program is headquartered at the Colina Park Golf Course with a North County branch near the Oceanside Municipal Golf Course. Young people are recruited to Pro Kids | The First Tee to learn the game of golf, but in the process, receive academic assistance and are required to actively participate in the organization’s Academy. At the Academy, students must enroll for full-year increments, and commit to attending at least two days of afterschool classes per week. The First Tee facility also gives the kids a safe haven to hang out after school in neighborhoods that can be dangerous. “The Women’s Tournament is a fun and high-profile event, which give us another opportunity to introduce more people to the great work that is being done here. Everyday we are inspired by the growth we see in the children participating in our program,” said Andrew Holets, CEO of Pro Kids | The First Tee San Diego. “They are developing so much

out and enjoy the sounds of the holidays. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door and are available at The Windsmith, 3875 Granada Ave., in North Park and at The 45 piece Hillcrest Wind Ensemble is in its 30th year of performing and is a program

of the LGBT Center acting as a musical ambassador to the community as a whole. For more information, call (619) 692-2077, Ext. 814, or visit

Free Holiday Events Spreckels Organ Pavilion

Enjoy free organ concerts at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park beginning at 2:00 PM each Sunday. The Organ Pavilion features the world's largest outdoor pipe organ, a San Diego landmark for over 90 years, where organists resound holiday favorites, waltzes and show tunes from the organ's monstrous 32-foot lead alloy pipes. Dates: Ongoing

Old Town Holiday in the Park & Las Posadas

See Old Town State Park decked out for the season during Old Town Holiday in the Park & Las Posadas. Guests can learn how residents celebrated the holidays in the 1800s while enjoying candlelight tours, holiday singers, live performances and complimentary refreshments Dates: December 10-11, 2016

Dr. Seuss' How the Ginch Stole Christmas

Take a walk around Balboa Park and discover its beautiful architecture. Be sure not to miss the "Whoville" decorations in the plaza outside the Old Globe Theatre, which are on display to coincide with the theatre's annual holiday production of Dr. Seuss' How the Ginch Stole Christmas! Dates: Mid-November through December

Mission Bay Christmas Boat Parade of Lights

Delight in the festive gatherings along the Mission Bay Christmas Boat Parade of Lights. Dozens of brightly illuminated powerboats and sailboats parade along Mission Bay. Date: December 10, 2016

Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade

Enjoy the twinkling waters of the San Diego Bay and more than 100 private boats decorated with holiday lights for the annual Port of San Diego Bay Parade of Lights over two weekends in December. Great views are available on dry land from Shelter Island, Harbor Island, the Embarcadero, Seaport Village, Marina Park and Coronado's Ferry Landing. Dates: December 13 & 18, 2016

Poinsettia Bowl Gaslamp March

Rock out at the Poinsettia Bowl Gaslamp March. Kicking off two days prior to the annual Poinsettia Bowl, which is played in San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium, bands representing the two Bowl football teams line up at opposite ends of Fifth Avenue in downtown's Gaslamp Quarter and face-off in an old-fashion battle of the bands. Date: December 19, 2016



SDSU Named Top School for Studying Abroad

SDSU ranks No. 1 among public universities for students studying abroad when compared to the percentage of university enrollment.

San Diego State University students are leading the way when it comes to studying abroad. The Institute for International Education’s Open Doors report lists SDSU at No. 9 in the nation for study abroad. The report uses data for the 201415 academic year, during which 2,422 students studied in foreign countries. In the most recent academic year, 2015-16, a record number of 2,660 students studied abroad. The Open Doors ranking takes into account the total number of students studying abroad. When compared to the percentage of university enrollment, SDSU ranks No. 1 for public universities. More than seven percent of SDSU students studied abroad during the 2014-15 academic year. Life-changing experience

“Having the opportunity to explore the world during their college years is a transformational experience for our students,” said SDSU vice president for student affairs Eric Rivera. “This is especially true for students who have not spent time in another country, which is why it is important that we provide the opportunity for all students to

"The wide philanthropic support of our study abroad programs shows the value in students acquiring a global perspective as part of the college experience," ALAN SWEEDLER, ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS

study abroad. The skills, perspectives, and friendships made during their time abroad will stay with them for a lifetime.” Increasing participation in study abroad programs is a central part of the university’s strategic plan, Building on Excellence. “Study abroad opportunities are an integral part of student engagement and student success,” said Chukuka S. Enwemeka, provost and senior vice president. “The university’s goal is to offer a broad variety

of programs so that every student who wishes to broaden his or her horizon and experience a different culture and learning environment can make that dream a reality.” Where Aztecs go

SDSU students studied in 65 different countries during the 2014-15 academic year. The top five most popular destinations were Spain, Mexico, Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany. With more than 350 study abroad programs to choose

from, SDSU students can participate in academically challenging, professionally relevant and personally engaging experiences. SDSU’s study abroad programs can be tailored to the individual needs and goals of the participants. Students can select from options including spring break, summer, semester or year-long study programs at a foreign university. Exchange, research and internship programs are also available. “Providing an international education has been a central part of SDSU’s mission for many years,” said Alan Sweedler, associate vice president for Academic Affairs International Programs. “Study abroad programs expose students to the global work environment and offer them experiences that are highly sought after by today’s employers.” Donors to The Campaign for SDSU have also endorsed the importance of international experiences for students by funding study abroad scholarships. "The wide philanthropic support of our study abroad programs shows the value in students acquiring a global perspective as part of the college experience," said Mary Ruth Carleton, vice president for

University Relations and Development. For example, Ron and Alexis Fowler's recent $25 million donation to the College of Business Administration includes support for students who would like to study abroad. The Fowler International Experience provides students interested in international business and comparative economic systems the opportunity to participate in international internships and study. Open Doors report

The Open Doors report is published annually by the Institute of International Education, an independent, non-profit organization, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The annual statistical survey reports on the number of international scholars at U.S. universities, international students enrolled in pre-academic Intensive English Programs, and U.S. students studying abroad. SDSU NewsCenter



5 Fun under $50 ideas for your fur-family:

By Isabella Clump




From the Field Catnip

Goldide Paw as 5 Fun under $50 Stretch Fleece 3for your fur-family:

Featured Restaurant

Garden Kitchen


4204 Rolando Blvd


San Diego, CA 92115

619-431-5755 Russ & Coral Strong

Business Opened

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Food Offered

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From the Field Catnip

Dexter’s Deli Holiday Sampler Bisscuits


What vegetarian dishes do you offer? Our menu changes daily, with a large variety of vegetarian and vegan options including appetizers, soups, salads, entrees & desserts.

What is the most popular vegetarian dish?

Gold Paw Stretch Fleece

3 4

Vegetarian Lasagna

What are the ingredients? Handmade lasagna noodles, vegetable sauce, cashew cheese, 3-4 other seasonal vegetables.

Why did you choose those ingredients? We create the entree based on what is in season.

Is there anything else you would like our readers to know? Happy Hour is Tuesday-Saturday 3pm-5pm. Discounted drinks and $3 off appetizers. Our appetizer menu changes daily with 2 or 3 appetizers, a salad, a cheese board and a soup. Our daily menu is posted online by noon every day, you can check out the vegan & vegetarian options there.

Go vegetarian one day per week. Do it for the health of it! YOUR RABBIT RECEIVES THE SAME LEVEL OF



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Mendota Snap Leash h Dexter’’ss Deli has been leading in the health movem ment o off P aper R ussell s naturall,, wholesome food dss and holistic approach ffor the Sftyour Cartds dhe last 20 y caring go of yationar pe p yt ffor yearrss. Dexter’’ss Deli is a community pet store with locations in North P Parkk,, D e x t er ’ s D eli Del Mar and Carllsbad sbad. www m Holiday Sampler Bisscuits

Adoptable Dog 5Of The Month Meet Shorty, y, a volunteer v favorite. Anyone is just one treat awa awaay ffrrom becoming his new best friend. Shorty is a bundle of ffun fr un p packe ked into a stout 40-pound 40 pound package. package H He has gorgeous red and white coloring, a shorrt and easy-to-care-ffo or M endo t a Snap coat, inquisitive chestnut colored eyes, yes, aand a sturdy Leash h and adorable low-to-the-gground physiq hysique.

Dexter’’ss Deli has been leading in the health movem ment o off For mor e inf fo o about a adopting Shorty t y naturall,, wholesome food dss and holistic approach ffor the or any n y o other a adoptable contact: caring go off your y pe p t ffor the last 20dogs y yearrs s. Dexter’’ss Deli is a The y Barking L Lotwith locations in North P communit pet store Parkk,, 486 Raleig h Av A v ve El Caj a j on, CA 92020 Del Mar and Carllsbad sbad. www m 619-354-4825

Adoptable Dog Of The Month



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