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Objective GP2: Increase biodiversity and encourage sustainable lifestyles Objective GP3: Reduce the amount of waste produced

Analysis by Kent County Council of EPCs between 2010 and 2019 were collated to provide a proportional value for each letter rating per local authority. Ashford is above the Kent and National (England and Wales) average for bands ABC and below the averages for bands EFG. 42% of adults in the borough walk for any purpose (leisure or travel) 3 times a week but only 3.4% cycle 3 times a week. (DfT walking and cycling statistics 2018/19). We will:

• Through the Local Plan process seek opportunities for renewable energy generation and energy efficient homes • Increase renewable energy generation and use in our own estate and enable and encourage local people and communities to do the same • Decrease carbon emissions from vehicles associated with the council’s operations and staff use • Reduce car usage by implementing local active travel initiatives and uptake of public transport together with cleaner travel options 10 • Improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings through retrofitting programmes Progress will be measured by: (Measures for objective GP1 to be agreed and included) Objective GP2: Increase biodiversity and encourage sustainable lifestyles Our aim is that all communities in urban and rural areas value, enjoy and respect the natural environment. The decline in species is well documented so we should consider many and varied ways to increase and improve our open spaces for wildlife. This could be green roofs and walls, managing our parks sympathetically for nature or planting more trees, complimenting the work at our strategic parks - Discovery, Victoria and Conningbrook. We will champion the creation of wetland parks to reduce nitrate and phosphate pollution, DRAFT increase natural drainage, provide habitats for wildlife and attractive outdoor spaces for leisure and recreation. The benefits to our health, particularly our mental health, of spending time outside and enjoying nature are widely recognised. Additionally how we use resources impacts on the natural world. Reducing demand on finite resources by making careful choices about what we buy, increasing the longevity of products and recycling help to keep products and materials in use and regenerate natural environments, embracing the concepts of the circular economy.

Circular economy diagram source European Environment Agency

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