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1. Introduction

1. Introduction

Foreword by Cllr Clarkson, Leader

I am delighted that we are now in a position to present our Corporate Plan for 2021 – 2024. This sets out our priorities to achieve the ambition for the borough that we developed in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders in 2019/20. Although we had to pause the immediate progression of this work, to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, we didn’t lose sight of our long term objectives to be a greener, more caring and prosperous borough for everyone. I am truly grateful to all who helped and continue to help, those affected by the pandemic. The response was exemplary and showed how we can all work together in times of utmost need. We have learnt many lesson from this experience and will be using the positive outcomes to continue to improve how we work with our communities. Together we must now step up to the challenge of climate change and with our best endeavours strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our borough, in the heart of the Garden of England, needs us to continue to be bold, innovative and decisive and lead the way to a more sustainable future for all who live, work in and visit the borough. Finally, moving forward we should also reflect and remember the tragic loss that so many have suffered during the pandemic

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