CNH ❘ KEY CLUB August 2010
Volume 2, Issue 3
Please BEE green. Do not print this newsletter.
Front Cover: The California Nevada Hawaii International Convention Group in Memphis, Tennessee representin’ CNH with style!
The Official CNH District Newsletter
Compiled by the 2010-11 CNH District Board
August 2010 ❘ Volume 2 ❘ Issue 3
cnh district newsletter Letter from the EDITORS Hey CNH BEES! What you are currently viewing now is the great and almighty CNH publication for August 2010. We hope you all are having a fantastic summer. This newsletter has lots of info and even more information about our new International Trustee! Hurry and go check him out! His picture is there too! There is also information about the Major Emphasis Program(MEP) and the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) inside this newsletter. So, for those who want to create a service event that Kiwanis helped fund for AND it is a part of the MEP, now you can get funding to make these events possible! The CNH District Newsletter is jam-packed with information, so go read it through and if you have any questions, you may contact the District Technology Editor, Andrew Shin, or the author of the article. Have a marvelous summer! Buzzin’ with CNH spirit, Your 2010-2011 Executive Board Governor Diana Nguyen Secretary Breigh Dang Treasurer Hue Tran Technology Editor Andrew Shin
ABOUT this
inside this
Introduction Letter from the Editors..............................2
News for Members Messages from the Executives................3 District Committee Updates District Convention................................3-4 Kiwanis Family & Foundation.................. 4 District Projects......................................... 4 Member Relations.................................... 5 Policy, International, & Elections........ 5 - 6 Member Recognition..............................6 Region Updates................................... 7-18 News for Officers Presidents and &Vice Presidents..........1 8 Secretaries..............................................1 9 Treasurers............................................... 2 0 Editors.......................................................20 Other Major Emphasis Program....................... 21 Youth Opportunities Fund...................... 22 International Representative................ 22 District Convention 2010 Recap........... 23 International Convention Recap......... 24 District Contact Information..................23
There are 13,933 words, 524 graphics, and 90,239 characters in this newsletter. These numbers are growing as I type. This newsletter is also 25 pages long. If each member received a printed copy of the CNH district newsletter, we would have killed over 100 trees! It would have cost $133,188.25 to print in black and white! Continue to BEE green and please do not print this newsletter!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
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Compiled by the District Executives
News for Members
from the desk ofGOVERNOR
The new school years calls for new decisions. What clubs will you join? Will Key Club be one of them? I hope that it is a yes. Make this Key Club year a different one. If there is something you did not like, speak up about it. You have the power to say something. Over the few months I have come across Key Clubbers who wished their club was more active. Quit wishing and quit dreaming and do something. Start the year with a bang. How do you do it if your board is habitually lazy? You go out there and do it and say something and represent. You have the power. There are others who wish for an active club. You are not alone. It is a mutual feeling between many but never said by any. What is it you would like to change? The quote may be trite, but be the change that you want to see. I am not instructing you to overthrow the system. I am encouraging you to fight for an organization that you love. Key Club needs dedicated members like yourself.
T R E A S U R E R bulletin board Hello CNH BEEs! I hope you are enjoying summer like I am! Summer heat in our district is nowhere comparable to summer heat in Tennessee! We should be thankful for our weather compared to Tennessee’s very hot and very humid weather! Those of you who attended ICON know exactly what I am saying. With a new school year comes a new Key Club term. A new Key Club term comes the annual membership payment! Key Clubbers, please make sure you pay your dues ON TIME. Also, try your best to recruit your friends and those incoming freshmen. Show them all the leadership and service opportunities that are available. Lastly, make sure you start saving your money for Fall Rally and DCON! Those are the two events you surely can’t miss during your Key Club career! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Hi CNH Bees! I hope everyone is enjoying his or her summer and the wonderful weather outside. Now that you have a break from school, you can spend more time socializing with your fellow Key Clubbers, making new friends from your club and division, and participating in more service projects in your community. If you have some free time, ask your respective Lieutenant Governor or Club President when your sponsoring Kiwanis club’s meeting is and try to attend it as much as possible! Not only do you benefit by meeting Kiwanians, but you also create a better relationship between the Kiwanis Club and the Key Club that it sponsors. What does this mean to you? It means that Kiwanians like to know what their sponsored Key Clubs are up to. Get to know your Kiwanis club and work on strengthening your Kiwanis Family relationship. It will be very helpful when you need chaperones for special Key Club events, such as Fall Rally, Region Training Conference, Rose Float Decorating, and District Convention, and it is fun to be connected with your fellow Kiwanis Family counterparts! Have a great summer, CNH bees, and go out in your community and perform service!
Hey Key Clubbers! School is finally almost here! All those long days of just being bored out of our minds at home will be wiped away with the enjoyment to go back to school for another 180 days! Even if many of you, like I, do not take pleasure in school one bit, it’s because of school that we found out about the wonderful organization known as Key Club International. So, enjoy the summer while you can, and make the best out of every moment of your life!
Compiled by the District Committee Chairs
Committee Updates Convention c o m m i t t e e
Call to DCON Materials Never been to Key Club District Convention? Don’t know what Key Club’s end-of-the-year event is all about? Well, the District Convention Committee is here to help! On the CyberKey, you will be able to find “Call To DCON” materials that will give you an insight to what the convention is all about and why Key Clubbers continue to attend year after year! LOGO/DESIGN Competition The DCON Committee needs a logo/design for the Cali-Nev-Ha 2011 District Convention! This logo/design you create will possibly be used on DCON tshirts, pins, programs, and much more! How awesome would that be, right?! • Requirements o The logo/design must adhere to the theme of “It’s a BEE world!” Clarification: This theme is designed to celebrate the global aspect of Key Club, the largest international high school organization in the world. o Please watch out for possible copyright issues. o It is highly recommended to include CNH related items such as bees and CNH colors, but please let your creativity shine through! • Deadline: All submissions for the logo are due by August 10th, 6:00PM via email to • All received logos and designs will be credited to the author and will be considered as CNH Key Club property.
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Suggestion Box Is there something you would like to see at DCON that was not present at previous conventions? Do you want to see something changed about DCON? Or do you have an idea that could possibly spark up the convention? Member input is very important to the DCON committee, so please don’t hesitate to contact us! Ben Chon
Kiwanis Family & Foundation committee Summer is BUZZing away!
Dear officers and members, Summer is slowly ending for certain schools, so please make sure that you have at least had 1 Kiwanis Family get-together. However, if you still have not, it is not too late! There are almost 4-5 weeks left until school resumes. So, make sure to get a hold of your regional advisor and an Event Request Form to make a Kiwanis Family Picnic/Special Event possible.
BEE Active!
Regional Training Conference AND Officer Training Conference! This is a great time to receive resources about your position in the Kiwanis Family whether an officer or a member. This way you can lead your clubs successfully and build better relations with the Kiwanis Family for support. The slideshow on KFF has been updated and will be posted on the Cyberkey shortly. Also, our committee has put together literature and promotional materials on Kiwanis Family and Foundation. If you would like to have a copy, it will be posted on the Cyberkey as well! Service Project Plan a Bike Trail Clean Up/ Park Clean Up with your Kiwanians or even a K-Kids or Builder’s Club. You can even start planning now for the future. Holidays are coming up and they are a great time to serve your community. Kiwanis DCM Scenario: You have a service project at a local homeless shelter and they require an advisor. Who do you ask? Answer: Your faculty/Kiwanis Advisor will be more than glad to help you. Also, if you would like to familiarize yourself with your Kiwanis Club, make sure to attend a Kiwanis Meeting in the upcoming months before school resumes. Please feel free to contact the Kiwanis Family & Foundation. As a committee, our main obligation is to support the members in their relationship with their Kiwanis Family. Lorita Boghospor
District Projects committee 16 years ago, Kiwanis partnered with UNICEF in the hope of eliminating Iodine Deficiency Disorders. After raising almost $100 million in order to combat this disorder, Kiwanis International has initiated its second Worldwide Service Project, Project Eliminate. Working together, Kiwanis International and UNICEF share the goal of eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus by 2015. Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) is a disease that kills an estimated 60,000 newborns and 30,000 mothers each year. Every 9 minutes a baby dies from MNT. MNT has such high mortality rates simply because of the lack of appropriate medical care and sanitation. Mothers and their newborns are at risk of contracting this life-threatening infectious disease during delivery. Although MNT is easily prevented through proper hygienic delivery and cord care practices, as well as tetanus vaccines, many woman in developing nations are unable to obtain the adequate prevention and support that they need. While UNICEF and partners have already eliminated the disease in 18 countries, there are still 40 countries mostly located in Africa, and Southern and East Asia where MNT still runs rampant. Over 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized, equating to 387 million doses of vaccine. Project Eliminate needs vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and many other resources. UNICEF and Kiwanis plan to raise $110 million in order to eliminate MNT in the next 5 years. This project will deliver life-saving vaccines to the most vulnerable women and children in the world: those in remote and difficult to reach areas, conflict zones, and with little access to no access to health care. On another note, the District Projects Committee is working hard to increase the TOTAL amount of service in the District. One way that we hope to do so is by finding potential service events throughout the District. While searching for these events, we also have a focus on finding service events that pertain to Project Shine. We will be trying to find roughly 3 events in each region of CNH. We are currently working on creating a matrix/calendar on the CNH Cyberkey for Key Clubbers to view and use. We hope to have events researched 2-3 months in advance so that Key Clubbers will have plenty of time to contact the organizations and plan the event. Please remember that ERFs (Event Request Forms) are required to be filled out 3 weeks in advance if the event is an inter-club event! Even if your club cannot attend these events, we hope that they can be an example of the different ways that CNH Key Clubbers can serve their communities!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
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Member Relations committee Giving Back to the Community How to find community service? Greetings officers and members! It’s summer - that means full blast and time for community service! Finding service and organizations that need your assistance in your community can be either easy or hard - it’s all about the effort! How? Research local service websites in your area; the more unique the activity, the more members will be drawn to serve! Sometimes repetition discourages interest - give it a little variety! Every time you walk down the street and look into the store, grab flyers for different events coming up - whether it be a local charity, community walk, or a local heritage festival! Opportunities are bound to rise on every corner - literally! If you are the adventurist and like to take on a challenge, organize your own service events! Contact local organizations, dealing with the environment, community shelters, hospitals, etc. - anything within your reach! Work with these organizations, set out a plan, and EXECUTE! Take initiative and plan your own service events.
Fundraising for Charities Start Early! Summer is all about taking hold of opportunities - most importantly TIME! Plan either club, divisional, or even regional fundraisers over the summer! Fundraisers are a great way to bond and interact with other members from your club, division, or maybe even region! Designate a charity for which the funds will go towards to - whether it be the Pediatric Trauma Program/Prevention (PTP) or even a local hospital or community organization of your own! After deciding on a charity, plan a fundraiser - a bake sale, a car wash, selling merchandise, anything! Recruit volunteers, organize, keep records, but most of all have fun! Generic ideas need to be put to use! Spend the last month of summer with service and charity!
Throughout the year, if you should have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us! As a committee, we are here to support YOU as members of our great Cal-Nev-Ha District! Jonhny Pham
Policies, International, Elections committee Hello CNH Bees! It is essential that each club in our district pay their dues. Dues are annual, required fees paid by every member of Key Club to join Key Club International. Dues cost $11 total ($4.50 goes to district; $6.50 goes to international), which pay for service-leadership training at District Convention, Regional & Officers Training Conferences, Youth Opportunities Fund Grants for service projects for Key Clubbers, and scholarships. There are many benefits provided to Key Clubs for paying their dues, which include the opportunities to attend service-leadership training conferences, Fall Rally North (at California’s Great America) & South (at Six Flags Magic Mountain), and attend our annual District Convention. To learn more about dues, please click here (or visit To pay your dues & update your membership roster, please click here (or visit http:// The regular deadline is December 1st. Clubs which have not paid by the suspension deadline (February 1) are suspended. Clubs’ charters are revoked if they do not pay their dues by September 1st and are no longer considered Key Clubs. Please remember to pay your dues on time! Policies Currently, the Policies, International, & Elections Committee is working on making recommendations to the California-Nevada-Hawaii District Board that will refine our district’s bylaws to make them more consistent with our goals as an international service organization. This includes fixing typos/ outdated terms & finding new, better ways to help our organization thrive by incorporating them into our California-Nevada-Hawaii District Bylaws. If these proposed changes to our district bylaws are approved by a majority of district board, they will then go to the House of Delegates at District Convention where delegates from each Key Club will vote in favor or against them. Proposed bylaw changes require a 2/3rds vote of the House of Delegates to be enacted. Please see Article XIV of our CNH District Bylaws for this rule. In addition, Policies Subcommittee would like to remind everybody that each Key Club Member is required to have a minimum of 50 hours of service annually, according to Article VIII, Section 2 of the Key Club International Bylaws to ensure Key Clubbers are building using this time to build their home, schools, and communities. International Our Key Club International Convention July 7-11 had a successful outcome! Our current Major Emphasis Project (MEP) Service Initiative “Live 2 Learn” has been extended indefinitely for the 2010-11 year. MEP is our Key Club International Project for all clubs with in our organization. The next MEP will be based off of the new Kiwanis International Service Initiative: ELIMINATE, focused on eliminating Maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), which kills 60,000 innocent babies and 30,000 mothers each year. To find out about our current service initiative, click here (or visit si.aspx). To find out more about the new Kiwanis International Service Initiative ELIMINATE, click here (or visit Alumni/CKI-Alumni/eliminate.aspx).
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Elections The Lieutenant Governor (LTG) Candidates Training Conferences (CTC) provides quality leadership training and helpful tips on how to run for the prestigious LTG position, the leader of a multi-city division of Key Clubs. PIE encourages all perspective LTG candidates to attend CTC on January 15, 2011 from 10 AM- 4:30 PM (location to be announced via officers’ reflectors,, and through your Lieutenant Governor). Important Events & Dates: Date / Event Name (location): 10-1 to 11-30 / Pay your 2010-11 dues 1-15-11 / LTG CTC (location: TBA via your LTG, officers’ reflectors, &
Member Recognition committee Hello Cali-Nev-Ha District! Although school has yet to start (for most of us), a third of the district administrative year has already elapsed! With the busy months of the school year just ahead of us, now is the time to relax and enjoy the last days of respite before the cycle begins once again. Now is also the perfect time to start thinking of ways you and your club can get recognized at District Convention 2011 as well as throughout the year. Though applying for an award is not extremely timeconsuming of a process, the work and accomplishments that support one’s application are often extraordinary. These accomplishments cannot be attained overnight. To ensure that you, your club, and division are duly recognized throughout the year, it is important that you start preparing for the upcoming year, ahead of time, and take the time to set goals for you and your club.
ONLINE MONTHLY RECOGNITION ON THE CNH CYBERKEY NOTE: The Online Monthly Recognition Program is not an official contest or award. Its goal is to recognize clubs for excellence in service and fundraising through visual recognition on the CNH CyberKey. As introduced in the July issue of the CNH District Newsletter, a new online monthly recognition program has been created. This program recognizes one club from each division for going above and beyond in service and fundraising. Each month, a list of the clubs with the most service hours per member, with the most funds raised overall, and with the most funds raised per member for each division will be posted on the CNH CyberKey under the ‘Recognition’ tab. In addition to this, the club with the most service hours per member, the club with the most funds raised overall, and the clubs with the most funds raised per member for the entire district will be recognized on the home page of the CNH CyberKey. Please note that ALL clubs are eligible for recognition on the CyberKey. However, monthly winners are determined based on data extracted from Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) sent to the District Secretary. This means that clubs will NOT be recognized if they do not send their MRFs on time to their Lieutenant Governor OR if their Lieutenant Governor does not send his or her MRF on time to the District Secretary. If you want your club to be recognized for its hard work, make sure that your secretary submits all due paperwork on time.
5 TIPS on BEECOMING a DISTINGUISHED officer NOTE: There is NO longer a Bulletin Editor award. Instead, clubs may apply for the Club Bulletin award. TIP#ONE: PLAN AHEAD Remember that the contest deadline is March 4, 2010. Although applying for distinguished officer is a truly rewarding process, it does take a considerable amount of time. Take into consideration that you will need recommendation letters and that it is never too early to ask others to write them. TIP#TWO: STAY ORGANIZED In order to become a distinguished officer, you will need to submit an e-portfolio with supporting documentation. Throughout the current district administrative year, you should save all of your work on a single folder on your desktop or on a USB. You should also create sub-folders to organize all of your work so that when you are ready to apply for distinguished officer, your e-portfolio can be as organized and insightful as possible. TIP#THREE: KNOW THE AWARDS As a reminder, distinguished officer applications are composed of an e-portfolio. The e-portfolio must be a single pdf that may not exceed 10MB or 50 pages of supporting documentation*. The e-portfolio must include a cover page, a nomination form, letters of recommendation, the Outstanding Officer Checklist, and other supporting documentation unique to the officer contest you are applying for. To become an outstanding officer, only the Outstanding Officer Checklist needs to be completed. *The nomination form and the letters of recommendation do not qualify as supporting documentation TIP#FOUR: BEE THOROUGH In evaluating distinguished officer applications, one KEY component is the thoroughness of the application. A good application lists the applicant’s contributions to his or her club and division. A great application, however, covers the applicant’s contributions in great thoroughness, as well as his or her creativity in overcoming problems, leadership skills, exemplifying of the Key Club values, and commitment to his or her club. On a similar note, a thorough application is a complete application without any missing forms or documentation. An incomplete application will be penalized. There are no exceptions. TIP#FIVE: DO THE WORK Officers do not becoming distinguished simply by applying. A distinguished officer is one who is hardworking, helpful, respectful, and who never ceases to take the initiative. In order to become distinguished, you will need to go above and beyond throughout your term. But do not worry! The guidelines for each officer award go over what requirements and items are necessary for distinguished status. For all awards, you must have attended a majority of regular club and board meetings, at least six Key Club Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs), at least one Kiwanis DCM or three Kiwanis meetings, OTC or RTC, as well as your respective officer workshop at District Convention, International Convention, OTC, or RTC. In addition to these requirements, each officer contest has additional requirements unique to it.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
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Compiled by the 2010-11 CNH District Board
Region Updates
Region 1: Divisions 11, 31
DCM ALERTS Division 11
Date: August 11, 2010 Times: 6:00pm-8:00pm Location: Family House of Pancakes Main Topics: OTC Workshops
Division 31
Date: August 21, 2010 Times: Please contact LTG Location: Please contact LTG Main Topics: OTC Recap, First Meeting, RTC Details Note: This DCM will take place at Region 1 and 2’s Summer Nights Dance. Details will be determined shortly and sent out to the division.
at a glance
Division 11
Division 11 Clubs: 12
Division 31
Clubs: 11 Members: 332 Service Hours: 144 (April-June) Club of the Month: Mountain Empire
• • • • •
2 assistants found Shirt design for D11 RTC (Regional Training Conference) OTC (Officer Training Conference) Partnerships with Key Club International
Division 31 •
• •
Thank you to all of those who attended OTC! I hoped you all gained valuable knowledge that you’ll take back to your clubs. RTC is coming up soon! Advertise, advertise, advertise! Congratulations to Mountain Empire, club of the month!
Region 2: Divisions 21, 37N, 37S
DCM ALERTS Division 37 South
Division 21
Date: August 28th (tentative) Times: 9:30AM-12:30 PM Location: Rancho Bernardo Public Library Host: Vivian Yu Main Topics: OTC, t-shirts/hoodies, fundraising, and dues/membership
Division 37 North
Date: August 2010 Times: Please contact LTG Location: El Camino Host: El Camino High School Main Topics: To recap summer events and get started with Key Club events, members, and fundraisers during the school year.
Division 21
• •
share Key Club with your school, promote Key Club and welcome all new members inform other students of what Key Club is all about let all members and students at school know about RTC coming up in October There are still 4 months left to fundraise for PTP! VOLUNTEER! And get people to join Key Club! Especially new freshman!
at a glance
Division 37 South
Clubs: 16 Members: 976 Service Hours: 1176.75 Club of the Month: Westview
Division 37 North
Clubs: 11 Members: 413 Service Hours: 12 Club of the Month: El Camino
Division 21
Clubs: 11 Members: 721 Service Hours: 405.5 Club of the Month: Serra
EVENT: Rancho Bernardo Bake Sale
Date: August 2010 Purpose: Fundraise for PTP and RP Key Club Times: Please contact LTG Location: San Diego Area (Please contact LTG) Event Information: Host: Date: Saturday, July 31 Main Topics: OTC, Fundraising, and starting off Times: 10am – 4pm your club for next year! Location: Rancho Bernardo Vons Host: RB Key Club
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Region 3: Divisions 4E, 4N, 4W, 30N, 30S, 41N, 41S
DCM ALERTS Division 4 East
Division 4 East
Date: Please contact LTG Remember to fundraise for PTP! • Times: Please contact LTG Always be serving in the community. • Location: Please contact LTG • Enjoy the rest of your summer :] Host: El Modena High School Division 4 North Main Topics: PTP, Fall Rally, strategies to gaining • Remember, you OTTER serve your members home, school, and community! Leadership Workshop: time management Don’t forget to submit articles about a • project or event you went to this past Division 4 North month to earn points for your club! Date: August 21, 2010 Division 4 West Times: 12-2 • Keep on soaring & make this the best Location: Westminster Relay for Life summer ever! Main Topics: Recycling, PTP, Fall Rally
Division 30 North
Division 4 West
• •
Turn in T-Shirt Design ASAP Wanted: Executive Assistant applications are still open Keep fundraising for Fall Rally
Date: August 22nd Times: n/a • Location: Westminster Ice Skating Rink Division 30 South Host: Start fundraising for Fall Rally • Main Topics: Fall Rally, Carwashes, Fundraising, T• Start fundraising for Light the Night Shirts, and upcoming events Walk Team Division 30 North
Division 41 North Date: August 21st • Keep on fundraising for service partners Times: 12:00 and major Key Club events! Location: Please contact LTG Start ordering Division 41 North Key • Host: Fullerton Club shirts! Main Topics: Fall Rally Fundraisers, Spirit Chair, • Start publicizing Fall Rally! and membership Division 41 South
Division 30 South
Date: Please contact LTG Times: Please contact LTG Location: Please contact LTG Host: Anaheim and Servite Main Topics: Light the Night Walk, Fall Rally Fundraising Division 41 North
Date: Friday, August 20th Times: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Location: Colonel Bill Barber Memorial Park Host: Woodbridge Main Topics: Feedback on Beach Boomba and OTC, how to recruit new Key Club members, Fall Rally Project: Gathering schools supplies for less fortunate schools. Division 41 South
• • •
Start fundraising for PTP and Fall Rally! Be sure to keep up summer service! Make sure to submit T-shirt designs ASAP!
EVENT: [Carwash] Purpose: Raise money for PTP ! Event Information:
EVENT: [Orange County Book Festival] Purpose: Hold games booths that resemble books Event Information:
Date: October 3rd Times: Please contact LTG Location: Mile Square Park
EVENT: [Choc Walk] Purpose: Walking for the kids in Choc Hospital Event Information:
Date: October 17th Times: Please contact LTG Location: Disneyland in Anaheim
EVENT: Early Literacy Program Purpose: Help clean books that will be distributed to underprivileged children. Event Information:
Date: August 12th and August 23rd Times: 2-4PM Location: 2101East Fourth St., Suite 160B, Santa Ana 92705 Host: Division 4 East EVENT: Car Washes Purpose: To raise money for PTP. Event Information:
Date: August 7th Times: 8AM-4PM Location: 4550 East Chapman Ave. Orange 92869 Host: Division 4 East EVENT: Laser Tag Purpose: To raise money for PTP. Event Information:
Date: August 3rd Times: 6-9PM Location: 229 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton 92832 Host: Division 4 East EVENT: Ice Skating Purpose: To raise money for PTP. Event Information:
Date: August 27th Times: 7:30-9:30PM Location: 23641 La Palma Ave, Yorba Linda 92887 Host: Division 4 East
Date: August 14th, August 21st, August 28th, and September 4th Times: 10am-6pm EVENT: Kiwanis Family Gathering Location: First 1 at Chipotle @ Brookhurst and Garfield; Last 3 at 7-Eleven @ Magnolia and Edinger Purpose: To have a social involving all branches of the Kiwanis Family within 41Host: Division 4 West Key Club
Date: August 21st EVENT: [Light the Night Walk] Times: 3:30 Purpose: Raise money for Leukemia and Location: Please contact LTG Lymphoma Host: San Clemente Event Information: Main Topics: Fall Rally, Club Rush, T-Shirt Date: September 19th Designs, Kiwanis Family Gathering Times: 6pm Location: Anaheim Angel’s Stadium
South. Event Information:
Date: Please contact LTG Times: Please contact LTG Location: Please contact LTG Host: Laguna Hills
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at a glance
Division 4 East
Clubs: 12 Service Hours: 16,485 Club of the Month: Yorba Linda Division 4 North
Division 41 North
Clubs: 6 Members: 282 Service Hours: 495 Club of the Month: University Division 41 South
Clubs: 10 Members: 380 Service Hours: 380 Club of the Month: El Toro
Clubs: 10 Service Hours: 1,121 Club of the Month: Bolsa Grande
KiwanisEvents All Kiwanis Clubs of Region 3 EVENT: Kiwanis Family Social
Date: August 27th Times: 3-9PM Location: 9480 Larson Ave. Garden Grove Pre-Sale Tickets: Free RSVP: N/A
Region 4: Divisions 6, 36E, 36W, 47
Division 47
Date: Please contact LTG Times: Please contact LTG Location: Beaumont Host: Main Topics: Dues Leadership Workshop: BEEing a great Key Clubber Project: Division 47 PTP Olympics
Division 36 East
Date: August 20th, 2010 Times: 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Location: Please contact LTG Host: Ltg. Lynne Nguyen Main Topics: Officer organizations, Goals, Marketing, Recruiting, Officer duties, Ideas/ Socials, Schedules of the school year Leadership Workshop: Officer Duties Project: None but think about future projects
Division 6
Date: August 10, 2010 Times: 2-3:30 pm Location: Please contact LTG Host: JFKMC Main Topics: Key Club knowledge
Message Division 47 •
• •
Make sure you are a member of the reflector and check your emails daily, Lt. Governor Maverick will be updating the Division on dates and times of events. Club Visitations will start when school begins. Keep up the great work D47!
Division 28 North
Date: Friday, August 20th, 2010 Times: 12:00pm Location: Desert Breeze Park Main Topics: Staying Active and Starting the Year off Right Leadership Workshop: Beginning of the year preparation
• • • •
Don’t forget to check your e-mails regularly You might want to brush up on your Key Club knowledge for out August DCM :) Don’t be afraid to ask me questions; I am here to help you. All you secretaries don’t forget to turn in your MRFs please.
Division 36 East • •
• • • • •
September 5th MRF submissions A club should find out whether or not they can get a pool for a Muscular Dystrophy Swim-a-thon. Raising money for muscular dystrophy Research Project Shine, Major Emphasis Program, and other service Partners Think of ways to recruit and interest members for the year Invite at least a friend to the DCM Please bring money in order to pie your LTG. The money goes to PTP. Talk to your board, faculty advisor and Kiwanis Advisor about LTG visitation. I was to be able to be at the first meetings of the school year.
Region 5: Divisions 28N, 28S, 28W, 38E, 38W
Division 6
Division 28 South
Date: Friday, August 13th, 2010 Times: 5:00PM-6:30PM Location: Silverado Park Host: Division 28 South Main Topics: Summer service, fundraising, activities, RTC, Fall Rally, club dues.
Division 28 West
Date: August 20th Times: 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM Location: Desert Breeze Park Main Topics: Start off the school year with a POW! Summer preparation, future service projects, dues, RTC, Fall Rally.
EVENT: Froyo Fundraiser Event Information:
Date: Late August, Early September Times: Please contact LTG Location: Yucca Valley
at a glance
Division 47
Clubs: 10 Members: 461 Club of the Month: Yucca Valley Division 6
Clubs: 15 Members: 835 Club of the Month: John F. Kennedy Middle College Workshop: How to handle “the wave” when the school year begins.
Division 38 East
Date: 8/21/10 Times: 2-5 PM Location: Victor Valley HS Host: VVHS Main Topics: Friend-a-Gorilla, ELIMINATE, Fall Rally Leadership Workshop: OTC
Division 38 West Date: July 31st, 2010 Times: 1PM-4PM
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Location: Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in the Grandstands Host: Antelope Valley Fair Main Topics: AV Fair Grandstand training for main event in August Project: Grandstand Training and Prep for August EVENT: Regional Training Conference Project: OTC
Message • • • • • • • • • • • •
Fall Rally Registration due October 13th RTC Registration due by September 22nd RTC October 2nd Fall Rally November 20th 38E OTC/August DCM will be on August 21. This is mandatory for all officers and prospective officers. RTC will be on October 2nd and 25 dollars per person. [D38E] If you are interested in signing up for the Fall Rally Spirit Committee, please let me know. [D28W&D38E] 28N Fall Rally Chair Committee – Jessi Hayes 28W Fall Rally Chair: Shayla Starcheski Don’t forget to hold carwashes and stay active during the summer! Remember to arrange your club rushes when school comes back in! Fill out your Club Officer Elections forms if not already done so on CNH Cyberkey!
at a glance
Division 28 North
Clubs: 14 Members: 1,001 Service Hours: 530 Club of the Month: East Career & Technical Academy Division 28 South
Clubs: 10 Members: 764 Service Hours: 317 Club of the Month: Green Valley Division 28 West
Clubs: 13 Members: 1126 Service Hours: 365 Club of the Month: Spring Valley Division 38 East
Clubs: 7 Members: 400 Service Hours: 350 Club of the Month: Granite Hills Division 38 West
Clubs: 9 Members: 348 and GROWING! Service Hours: about 300 and COUNTING! Club of the Month: Paraclete High School
Times: 9AM-12PM Location: RPDP Host: RPDP
EVENT: Boys and Girls Club High Desert Jinx Purpose: Fundraiser for our supporters Purpose: Inform Region of District wide events Event Information: A Hawaiian themed and to educate members about Key Club. summer festival of games to raise money for Event Information: Boys and Girls Club
Date: October 2nd, 2010 Times: 8AM-8PM Location: Cimarron-Memorial HS Host: Cimarron-Memorial HS
Date: July 23rd, 2010 Times: 4PM-9PM Location: Antelope Valley Boys and Girls Club Host: Boys and Girls Club
EVENT: Fall Rally Purpose: Contribute to PTP and show off the dominating spirit of Region 5! Event Information:
D38E Officer Training Conference Purpose: Inform officers of their duties Event Information:
Date: November 20, 2010 Location: Six Flags Magic Mountain Host: CNH Key Club
EVENT: The Great American Bake Sale Purpose: Division 28 South is holding bake sales across the Las Vegas Valley to raise funds for ending childhood hunger across America. Event Information:
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010 Times: 11AM-4PM Location: Various locations Host: Division 28 South
EVENT: Regional Professional Developmental Program Poster Collation Purpose: To help the RPDP collate posters for the elementary schools in Nevada. Event Information:
Date: August 2-6, 2010
Date: August 21 Times: 2-5PM Location: Victor Valley HS Host: VVHS Leadership Workshops: communicating and public speaking Cost: free RSVP: 38W Officer Training Conference Purpose: To train officers for the new school year Event Information:
Date: August 14th, 2010 Times: 1-4:30 PM Location: Boys and Girls Club in Lancaster Host: Boys and Girls Club Leadership Workshops: Key Club Structure, Kiwanis Relations, Key Club Basics, Effective Communication, Effective Leadership, Gaining Members Cost: 0$ RSVP: E-mail LTG Philip Nguyen
KiwanisEvents Las Vegas Young Professionals Kiwanis Club EVENT: California Nevada Hawaii Kiwanis District Convention Date: August 19-21, 2010 Times: 12pm Location: Silver Legacy Hotel 407 N. Virginia St. Reno, NV Pre-Sale Tickets: Registration: $115 (by 6/18), $135 (by 7/23) and $160 (on site). RSVP: Rachel Ngo EVENT: Kiwanis D28 Divisional Council Meeting
Date: August 14, 2010 Times: 11AM-12PM Location: Spanish Oaks
Kiwanis of [Apple Valley]
EVENT: Immunization Clinic Date: August 21 Times: 9:00 AM Location: Fairgrounds
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Region 6: Divisions 23, 45 upcoming
Division 23
Date: August 25, 2010 Times: 6:00-7:00 PM Location: Manzanita Park Main Topics: Member Recruitment and Fundraising for PTP Project: Putting together toilet tree materials as care packages for the Kiwanis Family House
EVENT: Fall Rally North Purpose: Spirit Rally and to raise funds for Pediatric Trauma Prevention Event Information:
Date: October 23, 2010 Times: About 4:30 AM Location: California’s Great America
Message Division 23 • • • •
Event: Kiwanis District Convention
Date: August 17th at 2:00 Pm Information: Help unload the Kiwanis Truck Where: The Silver Legacy
Please remember to visit your sponsoring Kiwanis Meetings Don’t forget to sign up with your officer reflector on the CNH Cyberkey Don’t forget to turn in your MRF for the month of July on August 5, 2010. Please remember to collect toilet tree items for our Division Project that we will be putting together at our August DCM. Start fundraising for Fall Rally!
Event: Kiwanis District Convention
Date: 19th-21st Information: Decorating the tables and manning the Key Club Booth. Other opportunities may be available Where: The Silver Legacy and the Reno Event Center
Garret Gingell - About ME!
Fellow Key Club Members, I attended my very first Key Club meeting in the first weeks of my freshman year, and as the year progressed, I became more and more involved with the club. I enjoyed my experiences participating in the various service and fundraiser projects the club held during that year. For my sophomore year, I was appointed as the club’s Vice President, and my experiences in that position helped me to build a higher level of leadership and organizational skills than I had ever had before. At the end of that year, I took over as the club’s president for my junior year. I started the year with nearly no members at all, and at beginning of the second semester, a whole new team of committed officers had been appointed, and we began the restoration of our club. I had met my goal for the year of preserving Key Club as a long lasting opportunity for students at Carson High. Now as my senior year approaches, I offered to fill the previously empty position of Lieutenant Governor for our division. I am looking forward to an exciting year for our small section of one of the largest high school organizations in the world. It will be my intention as your new Lieutenant Governor to achieve communication and interaction between the clubs in our division, as well as helping each club to complete the Monthly Report Forms. Now that you know my Key Club origins, its time I tell you about my other activities and interests. I spend a majority of my free time on the Golf course, and I am the team captain for the Varsity Golf team at my school. Golf has been my passion since elementary school, and I have been playing competitively for six years. I also find fascination in working with computers, and I ever since I bought my own laptop, I have taught myself about many of the computer’s advanced functions. I also work in the computers department at my local Best Buy store. Remember that I am here to help your club succeed this year; feel free to contact me any time with the information at the top of this letter. Yours in Service, Garrett Gingell Lieutenant Governor Division 45 California - Nevada - Hawaii Key Club District Key Club International
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Region 7: Divisions 3, 16, 25E, 25W
Division 3
Date: August 21 Times: 1pm-2:30pm Location: Please contact LTG Host: Hollywood Main Topics: How to plan events Leadership Workshop: Web Etiquette
Division 16
Message Division 3 • •
Get the divisional shirt designs in ASAP! Start fund raising for PTP! Goal: Each club raise 100$
Division 16 •
Division 25 East
Date: August 21 Location: Please contact LTG Host: Granada Hills Main Topics: Fundraisers! Buffalo Bill, Bowling EDivision 3 night, American Apparel, and more!
Division 25 West
Date: August 28 Location: Please contact LTG Host: El Camino Real Main Topics: Benefit Concert, Fall Rally, attracting new members
Purpose: To spread the word about Breast Cancer Date: Sunday, August 15th Times: 6AM-11AM Location: Woodley Park Host: American Cancer Society
American Apparel fundraiser goes on from Division 25 West August 1st- August 28th Event: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Date: August 28 • If you are interested in designing the new Times: 10-12AM divisional short, please contact Ryan! Location: Todd Longshore Park Division 25 West Host: Canyon High School • Still looking for a new shirt design! Please Main Topics: Operation Military Kids, Service contact Allison or Elijah! Projects, and fundraisers
Division 25 East
Division 16 Event: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
Event: President Council Meeting
Purpose: To spread the word about Breast Cancer Date: Sunday, August 15th Times: 6AM-11AM Location: Woodley Park Host: American Cancer Society EVENT: Kiwanis DCM
Date: Every 3rd Monday of the month Times: 6:30pm- 8pm Location: Verdugo Hills Hospital Cafeteria
Purpose: review what needs to be done for each month. Date: August 11, 2010 Division 16 Time: 1pm- 2pm Clubs: 15 Location: Pacific Park Library Members: 1828 Service Hours: 2700 Event: Restaurant Fundraisers Club of the Month: North Hollywood Date: Throughout August Division 3 Times: all day Clubs: 15 Location: Please contact LTG Members: 920 Service Hours: 2535 Club of the Month: Hollywood
at a glance
Region 8: Divisions 1, 13N, 13S, 19N, 19S
Division 13 North
Date: 8/21/10 Times: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location: Bellflower Kiwanis Hall Host: Sandra Lee Main Topics: Divisional Shirt Results, Secretary/ Editor Feedback, Calendar Reminders, School Year Action Plan Project: Awake-a-Thon 13N & 13S (ERF Approval Pending)
Division 13 South
Date: August 9th Times: 1-2pm Location: Bellflower Kiwanis Hall Host: Kyriacos Psara Main Topics: T-shirt Designs/possible Awake-a-thon?
Division 1/19 North
Date: August 21, 2010 Times: 2:00PM – 3:30PM Location: Polliwog Park Host: Gardena Key Club + Eugene Lee Main Topics: Fundraising, Upcoming Events (Fall Rally, Divisional Dance, etc.) Project: Beach Cleanup
Division 19 South
Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010 Times: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Location: El Retiro Park Host: Steven Tomiyama Main Topics: Fall Rally spirit preparation, Review cheers, Updates on clubs Project: Sock bunnies
Division 13 North •
Remember to turn in MRFs BEFORE 6:00 PM on the 5th of each month
Division 1/19 North •
Submit your 2010-2011 Board Information to CNH!
Division 19 South • •
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Articles due by the 1st for Vice Presidents MRFs due by the 5th for Secretaries
Page 12
EVENT: Awake-a-Thon 13N & 13S (ERF Approval Pending) Purpose: To raise money in order to reduce TShirt costs and send funds to an admirable charity (to be determined) Event Information:
EVENT: D1/19North Picnic Purpose: Get to know Key Clubbers from division, Raise Funds for PTP Event Information:
Date: August 21, 2010 Times: 3:30PM-5:00PM Location: Polliwog Park Host: Eugene Lee RSVP:
at a glance
Division 13 North
Clubs: 7 Members: 509 Service Hours: 246 Club of the Month: Downey Division 19 South
Clubs: 7 Members: 755 Service Hours: 715 Club of the Month: North, Narbonne Nathaniel
Date: 7/23/10 (Tentative) Times: 7:00 PM - 7:00 AM (Tentative) Location: Bellflower Kiwanis Hall Host: Sandra Lee, Kyriacos Psara
Region 9: Divisions 2, 8, 26
Division 2
Date: July 25th 2010 Times: 1-5 Location: Alameda Beach Host: Gloria Chen Main Topics: Trivia, Parliamentary Democracy!, Spirit Items/Designs, leadership, summer events! Project: Beach Clean up!
Division 8
Message Division 8 • • •
Don’t forget those MRFs! They are due by the 5th of each month in order to count towards the district tree award. Recruitment is a crucial part of gaining members! Take action in your school’s orientations and club days. Start looking for advisors that are willing to chaperone your RTC trip. You need at least one per club.
Date: Saturday, August 14th Times: Noon Division 26 • American Apparel jackets will restart next Location: Please contact LTG (possibly a joint event month with Region 9) • Possibly a Regional Beach Trip in August Host: Vintage • Focus on getting the officers ready for club Main Topics: Carwash, recruitment, officer training fair for the next year Leadership Workshop: Etiquette and Professionalism
Division 26
Date: July 24th,2010 Times:10:30am-6pm Location: Waterworld California Host: Division 26 Main Topics: summer encouragement, social, updates Project: raising money for PTP with every ticket sold
at a glance
Division 2
Clubs: 12 Members: ~600 Club of the Month: Encinal Division 8
Clubs: 15 Members: 510 Club of the Month: Armijo Division 26
Clubs: 15 Members: 719 Service Hours: 246 Club of the Month: San Ramon Valley
EVENT: Division 8 Carwash Purpose: Raise money for PTP Event Information:
Date: Saturday, August 21st Times: 12-4pm (pending availability) Location: Grocery Outlet in Fairfield Host: Rodriguez and Bethel EVENT: Monte Vista Relay for Life Purpose: To represent Division 26 at Relay for Life and raise money for cancer Event Information:
Date: July 31-August 1 Times:9am-9am Location: Monte Vista Track Host: Monte Vista Key Club
EVENT: Taste of Concord Volunteering Purpose: Help run games for children Event Information:
Date: August 1 Times: 1pm-5pm Location: Taste of Concord, Concord Host: Taste of Concord
EVENT: beach Clean up Purpose: Cleaning beach ! (it's super dirty!) Event Information:
Date: July 25th 2010 Times: 1Pm - 5PM Location: Alameda Beach Host: Encinal High School
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Region 10: Divisions 24, 29, 42E, 42W
Division 29
Date: August 23 Times: 5:00 Location: Kiwanis Club of Santa Maria Host: Arroyo Grande High School Main Topics: Project Shine, New School Year, Dues Leadership Project: Project Shine
Division 42 East/West
Date-August 1st Location-San Buenaventura State Beach Time- 2 pm Focus- Submitting visuals and articles, summer board meetings, yearly overviews
Beach Boomba Event- Beach cleanup/bonfire social
Division 42 East
Kiwanis Family Event- Comedy Night
Division 42 West
Date- August 1st Time- all day Hosted by- joint D42W/E LTG’s
Date- August 8th Time-6 pm Hosted by- Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks
Good job to Thousand Oaks Key Club once again for being ahead with the most points in the division! Keep it up, and remember, early bird MRFs get the most points! Good job this month 42W/E I am proud of both divisions for making the San Buenaventura Beach Rangers proud of us for doing such a noble act.
Region 11: Divisions 18, 33
Division 33
Division 33
Date: August 23, 2010 Time: 6:15 pm Location: Apple Annie’s in Tulare Main Topics: Kiwanis Family House Trip, Regional Training Conference, Walk-a-thon, and Buddy Clubs! Discussion: Club Rush Day and First Meeting Date: August 24th Time: 6:30 Location: South High Lieutenant Governor Assistant and Editor appointed! We will be talking a lot about the Regional Training Conference!
Hey Key Clubbers! Although it is summer and school has stopped, Key Club has not! Use this extra time to reach out to your community and fill your days with service. Your club can also use this extra time to plan for the school year. Planning in advance will allow your club to successfully reach its goal and have excelling projects. Hey R11 Secretaries! We, Nateli Sama and Stephanie Sanchez (R11 LTGs), would like to remind you that the Monthly Report Forms(MRFs) are due on the 5th of every month. Even if your club was not active for that specific month, it is vital for you to turn in the MRF. Be sure to turn in your MRF on time! Also, feel free to ask us any questions about the MRF.
Region 12: Divisions 5, 46
Division 5
Division 46
Date: August 23 Times: 6PM-8PM Location: Atwater High School Host: Atwater High School Main Topics: PTP fundraising/FRN/OTC/RTC
Date: August 30th Times: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Location: 1900 8th Avenue, Kingsburg CA Host: Kingsburg Main Topics: OTC Recap, RTC Heads-up, Club Dues Reminder, and Club Rush preparations Division 5 Leadership Workshop: Fundraising
• •
Editors! Each editor should be sending in one article per month! And their favorite article is to be submitted every quarter to Key Club International and CNH. OTC Reminder! August 14th, 2010 at Woodward Park Library from 9am to 2pm! Bring 5 dollars! RTC Reminder! September 25th, 2010 at Clovis North Educational Center! From 9am to 2pm! Bring 5 dollars!
Division 46 • • •
Carwash on July 25 OTC August 28 RTC September 25
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EVENT: Division 46 Carwash Purpose: Fundraise for PTP Event Information: Carwash to raise money for PTP/FRN
Date: July 25 Times: 9AM-2PM Location: US bank on Mc. Henry Ave Host: Beyer High School
Training Conference Purpose: Division 05 Officer’s Training Conference Event Information:
Date: August 14th Times: 9am – 2pm Location: Woodward Park Library Host: Division 05 Executive Board (LTG, EA, and EDITOR) Leadership Workshops: Presidents, PTP, Treasurer, Secretary, Spirit, Advisors, Editors, and Members Workshops Cost: $5 RSVP:
at a glance
Division 5
Clubs: 14 Members: 778 Service Hours: 300+ Club of the Month: Mclane Division 46
Clubs: 13 Members: 740 Service Hours: 276.5 Club of the Month: N/A
Kiwanis of Fresno EVENT: D05 Lieutenant Governor Installation
Date: September 25th Times: 6pm – 9pm Location: Old Town Clovis
Region 13: Divisions 10N, 10S, 15, 35E, 35W
Division 10 North
Date: August 22, 2010 Times: 1PM-2PM Location: Garfield Park, South Pasadena Host: San Marino Main Topics: Summer Key Club, Fall Rally Preparation, PTP Fundraising, Music for Life Benefit Concert Project: Kiwanis Doctor Dolls
Division 10 South
Date: August 1st, 2010 Times: 1:00 PM Location: Almansor Park Host: Divisional Board Main Topics: Member Recruitment, Spirit Workshop, Upcoming Events.
Division 15
Date: Saturday, August 21 Times: 1-5pm Location: Red Hill Community Park, Rancho Cucamonga Host: Alta Loma, Etiwanda, Rancho Cucamonga, Los Osos Main Topics: Summer Tasks List, August Carwashes, Divisional Spirit Catalog, Year in Review, Dues & Chartering, Fall Rally, JDRF, Alzheimer's, AIDS Walks, Regional Winter Formal, Childhood Cancer & Leukemia Awareness Month Leadership Workshop: Teamwork, Confidence Building
Project: Plane Pull Event
Division 35 West
Date: August 21, 2010 Times: 1:00pm-3:00pm Location: Arcadia Park Host: Main Topics: Beginning of school year, PTP fundraising, Divisional Pins, T-shirt/Hoodie Designs, Divisional Car Wash? Divisional Wake-athon?
Message •
• • • • •
Division 35 East
Date: July 31, 2010 Times: 2:00PM-3:00PM Location: Santa Monica Beach Host: Diamond Bar Main Topics: District Project SHINE, Fundraisers Leadership Workshop: Teamwork
D15: Click here to see the D15 August Newsletter created by Divisional Newsletter Editor Jessica Chang from Claremont: D15: Be on the lookout for a Regional Winter Formal coming up in December! D15: There will be a carwash every Sunday of August except the 29th on the corner of 10th Street and Riverside in Chino. D15: Key to College will be on October 23 at Pitzer College in the Claremont Colleges right after the October DCM. D15: Remember your MRFs are due on the 3rd of every month for Early Bird and the 5th for On Time. D15: The Divisional Spirit Pack is $10 and includes the divisional t-shirt as well as spirit items. Contact your presidents or your LTG at to order. D10S: Region 13 will be having a beach cleanup on June 31st! Our division will be taking buses down to Santa Monica Pier and enjoy a day with the rest of our region!
• • •
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
D10S: We will be hosting a dodge ball tournament in order to raise money this August! More info will be posted shortly. D10S: Our annual car wash will be on August 21! Donations are accepted and appreciated! D10N: Two contests this month: Divisional Cheer Contest and Divisional T-Shirt Contest. Contest Submissions DUE: Sunday, September 19th. There WILL be prizes! :) D10N: Don’t forget to nominate a deserving officer/member for the Ninja Turtle of the Month award! Nominations are due a week before DCM. D35W: Seals! The start of a new school year is just around the corner, and it’s about time to finally train all you 2010-2011 officers! We are going to be having a DCM/ Officer Training Conference on Friday, July 30, 2010 from 1pm-4pm. It will be held at Baldwin Park High School in their cafeteria. Snacks will be provided! Be prepared to learn about your duties as an officer, and to ask any questions you may have. The purpose of this training conference is to prepare you for the school year, to answer any questions you may have, and to TRAIN you. We will be having a couple of other workshops and activities. Members are always welcome! D35W: We are going to have another Regional Beach Clean up this year! Come and socialize with members from the other 4 divisions in our Region 13 and help the world out by cleaning up the beach! Saturday, July 31, 2010 from 10AM-6PM is the date and time, so mark your calendars! More info will be sent out via Google Reflector!
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• •
D35W: Fall Rally is coming up in a few months and it’s time to think about T-shirt and Hoodie Designs! Submit your designs to by August 8 and we will vote as a division! D35E: Please notify me when your club has events/meetings! I want to be there! D35E: Keep in touch with your Kiwanis sponsors! They’re always behind you 100%fundraisers (at least 1 towards PTP), and at least 1 social before the end of August.
EVENT: Division 15 Park Cleanup Purpose: Clean up Red Hill Park after the August DCM. Event Information:
Date: Saturday, August 21 Times: 1-5PM Location: Red Hill Community Park, Rancho Cucamonga Host: Alta Loma, Etiwanda, Rancho Cucamonga, Los Osos EVENT: Division 15 August Carwashes Purpose: Raise money for PTP while bonding with the division at our August carwashes! Event Information:
Date: August 1, 8,15, 22 Times: 9am-12pm Location: The corner of 10th Street and Riverside Drive, Chino Host: Division 15 EVENT: Division 15 March for Dimes Cell Phones Purpose: Fundraise for March for Dimes by recycling your old cellphones and accessories. Event Information:
Date: Everyday! Times: All the time! Location: Turn them in at DCMs. Host: Division 15
EVENT: Division 10 South Olympics Purpose: Raise awareness for healthy living and raise money for PTP! Event Information:
Date: July 24th, 2010 Times: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: Granada Park Host: Division 10 South
EVENT: Division 10 South Dodge Ball Tournament Purpose: Raise awareness for healthy living and raise money for PTP! Event Information:
Date: August 14th, 2010 Times: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: Please contact LTG Host: Division 10 South
EVENT: Division 10 South Car Wash Purpose: Raise money for PTP! Event Information:
Date: July 17th, 2010 Times: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Location: Please contact LTG Host: Division 10 South
Training Conference: Division 35W Purpose: Train 2010-2011 officers! Event Information:
Date: Friday, July 30, 2010 Times: 1pm-4pm Location: Baldwin Park High School (Cafeteria) Host: Baldwin Park Leadership Workshops: President/Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor/Publicity/ Historian/Tech, Spirit, Key Club 101 RSVP:
at a glance
Division 10 South
Clubs: 11 Members: 1,212 Service Hours: 1600+ Club of the Month: Rosemead Division 15
Clubs: 14 Members: 1188 Service Hours: 1344 Club of the Month: Don Antonio Lugo Division 35 East
Clubs: 9 Members: 571 Service Hours: 541.5 Club of the Month: Bonita Division 35 West
Clubs: 10 Members: 800+ Service Hours: 1034.5 Club of the Month: N/A
KiwanisEvents D35E Kiwanis of La Puente Industry EVENT: Steak Fry
Date: July 18, 2010 Times: 4:00PM-7:30PM Location: Pathfinder Park in Rowland Heights Pre-Sale Tickets: $30.00 per person RSVP: for information, tickets, reservations, call Paul White: 909 464 0061
Training Conference: Division 35E Purpose: Educate officers in how to perform roles & other leadership qualities Event Information:
Date: July 24, 2010 Times: 2:00PM-4:00PM Location: Nogales High School Little Manor Host: Nogales High School Leadership Workshops: Public Speaking, Teamwork, Ethics Cost: Free!! RSVP:
Region 14: Divisions 14, 39
Division 14
Date: Aug 21 Times 11:00a.m Location: Sam Brannon Park Host: Live Oak Main Topics: Fundraising
Message Division 14 • •
EVENT: Divisional carwash
Divisional carwash date changed to Aug 21 Purpose: raise funds for fall rally Event Information: Clubs should bring food to next DCM Date: Aug 21 Times:1:00p.m Location: Please contact LTG Host: Division 14
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Training Conference Purpose: train all officers and members Event Information:
Date: Times: July 17, 3:00p.m Location: 1955 elmer ave Host: David Lane Leadership Workshops: yes Cost: $0 RSVP:
at a glance
Division 14
Clubs: 9 Members: More than 422 Club of the Month: Live Oak for still having some service projects going on over the sumer.
Region 15: Divisions 20, 32
Division 32
Date: August 14, 2010 Times: 10 a.m. - 12pm Location: Town Green in Windsor, CA Host: Windsor High School Main Topics: DCM, service projects Project: Making cards for the children at the Oakland Children’s Hospital
Message Division 32 • •
• •
New Divisional Mascot/ T-shirt will be introduced at the August DCM Keep fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network until the end of September. Congratulations to Piner High School and Cloverdale High School who recently reported that they’ve been successfully standing outside businesses collecting money. Oakland’s Children’s Hospital trip has been put on hold Thank you Fort Bragg for successfully hosting a great Beach Clean-Up event. Four clubs from the division attended – Cloverdale, Fort Bragg, Maria Carrillo and Piner. Good job, Squirrels!
at a glance
Division 32
Clubs: 13 Club of the Month: Montgomery
Region 16: Divisions 7N, 7S, 27, 44N, 44S
Main Topics: Fall Rally, PTP Fundraising, maximizing recruitment Leadership Workshop: Officer Training Conference
Division 44 North
Please join us in as many divisional carwashes and other fundraisers as possible :) Encourage all your members to purchase Division 7 South spirit gear!
Date: August 28th Division 7 North Main Topics: FALL RALLY NORTH, how to order Division 27 Date: August 28th T-shirts and spirit packs, continuing service • School year has started: recruit Times: 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Leadership Workshop: Treasurers underclassmen! Reach out and remind Location: Kiwanis Family House them of the benefits of Key Club. Host: Saint Francis Start planning socials and fundraisers for • Main Topics: Going Back to School, Fall Rally, Key PTP! Fall Rally North is just around the Leader, RTC corner. Division 7 South • Reach out within the division: consider Date: August 27, 2010 inter-club opportunities for joint Division 7 North Times: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm fundraisers and events. • Key Leader is a perfect opportunity to Location: Franklin High School recruit members, learn leadership skills, Division 44 North Host: Sheldon High School and have fun. So make sure you don’t miss • The winning shirt design has been Main Topics: Summer Board updates, spirit attire out! announced! Get your club hyped up and and spirit packs, PTP fundraising, school starting Remember that Fall Rally is quickly • ready to order our awesome divisional TLeadership Workshop: Bulletin Editors approaching, so fundraise, fundraise, shirts! Division 27 fundraise! Keep turning in your Monthly Work • Date: August 14, 2010 • Officers, are you ready for the new school Submissions, secretaries. Special shoutTimes: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm year? Try starting by outs to Louisse (Roseville), Kiranpreet Location: Please contact LTG (Woodcreek), David (Rocklin), Cinzia Division 7 South Host: Division 27 (Whitney), and Kristen (Placer) for turning • Attend the Regional Training Conference! Will probably be held on September 25th!
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Location: Please contact LTG Host: Division 27 Leadership Workshops: Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Fund-raising, Promotion, Key Club 101 Cost: Bring $5 for food, Subway will be provided RSVP:
in the June MRFs EARLY! :) Keep up the good work guys. Keep up those buddy carwashes. The summers almost over, so finalize the planning
at a glance
D07N EVENT: Divisional Car Wash Purpose: Raise Money for PTP Event Information:
Clubs: 15 Members: 824 Division 44 North
Division 7 North
Clubs: 9 Members: 568 Service Hours: 202 Club of the Month: West Campus
Date: August 15th Times: 9am - 1pm Location: McClatchy High School Host: McClatchy High School
Division 27
Clubs: 10 Members: 466 Club of the Month: Rocklin
Division 7 South
Clubs: 9 Members: 1078 Service Hours: 1527 Club of the Month: Florin
D27 Officer Training Conference
Date: August 14, 2010
Region 18: Divisions 22
Division 22
Message Division 22
Date: Sunday, August 15th, 2010 Times: 9:30 am - 10:30 am Location: Seto Hall, ‘Iolani School Host: ‘Iolani Main Topics: The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis Family House, One Dollar for Life, Divisional Projects, Divisional Convention, MRF Questions Note: The August DCM will take place at Regional Training Conference at ‘Iolani School on Oahu
If you haven’t done so already, please send in your club rosters to LTG David as soon as possible! There are still clubs that have not sent in any new officer information. Keep in mind that all club rosters that were sent in after June 10th, 2010 will not be included in the District Directory that will be compiled by our District Secretary. Rosters that are sent in will be used to update the Divisional Directory.
Begin collecting your member dues. We have made it a Divisional goal to have all clubs submit their club dues by October 15th. This way, we all qualify for the early bird dues deadline, which is November 1st. If you have any questions, contact LTG David.
at a glance
Division 22
Clubs: 24 Members: 1534 Service Hours: 2213.75 (total taken from all submitted June MRFs)
Compiled by the District Executives
News for Officers Presidents&Vice Presidents
Officers, come to school with spirit, enthusiasm, and determination along with your pencils, erasers, and pens. When the bells ring, make it known that Key Club is the best organization on campus. Do not be afraid to begin with a BANG even it calls for hardcore publicizing and radical spirit gear. If you are slightly afraid to begin on such a note, use club rush as the best time to bring the spirited key clubber in you out. There are things that attract students to clubs. The first is presentation. Go all out in the presentation. If you have not created a poster board, make one; the effort that you put into one right now can be recycled for the next year. A pretty looking poster board will draw in students. The second is openness. No one appreciates mean and unpleasant presenters. If you are not the most charismatic person, have people at your table who are. You will be there to watch over everything and the charismatic can do the socializing to attract potential members. Lastly, the key to attracting members is not to push them. Do not intimidate them into joining or say things such as, “You’re not getting into college.” With these simple rules to keep in mind, you are set to begin with a BANG. Do not be afraid. Do not stop dead in your tracks because your friends are embarrassed. There will be those people who wish to be as spirited as you. There will be people who support you- like me!
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SECRETARIES HI CNH Secretaries! Can you believe that you have already completed your first quarter of your term? Remember that Key Club doesn’t stop during the summer; it is a yearround commitment. As school begins to approach, you should start thinking about strategies to recruit new members. Was there a decrease or increase in membership last year? Why do members stay in your club and why do some, unfortunately, become inactive? Work with your fellow club officers to plan out membership goals for the upcoming school year and different ways to retain current members and gain new members! As you start thinking about recruitment and your members, you should also begin updating your club directory.
Club Directory
Creating a club directory is one of your duties this year as secretary. In the MRF this year, there is already a directory spreadsheet available to you as a resource. Utilize it to keep your members’ contact information organized as well as help keep track of membership dues with your club’s treasurer. The best way to obtain updated or new contact information from your current and potential members is to create a contact sheet for them to complete and submit to you. Here is an example:
The Club Directory that is provided for you is in your MRF on the third tab labeled “Club Roster/Directory”. It contains basic information that your club should have for each of its members in order to stay in contact throughout the year. In order to make the directory process a little easier, obtain the club directory from last year and transfer your club’s current member’s information now, so that when the school year begins all you have to do is update current information and input new members. Also, remember that seniors who have graduated this year are not part of your club anymore, so don’t forget to take them out! Once your directory is completed, share it with your club officers, members, Faculty Advisor, and Kiwanis Advisor!
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t re a s ur e r s Hello CNH Treasurers! It surely is HOT! Are you taking the heat to service? Remember, 50 hours are recommended to be completed by every Key Club member. As club officers, set the example and serve. The school year is about to start, so I hope you are ready to gather those membership dues! Work with your club secretary to record and keep track of the membership dues. Be careful with how you handle the money because it is YOUR responsibility. Please remember to pay for your own membership for you can only be an officer if you have a member of Key Club! Make sure you join the CNH Treasurers Reflector <> I am finishing up the Treasurer’s Manual, so I will be sending that out onto the reflector. An updated Step-by-Step Dues Process is also in the making. Again, make sure you join the reflector. Check out the CyberKey <> for an updated file of Club Dues. Stay cool CNH! Hue Tran District Treasurer
Before School Starts To-Do Checklist
Summer Fundraisers Community Service Create Club Budget Approve Club Budget Update Club Board Weekly Prepare a Membership Dues Collection System Plan Future Fundraisers Get Familiar with Membership Update System <> Update Membership on Membership Update System Summer Homework and/or Summer AP Assignments Have Fun. Smile. Laugh. Eat some ICE CREAM!
EDITORS Hey editors! Month passes by so quickly doesn’t it? I sure feel like it does! In a couple more days, I’m going back to school! This might be different to others, but it’s still just a couple more weeks and then BAM! School starts and sleep times become normal and days just press on. I thank you all for submitting your newsletters and articles even during the summer. It really shows how dedicated you Key Clubbers are to this fantastic organization. Continue to spread your love for Key Club. To my public relations officers, here are some tips! To grab new members, do things that are completely out of the ordinary. One day, I wore the UNICEF box all around school without shoes. I promoted Key Club, UNICEF, and One Day without Shoes all at the same time. If you do something completely out of the ordinary, people will come up and ask you, “What are you doing?” Then you could bluntly reply, “Oh, It’s a Key Club thing.” This got many people interested and eager about what Key Club is all about. It’s all up to you. Just don’t give up! Please join the CNH Editors reflector at and have an amazing summer! :) Andrew Shin District Technology Editor
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Compiled by the Policies, International, and Elections Committee Chair
Major Emphasis Program Major Emphasis Program (MEP) was created in 1946, when Key Club International built a program to bring together all Key Clubs and members around the globe to focus on making an international impact to help children. The resulting MEP to help serve children was named “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” Our current MEP consists of 2 parts: 1) Our International Service Partners, 2) Our International Service Initiative Live 2 Learn. Key Club International has worked with partner organizations UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network to fulfill our international service objectives.
UNICEF is the only United Nations organization dedicated to assisting children’s health-care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation needs in 150 developing countries. Key Club helps UNICEF serve our world’s impoverished youth by Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF (collecting money for UNICEF in little boxes in October near Halloween). Since this program started in 1950, Key Clubbers have raised almost $5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide, HIV and Aids programs in Kenya and Swaziland, and most recently: Operation Uruguay: Protecting the Rights of Children. Key Club set the goal of raising $1.5 million through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF for Operation Uruguay.
March of Dimes (MOD) is a nonprofit service organization dedicated to preventing premature births and raising awareness of prematurity. Currently, 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. are born too soon. Key Club International began working with March of Dimes in the 1960s by holding dances, car washes, and bake sales to raise funds for medical research into birth defects. Key Club Members have collected dimes for this organization in hopes that one day children would be born free of birth defects. In last year (2009-10) alone, Key Club raised $100,000 for March of Dimes.
Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. 100% of CMN contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase new equipment, train hospital staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs, and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay. CMN has over 170 affiliated hospitals. In 2009-10, Key Club raised nearly $1.8 million for Children’s Miracle Network and their affiliated hospitals. Key Club International supports CMN by sponsoring fundraisers and planning service projects in CMN hospitals. You can help in the following ways: • Provide toys and dolls for kids going through trauma. • Contribute to or create video, toy, or book lending libraries or playrooms. • Help staff information booths or surgery waiting rooms. • Assist families with children who require long-term care or who live great distances from hospitals. • Support safety campaigns or parent education programs. • Purchase specific pieces of equipment. • Volunteer at your local community broadcast. The annual broadcast will air nation-wide in early June, inspiring millions of people with the heartwarming stories of children who have triumphed over diseases and injuries of all kinds. Our current International Service Initiative Live 2 Learn is a 2 year project that focuses on helping children, ages 5-9, to overcome learning obstacles and become successful to give back their home, school, and community. There are 3 focuses for Live 2 Learn: 1) Improving Grades focuses on mentoring, tutoring, and developing reading improvement programs will address major concerns in all communities. Take 60 minutes out of your day to read to a child and develop their social skills, give them a mentor to look up to who truly cares about them. 2) Giving Back focuses on Key Clubbers working with primary schools to coordinate service projects for young students to participate in with their school. Key Clubbers mentor these students and teach them to be lifelong service leaders. 3) Growing together involves stimulating the imagination and learning of young students through participating in making creating crafts and drama. By stimulating children’s imagination and learning, Key Club Members spark growth and personal development in children. Although our current MEP was scheduled to expire in 2010, it has been indefinitely extended by the Key Club International Board for the 2010-11 year. The next service initiative will be based on the current Kiwanis Service Initiative: ELIMINATE (please click here or visit Alumni/CKI-Alumni/eliminate.aspx for details). For more information on our Major Emphasis Program, click here or visit service.aspx. Sources:,
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Compiled by the Policies, International, and Elections Committee Chair
Youth Opportunities Fund
What is YOF? Youth Opportunities Fund is an international grant to help Key Clubs fund service projects they would like to do. The grant is funded by a portion Key Clubbers’ dues and the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. Clubs can request any amount of money to support their service project between $100 and $2,000. Typically, clubs need to raise funds in order to qualify for this grant, and only request funding for a portion of their service project and not the whole thing and work with other organizations to fund and complete the project. The deadline for YOF grant applications to be submitted to the Kiwanis International Office (address: 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196) is October 15th, 2010. Clubs will receive notice of whether they receive the YOF grant by January 15th, 2011. To receive your YOF grant application, please click here or visit Before you apply for the grant, have a timeline of the steps involved in your service project and a detailed budget with all costs, sources of revenue, and expenditures. The explanation you must include about the problem in the community that your project addresses in your application for the grant should be thorough, since the people you are requesting the grant from are not familiar with your project. Please make sure you emphasize the benefits of your project to the community. Our California-Nevada-Hawaii District encourages members to utilize this wonderful grant to provide greater service to your communities. Please contact your local lieutenant governor if you have any questions or concerns. Sources: CNH Presidents / VPs Manual, Nathan Schlaffer PIE Committee Chair, Key Club CNH District e-mail: call/text: (805) 404-1360
Compiled by Robert Peck, Key Club International Trustee
International Trustee Intro Hey Bees! My name is Robert Peck. I am a rising senior at Riverton High School in Wyoming, and I feel amazingly lucky to get to say that I will be serving as your International Trustee for the coming year. I am also pleased to announce that your sister districts for the 2010-2011 Key Club year will be Rocky Mountain and Nebraska-Iowa! I am extremely interested in communicating with as many people as I possibly can. Because of this, I would love to add any of you on Facebook who would like to speak to me through this. My page can be found here: If you would like to shoot an e-mail my way, that is also fine. My address is If you have any questions or ideas for me, please let me know! Remember, it’s my job to serve and help every CNH member in any way I can, and I can’t think of a better way for you to express your concerns than to tell me directly. I can’t wait to see all of you at the 2010 CNH District Convention! Best regards, Robert Peck Key Club International Trustee
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Compiled by Andrew Shin, District Technology Editor
District Convention 2010 From April 9 to April 11, over 2800 Key Clubbers entered the Sacramento Convention Center in hopes of learning new things at the workshops, voting for their new District Board, and showing their spirit as enthusiastic as possible. Side effects of going to District Convention included losing your voice, meeting new people all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii, and having the best time of your life. This event only comes around once a year in CNH Key Club and is something that can’t be missed! District Convention was kicked off with some workshops and the first general session with keynote speaker, Keith Hawkins, who brought inspiration in the eyes of every Key Clubber with “buttlock” and “Go Human.” After the general session, Key Clubbers were introduced to the District Board candidates at the Meet and Greet and were informed of service projects available to Key Clubbers at the Service Expo. On Saturday, a fresh new day began jam-packed with workshops, caucus sessions, House of Delegates, two general sessions, and a dance. Workshops ranged from service projects information to public speaking to maintaining large clubs and so much more! Caucus session is the time where Key Clubbers can fully understand the candidates’ intents for the next year by listening to their speeches and asking questions to quiz them about their knowledge of Key Club, their goals to CNH Key Club, etc. House of Delegates was where 665 delegates were packed into one room to vote for their next District Board. Pick up lines were also thrown in to entertain the delegates. The first general session included more information about service events and the second general session was when the hearts of all the candidates pounded madly. Election results were announced at this general session. The following is the 2010-11 District Executive Board for Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club. District Governor Diana Nguyen Lawndale High School District Secretary Breigh Dang Huntington Beach High School District Treasurer Hue Tran Arroyo High School District Technology Editor Andrew Shin Rancho Cucamonga High School District Convention ended with a sad ending as newly created friends were separated by the geographical barrier, but everyone had a great time and are anxious for the next District Convention of 2011 in Anaheim, California. Note: Anyone wishing to view the contest records of the winners for the awards, you may go to the winners list under the Recognition tab on the CNH Cyberkey or go to cnhcontestrecords
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Compiled by Andrew Shin, District Technology Editor
International Convention 2010 Hola! Que Pasa! The Bees are in the Casa! (Repeat x1,000) International Convention is truly an amazing experience. The only thing negative about International Convention is that it comes once a year. Caucusing, touring Memphis, cheering your head off at the general sessions, visiting workshops, and losing your voice are just some of the features of ICON. But, words can not describe how incredible International Convention is. I strongly encourage everyone to go to International Convention 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona. The variety of people at International Convention is truly what makes ICON the best. People from all over the world coming together to learn new things to bring back to their district, to vote for the new Key Club International Board, and ultimately, to have fun is really what ICON is all about. Plus, you can see how much CNH dominates in Key Club International in spirit! If the spirit stick was still around, we would have owned it for all three sessions. Lastly, below is our newly elected Key Club International Board and pictures of our MIGHTY CNH BEES! I thank everyone for attending and I hope you all had a memorable International Convention! President XinLei Wang Burlington High School, Burlington, Wisconsin Vice president Ikwo Morris Harrison College, Bridgetown, Barbados Trustee Nick Cornell Newman Catholic High School, Wausau, Wisconsin Trustee Andre Hamilton Cornwall College, Montego Bay, Jamaica Trustee Matt Harper Clark County R-1 High School, Kahoka, Missouri Trustee Caleb Lapsley Pathways Academy, Glencoe, Alabama Trustee Annie Lewandowski Country Christian, Molalla, Oregon Trustee Lisa Nicholson Camas High School, Camas, Washington Trustee Robert Peck Riverton High School, Riverton, Wyoming Trustee Will Robertson Myers Park High School, Charlotte, North Carolina Trustee David Velasquez Montverde Academy, Montverde, Florida Trustee Stephanie Yuan Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, California Trustee Nancy Zhang Hunter College High School, New York, New York
Photo Credits by Diana Nguyen
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Thanks for reading!
This publication was made for you—the members, officers, and advisors of the California-NevadaHawai’i Key Club District by the entire CNH Board. The Executive and Leadership Team perform the final duties of editing and formatting. District Governor Diana Nguyen ................................................................. District Secretary Breigh Dang ..................................................................... District Treasurer Hue Tran .............................................................................. District Technology Editor Andrew Shin ............................................................................ District Administrator Lisa Lotito-Byers ..................................................................... Service Leadership Program, Director Bruce Hennings .......................................................................... District Convention Chair Ben Chon .................................................................................. District Projects Chair Zeyu (Andrew) Liu ........................................................................ Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair Lorita Boghospor ........................................................................... Member Recognition Chair Pierre Bourbonnais ....................................................................... Member Relations Chair Jonhny Pham ............................................................................... Policies, International, Elections Chair Nathan Schlaffer ......................................................................... Lt. Governors Division 1 ................................................................................ please contact D19N LTG Division 2 .................................................................................. Divisions 3 .................................................................................. Division 4 East ........................................................................ Division 4 North ..................................................................... Division 4 West ..................................................................... Division 5 ................................................................................... Division 6 ................................................................................... Division 7 North ..................................................................... Division 7 South ...................................................................... Division 8 ................................................................................... Division 10 North ................................................................. Division 10 South .................................................................. Division 11 .............................................................................. Division 12 East .................................................................... Division 12 South .................................................................. Division 12 West ................................................................. Division 13 North ................................................................. Division 13 South .................................................................. Division 14 .............................................................................. Division 15 .............................................................................. Division 16 .............................................................................. Division 18 .............................................................................. Division 19 North ................................................................. Division 19 South .................................................................. Division 20 .................................................................................. please contact D32 LTF Division 21 .............................................................................. Division 22 .............................................................................. Division 23 .............................................................................. Division 24 .............................................................................. Division 25 East .................................................................... Division 25 West ................................................................. Division 26 .............................................................................. Division 27 ..............................................................................
Division 28 North ................................................................. Division 28 South .................................................................. Division 28 West .................................................................. Division 29 .............................................................................. Division 30 North ................................................................. Division 30 South .................................................................. Division 31 .............................................................................. Division 32 .............................................................................. Division 33 .............................................................................. Division 34 North ................................................................. Division 34 South .................................................................. Division 35 East .................................................................... Division 35 West .................................................................. Division 36 East .................................................................... Division 36 West .................................................................. Division 37 North ................................................................. Division 37 South .................................................................. Division 38 North ................................................................. Division 38 South ................................................................ Division 39 ................................................................................ please contact D14 LTG Division 41 North ................................................................. Division 41 South .................................................................. Division 42 East .................................................................... Division 42 West .................................................................. Division 43 .............................................................................. please contact D12E LTG Division 44 North ................................................................. Division 44 South .................................................................. Division 45 .............................................................................. Division 46 .............................................................................. Division 47 ............................................................................. 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 317- 875- 8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS
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