CNH|KEY CLUB Volume 1 | Issue 10
April 2010
Please BEE green. Do not print this newsletter
APRIL9-11 Sacramento, CA
BEEYOND The Official
CNH District Newsletter Front cover: District Convention is only days away! Get ready to go aBUZZ and BEEyond!
OPENING The Official CNH District Newsletter Compiled by the 2009-2010 CNH District Board
April 2010 | Volume 1 | Issue 10
LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Hello CNH! Welcome to the month of the greatest event of our Key Club year, District Convention 2010. The Sunday of District Convention will mark the end of the year, but before that day we will celebrate all of the dedicated service we have done this year. We hope you’re as excited as we are to get the party started and please try to take advantage of all the opportunities that the convention will give you. Get ready to make some new memories. This newsletter marks the last issue of the first ever Official District Newsletter. Take a quick look through it for conclusive officer updates, information for new officers, tips on how to prepare for District Convention, service ideas, and more! We hope that the first volume of this newsletter was able to start a great new tradition of communication with the members of the district. If you ever have any comments, concerns, tips, or questions please feel free to contact and of the District Board members. Contact information is provided at the end of this newsletter. On behalf of the CNH District Board of Trustees, thank you for all your work this year. It has been a wonderful ride that we will never forget.
IN THIS ISSUE Introduction Letter from the Editors .................. 2 District Updates ............................. 2 News for Club Officers Presidents and Vice-Presidents .. 3 Secretaries...................................... 4 Treasurers ........................................ 5 Editors .............................................. 6 District Committee Updates District Convention ....................... 7 Policy Int’l and Elections ............. 7 District Projects .............................. 8 Kiwanis Family & Foundation ...... 9 Member Recognition ................... 9 Member Relations....................... 10 District Contact Information ..... 10
Buzzin’ with CNH spirit, Your 2009-2010 Executive Board Governor Jesse Truong Secretary Willy Hoang Treasurer Jeremy Truong Technology Editor Hillary Yuan
40,000 MEMBERS $75,000forPTP 750,000 SERVICE HOURS
DISTRICT UPDATES 1. District Convention in Sacramento, CA is coming up from April 9-11. 2. Executive officer position candidates and International Endorsement candidates have been trained. Campaign material has been uploaded to the CNH CyberKey. 3. CNH is only 207 members away from the District goal! 4. The 2010-2012 District Project is ready to be unveiled at convention.
Please BEE green. Do not print this newsletter
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EXECUTIVE REPORT CNH Presidents and Vice Presidents Page compiled by 2009-2010 District Governor Jesse Truong
Hello Presidents and Vice Presidents! This will be my last address to you. Thank you for a wonderful year of hard work and fun. We are so close to District Convention 2010 and I am sincerely and extremely excited. I am sure that this year’s DCON will go aBUZZ and BEEyond. As presidents and vice presidents, I hope you enjoyed your year of leadership and I really hope that you took advantage of the opportunities given to you. Even though terms may end soon, please stay on track to help your new leaders transition into their 2010-11 year. Your community service is greatly appreciated and you should definitely continue to make a difference in the world, one community at a time. I know I will! I can rant forever about this past year but that wouldn’t be fun to read so I’ll just save it for DCON. Travel safely and I’ll see you in Sacramento! Please come up to meet me, I would really enjoy that.
Club Officer Reports We need information for your newly elected 2010-2011 officers so please visit the homepage. It’s quick, easy, and it will definitely help us a lot.
Thank You’s Show your appreciation to those who have helped you this year and encourage their continued support. Some people to thank Kiwanis members Your faculty advisors Parents and other adults Your Lt. Governor Friends and family Outstanding members
Buzzin’ one more time, Jesse Truong District Governor
resources New reflectors!
2010-2011 Presidents 2010-2011 Vice Presidents
Need a resource to start your year? Download the official CNH Presidents’ & Vice Presidents’ Manual available now at under ―Officers‖ and ―Presidents and Vice Presidents‖ Visit for district updates, links, information, and more
Jesse Truong, District Governor
If you have any pictures of your year that you want to share you can… 1. Send them to your Lt. Governor 2. Ask your Lt. Governor for directions on how to send them to the district 3. Email District Technology Editor Hillary and ask her Your pictures can be used for future district publications and you might see yourself at DCON 2010!
INTERNATIONALconvention Excited for DCON? Want to experience more? You’re in luck! International Convention (ICON) is surely an eye-opening experience and a lot of fun. Travel to a whole new place and meet thousands of interesting Key Club members just like you. Help elect international officers, learn more about our organization, and get to know other members of our own district. You surely want to go!
ICON 2010
Goodbye CNH. Thanks for everything and good luck on a new year! Page 3
Memphis, Tennessee July 7 – 11, 2010 District tour of Memphis will occur after the convention More information will be released Spring 2010 Visit the ICON booth during the Service Expo at DCON
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
EXECUTIVE REPORT CNH Secretaries Page compiled by 2009-2010 District Secretary Willy Hoang
Hello CNH Secretaries! (And Goodbye) Although DCON has not occurred yet, I say goodbye because this is my last insert to the District Newsletter! I hope that throughout this year I have provided information that was helpful to you in completing your tasks and duties as a Club Secretary! To the newly elected secretaries, I hope that you are excited and prepared for your upcoming term! Know that you hold a huge responsibility as one of the most important members of your club. Good luck with all of your MRFs, your minutes, and more! Remember, if you need help you have access to the various resources on the CNH Cyberkey (, your Lt. Governor Elect, and your future CNH District Secretary! And to the current secretaries, you may feel a bit relieved now that you have a little less work to do! However, please don’t forget to help your successors and the other newly elected officers of your club! Keep the strength and status of your club well and high and help prepare those who you leave it behind to! Thank you for your efforts and accomplishments this past year and I hope to see you at the upcoming District Convention! (If you do attend, visit the Secretaries Workshop!) Willy Hoang CNH District Secretary Key Club International
NEW Secretaries Reflector To those of you who will be serving as secretaries for the 2010-2011 term, there is a new reflector! I assure you that the reflector will be a valuable tool for you over the next year. Click on the following link above to join. Feel free to ask questions you have on the reflector!
Secretary’s Manual Secretary_Manual_2009-10.pdf If you have any questions, about taking minutes or recording service hours for your members? Check out the Secretary’s Manual! Although I created this at the beginning of the last term, I encourage you to refer to it to answer some questions you may have!
election REPORTING It is vital that you complete this report for your club, your incoming Lt. Governor, and for the CNH District Directory! If your club has already completed the elections process, please fill out the reports to provide the contact information for the newly elected officers!
Online Election Report Visit the CNH Cyberkey ( and click on the big blue link under the announcements to access the 2010-2011 Club Officer Information Form. Completing this form will help the next District Secretary complete the District Directory and it will also provide your incoming Lt. Governor the contact information he/she needs to work with your club.
INTROto theworld of secretary First off, congratulations! If you feel a bit lost about your position or if you are a bit unsure of your responsibilities, you’re in luck! Here I will provide you with some of the basic duties and tasks that you will have to complete over the next year. (If you want details, feel free to check out the Secretary’s Manual online!)
Initial Tasks: Once elected, make sure to do the following! Join the CNH Secretaries Reflector! Complete the Online Election Report Familiarize yourself with the Monthly Report Form Communicate with the newly elected officers and the current officers, especially the current Secretary! Ask all the questions you have while you still can to your current secretary. In terms of duties, you will have various tasks to complete each week, each month, and over the year. Here are a few of them! Weekly: Record minutes at your club and board Meetings, update service hours, communicate with your fellow officers and advisors. Monthly: Complete your Monthly Report Form (MRF), attend Divisional Council Meetings (DCM) Yearly: Complete Election Report, compile Club Directory, submit Annual Achievement Report.
MRF Manual -10.pdf Not to sure what an MRF is? Need help filling it out? Then the MRF Manual is for you! Although it was also created based on last year’s file, the majority of the information inside it is still the same. Also feel free to ask your Lt. Governor or current Secretary to help you!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
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EXECUTIVE REPORT CNH Treasurers Page compiled by 2009-2010 District Treasurer Jeremy Truong
treasurers 2009-10 WELCOMEtreasurers 2010-11
Treasurers, it has been quite a year! I hope your term is wrapping up smoothly and your club is transitioning well. Thank you so much for all you have done for your club and the Cali-Nev-Ha District. Without you, we would not have accomplished so much. Here are a few of the many things you have accomplished:
Welcome to your new position and congratulations on being elected! You have already proven to be a great leader by wanting to go beyond being an ordinary member to serve your community better! I wish you luck your responsibilities and I am sure you will improve Key Club even more! I have some tips for you to start off your new position:
Club Membership:
Make Yourself Comfortable: th
This year, we have 39,793 members as of March 18 . We were a handful short of meeting our goal of 40,000 members, but this is a CNH record! We have the most membership count this year in Cali-Nev-Ha history! Congratulations!
District Fundraising: This year as a District, our goal was to raise $75,000 for Cali-Nev-Ha’s Pediatric Trauma Program. We have greatly surpassed this goal! The total amount raised will be announced at District Convention as well as in the CNH Yearbook coming soon. Thank you so much for cooperating and raising funds within your divisions! Congratulations!
Setting the Example As your term is wrapping up, please assist the future of your club. Always offer a hand to your new, future leaders following your term. Without the help of experienced leaders, new officers will tend to be confused and too shy to ask for your help. Offer your best advice to them. Although your term is almost to an end, your actions will forever affect the future of your Key Club—you will never stop being a leader.
Again, Congratulations! We all are very proud of these accomplishments made possible by YOU! You have proven yourself to be a great contributor to your community and I hope you take these experiences along with you. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors wherever you are headed, whether it is another Key Club leadership role, college, and everything else. Bless you all!
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Be familiar with your treasurer responsibilities. There are many resources on to aid you. You may also ask your Immediate Past officers for any advice, and I am sure they will be more than happy to assist you. Your returning club advisors will also know a great deal of what your responsibilities are to your respective club. Establish some goals you want accomplished during your term.
Join the Reflector: There is a new reflector just for you! The link is found below. After joining this reflector, you will be exposed to valuable resources, and connect with the Treasurers throughout this whole district! After District Convention, you can meet your new District Treasurer and ask him/her for any help. Prepare a Club Budget: Your new board must be very excited for the new Key Club term! During your next Board Meeting, discuss and estimate the expenses for your Club in the upcoming year. Expenses include: paper costs, Fall Rally costs, transportation, spirit items, and DCON costs. Remember to establish a healthy bank account with your advisor or student body. Remember, advisors must be present when dealing with money. Ask your immediate past officers for old resources and their wisdom to compile a better estimate of funds needed to make your club prepared and efficient. It will look great for your Treasurer’s Binder if you have a Board-approved preliminary budget. In service and friendship, Jeremy Truong District Treasurer California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
EXECUTIVE REPORTCNH EDITORS Page compiled by 2009-2010 District Technology Editor Hillary Yuan
District Convention is coming up! I hope all of you are going to attend – I’ll see you there! DCON will definitely leave you with many memories, so write them all down and send in articles so that people who missed out will get to feel like they were in Sacramento too! Good luck on writing future articles!
Please send in weblinks to the newly elected Technology Editor after DCON! Weblinks currently will not be accepted. Until then, keep on improving your websites! Try implementing a chatbox or revamping graphics. Good luck!
Send it in to, not my tech editor email! Please use the template that is available on the CyberKey! It makes my work compiling/editing the CNH Key a lot easier. You do not need to send in pictures to CNH Visuals if you want them to be put in the CNH Key. Simple copy them to the end of your article and I will use the picture.
As the Key Club year is drawing towards a close, your District Board is compiling a yearbook to wrap up and summarize all of your amazing efforts and contributions this year.
Always use Graphic Standards! Make sure your background is not too ―noisy‖ or distracting – it detracts from your main goal, which is to get information across! Your aim is to communicate, so use eye-catching ways to get everything through to your readers in the most simplistic way. Everything in this newsletter is a way to make it easier to read! Choose schemes. Color schemes, font schemes, design schemes. A scheme keeps it organized and aesthetically pleasing. If you use a bunch of colors & fonts, it makes it difficult to read.
Since this is a yearbook for you, we want your suggestions!
Is there anything that you want to see for the yearbook this year? What parts of last year’s yearbook would you like to see again this year?
ARE YOU TECH-SAVVILY CREATIVE? If you would like to contribute your creative graphic skills to help create the yearbook, please email me at to join the Yearbook committee!
This is the new reflector for all Bulletin Editors/Webmasters/Tech Chairs!
The CNH District Newsletter A cumulative publication of all District Executives and District Committees published for the general CNH membership
The CNH Key Published by our District Technology Editor, this is a compilation of articles from members all over the district
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
The CNH CyberKey Visit for the District website. Publications can be found under ―District News‖
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COMMITTEE REPORT District Convention Page compiled by 2009-2010 District Convention Committee
Hello California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Clubbers! Hello Key Clubbers! Guess what?! The 2010 CNH Key Club District Convention is less than 2 weeks away! I hope you all are very excited and have registered. If you are not attending convention, please attend Kiwanis One Day on April 10th!
See you in in two weeks, Rachel Shanley
Friday clothing: ―spirit wear‖: divisional or club shirt, jeans, shorts, etc.
Saturday clothing: ―business professional‖: Men: button up shirt, tie, slacks. Women: blouse, skirt/slacks. NO: sandals/flip-flops, sneakers, jeans. Sunday Clothing: ―business casual‖: collared shirts, slacks, skirts. NO: sandals/flip-flops, sneakers, jeans.
packing LIST
Make sure all travel arrangements are made Give your ―authorization to attend/ medical form‖ to your advisor, and make sure they bring all of the forms to DCON Bring extra money to buy Key Club souvenirs (like ribbons) and food. If your division bought divisional pins, make sure to bring those If your division has a divisional lanyard, bring it to hold your name-tag and represent your division at the same time! Look over the ―code of conduct‖ and make sure you bring the correct clothing.
Have any questions, comments or concerns? Contact DCON Chair, Rachel Shanley by emailing or calling (408) 679-9115. Or Does your advisor have questions about District Convention and want to talk to a Kiwanis Advisor in the District Convention Committee? Well, they can contact Rae Whitby-Brummer, the District Convention Committee lead advisor at
Dinner Friday night and Lunch Sunday are not provided. Please bring extra money to buy food at one of the local restaurants in Sacramento. Please go to -> District Convention to see a list of restaurants and locations for Friday night and even get a coupon for the California Pizza Kitchen!
moreINFO You can find the schedule of District Convention as well as the Workshop Matrix and the Candidate Profiles on the CNH Cyber -> District convention. Hope all of you are excited for a convention that will go A BUZZ and BEEyond! -Rachel Shanley 2009-2010 CNH District Convention Committee Chair
Policies, International, & Elections
Page compiled by 2009-2010 Policies, International, and Elections Committee Questions for Candidates During Caucusing Every year at District Convention, all of the candidates participate in a caucus. At the beginning of the caucus, the candidates each give a speech about their reasons for running, their qualifications, their experience, etc. After the speeches, there will be a question and answer period, in which anyone can ask the candidates appropriate questions. Below is a list of acceptable questions for you to ask the candidates on the day of the caucus. On behalf of the district, we ask that you take the caucus sessions very seriously. This is the process that will lead to the election of our district’s next leaders, and we need to ensure that we elect the most responsible, efficient people to do their respective jobs. Please take a few minutes to look over the following questions: • What would it mean to you to be elected to this position? • What will you bring to our district? • What goals do you have for our district? • How do you plan on balancing academics with Key Club responsibilities, family, and other commitments?
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The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
COMMITTEE REPORT District Projects Page compiled by 2009-2010 District Projects Committee
ALCOHOLAWARENESSmonth April is Alcohol Awareness month and CNH Key Clubbers can join in on the fight against alcohol abuse! We hear about all the negatives of alcohol abuse in our Health classes and on those T.V. commercials. But many of us just live our lives not really caring about or realizing the extreme consequences of alcohol abuse. Think about it. What if your best friend turned into one of those statistics? Like becoming one of the millions of deaths each year due to drunk driving; or your fellow Key Clubber whose parents could be abusive because of alcohol abuse. You the Key Clubber have all of the power in the world to prevent and put and end to this. How? Consider a few of the service projects and educational opportunities that you can provide for others. Hosting a Alcohol Abuse Awareness/Health Fair at school Broadcast Alcohol Abuse Awareness Videos during the morning school T.V. Broadcast Have Club members write an essay or a short blurb on their ―antidrug‖ and have them share it with the club Make posters displaying statistics
UNICEF UNICEF has established its high school club program, where high schools can raise funds for UNICEF and join in on the education and activities of UNICEF. If you would like to start a UNICEF club at your school in partnership with you Key Club, visit UNICEF High School Clubs have the opportunity to educate their members on the different ways they cant aid children in other countries through UNICEF. Some of the resources could prove great use in your Key Club!
AWARENESS inourdistrict April is known with many other focuses for awareness within our District! In California, April is Earthquake Awareness Month! Currently, the scare of earthquakes has grown and you as a Key Clubber can help prepare others for these natural disasters. Consider preparing a safety/ evacuation plan for your family or school. You could even hold an earthquake drill in at school or at home in addition to showing some clips of the damage from other earthquakes such as in Haiti. April is Tsunami Awareness Month in the Aloha State of Hawai’i. Our District is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and is subject to many of these natural disasters, including Hawai’i. Recently, Hawai’i faced a tsunami scare as a result from the earthquakes in Chile. Luckily, the waves did not prove destructive for the islands. Tsunamis are not always expected and Key Clubbers must prepare for the worst. You can create an emergency plan or consider preparing an emergency kit containing food, water, shelter, and light just in case. Taking these precautions could make all the difference for one’s life. In Nevada, it’s Donate Life Month! The Nevada Donor Network is promoting the donation of organs and tissue. Thousands of people die each day because of a shortage in tissue or organ transplants. Key Clubbers have the opportunity to change this and shine light on this issue. The Nevada Donor Network is holding a Creative Poster Contest for Nevada High School students to promote and express the importance of donations. Cash prizes will be awarded and the deadline in April 30th! For more information visit http:// Go out there and make a difference!
UNICEF provides you with materials on subjects such as global education and education equality. The website has great service projects ideas that could help build a club towards international service. To view/download these resources, visit http://
It is time to celebrate another wonderful year of your service to the homes, schools, and communities of the CNH District! At District Convention (DCON), Key Clubbers from all over the District come together for one weekend to learn how to better serve the world through workshops.
This year, the District Projects Committee will present you with the 2010-2012 District Project! Is there any other way to learn about how to improve your service than to be educated on the District’s focus for the next two years? With your help, the new District Project will make a great difference. So, join us Friday night during the fourth and fifth workshop sessions to learn about this great cause. Find out what service projects you can do under the new District Project or what an impact it will make! As an added incentive, the District Projects Committee will provide you with a District Projects Ribbon to add to your name badge!
―Global Youth Service Day is an annual campaign that celebrates and mobilizes the millions of children and youth who improve their communities each day of the year through service and service-learning. Established in 1988, GYSD is the largest service event in the world and is now celebrated in over 100 countries. On GYSD, children and youth address the world’s most critical issues in partnership with families, schools, community and faith-based organizations, businesses, and governments.‖ – Global Youth Service Day Website Teenagers all over the world will be performing service over these three days and CNH Key Clubbers are invited to join in on the party! This is a great opportunity to end the school year with a huge service project that your homes, schools, and communities can participate in. This is also a great opportunity for DCON attendees. DCON attendees may not be able to do a Kiwanis One Day Project because Kiwanis One Day falls on DCON weekend. If this is the case for your club or division, plan a project for these few days and combine these two amazing efforts into a huge celebration of service!
DP Chair Christian Rodriguez will also be hosting a Going Green Workshop! Learn how to improve your service while helping the Earth at the same time. It will be a fun and informative workshop that will have you walking out ―greening‖ with service! DCON also means the coming of the annual Walk-for-Life! Remember to bring the money you raised for PTP to the District Projects booth during DCON and remember to pack those walking shoes! The walk will take place Saturday afternoon, a change from previous years. The District Projects Committee can’t wait for you to join them for the stroll around the Sacramento Convention Center. It’s going to be a blast!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
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COMMITTEE REPORT Kiwanis Family & Foundation Page compiled by 2009-2010 Kiwanis Family & Foundation Committee
Hello Key Clubbers! It’s that time again the end of the (Key Club) year, DCON around the corner and clubs wrapping up their activities. I hope all of you have had an amazing year with your Kiwanis Family!
CIRCLE K Did you know there was a service program after Key Club? I sure did! And I hope all of you will join it. It’s called Circle-K and no it’s not the chain of convenience stores! It has over 13 thousand members and is an international organization just like Key Cub.
Make sure you go see the Kiwanis Family & Foundation workshop at District Convention to learn more! Join Circle-K and if you don’t go to college Kiwanis when you get the chance (I know I will). I hope you all have had an amazing year!
They have their own divisions, districts and international level and is structured just like Key Club is. They also have their own District Convention and all the fun events that we have in Key Club with a college flavor on it. Their motto is ―Live to Serve, Love to Serve‖ and thus fosters the same spirit to community service that Key Club does.
David Limjoco 2009-2010 CNH Kiwanis Family and Foundations Committee Chair
The organization overall is an experience so once you go to college at least go check it out for a few meetings and decide if you want to continue your stay in the Kiwanis Family. I know you won’t regret it.
Though Circle-K has it’s differences in that it is a smaller organization though with that you can connect with many people more easily than in Key Club with smaller conventions and such.
Member Recognition
Page compiled by 2009-2010 Member Recognition Committee
DISTRICT convention
New Officers! Make sure to attend the ―Planning for the Finish Line‖ workshop to learn how to eligible for awards in the upcoming year! The Member Recognition Chair will also be giving a presentation on Active Appreciation! This is something every Key Clubber should learn about to thank those who have helped them through the year. Prepared Orators! Don’t forget to check-in at District Convention so we know you are in attendance. The MR Committee will need a few judges at DCON to look at scrapbooks, judge Prepared Oratory, and a few other things. If you are interested in helping out, keep your eyes peeled for any District Board member to point you too the right direction. SPIRIT! We’ve been through this before at fall rally but this time you will be cheering as clubs. The clubs with the most spirit throughout DCON and at general sessions can win a spirit stick! Judges will be hiding all over so make sure your club shows spirit all throughout DCON! You never know when someone is watching.
FAQ I’m not going to DCON, will I still receive the award I applied to if I get it? Yes you will. Although, DCON does have a awards night and we want to give you a standing ovation on stage, we are not holding you accountable to attend DCON. You will still get your award and we will send it home with your LTG.
Hello CNH! That time of the year is here! DCON is in less than 2 weeks and for many of you, you will finally get your 15 second of fame for applying to awards after a hard year’s work. On behalf of the Member Recognition Committee I would like to thank everyone who supported CNH in going green by submitting electronic submissions. We had a great time going through all the submissions. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you great applicants at DCON! Antoinette Dickerson Member Recognition Chair California-Nevada-Hawaii District
YEAR inREVIEW Don’t forget you have about 2 weeks left to finish up working on those scrapbooks! Keep in mind that there are two types of scrapbooking contest offered through CNH that you can still apply. Year-In-Review: Traditional: This contest is for traditional scrapbooks that are organized with tabs and chronological order. (Non-Digital) Check-in at District
Year-In-Review: Non-Traditional: This type of scrapbook may be anything with-in reason, as long as it is nondigital. Some clubs get really creative (ex: piñatas, dioramas, etc) with this contest, so think outside the box.
Check-in at District Convention.
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The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
COMMITTEE REPORT Member Relations Page compiled by 2009-2010 Member Relations Committee Hello Cali-Nev-Ha!
Quote of the month
Our terms are all coming to an end and whether it’s your first or last year in this organization, I hope you all have had as great a year of Key Club as I had.
―We can always meet again in dreams.‖
I hope by this time, you all have been able to create a strong relationship with your supporting Kiwanis club and that the bond will continually be strengthened in the years to come. Also, please continue to not only advertise but use the District website, the CyberKey, which will continually be updated throughout the coming year as well.
I would specially like to thank those who have continually read the Member Relations insert throughout the year, advertised the CyberKey, and used the resources that were created by this hard working committee. I hope to see you at the 2010 Sacramento District Convention! Ben Chon Member Relations Chair
SUGGESTIONS? Want the 2010-2011 Member Relations Committee to do something differently? Make some resources that you have thought of? Add in some different topics for workshops? Change something about the CyberKey? Then don’t be shy to contact us! (Email is below).
- Bill Watterson in Calvin and Hobbes of the MONTH
The front page!
As District Convention is approaching, expect to see a lot of updates regarding this once in a lifetime event such as food suggestions for Friday and candidates profiles. Check out the CNHtv! On here, you can find videos you can use throughout the coming year to recruit more members and educate them on what Key Club is all about. Please vote on the district polls to aid us in knowing exactly what you would like us to improve.
DCON workshops Want to know what educational and exciting workshops are in store for the 2010 Sacramento District Convention? With a variety of workshops ranging from ―Effective Photography‖ to ―Public Speaking,‖ there will be numerous options for you to pick and choose. Want to know what the other topics are and read their descriptions? Well, you can find it on the CyberKey under ―Convention,‖ ―District Convention,‖ and then ―Workshops and Descriptions.‖
Thank you for reading! CNH DISTRICT CONTACTS District Governor Jesse Truong ................................ District Secretary Willy Hoang ................................... District Treasurer Jeremy Truong ............................. District Technology Editor Hillary Yuan ................................. District Administrator Marek LeBlanc ....................... Service Leadership Program, Director Bruce Hennings ..............................
District Convention Chair Rachel Shanley ...................... District Projects Chair Christian Rodriguez .................... Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair David Limjoco Member Recognition Chair Antoinette Dickerson ................. Member Relations Chair Ben Chon .................................... Policies, International, & Elections Chair Alexis Taitel
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
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