Duties of Club Vice President Your role as vice-president is an important one. Sometimes it happens that the Key Club president is prevented from carrying out the duties of his/her office for various reasons. A well organized and properly operating Key Club should have a properly trained vice-president who is prepared to administer the Key Club in the absence of the president. The real importance of the office of vice-president is found in the role and function you have in the Key Club program. The role is found in one word: Service - service to the president; service to the other club officers; and service to the general membership of the club. As vice-president, you are the right hand of the president. You can and should assist the president and other officers with their duties. To do this effectively, you must be in contact with the work and policies of the club. Weekly Duties
• Preside over weekly club meetings in the absence of the president. • Gather material for and help edit a club newsletter. See that a weekly club newsletter is produced. • Attend all club meetings. • Make sure that attendance is taken at every meeting. • Keep a personal record of each club member. • Assist the president in every way. • Watch over the committee system and assist committee chairs. • Attend all meetings of the project committee as a counselor and ex-officio member.
Monthly Duties
• Attend the monthly meetings of the committees as an ex-officio member and advisor. • Collect all of the monthly reports of the committees and submit them to the secretary. • Attend the club’s board of directors meetings. • Make sure the club secretary mailed in the club monthly reports.
Annual Duties
• Become thoroughly acquainted with the president’s duties so you can assist the president. • Receive all materials and possible help from the past vice-president of your club. • Talk to prospective members of the Key Club, and help them decide whether or not to join. • Conduct an educational program for new members. • Work with the new vice-president and help him/her prepare to take over your job next year.
Review the portion of this planner dedicated to the club president and the other Key Club officers. You, as vicepresident, are as responsible as the president to make sure that the president’s functions are executed properly. That means that you must know Key Clubbing inside and out and the duties of each officer and member, and be able to lead your club with the other officers and members. a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-317-875-8755 ? US AND CANADA: 1-800-KIWANIS ? E-Mail: keyclub@kiwanis.org
Revised 10/06