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CNH | KEY CLUB Your Guidebook to Member Recognitio THINK GREEN — Please do not print this guidebook unless absolutely necessary (for example – training use, club use [1 copy at the most], etc.)

Letter from the Member Recognition Chair

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the MR Chair .............................. 1

Hello Cali-Nev-Ha! I am Antoinette Dickerson, your 2009-2010 CNH District Member Recognition Chair. I am a senior from Lawndale High School, Division 19 North, Region 8 and I have been in Key Club for 3 years now, but enough of that. Now on to the guidebook. I know you’re looking at this thing and thinking ―Whoa‖ but don’t worry, this guidebook is programmed for your assistance. Just about everything you need to know about applying to awards is here except the guidelines themselves. Use this as your ultimate resource to learn how to apply for the recognition. Just make sure you don’t neglect the guidelines, they need love too! This is only guidance to the actual guidelines and will not have every rule detailed in here. If this does not answer all your questions and you’re still confused, remember you can always contact me via AIM, e-mail, or cell phone. I love questions; they make my job more exciting! Excited to Serve, Antoinette Dickerson CNH District Member Recognition Chair California-Nevada-Hawaii District Email: Cell #: 1 (310) 913-9931 AIM: OrdinaryIce

 The CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Member Recognition Committee


Forms: Outstanding Officer Checklist..........................2 Nomination Form ................................................2 Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) ..............................2 Proof of Attendance .........................................2 International Contest: Club Poster ..........................................................3 Club Video ..........................................................3 Major Emphasis Program ..................................4 Partners In Service ..............................................4 Single Service ......................................................4 Year In Review (Scrapbook) ............................5 California-Nevada-Hawaii Contest: Kickin’ It Old Skool: Automatic Entry Contest ..................................6 Club Attire ............................................................6 Prepared Oratory ...............................................7 Talent ....................................................................7 Going Green: Advisor Recognition Program ..........................8 District Project .....................................................8 Jack Luther Advisor’s Hall of Fame .................8 Kiwanis Family .....................................................9 Marvin J. Christiansen ........................................9 Member of the Year ....................................... 10 Most Improved Club ....................................... 10 Sandy Nininger ................................................. 11 Officer Recognition: President ....................................................... 12 Vice President ............................................. 12 Secretary ...................................................... 13 Treasurer ....................................................... 14 Bulletin Editor ............................................... 15 Tutorials Organization .................................................... 16 PDF-ing: Creation ............................................ 16 PDF-ing: Combining ........................................ 17 Graphic Standards .......................................... 17 Miscellaneous Frequently Asked Questions .......................... 18

Forms These are some of the basic forms that will be needed for various types of contests. These forms should be attached when indicated or when requested. Below are the descriptions of each and when the form is required.

Outstanding Officer Checklist:

Proof of Attendance:

This document is required for EVERY CNH Key Club Officer (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor) applying for Outstanding or Distinguished awards.

This is required as proof of the at least 50 hours of community service needed to be a Key Club Member (number defined by Key Club International).  It must be signed by a Club President, Club Secretary or Advisor.  A Club President or Secretary may not provide their own e-signature.

Nomination Form:

This form is required to nominate applicants applying to awards that require a statement of nomination to apply. Please only fill this out if indicated to do so.  This form will be needed for all officer recognition defined as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor as well as Member of the Year, Sandy Nininger, Jack Luther Advisors Hall of Fame, and Marvin J. Christiansen.  Statement of Nomination: Nominators of applicants must do a typed Statement of Nomination stating why the applicant is worthy of receiving the award. This statement cannot exceed the 1000 word limit set forth.  Summary of Achievements: The Summary of Achievements is similar to a Table of Contents that gives an overview or outline of your work and achievements that you are including in you submission. (I.e. Agendas, Minutes, MRFs, Emails, etc.)


Under the promotion of Going Green CNH is utilizing E-Signatures in the place of actual handwritten signatures.  An E-signatures is simply the contact information of the appropriate person (Advisor, President, etc.) verifying that your information (Officer Checklist, Proof of Attendance, etc.) is correct.  In other words, it is a name and number of the verifier.  Please note: E-Signatures will be verified by the Member Recognition Committee before the final list of Winners is released. Any ESignatures found out to be phony will result in the disqualification of the applicant.

Photo Release Form (S.L.P.):

This document should NOT be sent in with ANY award submissions however it should be kept on file with the home club. This should only be sent in if requested formally by the Member Recognition Committee.


International Contest Cali-Nev-Ha offers six contests (technically eight) that give an opportunity to go on and compete at the International Level if they place first or second in the District Level (announced at District Convention). These contest are Club Poster, Club Single Service, Major Emphasis Program, Partners in Service, Video, and Year in Review (both Traditional, Non-Traditional and Digital). Now International ―Kicks It Old School‖ so they rely on snail mail for their submissions. Make sure you get your contest materials in the mail a few days before the deadline! March 5, 2010 isn’t a postmark date; it’s the day everything has to be received. The rules for International are very strict so pay special attention to the guidelines; you don’t want to be disqualified for anything simple. Good Luck!

 Kickin’ It Old Skool Club Poster:

Club Video:

The Club Poster contest is a fun, creative way to express Key Club spirit! It should effectively recruit new members and inform others about Key Club International. Go grab a poster and spread the word!

Have you ever wanted to make a movie? Well, this is your chance! This video can be a representation of the objects and goals of Key Club International or a promotion for your school/community’s very own Key Club. Keep in mind that this video can be used to recruit new members to Key Club, so make sure it’s informative and spirited!

Forms Needed: - Club Poster Contest Entry Form (Guideline)

Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - Video Contest Form (Guideline)

Things to keep in mind: 1. The poster is to endorse Key Club as an organization and have any of the following: a. School Name b. Community Name c. District Name 2. If your poster receives first or second place recognition on the District Level, it will become property of Key Club International and not be returned. 3. The Poster dimensions should not exceed 17in by 22in. 4. The artist that designed the poster must be a current Key Clubber.

Things to keep in mind: 1. This video must be a promotional video for Key Club as an organization. 2. The video length must either be 30 seconds or 60 seconds, do not exceed 60 seconds. 3. The video must be on a DVD. 4. When finalizing the Video (DVD), it MUST play on its own. a. When we put in the disc to the computer it will auto-run. 5. Acceptable formats include PowerPoint, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, or AVI. 6. You may not spend more than $250 on this video. 7. No professional help is to be used.

When sending it in: 1. Include the Club Poster Contest Entry Form. a. Should be attached securely to the poster. 2. On a separate sheet of paper: a. Name of Key Club, Division, Region, and District. b. Contact information of the artist. 3. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

When sending it in: 1. Remember to attach the Video Contest form to the DVD when submitting it and mark the DVD. 2. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.


International Contest Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - Partners in Service Cover Sheet (Guideline)

Major Emphasis Program:

―Children - Their Future, Our Focus‖ is the theme for Major Emphasis Program (MEP). The project this year is ―Live 2 Learn.‖ Many clubs love working with the future kids of the Kiwanis Family and this year clubs will be recognized based on their participation with the Major Emphasis Program: Live 2 Learn.

Things to keep in mind: 1. The Club must participate with ALL Service partners to receive recognition. 2. If a Club is not able to participate with one of the service partners: a. Write a statement as to why the club was not able to participate. b. Must be signed by the President and Faculty Advisor. 3. Must include a typed report describing each project a. Each project must be on a different page

Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - MEP Cover Sheet (Guideline) Things to keep in mind: 1. This is a typed report. When starting a new section, start on another page. a. No word limit. 2. You may include visuals in your report: a. Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information. 3. MEP is not based on club size; however there are First, Second, and Third Place awards. 4. Report must be divided into the following categories: a. The Need, The Plan, Implementation, Final Results, Partnership with the Kiwanis Family and other Organizations, Percentage of Club Members Participating and Club’s Overall Program Dealing with MEP.

When sending it in: 1. Partners in Service Cover Sheet must be the first page, then the reports on each service project per partner. a. Have all signatures if needed. 2. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2009.

Single Service:

―Club Single Service Award‖ AKA ―Single Service‖ is a contest that focuses on planning MAJOR Service project(s) that impact your community. A single person can do any type of service, but major projects require collaboration to make this Single Service project come to life. This award recognizes clubs that work together to make sure the project(s) succeed.

When sending it in: 1. The Major Emphasis Program Guideline Form must be in front of the typed report. 2. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - Single Service Contest Form (Guideline)

Partners in Service:

Key Club International has three official ―partners in service‖: UNICEF, March of Dimes, and the Children’s Miracle Network. This award recognizes a school’s Key Club for its participation with ALL three partners.

Things to keep in mind: 1. There are different levels of Recognition based on club size a. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum 2. This project may occur on a single day, consecutive days, or recurring days. a. Recurring days must be the same type of project. 4

International Contest 3. If your club is recognized for Club Single Service it may move on to International Recognition. 4. The report must be divided into the following categories: a. Service Need, Project Plan, Project Implementation, Final Results, Public Awareness, and Member Participation. b. Each topic must be started on a new page.

c. Digital Scrapbook: Any self-playing video, PowerPoint, etc. on a DVD. i. The scrapbook length may NOT exceed 8 minutes. ii. The ending of the video must have credits to any sources that were used in the video. 1. Not included in the 8 minutes 3. How much you can spend on scrapbook materials: a. Traditional: $200 b. Non-Traditional: $300 c. Digital: $300

When sending it in: 1. Include the Single Service Form in the report. 2. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

When sending it in: 1. In traditional scrapbooks, the cost sheet must be affixed to the inside cover. a. Non-Traditional should still have the cost sheet attached. 2. The Digital Scrapbook disc must be labeled with: School Name, Division, and Region number. 3. Check the Digital Scrapbook to see if it is ―self-running.‖ Meaning, if a Judge were to put the disc in a computer, the video would play automatically. 4. All Traditional and Non-traditional Scrapbook items must be checked-in at District Convention on April 9, 2010 by 6:45PM. 5. The Digital Scrapbook should be received by the District Office by March 5, 2010.

Year in Review:

Every year each club contributes to their home, school, and community by donating or just by lending a helping hand. Words cannot express enough the hard-work and dedication of Key Clubbers, so fill in that hole with visuals. Everyone knows that ―a picture is worth a thousand words.‖ Year in Review is a contest of scrapbooks containing photos, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, and etc. Forms Needed: - Cost Sheet (Guideline) - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request Things to keep in mind: 1. The memories that you put include in the scrapbook must be between District Convention 2009 and District Convention 2010. 2. You may submit a traditional, non-traditional or digital scrapbook. The difference between a Traditional, Non-Traditional and Digital scrapbook is a: a. Traditional Scrapbook: An actual scrapbook with a Table of Contents divided into the sections defined in the guidelines. b. Non-Traditional Scrapbook: Anything within reason (A composition of pictures, souvenirs, newspaper clippings, and other representations of activities) BEE very creative! 5

Cali-Nev-Ha Contest CNH offers 19+ contests that Key Clubbers can apply to as a member, officer, or club and get recognized at the end of the year. This year the Member Recognition Committee is introducing something new into the applying to awards process, ―Going Green‖! What does this mean you ask? Well if you think about it, a lot of people apply to awards every year. As a result of this, a lot of paper, ink and other resources get used in the process. Now how can we help environment doing this each year? So the MR Committee decided to come up with an idea where you all can still get recognized while conserving the amount of resources used at the same time. However not all of the CNH awards will be ―Going Green‖ some awards will be ―Kickin’ It Old Skool‖ like International, which means there won’t be much changes to them from last year. The MR Committee wishes our CNH members the best of luck in applying to all the awards your little heart desires.

 Kickin’ It Old Skool Automatic Entry Contest:

Club Attire:

The Automatic Entry Contest is a group of awards sponsored by Key Club International and Cali-NevHa. No formal application process needed for entering. Information used to determine winners is extracted from Club Monthly Forms, Division Monthly Report Forms, District Reports, Annual Achievement Reports, or official Dues Reports. In short, do your key club work and you’re club is automatically entered into 10+ contest!

Every club has its pride and joy and many will see it in their club shirt, jacket, sweater, or etc. Wearing the club attire shows off the Key Clubber’s pride and joy serving the community. If you have cool club attire, make sure to submit it! Forms Needed: - Photo Release form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - Club Attire Form (Guideline)

Forms Needed: - Club Annual Achievement Report (MRF)

Things to keep in mind: 1. This is a CLUB attire contest NOT a divisional attire contest. 2. Make it an original and current design. It is always good to start early. 3. Take pictures of your club members wearing the shirt while serving the community. 4. It should promote Key Club. You should include: a. Key Club Year b. Division ## c. Region ##

Things to keep in mind: 1. Clubs eligible for this contest are automatically entered into the following contest: a. Achieve Increased Membership b. Club Achievement Award c. Distinguished Club d. District Tree e. Early Bird Dues f. Governor’s Focus g. Membership Retention h. Most Improved Division i. Overall Division Excellence j. Spirit k. Club Website (Contest Closed November 15th, 2009) 2. The proper filing of club reports on time and payment of dues are the only things necessary for clubs to be entered into these contests.

When sending it in: 1. Include the contest form (Club Attire Guideline). a. Attached to the Club Attire 2. Make sure the Club Attire is in the package and is a new shirt. 3. The pictures you send should be candid. 4. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.


Cali-Nev-Ha Contest

Prepared Oratory:


Things to keep in mind: 1. This is an on-site judged contest at District Convention and each participate is allowed 5 minutes to expand upon a predetermined theme. a. The theme this year is: What is the biggest challenge facing servant leaders today and what is the key to overcoming it? 2. Each school is only allowed two participants. 3. Participants must develop their own original speech and presentation. 4. Participants must submit an outline or typed version of their speech before their presentation.

Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - Talent Contest Form (Guideline)

Do you possess skills in public speaking? Do you enjoy taking opportunities to stand before others and communicate your thoughts? Is eloquence among your talents? If so, participate in the Prepared Oratory Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club district competition!

Having talent is a gift, and something that should be shared with the District! Submit a video to the District office with yours or you group’s talent and you could get a chance to be one of the many performers to perform on stage at DISTRICT CONVENTION!

Things to keep in mind: 1. In a group act, participants may be from the same club, same division, OR same region. 2. When submitting the video of the performance, it has to be exactly the same way you will be performing it on stage. a. This includes costumes, props, instruments, etc. 3. The performance must be tasteful and entertaining. 4. Performances can be universal: acting, dance, instrumental, vocal, and other appropriate talents. 5. We provide chairs, microphone(s), music stands, piano, and other equipment if requested. 6. Performances may not be any longer than six (6) minutes.

Important Reminders: 1. Each contestant participating in prepared oratory must check in at convention on April 9, 2010 by 6:45PM. 2. Orators should register online on the CyberKey by March 5, 2010.

When sending it in: 1. You must have the Talent Contest form attached to the DVD. 2. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.


Cali-Nev-Ha Contest

 Going Green Things to keep in mind: 1. You do NOT have to submit a report for every part of the acronym. 2. For each letter of the acronym, you are limited to just 2 reports per letter. This gives you a total of 8 SEPARATE possible submissions.

Advisor Recognition Program:

The Advisor Recognition Program is so Key Clubs can show their appreciation for their advisors who have provided dependable guidance, support, counsel, and enthusiasm to the club. Much depends on the dedication and support of our faculty and Kiwanis advisors; why not show them appreciation through nominating them for this award.

When sending it in: 1. Try to keep all contest material in one folder, i.e. manila folder. This will save you money if you are mailing everything in. 2. If emailing the submission, save each report as separate file. 3. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

Forms Needed: - Advisor Recognition Program Form (guideline) Things to keep in mind: 1. Recipients of this award must have serve as Advisor for a minimum of 1 year. 2. Recipients are eligible for this award every year. 3. Recipients are still eligible even if being nominated for Jack Luther Hall of Fame or Marvin J Christiansen awards. 4. Both Faculty Advisors and Kiwanis Advisors are eligible for nomination. 5. To receive the recognition, the advisor must be nominated by two of the following: a. Key Club (President) b. Sponsoring Kiwanis Club (President) c. High School Administration Member

The Jack Luther’s Advisor Hall of Fame award is for advisors who have provided dependable guidance, support, counsel, and enthusiasm to the club throughout the years. Why not show them appreciation through nominating them for Jack Luther’s Hall of Fame. Forms Needed: - Nomination Form (guideline) Things to keep in mind: 1. Recipients of this award must have served as Advisor for a minimum of 5 years showed on the Key Club Membership Roster. 2. Both Faculty Advisors and Kiwanis Advisors are eligible for nomination. 3. A portfolio of supporting documentation must be submitted including recommendation letters, mentor proof, commitment to core values, club achievements, personal contributions, Kiwanis Family-Fellowship, and Inspirational Qualities. 4. Anyone can nominate the recipient. 5. The Nomination must be type, with a maximum of 1000 words, describing why the nominee deserves this award. 6. The report must also include a picture of the nominee and a summary of his/her achievements throughout the year.

When sending it in: 1. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

District Project:

The District Project is a tradition that our entire District will focus on for 2 years. This year’s District Project being C.A.R.E.: Combating Poverty, Acknowledging Everyday Heroes, Reducing Global Warming, and Encourage Healthy Living. Show the District that you C.A.R.E.d this year by submitting a report of the projects your club have done to support the District Project. Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - District Project Report Form 8

Cali-Nev-Ha Contest 7. Recipients are only eligible once and only one person will be chosen for this award. a. Runner-ups will still receive the super advisor patch (only eligible once as well).

Marvin J. Christiansen

This prestigious award is given to the Advisor who has made many contributions to the CNH Key Club on the District Level. The Jack Marvin J Christiansen award is for advisors who have provided dependable guidance, support, counsel, and enthusiasm to the club throughout the years. Why not show them appreciation through nominating them for Marvin J Christiansen.

When sending it in: 1. All Contest material must be electronically emailed to the CNH Contest Archive or sent in to the District office by March 5, 2010. 2. Mail-In Submissions may be printed and fastened securely or saved to a CD.

Forms Needed: - Nomination Form (guideline)

Kiwanis Family:

Things to keep in mind: 1. Recipients of this award must have served the district for a minimum of 5 years showed on the Key Club Membership Roster. 2. Recipients are judge for their contributions on the District Level only. 3. A portfolio of supporting documentation must be submitted including recommendation letters, mentor proof, commitment to core values, district achievements, personal contributions, Kiwanis Family-Fellowship & unity, and Inspirational Qualities. 4. Anyone can nominate the recipient. 5. The Nomination must be type, with a maximum of 1000 words, describing why the nominee deserves this award. 8. The report must also include a picture of the nominee and a summary of his/her achievements throughout the year. 9. Recipients are only eligible once and only one person will be chosen for this award. a. Runner-ups will still receive the super advisor patch (only eligible once as well).

Family is one of the most important aspects of Key Club. Without our Kiwanis Family where would we be as Key Clubbers? Working within the Kiwanis Family Clubs such as Kiwanis, Aktion Club, Circle-K, Key Club, Builders Club, K-Kids, and KIWIN’s are great ways to have service projects. Show how you have interacted with your wonderful Kiwanis Family. Forms Needed: - Kiwanis Family Relations Report Form (Guidelines) Things to keep in mind: 1. When working with any of the listed Kiwanis Family members above, 3 Key Clubbers must be present at each gathering event. 2. Must participate in Kiwanis Family Month and Key Club Week. 3. Complete the Report Form correctly; most information can be extracted from the Club Secretary’s MRF. 4. Include a typed narrative of one event where your Key Club participated with your Kiwanis Family.

When sending it in: 1. All Contest material must be electronically emailed to the CNH Contest Archive or sent in to the District office by March 5, 2010. 2. Mail-In Submissions may be printed and fastened securely or saved to a CD.

When sending it in: 1. All Contest material must be electronically emailed to the CNH Contest Archive or sent in to the District office by March 5, 2010. 2. Mail-In Submissions may be printed and fastened securely or saved to a CD.


Cali-Nev-Ha Contest

Member of the Year:

Most Improved Club:

Member of the Year is for those extraordinary members are the ones who stand out, but normally do not think about receiving an award such as this. Key Club members should nominate these amazing members to get acknowledged at District Convention.

It is an amazing feeling to know that your Club has improved from the previous year, especially when your club has gone from great to extraordinary. Whether your club improved in membership, projects, fundraisers, Kiwanis relations, or in everything! Show off your improved club to the Cali-Nev-Ha District and maybe it will encourage other Key Clubs to improve.

Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request

Forms Needed: - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request - Most Improved Club Application (Guideline)

Things to keep in mind: 1. Anyone can nominate a Key Clubber. 2. The Key Club Member cannot hold any position of an elected position on the following levels: Club, District, or International. a. Elected Club Position: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor 3. The Nomination Form must be completely filled out. a. Statement of Nomination can only be 1,000 words b. Summary of Achievements (Table of Contents) 4. Include a portfolio of supporting documentation of the nominee a. Supporting documentation is defined as Recommendation Letters, Commitment to Service, Commitment to Key Club Core Values, Attendance, Active Membership, Kiwanis FamilyFellowship & Unity, Personal Contributions, and Inspirational Qualities.

Things to keep in mind: 1. If filling out the application, remember to print legibly and make sure the information is accurate. 2. Do not forget about the last section where you write an essay about how the club has improved. 3. You may include any supplemental materials: a. Photos, clippings and other pertinent material When sending it in: 1. Have the Most Improved Club application on top of the essay. 2. All Contest material must be electronically emailed to the CNH Contest Archive or sent in to the District office by March 5, 2010. 3. Mail-In Submissions may be printed and fastened securely or saved to a CD.

When sending it in: 1. The Cover Page must be the first page the judges see. 2. Keep supporting documentation in the exact order listed in the guidelines. 3. All Contest material must be electronically emailed to the CNH Contest Archive or sent in to the District office by March 5, 2010. 4. Mail-In Submissions may be printed and fastened securely or saved to a CD. 10

Cali-Nev-Ha Contest

Sandy Nininger:

One of the most prestigious awards that our District can give to a Key Clubber is Sandy Nininger. This award is given to the Key Clubber who made the best of their given circumstances and is only given if there is a Key Clubber worthy of receiving this honorary award. ―Bee‖ that amazing Key Clubber and show them that you deserve this outstanding award! Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request Things to keep in mind: 1. Anyone can nominate a Key Clubber. 2. The Nomination Form must be completely filled out. a. Statement of Nomination can only be 1,000 words b. Summary of Achievements (Table of Contents) 3. Include a portfolio of supporting documentation of the nominee a. Supporting documentation is defined as Recommendation Letters, Commitment to Service, Commitment to Key Club Core Values, Attendance, Active Membership, Kiwanis FamilyFellowship & Unity, Personal Contributions, and Inspirational Qualities. When sending it in: 1. The Cover Page must be the first page the judges see. 2. Keep supporting documentation in the exact order listed in the guidelines. 3. All Contest material must be electronically emailed to the CNH Contest Archive or sent in to the District office by March 5, 2010. 4. Mail-In Submissions may be printed and fastened securely or saved to a CD.


Cali-Nev-Ha Contest

 Officer Recognition Agendas (4-15): Any agendas that you have written for Board Meetings or General Meetings throughout the year.


A President is one of the most influential figures in a club. The president is an important member of Key Club and should be properly recognized in front of the District. Every president is different in his or her own way and the being recognized will preserve his or her legacy.

Club Achievements: Anything your club has accomplished this year. i.e.: Increased Membership, More Service hours, and etc.

Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request

Communication: Any form of communication made by you. i.e.: Emails, Phone Logs, and etc. Kiwanis Relations: Anything you did when working with Kiwanis. i.e.: Pictures, projects, and etc.

Things to keep in mind: 1. There are two levels for the President’s Award: Distinguished and Outstanding. 2. To apply for Distinguished: Complete a portfolio including Outstanding Checklist 3. To apply for Outstanding: Complete the Outstanding Presidents Checklist 4. You may only submit one portfolio that may be up to 1 in. or 10MB.

Miscellaneous: Have more great stuff that you do as President? Put it in here if you think it will help the judges know more about what you have done.

Vice President:

When sending it in: 1. Do not wait until the last minute to send in the Binder because submissions could possibly get lost in the mail. 2. The Cover Page should be the first thing in the binder or file. 3. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

The Vice President’s role should never be taken lightly. A Vice President is essential to assisting all the other Officers for the club and should be the right hand person of the President. So all of you Vice Presidents out there, show the District who you are because you are an essential person to the club! Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request

These are areas that must be included in your portfolio when submitting it, if applying for Distinguished. Letters of Recommendation (1-3): These letters can be written by anyone, but remember to have a variety if you are submitting more than one. i.e.: Kiwanis Advisor, Faculty Advisor, LTG, Board Members, Members and etc.

Things to keep in mind: 1. There are two levels for the Vice President’s Award: Distinguished and Outstanding. 2. To apply for Distinguished: Complete a portfolio including Outstanding Checklist 3. To apply for Outstanding: Complete the Outstanding Vice Presidents Checklist 4. You may only submit one portfolio that may be up to 1 in. or 10MB.

Proof of Attendance: This form is required to be filled out and you must meet the 50 hours of community service.


Cali-Nev-Ha Contest When sending it in: 1. Do not wait until the last minute to send in the Binder because submissions could possibly get lost in the mail. 2. The Cover Page should be the first thing in the binder or file. 3. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.


These are areas that must be included in your portfolio when submitting it, if applying for Distinguished.

Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request

Some know this position as the ―backbone‖ of the club. But this position never gets the full credit that it deserves. All the hard work done by the Secretary should be known to everyone and this is why this award is perfect for every Secretary out there.

Letters of Recommendation (1-3): These letters can be written by anyone, but remember to have a variety if you are submitting more than one. i.e.: Kiwanis Advisor, Faculty Advisor, LTG, Board Members, Members and etc.

Things to keep in mind: 1. There are two levels for the Secretary’s Award: Distinguished and Outstanding. 2. To apply for Distinguished: Complete a portfolio including Outstanding Checklist 3. To apply for Outstanding: Complete the Outstanding Secretary’s Checklist 4. You may only submit one portfolio that may be up to 1 in. or 10MB.

Proof of Attendance: This form is required to be filled out and you must meet the 50 hours of community service. Summary of Position: Provide a detailed explanation of your position as defined by your Board. Due to the fact that clubs may have multiple vice presidents it is vital for the judges to understand your duties as determined by your club

When sending it in: 1. Do not wait until the last minute to send in the Binder because submissions could possibly get lost in the mail. 2. The Cover Page should be the first thing in the binder or file. 3. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010.

Tasks Achievements: Any work that was done by you for the President or any other board member. i.e.: How you completed each task, paper work, and etc.

These are areas that must be included in your portfolio when submitting it, if applying for Distinguished.

Communication: Any form of communication made by you. i.e.: Emails, Phone Logs, and etc.

Letters of Recommendation (1-3): These letters can be written by anyone, but remember to have a variety if you are submitting more than one. i.e.: Kiwanis Advisor, Faculty Advisor, LTG, Board Members, Members and etc.

Kiwanis Relations: Anything you did when working with Kiwanis. i.e.: Pictures, projects, and etc.

Proof of Attendance: This form is required to be filled out and you must meet the 50 hours of community service.

Miscellaneous: Have more great stuff that you do as Vice President? Put it in here if you think it will help the judges know more about what you have done.

Club Directory/Roster: A full roster of the club and any sub-committees made for special events. 13

Cali-Nev-Ha Contest Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) (4-10): 1. MRFs from April 2009 to March 2010 a. Judged on thoroughness and completion of the MRF

material by March 5, 2010. These are areas that must be included in your portfolio when submitting it, if applying for Distinguished.

Minutes (4-10): 1. Notes on Board Meetings and General Meetings 2. Judged on thoroughness of the notes on club activities and discussions

Letters of Recommendation (1-3): These letters can be written by anyone, but remember to have a variety if you are submitting more than one. i.e.: Kiwanis Advisor, Faculty Advisor, LTG, Board Members, Members and etc.

Communication: Any form of communication made by you. i.e.: Emails, Phone Logs, and etc.

Proof of Attendance: This form is required to be filled out and you must meet the 50 hours of community service.

Miscellaneous: Have more great stuff that you do as Secretary? Put it in here if you think it will help the judges know more about what you have done.

Financial Records: Any records that you kept that deals with club money. i.e.: Budgets, dues report, and etc.


The ―bank‖ of your key club, the Treasurer. Without the Treasurer, there would not be any members in Key Club. So giving them the recognition that they deserve is essential. Why not see all the members cheer for you. After all, you made sure they became members.

Fundraisers: Fundraiser materials that aided you in carrying out a fundraiser. i.e.: Flyers, forms, letters, and etc. Communication: Any form of communication made by you. i.e.: Emails, Phone Logs, and etc.

Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request

Kiwanis Relations: Anything you did when working with Kiwanis. i.e.: Pictures, projects, and etc.

Things to keep in mind: 1. There are two levels for the Treasurer’s Award: Distinguished and Outstanding. 2. To apply for Distinguished: Complete a portfolio including Outstanding Checklist 3. To apply for Outstanding: Complete the Outstanding Treasurers Checklist 4. You may only submit one portfolio that may be up to 1 in. or 10MB.

Miscellaneous: Have more great stuff that you do as Treasurer? Put it in here if you think it will help the judges know more about what you have done.

When sending it in: 1. Do not wait until the last minute to send in the Binder because submissions could possibly get lost in the mail. 2. The Cover Page should be the first thing in the binder or file. 3. The District Office should receive all contest 14

Cali-Nev-Ha Contest i.e.: Newsletters, flyers, and etc.


Being an Editor is an important role. They tell the members about the upcoming events and make sure they are informed about everything that is going on in Key Club International and the CNH District. So why not remind the Bulletin Editors of the District how important they are.

Publication Distribution Summation: An explanation of the publications you make, why you make them and how often you distribute them to your Key Club. Communication: Any form of communication made by you. i.e.: Emails, Phone Logs, and etc.

Forms Needed: - Nomination Form - Proof of Attendance Form - Photo Release Form (S.L.P.) - only submit upon request

Kiwanis Relations: Anything you did when working with Kiwanis. i.e.: Pictures, projects, and etc.

Things to keep in mind: 1. There are two levels for the Editor’s Award: Distinguished and Outstanding. 2. To apply for Distinguished: Complete a portfolio including Outstanding Checklist 3. To apply for Outstanding: Complete the Outstanding Editors Checklist 4. You may only submit one portfolio that may be up to 1 in. or 10MB.

Miscellaneous: Have more great stuff that you do as Editor? Put it in here if you think it will help the judges know more about what you have done.

When sending it in: 1. Do not wait until the last minute to send in the Binder because submissions could possibly get lost in the mail. 2. The Cover Page should be the first thing in the binder or file. 3. The District Office should receive all contest material by March 5, 2010. These are areas that must be included in your portfolio when submitting it, if applying for Distinguished. Letters of Recommendation (1-3): These letters can be written by anyone, but remember to have a variety if you are submitting more than one. i.e.: Kiwanis Advisor, Faculty Advisor, LTG, Board Members, Members and etc. Proof of Attendance: This form is required to be filled out and you must meet the 50 hours of community service. Publications: Any form of paper based medium that was distributed to members. 15


ďƒź Organization Key Club is run like a business and just like any business there are many files and paperwork that go along with making it run smoothly. This is why you must stay organized. So here are some tips on organization:

1. 2. 3. 1.

Save everything in one Folder so it will be easy to look at or access when needed.


Inside the folder, create sub-folders for like files (i.e. Agendas, Minutes, MRFs, etc.)


Name files appropriately. (i.e. MRF_030510, Agenda_022709, ect.)

ďƒź Creating a PDF

Option 1:

Option 2:

1. If you have Microsoft Office 2007, go OFFICE BUTTON > SAVE AS > PDF OR XPS. 2. Set file location (place the PDF will be saved). 3. Name the file. 4. Click PUBLISH.

1. Download PrimoPDF from and install. 2. Open the file to be PDFed and press Ctrl+P. 3. Select the PrimoPDF printer. 4. Set file location (place the PDF will be saved). 5. Click Create PDF 16


 Combining PDF Files 1. If you do not already have a PDF merger, download and install the free 30 day trial of PDFCombine from 2. Save all the PDF files that need to be combined in one location. 3. Open up the program PDFCombine. 4. Open up the location your PDF files are saved in, in the file directory on the left in PDFCombine. 5. You should see all your PDF files on the main screen, check the box beside all the files you want to combine into one. 6. Drag the files in the correct order you want them to appear in the combined PDF.

7. Click the Combine to PDF button in the upper left corner. 8. Name the new PDF file and location (don’t forget to add “.pdf” behind the name).

 Graphic Standards

Graphic Standards keeps everything looking professional and uniform. Although the use of graphic standards in submissions is not mandatory, its use can gain you as much as 15 points in some submissions! In some cases those little points might be the difference between being recognized for an award and not being recognized. Every little point counts.

Graphic Standards is the use of proper headers, the pencil, the Key Club logo, proper fonts and proper colors.

KEY CLUB Usable Fonts:

 Century Gothic  Goudy Old Style  Any accent Font! 17

Miscellaneous Here are some random facts that may be helpful to you. In addition, answers to common questions that I get all the time.

ďƒź Frequently Asked Questions Where is the information for all the awards located? All award guidelines are located on the CNH Cyber Key ( The guidelines for each award are located under the recognition tab.

Who is allowed to apply to the Sandy Nininger? Can club officers apply? Everyone! Everyone who is a dues-paid Key Clubber (by March 5th) that is. Officers are eligible to apply as well even if they are applying for distinguished/outstanding award.

I was a Club [insert position] last year; can I still apply for distinguished this year? Unfortunately, no. Awards are only available for the CURRENT key club year, not the past.

Should I include all of my work when applying? Nope. Hundreds of officers apply for distinguished each year and we want to make sure each submission gets its full 15 minutes of fame. For this reason and also as a part of going green submissions are limited to only include your BEST work. What is your best work? That is up to you, just make sure you stay within the page limits set for each section in the guidelines.

What is the difference between Outstanding Officers and Distinguished Officers? An Outstanding Officer is one who completes their job (i.e. basic officer tasks) as an officer at the end of the year. They did good, but not great. Therefore all they have to do is complete a simple Outstanding Officer Checklist that serves as proof that they have done their job. Distinguished Officers are those who go above their call of duty. They not only do their job but they do it well and put their whole heart into Key Club. They have to complete BOTH an Outstanding Officer Checklist and a portfolio of supporting documentation.

Who judges all submissions? The members! Contrary to beliefs, the MR Committee does not judge submissions, that would be a little bias right? We are the ones who came up with the rules in the first place. The MR Committee organizes and supervises Key Clubbers and Kiwanis who come from the District and makes any executive decisions (if needed) but the people who judge submissions are Key Clubbers just like you!

What is supporting documentation? Supporting documentation is physical proof of what you have done throughout the year as an officer. It can be agendas, emails, flyers, MRFs, financial records, achievement (explanations of planned events, awards, etc.) and anything else that will show the judges what you have done to help your club. This helps us get to know YOU as an officer.

When is everything due? Everything is due on March 5, 2010. When sending it in, does this mean post marked by 3/5/10? NO! The District Office must receive the contest materials by March 5, 2010. This is NOT a postmarked date.

How many recommendation letters should I get? You can have 1 to 3. It would be best to mix up the variety of people you select from.

Am I asking too many questions? Never!

Do I get docked points for not going green? No. Although it is recommended that you try to go green and email your submission in, or at least mail it on a CD, you can still mail in paper-based awards. Submissions will be judged exactly the same.


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