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Official Newsletter of Region 2/CNH

Accessing D.21.D37 N.D37S

Volume 1 Issue 4

Autobot Main Frame In this Issue! Key Club 101 ...............1

Key Club 101 At almost every DCON, it seems that the room that fills the quickest is the KEY CLUB 101 workshop. What this workshop has to offer is a simple outline of just how big the Key Club scope really is for the majority of members and officers. The simplest, yet most important unit is the Key Club MEMBER: (n.) one that does service and volunteers for their community. When you have a group of members, together they make up a single KEY CLUB: (n.) an organization that is composed of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Bulletin Editor and members that find service events and perform community service. As more and more service members arise in different schools, different Key Clubs will arise until you have a good 8-10 Key Clubs in one given geographical area.


This area of Key Clubs as a whole is called a DIVISION: (n). A collective group of Key Clubs in a similar geographical area lead by a Lieutenant Governor to plan Divisional events, fundraise for PTP and form unity and spirit in time for DCON. Key Club is so contagious, the spirit of service will eventually spread to the point where DIVISIONS that are in the same city will be grouped together to form REGIONS (n). a group of divisions who work together to plan Regional Training Conferences and attend each other's divisional functions for support and fun times. A multitude of regions in a group of states will become a DISTRICT: (n). example: CaliNev-Ha is composed of all the divisions, clubs and members from the states of California, Nevada and Hawaii. At the top of this pyramid of is the INTERNATIONAL level.

Fundraising...................2 RTC ................................3 OTC ...............................3 Future............................4 Monthly Report Forms 4

NEED Ideas? Need projects?



Need Projects?


Running out of events to do? Call 1-800SERVICE! If only that was true… It is often hard to find a service project to do. There are many websites that promote big events such as walks where you can help set up, clean up, or even join the walk. But often, it is not the big events that need your help, but small ones that makes the world of a difference to a few people. This website, /serviceideas.shtml has a LOT of ideas for service projects and small things that you can do for your community. To name a few…adopt a pothole and raise funds to repair it, paint a mural over graffiti, or decorate a Christmas tree at a nursing home, hospital, school or homeless shelter. So now you can be a busy bee with your many cool service ideas!

Wow, there are so many events coming up! Fall Rally (for Pediatric Trauma Prevention aka PTP), and DCON! How are you supposed to afford all this? Well, maybe you won’t have to... There are so many ideas for fundraising out there that there’s bound to be something for you. From simple car washes to intense people auctions, you can make fundraising both, a fun and profitable experience for everyone! Something to keep in mind when fundraising is to have a reasonable goal. This will keep the fundraiser reasonable while also having a target where if it is achieved, maybe you all can have a little party! Also you should be creative, such as a topless carwash! And when the multitudes of customers come to only realize that we won’t be washing the tops of their cars. Our goal is not only to make DCON cheaper for you, but to help as many people as we can. The only way we can accomplish this, is through fundraising.


caring character building Copyright Transformers Movie 2007 Paramount Pictures

KEY CLUB Region 2/CNH Newsletter

Region Updates!

Regional Training Conference It is with great excitement that the Region 2 Autobots has started to already plan this year's RTC [Regional Training Conference]. Due to the recent onslaught of scifi/futuristic movies on the pop culture scene, it has been decided that this year’s RTC theme for 2009 is [drum roll please], staR-TC: Transforming the Future. This event is going to take place on Saturday, October 17th at Scripps Ranch High School from Division 21. Although planning is still underway, this event is going to be loaded with a bunch of fun extras, including a COSTUME CONTEST, so be sure to dress up.

No need to deny, we all have our inner sci-fi geek and this event is perhaps one of the only time to shine. So for all you Spocks, Darth Vaders, Iron Mans, and Transformers, now is your time to shine.

Contact Info

Officer Training Conference Do you sometimes wonder how officers before you did what they did? No worries my friend, which is why OTC is here! Officer Training Conference, in general is an event hosted by your LTG that includes workshops for each different officer to learn about their duties. Generally, workshops are hosted by officers from previous years, who have shown outstanding leadership. Asides from the general President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Bulletin Editor workshops, most OTCs will include other popular workshops. Amongst the Region 2, only D37N LTG Alanna Le has had her OTC already; D21 LTG Alex Pham will have his OTC on July 25th while D37S LTG Jennifer Zhang will hold it on August 9th. If you are not out of town, you should really seize this opportunity to learn about the inner workings of your Key Club.

Alexander Pham Lieutenant Governor D21 E-Mail: or Cell: (858) 610 – 2773


Alanna Le Lieutenant Governor D37N E-mail: Cell: (760) 239-1891 Jennifer Zhang Lieutenant Governor D37S E-mail: Cell: (858) 525-5528 John Crawford Regional Advisor E-mail: Cell: (619) 300-3413


Future… Time to Plan Ahead Fall Rally: Six Flags, November 14, 2009 For all Key Clubbers in Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii comes the event where spirit battles are demanded and its all about Divisional spirit. In Valencia, CA, roughly thousands of members go to support Pediatric Trauma Prevention. It’s an event you can’t miss.

Key Leader: October 24-26 in Julian, CA Take a chance, take a risk, be out there, and go crazy. This event allows people from all over to come and learn how to be a leader. This event provides a new learning experience and grants teenagers how to be the best leaders they can be.

star-TC: Transforming the Future Don’t forget about our wonderful regional event. Once a year this event takes place. It’ll be the craziest and loudest with division spirit battles. However, don’t forget it’ll be a learning opportunity for clubs and officers.

District Convention 2010: A Buzz and BEEyond Going above and beyond, this District Convention will take place in Sacramento. Even though it’s a great distance, don’t forget about fundraising for this event.

Monthly Report Forms Even though its summer, don’t forget secretaries or clubs to still send Monthly Report Forms every month. The deadline is the 5th of every month. However, clubs can turn them in earlier than that date. Secretaries and clubs automatically ask us, why send MRFs over the summer when we have no club meetings or service hours? The reason is because it still


records any information even if you don’t have club meetings or any service hours. However, I recommend that clubs should participate in service projects during summer. Send them to your Lieutenant Governor AND our Regional Advisor, Mr. Crawford. His e-mail is Don’t forget to send it to him also.

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